Computer Engg. Sem. III & IV Rev PDF

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B4yxb= Zee Computer E799 TH & ai Rev. Couse Reference Bovks |r Elecnmies Devices and cincits eo F. Bogart ffi S.Beasey. Guillen Rico 2. Donal Schilling & Charles Helove,Elctonie Cieuits Discrete and Integrate, hind ion, MeGrave Hil oad Texmirk shall consist of atest sx nboratery experiments eoverig the whole of| syllus, duly recorded and graded as well as atleast four computer smlatons using [FDA tools like PSPICE duly recorded and graded. Ths will ery a weightage offices ‘ras. A test shal be conduct and wil cary a weightage often marks ~ = + SUCGESTED LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Laboratory / Simulation, |. Application of diodes as a (positive / negative and both), a clamper| (positive negative) 2. FWR with different sypes of Filters and finding its ripple factor: Volinge Regulation using Zener diode. 4, Design and Analysis of BIT Amplifier with fixed bias, Zotlector bias Porerta! divider bias. Determinations ofits DC operating point existe of BIT in CB,CC.CE coriiguration and inp and ovtput char 6 BIT as a Voltage Amplifier. Determinat yrarameters (AVALRI.Ro) FET as a Voltage Amplifier and determination of its performance parameters, sties of IPET, Finding Output characteristics and Transizr Characte its Parameters, mutual conductance and sinplitication feta (D w02epsrecevcugs "BAXS IFO] No.UG /234 of 2008 ON - pane tene i invited tothe Ordinances, Reguaticns and ella rlaing kr dte Bachelor of Engineering dogree course vide this ollie Cireuloe Need 22002, dated 17° August, 2002 and ihe Prineipals of the alia! co Engineering are hereby intone thst the recor ‘Technology at its meetiiy field ous 26!" Marc, ‘Academie Council at its meeting elm» | git, in accordance therewith, the S:'c120 oi Fssssination and wll og we, Second Year ( & 1V) leawing 1 the 18K. degree course for the ineering & revised a5 per Appen ix ard that the same las been tee force with effect from the academic vexs 200 MUMBAI-100 032 culty al 108 has been accepted by the * April. 2008 vide item No. 4.33 and 10 ne, 2008 iy for REGUSTRAR To, Ze nips of Wend seein Fagen, Cay ACI438/15.42008 NoUG?34-A of 2008,” MUMBAI-I00032 10 June, 2098 Copy forwarded with compliments for information to = 1) The Dean, Faulty of Teehnoiay, 2} The Chatman, Adshoe Board of Studies in Computer Enginevi. 3) The Contoller of Examination, 4) The Co-Ordinator, University Computerization Centr, tor REGISTRAR com t Tm Dic, Bow of Cale and Uivsty Drone the Deputy Reith: (pity an err cr soy We tect ant ee br Ne Wetec omc Fa, Eegety megs Milne See cn te Da es me Ey Sor Este dpe oe ay Rape, i cate Dae ce Sedo ipa cope the Betty Regie Pinte Sakon (2 ope he i SAS I ee Da ey Com Ba) hn Sea the pu Ream Speal th, the Dap open CPRON he asa Rtn Ai es at at ete me pe (emt ane Cana i ces eM eh ‘ett ep eet Sct MT cy tetas cw thence Daron uy Cres ih ap Meappie Seaway Mika Tega a guna Stpeden,Ta atn ; Original Rev i / —— ye 15.4.2008 Revised Syllabus ' and Scheme of Examination | Foi i : The Second Year | : (Sem II & IV) | : of the | : B.E. Degree Course in Computer Engineering | (With effect from the academic year 2008-2009) University of Mumbai Syllabs Sruetare(e-2007) SE. (Computer Engineering) = Semestestth Bete Fg SS | Periods per Weck | Fach Penn of | ( {hon Prt ‘pple “8 Mathematics [Tapes TW hac Mais tcc oe m0) ie BisteeSineie WS ge gg ag &€ Graph Tore He Bional Logie 63 — gp cy | Design ns | Argon | 8° Data Scie ae yay % ont Fie & Coinpuice a Fw 3s , | Premicaions. | | bes . Arete t Technics eto et shuld ks conducted at ith pen comsiknd asa par ofts we the asseved fs Universiy of Mumba Sells Sewetur(t2009) SE (Computer Engineering) Sener Bevel ksicarasiniaiesl car tcann tenant | earn jroo Paar} [Fas Wasi] ton a |__| | co : Amey |g too ws Nagericcay | Sst € Digi] 4g s Drs Man Pos Wass ig ‘on oe 19 3 0 stn & - De Operating my eas a "Altes fur corjaatve periods est shi he oduct th pind athe assessed rporsshould he conser! pan eth wo i __| Prcinerng| | Sabet Applied Mathemaes (bb ea pot Wosk | sks Tsakaon acm : ‘on | 2 Tours 1 ate strvcarcot engi a Iradutin of sor mem aad is Si moles ax | | Rsivicaivn of copay and Dok level deenion of tie} | | Seton! units, Vor cwmaen model, Intedustion hase ara Somestng 10 devises 40 CPU and memory, Asychiouos ad | Ssnchnnoes Bis PC? SCS I aa Tir Anica oe it adore inpleetate. Bae Recading. Boots sic for signed mulcpliation Remotes | Aviso rd oe vision alain, TEFE thing po umber reesewation a operations Central prosesins ani a CPU arts. Reser organization. lasuction formats an { abiresing modes ctl processor. Base inaction, ace | Instruction interpretation and sequencing. Control Unit operation, | aries conto sit sign methods and design cee Mules contol wit. Mier programmed contol unit heck | coneepis, Msritntion sqtncing and exeaion Mons Qperations, sonesps of nanoprogiamming Introduction to RISC aad Mogae doigisusanexaiglsof RISC pce | a "Memory Orgunization oF Claracternics of mss system and hierarchy. concepts of| feticonducior memories. main memory. ROM, EPROM. RANT | ‘AM, DRAM, SDRAM. RDRAM. ~ Flash memory, Sek Organization. High speed memories: Cache memory eeseionnn, and mapping, replacement algorithms. eachecoeenee nero and_ssscaive memories Vinwal_memoy. main meen rE t alsciion-eamentton wating. Seonday serge. RAID, pi imc BvD. za ~ 100 Organ SE ea | teaOvpu sens, Panne 10, | DMA. Peripheral Devices. USB. ae [Retiree ot @ aes ecmingcnsp, lnc to [itt ocesing ab pine hal eget pg | ‘hic secon ise. non eet roa siemecd et a | [fran aaa ara || Sate an ymnie date ow deven. Fa loam compas } Imterprecessor communication and synchronization. cache | ‘coherence, shared memory | reece - [® ~~ | Spat reniceaser a Shui aras nd he plas we et TERM WORK: aso on abo sli at eas 10 xpsinents and one writen est of 10 sinks tobe eombucta ‘ext ots | Miles Mucdosca. “Computer Architects 5 Ongniation”, Wiley ini 2 Wil Stallings. Comput Organization a Aveitecere: Designing ad peionmance”: Petia ia 5. Car Hamacher Zvonko Vrnssc ad Saat Zaky*Compuer Organi Maia Reference took |. Jol 1. Hennessy rd David Paterson." Computer Architesue A Quantiative Approach, Morgan Kaufinan 2. Andrew S. Tancnhaum,”Siucured Conte Organization”, Prensa aia —tniversity of Mumbai =a Branch: Computer [Semester il Practical Tutorial i otal roams tps of meng] 6 tactics" Tx cming omcenid ine Seca docueition (nc. ages. minu etn) af mace inaction mais commana gs |teuai inert. viercorccng. ce) Total and tical] ‘isin commision (rectal pops ees po TRIPS, Coogan indo | 2 Aabaneed etait wri | Report writing: Detintios an imponasse of tons, qualities of| 07 report langage and se in epost of cpr oaks | | aster memo. projectsepas). Methods of comping’ dat for || preparing reper’ | A computer-aided presentation of technical po-ct eport basal signed tna group of 810 students, The wit ep should exceed 20 printed pss, ‘n survey-hased oF referee fase topic. Te tpi a 1 be ia Teetnical paper wring, Wi ne business propos, \expersonal ll Introduction to motional icligence tivation, Negotiation | 