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Philippine School of Business Administration






Cuyos, Carla Jean L.

Alas, Karl Michael M.
Cenidoza,Elaine Samantha O.
Cruz, Justheene O.
Lozano, Regina Grace N.
Manoguid, Patricia Mae L.
Mecos, Lorraine G.
Miranda, Coleen A.
Permejo, Hazel Rio P.
Yabut, Ianne Reign D.

Dr. Erwin C. Zabala


October 2018
Philippine School of Business Administration


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for his showers of

blessings throughout this research work and to complete it successfully.

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to their Professor, Dr.

Erwin C. Zabala for the opportunity to make such valuable and informative research.

Also, the researchers would like to thank Banco De Oro for such wonderful interview

with Ms. Merian L. Manoguid, Senior Assistant Vice President.

Philippine School of Business Administration


INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4

Background of the Study ................................................................................................ 4

Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................ 7

Significance of the Study ................................................................................................ 8

Scope and Delimitations ................................................................................................. 8

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................................................................... 9

Local Related Literature ................................................................................................. 9

Foreign Related Literature ............................................................................................ 11

RESEARCH DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 14

FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 15

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 18

RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 22

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 23

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 23

APPENDIX A (Reflection Papers) .............................................................................. 24

APPENDIX B (Photos)................................................................................................. 40

Philippine School of Business Administration



A. Background of the Study

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility, commonly known as “CSR” is a self-regulating

business model that helps a company be socially accountable — to itself, its stakeholders, and

the public. It is a broad concept that can take many forms depending on the company and

industry. Through CSR programs, philanthropy, and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit

society while boosting their own brands. As important as CSR is for the community, it is

equally valuable for a company. CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between

employee and corporation; they can boost morale and can help both employees and

employers feel more connected with the world around them.

All in all, Corporate Social Responsibility is the integration of socially beneficial

programs and practices into a corporation's business model and culture. CSR aims to increase

long-term profits for online and offline businesses by enabling them to become more efficient

and attract positive attention for their efforts.

Company’s Background: Banco de Oro Universal Bank (BDO)

BDO is a full-service universal bank in the Philippines. It provides a complete array

of industry-leading products and services including Lending (corporate and consumer),

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Deposit-taking, Foreign Exchange, Brokering, Trust and Investments, Credit Cards,

Corporate Cash Management and Remittances in the Philippines. Through its local

subsidiaries, the Bank offers Leasing and Financing, Investment Banking, Private Banking,

Rural Banking, Life Insurance, Insurance Brokerage and Stock Brokerage services.

BDO’s institutional strengths and value-added products and services hold the key to

its successful business relationships with customers. On the front line, its branches remain at

the forefront of setting high standards as a sales and service-oriented, customer-focused force.

BDO has one of the largest distribution networks, with more than 1,100 operating branches

and over 4,000 ATMs nationwide.

Through selective acquisitions and organic growth, BDO has positioned itself for

increased balance sheet strength and continuing expansion into new markets. As of 30

September 2017, BDO is the country’s largest bank in terms of consolidated resources,

customer loans, deposits, assets under management and capital, as well as branch and ATM

network nationwide.

BDO is a member of the SM Group, one of the country’s largest and most successful

conglomerates with businesses spanning between retail, mall operations, property

development (residential, commercial, resorts/hotel), and financial services. Although part of

a conglomerate, BDO’s day-to-day operations are handled by a team of professional

managers and bank officers. Further, the Bank has one of the industry’s strongest Board of

Directors composed of professionals with extensive experience in various fields that include

banking, accounting, finance, law, bank regulations and risk management, strategy

formulation and merchandise marketing.

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Corporate Mission

To be the preferred bank in every market we serve by consistently providing

innovative products and flawless delivery of services, proactively reinventing ourselves to

meet market demands, creating shareholders value through superior returns, cultivating in our

people a sense of pride and ownership, and striving to be always better than what we are

today… tomorrow.

Core Values

1. Commitment to Customers

We are committed to deliver products and services that surpass customer expectations

in value and every aspect of customer services, while remaining to be prudent and

trustworthy stewards of their wealth.

