List of Destroyed Heritage - Wikipedia

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List of destroyed


One of the Buddhas of Bamiyan, which were

destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

This is a list of cultural-heritage sites that

have been damaged or destroyed
accidentally, deliberately, or by a natural
disaster, sorted by country.

Cultural heritage can be subdivided into

two main types—tangible and intangible
heritage. The former includes built
heritage such as religious buildings,
museums, monuments, and
archaeological sites, as well as movable
heritage such as works of art and
manuscripts. Intangible cultural heritage
includes customs, music, fashion and
other traditions within a particular
culture.[1][2] This article mainly deals with
the destruction of built heritage; the
destruction of movable collectable
heritage is dealt with in art destruction,
whilst the destruction of movable
industrial heritage remains almost totally

Deliberate and systematic destruction of

cultural heritage, such as that carried out
by ISIL, is regarded as a form of cultural

During the Soviet invasion, large-scale
looting occurred in various
archaeological sites including Hadda,
ancient site of Ai-Khanoum, the
Buddhist monastery complex in Tepe
Shortor which dates back to the 2nd
century AD, and the National Kabul
Museum. These sites were ransacked
by various pillagers, including the pro-
Russian government forces, destitute
villagers, and the local crime rings. The
National Museum of Afghanistan
suffered the greatest damage, in which
the systematic looting has plundered
the museum collection and the
adjacent Archaeological Institute. As a
result, more than two thirds of one
hundred thousand pieces of museum
treasures and artifacts were lost or
A pair of 6th-century monumental
statues known as the Buddhas of
Bamiyan were dynamited by the
Taliban in 2001, who had declared
them heretical idols.


Ortiz Basualdo Palace circa 1910. Demolished in


Several buildings in Buenos Aires were

demolished over years, including
Pabellón Argentino, Grand Hotel, Ortiz
Basualdo Palace, Unzué Palace, Odeón
Theater, Coliseo Theater and various
palaces in Avenida Alvear.
Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires was
destroyed by a terrorist attack in 1992.
As response to the Bombing of Plaza
de Mayo in 1955 several churches in
Buenos Aires were burned and looted,
including Santo Domingo convent, St.
Ignatius Church, Basilica of San
Francesco, St. Michael's Church and
Basilica of Saint Nicholas of Bari.
Old buildings in the city of San Juan
were destroyed by an earthquake in
1944, including the Cathedral and the
Government House.
The 1773 Marquez Bridge over the
Reconquista River was renewed in
1964 and declared a National Historic
Monument of Argentina. In 1997, the
Company Autopistas del Oeste
demolished it.[6]
On 18 October 1977 a fire destroyed to
the ground the Teatro Argentino, in La
Plata. The building was later rebuilt,
but in a rather different style.

Numerous mosques in the territory of
Armenia were destroyed during the late
19th century and the early 20th century
due to wars and ethnic tensions. In
1870, a report by the Viceroyalty of the
Caucasus recorded 269 Shia mosques
in the region.[7] A mosque in Yerevan
was pulled down with a bulldozer in
1990.[8][9] Today there is only one
mosque remaining in the city.
According to Thomas de Waal, the
destruction is considered facilitated by
the systematic erasure of Azeri names
from the history of the city as part of
the wider Anti-Azerbaijani sentiment in

Garden Palace at the Sydney International Exhibition

The Garden Palace in Sydney was

destroyed by fire on 22 September
The original Her Majesty's Theatre in
Sydney was demolished in June 1933
to make way for a Woolworths retail
The Jubilee Exhibition Building in
Adelaide was demolished in 1962. It
hosted the Adelaide Jubilee
International Exhibition of 1887.
The Regent Theatre in Sydney was
demolished in 1988.
Vienna's Cathedral of St. Stephen was
severely damaged by fire in 1945,
towards the end of the Second World
War. Incendiary bombs and shelling
had set the roof on fire, and the
cathedral's original larch girders, said
to be made from an entire forest of
larches, were destroyed, as were the
Rollinger choir stalls, carved in 1487.
The building was rebuilt soon after the

Following the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the Azerbaijani authorities in the
formerly Armenian-inhabited region of
Nakhchivan ran a systematic
campaign of eradicating the region's
medieval Christian heritage due to the
Anti-Armenian sentiment in Azerbaijan.
An estimated 218 medieval churches,
5,840 khachkar cross-stones and
22,000 tombstones[12] were destroyed,
with the final act of the destruction
campaign taking place in December
2005 at the Armenian cemetery in
Julfa.[13] Azerbaijan's government
denies that Armenian or Christian
monuments ever existed in the territory
of Nakhchivan.[14]

At least 43 Shia mosques, including
the ornate 400-year-old Amir
Mohammed Braighi mosque, and
many other religious structures were
destroyed by the Bahraini government
during the Bahraini uprising of 2011.

The Palace of Coudenberg in Brussels
burned down in 1731 and its ruins
were demolished half a century later.
Many churches and abbeys were
demolished during the French
occupation, amongst them the St.
Lambert's Cathedral in Liège, the St.
Donatian's Cathedral and Eekhout
Abbey in Bruges, Florennes Abbey in
Florennes, and St. Michael's Abbey in
The Herkenrode Abbey in Hasselt
survived the French Revolution, but
subsequently fell into disrepair. In 1826
a fire destroyed much of the church,
and the remaining ruins were
demolished in 1844.
On 25 August 1914, the university
library of Leuven was destroyed by the
Germans. 230,000 volumes were lost,
including medieval and Renaissance
manuscripts and more than 1,000
incunabula. After the war, a new library
was built. During World War II, the new
building was again set on fire and
nearly a million books were lost.
During World War I, the city of Ypres
was completely destroyed, including
its Town Hall and Cloth Hall. These
monuments were later rebuilt.
The Maison du Peuple in Brussels, one
of the largest works of architect Victor
Horta, was demolished in 1965 to
make way for an office building. The
surviving buildings designed by Horta
were declared UNESCO World Heritage
in 2000.

Several Maya sites such as San
Estevan and Nohmul have been partly

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most was destroyed by Croat forces in 1993

but was later rebuilt.

Through the course of the Bosnian

War, countless sites of cultural and
religious heritage were destroyed.
Muslim heritage sites suffered the
most, with 277 mosques and several
other religious facilities, schools and
institutions were destroyed by the
authorities of the Republic of Srpska
as a part of the ethnic cleansing
campaign against the local Muslim
populations. The most well known
among them include Mehmed Pasha
Kukavica Mosque, Arnaudija Mosque,
and Ferhat Pasha Mosque. Substantial
number of the mosques date back to
the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian
era. Roman Catholic sites also
suffered with more than 50 churches
being destroyed, which was associated
with the killings of Bosnian Croats by
the Bosnian Serbs. [16]
Parts of the old city of Mostar,
including the Stari Most, were
destroyed during the Bosnian War. The
Stari Most has been rebuilt.


