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Dave45 book by LOGB.

We spend most of our time just looking for a direction, let me give
you about eight year head start.
To understand this look at electrolysis, the electrodes put tension on
the water molecule an pull it apart. The same thing can be done to
our atmosphere a high tension circuit such as the ozone patent
creates a stress on air molecules (nitrogen and oxygen molecules)
and separates electrons and protons, it actually creates a positive
cloud around the negative electrode and a negative cloud around the
positive electrode.
Now all you have to do is collect, opposites attract and collect
A coil that is pulsed using electrons will become negative and when
its fied collapses it will pull positive energy from the atmosphere
(cold electricity)
If you then take that positive energy an run it into another coil it
becomes positive and when its field collapses it will pull negative
energy from the atmosphere.
Combine the two circuits, one to create the tension and the other to

You have to use a flywheel circuit

Diodes tell the tell, more on that later for now check out the exciter coil in
this vid, pay close attention to the pos and neg changes at the ends of the

An example of the collection circuit, not the exact circuit.

The diode between the coils dampens the oscillation must be moved.
This is just an example not the exact circuit but enough
20161222061143db4a0a559de4e447.png (15.09 kB, 512x576 - viewed 505 times.)

L1 thick wire L2 thin wire, same weight.

L1 placed in close proximity to positive electrode
L2 placed in close proximity to negative electrode
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What makes a coil ring if we only hit it one time with dc.
When the switch turns on the coil builds a neg biased field when the switch turns off the field
collapses it brings in pos energy building a pos biased field.
A magnetic field can be pos biased or neg biased, if its pos biased it brings in neg energy if neg
biased it brings in pos energy, a coil interacts with the environment if it didn't it would not ring at
If you are using dc from a battery to pulse a coil you are supplying the electrons the ambient is
supplying the protons.
If we had a primary that had absolutely zero self induction and a secondary with a high self
induction then you can pump pos energy using dc.
Primary air core toroid- secondary ferrite toroid.

To pull negative energy from the environment you have to use positive energy.
A flywheel type circuit must be used or you are just equalizing the charge on your battery faster.
Separate the pos and neg or they just cancel each other out in the environment. Give the field
something to collect-tension circuit.
Separate the pos an neg
Quote from: Magluvin on December 23, 2016, 07:18:45 AM
Why the inductor in series with the diode?? In my experience, discharging an inductor into
an inductor doesnt work well. The collapsing inductor will collapse so fast that the other
inductor will impede the current rush. This is if im seeing the circuit right...

Look at the classic buck converter the diode is in series with the inductor
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This shows the current flow, now reverse the flow to understand the electron flow.
The current moves through the diode in one direction while the electron moves through the
diode in the opposite direction.
When the switch is on nothing is going through the diode only when the switch is off.

I was thinking about the earths magnetic field and the energy that runs through the planet from
pole to pole that energy is dc.
The earths magnetic field channels energy away from the surface an into the poles but the
earths magnetic field does not oscillate.

The energy may have ripples but it does not oscillate.

At what frequency?
Were the coils brought into resonance with each other
Were the coils placed in an ionized atmosphere.

This is a buckboost circuit.

The main objective is to get the battery out of the loop.

Sorry the components are not to spec.

In your opinion does the pos and neg biased fields make sense, would it account for the coil ring

Will the theory give us some insight as to how we design circuits.

Separate and collect


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If we look at how the planets magnetic field works we can gain some insight.
The magnetic field acts as a shield channeling the radioactive particles from the sun away from
the surface, but how. The particles must be attracted to the field or they would pass right
through it.
If we ionize a field then let it collapse we pull more energy in.

If we look at how an air purifier works we gain more insight, its about pos an neg charge and the
separation of those charges.
The ether remains in a neutral state most of the time it seeks neutrality, pos and neg combined
is neutrality.
We have to stress it, separate the charge then collect.