2. Commitment to a Dynamic and Efficient Organization

We are committed to creating an organization that is flexible, responds, to change and

encourage innovation and creativity. We are committed to the process of continuous

improvement in everything we do.

3. Commitment to Employees

We are committed to our employees’ growth and development and we will nurture

them in an environment where excellence, integrity, teamwork, professionalism and

performance are valued above all else.

4. Commitment to Shareholders

We are committed to provide our shareholders with superior returns over the long


Philippine School of Business Administration

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to feature the Corporate Social Responsibility activities, programs,

and projects of Banco de Oro. Moreover, it will further examine the ramifications of its

Corporate Social Responsibility particularly in the environment. Also, the study attempted to

recognize the Corporate Social Responsibility background of the company, the relationship of

Corporate Social Responsibility to the Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. Although

Corporate Social Responsibility is perceived to give benefits to both society and

organizations, its implementation is not without challenges. Therefore, the phenomenon

which the researchers intend to investigate into is the effects and benefits of Corporate Social


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of these charity works in the preservation of the


2. For the company, what are the possible risks in creating such charity

works like tree planting?

3. Besides the reputation of the company, what else motivates the company

in doing charity works?

Philippine School of Business Administration

C. Significance of the Study

This research paper could be conducive not only for the community but also for those

companies which are organizing and practicing Corporate Responsibility. By this study, it

will help the company to entice its employees to stay because of its good reputation and

dignity. These Corporate Social Responsibilities could be used as an asset of the firm to be

known as a responsible entity with sensitivity towards the preservation of the environment.

Furthermore, this study will contribute to the previous study about Corporate Social

Responsibility by accumulating its effects.

D. Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on BDO and its activities, programs and projects. Hence, other

banks and other CSRs that are not related in the preservation of the environment would not be

analyzed. The study will show the benefits of corporate social responsibility particularly in

the environment. The research would also conduct investigation about the effects and benefits

of corporate social responsibility.

Philippine School of Business Administration



This chapter includes related literatures such as news articles, journals, etc. These

literatures will help in giving additional information that is related to the study.

With the development of ecological sustainability and green business

administration, expanding needs have been made on organizations in the regions of natural

corporate social responsibility. According to a study, when individuals consider

manageability in the domain of Corporate Social Responsibility, they consider the

particular exercises of organizations, for example, protection of regular assets and the

reconciliation of elective vitality in structures and production lines. A few organizations,

notwithstanding, make manageability a stride assist in their CSR efforts. This effort to go

well beyond the standard by making feasible living typical is the reason the organizations

are broadly viewed as genuinely practical organizations on the planet.

A. Local Related Literature

According to “Globe champions environmental sustainability with Project 1 Phone”

an article from, Globe Telecom is driving the path in helping organizations do

their offer in limiting natural effect of electronic waste and countering its harmful impacts on

wellbeing through close coordinated effort with private enterprises on the selection of Project

1 Phone (P1P) portable reusing program. P1P is a part of Globe Telecom's efforts to make

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#WonderfulPH by working capably and making positive ecological effect of its business


At the cutting edge of the promotion, Globe Business which is propelling its two-

month ecological manageability battle in help of Earth Day 2016 is utilizing P1P as a

platform. This is the second time for Globe business to rally its venture customer base to join

the program. P1P was started in 2014 to help address lessening earth’s resources which are

additionally diminished when individuals carelessly dump e-squander and different harmful

materials in nature. Numerous individuals are unconscious that electronic things put together

with regular waste contain dangerous metals, for example, lead, mercury, cadmium, and

beryllium may hurt the earth when discharged into the air or get into the ground or conduits.

“Apart from adopting environmental sustainability efforts in our own organization,

Globe Business is taking it a step further by making it possible for our enterprise customers to

be involved in saving the environment integral to their corporate sustainability thrusts,” said

Globe Senior Advisor for Enterprise and IT Enabled Services Group Mike Frausing. Hence,

Globe endeavors to have any kind of effect by gathering e-waste and reusing them. In this

undertaking, Globe gathers e-squander from its tasks and clients and transports the entire

parcel to its authorize accomplice Total Environment Solutions Asset Material Management

(TES-AMM) Philippines. After say something, TES-AMM Philippines dispatches the loss to

its organization in Singapore for recycling.

