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Diagnostic Test __________________________________________________________________________ Points________ Grade ______ Teacher – A.

Points conversion:
Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Grade 0-2 3-7 8-14 15-21 22-32 33-42 43-52 53-60 661-66 67-70
I. Read the text and accomplish the post reading tasks. (30 points)

Google Inc. is a multinational public cloud computing, Internet search, and advertising technologies
corporation. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products and generates profit
primarily from advertising. The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, often dubbed the
"Google Guys". Page and Brin originally nick named their new search engine "BackRub", because the system
checked back links to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google,
originating from a misspelling of the word "googol”, which represents the number one followed by one
hundred zeros, that was meant to signify the amount of information the search engine was to handle.
The company's stated mission from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it
universally accessible and useful". The company's unofficial slogan – coined by Google engineer Paul
Buchheit – is Don't be evil. Actually, this site has played an important role in the democratization of
Google runs over one million servers in data centers around the world, and processes over one billion
search requests. However, the dominant market position of Google's services has led to criticism of the
company over issues including privacy, copyright, and censorship. The company offers online productivity
software, such as its Gmail e-mail software, and social networking tools, Google Buzz, Google Books. Since
many books are difficult, if not impossible, to find in bookstores or on library shelves, today we are able to
search the full text of almost 10 million books. Anyway, the Google web search engine is the company's most
popular service. Google indexes trillions of web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire,
through the use of keywords and operators. Moreover, today builds technology products to address
global challenges such as climate change, pandemic disease and poverty.
1.Choose the correct variant. A02
Google Inc. is: a) an Internet search corporation. b) a public company. c) an advertising system.
2. Answer the question. A024
What does the company offer? ______________________________________________________________

3. Identify the correct variant (True/False). A01346

1. The Google web search engine can’t be considered the company's most popular service.
T F ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators as Google
indexes trillions of web pages.
T F _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. Match the two parts to get entire sentences. A0369

1. The company's unofficial slogan a. the number one followed by one hundred zeros.
2. The word "googol”, which represents b. a number of Internet-based services and products.
3. Google hosts and develops c. is Don't be evil.
d. is the company's most popular service.

5. Explain in your own words A 0 3 5 7 9

Today builds technology products to address global challenges such as climate change, pandemic
disease and poverty.
II. Grammar (Total 20) A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. The window ____________________________________(is broken / was broken/were broken) yesterday.
2. If I study, I _____________________________ (to pass) the exams.
3. There is _______________________(little/a little/few/a few/much) milk left. It is not enough for porridge.
4. __________________________(passers-bys/passer-bys/passers/by) can always help you find the right way
when you are in a foreign country.
5. She ______________________________(cannot/may not/needn’t) sleep at night. It’s too noisy here.
6. He was wearing _________________________________________________________ riding boots.
(red old Italian leather/ old red Italian/ old leather red Italian/ Italian red old leather)
7. If only I (to buy) ____________________________________ a motorcycle instead of a car I would not
have spent so much on petrol.
8. The man _________________________(who/whom/whose/which) is sitting in the armchair is my father.
9. My piano playing has improved ____________________________(significant/significantly/ significance)
10. Darts _____________________ (are/is/am/has) not difficult to play.
11. This book can be found in ______________________________(any/some/no/none) library, you will have
no problem.
12. I feel ___________________________________ (nice/nicely) today.
13. She said: “He has invited me to the party”.
14. Change the Active Construction into the Passive.
Electricity moves machines. _________________________________________________________________
We will finish this work in time. _____________________________________________________________
15. He said: “The River Danube flows into ______________(-/an/a/the) Black Sea.”
16. He wishes he ______________________(to be) at the seaside now.
17. (Bacteria/Bacterium) __________________are small in size but they are present everywhere in enormous
18. They said: “We will do a lot of work”
19. This soups tastes _____________________________(good/well).

III. Creativity. (Total 20) Outline in 12-15 sentences your opinion on the following topic:
A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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