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Global RF Planning Solution

Version 2.7.0

User Manual

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Atoll 2.7.0 User Manual Release AT270_UM_E1

© Copyright 1997 - 2008 by Forsk
The software described in this document is provided under a license agreement and may only be used or copied under
the terms and conditions of the license agreement. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form
without prior authorisation from Forsk.
The product or brand names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective regis-
tering parties.

About the Atoll User Documentation

The Atoll user documentation is a guide and reference for users working with Atoll. Atoll is easy to use and offers a clear,
self-explanatory user interface. The user documentation helps the user make effective and efficient use of all the features
that Atoll offers. The user documentation aims to familiarise the user with the working environment of Atoll and enable
him to use all of Atoll’s features and functions.
The Atoll user documentation is technology-specific. For each Atoll radio technology, the Atoll user manual contains
instructions and information specific to that technology as well as chapters describing the Atoll working environment and
the tools available.

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Atoll User Manual

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................... 5

1 The Working Environment .................................................................................................... 15

1.1 The Atoll Work Area .................................................................................................................... 15
1.1.1 Working with Document Windows .................................................................................................... 16
1.1.2 Docking or Floating an Atoll Window................................................................................................ 16
1.2 The Explorer Window ................................................................................................................. 17
1.2.1 Working with the Explorer Window Tabs.......................................................................................... 17
1.2.2 Navigating in the Explorer Window .................................................................................................. 18
1.2.3 Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer........................................................... 18
1.2.4 Working with Layers Using the Explorer .......................................................................................... 18
1.3 Working with Objects .................................................................................................................. 19
1.3.1 Using the Object Context Menu ....................................................................................................... 19 Renaming an Object ................................................................................................................... 19 Deleting an Object ...................................................................................................................... 19 Displaying the Properties of an Object ....................................................................................... 19
1.3.2 Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map ..................................................................... 20 Selecting One of Several Transmitters or Microwave Links ....................................................... 20 Moving a Site Using the Mouse .................................................................................................. 21 Moving a Site to a Higher Location............................................................................................. 21 Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna Using the Mouse ............................................................ 21 Changing the Position of the Transmitter Relative to the Site .................................................... 22
1.3.3 Display Properties of Objects ........................................................................................................... 22 Defining the Display Properties of Objects ................................................................................. 23 Examples of Using the Display Properties of Objects ................................................................ 26
1.4 Working with Maps....................................................................................................................... 28
1.4.1 Changing the Map Scale .................................................................................................................. 28 Zooming In and Out .................................................................................................................... 28 Zooming In on a Specific Area.................................................................................................... 28 Choosing a Scale........................................................................................................................ 28 Changing Between Previous Zoom Levels................................................................................. 28
1.4.2 Moving the Map in the Document Window....................................................................................... 29
1.4.3 Using the Panoramic Window .......................................................................................................... 29
1.4.4 Centring the Map Window on an Object........................................................................................... 29
1.4.5 Measuring Distances on the Map ..................................................................................................... 29
1.4.6 Displaying Rulers Around the Map ................................................................................................... 30
1.4.7 Displaying the Map Legend .............................................................................................................. 30
1.4.8 Using Zones in the Map Window...................................................................................................... 30 Using a Filtering Zone................................................................................................................. 31 Using a Computation Zone ......................................................................................................... 31 Using a Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones ..................................................................................... 32 Using Polygon Zone Editing Tools.............................................................................................. 33 Using a Printing Zone ................................................................................................................. 35 Using a Coverage Export Zone .................................................................................................. 35
1.4.9 Exporting Coverage Prediction Results............................................................................................ 35 Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Vector Format .................................................................... 36 Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Raster Format .................................................................... 36
1.4.10 Exporting a Map ............................................................................................................................... 37
1.4.11 Copying a Map to Another Application ............................................................................................. 37
1.4.12 Map Window Pointers ...................................................................................................................... 38
1.5 Working with Data Tables ........................................................................................................ 39
1.5.1 Opening a Data Table ...................................................................................................................... 39
1.5.2 Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table Fields .............................................................................. 39 Accessing the Table Tab of an Object Type’s Properties dialogue ............................................ 39 Adding a Field to an Object Type’s Data Table .......................................................................... 40 Deleting a Field from an Object Type’s Data Table .................................................................... 41
1.5.3 Editing the Content of a Table.......................................................................................................... 41
1.5.4 Opening an Object’s Record Properties Dialogue from a Table ...................................................... 42

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Atoll User Manual

1.5.5 Defining the Table Format.................................................................................................................42