The main building of the National Museum of Brazil

in 2011, before it was destroyed by a fire

On 8 July 1978, the Museum of

Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro was
destroyed by fire.
On 17 May 2010, the natural history
collection of the Instituto Butantan
were destroyed by fire.
On 2 September 2018, the National
Museum of Brazil was destroyed by


Centre Block ablaze in 1916

In January 1839 St James Anglican

Church in Toronto was destroyed by a
fire and rebuilt as St James Cathedral
by December 1839. This building was
destroyed by yet another fire in 1849
(Great Fire of Toronto (1849)) and
replaced by current structure Cathedral
Church of St. James in 1853.
Brock's Monument was heavily
damaged after a bombing on April 17,
1840 and subsequently demolished;
the monument was rebuilt in 1859.
On the night of April 25, 1849, the
Canadian Parliament buildings in
Montreal were set ablaze by Loyalist
rioters. The resulting fire consumed
the Parliament's two libraries, parts of
the archives of Upper Canada and
Lower Canada, as well as more recent
public documents. Over 23,000
volumes, forming the collections of the
two parliamentary libraries, were lost.
Christ Church Cathedral (Montreal)
was rebuilt in 1859 replacing the
previous structure destroyed in a fire in
The 1754 St. Matthew's United Church
(Halifax) was destroyed by fire in 1857
and rebuilt.
The 1881 St. James Anglican Church
(Vancouver) was destroyed by a fire in
1886 and only rebuilt after 1935
(completed in 1937).
Knox Presbyterian Church (Toronto)
was relocated in 1909 from the
previous site that had been partially
destroyed by a fire in 1895 and by
another fire in 1847
Following Confederation in 1867,
Canada's capital was moved to Ottawa
and new Parliament buildings were
built there. The Centre Block was
destroyed by fire on February 3, 1916,
and immediately rebuilt.
Church of Nativité-de-la-Sainte-Vierge-
d'Hochelaga was rebuilt in 1921 after
fire destroyed the original 1877 church.
Montreal City Hall from 1872-1878 was
gutted by fire in 1922 and rebuilt by
Church of the Ascension (Windsor,
Ontario) was destroyed by fire in 1926
(rebuilt 1927) and again in 1990
(repaired in same year).
Metropolitan United Church was
destroyed by fire in 1928 and rebuilt in
1929 to match the original 1874
Saint Boniface Cathedral in Winnipeg
was destroyed by fire in 1860 (built
1830) and 1968 (built 1906 after
relocating from the 1862 rebuild). The
current cathedral was rebuilt in 1972.
Saint-Jacques Cathedral (Montreal)
was destroyed by three fires in 1852,
1858 and 1933. The last rebuilt church
was mostly demolished after 1973
with only entrance preserved as
Pavillon Judith-Jasmin for the
Université du Québec à Montréal
St. Jude's Cathedral (Iqaluit), destroyed
by arson in 2005, with Inuit art and
Quebec City Armoury built in 1885-
1888 was mostly destroyed by a fire in
2008 and rebuilt by 2016.

Central America
The Maya codices were destroyed by
Spanish priest Diego de Landa.

Historical Famen Temple went through
several times of destructions. Erected
first during the Eastern Han dynasty
(25–220), it was first destroyed during
the years of the Northern Zhou dynasty
(557–581). After being rebuilt, it was
destroyed again by the earthquake
during the Longqing's years (1567–
1572) of the Ming dynasty. After
another reconstruction, it was
destroyed again during the Cultural
Revolution. Present construction was
completed in 1987.
The An Lushan Rebellion (755–763)
which lasted for around 7 years,
devastated the city of Chang'an, a
historical capital of several ancient
Chinese empires. The city was sacked
and occupied several times by the
rebels who looted and demolished the
buildings, whose materials were
reused to build the subsequent capital
city of Luoyang. Chang'an never
recovered after this obliteration, and it
was followed by the decline of the
Tang dynasty.
During the systematic persecution of
Buddhists in 845 AD by the Taoist
Emperor Wuzong of Tang, more than
4,600 Buddhist temples were
destroyed empirewide.[17]
In 955, Emperor Shizong of the Later
Zhou ordered the systematic
destruction of Buddha statues due to
the need of copper to mint coins. The
ordinance had led to the destruction of
3,336 of China's 6,030 Buddhist
In 1739, the Pagoda of Chengtian
Temple was destroyed after a large
earthquake hitting the city of Yinchuan.
The pagoda was subsequently
restored in 1820.
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, which
dates back to the 15th century, was
destroyed during the course of the
Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864). A
modern life size replica was built in
In 1860, much of the Old Summer
Palace, a Qing-era imperial palace, was
set fire, and systematically looted and
plundered by the British and French
forces. Some of the looted materials
including the 3,600 year old treasures.
The palace was later sacked again and
completely destroyed by the Eight-
Nation Alliance when they invaded
Beijing city fortifications which date
back to the 15th–16th century were
destroyed through the course of the
decline of the Qing dynasty in the late-
19th century to the early 20th-century.
It was severely damaged during the
Boxer Rebellion (1898–1901) with the
gate towers and watchtowers
destroyed, and the British troops
tearing down much of the outer city
walls. After the collapse of the Qing,
the fortifications were gradually
dismantled due to variety of reasons.
Today, nothing of the Outer City
remains intact.
During the early 20th century, around
1921 Buddhist murals at the Mogao
Caves were damaged and vandalized
by White Russian exiles.[19]
Buddhist murals at the Bezeklik
Thousand Buddha Caves were
damaged by local Muslim population.
The eyes and mouths in particular
were often gouged out. Pieces of
murals were also broken off for use as
fertilizer by the locals.[20][21]
During the Kumul Rebellion in Xinjiang
in the 1930s, Buddhist murals were
vandalized by Muslims.[22]
Yongdingmen, the former front gate of
the outer city wall of the Beijing city
fortifications which dates back to
1553, was demolished in the 1950s to
make way for the new road system. It
was rebuilt in 2005.
Gate of China in Beijing was
demolished by the Chinese
government in 1954 in order to make
way for the expansion of Tiananmen
A shrine dedicated to Wei Yan was
destroyed by the Chinese government
in 1968. A stone tablet which
contained the record of his presence
was lost after the demolition. The
shrine was rebuilt in 1995.[23]
During the Cultural Revolution, many
artifacts, monuments, and buildings
belonging to the Four Olds were
attacked and destroyed.
White Horse Temple, Luoyang.
Oldest Buddhist temple in China.
Some historical artifacts are still
Famen Buddhist Temple, Shaanxi
Tomb and remains of Ming
Emperor Wanli and empresses[25]
According to the anthropologist Robert
E. Murowchick, a quarter million tombs
have been raided since the 1990s to
rob the antiquities which lay beneath
them. Murowchick points out that
growing demand for antiquities from
both domestic and international
markets have encouraged the tomb
raiding in China.[26]
China's aggressive development has
resulted in the destruction of more
than 30,000 items listed by the state
administration of cultural heritage,
compiled from various archaeological
and historic sites. One conservation
campaigner tells that the rate of
destruction is worse than during the
Cultural Revolution. Destroyed heritage
sites include the old town in Dinghai,
the old town of Laoximen in
Shanghai,[27] a centuries-old market
street in Qianmen, and a section of the
Great Wall of China.[28] Historical
neighborhoods of Beijing and Nanjing
were also razed.[29][30]
The construction of the Three Gorges
Dam on the Yangtze River caused
water levels to rise, destroying entire
cities as well as many historical
locations along the river. [31]
In 2016, the Chinese government
ordered the demolition of historical
housings in the Larung Gar Tibetan
Buddhist institution.[32]
In 2016, the Chinese government has
destroyed around 5,000 mosques in
the Muslim-majority Xinjiang region,
including the 70% of mosques in the
township of Lenger, over the three
months of campaign. It was conducted
under the guise of public safety,
although the locals deem it as a part of
the systematic effort to subjugate the
Uyghur populations who have been
advocating for the independence of
East Turkestan State.[33]