Globe, mindful of the destructive environmental effects of irresponsible collectively

disposing of electronic things with regular waste, is completely dedicated to the best possible

disposal of every single such thing from its tasks.

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B. Foreign Related Literature

According to, “Johnson & Johnson and the environment” an article from Mother Nature

Network, With regards to Johnson and Johnson and nature, the organization is concentrating its efforts on

four fundamental territories: water preservation, supportable bundling, sustainable power source and

decreasing carbon emanations.

Those efforts have settled in a few different ways. The organization's interest in high-tech vehicles

has made a more eco-friendly fleet. They have wiped out PVC (polyvinyl chloride) from most consumer

product packaging. What's more, the arrival on speculation for its sun based establishments has achieved

20 percent. The organization still has its difficulties, obviously. They keep on searching for approaches to

take out PVC bundling from their non-customer items regardless they need to accomplish more to

diminish carbon and water waste.

Reducing CO2

One area where the organization has buckled down is in the decrease of carbon

discharges. In 1990, Johnson and Johnson set an objective of diminishing carbon discharges

by 7 percent throughout the following 20 years. Actually, the organization accomplished a

12.7 percent diminish from 1990 to 2007.

The organization has made sizeable ventures is in sunlight based vitality. Johnson and Johnson

have 17 sun oriented power establishments right now, Boyd noted. He said the organization will have 20

before the year ends.

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Funding innovation

According to Boyd, in 2003 Johnson and Johnson built up a financing system that

doles out $40 million a year to different tasks all through the organization. Every single

working unit are approached to search for chances to spare vitality and water and after that

apply for financing through the focal subsidizing component. The organization has turned out

to be one of the biggest buyers of elective vitality in the United States. The U.S. Ecological

Protection Agency a month ago revealed the best 50 buyers of environmentally friendly

power vitality as a major aspect of their Green Power Partnership program. As per the most

recent declaration, Johnson and Johnson utilize efficient power vitality sources — biomass,

sun oriented and wind control — to supply 39 percent of its aggregate power needs.

Water usage

The organization set a goal of reducing water use in 2005- 2010 by 10 percent. As

indicated by the organization's 2008 sustainability report, the latest one accessible, every

office is required to set up a water protection plan and lead a review to discover approaches

to spare water. The subsequent drop in water utilize has come to fruition through an

assortment of measures, including the distribution of water utilized in cooling frameworks

and introducing water-productive apparatuses in restrooms and dining facilities. As of the end

of year 2009, the organization reduced water usage by 14 percent.

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Sustainable packaging

The organizational goal will likely to have 90 percent of Johnson and Johnson's

paper-based packaging containing in excess of 30 percent post-buyer reused material or have

it originated from materials developed in economical forests. In 2007, the organization’s

BAND-AID brand changed from using a non-certified paperboard packaging to a sustainable

material which is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Moreover, Johnson and Johnson prevailing with regards to wiping out PVC in the

majority of its consumer-sectors items. It's demonstrated more hard to expel PVC packaging

from pharmaceutical items that is due to the material's novel capacity to secure item quality.

In any case, according to Boyd, the organization keeps on searching for options around there.

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In order to obtain the authenticity of this study, the researchers conducted an

interview with the Senior Assistant Vice President of BDO and the General Guide Interview

Approach was used. The Guide Approach is intended to ensure that the same general areas of

information are collected from each interviewee; this provides more focus than the

conversational approach, but still allows a degree of freedom and adaptability in getting the

information from the interviewee. The design was based on examining the effects of

Corporate Social Responsibility in the environmental preservation. This method led to the

development of this qualitative study among the implementation of Corporate Social

Responsibility adopted by BDO and their impact in the society.

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This chapter emphasizes the findings obtained in the research. By using the General

Guide Interview Approach the researchers were able to acquire the answers to the problem

stated in the first chapter.

