D.3 Energy Conservation

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3 Energy Conservation

The BOCA Interational Energy Conservation Code shall be utilized to

regulate the design and construction of the exterior envelopes and selection
of HVAC, service water heating, electrical distribution and illuminating
systems, and equipment required for the purpose of effective use of energy,
and shall govern all buildings and structures erected for human occupancy.
When requirements of the energy conservation code cannot be satisfied
because of program requirements, the NIH Project Officer shall be notified.

At the completion of the design development phase, a plan review record as

defined in the BOCA International Energy Conservation Code shall be
submitted stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer showing
full compliance with the code.

Minimum system insulation thicknesses shall be as required by the energy

conservation code and ASHRAE recommendations. The minimum
thickness in all applications shall be sufficient to prevent the possibly of

The quality of the building environment shall be supportive of the health and
safety of staff and patients. Opportunities for conserving energy resources
shall not compromise staff or patient health and safety nor hinder continuous
research functions.

Effective energy management requires close, consistent control of all energy

consuming systems and components. A buildingwide energy management
and control system shall be provided to monitor and control energy
consuming systems.

Systems using a high percentage of outdoor air or 100% outdoor air should
consider the use of heat reclamation equipment. The capital cost, energy
cost, maintenance cost, and payback period of the of heat reclamation
systems shall be evaluated for the use at the NIH. Evaluations shall be
compared to systems employing no heat recovery or energy conservation

Mechanical D-7

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