450 churches and monasteries of the
Serbian Orthodox Church were
destroyed or damaged during the
World War II by the Croatian Ustaše,
specially in the regions of Dalmatia,
Lika, Kordun, Banija and Slavonia.[34]
War damage of the Croatian War
(1991–95) has been assessed on 2271
protected cultural monuments, with
the damage cost being estimated at
407 million DM.[35] The largest
numbers – 683 damaged cultural
monuments – are located in the area
of Dubrovnik and Neretva County. Most
are situated in Dubrovnik itself.[36] The
entire buildings and possessions of
481 Roman Catholic churches, several
synagogues and several Serbian
Orthodox churches were badly
damaged or completely destroyed.
Valuable inventories were looted from
over 100 churches. The most drastic
example of destruction of cultural
monuments, art objects and artefacts
took place in Vukovar. After the
occupation of the devastated city by
the Yugoslav Army and Serbian
paramilitary forces, portable cultural
property were removed from their
shelters and museums in Vukovar to
the museums and archives in
Church of St. Nicholas, Karlovac,
destroyed between 1991 and
1993. Renovated in 2007.
Dragović monastery, Vrlika,
destroyed in 1995. Reestablished
in 2004.
Czech Republic
The Old Town Hall in Prague was
severely damaged by fire during the
Prague uprising of 1945. The chamber
where George of Poděbrady was
elected King of Bohemia was
devastated; the town hall's bell, the
oldest in Bohemia, dating from 1313,
was melted; and the city archives,
comprising 70,000 volumes, as well as
historically priceless manuscripts,
were completely destroyed.[37]

Copenhagen Fire of 1728, where a
great part of medieval Copenhagen
Christiansborg Palace, main residence
of the Danish Kings, destroyed by fire
in 1794.
Copenhagen Fire of 1795, where a
great part of medieval and renaissance
Copenhagen vanished.
Hirschholm Palace, summer residence
of the Danish Kings, demolished in
1809–1813 after it stood empty after
its role in the affair between Johann
Friedrich Struensee and Queen
Caroline Matilda of Great Britain in the

Damage to the Pyramid of Menkaure

Library of Alexandria, destroyed c. 272

In the late 12th century, Sultan Al-Aziz
Uthman demolished part of the
Pyramid of Menkaure.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World, was damaged by earthquakes in
the 10th and 14th centuries, before
being demolished in 1480 to make way
for the Citadel of Qaitbay. Some
stones from the lighthouse were used
in the construction of the citadel, and
some other remains have survived
Villa Aghion, Alexandria.[38]
Objects stolen from the Mosque of
Taghribirdi and Al-Rifai Mosque.[39]
Institut d'Égypte, destroyed on
December 17, 2011 by the Egyptian

Notre-Dame de Paris fire

During the Siege of Strasbourg that

took place at the height of the Franco-
Prussian War in 1870, the total
destruction by shelling and fire of the
municipal library and the municipal art
and archaeology collections resulted in
the loss of 400,000 books[40] among
which 3,446[41] Medieval manuscripts
and thousands of incunables as well
as of hundreds of paintings, stained
glass windows and archaeological
artefacts. The most famous lost object
was the original manuscript of the
Hortus deliciarum.
On 23 May 1871, the Tuileries Palace,
which had been the usual Parisian
residence of French monarchs, was
almost entirely gutted in a fire set by
members of the Paris Commune,
leaving only the stone shell. It was
subsequently demolished in 1883.
In 1914 Reims Cathedral was burned
due to the shelling during the initial
phase of the First World War. The
cathedral was rebuilt after the war.
The 1978 Palace of Versailles bombing
severely damaged parts of the Palace
of Versailles, including several
priceless pieces of art. The palace was
rebuilt and reopened to the public
within four years.
On 15 April 2019, the roof of the Notre-
Dame de Paris caught fire, severely
damaging the bell towers and resulting
in the total collapse of the central spire
and roof. The fire is believed to be
caused by the ongoing restoration,
though an investigation is ongoing.[42]

The remains of the Berlin Palace in 1950

Myriad historically and architecturally

significant buildings were destroyed or
severely damaged by World War II and
the post-war period. Striking examples
are palaces like Berlin Palace,
Monbijou Palace, or City Palace,
Potsdam and churches, such as
Dresden Frauenkirche, Berlin Cathedral
and Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church.
Several have been rebuilt since 1990
(including all those mentioned except
the Monbijou Palace and the Kaiser
Wilhelm Memorial Church).
The Paulinerkirche was a medieval
church from 1231 in Leipzig. The
church survived the war practically
unscathed but was dynamited in 1968
during the communist regime of East
Germany. After the reunification of
Germany, a new building in a
contemporary style, the Paulinum, was
built on the site.
The building housing the Historical
Archive of the City of Cologne
collapsed on 3 March 2009 during the
construction of an underground railway
The Church of St. Lambertus in
Immerath was demolished on 9
January 2018 as part of the demolition
of the entire village to make way for an
expansion of the Garzweiler surface
mine.[43] The church had been added
to the list of heritage monuments in
Erkelenz on 14 May 1985.[44]

The Colossus of Rhodes, one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World,
was destroyed in the 226 BC Rhodes
earthquake, and its remains were
destroyed in the 7th century AD while
Rhodes was under Arab rule. In
December 2015, a group of European
architects announced plans to build a
modern Colossus where the original
once stood.
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, also a
Wonder of the Ancient World, was
destroyed in around the 5th century CE,
although it is not known exactly when
or how.
The Parthenon was extensively
damaged in 1687, during the Great
Turkish War (1683–1699). The
Ottoman Turks fortified the Acropolis
of Athens and used the Parthenon as a
gunpowder magazine and a shelter for
members of the local Turkish
community. On 26 September a
Venetian mortar round blew up the
magazine, and the explosion blew out
the building's central portion. About
three hundred people were killed in the
explosion, which caused fires that
burned until the following day and
consumed many homes. Parthenon
was extensively and permanently
damaged when Thomas Bruce, the 7th
Earl of Elgin and ambassador to the
Ottoman Empire (occupiers of Greece
in the early 19th century) who admire
the Parthenon's extensive collection of
ancient marble sculptures; began
extracting and expatriating them to
Britain in 1801. The latter damage is
still considered one of the most
significant destructions of heritage in
the history of the Parthenon.

