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Name : Windianto

NIM : P1337420214120

Class : 2b

Practical experience in hospital

While the practice in hospitals, precisely in the military hospital Wijayakusuma purwokerto, I get a
lot of new experience, ranging from an embarrassing experience to an experience. For example, just
when I was taught how to set up the NGT to direct patient even though I just saw but I was delighted
to find out how to install them. In addition to getting the science I also get new friends either from
midwifery and high school.

Experience pain
When I was in second grade high school I’ve ever been exposed to typhoid. But when I did not
realize the heat that some days I felt it turns out is a symptom of typhoid disease. After the heat that
I felt never healed eventually I consult the nearest health center and right turns not that I have
experienced is a symptom of typoid. Many drugs are given the doctor told me but also many
medications that I do not eat because baud an extremely unpleasant taste. Speech doctor I
remember most is ti avoid spicy and sour foods. But Alhamdulillah after I consult myself to the clinic
and do what the doctors say that im the end I recovered without having to undergo inpatient at the

Health care bureaucracy with experience fees can cause stress patients
I agree with that expression because hospital patients not only from the upper middle class, many
patients who come from the poor. With hospital costs are substaintial and the patient or the
patients family income that is below the average then the phrase that could have happened and are
very likely to occur. Instead of making the patient’s condition can worsen the situation improved
even patients who are undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Nama : Irfan Muzis

NIM : P1337420214123

Kelas : 2b

Practical experience in hospital

While the practice in hospitals, precisely in the military hospital purwokerto Wijayakusuma soldiers, I
get a lot of new experience, ranging from an embarrassing experience to an experience. For
example, just when I was taught how to set up the NGT to direct patient even though I just saw but I
was delighted to find out how to install them. In addition to getting the science I also get new friends
either from midwifery and high school.

Experience pain
When I was sitting in class 2 junior I have experienced asthma, asthma play factor I was too tired
because when I was junior high school are less physically tired so if my asthma relapse, in addition to
the fatigue of asthma I wal also hereditary disease of the family. But after stepping high school I’ve
rarely astma relapse Because in additin to regular axercise pattern Also physical condition is getting
stronger so it can Overcome astma is relapse. And since then I have a desire in medical school in
order to resolve health problems that I have experienced and others roomates health workers is
very useful for me and mankind. I and others have experienced the which requires health workers is
very usefuk for me and mankind.

Health care bureaucracy with experience fees can cause stress patients
I agree with that expression because hospital patients not only from the upper middle class, many
patients who come from the poor. With hospital costs are substaintial and the patient or the
patients family income that is below the average then the phrase that could have happened and are
very likely to occur. Instead of making the patient’s condition can worsen the situation improved
even patients who are undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Name : Ihsan Nur H

NIM : P1337420214008 (2B)

Experience during practice in hospitals

My experience during practice at the hospital is my gain knowledge and new knowledge, make new
friends, get a new nickname, became know the work I have to do tomorrow at the time was
working, being out rooms that intrigued me beforehand as space IBS, ct-scan, radiology and other
and taught me about the importance of health. I made the conscious as a nurse is a noble job.
Because I am proud to be a nurse.

Experience pain

I will share the experience of pain I have ever experienced, such as dengue fever, typhoid,productive
cough, toothache, headache, abdominal pain, heartbreak, sprains, smallpox, back cage, poisoning
and others. I was treated in hospital for 8 days when I wa exposed to dengue fever as well typhoid,
my body is felt uneasy and uncomfortable, all parts of the body to ache, nausea, and head feels
dizzy. Since that incident I began to realize that health is very important and after discharge from the
hospital and the pain was not bad I familiarize live healthy and orderly, including eating regularly, on
time, exercise in moderation, eating less-spicy food and keep the environment clean and healthy.

Health care bureaucracy with expensive fees make patient stress, agree or not

I agree if the cost of expensive health services make the patient stress because not all patient are
able, and most patients in the hospital are patients who are less capable and health care is expensive
even going to make people less able to be pessimistic because she feels can not afford and would
aggravate the situation of the sick and health care is expensive does not always produce results that
sweet and usually things like that discriminate between the rich and the poor in terms of service, so I
do not agree when health care is expensive.
NAME : Sapto Dwi Saputro

NIM : P1337420214035


Practical experience in hospital

During practice at the hospital precisely in hospital Purbalingga, I get to experience new and exciting.
I have learned that yet and has taught at institutions such as ECG, Injecting, filling the medical record
book and other. I also got a new friend at the hospital also got guidence and lessons learned from
the nurses at the hospital.

Health care bureaucracy with expensive fees can cause stress patients

I think about the assumption of health care is too expensive can cause patients stress that is true
and wrong also. I half-agree with this assumption because, causing stress on the patient’s high cost
of health care can be seen from the economic situation of a patient. For example, patients who have
incomes above-average certainly any cost will be paid without any sense of stress from thepatients
themselve. Any conversely, for patients who have incomes below the average would have had
concerns about health care costs, if he can afford it or not.

Experience pain

I will share the experience of pain I have ever experienced. At the time I was 12 years old and sat in
6th grade elementary school I experienced smallpox disease. Smallpox disease the he experienced
once in a lifetime, so people who already had chickenpox disease willn’t get the same disease in
their lifetime , Whole body feel itchy, hot, and very difficult to sleep. My second experience that is at
the moment in the second grade in junior high and my age at that time 14th years I get typus
symptoms of the disease. It feels very uncomfortable at all. But I still be grateful because it has never
been admitted to hospital.
Nama : Andhika Anjar S

Kelas : 2B

NIM : P1337420214064

1. Experience in hospital practice

I first practical experience in the General Hospital of Banyumas very happy, because it can
help people who are sick to his recovery. But first I confused to do anything there because
my first time in hospital practice. Then I saw what the nurses then I helped deliver the drug
to the patients, change their infusion. The very pleasant experienced for me.

2. Bureaucracy of health service in indonesia

I disagree, because every beimg has the economic differences there are rich and some are
poor. If the poor people who could not afford an expensive hospital. So that the person will
not go to hospital for treatment. If they do not seek treatment they will not recover. If such
who will be blamed.

3. My experience when sick

I do when illness is to take medicine and rest enough. If within 2 days do not heal the pain,
so I went to the doctor to check the condition of my body. If my body is really weak so I
asked for the drug so that my body back to normal. Spent medication given by doctors in
order to quickly heal the pain. Taking regular medication as directed. Reduce heavy activity
much rest. If I’m sick of people who always helped me is family. Family always pray for my
healing. They always remind me to take medicine. Without my family can not do anything
when I’m sick.

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