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Descriptive text
Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java, the seat of the mighty Javanese
empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of traditions.
The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor. Gamelan,
classical and contemporary Javanese dances, leather puppet, theater and other expressions
of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks,
silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in
Yogya's culture oriented society.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically
located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to
Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by
road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of Central Java. It is a very
lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and
famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap
hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace), the centre of Yogya's
traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of
refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of
decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city
with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the
only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To amuse the readers with Yogyakarta

B. To describe the location of Yogyakarta

C. To persuade the readers to go to Yogyakarta

D. To promote Yogyakarta as tourist destination

E. To tell the readers the history of Yogyakarta

2. We know from the second paragraph that ....

A. Plane is the most convenient access to reach Yogyakarta

B. Many local tourists prefer staying in Sosrowijayan Street

C. Sosrowijayan is also known as shopping and culinary delight

D. There are many convenient stores in the streets of Yogyakarta

E. Malioboro Street is a crowded mainroad which is alive 24 hours

3. " ... spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries.(Pargraph
3) The underlined word is closest in meaning ....

A. Settlement

B. Development

C. Improvement

D. Involvement

E. Engagement

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

Rowan Atkinson is an English comedian, actor and writer, famous for his title roles in the British
television comedies Blackadder, the Thin Blue Line and Mr. Bean. He has been listed in the
Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy. Atkinson is mostly well known as
Mr. Bean.

Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man. He has fair complexion and black short hair. Some people
considered Atkinson “the man with the rubber face.” In fact, he has really funny face with
unique smile. He is in medium height of European people. He has a pointed nose, big black eyes
and thick eyebrows. His moustache and sideburns are usually well shaved. He usually wears a
man’s suit with shirt, collar, trousers and a pair of shiny shoes.

Rowan Atkinson was born in Consett, County Durham on 6th January 1955. He has two elder
brothers. Atkinson studied electrical engineering at Newcastle University and continued with an
MSc at the Queen’s College, Oxford. Atkinson married Sunetra Sastry in 1990. The couple has
two children, Lily and Benjamin, and lives in England in the Northamptonshire. With an
estimated wealth of $100 million, Atkinson owns many expensive cars.

4. The text mainly describes ….

A. Rowan Atkinson

B. Rowan Atkinson’s school

C. Rowan Atkinson’s movies

D. Comedy festivals in England

E. TV show in England

5. ”Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man.” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘thin” has the same meaning

A. Stocky

B. Athletic

C. Skinny

D. Chubby

E. Muscular

6. “The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, ….” (Paragraph 3) The underlined words
refer to ….

A. Atkinson and family

B. Lily and Benjamin

C. Atkitson and his children

D. Atkinson and Sunetra Sastry

E. Sunetra Sastry and her children

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 10.

The Indonesian Archipelago

The Indonesian Archipelago is the largest group of islands in the world. It extends between two
continents, Asia and Australia. It also lies between two oceans the Samudera Indonesia and the
Pacific Ocean.

Indonesia’s 13,667 islands stretch 5,120 kilometres from east to west and 1,770 kilometres
from north to truth. The five main islands are Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian

Indonesia has a land area of 1,904,345 square kilometres. More than half of it is forested land
and a part is mountainous, with 15 of the mountains are I still volcanically active. One of
history’s greatest volcanic eruptions, which killed thousands of people, occurred in 1883 on the
island of Krakatau, which lies between Java and Sumatera.

Indonesia is one of the most populous countries in the world. Its total population is 160 million.
More than 60% of the population live on the island of Java.

The Indonesian population consists of more than 300 ethnic groups which speak 500 different
languages, but most of them understand the national language, Bahasa Indonesia. The
Indonesian government’s campaign to popularize Bahasa Indonesia at present can be seen ,
through signs in public places and various which say ‘Use good Bahasa Indonesia correctly.
Indonesia’s motto offices Bhinneka tunggal Ika, which means Unity in Diversity, symbolizes the
unity of the people in spite of their ethnic and cultural origins.

7. The first paragraph tells about ….

A. The islands in the world

B. The location of Indonesia

C. The continents of Asia and Australia

D. The Samudera Indonesia and Pacific Ocean

E. The Indonesian population

8. Based on the text, The Indonesia Archipelago consists of …. islands.

A. 1.904.345

B. 13.667

C. 5.120

D. 1.770

E. 500

9. "… occurred in the 1883 on the island of Krakatau …" (see paragraph 3) The underlined word
has similar meaning with ….

A. Erupted

B. Was done

C. Happened

D. Took part

E. Built

10. "... It extends between two continents, …" (paragraph 1) The word ‘It’ refers to ….
A. The largest groups of islands

B. The Indonesian Archipelago

C. The islands in the world

D. The Samudera Indonesia

E. The Indonesian government’s

Read the following text to answer questions number 11 to 15.


Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also one of the most beautiful and most
famous cities in the world.

Paris is called the city of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are
wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world
center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this scenic river. The
oldest and perhaps the most well-known is Pon Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century.
Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the left bank (south side) of the river. The beautiful
white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of hill called Montmartre on the right bank (north side)
of the Seine.

There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre as well
the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel
Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village on an island in
the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called lie de la Cite. It
is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in Paris area.

11. The fifth paragraph tells ….

A. The origin of the word Paris

B. About the Paris

C. The location of Notre Dame

D. A village built a thousand years ago

E. An island in the middle of the Seine River

12. What is the oldest and most well known part of the city?

A. The Seine River

B. The Pont Neuf

C. The Sorbonne

D. The right bank

E. The left bank

13. From the text we know that Notre Dame is located .…

A. Near left Louvre

B. On the left bank

C. On the right bank

D. Outside the city of Paris

E. In the middle of the Seine River

14. What is the oldest and most well known part of the city?
A. The Seine River

B. The Sorbonne

C. The Pont Neuf

D. The right bank

E. The left bank

15. What is generic structure of the text above?

A. Orientation-Complication-Resolution

B. Classification-Description

C. Identification-Description

D. Orientation-Description

E. Introduction-Events-Reorientation

Penggalan Paragraf Descriptive Text Ini untuk Contoh Soal Nomor 1-3

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He
has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at
home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the
best badminton player in our family.

Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

A. He plays football and tennis.

B. He has long and straight hair.

C. He has bright eyes.

D. He doesn’t play badminton.

E. He has friendly smile.

Soal tersebut tentang hal yang tidak terdapat dalam teks. Bila melihat pilihan jawabannya,
maka kunci jawaban soal tersebut terdapat pada akhir paragraf kedua, yakni kutipan ‘Peter is
interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the best
badminton player in our family.’

Pada kutipan tersebut disebutkan bahwa Peter menyukai olah raga dan di sekolah dia bermain
sepakbola dan tenis. Hanya saja, keunggulan utamanya dalam olah raga ialah saat bermain bulu
tangkis. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah D.

According to the passage, we know that Peter is…

A. The writer’s elder brother.

B. The writer’s youngest brother.

C. A friendly boy.

D. A naughty boy.
E. The writer’s teacher.

Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kamu harus membaca bagian awal pada paragraf pertama.
Kunci jawabannya terdapat pada kutipan ‘Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen
years old and four years younger than me.’ Dari kutipan itu diketahui bahwa Peter merupakan
adik dari penulis teks tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah
pilihan B.

From the text, we may conclude that….

A. Peter is a welcoming person.

B. People is older that the writer.

C. Peter is not diligent at all.

D. Many people do not like Peter.

E. Many people hate the writer’s.

Soal ini merupakan tipe soal mencari kesimpulan atas teks. Untuk dapat menjawab soal
tersebut, kamu harus membaca teks secara keseluruhan. Dari keseluruhan teks tersebut dapat
diketahui bahwa Peter merupakan anak yang terbuka dan mau berteman dengan siapapun.
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat ialah A.

Yuk Belajar Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 untuk UN 2017

Perhatikan Descriptive Text Berikut Untuk Soal 4-5

On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “River of Kings”, lies a hotel that has already set
new standards of hospitality for this celebrated city.

Set in magnificently lanscaped tropical gardens, the Shangri-La Bangkok provides guests with all
the charm and warmth of the orient and, at the same time, unsurpassed range of facilities and
leisure activities. There is a choice of 12 superb settings in which to wine and dine, a large free-
form swimming pool that overlooks the river, conventoin and meeting facilities for up to 2000
people, and a 24-hour business centre.
And, from every single guest room and suite, there is a breathtaking view of all the exotic hustle
and bustle of the fabled “River of Kings”. One might expect such a well-equipped and
positioned hotel to be miles away from the city center but, at Shangri-La Bangkok the busness
district and main shopping areas are mere minutes away.

From more than 200 years, Bangkok’s granduer has been reflected in the waters of the Chao
Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers beside this majestic river, offers its guests the
golden promise of the East.

