Dialog B.inggris

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Apit as Mr.

Syauqa as Mr. Josh
Tasya as Secretary Mr. Josh

Tasya : Hello Mr. Glenn. Sorry for this our lateness.

Glenn : Hi Jenny. No problem, after all, I just waited 30 minutes ago
Tasya : Sorry again for the lateness sir. The traffic jam in Jakarta forced us to be late
from our initial agreement. Oh yeah introduce this, Mr. Josh, the President Director of
PT. Antam Indonesia.
Josh : Good afternoon Sir. Nice to meet you. I am looking forward to our first meeting.
Glenn : Good afternoon Mr. Josh. Nice to meet you too.
Tasya : please allow me to start the meeting this afternoon. Our first agenda was how to
build a silver industry that began to weaken in Indonesia. To Mr. Josh, time is yours.
Josh : thank you for your time, Jenny sister. Can be seen on the monitor screen, sir. The
silver industry in Indonesia in the past 2 years is experiencing a decline. We who initially
can produce up to 400 kilograms per year, now can only produce 150 kilograms of silver
every year. According to you, what should we do to revive the silver industry in Indonesia?
Glenn : in my opinion, silver marketing itself must be expanded again. Not only in the
country, but abroad if possible. Because fortunately more than only marketed in the
Josh : we have tried to market it outside the pack, such as in Singapore, Korea, Philippines
and several European countries. However, the results are the same. Instead of getting big
profits, we have a big loss.
Glenn : hm ... what about the quality of the product?
Josh : for the quality of the products themselves, we have tried our best.
Glenn : then, what is at issue again?
Tasya : Sorry sir, may I give a suggestion?
Glenn : well. Please
Tasya : what if the company makes advertisements in several online markets. also from the
company itself giving discounts for buyers who buy our silver with a minimum purchase
of IDR 500,000?
Glenn : great idea. but, as much as possible from the pieces we still get a big profit. How?
Josh : I don't agree, sir. Our goal here is to increase the price of silver which is falling.
Glenn : but from these pieces we also get the benefits. in addition to the silver product
increasingly loved, the faster it rises again, Josh.
Josh : hm ... alright.
Glenn : So, I think this short meeting is enough. I returned it to sister Jenny
Tasya : well. Thank you to Mr. Glenn and Mr. Josh for their participation in this meeting.
In the meeting today, it can be concluded that silver sales between PT Antam Indonesia
and PT Silver Company Germany have been agreed and silver marketing itself will be
marketed through the online market.

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