Environmental Quiz Reviewer

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1) 2011 was designated by the UN General Assembly as the “Year of the Forests”, hoping to highlight their key
roles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting biodiversity
2) Acid rain comes back to earth when sulfur dioxide in the air changes into sulfuric acid and nitrogen oxide
into nitric acid
3) Acidic is the condition of water or soil that contains a sufficient amount of acid substances to lower the pH
below 7.0
4) Acidification is the lowering of soil and water pH due to acid precipitation and deposition usually through
5) Aerosol is a collection of airborne particles dispersed in a gas, smoke or fog
6) Afforestation is converting a bare or agricultural space by planting trees and plants
7) Air pollution happens to the Earth’s atmosphere when there is an addition of harmful chemicals on it
8) Alkalinity is the capacity of bases to neutralize acids
9) Amphibian is an animal with smooth, moist skin which has gills when young and then develops lungs when
10) An Envisat satellite launched by European space Agency (ESA) on March 1, 2002 helps scientists determine
variations in stratospheric ozone.
11) Andre Marie Ampere formulated the Law of Electromagnetism.
12) Angel Alcala is a Filipino biologist who is behind the invention of artificial coral reefs used for fisheries in
Southeast Asia
13) Aquatic ecosystem consists of plants and animals interacting with water or aquatic environment
14) Asbestos is a naturally occurring soft fibrous mineral commonly used in fireproofing materials and
considered to be highly carcinogenic in particulate form
15) Atmospheric pressure (barometric pressure) the pressure exerted by atmosphere as a consequence of
gravitational attraction exerted upon the “column” of air lying directly above the point in question
16) Biodiversity is the variety of life in an area that is determined by the number of different species in that
area. It increases the life of the ecosystem and contributes to the health of the biosphere
17) Biomagnifications is a process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets concentrated at
each level in the food chain
18) Biomass fuel is an organic matter used as fuel such as firewood
19) Biome is a large natural area that is home to certain types of plants
20) Bioremediation is the use of microorganism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies
21) Biosphere is the portion of the earth and its atmosphere that can support life; refers to all living organism
on earth and their surroundings
22) Biotic (living things) and abiotic (nonliving things) are two components of ecosystem
23) Canopy is the top layer of the rain forest formed by dense leaf- covered tree branches
24) Carbon Dioxide- Oxygen Cycle shows the interdependence of plants and animals for gases
25) Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly
support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)

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26) Carnivores are consumers that eat flesh (meat)

27) Carpooling is driving someone to a place that you are both going to minimize the amount of greenhouse
gases put into the air by a car
28) Catchment is an important water management assemblages technique used to capture and retain rainwater
and runoff
29) Chain reaction is the continuous splitting of atoms
30) Charles A. Coulomb helped discover what a current electricity is
31) Chlorofluorocarbon (chlorine-fluorine-carbon) is considered to be the main cause of ozone depletion. It is
as stable and inexpensive super coolant used in air conditioning systems, refrigerators, aerosol sprays and
cleaning agent.
32) Chrysalis is a pupa (the stage between larva and an adult) enclosed in a firm case or cocoon
33) Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from
decades to millions of years
34) Climate is the prevalent or characteristic meteorological conditions and their extremes, of any place or
35) Cloud is a mass of tiny droplets of water that condensed from the air
36) Commensalism is a relationship between two species in which one organism benefits while the other
organism is neither benefited nor harmed
37) Community succession is the natural process by which a community of organisms in an ecosystem gradually
replaces another
38) Composting is the microbiological degradation of organic matter under either aerobic or anaerobic
39) Condensation is the change in form water goes through when it turns from a gas to a liquid
40) Conduction is the transfer of heat directly from one matter to another
41) Conserve is to keep and protect from harm, loss or change
42) Consumers or heterotrophs are organisms that eat other organisms
43) Continental drift theory, by German meteorologist Alfred Wegener, proposed that all continents have been
part of one supercontinent known as Pangaea, which broke into several plates and drifted apart forming
the present continents
44) Contour plowing refers to soil tilling method that follows the shape of the land to discourage erosion
45) Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of the molecules of liquids and gases. It is also
responsible for the weather pattern in the atmosphere
46) Coral reefs are marine structures formed by underwater living organisms and are made of the mineral
47) Coriolis Force is an apparent force caused by the rotation of the earth. In the Northern Hemisphere winds
are deflected to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere to the left
48) Corrosive is a chemical agent that reacts with the surface of a material causing it to deteriorate or wear