03. and conflict resolution, Aserivenes. team-building, derson, aking time-managemsnt,petasion 4 [Presentation ska [ements of an fective presenation, Stucue of presentation, Presentation os, Aufisnce analy, Language: Arteuation o | Cowal vomuncsion. Voice quality. Modulation, Accent and Tension Carcer sis | Reriring reams and cone ters Typexof Resumes, terview 3 | tchniques:Pcpuring fe oh intro aing mea | Serhan sta covtstniaon daring ees |_| nbservation sessions an ply etiquette |, ftnset nertew sates tack ners [6 | Grau siscussion ] | Sito iscussins as pa of selection process. Sut’ of o | Btup dicession, Dynamics of gop behaving fs | _ [steers Tan wo and usaf body ose Ferm york: a Parct QS Marks: Assizaments Two assignments on sommes psy ave aasiginnt on eporerting hie asstenncntcom meer ils To asignicns on case ills Al eas ome cats est rien Dist Frm waa mths wil ha lows Aitmente 1Omarks Waton tes omar Aliendane (Thor aad Practica (Sma Partll QS Marks): Presentation Disebation ten wonk mus lB flows yee rept resco 1S marks ae dics Ts he tial critcation and acceptance of emt-work ems he ststtrsperfama faba work ane minim pes th ems oe, Textbooks 1. Leskarand Pott por wit fr sins, Tata MG 2% Rass and Sangosta Sharm. Technica! communication, Oxtord Univesity Press, Now Del Reference Books alle & Masters. Persona development for Life & work, Thomson ering. 2 Meta Sumy. fective Business Commuricaion, McGraw il 3 Hoskin & Olsen, Zelnica writin and profesional communication, MeGras i 4 Fred Luts, Organizational havior, MeGeaw ti jee Appl Mia reside por Weck leach 4 min | Evalaton Sew {Mode Cont | Lina noes ae eshopau ee | ‘th ponerse nannies ean ti | igo char rigger ee | ra Ma abi eee [21 Rati of se ees Amie ton mesa) | sn scien condons ote emt noc 22 Mile. Thomson meth to detemine naive finetion /2)| | | eae ral a omer afm | | > stam tenet poe |2.3Sayig: Contam sting. Ec icy mapa am | “pike psn sland fre ee | and magnification nvertion and reflection, translation, [" jin integral of « function of a complex variable, Cauchy's (ihout proof. propeies of fine inleral. Cauchy's ineeral Formula and deductions |? Seats ics ea of Taylor's an Lawes seties development without roihfor Reside 2.6 Residu's theorem, aplication to evaluate teal integrals of type_|°5 theorem for analytic fineion Cabchy"s Course there |S | a - Hoaosinodao. « [pedac a "Mathematical programing, * 1M Linear optimization peblem, standard canons! fn o| {00 hs an fesse soln prima simplex meth one | | than tw variables | 32 Antica variables, ig-M method (method of penalty) for | 83 Dual protie.dility princigle Dua simplex nen Jo | fegsneracy andar opis unbound soln ” 34 Nonlinear Programming, wnenstsine optimization, problem Sith equi sms Lagranges Muliner Meta Pten | sth insu omstains Kiin Tucker eons L TERM won 1. ase on above faba st 10 tases pase (19 mar) 2 One term test of 10 mas like university pert Beco and sald = to lO marke 3. Atenas 05 mars, Reference Books Complex Variables: Chui, Me-Graw Hl 2 eons of Applied mathematics, IN JN Warkat Pane Yar’ Gia Prskasan 4 igherEneincerig Mathematics, De §, Grewal. Khana Pubcon 4. Advanced athemalis.EKeeyseng. Wily Fasten lod OpstionsRessveh, KanisearGn, Manolan.P Gap, Steal & Co, & Operations Research $ D Shion. Chant & Co, anies, 1 Vass, Krish Fakashon, | Introduetio ry B cial seat LE modulo al dened as | reams Mitt. ns commana se oie Peametes jnnslo Modulation nd Demodatatos | aitertt pcs of analog. mein plitude modusors and | 07 sar gia Seine teas and dene OS ‘modu | |, doution atte a and froqucey mean | | Pulse Analog Modulation | | acti Seon fr tw-pcs and tenes, sping tctniqne|_ 87 | | inane RN: etn, and pce oF pul a (ean STEN ad deucon of pt alton (ira A eit edhon (PA a ae odultion Sion EY of te don mage em Tegueney | ‘vision mulptexine FOND, pital Modutation Techniques Hie GRRE conc Ot iomaton, ers, infmsion | 07 | die on. Stamos tom chanel osc spac of Gausan asia fe coe modlion (RCM ace (ON). adaptive ‘sl modulation (ADM). tansmtaion Base Band Modulation PPCM waveform types Marry pulse modulation, hse Ban sign ecives ection fir signs in Gata intr smb nee (ES) | and eqatication irae - Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation "ype of ands mulation, pe si Keying - BPSK, DISK. DEPSK, | 8 QPSK. Mara PSK. sri siting ~ BASK. QAM, ejay sh | eying BFSKLMU any. SK Ghannel Cad ee sig and tio 1. Amplitude modulation gservon and de 2. Amplitude modi ees 7. Delis Maulana dedstion bask 12. QPSK 13 Erordetecti and conection 1H. Bye patra ‘TERM WORK +. Tenn work should consist ofa leas 10 experiments a 5 assignments covering all the tpi (13 Mark}. 2 term work tes of 100 marks lke Univers pater st be conducted an scala 1 lms, retical Examination based onthe abo is shouldbe conduct @® | Wayne Tomasi lectronie Coninnicaton Systems (fuses hgh suvance, Pearson Edition, oth Eon 2002 2. K-Shamagam “Ang al Dig Commuancation" Wily India 5 Reno an Davis” Fleewoni Conumuniation Syme, Tata McGraw Hil hind cation. 19S, 4. Taub Hever and Schilling Dol “Principe of Communication Sysems”. Tata MeGia Hl third ition, 19 5. Shlar Remand “Distal Commision framenta a applications) Reuse Reference Books ‘Coch Leon WIL Sem Communication Systems” Prentice Hall Inia Fst ‘ton, 1995 > Phubies.John'G, Saleh Masoud, Coasunication Stems Engining™ Pearse Eduction, scone, 1995 } Maykin Sinn, "Digital Comssicaton, on Wey and Sons fist eiton, 198, 4. Simon Haykia“lasodaction io Smog Distal Comauanicaton “Wik tdi, Subject: Diss Pesinds per Week (cach 6 i) Teo [05 1 Inraduton io dacs pncessng. Overview of file ssn + Peawbacks off stem, Conept of dab, lee) + Comparison of Daisasestamaand Fle sso, | * DR diac. Lowed Anite ant da] indepen ‘Data models. Dstnste languages Datasets Database system Patiy-Relatonsip Model | asic cocepes Consens ‘Design issues. Ent-Relatioship diagram Weak emis sets Extended ER fetes Mapping an ER shina totals Rina ———————_|,_| ree | Afra icra s eerste Bie ae | + Pomaienlgeac neat rns 8 ‘ackground, Base stucture f SLopeatins. Agereat fonction Null vals 0 eC Slaoae ome ‘madison + DDI. cnet S01 Inter and Security 2 Daman Consistency + Secu and Aut Retational-Database De [GR Nema fom, lin lato ~ daha design | a Mencics Aenrong Axioms | ston Authorization in $ "BNE and 4" normal oer | CocomPesitio-Desiabl yeopeties of decomposition | | veal dase devon press, | [7 | Fi msareeaeaaesi & [| Bice ano ns le tan) | | * Basic inesins ames, Onder ladces. Tree and B Ys ind Ft + Siti Hasina taking + Isis Definition in SOL. Malic Kes acc, Fransastons ‘a + Transaction coast, Teanction sas {+ lmplemention of tac an ebay {Cotsere Easton, Seatiabie: Reoverabiliy = of salon, Transaction deiton i SQL Implements | Conewrreaey Conte (6 + Lock asl reas | + Timestnp-sed protocols + Validation tad procs Deadlock hading 10] Recovery System? cana + Failure Classification. Storage stare + Recovery & tonicity 5 Log based recovery, Show paging + Recovering with concent uations + Buller Management 1. Attoas 12 expesimens SQL and PLISQL. witha weighinge of 10macks 2 ‘term work test mist be candied witha weightage of 10 mak, 3. Auendane 05 marks