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Build Own Virtual LAB for IBM Spectrum


Hello techies,
Welcome to TECHIESSITE, I wanted to write a detailed post on Building Virtual LAB from very long time finally
here is the post for you, this post has written keeping new techies in mind I believe this post help you to gain
some knowledge. Any successful technical career building required very good understand of technology as well
good practice, Hands on experience is very important to deep dive into technology. The real learning starts from
breaking things what personally I believe. build, break and fix your lab every day this is the way to enhance your
skills. This is what I recommend if you’re really what to become an expert.
Today I am going to show you the some recommend step by step procedure how to build your own lab for
Enterprise backup Solution like IBM Spectrum Protect

I assume the reader have at least 1 years of IT Experience and knowledge on following things because this
article is not going to cover some of the basics like OS installation / IP configurations / user id creation etc..)

 Basic computer knowledge

 installing operating systems

 User account creation

 knowledge on Linux operating systems

 configuring IP address

 basic troubleshooting knowledge

Follow the below process for building your own virtual Home LAB
Let’s gather the pre-requisites for building the virtual lab

Hardware Specifications

 Workstation

o CPU: i5 and Above

o Memory: 16 GB and Above

o HDD: 500 GB and Above ( use SSD for better performance)

 Laptop

o One Laptop or Desktop with minimal configuration loaded with windows 7 Operating system.
 One Ethernet Cable

Required Softwares

 Virtualization Software

o VMware ESXi Free (Bare-metal OS)

 Operating Systems Required

o Windows Server Standard 2012

o Cent OS 6.x and Above

o Windows 7 and Above

 Backup Software tools

o IBM Spectrum Protect Server and Storage for Windows

o IBM Spectrum Protect BA-Client for Windows

o IBM Spectrum Protect BA-Client for Linux

 Other tools

o WinSCP

o Virtual Tape library (QuadStor)

Virtual LAB Reference Architecture Diagram

Configuration Details

Network configuration details

Virtual Machine resource configurations

Step by Step process of building Virtual Home lAB

Step-1 Choose the Workstation with below specification and One Laptop or Desktop with minimal configuration
loaded with windows 7 Operating system.

Step-2: Download All Software (Read my post Download Pre-requisites for Virtual Home LAB)

Step-3: Install ESXi Server on Workstation Machine (If you’re not familiar with how to install ESXi server
read my post how to install & Configure vSphere
a. VMware vSphere 5.5 Installation
b. How to Configure ESXi Server 5.5
Step-4: Install vSphere Client On Laptop or Desktop machine

Step-5: Access the ESXi (vSphere) using vSphere Client and Create the List of VM’s and load the Guest
Operating Systems with above-given configurations. (if Your not Familiar with ESXi read my posts )
a. How to Access ESXi Server and Create Virtual Machine
b. How to Install Guest Operation System in VMware Virtual Machine
Congratulations We have successfully build the Virtual LAB, Let’s continue the below posts explains how to
install & Configure Enterprise Backup Solution

Step-6: Install & Configure IBM Spectrum Protect on LAB-VM-TSM-01

a. Step By Step Installation IBM Spectrum Protect 7.1.7
b. IBM Spectrum Protect 7.1.7 Step By Step Configuration

Step-7: Install & Configure IBM Spectrum Protect BA Client On Windows Client Machine LAB-VM-BA-01
a. How to Install IBM Spectrum Protect BA-Client 7.1.6
b. Backup-Archive Client Configuration

Step-8: Install & Configure IBM Spectrum Protect BA Client on Linux Machine LAB-VM-BA-02

Step-9: Install & Configure QuadStor Virtual Tape Library on LAB-VM-TAPE-01

a. Step by Step Installation of Virtual Tape Library-Quadstor
b. Install & Configure Tape Library Drivers for Spectrum Protect
We have Successfully configured our LAB, If you find anything is missing in the article which I may be
missed please feel free to leave your message in the comments section I’ll get back to you as soon as

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