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A Case of Agricultural Product E-Marketplace

Innovation in China
Jing Mu Wanxin Xue
Dept. Information Management and Electronic Business Dept. Information Management and Electronic Business
Beijing Union University Beijing Union University
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Abstract: With the development of Information Technology 3.85 trillion Yuan, while the B2C transaction volume is
and economics, e-commerce makes it possible that expected to exceed 430 billion Yuan. There are about
transaction occurs in low risk and low cost by virtual 6,000 agricultural sites, in which there are 2000 in e-
market, which fulfills communication among enterprises commerce.
who owns their characteristics. However, it is not very As shown, 10% of the global arable land solve the
popular for agricultural products to utilize the Internet to problems which is out of poverty in 22 percent of the
trade in China. This research project attempts to carry world population in China. At the same time, the
about research on a case of e-market to find development agricultural economy developed from 34.2 billion in the
strategic of agricultural product transaction in China,
1950s to 3.4 trillion in 2008. Although agriculture reform
A qualitative research approach was utilized to analyze
the application of agricultural product e-marketplace The
has made significant improvement in the past thirty years
results of this study conclude that diversity measures are in China, The real income gap between city and rural is 4:1
taken suit to different of traders including farmers, because of the formation of urban-rural dual structure
agricultural enterprises and so on to better transaction in which results in sluggish rural consumption, farmers knot
agricultural product in China, which agricultural concerns tired down, weak agricultural infrastructure characteristics
are keen to get more involved in e-markets to improve in significantly.
the immediate future. Do we really solve the food crisis yet? There are
$39.59 billion exports in 2009 and $52.55 billion imports,
Keywords: B2B, e-marketplaces, Business mode, trade deficit is $12.96 billion, there are imports of 46.331
Agricultural Product million tons of oilseeds, and there are imports of 9.502
million tons of edible vegetable oil, and there are imports
I. INTRODUCTION of 3.151 million tons of barley grain. We can see that
E-commerce makes it possible that agricultural product imports increased significantly. China’s agricultural
producers are easy to access new markets at low cost, imports and exports amounted to $552 Billion, exports
which not only improves competitiveness and customer $21.94 billion and imports $33.26 billion, trade deficit was
services, and also reduce transaction costs. In terms of this, $113.1, expanding 90.5% times.
e-commerce is being fantastic propelling in the developing Chinese agricultural investment rate of return is too
world. The effect of e-commerce on the agricultural sector low, the reasons are as followed:
and the implications for farmers and agribusiness has for  The rising cost of agricultural production
some time been considered a controversial topic. E-  A prolonged slump in agricultural prices
commerce is regarded as new mode which makes  Agricultural production and management of the
information concentrated and market accessible A few basic characteristics: household production,
supporters view e-commerce as the benefit from small business,
developing business and farm and agribusiness. Until now,  Solve the "three rural" issue is the essence of
only few studies have been conducted on the impact that e- agricultural modernization, agricultural
commerce has on agricultural concerns in developing modernization of agriculture is the fundamental
countries. way modernization of agriculture must be the
This study focuses on e-marketplaces within the basis of agricultural industrialization.
agricultural product transaction in China, which
is currently adopted by growers, producers, and consumers II. LITERATURE REVIEW
of agricultural products.
As of June in 2010, China's total above-scale
e-commerce site has reached 20,700. Which there are 8200 A. Introduction
B2B e-commerce service enterprises, B2C and there are up Marketplaces play a important role in the transaction,
to 12,500 C2C and other non-mainstream pattern which makes the exchange of information, goods,
companies. E-commerce sites in 2010 will total over services, and payments more easy, from which buyers,
23,000. At the same time, the Chinese e-commerce sellers, market intermediaries can get enormous benefit. In
market turnover reached 2.25 trillion Yuan; At the end of addition, marketplaces fascinate the interaction between
the year, B2B transaction volume is expected to reach buyers, sellers and intermediaries, which comprises only
the planning phase for the transformation of goods. Traditional "company plus farmer" is plight of
However, traditional marketplaces take into account farming contract. Contract in the traditional farming
transactions only. With the development of the Internet, exposed serious breach of orders, the national compliance
electronic marketplaces create a new role. rate is less than 30%; excessive government intervention,
Business-to-Business (B2B) on the Internet gives new the standard disputes, fraudulent orders, orders for
exchange mode that enable businesses to compete on equal non-standard range of issues, a serious impediment to the
basis in markets all over the world. E-marketplaces bring development of contract farming, which makes enterprises
more buyers and sellers together and therefore which become the victim of "Chinese-style contract farming".
