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Name: Mohit Mohan Saxena

Course: CMBA 2Y2
Student ID: 20150357
Subject: People & Organization
Module Leader: Professor Anjan Kumar Majumdar

• What is it?
- The force which drives an individual to sustain a behaviour which is goal-
- It is a willingness to work and perform.
- Felt after experiencing a cheerful and appreciating working atmosphere.
• Increase in productivity(amount produced per employee)
• Improved Quality
• Lower absenteeism
• Less staff turnover
• Less training, development and recruitment investment

• There must be a close control over the employees by the managers.

• Managers should follow Autocratic style.
• Theory X approach to workers- which says workers are only motivated by
money or else they will be lazy.
• Use piece-rate payment to motivate workers (pay them according to their
work and labour)
• Workers can not only be motivated by money but can also be motivated by
having their basic social requirements fulfilled.
• Motivation should be increased by: – Decreasing communication gap in
between workers and managers.
• Businesses should promote team work.

• Explains about the five levels of need which employer should focus upon to
keep employees motivated.
• When the lower level needs are fulfilled then only they are focused on
stepping up to another level thus motivation to achieve more works.
• An employer should thus focus on satisfying all the needs according to their
level and keep their focus on better working.
• Focused on theory of two factors.
• Factor of Motivators - which directly motivate employees to perform better –
Giving responsibility, appreciation for better achievements , chances for
• Factors of Hygiene(maintenance) – Factors which does not add any value
creation for motivation but their absence will demotivate employees– Salary
or wages, working environment, security for job.
• Motivation should be followed by motivator factors and Hygiene factors.
• Promoting Job enrichment and Empowering employees.
Reflective Report on Motivation

Name: Mohit Mohan Saxena

Course: CMBA 2Y2
Student ID: 20150357
Subject: People & Organization
Module Leader: Professor Anjan Kumar Majumdar


“Motivation is an inspirational process which impels the members of

the team to pull their weight effectively to give their loyalty to the
group, to carry out the tasks properly that they have accepted, and
generally to play an effective part in the job that the group has
According to Michael Jucious, ‘motivation is the act of stimulating
someone or oneself to get a desired course of action, to push the right
button to get a desired reaction’.
It is the way toward stimulating and supporting objective coordinated
conduct. It is the will to wok which originates from happiness
regarding work as well as from want to accomplish certain objectives
e.g. cash or accomplish some advancement, some recognition and

Benefits of a well-motivated workforce

Increase in productivity – The productivity of an employee

increases as the working environment gets motivational. The
cheerful and motivated working environment increases the
efficiency of an employee.
Better Quality – The quality of work gets better if the
efficiency and concentration of an employees are better. Well-
motivated surroundings help an employee in being dedicated to
their work.
Less Absenteeism – When people are dedicated towards their
work, they tend to be loyal to their profession and reduce
absenteeism. If someone take their work interestingly, they tend
to remain aware of their responsibilities and avoid to ignore
Lower staff turnover – Motivated and dedicated employees do
not wish to switch their jobs. If less or no employees leave the
organization then the staff turnover reduces as the organization
does not need to invest in filling the vacant designations.
Lower training and recruitment costs – With less staff
turnover the cost of training and recruitment also go north for
the organization as they do not need to invest again in training
of employees.



“What the workmen want from employers beyond anything else is

higher wages: what employers want from workmen most of all is low
labor costs in manufacture”-Frederick Taylor

As Taylor focused on the behavior of workers/employees to be only

motivated by wages/salaries, then:
• Laborers don't normally appreciate work. Along these lines, they
should be observed and controlled intently. Basically, Taylor trusted
that representatives had a characteristic inclination to relax of slack
off at whatever point they could
• To help with this, administrators should separate every
representative's activity into progressively reasonable, nibble
estimated errands.
• Training ought to be given with the goal that all representatives
play out these undertakings standardly.
• Workers ought to be paid dependent on the amount they deliver
(piece rate). The more they give benefit to the organization, the more
they get paid.
• It will create a win-win situation. Specialists bounded to be
boosted to strive to gain more and the organizations creation is as
productive as it very well may be (benefits are expanded).



The social and mental elements at the work environment, not the
physical states of the

• Workplace decides the representatives' resolve and yield.

• The association is a social framework.
• Non-monetary rewards and authorizes altogether influence the
laborers' conduct, assurance and yield.
• Workers are not idle or segregated, random individual; they are
social creatures.
• Division of work entirely on specialization isn't really the most
effective methodology.
• The laborers tend to shape little gatherings (casual associations).
The generation standards and personal conduct standards are set by
such gatherings.
• Leadership, style of supervision, correspondence and support
assume a focal job in laborers' conduct, fulfillment and efficiency.