For how many people the meeting facilities are up to?

A. 5000 people.

B. 4000 people.

C. 2000 people.

D. 1000 people.

E. 500 people.

Soal tersebut dapat mudah kamu jawab kalau kamu sudah tahu di mana mencari kunci
jawabannya dalam teks. Kunci tersebut kamu dapatkan pada paragraf ketiga, yakni pada
kutipan ‘There is a choice of 12 superb settings in which to wine and dine, a large free-form
swimming pool that overlooks the river, conventoin and meeting facilities for up to 2000
people, and a 24-hour business centre.’
Dari kutipan tersebut diketahui bahwa fasilitas yang disebutkan dalam teks mampu
menampung hingga 2000 orang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah C.

The text mainly focuses on…

A. Bangkok’s granduer.

B. Bangkok’s ”River Kings.”

C. The water of the Chao Praya.

D. The majestic river in Bangkok.

E. Shangri-La Bangkok.

Untuk soal tersebut termasuk ke dalam soal mengenai fokus utama dalam teks. Untuk mencari
fokus utama dalam teks cukup mudah, yakni sesuatu hal yang paling sering dibahas dalam teks.
Bila merujuk pada teks tersebut, maka hal yang paling sering dibahas ialah mengenai Shangri-La
Bangkok. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah jawaban E.

Yuk Belajar Lebih Jauh Lagi Tentang Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text Agar Lebih Pintar!

Paragraf Descriptive Text Berikut Untuk Soal Nomor 6-8

Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only
about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest café
in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a
special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the
evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will
disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the
scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often
quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer
and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this beach there is a park called the
Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectare. This place is a
plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on
concrete benches to enjoy the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the
sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also
creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in
front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and
traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional
sailboats and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is
offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel,
Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in
Jalan Penghibur.

What is the main idea of the text?

A. Losari beach is a awful place.

B. Losari beach is a good place to visit.

C. No body visit Losari beach.

D. Many visitor on Pantai Gapura Hotel.

E. No one stay at Losari Beach Inn.

Jenis soal tersebut termasuk ke dalam jenis soal ide utama teks. Untuk menentukan ide utama
teks maka kamu harus tahu ide pokok masing-masing paragraf. Setelah mengetahuinya, maka
kamu tinggal menyimpulkannya. Dalam tiap paragraf teks tersebut masing-masing
menyinggung tentang pantai Losari dan keindahannya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal
tersebut ialah B.

How many hotels does the writer mention?

A. Six hotels.

B. Five hotels.

C. Four hotels.

D. Three hotels.

E. Two hotels.
Jawaban atas soal tersebut dapat kamu ketahui pada paragraf terakhir, tepatnya pada kutipan
‘There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura
Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.’ Dari kutipan tersebut diketahui ada empat
hotel yang disinggung oleh penulis. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah C.

Where is Losari beach located?

A. Somewhere at Makassar City.

B. Locate at Jalan Penghibur.

C. Near Makassar City.

D. Far away from Losari Beach Inn.

E. Located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).

Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kamu harus membaca seksama paragraf pertama. Kunci
jawabannya terdapat pada kutipan ‘Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge
city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).’

Dari kutipan tersebut diketahui bahwa pantai Losari terletak 3 kilometer dari tengah kota
Makassar atau Taman Karebosi. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat ialah E.
The following text is for questions 1 to 3

My favorite toy is a doll. I named my doll Becky. I got in in my12th birthday. My dad bought
it for me when he was in England. Becky is 16 cm tall doll with plastic head, arms, and legs and
a white cloth stuffed body. Her body is covered with yellow, orange, and green flower bud
prints. She has a long auburn-red brush-able hair, green eyes. There are freckles on her cheek.
There are also two dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. They make her more
beautiful. I put her at my side when I sleep at night. I like my doll very much. I sometimes ask
my friends to come to my house and play with Becky. They like Becky too.

What does the text tell us about?

A. My favorite toy.

B. The writer’s favorite doll.

C. A birthday party.

D. A plastic doll.

What are on Becky’s face? A. White cloth.

B. Auburn red hair.

C. Freckles and dimples.

D. Flower bud prints.

“They make her more beautiful.” The underlined word refers to …

A. Freckles.

B. Green eyes.

C. The left and bright cheeks.

D. The dimples.
The following text is for questions 4 to 7

I have some pets. However, my favourite pet is Timmy.

Timmy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round
eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meows when I come home, he usually give me a kiss.

Timmy is a nice playmate. I’m so happy to spend my time with him. Most of the time, he’s a
good cat. It’s almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In the morning, he always wakes up
early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits quality by my bedside until I wake up.

when does Timmy usually give a kiss to the writer? When the writer….

a. fells hungry

b. goes to sleep

c. leaves home

d. comes home

Why is the writer almost impossible to be angry at his cat? Because ….

a. It has innocent round eyes

b. Most of the time, it is a good cat

c. It gives the writer kiss

d. It always wakes up early

The second paragraph tell about….

a. Characteristic

b. Habitat

c. Food

d. Behavior

7. What is the purpose of the text about?

a. To entertain the reader

b. To describe something

c. To tell how to make something

d. To tell how to care for cats

The following text is for questions 8 to 13

Suramadu Bridge

The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: JembatanSuramadu), also known as the Surabaya–Madura

Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed between Surabaya on the island
of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in Indonesia. Opened on June 10,
2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura

The cable-stayed portion has three spans with lengths 192 m, 434 m and 192 m. The bridge has
two lanes in each direction plus an emergency lane and a dedicated lane for motorcycles. The
first toll bridge in Indonesia, fares have been initially set at Rp. 30,000 (US$3 in 2009) for four-
wheeled vehicles and Rp. 3,000 (US$0.30) for two-wheelers.
The bridge was built by a consortium of Indonesian companies PT AdhiKarya and PT
WaskitaKarya working with China Road and Bridge Corp. and China Harbor Engineering Co. Ltd.
The total cost of the project, including connecting roads, has been estimated at 4.5 trillion
rupiah (US$445 million).

Construction was started on August 20, 2003. In July 2004, a girder collapsed, killing one worker
and injuring nine others. Work on the bridge halted at the end of 2004 due to lack of funds, but
was restarted in November 2005. The main span of the bridge was connected on March 31,
2009, and the bridge was opened to the public in June 10, 2009.Within a week of the opening,
it was discovered that nuts and bolts as well as maintenance lamps had been stolen and that
there was evidence of vandalism of cables supporting the main span.

Suramadu’s bridge also known as….

a. Longest bridge

b. sura and madu

c. Surabaya-Madura bridge

d. toll bridge

Suramadu’s bridge connects the island….

a. Java and Sumatra

b. Java and Bali

c. Sumatra and Kalimantan

d. Java and Madura

Length of the Suramadu’s bridge is….

a. 5.400 meters

b. 192 meters

c. 494 meters

d. 526 meters
The following statement is true, except ….

a. Suramadu’s bridge is also known Surabaya-Madura bridge

b. the long of Suramadu’s bridge is 5400 meters

c. suramadu’s bridge connects the islands of Java and Madura

d. bridge was opened on March 31, 2009

When the bridge was built?

a. March 31, 2009

b. August 20, 2003

c. June 10, 2009

d. November 2005

Suramadu’s bridge have … tracks in one way.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

For answer at number 14-16

Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in avalley between the Kelud and Wilis mountains and
inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the center of the town there is a large hill which is
called the Dathok mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is called a chily
town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the centerof the town.

Besides temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind of tofu
or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is a delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive taste. The
cigarette factory dominates the town’s economy and employs the majority of the women labor
force. Kediri and the cigarette factory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette
factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here
are farmers or traders.

What does the second paragraph tell you about?

a. Rohmi and her family

b. Rohmi and her father

c. Rohmi and her brother

d. Rohmi and her friends

”…Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some money.”

What do the underlined words mean?

a. work for the whole of working week

b. work for only part of each day or week

c. work for the purpose of getting money as much as possible

d. work for family

Where did the writer sit ?

a. in front of Rohmi

b. behind Rohmi

c. next to Rohmi

d. far from Rohmi

Kunci Jawaban

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
Procedure text


1 pineapple cut into dices

3 glasses of water

1 glass of granulated sugar


1. Boil water until boiled.

2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.

3. Bring it to boil and add the pineapples.

4. Wait until you can smell the pineapple.

5. Remove from heat and serve cold.

1. The recipe tells you how to make ….

a. ingredients

b. dice

c. granulated sugar

d. pineapple stew

2. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew?

a. Dice, glass, sugar

b. Pineapples, water, sugar

c. Glass, water, sugar

d. Pineapples, dice, water

3. How much sugar do we need?

a. 1 glass

b. 3 glasses

c. 1 cup

d. 3 spoons

4. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple?

a. When the water is boiled

b. After sugar, cinnamon, and clovers are added

c. When we smell the pineapple

d. After we remove the stew from heat

5. How should you serve the pineapple stew?

a. It is served cold

b. It is served hot

c. It is served raw

d. It is served uncooked

The following text is for questions number 6 and 7.