Tikal Temple 33 was destroyed in the
1960s by archaeologists to uncover
earlier phases of construction of the

Much of Haiti's heritage was damaged
or destroyed in the devastating
earthquake in 2010, including the
National Palace and the Port-au-Prince
Numerous historical buildings in
Budapest were damaged or destroyed
in World War II, including the
Hungarian Parliament Building, the
Chain Bridge and the Sándor Palace.
These three have now been rebuilt.


James Princep's version of the original

Vishwanath temple
A large number of Hindu and other
(e.g., Jain) temples were destroyed
during the Islamic invasions of
India.[46][47] Prominent example
includes the Somnath temple in
Gujarat. In 1024, during the reign of
Bhima I, the prominent Afghan ruler
Mahmud of Ghazni raided Gujarat,
plundered and destroyed the temple
and broke its jyotirlinga.[48][49][50] In
1299, Alauddin Khalji's army under the
leadership of Ulugh Khan defeated
Karandev II of the Vaghela dynasty,
and sacked the (rebuilt) Somnath
temple.[51] By 1665, the rebuilt temple
was once again ordered destroyed by
Mughal emperor Aurangzeb.[52] In
1702, he ordered that if Hindus had
revived worship there, it should be
demolished completely.[53]
In 1323, when the Kakatiya dynasty
refused to pay tribute to the Delhi
Sultanate, Ulugh Khan under orders
from his father and sultan Ghiyath al-
Din Tughluq laid siege to the Warangal
Fort and destroyed it.
Around 1200 CE, one of the most
prominent seats of learning in ancient
India, Nalanda university, was sacked
and destroyed by Turkish leader
Bakhtiyar Khalji.
In 1565 CE, after the Battle of Talikota,
the capital city of Vijayanagara, with all
its temples, palaces, mansions and
monuments, was sacked and
completely destroyed by an invading
Muslim army raised by the five
Bahamani Sultanates. What remains
now are the ruins of Hampi.
In 1664, Aurangzeb destroyed the
Kashi Vishwanath Temple and built the
Gyanvapi Mosque over its walls. The
remnants of the temple wall can still
be seen today, as was depicted in the
19th century sketch by James Prinsep.
Christian missionary Edwin Greaves
(1909), of the London Missionary
Society, described the site as follows:
"At the back of the mosque and in
continuation of it are some broken
remains of what was probably the old
Bishwanath Temple. It must have been
a right noble building ; there is nothing
finer, in the way of architecture in the
whole city, than this scrap. A few
pillars inside the mosque appear to be
very old also." [54]
In 1696, the Madrasa Mahmud Gawan
of Bidar was struck by lightning and a
part of it was destroyed.
In 1992 Babri Masjid was destroyed by
Hindu nationalists.
On 26 April 2016, the National
Museum of Natural History, New Delhi
and its valuable collection of animal
fossils and stuffed animals was
destroyed by fire.[55]

330 BC, Alexander the Great sent the
main force of his army to Persepolis by
the Royal Road and destroyed it.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one
of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World, are believed to have been
destroyed sometime after the 1st
century AD. Their existence is not
confirmed by archaeology, and there
have been suggestions that the
gardens were purely mythical.
The Round City of Baghdad, the seat of
the Abbasid caliph, was sacked by the
Mongols led by Hulegu in 1258. Large
section of the city as well as irrigation
system and the House of Wisdom, a
library and intellectual center, were
destroyed. The city was attacked again
by Tamerlane in 1401, leading to the
almost complete destruction.
Several historical gates of Baghdad
dating back to the 12th century were
destroyed by the occupying British and
Ottoman forces throughout the early-
20th century and the World War I.
Since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in
2003, various archaeological sites and
museums have been looted, including
the ancient cities of Adab, Hatra and
Isin where U.S. military protection was
absent. The most prominent among
them being the National Museum of
Iraq where as much as 170,000 items
were looted, including the 5,000 year
old statues. In addition, several sites
such as Babylon saw the destruction
of its archaeology-rich subsoil as a
result of military planning.
During the civil war ensued the 2003
invasion, several historical sites were
destroyed by various groups. In 2006
and 2007, Al-Askari Mosque was
bombed by Sunni militants twice in the
course of two years. In 2006, the
Minaret of Anah and the statue of Al-
Mansur were bombed by Shia militant
and destroyed. All the aforementioned
buildings were later reconstructed.
The Islamic State (IS) destroyed much
of the cultural heritage in the areas it
controlled in Iraq. At least 28 religious
buildings were looted and destroyed,
including Shiite mosques, tombs,
shrines and churches.[56] In addition,
numerous ancient and medieval sites
and artifacts, including the ancient
cities of Nimrud and Hatra, parts of the
wall of Nineveh, the ruins of Bash
Tapia Castle and Dair Mar Elia, and
artifacts from the Mosul Museum were
also destroyed.

During the Battle of Dublin at the
beginning of the Irish Civil War in 1922,
munitions were stored at the Four
Courts building, which housed 1,000
years of Irish records in the Public
Record Office. Under circumstances
that are disputed, the munitions were
exploded, destroying much of Ireland's
historical record.
The Irish Republican Army followed a
policy of deliberate destruction of Irish
country houses (1919–1923).
Following the conquest of the Old City
of Jerusalem by the Arab Legion in
1948, under the Jordanian annexation,
Jewish sites were systematically
damaged and destroyed. In particular,
all but one of the thirty-five
synagogues of the Jewish Quarter
were destroyed.[57]
Following Israel's victory during the
1967 Six-Day War a large part of
Moroccan Quarter in Jerusalem's Old
Town was demolished in order to
make room for a plaza in front of the
Western Wall.

Various historic buildings were
demolished in the 19th and 20th
centuries to make way for railways,
industrial areas or other modern
buildings. Examples include the
Castello di Villagonia and the Real
Cittadella in Sicily.
The monastery of Monte Cassino was
destroyed during the Battle of Monte
Cassino in World War II, but it was
rebuilt after the war.
Several historic buildings, books,
paintings, and sculptures were
destroyed during the Florence Flood of
1966. Also, Venice was affected during
the flood of 1966.
Several churches and other heritage
sites were damaged or destroyed
during earthquakes such as the 1997
Umbria and Marche earthquake, the
2009 L'Aquila earthquake and the
August 2016 Central Italy earthquake.

