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What is Working Student

A working student is a person who has work and at the same time go to school as a student.
Being a working student needs a lot of effort not only to his work but also in their studies.
In the Philippines, a lot of teenagers who work are those who have no capability to finance
their tuition fee, bills in the school and their allowance by their family. Education is very
important to a Filipino family they really work hard to send their children to school and
finish their education as long as they can.

Being a working student is very hard they need to give their 100 percent of attention when
they are in the school and give 100 percent of their strength when they work. Being a
working student is much different especially on the schedule. Their duties as a working
student are hard while they’re still in the school. They have different time for working and
give a time for studying. A working student is responsible enough to handle their life being
a student. They will know how hard to handle a job while they need to go to school after
their work. They will know how important the commitment and the time when they
become a working student.

A working student sometimes works in their school and give them a financial assistance if
their academic or grades is in the middle and they don’t let their grades fall. Some student
that they have no capability to pay their tuition to apply in the school as a working student.

There are two kinds of working students: those who work outside the school either day or
night and get paid, and those who work inside the school being assigned in various offices
of the school and don’t get paid but have big discounts in their tuition fees.
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