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Intermediate B1_1045G_EN English

■ Learn about intensifiers and

their purpose
■ Practise using intensifiers
and giving detailed
■ Review writing with

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Really, you are too kind.

The concert last night was quite


You must be so eager to learn all about

intensifiers. They are very simple to
grasp, so let‘s get started.

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Preview and warm-up

■ An intensifier is used to emphasise words and phrases in a sentence. They perform

the same function as adverbs and adverbial phrases. If we want to add emphasis to
an adjective in a sentence an intensifier will allow us to do that.

I‘m really grateful for this opportunity to meet.

I‘m very interested in this role.

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What are some intensifiers you know


Talk to the teacher and try to use

them in a sentence.

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Intensifiers: too

The intensifier too can be used to emphasise that there is a lot of something, often in a
negative context.
■ It is often placed in front of adjectives and adverbs.

■ We are getting too many complaints

about this product.

■ I‘m feeling too sick to go to work.

■ That trip sounds too expensive.

■ It is too cold today.

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Further emphasis: too

■ The intensifier too can be given further emphasis when preceded by the word much.

This task is much too complicated

We are going much too slowly to make it in time.

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Too many

You can use the intensifier too many to modify countable nouns.
■ You can place it in front of a noun that can be counted to signify an excessive
number of something.
The things in the examples below (croissants, applicants and people) can all be counted.

There are too many people in this conference.

I bought too many croissants today.
I have seen too many applicants today.

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Too much

■ In a similar way, too much can be used to modify uncountable nouns and verbs.

I’ve got too much work at the moment.

I’ve been missing out on too much sleep lately.

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Answer the questions

Answer the questions below using too.

Did you sleep well last night? Why is your company


How was work today? Did you have a good trip?

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Fix the mistakes with intensifiers in the sentences.

1. You are driving too much fast! You are driving much too fast!

2. You have had too much
absences. __________________________________________________

3. I have missed out on too many
sleep. __________________________________________________

4. There is too many snow on the
road to take my bike. __________________________________________________

5. I have had too much problems
with him already. __________________________________________________

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Intensifiers: quite

The intensifier quite can be used in two separate ways.

■ The first is to emphasise something to a lesser degree. It adds a level of emphasis
similar to the words rather or fairly.
■ The second is to add total or complete emphasis, similar to the word completely.

■ Our revenue at the moment is quite good.

The revenue is good, but not amazing or


■ The shape of the island emerged on the

horizon quite clearly

In this example the island is completely clear

to the observer.

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Intensifiers: very

■ The intensifier very can be placed before adjectives and adverbs to add a greater
degree of emphasis. It is one of the most commonly used intensifiers in English.
■ Read the examples below, particularly how they make the adjectives in the sentence

■ This product is very successful.

■ Our customer is very content.

■ That is a very compelling argument.

■ I‘m very pleased to see you.

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Intensifiers: pretty

The intensifier pretty can be used to add emphasis in a similar way to quite and very.
■ This intensifier is used in a more informal context.
■ It adds emphasis to a similar degree as quite.
■ Used as a modifier, it means almost.

■ I got to work pretty early this


■ It was a pretty interesting report.

■ James is a pretty funny guy.

■ I‘m pretty sure we have met before.

Remember to only use pretty in an

informal context.

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True or false?


1. Pretty is an intensifier that is only used for informal


2. It is quite hot means that it is extremely hot.

3. Intensifiers are generally placed after the adjective or

adverb they modify.

4. Very is one of the most common intensifiers in English.

5. Quite is a good intensifier to use in formal situations.

6. Too much is only used with countable nouns.

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Intensifiers quiz: pick the best answer

1. There are _______________ applicants for this job.

a. too b. too many c. very much d. too much

2. I’m sorry I can’t drive! I have had _______________ to drink!

a. very much b. too many c. so many d. too much

3. You are talking to your employer about your weekend. You want to emphasise that it
was relaxing, but not overly so. What would be the best choice of the intensifiers below?

a. quite relaxing b. too relaxing c. pretty relaxing d. very relaxing

4. The intensifier too can be given even more emphasis by preceding it with the word…

a. much b. such c. many d. must

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Intensifiers: so

The intensifier so modifies adjectives and adverbs to signify the extent of something.
■ It is more casual than very.
■ It can be used often with that.
■ Like the intensifier too, so can be combined with much and many.