Shuri Castle, a palace of the Ryukyu
Kingdom first built in the 14th century,
was destroyed during the Battle of
Okinawa in World War II. The Japanese
forces had set up a defense perimeter
which goes through the underground
of the castle. U.S. military targeted this
location by shelling with the battleship
USS Mississippi (BB-41) for three days
in May 1945. The castle burned down
subsequently after. It was later
reconstructed in the 1990s.
Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) of Kyoto,
Japan was burnt down by an arsonist
in 1950, but was restored in 1955.[58]
A large number of Important Cultural
Property, libraries, museums and other
archives were damaged or destroyed
by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and

Numerous Albanian cultural sites in
Kosovo were destroyed during the
Kosovo conflict (1998–1999) which
constituted a war crime violating the
Hague and Geneva Conventions.[59] In all
225 out of 600 mosques in Kosovo were
damaged, vandalised, or destroyed
alongside other Islamic architecture and
Islamic libraries and archives with
records spanning 500 years.[60][61]
Additionally 500 Albanian owned kulla
dwellings (traditional stone tower
houses) and three out of four well
preserved Ottoman period urban centres
located in Kosovo cities were badly
damaged resulting in great loss of
traditional architecture.[62][63] Kosovo's
public libraries, in particular 65 out of 183
were completely destroyed with a loss of
900,588 volumes. [64][65][64] During the
war, Islamic architectural heritage posed
for Yugoslav Serb paramilitary and
military forces as Albanian patrimony
with destruction of non-Serbian
architectural heritage being a methodical
and planned component of ethnic
cleansing in Kosovo.[63][66]

NATO bombing in March–June 1999

resulted in some accidental damages to
churches and a mosque. Revenge
attacks against Serbian religious sites
commenced following the conflict and
the return of hundreds of thousands of
Kosovo Albanian refugees to their
homes.[67] According to the International
Center for Transitional Justice, many
Serbian cultural objects, including 155
Serbian Orthodox churches and
monasteries, were destroyed by Kosovo
Albanians between June 1999 and March

During the civil war of 2011, various
sites were vandalized, looted or
In March 2015, during the second civil
war, the Islamic State destroyed Sufi
shrines near Tripoli.[70]

In November 1995, a fire broke out in
the Rova of Antananarivo, a royal
palace complex that served as the
home of monarchs in Madagascar
since the 17th century. The fire
destroyed or severely damaged all of
its buildings.[71]

Candi Number 11 also known as Candi
Sungai Batu Estate, a 1,200 year old
ruin of a tomb-temple located in the
Bujang Valley historical complex in
Kedah was demolished in 2013 by
housing developers who claimed not
to have known the historical
significance of the stone edifice.[72]

The destruction of the Buddhist
artifacts by Islamists took place in the
aftermath of the coup in which
Mohamed Nasheed was toppled as
President.[73] Islamist politicians
entered the government which
succeeded Nasheed.[74][75] On 7
February 2012,[76] The National
Museum was stormed by Islamists
who destroyed the Buddhist
artifacts.[77][78][79][80] Most of Maldive's
Buddhist physical history was
obliterated.[81][82] Hindu artifacts were
also targeted for obliteration and the
actions have been compared to the
attacks on the Buddhas by the
Parts of the World Heritage Site of
Timbuktu were destroyed after the
Battle of Gao in 2012, despite
condemnation by UNESCO, the OIC,
Mali, and France.


The Royal
Opera House in
Valletta in 1911,
and its ruins in
2016. The
building was
destroyed by
in 1942.

A number of buildings of historical or

architectural importance which had
been included on the Antiquities List[89]
were destroyed by aerial bombardment
during World War II, including Auberge
d'Auvergne, Auberge de France and the
Slaves' Prison in Valletta,[90] the Clock
Tower,[91] Auberge d'Allemagne[92] and
Auberge d'Italie[93] in Birgu, and two
out of three megalithic temples at
Kordin.[94][95] Others such as Fort
Manoel also suffered severe damage,
but were rebuilt after the war.[96]
Other buildings which were not
included on the Antiquities List but
which had significant cultural
importance were also destroyed during
the war. The most notable of these
was the Royal Opera House in Valletta,
which is considered as "one of the
major architectural and cultural
projects undertaken by the British" by
the Superintendence of Cultural
The Gourgion Tower in Xewkija, which
was included on the Antiquities List,
was demolished by American forces in
1943 to make way for an airfield. Many
of its inscriptions and decorated
stones were retrieved and they are now
in storage at Heritage Malta.[98]
Palazzo Fremaux, a building included
on the Antiquities List and which was
scheduled as a Grade 2 property, was
gradually demolished between 1990
and 2003. The demolition was
condemned by local residents, the
local government and non-
governmental organizations.[99][100]
The Azure Window, which was a 28-
metre-tall (92 ft) limestone natural arch
on the island of Gozo in Malta. It was
located in Dwejra Bay in the limits of
San Lawrenz, close to the Inland Sea
and the Fungus Rock. It was one of
Malta's major tourist attractions. The
arch, together with other natural
features in the area of Dwejra, is
featured in a number of international
films and other media representations.
The formation was anchored on the
east end by the seaside cliff, arching
over open water, to be anchored to a
free standing pillar in the sea to the
west of the cliff. It was created when
two limestone sea caves collapsed.
Following years of natural erosion
causing parts of the arch to fall into
the sea, the arch and free standing
pillar collapsed completely during a
storm in March 2017.
Villa St Ignatius, a 19th-century villa
with historical and architectural
significance,[101] was partially
demolished in late 2017. This was
condemned by numerous non-
governmental organizations and other

Shwedagon Paya temple complex in
Yangon, built c. 6th and 10th centuries
AD, was severely damaged after
Cyclone Nargis passing the region in
2008, which caused the worst natural
disaster in the recorded history of

The 7.8 Mw  Nepal earthquake in 2015
demolished heritages in Kathmandu
valley. It destroyed centuries old
medieval temples and palaces in the
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan
Durbar Squares along with the tower of
Dharahara, the temple of
Changunarayan, some temples of the
Pahupatinath complex, the main stupa
of Boudhanath and the temples of
Swayambhunath Stupa.[104][105]

From 1992 to 1995 members of the
Norwegian black metal scene began a
wave of arson attacks on medieval
Christian churches.[106] By 1996, there
had been at least 50 attacks.

The Archaeological site of Harappa
which dates back to 2600 BCE was
heavily damaged during the British rule
in 1857. Bricks from the ruins were
brought out and used as track ballast
during the construction of Lahore–
Multan railway line.[107] Since the
discovery, the site was constantly
being damaged by the local farmers in
the process of turning it into an
agriculture land.[108]
Shaheed Ganj Mosque in Lahore was
demolished by the Sikhs in 1935. Sikhs
had been occupying the public square
near the mosque since the capture of
Lahore by Bhangi Misl in the 18th
century. The conflict concerning the
mosque had heightened during the
British colonial occupation era, as
Muslims were not allowed to pray
there. The demolishing of the mosque
had led to the Muslims protesters
holding marches toward the mosque,
which was dispersed by the police
opening fire on them.[109]
Looters and the Taliban destroyed
much of Pakistan's Buddhist artifacts
left over from the Buddhist Gandhara
civilization especially in Swat
Valley.[110] Gandhara Buddhist relics
were deliberately targeted by the
Taliban for destruction,[111] and illegally
looted by smugglers.[112] Kushan era
Buddhist stupas and statues in Swat
valley, including the Jehanabad
Buddha's face, were demolished by the
Taliban.[113][114][115][116] The
government was criticized for doing
nothing to safeguard the statue after
the initial attempt at destroying the
Buddha, which did not cause
permanent harm, and when the second
attack took place on the statue the
feet, shoulders, and face were
demolished.[117] A rehabilitation
attempt on the Buddha was made by
Luca Olivieri and a group from