1 large ginger
granulated sugar as desired

½ piece of palm sugar

100 g peanuts, fried and get rid of its inner skin.

100 g green beans, boiled

3 slices of bread, slice into dices

100 g pomegranate seeds, boil until soft


Ginger water:

1.Peel and slice the ginger.

2.Boil it in a liter of water.

3.Add some granulated sugar and ½ piece of palm sugar.

4.Strain once it’s boiled.

Serving:1. Pour some boiled ginger water into a small bowl.

2. Add 1 tbs of pomegranate seed, green bean and peanut.

3. Add some bread on top.

6. The generic structure of the text contains ….

a. Goal – Ingredients – Steps

b. Goal – Steps

c. Orientation – Events

d. Identification – Descriptions

7. To make sekoteng, we need…

a. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, peanut skin, green bean, bread,
pomegranate seeds

b. ginger, granulated sugar, palm, peanut, green bean, dices, pomegranate seeds

c. ginger, sugar, peanut, green bean, bread, pomegranate seeds

d. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, inner skin of peanut, green bean,

The following text is for questions number 8 to 12.


(1 serving)


½ of avocado

3 tbs. of condensed milk

1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings

some ice cubes

How to make it:

Cut the avocado into small pieces.

Put ice cubes into the glass.

Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings.

Add the sliced avocado.

Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado.

MIXED ICE is ready to be served.

Combine flour and baking powder.

8. The text tells you ….

a. how to make Mixed Ice

b. about avocado

c. how to mix ice

d. How to eat Mixed Ice

9. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, EXCEPT ….

a. Avocado

b. Condensed milk

c. Ice cubes

d. Sugar

10. How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?

a. 1 glass

b. ½ can

c. ½ glass

d. ¼ glass

11. How many servings can you get form the recipe?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
12. You need 3 tbs of condensed milk. The underlined word is the abbreviation of ….

a. Spoon

b. Teaspoon

c. Tablespoon

d. Cup


Material needed
A sheet of heavy paper
A pencil
Sharp scissors
A paper clip

Here’s a paper airplane that will fly in circles.

1. First fold the paper in half the long way.

2. Then draw an airplane with wings and a tail on it.

3. Next draw a line about an inch away from the fold on each side the full length of the

4. Then cut out the airplane, but do not cut on the fold.

5. After that spread out the airplane and colour it. You can draw airplane markings near
each wing tip.

6. Next refold your airplane. Now fold Beach wing down along the line drawn on it.

7. Then add a paper clip to the nose. You can change the way your airplane flies by
changing the wing shape and putting more than one paper clip on the nose.

Vocabularies: plane: pesawat, a sheet: selembar, blunt: tumpul, airplane: pesawat, fly:
terbang, fold: lipat, draw: gambar, line: garis, spread out: melebarkan, wing: sayap
1. Which of the following is not true about loop-the-loop paper plane?

A. It needs a paper clip to fly

B. A pencil is not needed to make a line on it.

C. If you fly it, it will fly in circles in the air.

D. The first thing to do is to fold the paper in half.

Jawaban B

2. Which picture goes with the third method?

A. B. C. D.

Jawaban: D

3. The text consists of three parts. The third part functions to show readers … to
make the loop-the-loop paper plane.

A. The steps c. The argument

B. The events d. The explanation

Jawaban a

4. How many steps to make loop-the-loop paper plane?

A. Six

B. Seven

C. Eight

D. Nine
Jawaban B

5. Which one is not needed for making loop-the-loop paper plane?

A. Heavy paper

B. Pencil

C. Sharp scissor

D. Coloring pencil

Jawaban C

6. We may conclude that …

A. Loop-the-loop paper plane is expensive.

B. Making loop-the-loop paper plane is so difficult.

C. Loop-the-loop paper plane needs many materials

D. We do not need many materials to make loop-the-loop paper plane.

Jawaban D

7. What is the goal of the text:

A. To make a plane

B. To make paper plane

C. To make a real airplane

D. To make a toy

Jawaban B

8. “After that spread out the airplane and colour it” (step 5)
The underlined word refers to ….

A. Airplane

B. Blank paper

C. A book

D. Paper clip
Jawaban A

9. “First fold the paper in half the long way.”

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A. Crease

B. Fail

C. Shelter

D. Tear

Jawaban A

10. “Draw an airplane with wings and a tail on it.” (step 2)

What does the underlined word means?

A. Make an airplane picture

B. Move in particular direction

C. Attract interest

D. Equal the balance

How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm away from the LCD screen.

2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.

3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.

2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one.

1. What should you do to detergent first?

A. Spray it

B. Clean it

C. Put it away

D. Shake it up

2. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface directly or
spray it on ….

A. Our fingers

B. The paper

C. The fabric cleanser

D. The brush

3. "Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush" (step 3). What does the underlined word

A. Carefully

B. Directly

C. Harshly

D. Cleanly

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 and 5.


1. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays. If you have a second refrigerator, use it to
temporary store these items. If not, put the food in a cardboard box and cover it with
newspaper. Dump the ice cubes.

2. Removes all other food stuff and place on your kitchen counter or in cardboard boxes.
3. Either turn the temperature control "defrost" or unplug the electricity to the refrigerator
(or both).

4. Never scrape or jab at the ice with a sharp instrument. You may cause serious damage to
the freezing unit. Allow it to melt.

5. Either put a flat pan under the freezer to catch the drips or put a large towel in the bottom
of the refrigerator.

4. What should we do after turn the temperature control "defrost"?

A. Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument

B. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays

C. Remove all other food stuff

D. Allow the ice to melt

5. "Allow it to melt" (step 4). The word "it" refers to ....

A. The food

B. The refrigerator

C. The ice

D. The freezing unit

Read the following text to answer questions number 6 and 7.


You will need:

• 2 cups of rolled oats

• 1,5 cups of caster sugar

• 4 tablespoons of golden syrup

• 2 tablespoons of boiling water

• 1 cup of plain flour

• 250 grams of butter

• 1 teaspoon of baking soda


1. Turn on the oven 160o C.

2. Lightly grease an oven tray.

3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.

4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.

5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.

6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.

7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.

8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on the try 5 cm apart.

9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork.

10. Bake for 20 minutes.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell how to make Anzac Biscuits

B. To see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuits

C. To announce a new recipe of Anzac Biscuits

D. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits

7. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits?

A. To mix baking soda and boiling water

B. To press the balls of mixture

C. To put the balls on a tray

D. To roll the mixture

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

How to make a pencil case


1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as a ruler, placed in your
pencil case, you'll need a longer pencil case.

2. Find a bag or box that suitable with your choice of size. It doesn't have be nice looking, but
strong and clean.

3. Cover the box with paper, any color.

4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of the following ideas.

Put on same cool sticker.

Decorate with your own art with makers: draw lines, shapes, animals, people, etc.

Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it.

Totally cover the box with wrapping paper; and

Glue on shells, buttons, or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case with. Add
glitter if you like.

5. Show all your friends, and be proud of your unique pencil case.

8. The length of the pencil case depends on ....

A. The items we are going to put there

B. The ruler we have

C. The size of the pen

D. The box that we find

9. From the text above we can conclude that we have to be .... in decorating the box to have a
good result.

A. Box

B. Careful

C. Creative

D. Risky

10. " ... Add glitter if you like." (step 4) The synonym of the underlined word is ....

A. Haze

B. Becloud

C. Darken

D. Twinkle
Narrative text
One day a king stepped out of the gates of his place and found a man standing there. The man
had a plump chiken in his hands. On seeing the king he bowed respectfully and said, “Maharaj, I
gambled in your name and won this chiken. It belongs to you. Please accept it.”

“Give it to my poultry keeper,” said the king.

A few days later the king saw the man standing outside the gates again. This time he had a goat
with him. “I won this goat in your name, Maharaj,” he said after saluting the ruler. “It belongs
to you.”

The king was pleased.

“Give it to my goat keeper,” he said.

Some weeks later the man was at the palace gates once again.

This time he had two men with him.

“Ilost 500 varahas to each of these men while playing in your name, Maharaj,” said the man. “I
have no money to pay them.”

The king realized he had made a mistake in accepting the man’s gifts on the previous occasions.
Now he could not refuse to help him. He paid off the two men and warned the gambler never
to play in his name again.

