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PROJECT 5: A PROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING ‘A proposed commercial building project and on a project site having a 1.75% slope towards the RROW. Statement of the Problem: ‘A private owned company, with its committee, decided to build a 7-storey commercial building with an area three hundred twenty (320) square meters that sits on a one thousand eighty (1080) square meters lot and is located in a commercial zone (C-3) area. In order for the project to function the following spaces are required: a lobby of sixty (60) square meters with the least dimension of 6.5-meters located in the ground floor, commercial spaces with an area of seventy (70) square meters each, forty (40) square meters is provided for hallways and maintenance room each floor. There will be a total of 27 commercial units in the commercial building, The roof deck floor area will be half of your total AMBF. Project Site Features: The project site is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of thirty-six (36) square meters facing south. The site is having a 10-meters wide setback in the south and west side of the building. And it also serves as parking spaces, 6-meters wide setback in east and 4-meters wide setback in the north, The project site uniformly slopes at 1.75% towards the south and another slope of 1.35% towards the west portion of the site, The width ofthe road is 12-meters. Design Objectives: a, To planidesign a commercial building in accordance to its zone (C-3. b. To planidesign a commercial building that maximizes services for the public. ¢, To planidesign a commercial building that will serve as a landmark for its project location, Page | 32 1.33% store ay eee 36000mm 20000 000m 117596 SLOPE AMBF -3205Q.M. 12 METERS WIDE RROW FIG. A- LOT SETBACK BASED ON GIVEN PROBLEM Page | 33, 1.35% SLOPE GD — ener 36000mm 2 1.75% SLOFE AMBF = 736 SO.M. 12 METERS WIDE RROW FIG. B - LOT SETBACK BASED ON TABLE VIII.3, Section 804 Page | 34 PROJECT 5: Questions 81-100 81 82 83, 84, 85 86. 87. 88. 89, 90. Based on Table VIll.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8, haw much is the allowable PSO if the project has a firewall? a. 75% of TLA = 810 square meters ¢. 85% of TLA = 918 square meters b. 80% of TLA = 864 square meters 4. 90% of TLA = 972 square meters Based on the problem, how much is the allowable PSO if the project in percentage? a. 29.62% ©. 68.14% b. 30% d. 68% Based on the given problem, which part of the project lot has the highest elevation? a. Top right of the lot c. Center of lot b. Top left of the lot 4. Front part ofthe lot Whatis the range for the Paved Open Space of the project? a. 160-165 sqm. c. 175190 sqm. b. 120-130 sqm. 4. 145-160 sqm. Based on the given data, what is the range for the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) of the project? a, 550—660 sqm. ©. 750-760 sqm. b. 730-750 sqm. 4. 760-780 sq.m. Based on the given data, how much is the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) ofthe project? a. 360sqm. c. 400 sq.m. b. 410sqm d. 760 sqm On Table Vill, section 803 of rule 7 and 8, how much is the Allowable Minimum Total Open ‘Space within Lot of the project given that there is a firewall? a 108sqm c. 156 sqm b. 110sqm 4. 216 sqm How much is the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the project? a. 9,720 sqm. ©. 16,200 sq.m. b. 12960sqm 4, 36,720 sq.m. Based on the given data, how much is the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) ofthe project? a, 2,240 sq.m. c, 5,152 sq.m, b, 2,880 sq.m. 4, 6,624 sqm, Based on the acquired building footprint basedigiven on table VIIL3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, how much is the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) of the project, considering that the height of a floor is 3 meters ? a. 22,680 sq.m. ©. 6,720sq.m Page | 35 1 92 93, 94 96. 96. 97. 98. 99. b. 15,546 sqm. 4, 6,624 sqm, Given that every commercial spaces are to be provided ceiling, how many 600 mm x 600 mm ceiling files are used? a. 195-190 pieces ©. 26-30 pieces b. 5,250 - 5,255 pieces d, 680-700 pieces Based on the acquired AMBF of the project from the given data, given that the ground floor slab thickness is 100 mm and requires 20 kilograms of 10 mm diameter rebars per cubic meters, what is the volume of the concrete slab per unit? How many kilograms of 10 mm diameter rebars required per unit? a. 32 cubic meters, 640 kilograms of rebars b. 32 cubic meters, 320 kilograms of rebars ¢, 73,6 cubic meters, 1,472 kilograms of rebars 4, 73.6 cubic meters, 736 kilograms of rebars Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip ofthe property? a. 5.25 meters c. 0.525 meter b. 4.05 meters d. 0.405 meter Fall the walls of a commercial space needs to be painted & considering that the area is square in plan, how many gallons of paint will be needed in range, provided that 1 gallon = 25 sqm, The height from floor to ceiling is 3.00 meters a 4-5 gallons ¢. 6-10 gallons b. 5-7 gallons 4, 65-7 gallons Based on the acquired building footprint basedigiven on table VIIL3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, whats the range for the area of roof of the project considering a 1.00 meter roof eaves? a, 600-736 sqm ©, 860-890 sq.m, b. 780-850 sqm. d, NOTA Based on the acquired building footprint basedigiven on table VIIl3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, ‘Whats the area of roof eaves of the project considering a 1.20 meter roof eaves? a. 137.76sqm ©. 143.56 sq.m. b. 140.20sqm 4, 156.21 sq.m. each floor has a height of 3 meters and having a rise of 0.20 meters, compute forthe steps. a 13steps ©. 16 steps b. 18steps 4, 20 steps Based on rule 7 and 8, how much is the incremental setback per story above second floor on the rear and sides of the C-3 zoned structures? c. 300mm cc. 450 mm d. 350mm d. 500mm What does FLAR means? Page | 36 a. Footprint & Lot Area Ratio. ¢. FloorLot Area Ratio b. Floor & Lot Allowable Ratio d. Floor to Lot Area Ratio 100. What does AMVB means? a. Adjustable Minimum Volume of Building b. Allowable Maximum Volume of Building Bulk . Allowable Minimum Volume of Building d. Allowable Maximum Volume of Building PROJECT 5 - ANSWER KEY 81. D 88. A 95. B 82.4 89, A 96. A 83, A 90. B a7. B 84. D 31. B 98. 85. D 92. A 99, 86. C 93. C 100. D 87. A 94. B Page | 37

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