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49) Decibels is the unit of measure for sound intensity

50) Decomposers (scavengers) or saprotrophs are organisms that feed on decayed organism matter
51) Deforestation is the large- scale removal of plant communities from an area of land. It is an indiscriminate
cutting or overharvesting of trees for various purposes
52) Denitrification is the conversion of nitrate (NO3) to nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen gas (N2); is the biological
reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria in soil
53) Dense fog is a cloud, with its base on the surface, which reduces visibility of ¼ of a mile or less
54) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the primary agency responsible for the
conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country's environment and natural
55) Depression is an area of low pressure; a low or trough
56) Desertification is the spread of desert- like conditions in arid or semi- arid areas, due to overgrazing, loss of
agriculturally productive soils, or climate change
57) Dew refers to a moisture that has condensed on objects near the ground, whose temperatures have fallen
below the dew point temperature
58) Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a colorless, odorless, insecticide that has toxic effects on most
animals, it was banned in the US in 1972
59) Doppler effect (or Doppler shift) is the change in frequency of a wave (or other periodic event) for an observer
moving relative to its source. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who proposed it in 1842 in
60) Dredging is the practice of deepening an existing waterway; also a technique used for collecting bottom-
dwelling marine organisms (e.g., shellfish) or harvesting coral, often causing significant destruction of reef
and ocean- floor ecosystems
61) Drift- net- fishing is done with a net, miles in extent that is generally anchored to a boat and left to float
with the tide; often results in an over harvesting and waste of large populations of non- commercial marine
species by its effect of “sweeping the ocean clean”
62) Drizzle is fairly uniform precipitation composed exclusively of fine drops very close together
63) Drought refers to a prolonged period of less-than-normal precipitation such as the lack of water causes a
serious hydrologic imbalance
64) Dry deposition is the combination of acid rain plus dry deposited acid
65) Earthquake is the sudden movement or vibration of the crust, the earth’s rocky outer layer
66) Ecological/Environmental Sustainability is the maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for
future generations
67) Ecology comes from the Greek word oikos which means house. It is the study of the relationship of plants
and animals with their physical environment.
68) Ecosystem is a higher level of organization. It is the interaction of living things to their physical environment;
Ecosystem is the total sum of all the interactions that exist among organisms and between the organisms
and their physical environment

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69) Ecosystem refers to ecological units comprised of complex communities of organisms and their specific
70) Effluents refers to waste materials, such as smoke, sewage, or industrial waste which are released into the
environment, subsequently polluting it
71) El Niño is the change in the atmospheric pressure systems, ocean currents, water temperature and wind
patterns that seem to be linked to worldwide changes in the weather
72) El Niño/La Niña is a quasi-periodic climate pattern that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean roughly every
five years
73) Electric eels are able to generate voltages in their body to serve as a predatory or defensive weapon. They
detect or stun their prey via high voltages generated from modified muscle cells called electrolytes These
organisms that can produce electricity are called as electrogenic
74) Endangered species refers to living organisms threatened with extinction by anthropogenic (man- caused)
or other natural changes in their environment
75) Energy conservation is the reduction or elimination of unnecessary energy used and wasted
76) Ethanol is an alternative automotive fuel derived from a grain and corn; usually blended with gasoline to
form gasohol
77) Eutrophic lakes refers to shallow, murky bodies of water with concentrations of plant nutrient causing
excessive production of algae
78) Extinct refers to when all animals of one kind die; no longer existing as a species
79) Fallow refers to cropland, tilled or untilled, allowed to lie idle during the whole or greater part of the growing
80) Fault refers to a giant crack in a rock that makes up the Earth’s surface
81) Filtration is a treatment process, under the control of qualified operators, for removing solid mater from
water by means of porous media such as sand or a man-made filter; often used to remove particles that
contain pathogen
82) Flash flood is a flood that occurs within a few hours (usually less than six) of heavy or excessive rainfall, dam
or levee failure
83) Fogging refers to applying a pesticide by rapidly heating the liquid chemical so that it forms very fine droplets
that resemble smoke or fog. It is used to destroy mosquitoes, black flies and similar pests
84) Food chain is a series of steps by which energy is obtained, used and transformed by living things; it is the
linear series of organisms illustrating a one-way route of feeding relationship
85) Food pyramid provides a detailed view of energy flow in an ecosystem
86) Food web is composed of interconnected food chains by which energy and material circulate within an
87) Forest ecosystem includes plant and animal communities, predominantly of trees or other woody
vegetation, occupying an extensive area of land
88) Forest is an area not less than one hectare and 60 meters wide consisting of tree, plants and animals
89) Fossil fuel is a fuel derived from ancient organic remains (peat, coal, oil and natural gas)

