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PROGRAMME: B.Tech + DD Mining Engineering
Dept. Code: MN, Course Code: MN 202, Course Name: Mine Surveying

Full Marks: 30 Duration of Examination: 2 hours

This question paper contains one page

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks

All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Answer all the following questions
Q. No Marks

1. Explain the various corrections that can be applied to chain. A 30m chain was [7]
found to be 0.1m too long after chaining 2400m. If the chain was correct before
commencement of the work, find the true distance.

2. The following consecutive readings were taken with an auto level and a 5 m [5]
leveling staff on a continuously sloping ground at a common interval of 30 m:
0.385, 1.030, 1.925, 2.825, 3.730, 4.685, 0.625, 2.005, 3.110, 4.485.
The R.L of the first point was 100.5 m. Rule out a page of a level field book and
enter the above readings. Calculate the reduced levels of the points by rise and fall
method, also the gradient of the line joining the first and last point.

3. The following angles were observed in clockwise direction in an open traverse. <A [6]
= 100°20’, <B = 80°30’ <C = 70°40’ <D = 162°20’ and <E = 126°10’. If the fore
bearing of line CD is 60°20’, determine the bearing of all other lines.
4. The following are the magnetic bearings of a closed traverse ABCDE carried out [6]
in an area under the influence of local attraction. Find the correct magnetic bearings
of the lines. If the magnetic declination for the area is 1°45’E, find also the true
Line Fore bearing Back bearing
AB 75º 30’ 254º 45’
BC 110°30’ 291°15’
CD 169°30’ 350°15’
DE 224°15’ 45°15’
EA 305°15’ 124°30’
5. Two points A and B are 1200m apart across a wide river. The following reciprocal [6]
levels are taken with auto level.
Instrument Staff Reading on Remarks
Station Near A B R.L of A = 525
A 1.485 2.365 m
B 1.035 1.402
Find the followings:
a. The true reduced level of B
b. If the error due to curvature is +0.008m in 60m, determine the error due to
refraction only.
c. Determine the error in the collimation adjustment of the instrument.

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