1. The text tells us about…

a. a tricky gambler

b. An innocent king

c. A man with his bad habit

d. A misfortune gambler

2. What was the main problem?

A. The king did not believe in the gambler.

B. The Gambler brought gifts to the king.

C. The king was thoughless when receiving the gifts.

D. The gamblr won the game.

3. Based on the text, how was the gambler?

A. Arrogant

B. Deceitful

C. Obedient

D. Loyal

One day, Rahwana kidnapped Sinta and took her to his place in Alengka. Rama was so sad.
He tried many efforts to save his wife. He sent his best troops to search for his beloved wife
but Sinta remained unfound.
After four months, Hanoman, the king of white monkeys found Sinta’s crown in the bushes.
It was a clue that led them to Alengka. Rama thanked his best friend, Hanoman, and soon
they went to Alengka with thousands of troops.
The battle was unavoidable. Rahwana’s troops were very powerful giants. They made many
of Rama’s soldiers wounded. The battles took two months. Yet, after Rama got involved in
the battle, the problem solved. It was also because of Rama’s power. Rahwana, the very
powerful king of giants was killed.
Rama was so happy to see his beloved wife. They returned to Ayoda and lived happily

1. Rama thanked Hanoman because..

A. he wanted to go Alengka
B. he found Sinta’s crown
C. he killed thousands of troops
D. he told him an important secret
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Hanoman found a clue of Sinta’s existence.
B. Rama got his wife’s crown in the bush.
C. Alengka had thousands of troops to fight.
D. The kign of the white monkey went to the bushes.
3. From the text, we can conclude that…
A. Rahwana killed al lot of Rama’s troops
B. It took months for Rama to kill Rahwana
C. Rahwana’s troop could not be defeated
D. Rama was more powerful than Rahwana
A man and his son were going to the market. While they were walking, a country man
passed and said, “You fool, what a donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the man put the boy on the donkey. But soon, some passers-by said, “see that lazy young
! He lets his poors son walk, while he rides”

The man did not know what to do. Last, he took himself and his boy on the donkey. Then
the passers-by said “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading the poor donkey?”

The man and the boy got off. They cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it and raised
the pole to their shoulders. They arrived to a bridge when the donkey, getting one of its feet
loose, kick all out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle, the donkey
fell over the bridge and then it was drowned.

4. Why did the boy get off from the donkey?

A. The passers-by needed him.
B. His father asked him to do that.
C. The donkey was tried carrying him.
D. The boy wanted to be with the donkey.

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The man and his son took a rest near the bridge.
B. The man and his donkey arrived at the market.
C. The man’s behavior made the donkey alive.
D. The donkey was carried by its owners.
6. What is moral value of the text?
A. You should believe in yourself.
A. You cannot please everyone.
B. Do what everyone asked you for.
C. You must be careful when riding animals.
7. “…, tied the donkey’s feet to it…” (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to…
A. The market C. The pole
B. The donkey D. The river

The Wolf and The Goat

Once upon a time, a wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff.
The wolf smacked his lips at he thought of a fine goat dinner. “My dear friend,” said the wolf in his
sweetest voice, “aren’t you afraid you will fall down from tha cliff? Come down here and graze on this
fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”

“No thank you,” said the goat.

“Well then,” said the wolf, “ aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer grazing down
here beside me in this sheltered area.”

“No thank you,” said the goat.

“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf, “why dine alone?”

“My dear wolf,” the got finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worrying about and
not your own?”

8. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?
A. To be his dinner
B. To climb up higher
C. To be his friend
D. To graze on the level ground
9. From the story we know that…
A. The goat was very worried
B. The wolf was a helpful animal
C. The wolf was eager to eat the goat
D. The goat was going to fight with the wolf
10. What can we learn from the story above?
A. Don’t look down other creatures.
B. Don’t easily believe in well behaved creatures.
C. Don’t judge others by their appearance.
D. Don’t easily beat other creatures.

The following text is for number 14-17

An eagle was chasing after a hare for her dinner. The poor little hare did not know what to do, so when
he came across a beetle, the only other animal he saw he begged it for help.

The beetle stood between the hare and the eagle and asked the eagle to spare the hare’s life. The eagle
brushed off the beetle. In her opinion, the beetle had nothing impotan to say because he was so small
and ate the hare in front of the beetle.

From that point on the beetle hunted out the eagle’s nest, climbed into it and pushed her eggs out the
ground so that they would break. The eagle went to Zeus for help. Zeus allowed the eagle to make a
nest on his lap so that he could protect the eggs himself.
The tiny beetle made a gross dung pellet, flew over Zeus’s head and drooped it on him. Without thinking
Zeus stood up to brush the pellet off and let the nest fall to the ground, breaking all of the eggs. Since
that day, the eagle does not nest during the beetle season.

11. Who tried to help the hare?

A. The beetle C. The eagle
B. Zeus D. The bird
12. What is paragraph four about?
A. The eagle that chased after a hare
B. The eagle that asked for Zeus’ help to protect her eggs
C. The beetle’s effort to break the eagle’s eggs from Zeus’ protection
D. The beetle’s effort to protect the hare
13. “… climbed into it and pushed her eggs out to the ground..”
A. The beetle
B. The eagle’s nest
C. The eagle
D. The ground
14. “The tiny beetle made a gross dung pellet…” (paragraph 4)
The underlined word has the same meaning to…
A. Clever C. stupid
B. Honest D. small

Both of them started struggling to stay afloat. One of the mice said, “friend, I think we are going to
drown. No one can help us now. I wish God would send someone to help us!”

The other mouse calmly said, “Do not be afraid my friend. We must not lose heart. We must keep

But a few minutes later, the first mouse gave up hope. He did not try and he downed. The other mouse
saw his friend drowning in the milk and felt very sorry.

He kept moving his legs to try to keep afloat. Soon this had a churning effect and a thick layer of cream
fat was formed on the mils’s surface. With great effort, the mouse climbed the creamy layer and jumped
out to safety. The mouse realized that God helps those who help themselves.

15. Why did the mice go in the dairy?

A. Because the mice lived nearby
B. Because they were hungry
C. Because the mice needed a shelter
D. Because there was a large-drum full of milk

16. “As they were looking for something to eat…” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined words can be best replaced by…
A. Getting alone C. Searching for
B. Finding out D. picking up
17. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The cream was formed on the milk’s surface.
B. The creamy layer helped the mouse to find the God.
C. The mouse kept trying to struggle for his life.
D. The mouse realized about his mistake.

An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a strange looking animal with its thick
legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all
it has a long nose, the trunk.
The trunk is elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves and
puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant
looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
make it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in many ways such as carry
heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

5. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that …..

a. elephants are strong c. elephants are servant e. elephants must be trained
b. elephants can lift logs (d.) elephants are very
6. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph?
a. It looks strange (c.) It is wild e. It has small tail
b. It is heavy d. It has trunk
7. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT ……
a. to eat c. to drink e. to squirt water over the
(b.) to push d. to carry things
8. “The trunk is elephant’s peculiar feature, …..” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is close in meaning to …..
(a.) strange c. tough e. long
b. large d. smooth
Recount text
Last weekend, my family and I went camping. We reached the camping site after we walked for about
one and half hour from the parking area. We built a camping next to a small river. It was getting darker
and colder, so we set a non fire.

The next day we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In
the afternoon, we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we had some fun
activities. We sang. Danced,read poetry, played magic trick, and some of us performed stand-up
comedy. On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

1. When did the writer set a camp?

A. After he arrived at the parking
B. When he arrived at the camping site
C. When it was dark and cold
D. After He set a bon fire
2. Why did the writer set up a fire?
A. To bake some fish
B. To observe plantation
C. To keep body warm
D. To prepare body
3. “…Caught some fish for supper”
The underlined word refers to…
A. Plants C. Insects
B. Animals D. Meals

Lying on the sofa, Risma laughed remembering what she experienced last holiday. On that (10)
…, Risma and her classmates planned to climb a mountain. They agreed to meet at a bus stop in
front of a big mall in the city.

When she reached the bus stop, she could not find her friend. She saw no ne in front of the bus
except the driver. Risma wondered if she came too early. She(11) … she was mistaken about the
time. The driver then asked her to get on the bus.

(12) … she got in, Risma was very surprised and embarrassed to know there were no one in the
bus except her and the driver. As the bus left, she realized that she mistakenly came to a wrong
bus stop.

7. ….

A. day C. sofa

B. seat D. bus
8. ….

A. asked C. stated

B. thought D. cried

9. ….

A. As soon as C. So that

B. In order D. If only

On Wednesday, my family and I left for Jogyakarta. We (13) … at Danar Hotel which is not far from
Malioboro. We took (14) … in a nice and comfortable room there. On Thursday, we visited Prambanan
Temples. There are three (15) … temples there; Brahma, Syiwa, and Wisnu Temples. We only visited
Brahma and Syiwa Temples because Wisnu Temple was being renovated.

