DND Class Sword Mage Dancer

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Sword Mage Dancer

They trust their weapons as their weapons trust them, an important bond with weapons is
what they value at all costs.
CLASS | Sword Mage Dancer 1
Sword Mage Dancer

ne after one swords fly up from the ground, Valuable and Passionate Fighters
piercing the air as a human chains her foe and
flicks her wrist, one of the swords penetrating As they grow and become stronger, their passionate bond
a doubled-over foe as death is brought down with their weapons give out to the rest of the world. They
upon it by her ally without her unsheathing her fight for a righteous cause and are trained very well to keep
own sword. the bonds they have with their swords a very special one, but
Raising his sword towards the elemental planes as his sometimes it can go too far and follow whatever the swords
swords take on bright flames and another becoming quick say. Their communication and friendship with their swords
with the wind, a tiefling burns his enemies to ashes when his allies can only envy, but the results of their battles says
team is down. otherwise. Very valuable and efficient, they bond with others
Chanting words as daggers appear in the air circling to see if they can grow even stronger as they try to
around a horde of imps, an elf sways his arm as daggers understand them. Teams and and guilds appreciate their
converge upon and stab the horde down, quickly ending their company until they let their swords talk first. They are trained
attack. to use their abilities to be a valued member and through
Swords Mages are the swordsmen and women amongst contacts with other planes, their value skyrockets as their
the mages and can call upon the many elemental planes to bonds with their swords become greater and support allies
make their swords more powerful. Varying from the arts they on the field. Some wield legendary weapons to slay dragons
follow they can get up close and personal dealing deadly or clear out entire hordes in no time at all. Truly some
damage down on foes and take out giants from their sheer valuable fighters indeed.
power or they can stay back and deal all sorts of support as
they help their allies take out hordes of enemies. Creating a Sword Mage
When creating a Sword Mage it is important to remember
Telekinetic Abilities that they are not meant to lift heavy objects with their brawn
Those that train in the ways of telekinesis found it was hard but rather their brain. They bond with their weapons by
moving unfamiliar items; though possible for day to day tasks, seeing their history and believe that they should be legendary
it was not efficient enough to use in combat. They soon for what they have done. Maybe one tells you a story of how
learned that if they bonded with them and knew their history they were used to slay a Red Dragon that saved their city, but
by taking the time and studying it, they could become the hero was only recognized. Another would tell you a story
spellbound and share emotions, fighting alongside their of how they were used to kill thousands of people by an evil
owners. Knowledge and understanding are what these mages man and are looking for redemption or revenge. How did you
go through so they can get a feel of their sword's emotions begin to uncover the secrets of weapon telekinesis and
and effectiveness during combat. Outmaneuvering their bonding? Were you chosen by the army or did you learn them
opponents with their intellect and techniques, they have by yourself? Were you a fighter before you discovered these
become great fighters as well as mages to help cities defend arcane arts or were you a scholar first? Weapons have their
or lead charges in many armies. They use their telekinesis own emotions as they tell you how they feel through telepathy
smartly and always look for the most efficient way to end and its your job to help them complete their mission or
their opponents with their spells and weapons. Some have complete your own mission with their help. Just like the
taken out giants from sheer skill and others have slain kings swords have their own stories, you can share your tales and
with their telekinetic abilities. They instill shock and awe just wishes as you study them. Communication is key with this
from the amount of weapons they can control without a drop class. So what motivates you to fight and continue your
of sweat. They trust their weapons as their weapons trust studies? Why was a specific weapon your first? How can you
them, an important bond with weapons is what they value at achieve your own goals and help these weapons become
all costs. known for great things?
Quick Build
You can make a Sword Mage quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability
score, followed by Dexterity or Strength depending on the
archetype. Second, choose the Courtier or Sage background.
Class Features Call To Arms
As a Sword Mage Dancer you gain the following class At 1st level, you are able to focus your concentration onto a
features. weapon, equivalent to reaching out with a psychic hand and
equipping the weapon mentally as a spellcaster. You are able
to use a bonus action to imbue weapons NOT currently
Hit Points equipped or enchanted with magic up to a max of your
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sword Mage Dancer level intelligence modifier. The weapon must be one-handed and
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constituion modifier deal either piercing or slashing damage. You are able to move
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 11d8 (or 5) + Constitution the imbued weapons in any direction up to 20 feet per turn.
modifier per Sword Mage Dancer level after 1st You can use your Action to attack with all imbued weapons
simultaneously instead of attacking yourself or to hold and
Proficiensies attack as a reaction. You use your Intelligence modifier when
attacking with the imbued sword. If you are proficient with
Armor: Light, Medium armor and shield the weapon in question, proficiency applies to attacks as well.
Weapons: Martial weapons, Simple weapons Your imbued weapons do not occupy a space nor can they
Tools: Tinker's tools and Smith Tools provide opportunity attacks or flanking opportunity. They also
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom have to be within 40 feet of the user, otherwise, they will lose
Skills: Pick 2 from Arcana, Acrobatics, Deception, their imbued state and fall to the floor. Imbuement does not
Investigation, Insight, Intimidation, History, Perception. require physical contact.
Equipment Techniques of the Blade
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: You have practiced the way of the blade as you go about in
your adventures to decimate enemies when they least expect
(a) a short sword or (b) a long sword it. When you reach 2nd, 7th, 12th and 16th level, you learn 2
(a) a shield or (b) any simple ranged weapon Techniques of your choice shown in the Techniques detailed
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack or (c) a at the end of the class description, you may only have two
scholar's pack techniques active at a time and you may change up to two
(a) Leather armor and two daggers or (b) Leather armor Techniques once per short rest. You may not have multiple of
and one martial melee weapon the same technique.
If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x10 in

