Green Office Awareness Sessions

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 Eco-efficient offices
 succeed by saving!

By: Salman
By: FFLShafique
GO Team Ramay
What is WWF Green Office

 A practical environmental management system developed by WWF - Finland

specifically for office conditions

 With its help, workplaces are able to reduce their burden on the
environment, achieve savings and slow down climate change

 An education programme that inspires employees to adopt environmentally

friendly habits

 A meaningful way to diminish the expenses


Climate change mitigation by reducing natural

resource consumption and carbon footprint of
Targets of WWF GO Initiative

Reduce the consumption of natural resources by

improving offices’ environmental efficiency

Promote climate change mitigation by requiring

energy saving and use of renewable energy sources

Promote sustainable practices by increasing

environmental awareness of employees
Benefits to Our Organization

 Considerable cost savings in energy and material expenses

 Gain a better understanding of the environmental impacts of business
activities and build awareness of environmental concern among employees

 Employees are better motivated when environmental values and practices are
in harmony

 Calculation and reduction of carbon footprint of the organization

 Networking with other Green Office organizations.
 The awarded Green Office Logo/Diploma utilized in marketing; creating love
and trust among target audience and customers.
Green Office Buildings at FFL


Warehouse Workshop
Fire Station
Office Offices


Other buildings/offices to be included in future.

Green Team

FFL Site Coordinator

• Mahwish Shahzadi (HSE)
CCR-I Coordinators
• Kaleem Ullah Memon(E&I)
• Ghulam Abbas (Op.N)
CCR-II Coordinator
• M. Mohsin Khan (Op.S)
Workshop Coordinators
• Qaisar-Ur-Rehman (Maint.)
• Arslan Rauf / Muneeb Seyal (E&I)
Admin Building Coordinators
• Rana Akbar (Audit)
• Muhammad Sajid Arshid (Procurement)
Lab/TTC Coordinator
• Shumaila Sadaf (TSD)
Warehouse Coordinator
• Atiq Anwar (TSD)
Fire Station Coordinator
• Umar Yasin (HSE)
Our Targets for Year 2016-2017


Paper Consumption
Electricity Consumption
Mixed Waste Generation
GO KPI # 1


 It takes 25000 liters of water and 24 average trees to make one ton of paper.

 Average office worker can use about 100 sheets of paper per day and throw
away about 30-50 kg of paper every year.

 Each year, the world produces more than 300 million tons of paper.

 Recycling paper does not only saves trees from cutting, but also saves about
26500 liter of water and 4100 kilowatt hours of electricity.
How to Reduce Paper

 Minimize paper use by editing documents electronically.

 Use smaller font
 Correspond electronically and refrain from printing emails.
 Be sure to use both sides of each piece of paper.
 Think before you print. Check your document once, check it twice. No use in
printing something just to find a typing/spelling error right after printing!

 Print only what you need. If you absolutely have to print something from the
internet, print only the page(s) that you need. You can select which pages you
want prior to printing.
What Can We Do? (Cont.)

 Reformat your documents to reduce the size of the margins. If standard

margins in are Word reduced from 1.25″ to .75″, they result in about saving of
1.14 trees for each ton of paper used for printing.

 Reduce the size of any images you have to print. Not only will it save paper,
but it will also save you ink cartridges

 For large quantities of printing, use the copier (it uses less ink and costs less).
 Reduce the document size to print multiple pages on each side of the sheet of

 Use the back side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts.
 Distribute memos via email and review documents on your computer screen.
What Have Been Done So Far?

 Recording of paper consumption in each Green Office was not in place but it
has now been started.
 New form issued by MWH which have to be attached along with MIV for
building-wise monitoring of paper consumption.
 Awareness stickers have been pasted on main printers/photocopiers.
 Awareness stickers have been pasted on laptops/desktop monitors to avoid or
optimize printing.
 Multiple systems to go paperless.
 Paper recycling trays have been placed beside main printers/photocopiers.
Place one-side used paper in these recycle trays and use them for any
unofficial prints/photocopies.
What Can We Do in Future?

 Continuous monitoring and reduction of paper consumption.

 Paper recycling.
 Removal of individual/separate printers and copiers.
 Use of recycled paper for bulk paper like log sheets etc.
 Purchasing office supplies that have an eco-label or are made of recycled

 Aim for complete Paper-free site.

GO KPI # 2


 Leaving office lights ON for all night wastes enough energy to heat water for
1000 cups of tea.