10. …
A. stayed C. went
B. spent D. lived
11. …
A. a rest C. a shower
B. a dinner D. a picture
12. ...
A. tiny C. narrow
B. large D. high

Last week I had a task from my teacher. We had to form groups, and then visit some sick people in a
hospital. After that, we had to make a report about our visit. I decided to form a group with Sinta, Maya
and Arnold. They are all my close friends.

We dicided to carry out the ask on Saturday, the day we went home early. Although our teacher didn’t
ask us to bring anything for the sick people, I thought that it would be good to give them something.
Shinta suggested that we buy fruits by sharing the cost. All agreed with the idea. Maya was the one who
bought the fruits because her house is near a fruit stall.

The day came. At the hospital, we first visited an old women who was alone. Her name was Mrs.
Hendarto. She looked happy when we introduced ourselves. She told us that we reminded her of her
grand children, who now live abroad. I was curious why an old women like her, from a rich family, was
left alone. It seemed that she understood my curiousty. She told us that her sons and daughters were
busy working, so the only chance they had yo visit her was on the evening or at night.

We were about to leave when she said “thank you” many times for our attention and hoped we would
visit her again. We felt happy.

The second person we visited was a man in his thirties. His name was Mr. Charaka, and he had diarrhea.
He was with his wife. At the beginning, they looked at us curiously. However, his attitude changed after
we introduced ourselves. Mrs. Charaka was very friendly, I thought. My friends and I talked about many
things with her. Finally, when we were about to leave, she gave us her phone number and asked us to
visit them at their house. She said that her husband would be discharged the next day.
We were happy to have visited the two people, Mrs. Hendarto and Mr. Caraka. Our visit to the hospital
gave us meaning to life.

13. What did the teacher ask the writer to?

A. bring food for the sick people
B.Help the staffs at the hospital
C. make a group with close friends
D. visit ill people at the hospital

14. Who suggested that the group should bring fruits for the sick people?
A. Shinta C. Arnold
B. Maya D. The writer

15. Which of the statements is not true about Mr. Caraka?

A. He had diarrhea C. He is about thirty years old.

B. He was with his wife at hospital D. He would go home that day.

16. “… so the only chance they had to visit her was in the evening or at night.” (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Mrs. Hendarto’s grandchildren
B. Mrs. Hendarto’s parents
C. Mrs. Hendarto’s children
D. Mrs. Hendarto’s friends

Text 1 to answer questions 1 to 3!

Last Sunday, I had a holiday in Australia. I visited a marine park called Sea World, which is as
surfers Paradise near Brisbane. It is Australia’s largest marine park. Truly, I had a wonderful
day there.

The first thing I saw was the Oceanarium. It is place where visitors can watch all kinds of
fish and animals underwater. There were huge turtles, sharks and beautiful tropical fish. The
most exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit.

Then, I watched the performing animals. The show was in a big outdoor swimming pool.
There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all kinds of fantastic things in
the water. One of the girls in the show rode about the pool on the back of a big turtle.

After the show, I had lunch. There were several big restaurants at the park and I had lunch in
a restaurant that was shaped like a ship! Then, I watched a wonderful water-ski show which
was held on a lake.
There were lots of things to do at the park. There was lake cruising, a train ride, a big
water slide, swimming pools and an incredible roller coaster called the corkscrew because it
goes through three lops upside down. But I didn’t go on the roller coaster. I wish I could do it
next time.

1. Where did the writer watch sharks?

a. On a lake

b. At the sea nearby

c. In the Oceanarium

d. In a big outdoor swimming pool

2. What did the writer do after having lunch?

a. He watched a water-ski show

b. He watched animals underwater

c. He watched a man feeding the sharks

d. He watched the performing animals

3. “…and an incredible roller coaster called…”

(Paragraph 5)

a. Ordinary

b. Impossible

c. Imaginative

d. Extremely good

Text 2 to answer question 4 to 6!

I have an exciting experience visiting Raja Ampat. It is a famous island located off the north
west tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in West Papua Province. It is
well known as a diving heaven for people around the world.
Raja Ampat covers a very wide area of land and sea, where many types of corals, coral fish
and mollusks live. It makes Raja Ampat the most diverse living library for world’s coral reefs
and underwater biota.

Besides that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially of its underwater corals and
beach. Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, I can see many natural coral reefs never
touched by humans. I can also find many fishes of various colors and types. They usually hide
between the coral reefs to take a rest or breed. In addition, I can explore many war planes
and ships sunk in World War II.

There is also another thing that I can also enjoy besides the underwater scenery. I can meet
many fishermen around the beach, some of whom become the tourist guides for the foreign
tourists. The fishermen are very friendly and they will offer you “Pinang” (betel nuts) or some
sweet candies.

4. What makes Raja Ampat attractive?

A. the very wide area

B. the strategic location

C. the helpful fishermen

D. the underwater scenery

5. Paragraph 4 tells us that ....

A. Raja Ampat is located in New Guinea island

B. a living library for underwater biota is found in Raja Ampat

C. fishermen around the beach can be very friendly tourist guides

D. Raja Ampat is the home for beautiful underwater corals and beach

6. Based on the text, what can we conclude about Raja Ampat?

A. It offers only the beauty of the underwater scenery.

B. It is famous as a place for breeding many types of fish.

C. It does not provide the tourists any guides for the tourists.
D. It becomes the home for the various corals, fish and mollusks.

Text 3 to answer question 7 to 10!

I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However,
the security of the shop really embarassed me. He accused me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.

That was a Sunday afternoon. I went to a fasion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue
jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless.
She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector
beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you! Stop!” Then he took me to the
manager’s room.

After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They
said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take
one piece of clothing for me.

7. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain readers c. To retell past events

b. To describe something d. To persuade readers

8. Where did the story happen?

a. At the market b. At a fashion store c. At a shoe store d. At a canteen

9. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless.

What is the antonym of the underlined word?

a. Careful b. Safe c. Clear d. Accurate

10. “They said they were very sorry about what had happened.” (paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to.....

a. The blue jeans c. everyone in the shop

b. The censor clip d. The security officer and the manager
Report text
Text 1 for questions 1 to 4

Fungi used to be considered as a part of the plant kingdom, but they are now though to be
quite different.

The main part of the fungus is a mass of tiny thread called mycelium. Fungi live on the
other organic matter in the soil. Fungi are the most important agent in the breakdown of
dead plant and animal material, recycling it so that plants can use the nutrients. Fungi live in
damp areas on in water because they have no method of preventing their fragile threads
drying out. They cannot survive dry atmospheres. There are around 50,000 species of fungi
and they include yeast, rusts, smuts, mildews, mould and mushrooms.

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To give entertainment or amusement to the readers

b. To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of nature.

c. To persuade the reader with its argument.

d. To present (at least) many different aspects of an issue

e. To describe how something is accomplished

2. The text describes about…

a. species of fungi in the world

b. characteristics of plant kingdom

c. area where fungi live

d. fungi as a quite different plant

e. importance of fungi

3. Which one of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Fungi have a method to survive in dry atmosphere

b. Mycelium is a mass of tiny thread of fungus

c. Fungi can survive only in damp area of water

d. Mushroom is one among the 50,000 species of fungi.

e. Fungi are quite different plant in the plant kingdom

4. “……they have one method of preventing their fragile threads drying out”

The antonym of the underlined word is …..

a. brittle c. breakable e. delicate

b. sturdy d. weak

Text 2 for questions 5 to 8

An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a strange looking animal with its thick
legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and
above all it has a long nose, the trunk.