Entertaining ideas

So if this was hooked up to a mot one side would step up and the other would step down.
Or one side steps up voltage an the other side steps up amperage

This is ac, the exciter coil is the power station sending power to your house.

Reply #7709 on: Today at 01:33:51 AM »


Just for you sweetheart.

Wire core doesnt have to be a thick core, the core stays saturated

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Try that again

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If someone can offer a rational explanation in layman's terms as to what makes a coil ring i
would like to hear it.


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Freewheeling boost converter

When the switch is on the electron bypasses the load
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The buck converter is a better candidate

The electron always moves through the load
The freewheeling effect

The downside the electron losses momentum(voltage) when the switch is off.

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A permanent magnetic field excerpts a force on a current carrying wire, if the wire is fixed and
cannot be moved does the permanent magnetic field excerpt a force on the electron within that

Could we use a permanent magnetic field to accelerate the electron within a wire.
Can we subject the added coil in this diagram to a permanent magnetic field and add
acceleration to the electrons.
Say a pancake coil inside of a ring magnet.

Akula shows the system being pulsed by an npn transistor, if you study the caps- C1 just doesn't
But if you use a pnp transistor it works
Look at the two coils this is a buck boost system the diode determines the direction of current
and electron flow, it is placed on the backside of the coil as to not dampen the oscillation
between the two inductors.
The left coil gets hit with a pos pulse its return is neg and pulses the right coil the right coil gives
back a pos return, they set up an oscillation between each other. Its like a swing with a person
on each side pushing at just the right time, the ionized fields provide the energy needed.
Bring the two coils into resonance with each other- timing- one hit one return.

Think about.this if the planets magnetic field channels energy from our sun into the planets core
then we should be able to tap that energy.
Its about geometry gentlemen, look at nature for clues, a beehive, snowflakes formed in the
magnetic field.


Current is a product of electron flow it moves along the outside of the wire in the opposite
direction of electron flow.
Nature seeks neutrality this is the reason electron flow is possible in the first place, a high charge
moving towards a low charge, this movement creates a current seeking to neutralize the source,
the electron is negative the current it produces is positive.
When two charges of opposite polarity meet they become neutral, this is why a normal
transformer can never achieve overunity it cancels itself out.

There should not be a diode anywhere between the two inductors.

A voltage regulator can be used to keep the cap in check on the left side of the circuit where the
diode is, the circuit app im using doesn't allow me to show it.

The same circuit just layed out in a more recognizable form.

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If a feedback winding was used to trigger the transistor you could possibly get into a runaway
If you build two inductors that resonate at the same frequency they are going to resonate with
each other.
You can raise the voltage in the system by using smaller wire in the right inductor but not too
small because you are limiting current and the two inductors must still resonate at the same
The ring magnet spins the electron but does it accelerate the electron,

The buck converter shows us the electron can be used over and over again its energy is
dependent on its acceleration.
If the battery is 12v when the switch is on you will have 12v across the load but when the switch
turns off the voltage drops, the electron keeps moving through the circuit but its attractive force
has been removed so it slows down the voltage drops.

So if we take a pancake coil an place it in the center of the ring magnet then run electrons into
the middle is the magnetic field going to accelerate the electrons.
ss n machine

Starting to get the idea yet?

Now riddle me this, what would happen if you had two magnets facing N to N and you placed the
pancake coil in between, what would happen when electrons are ran through the coil.
I'll tell you what happens they are expelled with a high velocity.
Happy New Year

You've got two souths pulling, one north expelling.

Follow the electron flow neg to pos.
Two pancake coils between two north facing ring magnets

Look at it like this you've got three magnets lined up end to end the middle one is an electron if
the outer magnets are nsns the electron sticks but if the outer magnets are snns the middle
magnet the electron is expelled, it cant line up.
Makes me wonder what three pancake coils would do, how would this stress the electrons in the
center coil.
Generators and alternators are current cycling machines, the buck converter is the solid state
equivalent of a generator.

The efficiency is increased if the diode is replaced with a switch.