1.5.6 Copying and Pasting in Tables .........................................................................................................45 Copying and Pasting a Table Element ........................................................................................45 Pasting the Same Data into Several Cells ..................................................................................45
1.5.7 Exporting Tables to Text Files...........................................................................................................46
1.5.8 Importing Tables from Text Files.......................................................................................................47
1.5.9 Exporting Tables to XML Files ..........................................................................................................48
1.5.10 Importing Tables from XML Files ......................................................................................................49
1.6 Printing in Atoll ................................................................................................................................49
1.6.1 Printing Data Tables and Reports .....................................................................................................49
1.6.2 Printing a Map ...................................................................................................................................49 Printing Recommendations .........................................................................................................50 Defining the Printing Zone ...........................................................................................................50 Defining the Print Layout .............................................................................................................51
1.6.3 Previewing Your Printing...................................................................................................................52
1.6.4 Printing a Docking Window ...............................................................................................................52
1.6.5 Printing Antenna Patterns .................................................................................................................52
1.7 Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering Data..................................................................................53
1.7.1 Grouping Data Objects......................................................................................................................53 Grouping Data Objects by a Selected Property ..........................................................................53 Configuring the Group By Submenu ...........................................................................................54 Advanced Grouping.....................................................................................................................54 Examples of Grouping .................................................................................................................55
1.7.2 Sorting Data ......................................................................................................................................56 Sorting Data in Tables.................................................................................................................56 Advanced Sorting ........................................................................................................................57
1.7.3 Filtering Data.....................................................................................................................................58 Filtering in Data Tables by Selection...........................................................................................58 Advanced Data Filtering ..............................................................................................................59 Restoring All Records..................................................................................................................60 Advanced Filtering: Examples .....................................................................................................60
1.7.4 User Configurations ..........................................................................................................................62 Exporting a User Configuration ...................................................................................................62 Importing a User Configuration ...................................................................................................63
1.7.5 Site and Transmitter Lists .................................................................................................................63 Creating a Site or Transmitter List...............................................................................................64 Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Explorer Window................................................64 Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Map Window ......................................................64 Adding Sites or Transmitters to a List Using a Zone ...................................................................65 Editing a Site or Transmitter List .................................................................................................65 Filtering on a Site or Transmitter List ..........................................................................................65
1.7.6 Folder Configurations........................................................................................................................66 Creating a Folder Configuration ..................................................................................................66 Applying a Saved Folder Configuration .......................................................................................66 Reapplying the Current Folder Configuration ..............................................................................66 Exporting a Folder Configuration.................................................................................................66 Importing a Folder Configuration.................................................................................................67 Deleting a Folder Configuration...................................................................................................67
1.7.7 Creating and Comparing Subfolders.................................................................................................67
1.7.8 Filtering Data Using a Filtering Zone.................................................................................................68
1.8 Tips and Tricks ...............................................................................................................................68
1.8.1 Undoing and Redoing .......................................................................................................................68
1.8.2 Refreshing Maps and Folders ...........................................................................................................68
1.8.3 Searching for Objects on the Map.....................................................................................................69 Searching for a Map Object by Its Name ....................................................................................69 Searching for a Map Object using Any Text Property .................................................................69 Searching for a Point on the Map ................................................................................................70
1.8.4 Using the Status Bar to Get Information ...........................................................................................70
1.8.5 Saving Information Displayed in the Event Viewer ...........................................................................70
1.8.6 Using Icons from the Toolbar ............................................................................................................70
1.8.7 Using Shortcuts in Atoll .....................................................................................................................72

2 Starting an Atoll Project ...........................................................................................................77

2.1 Before Starting a Radio-Planning Project .........................................................................77
2.2 Creating an Atoll Document .....................................................................................................77
2.2.1 Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template.............................................................................77

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Table of Contents Templates Available ................................................................................................................... 77 Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template ...................................................................... 78 Defining a New Atoll Document .................................................................................................. 79
2.2.2 Working in a Multi-User Environment ............................................................................................... 81 The Atoll Multi-User Environment ............................................................................................... 81 Creating a New Atoll Document from a Database ...................................................................... 82 Working With a Document on a Database.................................................................................. 84 Refreshing an Atoll Document from the Database ..................................................................... 85 Archiving the Modifications of an Atoll Document in the Database ............................................ 86
2.3 Making a Backup of Your Document .................................................................................. 89
2.3.1 Configuring Autosave ....................................................................................................................... 89
2.3.2 Recovering a Backup ....................................................................................................................... 90

3 Managing Geographic Data ................................................................................................ 93

