Tanda Dan Gejala:: Si Keperawatan Stikes Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah Cilacap 2015

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a. - Mendadak panas tinggi selama 2-7 hari

b. - Tampak bintik-bintik merah pada kulit
c. Batuk
d. - Tampak bengkak pada mata
e. - Nafsu makan berkurang
f. - Sering terasa nyeri pada ulu hati
g. - Kadang-kadang terjadi pendarahan di hidung
h. - Mungkin terjadi muntah atau berak darah
i. - Bila sudah parah terjadi gelisah, tangan dan
kaki dingin dan berkeringat


a. - Beri penderita minum yang banyak STIKES AL-IRSYAD

b. - Kompreskan air hangat seluruh badan
c. - Beri obat turun panas
d. - Beri makanan lunak CILACAP
e. -Segera bawa ke rumah sakit / puskesmas. 2015
Main Inside Heading

Structuring Your information broken up into smaller,

Content “easy to chew” chunks. These
smaller chunks can be separated
You have a number of alternatives by a descriptive subheading, like
for organizing the content of your the one that begins this paragraph.
brochure. You might choose to If this is the approach you prefer,
devote each column to a separate you can make use of linked text
point or theme, such as quality boxes, which allow text to flow
Caption describing picture or graphic.
and value. Remember, these from one column to the next.
points should tie in with your
introductory text on the first page A text box offers a flexible way of
of the brochure. displaying text and graphics; it’s
basically a container that you can
Overview Headline An Alternate Approach resize and reposition. By linking a
text box on one page with a text
When readers open the brochure, On the other hand, you might
box on another, your article
this is the first text they will see, want to organize your information
automatically flows from one page
making this a good place to briefly as a continual stream of
to another.
but effectively summarize the
products or services that you offer.

Make this text compelling and This area can be used to give
interesting so that readers will the reader clear instructions for
want to read the rest of the the next steps that you hope they
will take. It may be a number you
brochure. Be sure to keep the
want them to call, a Web site you
scope of this introduction narrow
want them to visit, or information
enough so that you can adequately
Caption describing picture or you want them to fill out.
cover the concepts you raise here
graphic. Whatever the case, this
in the limited space of the rest of information should be clear, brief
the brochure. and engaging enough to
motivate the reader to make that
small decision to move forward.

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