Synchronous switching
Im wondering how a bifilar pancake coil would work


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Charge separation
Charge separation.png (27.73 kB, 896x928 - viewed 183 times.)
Diodes tell the tell, more on that later for now check out the exciter coil in this vid, pay close
attention to the pos and neg changes at the ends of the coil.
The vid shows the coil is putting out pos and neg energy at both ends of the coil.
We can use diodes to channel the energy into DC, a full wave bridge rectifier.
The circuit in the vid would be more efficient by using the bridge rectifier.

This circuit channels the energy into DC using diodes, one diode allows pos to pass and the other
allows neg to pass on both ends of the coil.

New circuit.png (25.4 kB, 1312x640 - viewed 174 times.)

Lets say we wanted to build an air purifier an we want to use ac power to do it.
If we dont use diodes we will get both pos and neg pulses into our electrodes and we will cancel
the charge on the electrodes.
But by using a full wave bridge we get total separation.
Tension circuit.png (21.08 kB, 832x704 - viewed 175 times.)

A little more bang for your buck lmao

Now thats funny
Double buck converter, some serious amps and constant voltage.
Double buck converter.png (27.3 kB, 1440x576 - viewed 246 times.)

Three phase buck

Double buck converter_2.png (28.11 kB, 960x768 - viewed 239 times.)

A feed back winding will trigger the gates on the double buck
Double buck converter_3.png (22.07 kB, 928x576 - viewed 236 times.)
I wonder, if the coils on the double buck were wound on the same torroid, as bifilar coils.
Double buck through transformer_2.png (19.95 kB, 704x640 - viewed 230 times.)

I believe the tpu used Edward Leedskalnin's shorted coil,

Bifilar coils on both sides wound on toroid, using the shorted coil.
The load may be on the shorted coil
Been thinking about this setup both coils act as primarys and both act as secondarys.
So if this was hooked up to a mot one side would step up and the other would step down.
Or one side steps up voltage an the other side steps up amperage.

I dont advise playing around with a mot they will kill your ass. If you dont know what you are
doing leave this alone.
These are just my musings i don't know if it will work, i take no responsibility for your actions.

Understanding ac is the key, everything is reactive power, its the phase relationship.

This is ac, the exciter coil is the power station sending power to your house.
A single buck converter loses voltage in the off time, by adding another flywheel to the system
the votage should increase.
The advantage the buck has over the boost converter is the flywheel effect,

If you use a 12v battery and each phase places say 5v across the load could we exceed the
battery voltage by adding phases.

Three phase buckboost.png (38.48 kB, 1632x736 - viewed 234 times.)

SM was correct it is pulsed DC.
The magnetic field in each toroid gains momentum and that momentum keeps the flywheel
circuit moving.
Everything escalates.

Quote from: Dave45 on January 18, 2017, 04:48:46 PM

I gave you the circuit, i explained how it works, what else you want.
I could have kept my mouth shut and tried to make money off it but i didnt.

Just for you sweetheart.

Wire core doesnt have to be a thick core, the core stays saturated .
Toroidal Power Unit_2.png (40.5 kB, 1152x960 - viewed 134 times.)
20170119_155006.jpg (620.92 kB, 2560x1613 - viewed 137 times.)
Magnetic amplifier
Jack said this was old tech that SM was not the inventor

It probably wont work anyway, none of my ideas have yet.

And even if it does if i can figure it out anyone can.

There are vids on the tube that show than when the magnetic field is broken the energy returns
to the coils and lights a bulb.
Ok here is what I believe happens, when the coils of the pmh are energized they create a
magnetic field that runs through the iron and an electric field the orbits the coils, when the
magnetic field is broken the electric field enters the coils and lights the light........... a type of

If the above is true then we should be able to wind another winding on top of the pmh coils pulse
a weak signal through these windings and gather an enormous kick from the electric field that is
already orbiting the coils, and this field will draw in its own energy because the magnetic field
has not been broken, it will replenish itself without any input from us because it is attracted to
the magnetic field which has not been broken.

