Solving Problems Involving Radical Equations

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Solving Problems Involving Radical Equations

Are radicals really needed in life outside mathematics studies?

How can understanding of radicals help us solve problems in real life?
These questions will be addressed in this lesson and look at some important real-life applications of
Study how each of the following problems are solved:
1. The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for the pendulum one complete swing back and forth. The formula
𝑇 = 2𝜋√32 gives the period 𝑇 in seconds for a pendulum 𝑙 feet long. If you want the pendulum to have a
period of 2 seconds, how long should you make the pendulum?
Solution: Let 𝑇= 2 seconds
𝑙= ?
Equation: 𝑇 = 2𝜋√32
Let’s substitute T= 2 in the equation 2 = 2𝜋√
But what is unknown is 𝑙, so we have to derive the given equation to solve for 𝑙
2 = 2𝜋√32 Given
1 𝑙 1 1
(2) (2𝜋) = (2𝜋√32) (2𝜋) Multiply both sides by (2π)to remove 2π on the other side and isolate the radical.

1 𝑙
=√ Simplify.
𝜋 32
1 2 𝑙
(𝜋) = (√32) Square both sides to remove the radical.
1 𝑙
= Simplify.
𝜋2 32
1 𝑙
(𝜋2 ) (32) = (32) (32) Multiply both sides by 32 to isolate l.
=𝑙 Simplify.
𝑙 = 9.8696044011 Solving for l.
𝑙 = 3.2422778766

? 3.2422778766
Check : 2 = 2𝜋√ 32
2 = 2𝜋(0.3183098861)
2 = 1.9999999995

2= 2

Finally, the answer is that the pendulum should be made about 3.24 ft long to have a period of 2 seconds.

2. Approximately, the distance 𝑑 in miles that a person can see to the horizon is represented by the equation
𝑑 = √ 2 , where ℎ is the height where the person is. How high is the person from the ground if he can see
2.74 miles?
Solution: Let 𝑑 = 2.74 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠
ℎ =?
Equation: 𝑑 = √ 2
Let’s substitute 𝑑 = 2.74 in the equation 2.74 = √ 2
But what is unknown is ℎ, so we have to derive the given equation to solve for ℎ
2.74 = √ 2 Given
(2.74)2 = (√ 2 ) Square both sides to remove the radical
7.5076 = 2
2 3ℎ 2 2
(7.5076) ( ) = ( )( ) Multiply both sides by (3)
3 2 3
(7.5076) ( ) =ℎ Simplify
ℎ = 5.0050666667 Solve for h
? 3(5.0050666667)
Check: 2.74 = √
2.74 = √7.5076

2.74 = 2.74

Finally, the answer is that the person is about 5 meters above the ground if he can see 2.74 miles.

3. In a right triangle, a special relationship exists with its hypotenuse and two legs. That is, if 𝑐 is the hypotenuse, 𝑎
and 𝑏 are the legs then 𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2. How long is the wire if it is anchored on a 9 − 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 pole of which one
part is attached to the top of the pole and the other is two meters away from the base?
Solution: It would be helpful if we make an illustration of the problem so we identify which are a, b, and c of the triangle formed.

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