Corporate Social Responsibility

According to BDO Unibank's Senior Assistant Vice President Merian L. Manoguid,

CSR is a way of contribution to the society and to Filipino people in particular. BDO is

highly involved in the implementation of CSR and in fact they have a separate group within

the organization that is tasked to take care of social related activities. They are implementing

several social responsibility such as giving scholarship grants, tree planting, housing projects,

construction of clinic and schools for the impoverished sectors, and they also give job

opportunity to those who are unemployed.

Strengths and Weaknesses in Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility

BDO stated that there are no weaknesses when it comes to CSR since it is a voluntary

effort of the company and as to its strengths, BDO emphasized that since they are regarded as

the number 1 bank in the country. They have the necessary skills and strength that mostly

pertains to strategical way of keeping up the company.

Corporate Social Responsibility as to Environment

BDO is engaged in several kinds of social responsibility, one issue that they consider

is the preservation of environment. In the last few years, global temperatures have been

consistently changing, the sea level decreases, there are a lot of catastrophic events such as

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storms, floods, and drought. BDO believed that these events cause economic loss and because

of that, they wanted to lessen the pollution with tree planting as their medium. As a matter of

fact, BDO’s Annual Report during 2017 is one of the proofs that the said company is really

doing their voluntary efforts towards implementing its Corporate Social Responsibility.

Approximately 20% to 25% of the annual income of the company goes to helping the

community. They had able to help in upgrading hospitals and health centers with 4,751,660

total population covered since 2012 and 1,110,223 population, respectively. When the severe

calamity hit the country, BDO also intensified efforts in building schools to some rural part

area of the Philippines particular in Northern Luzon.

The company has its very own BDO Foundation – an organization within the

company that is tasked to amplify its Corporate Social Responsibility. The very famous

project of it is the so-called “Grow a Million Trees”. This aims to plant one million trees in

the Philippines and supported with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. It

is a project in partnership with the SM Foundations. This project helps the community by

planting trees in the city parks and nearby forests. In fact, they plant 10,000 trees a year in

different parts of the Philippines. About 536,479 trees are planted this year. They also

encourage volunteers, business partners, and people’s organization to not just help them

planting but also to interact with them and the nature.

Promoting Environmental Protection

Since BDO is a pro-environment organization, year on year, in La Mesa watershed

the conduct tree planting as a contribution to the environment. BDO's officers are also

promoting environment protection inside the office by doing acts such as minimizing waste

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by not producing a lot of scrap paper, and recycling. These acts although simple have a large

contribution in the preservation of the environment.

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

As defined in the book Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social

Responsibility, Corporate Governance is the formal system of oversight, accountability, and

control for organizational decisions and resources. Governance procedures and policies are

typically discussed in the context of publicly traded firms, especially as they relate to

corporations’ responsibility to its stakeholders. Business Ethics on the other hand is based on

principles and standards that guide the behavior of individuals and groups in the world of

business. Nonetheless, most businesses are establishing initiatives that include the

development and implementation of ethics programs designed to deter conduct that some

stakeholders might consider objectionable.

BDO has a due process regulation in terms of ethical issues in their company. In

response to this issue, those violators have come under greater scrutiny by the top

management. They coach the employee and discuss possible penalties. On a larger scale, the

policies are being distributed to everybody so that everyone is aware. Additionally, their

company legislations and regulations are designed to encourage higher ethical standards

within the organization. The interviewee also discussed the employer-employee relationship.

Professionalism is a must. In real life, the boss can be friends with his subordinates but to a

certain degree. Otherwise, he will be persuaded and it would be hard for him to reprimand his

employee. And also, it would be very difficult to make such decisions.

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By conducting a case study the researchers have reached their purpose to recognize

the Corporate Social Responsibility background of the company, the ramifications of its

Corporate Social Responsibility particularly in the environment, and the relationship of

Corporate Social Responsibility to the Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. Baring

this in mind the researchers are now able to answer their research question which is presented


4.1What are the effects of these charity works in the preservation of the environment?