 A copier left ON for all night uses enough power to produce 1500 copies.
 Notebook computers use 20% of energy desktops use.
 Flat screen monitors use less energy while creating more desk space and
screen size.

 Screen savers do not save energy. More often than not, screen savers use
power from the monitor and also keep the CPU from shutting down.

 In a conventional office, lightning takes a 30-50 % proportion of total

electricity consumption.
Tips to Reduce Electricity
 Get flat screen monitors for your computers. They are more efficient.
 Allow as much as daylight to enter the office as possible.
 Clean and sanitize the heating and air conditioning filters.
 Replace conventional light bulbs or tubes with the energy efficient light ones.
 Purchase printers labeled with Green Label or ENERGY STAR.
 Turn off the lights when you leave the room (turn off fluorescents if you’ll be
gone for 20 minutes).

 Adjust thermostat of ACs at 26oC.

What Can We Do? (Cont.)

 Turn coffee makers, printers, copiers off at night and over the weekend.
 Unless a computer is working while you are gone, it should be turned off.
 Restarting each day means refreshed RAM and fewer crashes.
 Keep the windows of your offices clean to allow more day light to enter.
 Switch off unnecessary lightning.
 Eliminate the use of Screen Savers.
What Have Been Done So Far?

 Calculation of power consumption of each green office building is in progress

 Installation of Energy meters in all Green Office Buildings.
 Stewardship of monthly power consumption of each green office.
 Awareness stickers pasted on PCs to shutdown computer while not in use.
 Awareness stickers pasted beside all switches to turn off lights while before leaving.
 Lux audit of all green offices through Philips Pakistan.
What Can We Do in Future?

 Phase-wise replacement of conventional light bulbs or tubes

with the energy efficient LEDs.

 Study for installation of occupancy sensors in stores, rack

rooms, bathrooms, corridors and conference rooms etc.

 Renovation of offices to utilize maximum daylight. Campaign

to encourage occupants to keep window blinds off during day.

 Regular lux surveys to optimize requirement of lighting.

 Installation of Solar lights where possible.
GO KPI # 3

(Source: Various environmental websites)

 The energy saved from recycling one aluminum can will operate a computer
for 03 hours.

 The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle will operate a 100-watt light
bulb for 04 hours.

 Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator.

 If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees
each year.

 Glass can be recycled an infinite number of times.

 A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose – and
even longer if it’s in the landfill. So recycling is a better option!
How to Reduce Waste

 Prefer to use towel or hand dryer instead of tissues/paper towel.

 Use bio-degradable shopping/trash bags.
 Use reusable plates, glasses and cutlery and avoid disposable ones.
 Reuse file folders and envelopes over and over. No need to throw them away;
just cross the name out and write another one on it.

 Discourage buying bottled water at all or prefer large bottle over small bottles.
 Re-use blank side of printed paper for reprinting, copying or taking rough
notes etc.

 Do not waste food. Take out as little in your plate as needed.

How to Reduce Waste
Generation? (Cont.)

 Encourage purchase of items made from recycled material.

 Buy items that do not have excessive packaging.
 Only take products that you need and use.
 Re-use name tags during training sessions/meetings.
 Do not mix waste. Throw only paper waste in dust bins placed
in your offices. Direct other waste (bottles, tea-bags etc.)
directly to waste segregation bins.
What Have We Done So Far?

 Waste Segregation Bins (Paper, Plastic, Glass, Organic/Food) have been placed
at all green office buildings.

 Weighing scales have been placed alongside waste segregation bins.

 Each type of waste is being weighed and logged by your designated office boy.
Reach out to your building GO coordinator to see the segregation and weighing
What Can We Do in Future?

 Continuous weighing and monitoring of each type of waste.

 Finding vendors for recycling as much waste as possible.
 Gasification of Bio-Degradable waste.
 Prohibition of disposable cups and plates for official functions and parties.
 Ordering products that are packed as lightly as possible / in environmentally
friendly packaging and in big batches.
Other Green Practices

 Reduce water consumption

 Car Pool - Share rides with coworkers
 Don't Idle in Your Car - Idling wastes money and gas, and
generates pollution and global warming causing emissions.
Except when in traffic, turn your engine off if you must wait
for more than
30 seconds.

 Discourage frequent traveling for meetings and encourage

video conferencing as its replacement.

 Our actions have a direct impact on the environment.

 By being environmentally conscious we can preserve resources, save money,

and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions.

 By making simple changes to our work habits, we can create big changes in
the environment.

 By educating others we can have a bigger, more positive impact on the world!

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