Who Made Rizal Our Hero and Why

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Roy Vincent B.

Guardados AB- Political Science Novermber 18, 2013

Who Made Rizal Our Foremost National Hero, And Why?

The article by Esteban A. de Ocampo explaines why Dr. Jose Rizal became the National Hero of
the Philippines and my questions are also answered because of the article. My knowledge about Dr. Jose
Rizal and why he became our foremost national hero is small in fact, the only thing I remember why
Rizal is chosen because he was a very courageous and brave man, he was not afraid of the spaniards. My
answers are correct but there are still many points that I missed.

I find the article interisting because of the facts that I learned from his life like his writings, his
way of life, his principles and etc... One of the facts stated by Esteban in the article is that no other
Filipino that has yet been born who could or surpass Dr. Jose Rizal as "a person of distinguished valor or
enterprise in danger, or fortitude of suffering." It is a fact because I find it true, there's no news or articles
nowadays that pertains to a person that can surpass the valor and other characteristics of Dr. Jose Rizal. If
you are a very intelligent person, you can determine your future, to have a family, a house, a car or garage
of cars and many things but Rizal did not think of these things. The extent of Rizal's abandonment of self
or personal interest in order to think for his country is very epic. If it was me, I'll not say that I will
completely abandon my personal interest but maybe half to my country and the other half is my me, I
think thats fair enough.

The question why Dr. Jose Rizal is our foremost national hero was answered three times in the
article of Esteban. The first answer is because he was a prominent figure in the propganda campaign and
took admirable part in the movement and also, his writing "Noli Me Tangere" that no other writings or
author that aroused up to this day acrimonius debates. I agree on this, during those times, it is realy very
dangerous to protest against the spaniards or to the Spanish government because you will end up beaten
or getting totured and then killed but Rizal did not hesitate to participate on the campaign. The second
answer is already mentioned and explained above so I'll proceed the last answer. the final answer
summarizes all the points of the previous answers, Rizal is the greatest Filipino hero that ever lived
because he is a man honored after death by public worship, because of his exeptional service to mankind
especially to his countrymen. I really do have any doubt on this, before he even died, there were already
many prominent people that was amazed and admired Dr. Jose Rizal for his work and undefinable love to
his country.

To end, I really admire Dr. Jose Rizal for his priciples, his way of treating others especially
Filipinos, also his intelligence, courage, bravery and fortitude of suffering. I want to be like him, but even
though I'll be the only person on earth left, I'll never be like him for sure. I just sensed that only Andres
Bonifacio was compared to Rizal in becoming the foremost national hero of the Philippines, it would be
better if there are more candidates in becoming the foremost hero of our country the Philippines to really
determine their contributions, not only contributions but there greatest contributions that cost their lives
for the nation, the Philippines.Godspeed.

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