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H- tell us something about your company

M- so our company is a leading IT solution provider name

cognizant and it operate worldwide it has head office in USA,
New Jercy but it has locations throughout the world. India is the
main hub for the cognizant, they have many offices there and our
clients are major banks and financing (laggings) and mostly its
works in all of the countries and having diverse client base.
H – what are your basic role and responsibilities in your
m- so my role is manager and my responsibility are managing a
team of developers we are a tea, of five people. So, we manage
project for our client and most of them work under me. And they
do the task like I assign work to those guys as per the
requirement from the client , and work with those developers
assign them task and execute the project.
h- ok how does your day starts
m-so my day starts in office around 9 am we do the stand-up
meeting so stand-up is a process in the …. Methodology. The
team meets in the morning they discuss the project what they
are doing what the did yesterday, what they are going to do
today and also, they tell us about any impediment they have. So
that’s how we start our day by stand-up meeting.
H- do you get any free times during works hours?
M- not really but sometimes like some long weekend is coming
then we get one or two hours in the evening in a week that’s all.
h- can you work for two hours without distruption?
m- yes I can work for two hours without any disturbances. So
generally I don’t like to sit for long periods but I we have work I
can sit for two hours without any issue.
h-do you feel like a puppet like answering request in the mail,
returning telephone calls or work initiated by others or do you
control over your own affairs?
m- so I don’t feel like this so I have my own way of working, of
course I get the requirement from the client and we have to
meet on specific time but I am not forced to attend the meetings
which I don’t want to, if that’s the case I generally do those kind
of meetings, the meetings which only relates to my work and any
kind of discussion which is meaningful that I attend and its up to
me to decide.
h- during off time do you spend time on your work related
activities like calling reading or writing etc?
m- yes times its happens when we have to coordinate with or
offshore team we need to extend our time little bit time because
our offshore is india and they are in different time zone so we
have to extend our time to proceed the work but it happens like
ones our twice a week not on the regular bases.
h- what do you enjoy most about working here?

m- most enjoyable thing here is that the atmosphere the work

culture is very good you get ample time to do the things in the
right way nothing is forced upon you and in that way you can give
your best to achieve the work and the project for the client
h- according to you what is the most preferred and least
preferred method of communication with your juniors emails,
formally face to face formal meeting or observational?
m- I think the best way to communicate with the team is face to
face that’s what I believe but there are scenarios in which we
don’t have the team here on the site in that case we call them do
the skype meeting and all with the offshore team but most off
the time we do the face to face meeting from the onsite for
whatever team we have prefer to meet face to face
h- informaly or formally?

m-most of the time its informal but during meetings with clients
we have to formal
h- what is your style of management from the following
Most controlling managers make all decision
Manager reach decision on the input of employees no or
little interference from the management self-managed team
problem solving and decision is left on staff what do you
think is the best style for you?
m- so for me I think the self-managed teams are the one which I
preferd here also we have the very good exprenced team which
we have so we discuse any issue and task in the morning standup
meeting then those tean will execute the things very well like all
the person in my team are experienced guys and they know what
to do

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