The trunk is elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up water
by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves and
puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An
elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
make it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in many ways such as carry
heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

5. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that …..

a. elephants are strong c. elephants are servant e. elephants must be


b. elephants can lift logs d. elephants are very


6. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph?
a. It looks strange c. It is wild e. It has small tail

b. It is heavy d. It has trunk

7. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT ……

a. to eat c. to drink e. to squirt water over

the body

b. to push d. to carry things

8. “The trunk is elephant’s peculiar feature, …..” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word is close in meaning to …..

a. strange

c. tough

e. long

b. large

d. smooth

Text 3 for questions 9 to 12

Birds belong to a class of warm blooded vertebrate animals with feather covered bodies.
Next to the mammals, birds are the most important group of land-living vertebrates. All birds
have feathers, although in some types, particularly those that can not fly, the normal
structure of the feathers may be much modified and be downy, woolly, or straw like. The
forelimbs of birds are modified into wings. The bony part of the tail, except in the very
earliest fossil birds, is very short, and the visible tail is composed of feathers only. The teeth
are absent except in some fossil forms. As in mammals-the only other group of warm blooded
animal-the circulation is highly perfected so that there is no mixing of arterial and venous
blood, but the arrangement of veins and arteries by which this is accomplished, is different in
the two groups. Birds have keen hearing, although they have no external ears. The sense of
sight also is very keen, but the sense of smell is weak or lacking, except in a small few
vultures and other birds.
9. The passage is about the …… of birds.

a. Species c. Clarification e. characteristics

b. Definition d. Classification

10. From the text we can conclude that both birds and mammals have …….

a. Backbones c. Keen hearing e. weak sense of smell

b. keen sights d. downy feathers

11. Which of the following is NOT possessed by bird?

a. Feathers c. Teeth e. ears

b. Wings d. Tails

12. “Birds have keen hearing, although they have no external ears”

The underlined word is synonymous with ……

a. Thick c. soft e. sharp

b. Weak d. Long

Text 4 for questions 9 to 16

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called
wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very
strong back legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have
been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than
three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults
grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external
pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at
once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.
13. Kangaroo’s smaller relative is found …..

a. not only in Australia island

b. only in Australia

c. only in Australian island

d. only in Irian island

e. only in Tasmania

14. “ Kangaroos are marsupials” (paragraph-4)

The word ’marsupials’ means …..

a. an animal which can make forward jump

b. an animal which has front and back legs to jump

c. an animal which eats grass and plants

d. an animal which has an external pouch in front

e. an animal which spends its first five months of life

15. “A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch
where it spends…” (paragraph-4) The word ‘pouch’ means…

a. a small bag carried in the pocket

b. a pocket carried by a kangaroo

c. a bag like pocket carried by animal

d. a pocket of bag on a wallaby

e. a bag like pocket of skin on kangaroo

16. “These they use for sitting up on and for jumping.” (Paragraph 2).

The underlined word refers to ……

a. legs c. plants e. fences

b. Kangoroos d. marsupials
Text 5 for questions 17 to 20

Spiders are not insects. They are arachnids. Arachnids have four pairs of legs but only two
body parts. Insects have three pairs of legs and three body parts. Spiders have two to four
pairs of eyes. They can see extremely well.

Spiders eat small insects such as flies and mosquitoes, and sometime bit people. When a
spider bites insect, it does not kill the insect immediately. Instead a special poison passes
through its fangs, and this poison paralyzed the body to the unlucky insects.

Most spiders make their own homes. They do this with a special substance produced by their
bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s web where the spider is
waiting for its next dinner guest.

17. The spider has special teeth called …..

a. poison c. arachnids e. substance

b. fangs d. quest

18. The statement that is TRUE according to the text is…..

a. Spiders are special insects that have three pair of legs

b. Arachnids have three pairs of legs and two body parts

c. Spiders are not insects but arachnids that can see quite well

d. Spiders do not like other small insects as their food

e. Spiders are not in their web to wait for the small insects to eat

19. What is NOT the difference between spider and insect?

a. Insects have three pairs of legs

b. Spiders have four pairs of legs

c. Insects’ home are like spiders’

d. Insects have three body parts

e. Spiders have two body parts

20. This word “web” in paragraph three means….

a. a spider’s poison c. a spider’s leg e. a spider’s house

b. spider’s eyes d. spider’s dinner


1. B 11. E

2. D 12. E

3. A 13. A

4. C 14. D

5. D 15. E

6. C 16. A

7. B 17. B

8. A 18. C

9. D 19. C

10. D 20. E
Short functional text
The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.

Dear Andre,
Do you have any plan for next holiday? Mira and I are going to spend our holiday at grandma's
house and our father will drive us to the village. If you want to join us, let us know soon.
Remember, last holiday you didn't visit grandma!

1. Why did Randy invite Andre to join them? Because ...

A. Randy and Andre are best friend.
B. Andre doesn't have any plans for holiday.
C. Andre didn't visit grandma last holiday.
D. Randy's father will drive them to the village.

2. From the message we know that ....

A. Andre doesn't want to spend his holiday at the village.
B. father will spend his holiday at village too
C. Randy will visit his grandmother alone
D. Andre is Mira and Randy's cousin.

The following text is for questions number 3 and 4.

Dear John,
Let me congratulate you on your success as the best pop singer in 2012.
I hope you always perform the best in the next show.

3. From the text above, we know that ...

A. John performs the best in the show.
B. Cindy performs the best in the show.
C. Cindy wants to be the best in the show.
D. John hopes he will be the best in the next show.

4. "I hope you always perform the best ..."

The underlined word can be replaced with ....
A. play
B. sing
C. read
D. dance

The following text is for questions number 5 and 6.

Santa Will Be Coming Down
A New Chimney This Year






REGRET: 919 345 2654


New Address New Address New Address New Address

5. What does the Thompson family do?

A. Introduce Santa to their friends.
B. Open the door for their friends.
C. Inform their new house to their friends.
D. Invite their friends to a cocktail party.

6. From the text we can say that ....

A. Cecily and Brandon have different addresses
B. Santa is going to move to a new house this year
C. Santa always opens the door for Thompson family
D. the Thompson family will move to a new house

Read the following text to answer question number 7.



7. Where do we usually find the text?

A. at the lake
B. At the beach
C. At the river bank
D. At the swimming pool.
The Washington Park Zoo Monkey Island is closed indefinitely due to deterioration of
exhibition. After 80 years of operation, the exhibition is considered no longer safe to exhibit
monkeys or to be serviced by employees.
Monkey Island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be restored after major
renovation take place. The zoo has plans to design a new modern monkey island exhibit and will
unveil those once they have been set.

8. Why did the government close the Monkey Island? Because ....
A. it will hold an exhibition
B. it is no longer safe for visitors
C. it does not get fund for it's renovation
D. the zoo empoyees served the visitors badly

9. " ...and will unveil those once they have been set" (paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ....
A. introduce
B. inform
C. cover
D. open

10. The announcement tells us about ....

A. the exhibition of the monkey
B. the renovation of Monkey Island
C. the new modern design of the zoo
D. the closure of monkey island

Read the following text to answer question number 11 and 12. 12. 12. 12.


Fast relief for:

Congestion 100 tablets

Runny nose USP
Coughs 200 mg


11. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?

A. Headache.
B. Coughs.
C. Cancer.
D. Fever.

12. What's the writer's purpose to write the text above?

A. To inform the process of making Cold Breaker.
B. To persuade people to use the product.
C. To explain the ingredients of the product.
D. To describe the illnesses that can be cured.

The following text is for questions number 13 to 15.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Adiba Salma Zakiya, just call me Salma. I'm from Bima,
Nusa Tenggara Barat. I read your profile in NONA magazine and would like to be one of your
friends. It's a bit hard to find internet connection here, so I decided to write a letter instead of an
e-mail to you. I hope you don't mind.
I'm the first child in my family. My parents have four children. I go to SMP 3 Sape, Bima. Now,
I'm in the ninth grade. My hobby is cooking, that's why I can cook many kinds of Bimanese
traditional dishes. Besides, I also like to play Kareku Kandei. It's a traditional music performance
from Bima. Girls pound their pestles to a mortar to create harmonious sound. Kareku Kandei is
usually performed on special events such as Independence Day, Kartini Day, etc.
I would love to know you better, would you tell me more about yourself too.


13. How did Salma know about Ima's profile?

A. By writing a letter to Ima.
B. By sending an e-mail to Ima.
C. By reading her profile in a magazine.
D. By being one of her friends.

14. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. Salina described her hometown.
B. Both Salma and Ima liked NONA magazine.
C. Salina found Ima's profile in NONA magazine.
D. Salma complained about the internet connection.

15. The text mainly tells us about ....

A. the description of Salma's hometown
B. Salma's introduction to Ima
C. Salma's family and her hobbies
D. the condition of a remote area in Bima
Short Message

Dearest Clara,

Mom and Dad will go home late. Don’t forget to cook some rice, warm the food and tidy up the
family room and my room



1. Who wrote the message?

a. Mom and Dad

b. Clara

c. Mom

d. Dad

2. From the text we know that Clara has to ….

a. Cook some rice

b. Warm the food

c. Tidy up the room

d. Do the house chores

The following the to answer questions 3 to 4!

Dear Bryan,

Remember you won’t pass the final examination unless you study harder. Do your best son.


3. What does Bryan’s mother want him to do?

a. To remember the final exam

b. To pass the final exam

c. To do the final exam

d. To study harder

4. “Remember you won’t pass the …”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to …

a. Finish

b. Succeed

c. Perform

d. Complete

The following the to answer questions 5 to 6!

To: Ryan

Buddy, I’ve just received news from Herdy. This afternoon Mrs Ida wants us to finish our
projects at school. Please don’t come late. Our group presentation must be good next week!

5. Why did the writer ask Ryan to come to school?

A. To finish their project.

B. To meet his teacher.

C. To receive Herdy’s present.

D. To ask for his buddy’s friend.

6 What is the relationship between Ryan and the writer?

A. Brothers.

B. Relatives.

C. Roommates.

D. Classmates.

The following the to answer questions 7 to 8!

