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Dominikus Catur Raharja (2007:7) says that Teacher is a creator of learning process. Teacher

is people who will develop the free atmosphere for the students to examine what her/his

interested, exxpress idea and her/his activity witgin the limits of norms consistenly upheld.

Teaching methodology can influence of students’ interest in learning English. Therefore, the

teacher should be use variation method in teaching process. Because, if the teacher do not use

variety in teaching process like monotonous, it can make the students bored, lazy and sleepy.

According to Syafi’I, (1996:54) says that making variation in teaching is one of the ways to

avoid students’ boredom. Besides, the material should be interest students to learn and should

lead them to be independent/autonomous learners. Such as material must provide various

learning activities that are fun and enjoyable for students. And teaching English as foreign

language must be based on the learners’ appropriate proficiency level. (Kalayo Hasibuan,

2006:6-7). And the relationship between teachers and students also affect students' interest in


Facility in Teaching and Learning English Facility in learning process play role important in

students’ interest to learn. According to Sardiman (2001: 6) says that the facility is to be able

to facilitate in teaching and learning and launch the results achieved. In other word, learning

facilities is something that is used to help and make it easier for teachers and students in

teaching and learning activities. Teaching and learning facilities are the facilities and

infrastructure required for teaching and learning process to achieve those objectives in

general and in particular, including school buildings, classrooms, libraries, teaching media.,

And the laboratory.

Learning facilities are factors that can influence the learning interest of students

(Aunurrahman, 2009: 195). It can make easier for teacher and students to obtain information

and learning resources. This can encourage the students’ interest to learn.

3. Peer Factor This factor can be students’ motivate to develop their interest in learning

English. The students are interested in learning English because their friends get the good

value and competence in this subject. In other words, if their friends can learn English well,

they must also be able to learn English well and they can be active in learning English.

Besides, Research shows that peer learning

activities typically result in: a. the team spirit and build relationships that support more b.

greater psychological well-being, social competence, communication skills and self-esteem c.

higher achievement and greater productivity in terms of improved learning outcomes.

According to Kaith J. Topping says that Peer learning can be defined as the acquisition of

knowledge and skill through active helping and supporting among status equals or matched

companions. Based on the definition above, it can said that interest is something that cause an

individual to give attention in their daily activity and also the 17 motivation of the activities

or many other things. Interest as a factor that can influence someone want to do something in

their activity.

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