This is how SM tpu works, very small input once the pmh is energized

I think a shorted coil in a solenoid type situation will ring down because it is basically a resonant
LC tank, and will boost a device, but the pmh will not ring down because the magnetic field is
still circulating though the toroid.

This is what I think

I think electricity is no more than a magnetic monopole, in other words we dont split the pos and
neg but north pole from south pole, the north pole will run back to the north pole and the south
pole will run back to the south pole but they will not run back to each other.
When we spit the magnetic poles we create two forms of electricity, if we think about it flipping a
magnet end over end cutting a conductor we create ac current but if spun like the Faraday disc
with bucking magnets we should get a dc current.
In order to have a efficient system we must allow for both types of electricity, we must conduct
both away from the source, by using the bucking coil system the two alike poles cancel each
other allowing the other to flow unhindered.

We can think of the poles as a spring with a ccw angular momentum and another spring with a
cw angular momentum they will run with themselves but will not run with each other unless cut
into small segments like in ac current, this is what causes ac current to vibrate or move back and
forth in a conductor, one is attracted to ground and one is repelled by ground, one seeks ground
the other seeks to radiate.

Quote from: TechStuf on July 30, 2012, 06:52:41 AM

If you've arrived at this tentative theory by your own observation, I commend you!
However, the work of Maxwell, Johnson, Newman, and others, refer to similar observations.
Simply sliding two ring magnets on a vertically held pencil with opposing polarities inward,
then removing the magnets, flipping both, and doing it again to reveal that the distance
between them remains the same, readily disproves the current field models as displayed in
the "science" halls. You see, if their model is correct then the aforementioned
demonstration is impossible. The future is all "solid" state, so to speak. Given the
evidence, it is nearly mandatory for me to believe that the progression of man's technology
follows a curve that was inevitable, considering the collective decisions which man nearly
unfailingly defaults to choose for himself and those he dominates . The raw materials and
progression of their implementation at the hands of man, and results.....We are living in
another dark age, this one, largely technological. The large divide between the haves and
have nots, isn't an accident. Misery loves company and abhors a vacuum. Or at least,
'vacuum' energy.
And speaking of 'vacuum', consider the ultra dense magnet that is the Black Hole. Here is
what Harvard has to say:
An "exit door", no coming back.....Reminds me of the Word of God, as describes the
"bottomless pit" where lucifer, satan, and all those choosing his side are sent. Not only
does this "one-way exit door from our universe" (according to harvard) truly have no
bottom, but God also describes those being thrown in it, as being cast into "outer darkness"
where their weeping and gnashing of teeth will be. Think of a black hole as a gravito-
magnetic 'knot' in space. Tied by torsional stresses beyond human comprehension. Thinking 3 and 4 dimensionally, we see that such a
'knot' tied in our universe, essentially puts one 'outside' it and into 'outer' darkness. If light
cannot escape, how does one think that energy beings such as the souls which now control
the bio-mechanical suits we all wear, will fare? Get right with our creator dear readers, as
all will be laid bare at the end of days, soon in coming. Nothing now hidden, will remain
covered, all will be revealed. And as Christ Himself has said, no longer will one man work
the field and another take the fruits of his labor, nor more will one man build and another
take occupancy, but all will keep the fruits of their labor. Heaven is not a huge insect like
collective, but instead, free will is maintained and the rights and respect of the individual
are confirmed and upheld for the betterment of all.
Blessings in Christ Yeshua

Awesome you are gifted with words my friend

I cant express how much truth are in your words

I have come to the same conclusion a black hole is nothing more than the magnetic core of our
Our galaxy is the model although a rotating one.

I truly believe the answer to our present quest will be found in ice, I have played with it some
and found that it can be structured with a magnetic field and can conduct electricity. The ice is a
superconductor if structured, look at quartz crystals(used in crystal radio's) they work by
allowing only one type of angular propagation to pass through, ice can be structured to do the
same but on a larger scale.

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