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Tigers’ Strips and Hyenas Spots- Patterns are also exhibited in the external appearance of

animals. We are familiar of how tiger looks- distinctive reddish-orange fur and dark strips.
Hyenas, are also covered in patterns of spots.

The sunflower- There is definite pattern of clockwise and counterclockwise arcs or spirals
extending outward from the center of the flower.

THE SNAIL’S SHELL- We are very familiar with spiral pattern. The most spiral pattern can be
seen in whirlpools and in the shells of snails and other similar mollusk.

Flower petals- Flowers are easily considered as things of beauty. Their vibrant colors and
fragrant odors make them very appealing as gifts of decorations. If you look more closely, you
will note that different flowers have different numbers of petals.

World population: As of 2017, it is estimated that the world population is about 7.6 billion. World leaders,
sociologist and anthropologist are interested in studying population including its growth. Exponential growth
formula is, A= 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒕
Example. The exponential growth model describes the population of
A = is the size of population after it grows
a city in the Philippines in thousands, t years after 1995.
P = initial number of people
r = rate of growth a. What was the population of the City in 1995?
t = time
e = 2.718 (Euler's constant value)

Solution: Since our exponential growth model describes the

population t years after 1995, we consider 1995 as t = 0 and
then solve for A, our population size.

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