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90) Garbage is one of the greatest problems in our country specially in the city
91) Glacial drift is a general term for rock material transported by glaciers o iceberg and deposited directly on
land or in the sea
92) Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. It happens when the
amount of gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane) trap heat and light from the sun
in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature
93) Greenhouse effect is the natural warming of the earth’s atmosphere by carbon dioxide, methane and oxides.
It is the process of increasing the temperature of the lower parts of the atmosphere through redirecting
94) Greenhouse gas (GHG) refer to a gas such as carbon dioxide, methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide,
which contributes to potential climate change
95) Greenpeace campaigned in industrialized countries to reduce and eventually eliminate environmental
pollution and degradation In 1999, Greenpeace led the campaign to push for the passage of Republic Act
No. 8749, otherwise known as "The Philippine Clean Air Act"
96) Ground water basin a general term used to define a ground water flow system that has defined boundaries
and may include permeable materials that are capable of storing or furnishing a significant water supply
97) Ground water is the supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth’s surface, usually in aquifers, which
supply springs and wells.
98) Gully erosion refers to severe erosion in which trenches are cut to a depth greater than 30 centimeters
99) Gust is a strong wind
100) Habitat is the place where a population lives and its surroundings, both living and non- living things
101) Hail is the precipitation in the form of lumps of ice associated with thunderstorms
102) Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Inc., simply known as Haribon

103) Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure
the clarity of the sky; it often occurs when dust and smoke particles accumulate in relatively dry air
104) Herbivores are consumers that eat only plants
105) Hudson Bay region in Canada is known for its “missing” gravity. The gravity in the Hudson Bay area and
surrounding regions us lower than those in other parts of the world
106) Hurricane or typhoon (sometimes simply referred to as tropical cyclone, as opposed to a depression or
storm) is a system with sustained winds of at least 34 mps
107) Hypoxia is a phenomenon that occurs in aquatic environment as dissolved oxygen
108) In Carbon cycle, carbon is removed from the atmosphere and then transformed into different kinds of
carbon- containing compounds before they are finally decomposed
109) In Nitrogen cycle, soil nitrates are transformed into free nitrogen by denitrifying bacteria
110) In the nitrogen cycle, nitrogen in the air is changed through nitrogen fixation, nitrification and
111) Incinerator is a furnace- like device used in burning trash to make energy

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112) Insulators are materials that DO NOT conduct heat (wood and plastic)
113) Interspecific competition is the type of competition among organisms of different kinds where they
compete for food, space and territory
114) Intraspecific competition is the type of competition among organisms of the same kind
115) Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) represents the 145,000 Inuit of Russia, Alaska, Canada and
Greenland in international environmental issues; it is a General Assembly convenes every three years to
determine the focus of the ICC
- It is the study of the relationships between organisms and their interactions with their natural or
developed environment.
116) ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone)- is an area encircling the earth near the equator where winds
originating in the northern and southern hemispheres come together
117) Kilocalorie is to unit of heat as to Joule is the unit of energy
118) Klaus Lackner, a New York geophysicist who designed a synthetic tree- a construction that mimics the
function of natural trees, whereby, leaves pull carbon dioxide out of the air as it flows over them
119) La Niña is the opposite of El Niño, when a major cooling occurs in the equatorial waters in the Pacific
Ocean which is characterized by shifts in “normal” weather patterns
120) Land breeze is a wind that blows from the land towards a body of water. Also known as offshore breeze
121) LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation
122) Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It may be
transformed from one form to another, but the total amount of energy never changes
123) Mitigation are actions taken to avoid, reduce or compensate for the effects of human induced
environmental damage
124) Mutualism refers to the relationship of two organisms where both benefit from the association
125) National Greening Program (NGP) is a massive forest rehabilitation program of the government
established by virtue of Executive Order No. 26 issued on Feb. 24, 2011 by President Benigno S. Aquino III. It
seeks to grow 1.5 billion trees in 1.5 million hectares nationwide within a period of six years, from 2011 to
126) Natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard like flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake and landslide
that affects the environment and leads to financial, environmental and human losses
127) Natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event that will have a negative effect on people or the
128) Nitrate is formed during thunderstorm when lightning fixes nitrogen in the air and will be made available
to plants when the rain pours onto it. This process is called atmospheric nitrogen fixation
129) Nitrification is the process whereby ammonia in waste water is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by
bacterial chemical reactions
130) Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia (NH4+) to nitrate (NO3-)
131) Nitrogen fixation is the process whereby Nitrogen (N2) is reduced and added to organic compounds
132) Nitrogen fixing bacteria are bacteria found in the soil and rots of beans and other legumes