Considering the fact that BDO is a pro-environment organization, one must expect

that the company is engaged in several kinds of social responsibility that involves

preservation of the environment. Environmental CSR aims to reduce any damaging effects on

the environment from your business' processes. Activities may focus on, energy use, water

use, waste management, recycling, emissions, eco-friendly office and business travel policies.

Some of these are significant from both environmental and financial point of view. In the

study, the researchers found out that amidst all the constant changes in the global

temperatures that results to catastrophic events such as floods, landslides, and drought, the

company wanted to lessen such events that cause such huge economic loss by engaging in

tree planting as their medium. Aside from that, the company urges their employees to

participate in promoting environment protection inside their office by minimizing and

recycling office waste.

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Based on the findings, the researchers have come to the following conclusions:

 A company’s involvement in charity works, such as tree planting, that benefits the

environment, lessens the possibility of having such flood, or landslides during a

catastrophic event.

 Doing charity works not only improve the company’s brand reputation but also, when

the other companies follow this type of action, the more people will be working

together which will benefit the preservation of the environment.

 The participation of employees in these kinds of charity works, allows them to do

things where they don’t feel like they are taking time away from their work or

families to help others, and also promotes a greater sense of camaraderie and unity

among employees as they work towards a shared mission and common goal.

4.2 For the company, what are the possible risks in creating such charity works like tree


There is a widespread belief that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way of

managing and reducing risk. However, in addition to its celebrated possible benefits, CSR

also creates risk. Based on the findings, the researchers have come to the conclusion that the

company has not yet encountered such risks that might endanger the company. Furthermore,

when a company has no weaknesses in incorporating CSR activities, the company will have

the necessary skills and strength that will prevent such risks from disrupting the activities of

the company.

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4.2 Besides the reputation of the company, what else motivates the company in doing

charity works?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is good for business. Example of this includes

environmental programs, philanthropic efforts, and ethical labor practices. One of the reasons

why a company engages in doing CSR is to improve the reputation of the company. A

charitable element of a company can be a cornerstone of its brand showing the world that

they are ethical and trustworthy. By doing so, the companies will attract new customers and

maintain existing customers which results to increase in the business value of companies.

However, these are not only the factors that contribute to the motivation of the company to do

such charity works. In the study, the researchers found out that Banco de Oro (BDO), is not

only the country’s largest bank, whose mission is to be the preferred bank in the market, but

also an organization who takes a great deal of participation in promoting environment

protection. Its activities are focused on bringing forward a solution to help lessen the effects

of every catastrophic events that are country is experiencing such as taking part in tree

planting activities.

 Another motivation that drives the company to do charity works is to entice other

businesses to join the cause in promoting environmental protection. Being one of the

leading banks in the Philippines, BDO would like to encourage other companies, big

or small, to take part in protecting the environment that will not only benefit their

businesses but also the society as well.

In social responsibility, it does not only focuses on processes, methods, product, or

even the application itself. When responsibility takes in the act of helping is inevitable –

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meaning it would easily disrupt the idea of waiting in return. Responsibility is supposed to be

pure; it has pure intention and unyielding obligation to the society. According to Merian L.

Manoguid, “CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a way of contribution to the society

and to the Filipino people in particular”. She was able to explain here that BDO does not only

concerns on providing good service and securing our investments, they have plans and

projects that would benefit the Filipino people. They are showing their care in our society in a

way that people and the environment itself will benefit. They are also promoting

environmental protection in means of minimizing waste, following the method of reduce,

reuse, and recycle, planting trees, and etc. It shows that this company has a pure intention of

manifesting their social responsibility and their obligation as a member of society.

And also they were able to discuss their approach to social responsibility on business

ethics and corporate governance. One must supervised the members of the company or even

the stakeholders simply because formality and accountability is what we are discussing here.

In every corporation, members should be guided accordingly and enlightened in governance

procedures and policies, because we all have different obligation and responsibility when we

are already in the field of work. Business ethics should be introduced to individuals or group

of people because as a corporation we have protocols and standards to follow.