To: Akmal

Sorry for not able to join the Ramadhan Brealfasting Together program in your house this
afternoon. My mom is suddenly ill and has to be hospitalized. I have to accompany her.

Your friend


7 Why couldn’t Akbar join the program?

a. He must stay at home with his father

b. His mother is sick and must stay in the hospital

c. He is very busy with his parents at home

d. His father is hospitalized this afternoon

8. Why did the writer write this kind of the text to his friend?

a. To tell him that his mother is sick

b. To show that Akbar is very sad

c. To ask for apology to his frined

d. To inform the breakfasting program

The following the to answer questions 9 to 10!

To : Margareta

Margaret, please tell Mrs. Ayuni that I couldn’t join the math class tomorrow. I have to go with
y Mum to Surabaya for visiting my grandma who is sick now. I will be there for three days.



9. Dinda didn’t attend the math class because….

a. She was sick

b. She got an accident

c. Her mother took her to the hospital

d. She visited her sick grandma in Surabaya

10. The purpose of sending the message is …

a. To ask for clarification

b. To ask for permission

c. To describe Dinda’s trip

d. To share Dinda’s problem

Greeting card

Mr. & Mrs. John Smith's

Invite you to share in the celebration

Of the marriage of their daughter




Saturday, the tenth of February

Two Thousand and Eighteen

At Four o'clock

Saint Marry Jane Star of the Sea

1010 Windsor Lane

RS.V.P(453 334 234)

1. What time will the event start?

A. At 2 o'clock

B. At 3 o'clock

C. At 4 o'clock
D. At 5 o'clock

2. What is the text about?

A. An anniversary celebration

B. An invitation to Mr.& Mrs. Smith's Wedding

C. An invitation to Natalie and Daniel birthday party

D. An invitation to Mr. & Mrs. Smith's daughter's wedding

3. Where will the event be held?

A. At the church

B. At Saint Marry Jane Star of the Sea

C. At Natalie's house

D. At Daniel's house

4. The following statement is true based on the text, except….

A. Mr. & Mrs. Smith are going to their daughter wedding

B. Nathalie and Daniel are going to marry in 2018

C. Invitation does not need to reply

D. The event will be held in February

Read the following memo for answer no.5 to 7!

Mom, I borrow your clutch bag the one with black suede colour and two side pocket. I need it
for Cinta’s birthday party tonight.

Thank you very much.

5. Where is Sinta going?

A. She is going to market

B. She is going to mother’s party

C. She is going to Clarita’s party

D. She is not going to anywhere

6. Which bag does she borrow form her mother?

A. Black suede colour bag

B. Black suede colour and two side pocket

C. Black suede colour and one side pocket

D. White suede colour and bag without pocket

7. Whom is the memo given to?

A. Sinta

B. Mother

C. Sinta’s mother

D. Clarita’s father

The following text is for questions number 8 and 9!

Dear Farhan,

When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five! You are the
best. Congratulations!

Uncle Joeny

8. From the text we know that Farhan ....

A. gets a medal for the best student

B. is the best student at school

C. graduates from high school

D. got five for his test

9. "... please step forward ..." The italic word means ....

A. come to the front

B. move back

C. one step to the left

D. stand in line

The following text is for questions number 10 and 11!.

Nabila music school

Exciting course for those who want to learn how to play music instrument. Those the first 10
registers will get a 20% discount. Courses are held twice a week for three months. Fees
charge: Rp 200.000 per course. Types of musical instrument courses are piano, organ, violin,
drum and guitar.

10. What kind of functional text is?

A. Advertisement

B. Leaflet

C. Brochure

D. Memo

11. How often are courses held?

A. Twice a week for three months

B. Three times a week for three month

C. Every day for one month

D. Once a week for three a month

Read the following text to answer questions number 12 and 13!

Dear Wueeni,

Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May this achievement be just
the beginning of your long life success and happiness. Remember that the challenge is waiting
for you in the near future but I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!

Your best friend,


12. The purpose of the text above is ....

A. To persuade someone

B. To entertain someone

C. To congratulate someone

D. To invite someone

13. What has Wueeni done?

A. Won the contest

B. Passed the college entrance exam

C. Invited Fitri to his celebration day

D. Graduated from University

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 and 15!

Happy Mother's Day

Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it’s with no
doubt that this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.
14. To whom the card is sent?

A. Mother

B. Father

C. Grandmother

D. Grandfather

15. "... with no doubt that this gives us ..." The italic word has similar meaning to ....

A. Belief

B. Uncertainty

C. Selfish

D. Wealthy

Read the following text to answer questions number 16 to 18!


Congratulation on your success in winning the table tennis competition this year, Roy. It was
a tough competition. We are so proud of you. We knew you would make it. We wish you the
best always.


16. What do the students of VIII D say to complement their friend?

A. It was a tough competition

B. Winning the speech contest this year

C. We are so proud of you

D. We wish you the best always

17. "We are so proud of you." The italic word refers to ....
A. Roy

B. The table tennis team


D. Teachers

18. "We wish you the best always." The underlined word has the same meaning with ....

A. Hope

B. Hoop

C. Wash

D. Watch

Read the following text to answer questions number 19 and 20!


We are happy for the arrival of your new family member. Wish you and your family all the
best. May the happiness always with the beautiful baby, Anindya and her family. Hope she
will be a nice girl in the future.

19. What is the writer's hope for the baby?

A. Being a smart guy

B. Being a nice one

C. Being a rich person

D. Being the success girl

20. "We are happy for the arrival ..." What is the antonym of the underlined word?

A. Birth

B. Death

C. Growth
D. Departure

Invitation Card

Virginia Parker is turning 80,

though it may seem absurd!

We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word!

Please join us for

a Surprise Birthday Party

Sunday, June 20th

2.00 pm

Deering Bay Estates Club House

13600 Old Cutler Road

RSVP by June 10th

To Danielle Stevens


1. 1. What kind of party is it?

a. Wedding Party

b. Birthday Party

c. Wedding anniversary

d. New Year’s Eve Party

2. 2. When will the party be held?

a. On the twenty seventh of June

b. On the sixteenth of June

c. On the twentieth of June

d. d. On the tenth of June

3. 3.Where will the party be held?

a. At Deering Bay Estates Club House

b. On Deering Bay Street

c. At Danielle Stevens’ house

d. At Virginia house

4. 4. RSVP stands for ‘Respondez S’il Vous Plait which means …...

a. Make sure you come

b. Please Reply

c. I want you to come

d. Don't forget

sumber gambar:

5. What is the purposes of the text?

a. To inform someone about Farewell Party

b. To invite someone to attend Farewell Party

c. To forbid students to come to farewell party

d. To remind someone to celebrate farewell party

6. Where will the party be held?

a. at Olivia's house

b. at Sam's house

c. at Marcia and John Smith's house

d. at the park

7. What does "Farewell" mean?

a. say good bye

b. say god night

c. say good luck

d. say good morning

8. How old is Caleb?

a. 4 years old

b. 5 years old

c. 14 years old

d. 40 years old

9. Who should we contact to make confirmation?

a. Caleb

b. Caleb's mother
c. Caleb's sister

d. Anne Marie

10. When will the party be held?

a. in the morning

b. in the afternoon

c. in the evening

d. at night

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.



Fast relief for:

Congestion 100 tablets

Runny nose USP

Coughs 200 mg




1. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?

A. Headache

B. Coughs

C. Cancer
D. Fever

2. What's the writer's purpose to write the text above?

A. To inform the process of making Cold Breaker

B. To persuade people to use the product

C. To explain the ingredients of the product

D. To describe the illnesses that can be cured

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 to 5.


• Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other upper
respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis

• Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis):

- runny nose

- sneezing

- itching of the nose or throat

- itchy, watery eyes

• Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose


Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24- hour period

Age Dose adults and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours

Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours

Children under 6 years ask a doctor

3. From the label above we know that ....

A. This medicine is only for adult

B. This medicine is in the form of syrup

C. Stomachache can be cured with this medicine

D. Children under 12 cannot take this medicine

4. Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine?

A. Adult

B. Children under 6 years

C. Children 12 years and over

D. Children 6 to under 12 years

5. "Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose" The underlined word has similar
meaning with ....

A. Damage

B. Recall

C. Rehabilitate

D. Provide

Read the following text to answer questions number 6 and 7.



Serving size: 1 tablet

Servings per container: 30


Amount of serving % Daily value

Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mg

Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mg

Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg

Rutin* 25 mg

Hesperidin* 25 mg

Rose hips* 125 mg

Acerola* 5 mg


*Daily value not established

Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal


This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical
solvent, starch or gluten.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a supplement for woman

B. To describe a product for adult

C. To give detailed information about the supplement

D. To tell the value of a supplement

7. “This product contains no artificial …”

The word “artificial” in the sentence means ….