enable buyers and sellers to find each other. There are The success of "company plus farmer" is only a small area
several advantages for e-marketplace as the following: (a) of the township level, which has a very large distance
reduce transaction costs, (b) expand their transaction scale, away from the industrialization of agriculture.
and (c) improve their service levels. Whether on a There is the fundamental way to solve – by utilizing
country-wide level or a sector-wide level, the better scientific and technological progress means to develop
developed information and communications technology China's agricultural industry.
infrastructure, the faster the development; Of all the The way of breaking the farming contract should base
potential benefits of B2B e-commerce, from which the on a big market, big circulation:
agricultural product transaction benefits: which not only  Circulation of competitiveness has become a core
promote information flows, facilitate participators competence.
coordination, but also reduce and eliminate transaction  U.S. Production accounts for only 10%, the
costs. economy accounts for 25%, finance accounts for
B. E-Marketplaces in Chinese Agriculture 60%, trade accounts for 60%. The total turnover of
social capital is seventy and six. China's current
Agriculture plays a important role in the world, which assets turnover is twice, and a business asset
has many facets and relatively large linkage effects with turnover is three times.
the rest of the economy .such as the regions of the Changes in distribution system are as follows:
Chinese produce special agricultural product. It is  Domestic and international integration
obvious that e-marketplaces support all the stages in the  The integration of the regional circulation
supply chain of the agricultural sector. As agricultural  Urban and rural
products are reaped from the land, e-marketplaces help  The integration of manufacturing and
growers, producers, transporters, processors, wholesalers, circulation integration
retailers, regulators, and consumers to cooperate,  Three-dimensional, chaos-based
communicate, and coordinate what is a somewhat
 The transformation of economic means
important thing and makes agricultural product fast
transfer from supplier to demander.  Power in the new round of competition in
the overall recycling
C. Types of Agricultural product E-Marketplaces  The overall flow of innovation theory.
There are two types of e-marketplaces according to the  Unified large market for agricultural products
nature of the agricultural sector. Agricultural supply chain A more qualitative approach was chosen a case to
consists of processing, distribution, and retailing. in further explore the experience of concerns with
agricultural products. They are as follows: e-marketplace participation. A good example is the
 E-marketplace: An e-marketplace provides Shanghai bulk agricultural commodities e-commerce Co.,
transaction services, which tends to attract the Ltd.(CCBOT), agriculture, which has expanded its
buyers and sellers in the supply chain to complete electronic trading hub to allow other industry participants
transaction process in order. such as traders, feed factories, millers and handling, and
 Release information: Online exchange information storage operators to make use of it. It has embarked on a
is typically an electronic marketplace where national drive to centralize individual farmer and co-op
buyers and sellers gather to know each other. grain volumes for the group. Whose goal is becoming the
Exchange information will typically prepare for center for global e-commerce staple agricultural products,
auction or reverse auction trading systems, including trading center, settlement center, pricing center,
supported by sector news and information. information center, resource allocation center. Which
With the changing concept of agricultural product exceeded 100 billion in net trading on September in 2010
transaction, e-marketplaces have been taken to promote and which will establish 2861 dealers nationwide service
agricultural product transaction. centers, one million farm shop on site broker CCBOT,
600 000 farmers by the organization, the annual size of
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the transaction more than 3.5 trillion Yuan in 2012. At
As shown, there is imperfect legal system, bad faith in present, It established national warehousing and
farmers, contract irregularities, and excessive government logistics support system, including 55 specify warehouses,
intervention in and so on. Transactions are difficult the total inventory capacity of 1.31 million tons, set
because of systematic asymmetric; there are many up good relation with China food system, the local state
asymmetries: business entities, distribution channels, reserve enterprises and foreign enterprises. It also
market information, technology, equipment, services, and establishes 304 service outlets for agricultural in cities in
supplies. 2009.
Its innovation business mode is shown as figure1,
which includes:
 Information Website in agricultural product  T plus 0 trading mechanism: the date of
 Agricultural products online store purchase contract can be sold the day open.
 Listed: move, shoot There are five points in special trading of agricultural
 Spot special trading products in CCBOT:
 Forward transactions in  The introduction of traders access system, and
only meet
website Online shop
he statutory requirements of the enterprises or
economic organizations, and special industry
groups (such as: distribution of agricultural
products broker) review can be granted after the
market involved in the transaction.