Spellcasting Bonds of the Elements
By the time you reach 2nd level, you also have learned how to Your magic overloads you with immense power as your
use deadly weapons magic along with your swords to help weapons sense the more knowledge you obtain. Starting at
support your allies on the battlefield or make the enemies your 6th level, your imbued weapons do magic slashing and
beg you for mercy. piercing damage. You can make your swords gain abilities of
one of the four elements, you gain access to unique abilities
based upon the elemental planes available; Fire, Water, Air,
Spell Slots Earth. You can only choose up to two elements for two of
The Sword Mage table shows how many spell slots you have your swords and change them during a short rest. When you
to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these reach the 11th level, your contacts expand to the planes of
spells, you must expend a slot of spell's level or higher. You Ice, Ooze, Magma and Ash and you are able to choose 2
regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. elements to use as a personal spell made from your
contacted Plane.
Spellcasting Ability 6th Level
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your sword mage Fire Plane
spells, since your magic comes from your knowledge of The Plane of Fire opens from above as it strikes down a fiery
weapons and how they work best.You use your Intelligence hell onto your sword engulfing in bright flames. Your sword
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In deals an extra 3d6 fire damage to your enemies as you attack
addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the them.
saving throw DC for a sword mage spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one. You can also change your list Water Plane
of prepared spells after every 24 hours. Ritual spells have to The Plane of Water splashes down upon you and your sword,
be prepared in order to be used. the can be cast as rituals or shrouding it in elemental waves. Your sword is able to create
by expending a spell slot. a 5ft dome of water to protect you or anyone else inside as an
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your action for 1d4 rounds. The dome raises the AC to +2 for
Intelligence modifier anyone inside. Arrows are slowed if they try to enter the
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your dome and sword attacks do nothing. You can use a bonus
Intelligence modifier action to dispel it.
Ability Score Increase Air Plane
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, The Plane of Air blows down strong gusts of wind as it swirls
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your around your sword. Your sword gains its own initiative during
choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your battles (using your initiative bonus) and its movement speed
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score increases by 10ft.
above 20 using this feature.
Earth Plane
Telekinetic Mastery The Plane of Earth covers the sword with a rocky layer. Your
You begin to master your mind and concentrate on objects as weapon has a strike range of 10/20 feet (if used as an action)
practice using your telekinetic powers in daily life. When you and raises your AC by +1 (if used as a reaction to shield
reach 5th level, you are able to cast telekinesis as a prepared yourself).
spell and it doesn't consume a spell slot.

