N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka Holiday Homework, Session: 2019-20 Class Viii

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Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Holiday Homework, Session: 2019-20

A Note To The Parents :

1. Kindly encourage your ward to read the newspaper daily and discuss the
on-going events with you each day.
2. Develop the habit of reading in them and tell them to read small
narratives each day. Also, tell them to narrate those with full expressions
to you each day with proper intonation.
3. Educate your child to work upon the petty household works that are
there during the vacations. Tell them to be a helping hand in the kitchen
or tell them to clean their closet or study shelf. Also, help them in
understanding the importance of being clean and keeping your
surroundings clean.
4. Tell them to work upon their handwriting, how important it is to write
with a good hand and how one’s personality can outshine with good
5. Tell them to help at least one person in the neighbourhood during the
vacations and write it down as to how they helped them in what. This
will inculcate the concept of value education in them.
6. Make them learn some co curricular activity during the time of vacations.
Let them open their minds and thoughts into something productive and
7. Make the students learn by doing method. Let them be free(under
parental guidance) to play outside in nature. Let them enjoy the nature,
take them to some historical places, some monuments where they learn
more about their country India.
1. Write one page everyday in a four line notebook to improve your

2. Create a comic strip on the theme ‘Gender Equality’. The comic strip
should contain at least eight to ten dialogue boxes with characters. It
should be grammatically sound. The dialogues should not exceed a word
limit of 150 words in all.

3. Write a review of the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother To Read’ by

Sudha Murthy in about 150 words.

4. Make a bookmark and write a quote on it by any famous English writer

and attach it to your Literature reader book.

5. Use an A4 size sheet and create a poster on any one of the following
a. Blood donation.
b. A closer look to the endangered ones.
c. Hale the mother Earth before we Fail.
d. Blending the various arts.

6. Create a Grammar Dictionary. In that dictionary, write the definitions of

all the grammar topics mentioned below along with the literary devices
used in the poems. Also, elaborate the definitions with examples. The
topics to be covered are :
a. Nouns f. Modals
b. Pronouns g. Subject verb agreement
c. Adjectives h. Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives
d. Adverbs i.Homonyms,Homophones,Synonyms, Antonyms
e. Verbs j. Literary Devices


१ अब तक कक्षा में करवाए व समझाए गए कार्य का लिखित अभ्र्ास करें , जिससे

अभ्र्ास के साथ-साथ लििने की गतत में भी सध
ु ार होगा|
२ प्रततदिन एक पेि सुिेि लििें | लििते समर् अक्षरों की बनावट का ववशेष ध्र्ान
रिें |
(दहन्िी वर्यमािा भी लिि सकते हैं|)
३ आप अपने ग्रीष्मावकाश में कहााँ गए,ककस प्रकार व्र्तीत ककर्ा उसका अनुभव
लििें व र्थासंभव चित्र भी संिग्न करें |
४ ‘नवभारत टाइम्स’में छपने वािे ‘ि स्पीककंग ट्री’ के िेि व कहानी को ध्र्ानपूवक

पढ़ें व पढ़े गए अंश को कॉपी में िगाकर उसका सार लििें | (िस से बारह दिन
५ प्रेमिंि कृत कोई एक उपन्र्ास पदढ़ए | व उस पर अपने वविार लिखिए|
अवकाश उपरांत कक्षा में ििाय की िाएगी |

(र्ह ग्रीष्मावकाश कार्य अिग से एक कॉपी बनाकर करना है , जिसके अंक दिए िाएाँगे|)


1. Revise chapters 1,6,7,16 done in the month of April- May.

2. Solve 15 Sudoku.
3. Do Assignment of chapters-1,6,7, 16 in your notebook.
4. Project:
a) Build magic square of 4x4 and 5x5.
b) Vedic Mathematics: Write 5 rules of Vedic Mathematics with 4
examples of each.
c) Write and draw the properties of quadrilaterals and special types
of quadrilaterals.

Note: Make one folder for the project and Sudoku

1. Revise and learn all the Chapters taught in the month of April May.

2. Do the assignments on the chapters on A4 size sheets

i) Conservation of plants and animals
ii) Synthetic fibres and plastics
iii) Crop production and management.

3. Now a days a lot of communicable/environmental diseases are

spreading such as influenza, flu, TB, Bronchitis, asthma etc. Visit
nearby houses/ relatives/ health centre or a hospital. Find out
about them. Submit a report on it. Submit proof of investigation
with pics.

4. In the present scenario we want more green cover to safeguard the

environment. So in these holidays each child will be planting 5
mango seeds or saplings in the nearby park or your backyard.
Please write a report on it with pics.

1. Study and Present the contribution of Sardar Vallabh Bhai
Patel and Bhagat Singh in the history of Indian freedom
struggle (On A4 size sheets in a file).Add pictures related to the
given personalities.

2. Study about the Hidden Heritage Sites recently found in and

around Delhi and present information in a file. Cut & paste
news paper headlines for the same.

⮚ Make a PPT on Australia covering its social, political and
economic aspects.

⮚ Make a list of FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES given in Indian
A4 size sheet.
⮚ Prepare a CASE STUDY on the 17th LOK SABHA ELECTIONS
IN INDIA. Add relevant pictures & news paper cuttings for the


1.पढे गए पाठों का लिखित अभ्र्ास करें |

2.समीपवती ककसी प्रततजष्ठत पुस्तकािर् में िाकर संस्कृत ववज्ञान से संबंचधत पुस्तकों
की सूिी तैर्ार करें व पुस्तकािर्ों का वववरर् भी िें |
3.नीतत संबंधी कोई 10 श्िोक कण्ठस्थ कीजिए|
4. PPT तैर्ार करें -
अनुक्रमांक 1-10 उपपि ववभजतत
अनुक्रमांक 11-20 प्रत्र्र्
अनुक्रमांक 21-30 प्िाजस्टक से हातन
अनुक्रमांक 31-44 संचध (ववृ ि,र्र् ्, )


Q1. Find out the most famous tourist attractions in France, paste their
pictures and write their description on A4 size sheets.

Q2. Find out the major festivals of the France and describe them.


For Class VIII A, B - Make a name plate using aluminium foil, waste
material, card board, wooden ply and paints.
For Class VIII C, D, E - Make one traditional painting on A3 size wooden
ply using acrylic colours and waste material.


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