In conclusion, it shows that BDO Company has a sense of social responsibility not

only to the Filipino people but also for environment issues. They were able to give

justifications to their work not only by securing our bank accounts but in a way that everyone

will benefit.

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For the Corporate Social Responsibility be able to easily and properly implemented, it

requires a fundamental support from the top management. It is in the light of this that the

researcher makes the following recommendations:

1. The company should start publicizing its projects. This isn’t for the purpose of

showing off but rather to encourage other institutions as well as common people to

follow in helping our community. This also gives other investors a better image of the

company since it shows compassion for the community.

2. The company should further increase the coverage of its participation to local

community works like sponsoring livelihood programs or a cleanup or major

waterways. Rather than always providing short term solutions to the problems, it

should also consider long term solutions that the company can provide within its


3. Establishing a reward system for employees who voluntarily initiate charity works.

This may promote good practice in the work place as well as promote good reputation

for the company. The practice of CSR among employees should not be limited to only

within the office but also should be applied outside as well.

4. Invite customers and business partners to get involved when engaging charity works.

This includes donations, advertisement and active participation. Getting involved

doesn’t only mean having to help in tree planting activities but also helping provide

funds for the projects and donating relief goods to those who need them.

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Ferrell, L., Ferrell, O. C., & Thorne, D. M. (2010). Business and Society: A Strategic

Approach to Social Responsibility.


Nainawat, R., & Menna R. (2013). Global Journal of Management and Business

Studies. Volume 3, Number 10, pp. 1085-1090.


Banco De Oro Unibank PH. (2017).


Google, Case Studies in CSR: Unilever. (2016). Retrieved from:


Google, Globe champions environmental sustainability with Project 1 Phone. (2018).

Retrieved from:


Google, Johnson & Johnson and the environment. (2010). Retrieved from:


SM Foundation. (2018).

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Karl Michael M. Alas

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept that is needed today more than ever in

order for a sustainable future to occur. Proper approaches to apply and embed CSR within an

organization can undoubtedly lead to sustainable development if organizations are willing to

look beyond short term profit and realizing their goals with the greater good of the

community. By bringing businesses and society back together, significant progress can be


I believe that each CSR initiative must be understood and implemented based on the

corporation’s individual characteristics, not on one standard requirement for what should

embody. It requires a concrete analysis of a corporation’s context and both the internal and

external impacts of its operations and production. Only then can an effective CSR plan be

drawn and strategically embedded in a way that will sustain itself into an integral part of the

future business plan, and provide full coverage of both its current impacts, and those to come.

Our research about Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s

Charity Works in the Environmental Preservation” help me to understand the importance of

CSR in a company. It made me realized that giving back to the society or to the environment

will not only help the company’s growth but rather the whole community as well. The BDO

Unibank’s Charity Works in preserving the environment affected their reputation in a positive

way that is why BDO Unibank is still operating and still patronize by many.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Elaine Samantha O. Cenidoza

The corporate social responsibility arm of BDO Unibank has made significant strides

and achieved its goal in the pursuit of advocacy. As what I've said in the conclusion when

responsibility takes in the act of helping is inevitable, meaning it would easily disrupt the idea

of waiting in return. Responsibility is supposed to be pure; it has pure intention and

unyielding obligation to the society.

Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company

contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of

people’s lives. This move is geared to encourage the act of 'giving back to the society’. It can

be concluded that Social corporate responsibility and the maintenance of high ethical

standards is not an option, but an obligation for all business. I can say that this Corporate

Social Responsibility is not just for the company only but it's for us also to help other people,

to help the environment and to help the future.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Justheene O. Cruz

In my opinion, learning about employee relationship is the same way of learning how

to deal with your employees. It is like knowing what motivates your employees to do well

and how will you make them stay. Establishing or building a good relationship is very

important in a company because it can greatly improve the company's overall performance. If

a company has established a good employee relationship and employees has the initiative to

do things, then we can say that they are employer of choice. This means they were able to

choose correctly who among the employees are best suited in the job and they were able to

provide them with benefits which make them stay in their job.

