Verse Choir Pieces

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Ballad of A Mother's Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark,

For the moon was young,
And the Stars were asleep and rare,
The clouds were thick,
Yet Youth went out,
To see his Maiden fair.
Dear one, he pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears.
My love is true,
Why you have kept me waiting all this years?
The maiden looked at him.
Unmoved it seemed,
And whispered low.
Persistent Youth,
You have to prove by deeds,
Your love is true.
“There's not a thing I would not do for you, Beloved" said he.
"Then, go." said she.
"To your mother dear,
And bring her heart to me.
Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.
He opened her breast and took her heart!
But he did not shed a tear.
Then back to his Maiden fair,
He run unmindful of the rain.
But his feet slipped,
And he fell down,
And loud, he groaned with pain!
Still in his hand he held the prize,
That would win his Maiden's hands.
But he thought of his mother dear,
So kind, so sweet, so fond.
And then, he heard a voice!
Not from his lips,
But all apart! "Get up" it said.
"Were you hurt, Child? “
It was his mother's heart.

I Am Natures Greatest Miracle by Og Mandino

Since the beginning of time never has there been another

with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands, my hair, my mouth.

None that came before, none that live today, and none that comes tomorrow can
walk and talk and move and think exactly like me.

All men are my brothers yet I am different from each.

I am a unique creature.

Although, I am of the animal kingdom, animal rewards alone will not satisfy me.

Within me burns a flame which has been passed from

generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become

better than I am, and I will.

I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.

I am a unique creature of nature. I am rare, and there is value in all rarity; therefore, I
am valuable.

I am the end-product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore,

I am better equipped in both mind and body that all the emperors and wise men who
preceded me.

But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put
them to good use.

I have unlimited potential.

Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments, nor will I indulge

anymore, in self-praise for deed which in reality are too small to even acknowledge.

I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why should the miracle which
produced me end with my birth?

Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?

The Resiliency of a Filipino by William G. Bacani

Filipino is resilient

Since time immemorial, we are tested by countless calamities; volcanic eruptions,

devastating earthquakes and lahar flows, super typhoons, flash floods and landslides.

Victoriously, we surmounted these ordeals and pains, beyond imagination of the

human race

Instant death of our loved ones, claimed by transportation mishaps and natural
disasters. Thousands also die in hunger and malnutrition.

Including ambushes and endless wars in Mindanao. They trampled our basic human
rights, such as the right to live

I lost my loving husband, who didn't want to join Abu Sayyaf.

I lost my only son, who opted to become a military man.

We lost our innocent children and women, we lost our homes and properties.

Survivors are Filipinos. The wrath of nature and cruel destiny may steal everything
from us.

Wealth, properties, and family

But the Filipinos never give up

For us we are continuously scourged by the test of time.

The spirit to survive and to bounce back remains undefeated

I'm as pliant as a bamboo for I'm a man of Earth

My hair may all be blown away by the winds

And my legs may be crippled by the smash of waves

But I will stand and pick up the shattered pieces of myself and continue to live

Resolute to survive, clothed with an inspiration to live, not only for my family but also
for my beloved country

Filipinos unite in the midst of crisis, regardless of socio-economic status, tradition and

The world has seen the magnanimous spirit of the Filipinos in crucial times.

The gap between the rich and the poor was narrowed

: Envy was replaced by sympathy

Hatred was conquered by love

Selfishness was set aside

And saving one's live is the ultimate desire

History tells us that the Filipinos have captured innumerable foes, natural and not. And
shall always strive to champion in all odds.

Because innate in the Filipino is the will to survive

We may be daunted by the horrible scenes around us.

But certainly, we will be strengthened by our unwavering faith in God.

We have been looted by many nations in the world, for our resiliency during disasters,
others die in saving lives.

But only few realize, that we are able to survive, because our spirit to fight is deeply
anchored from faith, that God Almighty will never forsake us.

I believe that Filipinos, divided by varied doctrines and cultures, are capable to be on
top of any situation, if united

Together, we can face any challenge ahead of us.

We may stumble and fall

But we will bounce back, arms stronger with vision and faith, that after darkness, after
pains and sufferings, the Filipino survives, the Filipino is resilient.

Bring Me to Life by Cheryl Aldea

A bead of water glistens on my palm

As I stepped on watery fields of sadness
I’ m dying, like a flower
That longing for a little falls of rain
Frozen inside
I could hardly breathe
Bring me to life
Let you be my strength in the odd that never ends.

As I touched the sky I see, the angels smile

But my wings are broken
I am fallen
My soul is tracking against the wind
I can’t fly
I’m drowning in the ocean of tears
Just like broken dreams
That is turn into pieces

My voice echoed on the silence of a sea

My throat is parch

No words slip on my lips

Even the wind can’t hear my mournful grief

A tuneful poem that I am trying to sing
But nobody wants to listen

Bring me to life
Let you be my voice in this world of deaf

My heart melts
Like a candle, soften under the sun
My body shivers as I glance at the doom
A dark shadow surrounded on me
Here I am seeking for the light I wanted to see
I was so blind
Bring me to life
Be the light as the sun rises on east

Sometimes by Cheryl Aldea

Sometimes, I wonder why heaven is too high?

To touch the angels wings
Why is it too far?
To hear our wishes and prayer
Maybe, that’s the way it is
To hold on our faith,
And love comes, to those who believe it

No roads too wide, to make it across

No matter how far, wherever we are
Just believed when we pray
All of our fears will cast them away.

Sometimes I asked, why the sky is blue?

Like water from the sea
That brings peace and calming spirits
Like a light guide to face a rising sun
A light that shines in my eye

Lead me lord and show me the way

Let me stay by your guiding light
Show to me the new direction of life

Someone who walks through my life

You have given me a new direction
Someone whom I can hold on too

Sometimes I wish, to be a cloud in the sky

When the world is tumbling down

When there’s no need to run
Sometimes I dream to fly
And follow the wind
To lift my spirit higher as mountain

Perhaps, sometimes my head is spinning

I was lost in the dark
Lost in a highway of life
But then, I lift my hands to god
And he will show me the way.


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