The Loon Church before and after the 2013 Bohol

Manila Jai Alai Building, a historic jai
alai venue demolished in 2000 which
was opposed by heritage
conservationists.[120][120][121] The
demolition led to the passage of the
National Cultural Heritage Act of
Several historic buildings were
damaged or destroyed during the 2013
Bohol earthquake, including the Loboc
Church, the Loon Church, the
Maribojoc Church and the Baclayon
The Philippine Su Kuang Institute
building was demolished in 2017 after
the owners sold the building to a
private developer within the same year.
The 1940s was the last Art Deco
wooden school structure in Binondo,
During the Battle of Manila, most of the
city's unique architecture was
destroyed. After the battle, in the
business district, only two buildings
dating to before the War remained
intact, and these buildings' plumbing
had been looted.[124] After the War,
much of Manila was rebuilt in a
modernist style, and thus the original
architectural heritage of the city is
largely lost.

Warsaw Old Town including the Royal
Castle, Warsaw, Warsaw New Town,
Łazienki Park including the Łazienki
Palace, Ujazdowski Castle destroyed
by Nazi Germany in 1944. Rebuilt from
the 1950s to 1980s.

Lisbon was almost totally destroyed
during the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and
subsequent fire and tsunami.
A small section of the 19th. cent.
quarter Chiado was destroyed by fire
on August 25th 1988: The eighteen
damaged buildings were rebuilt in the
following 20 years.
The 60-meter-high tower of Rotbav
fortified church, dating back to the
13th century, collapsed on 20 February
Many historical buildings were
demolished to construct the Centrul
Civic in Bucharest.
Many old towns of different cities were
destroyed partially or completely
because of the communist urban
The 1989 fire of the Central University
Library over 500,000 books, along with
3,700 manuscripts, were burnt,
including manuscripts of famous
Romanian writings, such as many of
Mircea Eliade's novel manuscripts.


The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour being

demolished in 1931

Spas-na-boru Cathedral (Cathedral of the Savior in

the Woods), built sometime before 1330 and
demolished in 1933
The Church of Kazan Icon in Yakimanka District of
Moscow, desecrated in the 1930s and gradually
reduced into a storage barn, was demolished during
a 1972 campaign

This 1890s building in Moscow was demolished in

September 2008. The property developer was fined
During February–March 1944, the
Soviet conducted the expulsion of the
Chechens and Ingush from the North
Caucasus as a part of the Soviet
forced settlement program of the non-
Russian ethnic minorities. The
operation was resulted in the
deportation of 496,000 Chechens and
Ingush populations, and the death of
around quarter of them. It was also
accompanied by the destruction of
local cultural and societal heritages;
names of these nations were erased
from the books and records;
placenames were replaced with
Russian ones; mosques were
demolished; villages were razed; and
the historical Nakh language
manuscripts were almost completely
Around 191,000 Crimean Tatars faced
the deportation by the Soviets in May
1944. This was accompanied by virtual
"ethnic cleansing" from the Crimea,
with all the Tatar placenames being
replaced with Russian ones, and the
Muslim graveyards and religious
objects were destroyed or converted
into secular places.
With the change in values imposed by
communist ideology, the tradition of
preservation was broken. Independent
preservation societies, even those that
defended only secular landmarks such
as Moscow-based OIRU were
disbanded by the end of the 1920s. A
new anti-religious campaign, launched
in 1929, coincided with collectivization
of peasants; destruction of churches in
the cities peaked around 1932. A
number of churches were demolished,
including the Cathedral of Christ the
Saviour in Moscow and St. Michael's
Cathedral in Izhevsk. Both of these
were rebuilt in the 1990s and 2000s.
In 1959 Nikita Khrushchev launched
his anti-religious campaign. By 1964
over 10 thousand churches out of 20
thousand were shut down (mostly in
rural areas) and many were
demolished. Of 58 monasteries and
convents operating in 1959, only
sixteen remained by 1964; of
Moscow's fifty churches operating in
1959, thirty were closed and six
In Moscow alone losses of 1917–2006
are estimated at over 640 notable
buildings (including 150 to 200 listed
buildings, out of a total inventory of
3,500) – some disappeared
completely, others were replaced with
concrete replicas.
President Boris Yeltsin ordered the
shelling of the White House, seat of the
Russian government, during his 1993
consolidation of power, causing a large
fire and considerable damage to the
top floors.
'Mephistopheles', figure on a St
Petersburg building on Lakhtinksaya
Street known as the House with
Mephistopheles, smashed by a
fundamentalist Orthodox group in
The original buildings of
Metrowagonmash plant, founded by
Savva Mamontov in 1897 and built in
Russian Gothic style, were demolished
between 2016 and 2019 to make way
for block houses.
Saudi Arabia
Various mosques and other historic
sites, especially those relating to early
Islam, have been destroyed in Saudi
Arabia. Apart from early Islamic sites,
other buildings such as the Ajyad
Fortress were also destroyed. This is
done for economic reasons, to create
room to accommodate hajj pilgrims
(including luxury facilities for wealthy
guests), as well as for ideological
reasons related to the iconoclastic
religious doctrine of the state Wahhabi

The Singapore Stone was blown up in
1843 to make way for Fort Fullerton.

Partisan forces or their successors
destroyed approximately 100[131]
castles and manors during and after
the Second World War.[132] Examples
include Ajman Manor, Belnek Castle,
Boštanj Castle, Brdo Castle, Čušperk
Castle, Dol Mansion, Dolena Castle,
Gracar Castle, Haasberg Castle,
Klevevž Castle, Kolovec Castle, Križ
Castle, Krupa Castle, Mokronog Castle,
Pogonik Castle, Radelstein Castle,
Soteska Castle, Špitalič Manor, Turn
Castle, and Volčji Potok Manor.
An Allied raid heavily damaged
Žužemberk Castle during the Second
World War.
Partisan forces or their successors
destroyed many churches during and
after the Second World War. Examples
include the churches in Ajbelj, Gabrje,
Hinje, Koče, Kočevska Reka, Morava,
Plešivica, Srobotnik pri Velikih Laščah,
Stari Log, Trava, Velika Račna, Zafara,
and Žužemberk.
A German raid during the Second
World War destroyed the church in
Allied raids destroyed churches during
the Second World War. Examples
include the church in Dvor and Sts.
Peter and Paul Church in Ptuj.