Test Hk: 1. Kanth Sercat Stash, Data Ses Concees. Sth lion, McGraw sir Rab and Carlos Coron, tah Sostems Desi, lmplemsnaton and Managemen” Thoms Learn Sh Ec, Reference Books : |. Blase and Navathe,~ Fardamenis of Database Sostens”, Fath sion PEARSON Education 2 Ci, Dats, A. Kannan “ tatoducton to Database Systems", Bight ion ‘ison Wesle 3 Mask Gillonon, Pass Poniah ~ lotion co Database Managemen WILEY Rahs Ramishnan and Jofanes Gebvhe, ~ Datahase Manasement Sess IMit 5. Dr PS. Deshnis, SO, sa PLISOL fo Orele 10 Btck Dock, Prete! Sid Case SE. Sujet: Computer Graphics —Abbevated us CG) evils per Weck Teste [0 (exch 60 min) a Tr invedatian to cmp phic 2 thas, ne sees, wean ps ed sr gato" 2, Cok i tom tn craig arts 3. fe pom and Beco cede eng grs 5) me pom ise cawig sort, | [eee | ws stole =recpe | | 1 Bersy mates cis fhe strep fe taper, 2) resesentation of polygon 3. Choong Paosns wa 5 "omnia Do pea a | 1 SSeatee pogo 1 Fatons ing ‘aber |b ste oe mer fo | 2 ony | 4 ther yf sacs | 5. “moe tonomatons | wndowing and chong 2 ‘nang tons } 3. Dime cgpeg Stern cons pogo | ett gaan ips + Lag ssh spon pins vag Smmmet ara Tevet 30 osonry 3:9 objec represeitation methods 3Omantonwtons Rowen aot ray a aoe of psel a ppt options 3S apn as | Widen Surtees an Lines ie Troan facts renova eget ‘ean ne ing lon | ‘endan pte. 7 cers ——— | | =. | es Saegne Seto | men verso edn anon |. 2 Seersmacsnste | ; |.) eee | Ince ey inn (lye ext a ad tera Wack Is a nou 2 rt en conta a er high pt 0 a. 3. Sested lis of Experiments tas on which practical examination sul be Conc: EDDA Resco’ ne lao with various leslie thick. dees (Make us of Displas Fle eaneepe) 2Citce drawing usns Bese or Midpoint Algom, 3.Vaniows 2D txstonmatons (Sean. Roto, rslaton ct.) implementation. Use matries multiplications fr implementation, 4 Various Polygon Filling Methods tke Pater fil, Flood ill. Bourdary fi 5.20 Curves and surfaces drawing ike Bezier B Spine {Line clippins Lian Harsh cohen ~ Sutherland ‘Polygon clipping Sutherand Heian, 83D tansormatons race 10.Caacter Generation Implementation of hese experiments an be done in clea = ‘Pratl exam of?5 mas shouldbe based on this ist OFsperfcts 4. Min. Projecto sould nclide2 Mini projet pet of cm work 4 (Mn pos eno pt of practi exam). {Concemed sta should frm group ofa mos 3 stents) Suggested min project topic re 3. Graphics ete 1h disolsing sven 3D oboe wsing perspective projection © 3Disudling of objets sing Open {4 pemoning any shading alors using Open © Sitce sealer sing Open Sour shuld also hive at eas 3 amsigmments seo ahve slabs hs 1. tring, “Computer Graphs” nd Edition, MeCrav-til Publitons, 987 ISN 071008726 2) Foes, Van Dam, 8. sins. Hughes, “Compas Graphics Prscips an atc 2h Flin. Pearson Fation, 2105, (SON I= 780K 038-9 1c Ameria Kansans “Comper Grapes fr Java Programing ‘Wilks tna Reference Baas 1D Rogers. “Prcsdral Elements fr Caspar Graphics Me-Grw-il Pubcon. 2901 ISBN @ 07-7371 D-Heam, M. Baker. Couputer Graphics -C Version 2a Flies, Peas eduction, 2002 ISBN81 TAOS 7 = 3. FM Compu” rapes: Using OpenGL.~ 2nd Eton. Peasn Huction, 2OUSISRNT 29> IB =? 4 Siang, Plasto. Computer Grapes” 2 Eon, ATA Me Cir Puiicton. 