Learning Plan 3.1

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Divino Amore Academy

Lower Mohon, Talisay City Cebu

Teaching Learning Plan 3.1

Subject: Science 9 Quarter: Second

Teacher: Shielo Marie C. Cabanero Time frame: 8 hrs

Plate Tectonics
Types of Volcanoes
Philippine Volcanoes
Volcanic Eruption

1. Work text in Science and Technology ,Science Links
2. Experiencing Science :An Activity –based Worksheet for Grade 9

Materials: manila paper, pentel pen, video clip (flash drive), LCD projector

Learning Competencies:
 describe the different types of volcanoes S9ES -IIIa25
 differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes S9ES -IIIa27
 explain what happens when volcanoes erupt ; S9ES -IIIb28
 illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use S9ES –IIIc-d29

1. identify volcanoes in community or region
2. illustrate how to protect yourself during volcanic eruption
3.explain the ill effects of volcanic eruption.

Day 1-2
Activating Prior Knowledge
1. The teacher will prepare things or example of a volcanic eruption using everyday items (soda bottle ). While this is
not an accurate depiction of an actual eruption, it shows how gases behave when
dissolved in a liquid and the how pressure and agitation affect the dissolved gases.

2. The teacher will group the students into four give each group a diet coke bottle
and a package of Mentos ready.

- It would be better to not open the bottle of diet coke until ready to demonstrate.
That way the students will know that it is just simply coke and that you have not
added anything else in there.

3. The teacher will give handouts for them to answer and they will do the activity for at least 5-8minutes
4. They will add the Mentos to the diet coke and watch the reaction.
5. The teacher will bring lesson to a close by asking students why this believe that the Mentos candy caused an
eruption with the diet coke, and then providing them with the explanation related to the eruption of a volcano.
6. Ask a volunteer to share their observations to the class.
7. The teacher will then ask students what are the name of the volcanoes found around the world and those found in
the Philippines.
8.The teacher will present some examples of volcanoes on the board and will show a large map ( with the Pacific
Ring of Fire) and let the students mark the location (by country ) of the mentioned volcanoes in the map. Elicit their
observations about the marked .

Follow up Questions
1. What have you observe with the patterns of volcanoes around the world?
2. What’s the difference between active, dormant and extinct?
3. Could new volcanoes pop up in places where there are no volcanoes now?
4. Can you tell when a volcano is going to erupt?

9. Show a PowerPoint presentation of a volcano and mention its basic parts and its types.

2. Have the students answer the questions

 What are the function of each part?
 Can we utilize the energy coming from the volcanoes ? Why ?
 What are volcanoes and how do they form?
Process their ideas and give their overview about their performance task
2. Have the students the laboratory activity (activity attached )
3. Have the students identify the materials .Ask them their expectations on this
experiment given the materials stated on the work text.
4. Remind the students of the safety precautions in the use of the materials in the

Day 2
Firm Up
 Students will work in pairs or small groups of 3 or 4 students using markers they have to encircle tectonic
features.( activity will be attached)
 As the students work through simple questions on the activity sheet they are then able to start the more
challenging process of understanding the patterns that make up the fundamental principles of plate tectonics

Firm Up and Deepen

Day 3
Given the different pictures of volcanoes in the Philippines let the students observe and ask the following questions
1.What have you observe with the following volcanoes shown on the board?
2. What would the type of eruption in each volcano?

 The teacher will then explain the types of volcano using a powerpoint presentation and explain the type of
eruption it can create
 Students will make a collaborative poster with a Venn diagram and illustrations of a shield and a
stratovolcano (composite). Students should make the posters colorful and attractive. These posters are
designed to be hung around the classroom so students can reference them throughout the Volcano Unit.
 Following the powerpoint presentation ,students should be placed in groups of two to four, depending on
class size. Each group should be given a piece of poster paper and markers for their illustrations and Venn
diagram. It may be worthwhile to assign jobs to each of the students in a group. One student is the drawer,
one reads the relevant notes, on writes the information on the poster paper, etc.
 In the Venn diagram, students will highlight the differences and similarities between shield and
stratovolcanoes. In their illustrations, they should label the main components of each volcano type (i.e
magma chamber, lava, ash cloud). Below is an example if what a poster might look like and a list of
characteristics that students might identify in their Venn diagrams and illustrations.

Day 4-5
The teacher will post an illustration or a world map and students will identify the places in which for them has
an active volcano by putting a red dot on the particular places.

Follow up Questions
1. What have you observe with the patterns of volcanoes around the world?
2. What’s the difference between active, dormant and extinct?
3. Could new volcanoes pop up in places where there are no volcanoes now?
4. Can you tell when a volcano is going to erupt?
Exit Pass
Have the students to give an example active and inactive volcanoes. Then have them state its importance

Day 6-7
Demonstrate an example of a volcanic eruption using everyday items (soda bottle ). While this is not an accurate
depiction of an actual eruption, it shows how gases behave when dissolved in a
liquid and the how pressure and agitation affect the dissolved gases.

 Have your diet coke bottle and a package of Mentos ready.

- It would be better to not open the bottle of diet coke until ready to demonstrate.
That way the students will know that it is just simply coke and that you have not
added anything else in there.

Follow up questions :

1. “What do you think will happen if I open this bottle of water and add a Mentos candy to it?.
2. “What do you think will happen if I add a Mentos to the diet coke?”
Add the Mentos to the diet coke and watch the reaction.
5. Bring lesson to a close by asking students why this believe that the Mentos candy caused an eruption with the diet
coke, and then providing them with the explanation related to the eruption of a volcano
Day 8


 Given an article about the greatest eruption happened in the Philippines ,the students will make a 3
paragraph essay about their insight on the Mt Pinatubo eruption that happened in 1991 and give
the advantages and disadvantages of volcanic eruption
The Cataclysmic 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines

A huge cloud of volcanic ash and gas rises above Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, on June 12, 1991. Three days later, the
volcano exploded in the second-largest volcanic eruption on Earth in this century. Timely forecasts of this eruption by
scientists from the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology and the U.S. Geological Survey enabled people
living near the volcano to evacuate to safer distances, saving at least 5,000 lives.

 The teacher will give a long exam about volcanoes.

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