South Korea
Hwangnyongsa, a massive Buddhist
temple in Gyeongju which dates back
to the 7th century, was burned down by
the Mongolians during their invasion in
Hundreds of Buddhist monasteries
were shut down or destroyed during
the Joseon period as a part of anti-
Buddhism policy. In 1407, during the
reign of Taejong, the regulations were
imposed on the number of Buddhist
temples which limited to 88.[133]
Sejong the Great further reduced the
number to 36.[134][133] Many Buddhist
statues were also destroyed during the
reign of Jungjong (1506–1544).
Namdaemun was damaged by fire
caused by arson in 2008. It reopened
in 2013.

Because of the Ecclesiastical
confiscations of Mendizábal,
secularization of church properties in
1835–1836, several hundreds of
church buildings, monasteries, etc., or
civil buildings owned by the Church
were partly or totally demolished.
Many of the art works, libraries and
archives contained were lost or
pillaged in the time the buildings were
abandoned and without owners.
Among them were important buildings
as Santa Caterina convent (the first
gothic building in Iberian Peninsula)
and Sant Francesc convent (gothic too,
one of the richest in the country), both
in Barcelona, or San Pedro de Arlanza
Roman monastery, near Burgos, now
Several monuments demolished in
Calatayud: the church of Convent of
Dominicos of San Pedro Mártir (1856),
Convent of Trinidad (1856), Church of
Santiago (1863), Church of San
Torcuato and Santa Lucía (1869) and
Church of San Miguel (1871).[135]
The leaning Torre Nueva in Zaragoza
was demolished in 1892 amidst fears
that it would topple.[135]
Churches, monasteries, convents and
libraries were destroyed during the
Spanish Civil War.[136]
A Virxe da Barca sanctuary, located in
Muxia, was destroyed by lightning.[137]

Sri Lanka
The Palace of King Parakramabahu I of
Polonnaruwa was set into fire by the
Kalinga Magha lead Indian invaders in
the 11th century. The ruins and the
effect of the fire is still visible.[138]
The Library of Jaffna, which had over
97,000 manuscripts, was burned in
1981, in 1981 as a part of Sri Lankan

Tre Kronor, main residence of the
Swedish Kings, destroyed by fire in
1697. Several important documents of
the history of Sweden were lost in the
Klarakvarteren, a part of Stockholm
from the 17th century. It was
demolished in the 1960–70.

The city of Basel was devastated by
the 1356 Basel earthquake.
Pfäfers Abbey was destroyed in 1665
by fire.
The city of Sion with Majoria and
Tourbillon castles was destroyed by
fire in 1788.
Disentis Abbey was destroyed by fire in
1799 with its library and archives.
The Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge) in
Luzern (Lucerne) was substantially
destroyed in 1993 by fire. [139]

Library of Antioch, ordered destroyed
by Roman Emperor Jovian in 363 AD.
The Aleppo Codex, the authoritative
Hebrew bible text, was partially
destroyed during anti-Jewish riots in
Syria in 1948.

Minaret of the Great Mosque of Aleppo, destroyed in

fighting in 2013.

Much of Syria's cultural heritage was

damaged, destroyed or looted during
the Syrian Civil War. Destroyed
buildings include the minaret of the
Great Mosque of Aleppo and the Al-
Madina Souq, while others such as
Krak des Chevaliers were
Khusruwiyah Mosque (Husrev
The Islamic State destroyed the Lion of
Al-lāt, the temples of Bel and
Baalshamin, the Arch of Triumph and
other sites in Palmyra. The group also
destroyed the Monastery of St. Elian,
the Armenian Genocide Memorial
Church, and several ancient sculptures
in the city of Raqqa.
During the Turkish military operation in
Afrin at 2018, Turkish shelling had
seriously damaged the ancient temple
of Ain Dara at Afrin.[142][143]
The city of Carthage was destroyed by
Roman Forces in the third and final
Punic War in 146 BC by arson, and
fragments of buildings still remain.

The Temple of Artemis, one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World,
was destroyed by arson in 356 BC. It
was later rebuilt, but it was damaged in
a raid by Goths in 268 AD. Its stones
were subsequently used in other
buildings, including Hagia Sophia and
other buildings in Constantinople. A
few fragments of the structure still
survive in situ.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,
another Wonder of the Ancient World,
was destroyed by a series of
earthquakes between the 12th and
15th centuries. Most of the remaining
marble blocks were burnt into lime, but
some were used in the construction of
Bodrum Castle by the Knights
Hospitaller, where they can still be
seen today. The only other surviving
remains of the mausoleum are some
foundations in situ, a few sculptures in
the British Museum, and some marble
blocks which were used to build a
dockyard in Malta's Grand Harbour.
During the events of the Armenian
Genocide and its aftermath, the
abandonment and confiscation of
Armenian monasteries and cultural
heritage in places such as Ani has
contributed to their eventual
destruction. In 1974, UNESCO stated
that after 1923, out of 913 Armenian
historical monuments left in Eastern
Turkey, 464 have vanished completely,
252 are in ruins, and 197 are in need of
repair.[144] In 2011, there were 34
Armenian churches functioning in
Turkey, primarily in Istanbul.[145]

Church of the Transfiguration,

(a category about lost and destroyed
heritage of Ukraine in the Ukrainian

Great Suburb Synagogue, Lviv

United Kingdom

The Crystal
Palace in
London in 1854;
its burnt-out
ruins in 1936;
and the site in

The Dissolution of the Monasteries in

the 1530s led to many monasteries,
relics and books being destroyed, such
as Glastonbury Abbey.
Great Fire of London (1666), when
much of the old city was destroyed,
including Old St Paul's Cathedral, 87
parish churches, 44 Company Halls,
the Royal Exchange, the Custom House
and the Bridewell Palace.
Palace of Whitehall, main residence of
the English and later British monarchs,
destroyed by fire in 1698.
St Mary's Church in Reculver, an
exemplar of Anglo-Saxon architecture
and sculpture, was partially
demolished in 1809.
The Palace of Westminster was almost
completely destroyed by fire on 16
October 1834, and many documents
about Britain's political history were
lost. Only Westminster Hall and the
Jewel Tower survived.
The Crystal Palace in London was
destroyed by fire on 30 November
The Baltic Exchange at 24-28 St Mary
Axe in the City of London, was
destroyed by a bomb placed there by
the Provisional IRA in 1992. The site is
now occupied by The Gherkin and the
Baltic Exchange Memorial Glass can
be seen in the National Maritime
St Michael's Church in Coventry was a
14th-century cathedral that was nearly
destroyed during the Coventry Blitz of
14 November 1940 by the German
Luftwaffe. Only the tower, spire, the
outer wall and the bronze effigy and
tomb of its first bishop, Huyshe
Yeatman-Biggs, survived. The ruins of
this cathedral remain hallowed ground
and are listed at Grade I.[146]
Charles Church in Plymouth was
entirely burned out by incendiary
bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe, on
the nights of 21 and 22 March 1941.
However, it has since been encircled by
a roundabout and turned into "a
memorial to those citizens of
Plymouth who were killed in air-raids
on the city in the 1939–45 war."
Coleshill House, a historic mansion in
Oxfordshire (historically Berkshire)
was entirely destroyed in a fire in 1952,
and many historic items within were
lost. The ruins were demolished in
Several historic structures such as the
Euston Arch in London and the Royal
Arch in Dundee were demolished in the
1960s to make way for redeveloped
York Minster was severely damaged by
fire in 1984, believed to have been
caused by a lightning strike on the
south transept.[147]
A major fire in 1992 caused extensive
damage to Windsor Castle, the largest
inhabited castle in the world and one
of the official residences of Queen
Elizabeth II.
Clandon Park House, a historic
mansion in Surrey, was severely
damaged by fire on 29 April 2015,
leaving the house "essentially a shell"
and destroying thousands of historic
items, including one of the footballs
kicked across no-man's land on the
first day of the Battle of the Somme in
The Royal Clarence Hotel in Exeter,
considered England's oldest hotel, was
almost completely destroyed by fire on
28 October 2016.[149]
The Mackintosh Building of Glasgow
School of Art was extensively
damaged by fire on 15 June 2018. Alan
Dunlop, the school's professor of
architecture, said: “I can’t see any
restoration possible for the building
itself. It looks totally destroyed.”[150]