There are many ways to manage your workforce and if situations call for an employee

reduction, this means one has to reduce its workforce either because of lessening of needed

labor, decreasing the quality of service or because of lack of resources to pay for the

expenses. In this way, the company must also keep the good relationship despite the scenario.

From employee entrance to exit, a good relationship must be kept.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Carla Jean L. Cuyos

Corporate Social Responsibility serves as a business model of the organization that

helps them to contribute in the society as an expected return on their investment or in excess

of their disposable income. It has been the idea of being concern to others. This has been

mostly the outcome of interacting with the customers, government, shareholders, businesses

and the world as a whole. Being socially responsible is a voluntary commitment.

Our group is inspired by the Banco De Oro Unibank’s BDO Foundation. This is a

team within the company that organizes the BDO’s CSR. As a matter of fact, it is very active

in terms of implementing the social responsibility. They had helped many people and

continuing doing it. A lot of people were given the opportunity to have a work. In fact, BDO

has a 1, 230 branches within the country and some representative branches across the world.

One of their active projects is the tree planting. As what Ms. Manoguid told us, the company

is very pro-active in terms of reaching out to those who are in need and also to our

environment. Corporate Social Responsibility has truly come up as a significant matter.

We, the researchers had able to come up with a conclusion that BDO Company is

really implementing its CSR. Furthermore, the company has skills and strengths that signify

their commitment.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Regina Grace N. Lozano

I know there is a lot of Corporate Social Responsibility that a Company does, but our

group focuses on the CSR on environmental preservation because we think of what our

professor told us. “Nature can survive without us but we can’t survive without nature” a

simple sentence yet full of meaning. Of course the main purpose of CSR is to help out the

people in the community and to help the community itself. I believe that if you want to help

the people residing in a community you need to help out the community first. That why we

narrowed down the topics we wanted to research about and came up with this.

While doing this research I found out that BDO sincerely wants to help the

environment that’s why they are conducting several activities to help it out. Their most

famous activity is tree planting. It may seem like a small thing, but the smallest things make a

huge difference. Trees serve as filters that make our surroundings more bearable. They

releases oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Trees also help in times of calamity. When there

is severe flooding trees absorb water to lessen the flooding. That is why I think that what

BDO is doing is great and that they should continue helping our environment. Just like

BDO’s tagline, “We find ways” we should also find ways to preserve our environment.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In the Environmental Preservation”

By: Patricia Mae L. Manoguid

CSR has become a basic practice in almost all businesses. It ranges from donation to

non-profit eco-friendly policies and practices in the workplace. The main focus of our thesis

was about BDO’s CSR projects focusing on environmental preservation. One of the winning

factors of why we chose BDO, aside from connections, is that it is the no.1 bank in the

Philippines. It has a lot of financial asset and an already solid and established CSR.

As we made our research about BDO’s previous CSR projects, it really was no

surprise at how many mentioned activities came up. The company had an exclusive

department established solely for the purpose of organizing, conducting and managing the

BDO’s CSR projects. An example was the annual tree planting activity they do on the La

Mesa Dam. The interview itself was also very informative. The employee we were able to

interview gave us a few insights on the internal eco-friendly policies they are given. They

were strict about wasting papers and also had a “clean up after yourself” in their canteen

which is a really good practice. Also to lessen the traffic congestion, they offer a free shuttle

bus to-and-from the office branch and the main building for the employees to use.

This research was really an eye opener for me. Not just about the company’s

reputation but also the fact that a lot of people still care about the environment; going as far

as to invest money, time and effort. It’s really inspiring and heart-warming. Looking past

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the cynical side of why stakeholders commit to these responsibilities, it’s basically giving

back what you took from Mother Nature.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Lorraine G. Mecos

Social responsibility is an idea that has been of concern to mankind for many years. Corporate

social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by

its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives. Corporate Responsibility

has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community and is progressively

becoming a mainstream activity.

We all know that BDO is a lending company which we tend to entrust our money. Of course as

we entrust our money we should know the background of the bank we choose to entrust. By this activity

of the bank many people would be encourage to entrust their money to the company. It will be also a big

asset of the company to have this kind of charity works. Investors may tend to see this as a good example

for a stable and trust worthy company to invest.