11th Level All Or Nothing
Plane of Ice As you gain more and more swords in your arsenal you can
The Plane of Ice opens as the area around you turns to snow now make all your swords fuse together into one giant sword
in a 5ft radius. The snow envelops you as you become one and combine all the elements you chose. At your 18th level,
with the cold, becoming coated in frost. You gain +1 to AC you can make an attack roll against one Large creature or
and can cast Cone of Cold from your hands as a bonus action larger. If you hit, the enemy has to make a Constitution saving
with three charges. After you use three charges, you revert throw. If it fails, it takes 10d8 magical slashing damage and
back to your original form. any elements used on your swords are added with their
bonuses (if the bonus is not a damaging effect than add 1d6
Plane of Ooze to the damage roll). It takes half on a successful save, but the
The Plane of Ooze spills out acidic oozes from up above in a effects of the elements still take effect.
15ft radius within a 60ft range from you. Any creature in the
area has to make a Dexterity saving throw and take 2d6 acid
damage on a failed save and half on a successful one. Telekinetic Breakdown
Whenever a creature enters the area or ends their turn on the At 20th level, once per long rest you push yourself to your
area, the creature takes an extra 4d4 acid damage. limits to form a storm of weapons, debris, and items. You
Plane of Magma
disarm all creatures of any held items centered on your self in
The Plane of Magma grants you the power to summon a 40 feet radius, as well as dealing 12d10 + 20 slashing,
molten rock from the sky. As an action you may summon piercing and bludgeoning damage to all creatures. You gain
molten rock and magma to hit a 20ft radius within 40ft of two points of exhaustion.
you, anyone in the radius must make a dex save or take 2d8
fire damage and be burned, taking 1d4 fire damage for 1
minute or till an action is used to put out the flames, on a
successful save the creatures only take half damage and are
not burned.
Plane of Ash
The Plane of Ash opens above and smoke covers a 15ft
radius around you. Allies inside are heavily obscured and all
attacks against them are at disadvantage.

Extra Sword
As you master bonding your magic to your swords, one or
two weapons aren't enough. Your practices of telekinesis and
your combat prowess grants you the ability to master more
weapons than your intellect would normally allow. You may
imbue a extra sword at 7th, 11th and 15th level.