United States

The main waiting room of New York City's

Pennsylvania Station c. 1911. The station was
largely demolished in 1963.

Pennsylvania Station, in New York City,

was a Beaux-Arts style "architectural
jewel" of New York City.
Controversially, the above-ground
portions of the station were
demolished in 1963, making way for
the construction of the Madison
Square Garden arena. The controversy
energized a historic preservation
movement in New York City and the
United States.
September 11 attacks, on September
11, 2001, Islamist terrorists affiliated
with al-Qaeda destroyed both towers
of the World Trade Center complex in
New York City.
Since the 1960 start of the National
Historic Landmark (NHL) program and
the 1966 start of the National Register
of Historic Places (NRHP), numerous
landmarks designated in those
programs have been destroyed. In
some cases the destruction was
mitigated by documentation of the
artifact or reproduction.
Losses by flood and wind damage
The 1855-built NHL Old
Blenheim Bridge, the longest
surviving covered bridge, was
destroyed by Hurricane Irene-
related flooding in 2011.
Numerous NRHP-listed
coastal properties in
Mississippi and Louisiana,
destroyed by Hurricane
Losses by fire, arson or otherwise,
Russian-built NHL Fort Ross
Chapel, pre-1841, destroyed
1970, subsequently
On July 12, 1973, fire
destroyed about 80% of the
military personnel records
held at the National Personnel
Records Center in St. Louis,
MO. [151]
The Provo Tabernacle (NRHP)
was destroyed in a fire
December 17, 2010.[152] It
was subsequently rebuilt as
the Provo City Center Temple,
dedicated in 2016.[153]
Losses by permitted processes
NHL Soldier Field stadium,
1924-built, altered by 2002
NHL Edwin H. Armstrong
House, demolished 1983
NHL Army Medical Museum
and Library. 1887–1969,
NHL NASA wind tunnels
Eight-Foot High Speed Tunnel
(1936–2011) and Full Scale
30- by 60-Foot Tunnel (1936–
Ships broken up include:
NHL Wapama (steam
schooner) (1915–2013),
scrapped, though
documented by Historic
American Engineering Record
(HAER) throughout its
NHL President (steamboat)
(1924–2009), disassembled
Other losses of covered bridges,
landmarked or not, include:
Dooley Station Covered Bridge
(1917–1960), arson; replaced by
move of 1856-built Portland Mills
Covered Bridge
Bridgeton Covered Bridge (1868–
2005), arson, since replaced by
NRHP Jeffries Ford Covered
Bridge (1915–2002), arson
Welle Hess Covered Bridge No. S1
(1871–1981), collapsed, partially
reproduced off-site
Whites Bridge (1869–2013), arson
Babb's Bridge (1864–1973), arson,
replaced by replica
Honey Run Covered Bridge (1886–
2018), destroyed during the 2018
Camp Fire
In 2014 a 4,500-year-old Coast Miwok
Indian burial ground and village was
found near Larkspur, California, and
destroyed to make way for a
multimillion-dollar housing
Grand Coulee Dam, constructed
between 1933 and 1942 on the
Columbia River disturbed burial
grounds and destroyed ancient villages
on 18,000 acres (7,300 ha) of the
Colville Indian Reservation, home to a
dozen tribes at the time.[155]

In 1969, an original Flag of the Treinta
y Tres from the Cisplatine War was
stolen from the history museum. The
national symbol was taken on July 16,
1969 by a revolutionary group called
OPR-33. The historical flag was last
seen in 1975 in Buenos Aires but has
been considered missing since the day
of its theft. This is still a matter of
political debate.[156][157]

According to Nabil Monassar, the vice
director of the General Organization for
the Preservation of the Historic Cities
of Yemen, Yemeni Civil War and Saudi
Arabian-led intervention in Yemen had
led to the destruction of more than 80
historical sites and monuments, as
well as hundreds of individual
buildings, including:[158]
Archaeological site of Ma'rib,
including the Great Dam of Marib
and Awwam Temple which badly
damaged in 2015.[159]
Old City of Sana'a[160] including the
prominent Qubbat al-Mahdi
Historic Town of Zabid
Old City of Sa'dah
Walled City of Shibam
12th-century Cairo Castle in Taiz
was struck by Saudi-led airstrikes.
According to the UN report, 30% of
the castle had been damaged.
Al-Muqah temple and the
archaeological site of Sirwah
Al-Naqrah temple and the
archaeological site of Baraqish[159]
Historic center of Al Jawf
Dhamar Regional Museum[161]

See also
Art destruction
Book burning and list of book-burning
List of destroyed libraries
List of World Heritage in Danger
Lost work, lost artworks and list of lost
Virtual heritage
World Monuments Fund

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Further reading
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iconoclasm: the destruction of
Eccleshall Castle during the English
Civil Wars". Post-Medieval Archaeology.
50 (2): 279–288.
Bajgora, Sabri (2014). Destruction of
Islamic Heritage in the Kosovo War
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Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Kosovo.
ISBN 9789951595025.
Narain, Harsh (1993). The Ayodhya
Temple Mosque Dispute: Focus on
Muslim Sources. Delhi: Penman
Publishers. ISBN 9788185504162
Rakoczy, Lila (2007). Archaeology of
Destruction: A Reinterpretation of
Castle Slightings in the English Civil
War (PhD). University of York.
OCLC 931130655 .
Shourie, Arun, S.R. Goel, Harsh Narain,
J. Dubashi and Ram Swarup. Hindu
Temples - What Happened to Them
Vol. I, (A Preliminary Survey) (1990)
ISBN 81-85990-49-2

External links
Targeting History and Memory , SENSE
- Transitional Justice Center
(dedicated to the study, research, and
documentation of the destruction and
damage of historic heritage during the
Balkan Wars of the 1990s. The website
contains judicial documents from the
International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY)).

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Last edited 12 days ago by Spicem…

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otherwise noted.

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