A. Original
B. Pure

C. Unnatural

D. Inexpensive

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

8. How much sodium does the product contain per 100 g?

A. 45 mg

B. 148 mg

C. 565 mg

D. 709 mg

9. “Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids…etc.”

The underlined word means: …. Needed to make something.

A. The steps

B. The goals

C. The materials

D. The methods

10. The label is telling us about … of a product.

A. The steps

B. The goals

C. The materials

D. The nutrition information Announcement


CyboEnergy, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA) Is pleased to announced that our company has been awarded
US. patent 8,786,133 entitled “Smart and Scalable Power Inverters".

CyboEnergy has implemented technology In Its award-winning Cybolnverter off-grid solar power
systems. For more Information, please visit our website or Contact us.

PH: 1 413 75 680n (office)

1. What is the objective of the text?

A. To inform the U.S. Patent 8,786,133

B. To describe the implementation of the technology

C. To announce “smart and scalable inverters"

D. To explain the U.S. Patent

E. To advertise CyboEnergy Inc

2. Why has the company been awarded?

A. It successfully used alternative energy resources

B. It successfully implemented the new technology

C. It successfully improved the technology of power inverters

D. It successfully modified the energy systems

E. It successfully changed power systems

3. Cybolnverter is the equipment for ....

A. Energy saving

B. Alternative energy

C. Power supply

D. Energy consumption

E. Power diffusion

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.


Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is intended to help victims of
the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this activity, please join us. You
are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms.
Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


4. What is the announcement about?

A. A neighborhood's activity

B. Ms. Maryam's program

C. Used clothes donation

D. Victims of a landslide

E. Fund raising activity

5. Where can Ms. Maryam accept her neighbors' questions?

A. At her house

B. At her office

C. At the neighborhood
D. At the landslide area

E. At the committee office

6. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam. This sentence has the same
meaning as .…

A. Ms. Maryam is always ready to give information you need

B. Ms. Maryam is always ready to ask your questions

C. You are not charged if you contact Ms. Maryam

D. Ms. Maryam will give you questions freely

E. Ms. Maryam has questions to ask

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 9.


English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new members join us and improve your

Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall For registration, please contact

Darwin (XIA)

Anissa (XIB)

7. When do the members have meeting?

A. In the morning

B. On Thursday afternoon

C. On Thursday morning

D. In the afternoon at three o’clock

E. In the evening

8. Where do they have the meeting?

A. In the ECC’s meeting room

B. In the XIA classroom

C. At the school hall

D. At the cafeteria

E. At the committee office

9. How long does the meeting last?

A. One and a half hours

B. One hour

C. One and a quarter hours

D. Two hours

E. Three hours

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 12.


Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is facing a
serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please reduce your
power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. Turn of all unnecessary
appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing the laundry.

10. The announcement is about ….

A. A serious power shortage in the city

B. The high demand for electrical power

C. The extremely cold weather in the city

D. The need to turn off all unnecessary appliances

E. The demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

11. The announcement is addressed to ….

A. The residents of the city

B. The companies in the city

C. The rich people in the city

D. The officials that work in the city

E. The employees of the electricity company

12. “Turn of all unnecessary appliances.” The synonym of the underlined word is ....

A. Cables

B. Wires

C. Iron

D. Devices

E. Ingredients

Read the following text to answer questions number 13 to 15.


In accordance with the international security regulation, the following items are never allowed to be
taken onto a plane by passangers, etiher in their carry-on bags or in their checked luggage: weaons,
incluiding knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and fireworks.

The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools, including
hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches; sport equipment such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis, and ski
When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X-Ray machines and some bags will
be manually checked by personal, as well.

13. What is the announcement about?

A. Weapons and explosives

B. Items brought on carry-on bags

C. Welcoming foreign passengers

D. An International airport security regulation

E. A warning to passengers from different countries

14. The underline part of the sentences above means ....

A. All bags will be sent to the X-Ray machines

B. All bags will be delivered with X-Ray machines

C. All bags will be move to the X-Ray machines

D. All bags will be packed next to X-Ray machines

E. All bags will be checked by using X-Ray machines

15. Things can be brought onto an airplane, except ....

A. Knives

B. Ski poles

C. Wrenches

D. Screwdrivers

E. Basketball bats


Welcome to Singapore's Newest rooms and suites.

Soothing, sleek, and streamlined with the latest
technology, our newly refurbished interiors raise
the city's standard for sophistication. Enhance
your enjoyment in two inspired restaurants and
the new Alfresco. Discover relaxing spa treatments
and unwind with a Workout, tennis Match or
outdoor swim. In our astonishingly quiet refuge,
just step from Orchard Road, legendary Four
Seasons care always promises new delight.


1. What kind of the text above?
A. Announcement
B. Advertisement
C. Invitation
D. Letter
E. Job vacancy

2. What does the hotel provide to enhance our

A. Newly refurbished interiors
B. The city's standard for sophistication
C. The two inspired restaurant and the new
D. Relaxing spa treatments and unwind
E. Beautiful swimming pool

3. "Soothing sleek and streamlined with the latest

technology ... "
The underlined word means ....
A. Cool and fresh
B. Hot and noisy
C. Quiet and calm
D. Dusty and crowded
E. Clean and cheap

Read the following text to answer questions

number 4 to 6.
Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have
special discounts on food and drinks at our
restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that,
there's a fifty percent discount for children below
12 at our restaurant. We are located close to the
apple garden and butterfly farm. You can also see
the sunset and sunrise from your room. Children
would also be entitled to free horse riding lesson
every morning.

Rp 430,000 per night


Reservation : (0341) 7689980
Email :
4. Which is free of charge in the hotel?
A. Having food and drinks in the restaurant
B. Having breakfast and horse riding lesson
C. Entering the apple garden
D. Staying for nights
E. Having dinner

5. Who is the fifty percent discount given to?

A. All registered guests
B. 14 year old children
C. 11 year old children
D. Adult people
E. Married woman

6. "On top of that, there's a fifty percent discount

for children below 12 at our restaurant."
The underlined word means ....
A. Over
B. Between
C. After
D. Under
E. In the ace of

Read the following text to answer questions

number 7 to 9.

Sunwel Beach Residences Ketewel - Bali Prime

Property - Prime Location - Prime Investment Only
5 minutes away from Sanur, directly at the beach
All apatments with view to the sea, full hotel
amenities Large pools, spa, fitness, sauna & steam,
Parking, Restaurant
For complete infromation please visit our website

invitation - stimulation - temptation

Where: Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta (Leatris
When: 15th and 16th of January 2010 (15.00 -
21.00 WIB)
For reservation: PT. Umadamai Phone +62 361 759
958 or email:
For every purchase prior to 31.01.2010 we will
invite the buyer for the Ground Breaking-

**Flight from Jakarta to Bali and a night in a luxury

villa FREE
7. The text talks about ....
A. Sunwel Beach Residences Ketewel
B. Bali's apartment development
C. A dream becomes reality
D. Hotel Mulia Senayan
E. Prime property

8. Which of the following is not found in the

A. Large pools
B. Restaurant
C. Website
D. Fitness
E. Supermarket

9. "... full hotel amenities Large pools, spa, ..."

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Inabilities
B. Facilities
C. Difficulties
D. Complexities
E. Clumsiness

Read the following text to answer questions

number 10 to 12.

Expanding wholesaler satisfactory and office

equipment requires:
A responsible accountant for director to run
smoothly the company finance with good salary
and good working condition for good applicant
Apply with curriculum vitae to:
Mrs. Barton

Office Equipment World and Efficiency Work

PO Box 36 Whistle Woods UK
10. In which section would you likely read the ad?
A. Company for sale
B. Office equipment
C. Job vacancy
D. Entertainment Guide
E. Stationary and office

11. What position is offered in the advertisement?

A. Salesman
B. Wholesaler
C. Accountant
D. Office staff
E. Director assistant

12. Apply with curriculum vitae to Mrs. Barton.

What information should the applicant include in
A. Experience in managing a company
B. A statement of salary wanted
C. A prove of knowing about stationary
D. A statement of responsibility
E. A statement of education and work

Read the following text to answer questions

number 13 to 15.


Whitens your teeth safely and effectively, helping

to remove plague and tartar too. Just use daily
instead of your normal toothpaste and you will see
and feel the difference within days.
Available at pharmacies and department store
13. What is being advertised?
A. Dental Clinic
B. Shampoo
C. Tooth paste
D. Face wash
E. Soap

14. The word “to remove” means ....

A. To repair
B. To clean up
C. To wash
D. To rinse
E. To scramble
15. Based on the text we can get it in…., except.
A. Market
B. Dispensary
C. Drugstore
D. Department store
E. Pharmacy

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