The Art of the Duelist The Art of the Mage
Duelists don't like to stay back and watch the fight unfold More often, mages like to keep their hands clean from afar,
from afar. These mages want to join in on the fight along with torturing their enemies as they get struck down by the
their other swords to get the enemy down faster. Learning the swords they wield. You learn that you can multi-task dealing
Art of the Duelist means you are responsible for your swords damage with your swords as well as casting spells that help
and what you do with them. You have accepted that learning support your allies or deal massive damage to multiple foes.
this art means a great responsibility is placed upon you as a You use your spells to your advantage whenever you are in
Sword Mage. Your swords aren't just your own, but also for battle.
your allies to help take down any foe you encounter.
Another For The Flock
One With The Weapons At 3rd level, your ways of mastering your concentration have
At 3rd level, you are able to attack personally along with your benefited you along your journey. You can imbue one
imbued weapons and get ahead in the fight. Through your additional weapon to fight alongside you. That weapon able
constant sword practice and techniques you are able to take to use proficiency and ability modifier damage.
your action to attack with your equipped weapon and attack
with your imbued swords as a bonus action. Weapon Storm
Sword Armor At 9th level, you make all your weapons storm around in a 10
feet radius. Any creature within the area must make a
At 9th level, you can use any amount of swords to help block Constitution saving throw as the swords fly around rapidly.
an attack from your foe. Any sword used for blocking damage On a failed save, a creature takes 4d8 slashing damage and
is +1 AC. You may place a sword to an ally to help take on bleeds for 1 minute taking 1d6 damage each turn. The
damage as a bonus action on your turn. creature takes half damage on a successful save and doesn't
Monster Seeking Swords
Your swords have understood your images of beasts, Mage's Countermeasures
monstrosities and giants through your teachings. They feel At 13th level, you can use your reaction to slow an enemy's
your emotions as you talk about them and they want to weapon that you currently have studied invoking
defend you against those monsters. At your 13th level, disadvantage, or reduce the damage on a projectile by 1d8 +
whenever a beast, monstrosity or giant is within a mile Intelligence modifier + proficiency. If it drops to 0, if any
radius, your swords alert you and your team. If the creature is imbued sword is within 10 feet of you and is visible, you can
in a 30ft range, you may choose to send any number of all make an attack roll. If its successful, you can force the
swords to go after them. You may also split them to attack if swords to come towards the enemy. Each dealing their
more monsters are around you. You also gain advantage respective damage.
against monstrosities, beasts and giants.
Summon Giant Sword
Almighty Duelist At 17th level, you use all your concentration and select a point
At 17th level, you've told more stories to your swords about and roll a 1d4 for the amount of turns it will take to to
heroic battles against the strongest of monsters, weapons summon it. Once summoned, a giant sword will slam into a
that have taken down the gods, and massacring hordes of the 30 feet radius, slicing to the ground and any enemy in the
darkness. Your swords get excited to fight and be like those area will take 12d6 piercing + 40 thunder damage. enemies 5
legendary swords. You gain advantage with attacks against feet away from the giant sword are flown outwards 15 feet.
dragons, celestials and undead and you can take a -5 penalty You can do this again after finishing a long rest.
on your attack roll to deal +10 more damage for each sword
that attacks a dragon, celestial or undead.
The Gunmage Standard and for Duelist
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Call To Arms, 1 1 1 — — — — — — — —
Sword Study
2nd +2 Techniques of 2 2 2 — — — — — — — —
the Blade,
3rd +2 Arts of 3 3 3 — — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score 4 3 3 — — — — — — — —
5th +3 Telekinetic 4 4 4 2 — — — — — — —
6th +3 Bonds of the 5 5 4 2 — — — — — — —
7th +3 Extra Sword, 5 6 4 3 — — — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score 5 6 4 3 — — — — — — —
9th +4 Sword Mage 6 7 4 3 2 — — — — — —
10th +4 Technique 6 7 4 3 2 — — — — — —
11th +4 Extra Weapon, 6 8 4 3 3 — — — — — —
Bonds of the
12th +4 Ability Score 7 8 4 3 3 — — — — — —
13th +5 Sword Mage 7 9 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
14th +5 Ability Score 7 9 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
15th +5 Extra Sword, 8 10 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
16th +5 Ability Score 8 10 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
17th +6 Sword Mage 8 11 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
18th +6 All Or Nothing 8 11 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
19th +6 Ability Score 10 12 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
20th +6 Telekinetic 11 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —

Collateral Damage
Techniques You have learned since your training that the faster the sword
Mastery Of Weapon Fighting Allows you to imbue one extra goes, the more enemies you can take down. One of your
weapon, this weapon also gets proficiency to attack and imbued swords can exceed the sound barrier as it attacks
ability modifier to damage. multiple enemies. If there are up to three enemies 5 feet
away from each other, you can use your bonus action to drive
Staying Back Is Best your sword through them and make an attack roll for each
Sometimes staying back helps your allies get things done or enemy you go through.
doesn't get blood on your hands. You are able to imbue
ranged weapons as an attack and get +5 on your attack rolls, Parry
but can use only one other imbued weapon as it takes more You've learned the arts of parrying from generations of
concentration. teachings and try to incorporate them using your imbued
swords. If an enemy attacks you with a melee weapon and
Chains Of Binding there is an imbued sword 5 feet away from you, you can use
Bonus action, you can shoot out chains from your hands and your reaction to parry the attack and reduce it by 1d6 + your
attempt to grapple an enemy up to 120 feet away. The enemy Int-modifier. You can only do this three times until you need a
has to make a Strength saving throw against your spell save short rest.
DC or else become grappled. The creature can attempt to
break free from your chains by doing a Strength check Disarm
against your spell save DC. You may attempt to use an action to disarm an enemy if they
are wielding a weapon you have studied with. The target
Shielded must roll a Strength saving throw against your spell DC. If
You realize that a great defense helps make the best offense the creature fails, they let go of the weapon they are currently
and help the survivability of your team. You are now able to holding.
imbue a shield that floats around you or an ally and must
remain with 5ft of them granting the shields bonus. If the ally Tendon Swipe
has a shield already, the bonus does not come into effect. As a reaction when an enemy disengages you can still make
an opportunity attack if it hits you reduces there speed by half
Daggers Everywhere but deal no damage.
You've learned how to create daggers out of thin air and rain
them down onto your enemies. You gain three charges of the Wall of Swords
spell Cloud of Daggers and you regain these at the end of a You have learnt how to draw swords from nowhere and
long rest. create a defensive ring of blades around you from many days
of intense practice. You can use your action to create a ringed
Two handed Weapons wall of blades around your self of up to 10 feet in diameter,
You have the ability to imbue two-handed weapons that you 10 feet high and 1 foot thick. Any creature within 5 feet of the
have studied. Versatile weapons will also be considered two- wall must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell
handed when imbued. Whenever you attack with this DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d6 magical piercing
weapon, you can't attack with your other imbued weapons as damage and takes half on a successful save. Your speed is
it takes a lot of concentration, but you gain an additional +8 to reduced to 0 while you are using this technique and you
the attack damage. cannot have moved previously that turn. this ability can last
for concentration up to 10 min.
Sometimes the enemy wins, but always having the last laugh
is what you aim for in every battle. If an enemy attacks you
and hits, and there is a visible, imbued sword 10 feet away
from you, you can use your reaction to attack the enemy with
your imbued sword. Up to one sword can be used for this
Hidden Blade
While an enemy focuses onto you, you can make a Stealth
check to one of your swords. On a successful check, you can
stab the enemy in the back as an action and gain advantage.
On a failed check, you gain disadvantage on your next attack

Sword Mage Spell List
Cantrips (0 Level)
Blade Ward, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Resistance, True
1st Level
Alarm, Command, Compelling Duel, Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud,
Inflict Wounds, Shield, Identify
2nd Level
Cloud of Daggers, Darkness, Zone of Truth, Shadow Blade,
Hold Person, Invisibility, Levitate, Locate Object, Magic
Weapon, Misty Step, See Invisibility, Warding Bond
3rd Level
Conjure Barrage, Counter Spell, Elemental Weapon, Fear,
Glyph of Warding, Haste, Protection From Energy, Slow,
Water Breathing, Sending, Tiny Servant
4th Level
Arcane Eye, Death Ward, Fabricate, Fire Shield, Greater
Invisibility, Locate Creature, Stone Skin, Wall of Fire,
Phantasmal Killer, Private Sanctum
5th Level
Animate Objects, Conjure Elemental, Contact Other Plane,
Creation, Hold Monster, Legend Lore, Planar Binding,
Scrying, Far Step, Wall of Stone, Telepathic Bond, Skill
Prerequisites To qualify for multiclassing
into the Sword Mage class, you must meet
these prerequisites:
Intelligence score of 15 or higher and proficiency with a long
or short sword.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Sword Mage
class, you gain the following proficiencies: History and

By osvaldo1996s

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