As students of Social Responsibility, we must also hold ourselves responsible to do

the right thing in our careers. Although the perfect company does not yet exist, we can use

our talents and education to find our role in working to enhance employment standards,

quality of business, and the way powerful companies and governments treat our earth.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Coleen A. Miranda

BDO’s CSR is very helpful not only to the environment but also to the other living

things. One of their CSR is a tree planting. This activity will help to generate oxygen for

people and absorb carbon dioxide. Additional tress will also provide habitats for homeless

animals. I am overwhelmed that there are still companies like BDO that are still concerned to

our environment. A good and responsible company must not only focus on their customers

and in generating profits. They must be mindful of the earth we belong. There is only one

planet that a living thing can survive and that is earth. There are a lot of business,

corporations and alike are now popping or booming out. And most of them are very greedy.

They only think about gaining more profit and neglecting the environment. Each corporation,

business and even individual must be responsible enough. If a business cuts one tree, they

must plant ten more trees to make everything balance. Even individuals must be aware of

their actions. To buy only things those are needed. Almost all of the things we have comes

from the environment. So if we continue to buy things that are not immediately needed, we

will make the scenario worse. Remember, we can’t survive without our mother earth, but

mother earth can survive without us. Be responsible enough.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Hazel Rio P. Permejo

We all know that CSR Projects turned out to be one of the standard business practices.

For organizations that were committed on their CSR projects, it implies credit. Giving to

needy causes, supporting environmental welfares, and creating projects to help people are

some of the CSR projects an organization can have. BDO being one of those organizations

that is developing and lending their hands makes me think and empowers me to do


Tree planting is one of BDO’s CSR projects. Having a tree planting project is a big

step to help in preserving the environment. Planting and/or restoring trees in the community

is a learning situation for us all. It’ll make our community, moreover our world a healthy and

beautiful place to live in. Utilizing tree planting, we can promote a feeling of environmental

responsiveness among us, especially the youth.

Providing shelters and volunteering programs for natural disaster victims is another

CSR project of BDO. Various projects focused on infrastructure, disaster response and relief

operations are their key point to achieve this project. Conducting relief operations for victims

and constructing shelter is a great help for them to start a new life.

Scholarship programs and medical assistance are also on the list of their CSR projects.

Giving scholarship programs creates a bright hope for the students. Attending to medical

problems of people generates a healthy and active community.

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Years after years, BDO continuing their commitment in their CSR projects, I believe

they can make a huge impact and/or positive effect not only on the preservation of the

environment but also on disaster responsiveness. Their efforts can improve the society in

some ways.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: “The Effects of BDO Unibank’s Charity Works

In Environmental Preservation”

By: Ianne Reign D. Yabut

We all know how important businesses are to our society. In fact it is so important

that its decisions and actions have the potential of creating a change in society, be it good or

bad. This importance means that in lieu of the goals of the company, having bigger profits

and having a large market of consumers, comes a bigger responsibility such as understanding

the effect of its activities in the long-run. Our research taught me how a company can greatly

affect our environment. It taught me that all of us has the responsibility to conserve and

protect the environment. Governments and also the big companies must take part in having

its own programs to ban the use of hazardous products or chemicals that may damage our

environment. BDO which is one of the leading banks in the Philippines has its own way in

ensuring that their work would not just bring a great deal of impact to its customers but also

the environment. During the course of discussion in this subject, I learned how a business

enterprise should take a lead in solving these issues. By having a sincere commitment to its

objective which is to protect the environment, by developing clear-cut policies, and also by

promoting the use of green energy can be some of the initiatives a company can take to help

in the preservation of nature.

Environmental protection is not a one man’s work. It’s a unified effort. One cannot

expect to solve this big of a problem if the responsibility of protecting our environment if for

one entity only. Government must form the rules and regulations that citizens must abide.

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Businesses should initiate programs for their employees to encourage the others to play a

huge part in environmental protection. And we, the citizens of this country, should start the

change we are all hoping for.

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