The Motivation theory of Maslow otherwise called "Maslow's

Hierarchy of Needs" show was introduced in between 1943-1954, and
first majorly focused in “Motivation and Personality” in 1954.
The five needs model was the first one. Anyway more dimensions
were included a later book: "Toward a Psychology of Being"[1968].
The first 5 level renditions stayed the most generally used and

Beginning from the introduce that each human being is
convinced by necessities that are characteristic, probably
because of a huge number of long periods of advancement, the
Maslow hypothesis of inspiration proposes a pecking order of

• Physiological needs: The simple fundamental needs, for

example, air, water, nourishment, rest, and so forth.

• Safety needs: The needs are all about to make your

employees feel secure about their job and keep them motivated.
Such requirements are generally about mental satisfaction.
Every one requires the security and commitment for their family
and home.

• Social Needs: Humans want to partner by forming a social

network and gatherings, houses of religious and worship
gatherings and so forth. There is a general need to feel affection
and attention by others.

• Self-Esteem needs: The needs which van be fulfilled by

providing a suitable, respectable designation to an employee.
The respect and authority is what gives you esteem.

• The requirement for self-realization: Maslow hypothesis of

inspiration recommends that people who have their "bring down
request" needs met advancement towards the comfort and
satisfaction of their potential. Regularly this can initiate the
doubt for knowledge, harmony, stylish encounters, self-
satisfaction, and faith in God, nirvana, edification and so on.


In 1959, Frederick Herzberg, a social researcher proposed a two-

factor hypothesis or the help cleanliness hypothesis. As indicated by
Herzberg, there are some activity considered that outcome fulfillment
while there are other employment factors that anticipate
disappointment. As per Herzberg, the inverse of "Fulfillment" is "No
fulfillment" and the inverse of "Disappointment" is "No
The Herzberg view: -

Herzberg grouped the activity and factors into two different


 Hygiene factors-Hygiene factors are those activity factors which

are basic for presence of inspiration at work environment. These
don't prompt positive fulfillment for long haul. Be that as it may,
on the off chance that these elements are missing, they lead to
disappointment. At the end of the day, cleanliness factors are
those variables which when sufficient/sensible in work, mollify
the representatives and don't make them disappointed. These
components are outward to work. Cleanliness factors are
additionally called as disappoints factors as they are required to
evade disappointment. These elements depict the activity
'The cleanliness factors symbolized the physiological needs which the
people needed and anticipated that would be satisfied. Cleanliness
factors include:

 Pay - The compensation or pay structure ought to be fitting and

sensible. It must be similar with the pay structure of similar
industries. Equal work but different salaries or wages de-
motivate the employees and often provokes them to switch the
 Company Policies and managerial strategies - The organization
policies should not be too rigid. They must be reasonable and
acceptable. There must be comfortable working hours bot to
maintain the efficiency of the worker and to keep them
motivated. If the work load is more than there must be breaks to
reduce the excursion.
 Fringe benefits – Provision of medical facilities foe the close
relatives, worker encourage programs are kind of icing on the
cake for the employees.
 Physical Working conditions – The work area must be sheltered
with suitable working atmosphere. There must be proper
working gears to ensure the safety and to make them understand
that the organization is also thinking of their workers.
 Status - The workers' status inside the association ought to be
natural and held.
 Job Security – The workers have at least a good job security
from the employer. If they feel unsafe for their job their
determination will never be productive.

 Motivational factors-According to Herzberg, the
cleanliness factors can't be viewed as sparks. The
persuasive components yield positive fulfillment. These
variables are natural to work. These elements persuade the
workers for a prevalent execution. These components are
called satisfiers. These are factors associated with playing
out the activity. The inspirations symbolized the mental
needs that were seen as an extra advantage. Inspirational
elements include:

 Recognition – Good performers must be provided

recognition and appreciation by the employer.
 Sense of accomplishment - The workers must feel that
they have accomplished certain work. This relies upon the
 Growth and limited time openings – To keep the work-
force motivated there must be some vacancies to be
promoted. Such activities keep worker more dedicated
and determined to their work.
 Responsibility - The worker must have the authority or
privilege to take decisions on their own. The employers
should give them responsibility for work. They ought to
limit control however hold responsibility.
 Meaningfulness of the work - The work itself ought to be
important, intriguing and motivating for the worker to
perform and get promoted.
 Interpersonal relations - The relationship of the workers
with their superiors must be adequate and respectful. The
employer should not dis-respect or demotivate their
employees. There must be no tension or friction in
between the employer and employee. It not only affects
the efficiency and productivity of the employee but also,

damages the overall working atmosphere and spoils other
person’s concentration too.


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