202, ISHND-D7-D49S8.6 eh CR abject Aalst OF "sins pr West (ext in) Propet Sic shed amie wih dua sce ene diet race ang Poramming Langage suchas C++ or lava |e Ramet — a T hod cares sap a ae | | Single soure sorted pach Job sequening with deadlines Optimal serge on tap, | [Ps aig [| The pat ad ane ‘aiage gran al pa shoves pis single vous shortest pals | Optimal BST 01 krapsack | LTSP. flow shop scheduling _ aon ae | | e ‘ackiasking The general matin ‘Ramen po an of subs ‘Graph cloring aeonan yes, ragack probs anc an oun The met LC sch |S pvrsierAm example Btn and FIED atch ad boat LC fens anl bound | (01 knack pelo | in ae Sringsandptos thi Tis Test congesson L Testi ays TERM WORK, stand 12 mnie shad Fach ee oer oon work should cori of grades singe Java Ses ne expat oleae complies fr Stoo fet apes fr eas one wen et ing he Tee. ac: ple Sieve it sor. copes eel ad Conshsion, Topics fr tnplementaion Inyplenonstion hosed on vie and conquer method Imotemeriatie om grt aproach Inmtemetaion on dale prgranning Inplemeion of sskracking methods. Inmplemeniaion 3 Branch ant Bound concep. Implementation of interne agri, Tet ook 1 ls hoot Sarat al S.Rasckaan“Fundamenatly cnsate Assis 2. Anan V- Levitin “lnodaetion 1 the Design and Analysis of Alors sso Fuca publication. Sst! Eston S.TLIL Coemen, CE Leer 81 Rivet and C Sti Algorithns” 2a Ein RI PMG Hl 20 + Misc Gch & Ronn Tats, “Algorithm desi item examples” Sevo Uti, Wie ste alton nase Reference aks: 11S. Rise, Sand A Van Golde. “Computer Algo: Inaction 1 Desig an Analysis" ein, Aion Wesley. 2000, vem Jerome Pal “Al ibmsequeni parle and Sib 3 Mark Aen Wiis “Data Strctue Algorto Analysis C+ vind is Pearson Edel SE {iver of Mumba ——— ease npr J Semester: 1 Lagintng i Subject: Ops Sinem (ANevstal 8) Petia por West (waxed nin Chase $1 This conse des ws Fusamen sso prog which ont al the resines of cose an Dwi Fase yun which pia pose [rea hs, talc lm pon eames: sak ae eh sel by spetating sian THe Tonle Soom inset sete em poli alpine il ip them to say mere escemes sbi them wo design oncrting seat | Prerequisite | Computer Onsaization Ani raeing Lage Cs /tya I Detaled Stas Taps |. jie | | 17 Operating Stent Overview Operating Set Objective aad Fun Statens: Charterite of Se tm Orvratng Ss sen Bars Contes Shs. Layer site v's Manoltn: [Raa og, OMTHMESsem. inden Drarbaea oS | Mohit OS. | Process and process shed Process description, PCM. Tread Th Brcesses. Few Spc ea management process and sad creda sclita T3pe. comparative anesanen era | scheduling algrithns, | { Process Concurrency; Lo ae ij = Vinal a CUTOMT: Nd Econ Hades apeacn | ce Pansy faction Solcare Sip: Soman Sea Message | Pasting: Readers Writers Prolent Death MM Slaration: Prtples of Deadlock, Deadack Prevention; Set folic." DendackDaction As see Deadhek ‘Strategy: Dining PhiiosophersProblene Memory Management C bald Manan managsnent Reqviemenis Memory Parton: Viel | 07 vs: Paging: Sepmenation; Design and implementation ius paeing nd segmentation, page replacement agents, handlins working ct mel WO nase WO Desi Orgairation ofthe 10 Function; Operating Seem Design | 0 teste 10 aleing. Disk Scheduling and ik scheelng lear | RAD. sk ct | | Overview. Hike Organization, Fle Directs: Fle Sing: Recon! | of "locking: Secondary Sige Management UNIX Pile sire | Case Stes | Overview Linux open sytem, acess and thvead management, | Scholeling,concameney com vs, Memory management and | 7 | WO tans an a. Qrerien ot Windows opine syste Prods en head mana Sih: sem cae! danse Sener ae |_| a Bos | Toth ald wine ee Te Bats ff Mitan Stings “Opting See Ea, Pon ain 2 Sit 4 Cava Go Oe Opa aes te wey 3mm fs M. sicloos A instuading Operating Syste” 4 Ed Thome Reference tks : &:Tanacoaum,“Sfodem Operating ystems” it 2 Milan Mitnkosic, “Operating Syston” Ta McCraw Hill Maurice Bach, “The Desig of the Unix Operating system”, Prentice Hall Internet references: Respective Linu Favours Sits

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