IITBHU Physics Assignmnet2

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Department of Physi

Indian Institute of Te hnology (BHU)
B.Te h./M.Te h. (Dual/Integrated) Part I, 1st Sem. 2017-18
Classi al, Quantum and Relativisti Me hani s (PHY 101)
Assignment 3

O tober 19, 2017

1. Compare the un ertainties in velo ity of a neutron and ele tron ontained in a 20A box.

2. The wave equations of lassi al physi s ontain a se ond spa e derivative and a se -
ond time derivative. The S hroedinger equation ontains a se ond spa e derivative and
a rst time derivative. Use these fa ts to explain why the solutions to the lassi al wave
equations an be real fun tions, while the solutions to the S hrodinger equation must be
omplex fun tions.

3. Show that the expe tation values < p̂x̂ > and < x̂p̂ > for the parti le in a box ase
are related by
< p̂x̂ > − < x̂p̂ >=

4. Show that the

m0 c 2
sin2 (φ/2)
K/E =
1 + (2hν)
m0 c 2
sin2 (φ/2)
where K is the kineti energy of the re oil ele tron and E is the energy of in ident photon
in Compton ee t.

5. The work fun tion for tungsten metal is 4.52eV . (a) What is the uto wavelength λc
for tungsten? (b) What is the maximum kineti energy of the ele trons when radiation
of wavelength 198nm is used? ( ) What is the stopping potential in this ase?

6. Find the de Broglie wavelength of (a) a 5-MeV proton; (b) a 50-GeV ele tron; ( ) an
ele tron moving at speed v = 1.00 × 106 m/s.

7. X-ray photons of wavelength 0.02480nm are in ident on a target and the Compton-
s attered photons are observed at 90◦ . (a) What is the wavelength of the s attered pho-
tons? (b) What is the momentum of the in ident photons? Of the s attered photons?
( ) What is the kineti energy of the s attered ele trons? (d) What is the momentum
(magnitude and dire tion) of the s attered ele trons?

8. The speed of an ele tron is measured to within an un ertainty of 2.0 × 104 m/s. What
is the size of the smallest region of spa e in whi h the ele tron an be onned?

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