3.1 Geographic Data Types ............................................................................................................ 93
3.2 Supported Geographic Data Formats ................................................................................ 94
3.3 Importing Geo Data Files .......................................................................................................... 95
3.3.1 Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File ......................................................................................... 95
3.3.2 Importing a Vector-format Geo Data File ......................................................................................... 96
3.3.3 Importing MSI Planet® Geo Data..................................................................................................... 98 Importing One MSI Planet® Geo Data Type .............................................................................. 98 Importing a MSI Planet® Geo Database .................................................................................... 98
3.3.4 Importing a WMS Raster-format Geo Data File ............................................................................... 99
3.3.5 Grouping Geo Data Files in Folders............................................................................................... 100
3.3.6 Embedding Geographic Data ......................................................................................................... 100
3.3.7 Repairing a Broken Link to a Geo Data File................................................................................... 101
3.4 Digital Terrain Models .............................................................................................................. 102
3.5 Clutter Classes............................................................................................................................. 102
3.5.1 Assigning Names to Clutter Classes .............................................................................................. 102
3.5.2 Defining Clutter Class Properties ................................................................................................... 102
3.5.3 Adding a Clutter Class.................................................................................................................... 104
3.5.4 Refreshing the List of Clutter Classes ............................................................................................ 104
3.5.5 Displaying Total Surface Area per Clutter Class ............................................................................ 104
3.6 Clutter Heights ............................................................................................................................. 104
3.7 Contours, Lines, and Points .................................................................................................. 105
3.7.1 Managing the Display of a Vector Layer ........................................................................................ 105
3.7.2 Managing the Properties of the Vector Layer................................................................................. 105
3.7.3 Moving a Vector Layer to the Data Tab.......................................................................................... 106
3.8 Scanned Images ......................................................................................................................... 106
3.8.1 Importing Several Scanned Images ............................................................................................... 106
3.8.2 Defining the Display Properties of Scanned Images ...................................................................... 107
3.9 Population Maps ......................................................................................................................... 107
3.9.1 Managing the Display of Population Data ...................................................................................... 107
3.9.2 Displaying Population Statistics ..................................................................................................... 108
3.10 Rain Maps ...................................................................................................................................... 108
3.10.1 Managing Rain Map Properties ...................................................................................................... 108
3.10.2 Displaying Rain Statistics ............................................................................................................... 109
3.11 Custom Geo Data Maps.......................................................................................................... 109
3.11.1 Creating a Custom Geo Data Map ................................................................................................. 109
3.11.2 Adding a File to a Custom Geo Data Map...................................................................................... 110
3.11.3 Managing the Properties of a Custom Geo Data Map ................................................................... 111
3.11.4 Displaying Statistics on Custom Geo Data..................................................................................... 111
3.11.5 Integrable Versus Non Integrable Data .......................................................................................... 111
3.12 Setting the Priority of Geo Data........................................................................................... 112
3.12.1 Setting the Display Priority of Geo Data ......................................................................................... 112
3.12.2 Setting the Priority of Geo Data in Calculations ............................................................................. 113 Example 1: Two DTM Maps Representing Different Areas ...................................................... 113 Example 2: Clutter Classes and DTM Maps Representing the Same Area ............................. 113 Example 3: Two Clutter Class Maps Representing a Common Area ....................................... 114
3.13 Displaying Information About Geo Data .......................................................................... 114
3.14 Geographic Data Sets .............................................................................................................. 115
3.14.1 Exporting a Geo Data Set .............................................................................................................. 115
3.14.2 Importing a Geo Data Set............................................................................................................... 115

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Atoll User Manual

3.15 Editing Geographic Data .........................................................................................................116

3.15.1 Editing Clutter Class Maps..............................................................................................................116 Creating a Clutter Polygon ........................................................................................................116 Editing Clutter Polygons ............................................................................................................117 Displaying the Coordinates of Clutter Polygons ........................................................................117 Deleting Clutter Polygons..........................................................................................................117
3.15.2 Editing Contours, Lines, and Points ................................................................................................117 Creating a Vector Layer for Contours, Lines, and Points ..........................................................117 Creating Contours, Lines, and Points........................................................................................118 Editing Contours, Lines, and Points ..........................................................................................118
3.15.3 Editing Population, Rain, or Custom Data Maps.............................................................................120 Creating a Vector Layer and Vector Objects.............................................................................120 Editing Contours on the Vector Layer .......................................................................................121
3.16 Saving Geographic Data .........................................................................................................122
3.16.1 Saving Modifications to an External File .........................................................................................123 Exporting an Edited Clutter Class Map in a Raster-Format File................................................123 Exporting an Edited Vector Layer in Vector-Format File ...........................................................124
3.16.2 Updating the Source File.................................................................................................................124
3.16.3 Combining Several Files into One File............................................................................................124
3.16.4 Exporting an Embedded File...........................................................................................................125
3.16.5 Creating a New File from a Larger File ...........................................................................................126

4 Antennas and Equipment.....................................................................................................129

