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Applications of Kernal Methods

KEY TERMS to a set of data that has been collected sequentially

and thus it has temporal properties. Signal processing A
Bioinformatics: This is the application of informat- includes, among others, storage, reconstruction, detec-
ics to analysis of experimental data and simulation of tion of information in presence of noise, interferences or
biological systems. distortion, compression, encoding, decoding and many
other processing techniques that may involve machine
Biomedicine: This refers to the application of engi- learning.
neering to the medicine. It involves the design of medical
equipment, prosthesis, and systems and algorithms for Speech Processing: Signal processing of speech
diagnose and therapy. signals. An important group of speech processing tech-
niques are those devoted to speech communications.
Communications: Communication is the act of send- Here, the processing includes analog to digital and digital
ing a message to one or more receivers. In this context, we to analog conversions, and compression/decompression
use the word communication to refer to the technologies algorithms that usually use speech modeling through
and theory of telecommunications engineering. autoregressive models of small voice frames, exploit-
Composite Kernels: A composite kernel (see chapter ing their local stationarity properties. Another important
1 for a definition of kernel) is a linear combination of block of techniques is the speech recognition, which
several Mercer kernels Ki(xi,xj) of the form involves machine learning techniques. Traditionally,
L Hidden Markov Models have been used for speech
K (xi , x j ) = ∑ ai K i (xi , x j ) recognition, but recently kernel methods have been used
i =1
with promising results. Also, there is an intense research
For the composite kernel to be a Mercer kernel, it needs in text-to-speech conversion.
to be semi definite positive. A sufficient condition for Support Vector Machines (SVM): A SVM is a lin-
a linear combination of Mercer kernels to be a valid ear learning machine constructed through an algorithm
Mercer kernel is simply ai ≥ 0. that uses an optimization criterion which is based on the
Image Processing: This term refers to any manipula- compromise between the training error and the complex-
tion of digital images in order to compress/decompress, ity of the resulting learning machine. The optimization
transfer it through a communications channel or alter its criterion for classification is
properties, such as color, textures, definition, etc. More 1 N
w + C∑
interestingly, image processing includes all techniques 2 i =1

used in order to obtain information embedded in a digi-

tal image or a sequence of digital images, for example, subject to
detection and classification of objects or events into a yi (w T xi + b ) > 1 − i
sequence of images.
i ≥0
Kernel Methods: Ashortened name for Kernel-based
learning methods (see previous chapter for an introduc- where w are the parameters of the learning machine, xi
tion to kernel methods). Kernel methods include all are the training data and yi are their corresponding labels,
machine learning algorithms that are intrinsically linear and xi are the so called slack variables. The criterion
but, through a nonlinear transformation of the input minimizes the training data classification error plus the
data into a highly dimensional Hilbert space, present complexity of the machine through the minimization
nonlinear properties from the point of view of the input of the norm of the machine parameters. This is equiva-
data. The Hilbert space must be provided with an inner lent to maximize the generalization properties of the
product that can be expressed as a function of the input machine. The resulting parameters are expressed as a
data itself, thus avoiding the explicit use of vectors in linear combination of a subset of the training data (the
these spaces. Such an inner product satisfies the so called support vectors). This algorithm is easily extensible to
Mercer conditions and is called a Mercer Kernel. a nonlinear algorithm using the kernel trick, reason for
what it is usually considered a kernel method. A similar
Signal Processing: It is the analysis, interpretation algorithm is used for regression.
and manipulation of signals. Usually, one calls signal

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