 Deposit not less than 20%; (grade bonds)
peasant consumer  The total order by the chair completely with
peasant consumer liquidity traders in the market within the
peasant Agricultural Agriculture consumer
product transaction approved self-control, presided over the
broker enterprise production and operation plans according to
traders decided to sell the total amount can also
be determined based on the amount of
production of liquidity to implement the remaining
Lock delivery;
 The introduction of third-party physical
delivery of the specified storage system;
Logistics, store, transaction, pay, settlement, and technology
 All contracts entered the delivery period, presided
E-commerce Service Platform over the settlement issue dealers that can
lock and become non-transferable, irrevocable
contract, direct access to physical delivery.
Figure 1. innovation business mode “One hundred Country, one hundred products”
project, according to regional planning in accordance with
There are three characteristics in special trading of national agricultural economy and the “geographical
agricultural products in CCBOT: characteristics of agricultural protection flag”, will
promote local agricultural products in the country to
 Standardized contracts: the contract delivery date utilize e-commerce platform of CCBOT to carry about
to meet the needs of the production cycle. transaction. Thousands of outlets nationwide, joins
 Margin system: the traders involved in hundreds of thousands of dealers nationwide
the transaction, whose value of the contract only (agricultural supermarkets, wholesale markets of
required \to submit a certain percentage of agricultural products, agricultural products processing
deposit (not less than 20%), the sale can be enterprises, trade in agricultural products within and
achieved. outside the enterprise) rely on CCBOT to accomplish
transaction. Product was chosen according to the following:
 Daily, every other day or period of time without
liability settlement system: to ensure that both  Most local characteristics of agricultural
100% compliance and control market risks. products have access to national geographical
There are four properties in special trading of indications protection products
agricultural products in CCBOT:  The most potential for development of
 Focus on electronic trade matching, all dealers agricultural products which was included in the
participated in and focused on matching agricultural industry development plan in the
transaction via the Internet. Trading Center in local government and has regulate product
accordance with time priority, the principle of quality standards and Local standards and
national standards. Companies w h i c h l i s t
price priority, giving buyers and sellers through products apply for an industry leading enterprises
the computer match the deal. and must obtain local government approval or
 Trading Direction: electronic matching and recommendation of industry associations.
trading transactions to implement many ways, There are many kinds of product in major transaction
is a party and presided over the public types: including tea, menthol, rapeseed, rapeseed
traders dealer counterparties; only market meal, traded-off products consist of rapeseed oil, palm oil,
trader the auspices of an exclusive deal to sell cottonseed meal, cottonseed oil, mixed meal, soybean
can be issued the original order, all the rest oil. Plan species will includes walnuts, hazelnuts,
involved in the transaction which can only be peanuts, jujube, chestnut, beans, sorghum, mug
bought. beans, millet, dried persimmons, pepper, pepper,
 Price Limit System: Each contract wolfberry, pear, apple, banana, citrus and so on.
transaction price in the previous trading day's CCBOT will play four roles: 1) crack the dilemma of
settlement price on the basis is of no more than agriculture orders; 2) crack the problem of agricultural
10% of the ups and downs ups and downs as finance;3) the national agricultural scientific and rational
the maximum rate, beyond the ups and allocation of resources; and 4) China's agricultural pricing.
downs of the price range is invalid.
And CCBOT gives the two security: 1) the number of including the grain, vegetables, and fruits and so on.
agricultural safety and security first; 2) the second quality Despite the increasing development of e-marketplaces,
safety of agricultural products. there are still skeptical on developing and adopting e-
These interviews underlined the outcome with marketplaces in agricultural products. For example, the use
comments on the importance of the perceived benefits and of e-marketplaces is highly confined and still government
the compatibility of the firm’s values, preferred work owned and protected in some sectors. The research model
practices, and technology infrastructure. The high quality proposed in this study has shown that several retailers have
standards of most agricultural products also play big roles developed their own private e-commerce platform to carry
in the e-market. With which young firms can distribute about transaction at the end of the supply chain, which
products not only in national but also to far away focus on the buy-side and continuously develops the
countries on a large scale. They consider e-marketplace market to invites much more producers and suppliers to
adoption once they see how it fits into their way of doing participate.
business and how it is correctly applied.
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