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133) Nuclear energy is released when the nuclei of atoms are split or fused together
134) Nuclear fission occurs when a heavy nucleus of a radioactive elements splits in two followed by a chain
reaction that release tremendous energy
135) Nuclear fusion occurs when light nuclear or atoms are joined together to form heavier ones, creating
tremendous heat energy
136) Nuclear reactor is a device designed to convert the energy released by a controlled nuclear fission chain
reaction into heat energy which can then be used to generate electricity
137) Ocean is the largest biome
138) Omnivores are consumers that eat both plants and flesh (meat)
139) Ozone (O3) is a gas that made up the ozone layer. It is formed in the stratosphere when oxygen
molecules (O2) react with one another, powered by the ultraviolet radiation
140) Ozone depletion is the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer which shields the earth from
ultraviolet radiation harmful to life
141) Ozone hole is a thinning break in stratospheric ozone layer
142) Ozone layer is a region in the atmosphere extending from q9 to 48 km above the earth’s surface; it is
the protective layer in the atmosphere, about 15 miles above the ground, that absorbs some of the sun’s
ultraviolet rays, thereby reducing the amount of potentially harmful radiation that reaches the earth’s
143) Pacific Ring of Fire is an area circling the Pacific Ocean where earthquakes and volcanic activities occur
144) Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed
145) Plankton are tiny plants and animals that live in water
146) Plate tectonic theory proposed that all continents and ocean basins are on top of moving plates
147) Pollutants refers to things that can cause pollution
148) Pollution happen when harmful substance contaminate the environment caused by human activities
and natural events; it is the presence of a substance in the environment that because of its chemical
composition or quantity prevents the functioning of natural processes and produces undesirable
environmental and health effects
149) Population refers to the total human inhabitants of a specified area, such as city, a country, or a
continent, at a given time
150) Producers or autotrophs are organism that make their own food
151) Project NOAH is the Department of Science and Technology's (DOST) response to the call of President
Benigno S. Aquino III for a more accurate, integrated, and responsive disaster prevention and mitigation
system, especially in high-risk areas throughout the Philippines.
152) Radiation is the transfer of energy in waves through apace
153) Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves
154) Rain is a precipitation of liquid water particles which, in contrast to drizzle, are widely separated and
larger size
155) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the three R’s of garbage disposal or solid waste management

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156) Reforestation involves replanting trees on areas that have been cut or destroyed by fire
157) Rhizobium are bacteria that convert nitrogen gas into nitrogenous compounds that can be found inside
the nodules of leguminous plants
158) Riprap is a wall of stones arranged to strengthen a slope to prevent soil erosion
159) Sanctuaries are special areas where our endangered plants, animals and marine life are taken cared of
160) Seamounts are underwater volcanoes
161) Seismic wave is simply energy that is transferred from one area to another within the earth’s interior
162) Sibuyanons Against Mining (SAM) is an organized primarily by

which has the world's densest forest, the Philippine's cleanest river and the majestic

163) Siltation is the deposition or accumulation of silt 9or small- grained material) in a body of water
164) Slash and burn agriculture or Kaingin System is a rotating cultivation technique in which tress are cut
down and burned in order to clear land for temporary agriculture
165) Sliding friction also called dry friction, occurs when two objects are rubbing against each other or slide
against each other
166) Solar cell is a cell that converts the sun’s energy into electricity
167) Solar energy collector is a device that collect radiant energy from the sun
168) Solar panel or photovoltaic module is used to collect sunlight
169) Solid Waste Management supervised handling of waste materials from their source through recovery
processes to disposal
170) Sonar is an acronym for Sound Navigation Ranging, is a device used to find the depth of the ocean floor
and to locate sunken ships, schools of fish, and other objects in the ocean
171) Sound insulators are materials that absorb most of the energy of sound waves
172) Species are individual organisms that tend to mate and produce offspring
173) Spontaneous combustion is the burning caused by the building up of heat produced by slow oxidation
174) Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted
astronomical tide
175) Symbiosis is any relationship that involves two or more species living and interacting together
176) Tectonic plate is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both the
continental and oceanic lithosphere. These tectonic plates are moving in different directions
177) Terrestrial ecosystem consist of land organisms like plants and animals living and interacting with the
land environment
178) Thermodynamics is the study of all forms of energy
179) Tornado appears as a violent funnel- shaped wind vortex in the lower atmosphere with upward spiraling
winds of high speed- spawned by severe thunderstorms
180) Transformation of energy is the change of one form of energy into another form