■ The food in the canteen is so good.

■ I am so impressed with your work!

■ I‘m so looking forward to starting my

new job!

■ I have eaten so much food this


■ I have been through so many

applications and still haven‘t found
the right one!

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Intensifiers: at all

■ At all is a common intensifier used in English.

■ It is used in negative sentences and expressions.

■ You didn‘t make any notes at all?

■ I am not at all interested in your


■ Don‘t we have any carrots left at all?

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Negative sentences using at all

Respond to the questions in the negative using the intensifier at


Do we have enough money for this


Where have you been? We were waiting

for you!

Can you please accompany me on this

business trip?

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Writing about experiences

Write a paragraph
about an experience
you have had based café lunch a flight
on each of the

Use intensifiers when

writing about each

job interview a great weekend

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Complete the sentences

Complete the sentences below using intensifiers.

Use the best one for each sentence from what you have learned
during the lesson.

1. I have _______________ time on my

2. It has been _______________ long.

3. You have a _______________ 4. Yes sir, I am _______________ certain

professional approach. the report is accurate.

5. There are no extra qualified 6. That man has ________________

workers on shift _______________. guitars.

7. I am _______________ tired of 8. I have a _______________ good

putting in these extra hours. chance of getting that job.

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Fill the gaps

Fill in the blanks with intensifiers.

too many really quite too pretty

I had an interview yesterday. We were supposed to meet

at Gloria’s café but it was _______________ busy so we went
to another café around the corner. I was ________________
nervous beforehand but I think it went _______________
well. My interviewer was ________________ friendly so that
made me feel more at ease. Therefore, I was able to
answer his questions relatively confidently without
_______________ blunders.

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Talk to the teacher

Practise giving detailed information about

the last time you went to a restaurant.

Try to use some of the intensifiers you learnt

in the lesson to add emphasis to what you
enjoyed and did not enjoy at the restaurant.

The grilled fish was very tasty.

There was too much salt on my fries.
The wine was quite delicious.

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Talk using intensifiers

■ Each of the people below has a problem. Speak with each of them
using intensifiers.
■ Try to use the right context – remember to use intensifiers
appropriate for the level of formality.

Your boss is asking about Your friend feels ill. Ask Your friend has had a
Your friend just got fired.
any problems you had on them about their bad day. Ask him what is
Ask why.
your last project. symptoms. wrong.

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Tell the teacher

Why are intensifiers so useful when

expressing ourselves in English?

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Reflect on the goals

Go back to the second slide of the lesson and check

if you have achieved all the goals of the lesson.

yes no

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

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Reflect on this lesson

Think about everything you have seen in this lesson.

What were the most difficult activities or words? The easiest?

+ _______________________________

+ _______________________________

– _______________________________

– _______________________________
If you have time, go over
the most difficult slides again

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28 www.lingoda.com
Exercise p. 11
2. too many, 3. too much, 4. too much 4. too many
Exercise p. 15
1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5T, 6F
Exercise p. 16
1b, 2d, 3a, 4a
Exercise p. 21
1. too much, 2. too, 3. very, 4. quite, 5. at all, 6. too many, 7. so, 8. pretty
Exercise p. 22
too, quite, pretty, really, too many
Answer key

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Evaluate the challenge

Write an email to your friend talking about your recent holiday. Try
to use as many intensifiers as possible.

– □ ×


My holiday was so good!

Dear Lisa,

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Create flashcards

Create flashcards to help memorise the intensifiers we have


It is too hot today!

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