Identity 2019

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I don't say everything, but I paint everything. Pablo Picasso

This project involves generating and developing ideas, using drawing methods
relating to established practice, and using drawing materials, processes and
techniques with skills appropriate to the generation of two and three-
dimensional artwork.

The Aim for Year 12, what do we want to achieve?

o An understanding of the role that drawing plays in thinking, generating and

developing painting compositions
o To record, evaluate, modify and use research materials, applied in the Process
o Develop drawing and painting techniques, explore in the Process Portfolio
o Develop an analytical nature towards Art making. Reflect critically in the Process
o Develop subject specific language
o To experiment and show understanding of a wide range of media in both the
Process Portfolio and in the studio work


The question of identity and what it is has plagued artists and non-artists alike
for centuries. It has been the foundation of fierce battles, inner turmoil and
angst. Your challenge is to research and discover what you see as your identity
at this moment in time.

Use brainstorming and mind mapping techniques to map out what you see as
vital aspects of your identity. Expand on some of the points you discovered
over the summer.
Consider TOK questions of knowledge: We acquire knowledge about the world
through language, perception, reason and emotion, but none of these ways of
knowing can give us certainty.


In your workbook, use a range of wet and dry media to express yourself.
Create images from observation (criteria A - skills, techniques and processes)
that reflect something about you, your culture, your heritage and your
personal history.

Create symbolic references by using your experience in the Vanitas project.

Record objects, materials and symbols that support your own understanding of
your identity.

I encourage you to explore a social, historical, and cultural context, considering

how these things may shape who you are today.

Task 3, Finding Out

Hidden Emotions. Oil on board 107.0 x 190.0

Ancestral Guardians Media: Acrylic on Canvas

Create your own response to the images of 4-5 selected Artists work in your
Process Journal (Criteria A-Skills, techniques and processes), select the
appropriate drawing media, as an example, if you were responding to the work
of Darcy Nicholas above, you may use pastel, acrylic or some other brightly
coloured painterly medium. These artists should be examples of artists who
create a narrative about their own identity.

Please check the website below for images, personal background and more.
You will notice that there is a link to a short documentary at the bottom of the

Make comments and notes about the issues surrounding identity that you
discover from reading about the artists. How will this influence you (Criteria B
– Critical Investigation)

Task 4, Sorting Out

You will have to make two pieces of studio work. One will be a major work and
the other will be a supporting piece. As an example you may wish to create a
large sculptural piece and support this with observation drawings. You could
create a large painting and support this with photography.

Document your process in your process journal ensuring that you

communicate your intentions and ideas. (Criteria C- Communication of ideas)
How has the investigation into artist models, art works influenced or impacted
on your own practice? (Criteria B) Experiment and test a range of media.
(Criteria A)

Ensure that you use skills, processes and techniques (Criteria A) to review and
refine ideas while you reflect on the acquisition of skills. ( Criteria D – Reviwing,
refining and Reflecting). Analyze your development at the time of idea
generation. Reflect before the moment has gone.

Ensure that ideas and intentions are linked to the development of skills and
selected media.

Task 5, Going Further – Building and applying

Generate your two art pieces but be sure to reflect on the journey of making
art. What decisions kept you on track or took you in a new direction? What
struggles or challenges did you encounter? What discoveries did you make
along the way? (Criteria D)

Your final art pieces will be graded on the following Criteria

In the Process Journal you will be expected to create at least 10 pages covering
the creative process of brainstorming, investigation, testing, planning, and
process documentation and evaluation for the major art piece.

Pieter Hugo, "Messina/Musina Pieter and Maryna Vermeulen with Timana Phosiwa," 2006
Christian Boltanski

Micheal Reeder Edith Chavez

Poignant works of art show

the reality of mental illness

TED Talk – Can Art amend history?

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