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181) Tropical depression is a weather condition that exists when winds blowing near the center do not exceed
63 kph
182) Tropical depression is an organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined, closed surface
circulation and maximum sustained winds of less than 34 knots (39 mph). It has no eye and does not
typically have the organization or the spiral shape of more powerful stoms
183) Tropical Rain Forest is a biome that is hot, humid and rainy, it has lush, dense trees.
184) Tropical storm is an organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and
maximum sustained winds between 34 knots (39 mph) and 64 knots (74 mph). At this point, the distinctive
cyclonic shape starts to develop, although an eye is not usually present. It is an intense storm, characterized
by extremely low pressure and swirling wind roation, that usually develops in the tropics
185) Tropical storm watch is an advisory made when conditions in a specific area ar right for the development
of such storms within 36 hours
186) Tsunami is a very large ocean wave that is caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption
which cause extreme destruction of lives and properties.
187) Typhoon is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
between 1800 and 1000 E
188) Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) is one of the world’s strongest and deadliest typhoons, prompting a rare
public storm signal no. 4 in the Visayas. Typhon Yolanda cased massive devastation that killed 6300 people
189) Ultrasonic waves are waves that have high frequencies with short wavelengths
190) Virga is a streaks or wisps of precipitation falling from a cloud but evaporating before reaching the
191) Waste is any material that is no longer usable and is thrown away
192) Weather describes the condition of the air or atmosphere around you and it exists for a very short period
of time
193) Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere
for a future time and a given location
194) Weathering is the process whereby earthy or rocky materials are changed in color, texture, composition
or form by exposure to atmospheric agents
195) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an founded on

over 5 million supporters worldwide; the group's mission is "to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural
environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Currently, much of its
work focuses on the conservation of three
and ecosystems
196) Zooplanktons are floating animals in rivers or oceans

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197) Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
Disposal (1992)- aims to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects of
hazardous wastes
198) Convention on Biological Diversity mains objectives is the (1) conservation of biodiversity; (2)
sustainable use of its components; and (3)fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from genetic
199) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is an international agreement
between governments; it aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants
does not threaten their survival
200) Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (BONN Convention)- aims to conserve terrestrial,
marine and avian migratory species throughout their range (global scale)
201) Kyoto Protocol is a climate change agreement aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas levels in the
202) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) consider what can be done to
reduce global warming and to cope with whatever temperature increases are inevitable; the commitment
to list its developed country emission reduction targets and mitigation action by developing countries by
203) Republic Act No. 7586- National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992- an act providing for the
establishment and management of national integrated protected areas system, defining its scope and
204) Republic Act No. 8371- The Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997- an act to recognize, protect and
promote the rights of indigenous people, establishing implementing mechanism
205) Republic Act No. 8485- Animal Welfare Act of 1998 is an act to protect and promote the welfare of all
animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities
utilized for breeding
206) Republic Act No. 8550- The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998- provide a new framework for
management and development of Philippine fisheries from “open access” and maximum utilization
207) Republic Act No. 8749- Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999- promote and protect the global environment to
attain sustainable development while recognizing the primary responsibility of local government units to
deal with environmental problems; includes an unprecedented national ban against waste incineration
208) Republic Act No. 9003- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 is an act providing for an
ecological solid waste management program creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives
declaring certain acts prohibited
209) Republic Act No. 9072- National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act- is an act
to manage and protect caves and cave resource
210) Republic Act No. 9147- Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act- an act providing for the
conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats

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211) Republic Act No. 9175- Chain Saw Act of 2002 is an act regulating the ownership, possession, sale,
importation and use of chainsaws
212) Republic Act No. 9275- Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 share in the responsibility in managing a
designated Water Quality Management Area (WQMA) by being a member of the Water Quality
Management Area (WQMA) Governing Board
213) Republic Act No. 9512- Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 is an act to promote
environmental awareness through Environmental education and covers the integration of environmental
education in the school curricula at all levels

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