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Tanveer Ahmed

House #362, st # 10, Ali Town, Adyala Road, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)



15-June -1989
Rawalpindi, Pakistan


20 Feb 2016–20 Feb 2019 Software Developer

CytechSol, Chacklala Scheme 3, Rawalpindi

14 Jul 2014–06 Sep 2014 Database Internee

Fauji Towers, Rawalpindi


15 Aug 2011–1 Jan 2016 BS Software Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Final year Project:
Ski l l fre e o pe ra tion o f L o ad er Exca va tor, b u ild u sing Ard u ino mi crocon tro lle r a n d
co n tro l led vi a l a ptop ,using c# l a ngu age .

May 2010–May 2011 Higher Secondary School Certificate

Fauji Foundation College For Boys, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Major Courses: Pre-Engineering

Mar 2008–Apr 2009 Secondary School Certificate

Fauji Foundation College for Boys, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Major Courses: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics

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Professional Projects B onjour in NodeJS us ing S oc k et I/ O

A rc hive File in P HP
GS M Map(Cell Towers ) P HP
A pp V erifier P HP
S ec ure S S L in P HP
Cont ac t To E x c el in P HP
Channel Rat ing in P HP
W ifi Det ails in P HP
E LK S t ac k P HP
Remot e A dminis t rat ion Tool in c # and P HP
Report Inc ident in P HP
Twit t er A P Is for S earc h E ngines P HP
Templat e A rc hive in P HP
S c hool M anagement S y s t em c omplet e in P HP
W ebS nap in P HP
W eb app for mos que in P HP

Final Year Project S k ill free operat ion of Loader E x c avat or, build us ing A rduino and C#

Semester Projects A TM s y s t em in OOP us ing C+ +

A P COMS E x aminat ion S y s t em in DS us ing C+ +
S c anning and P ars ing t ok ens in S W C us ing C+ +
TCP c onges t ion s imulat ion projec t
B CD t o 7-S egment Dec oder us ing bread board
Hos pit al Management S y s t em us ing Java
A P COMs webs it e us ing HTML, CS S , JS , P HP and JDB C
S k ill free operat ion of Loader E x c avat or us ing c #

WebStorm Wordpress
Wireshark MEAN Stack
Vmware IIS server
Xampserver Sublime Text
Visual Studio 2015 VS Code
Z-Eves WorkBench
StarUML Primavera

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Mother tongue Punjabi

Other Languages English

Communication skills ▪Strong analytical and interpersonal skills

▪Strong communication and convincing abilities
▪Good interpersonal communication skills to work more effectively in a group or a team

Computer skills Hands-on working and usage of Microsoft Office applications and internet.

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