4.1 Working With Antennas............................................................................................................129
4.1.1 Creating an Antenna .......................................................................................................................129
4.1.2 Importing Planet-Format Antennas .................................................................................................130
4.1.3 Importing 3-D Antenna Patterns......................................................................................................130
4.1.4 Smoothing a Vertical Antenna Pattern ............................................................................................132
4.2 Printing an Antenna Pattern ...................................................................................................132
4.3 Working With Equipment .........................................................................................................133
4.3.1 Defining TMA Equipment ................................................................................................................133
4.3.2 Defining Feeder Cables ..................................................................................................................133
4.3.3 Defining BTS Equipment.................................................................................................................133
4.3.4 Updating the Values for Total Losses and the BTS Noise Figure for Transmitters.........................134

5 Managing Calculations in Atoll ........................................................................................137

5.1 Working with Propagation Models ......................................................................................137
5.1.1 Propagation Model Characteristics: Overview ................................................................................137
5.1.2 The Standard Propagation Model ...................................................................................................138 Recommendations for Working with the Standard Propagation Model .....................................138 Calculating Diffraction With the SPM ........................................................................................139 Sample Values for SPM Formulas ............................................................................................140 Calculating f(clutter) with the Standard Propagation Model ......................................................140 Modelling Fixed Receivers ........................................................................................................141 Defining the Parameters of the Standard Propagation Model ...................................................141
5.1.3 The Okumura-Hata Propagation Model ..........................................................................................143 Defining General Settings (Okumura-Hata) ..............................................................................143 Selecting an Environment Formula (Okumura-Hata) ................................................................144 Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Okumura-Hata) ................................................144
5.1.4 The Cost-Hata Propagation Model..................................................................................................144 Defining General Settings (Cost-Hata) ......................................................................................145 Selecting an Environment Formula (Cost-Hata)........................................................................145 Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Cost-Hata) .......................................................145
5.1.5 The ITU 529-3 Propagation Model..................................................................................................146 Defining General Settings (ITU 529-3) ......................................................................................146 Selecting an Environment Formula (ITU 529-3) ........................................................................146 Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (ITU 529-3)........................................................146
5.1.6 The ITU 370-7 Propagation Model..................................................................................................147
5.1.7 The Erceg-Greenstein Propagation Model......................................................................................147 Defining General Settings (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI)) ................................................................147 Selecting an Environment Formula (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI)) ..................................................148 Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI)) ..................................148
5.1.8 The ITU 526-5 Propagation Model..................................................................................................148
5.1.9 The WLL Propagation Model ..........................................................................................................149
5.1.10 The Longley-Rice Propagation Model.............................................................................................149

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Table of Contents

5.1.11 The ITU 1546 Propagation Model .................................................................................................. 149

5.1.12 Managing Propagation Models....................................................................................................... 150
5.2 Defining Calculation Parameters ........................................................................................ 150
5.2.1 Defining Calculation Parameters for One Transmitter.................................................................... 151
5.2.2 Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for a Group of Transmitters ....................................... 151
5.2.3 Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for All Transmitters .................................................... 152
5.2.4 Defining a Default Propagation Model............................................................................................ 152
5.2.5 Defining a Default Resolution ......................................................................................................... 152
5.3 Managing Path Loss Matrices .............................................................................................. 153
5.3.1 Calculating Path Loss Matrices ...................................................................................................... 153
5.3.2 Stopping Path Loss Matrix Calculation........................................................................................... 153
5.3.3 Setting the Storage Location of Path Loss Matrices ...................................................................... 154
5.3.4 Using Centralised Path Loss Matrices ........................................................................................... 154
5.3.5 Checking the Validity of Path Loss Matrices .................................................................................. 155
5.3.6 Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Measurement Data ............................................................... 155 Defining the Area to be Adjusted .............................................................................................. 156 Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using CW Measurements ......................................................... 156 Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Test Mobile Data ............................................................. 157
5.3.7 Exporting Path Loss Matrices......................................................................................................... 158
5.4 Predictions Available in Atoll ................................................................................................. 159
5.4.1 Making Point Predictions ................................................................................................................ 159 Starting a Point Analysis........................................................................................................... 159 The Tabs of the Point Analysis Tool Window ........................................................................... 160 Moving the Receiver on the Map .............................................................................................. 160 Taking Indoor Losses into Account........................................................................................... 161 Taking Shadowing into Account in Point Analyses................................................................... 161
5.4.2 Making Coverage Predictions ........................................................................................................ 162 Creating Coverage Predictions................................................................................................. 162 Calculating Coverage Predictions............................................................................................. 163 Saving Defined Coverage Predictions ...................................................................................... 165 Calculating Indoor Coverage .................................................................................................... 166 Taking Shadowing into Account ............................................................................................... 166

6 Co-planning Features ............................................................................................................. 169

6.1 Starting a Co-planning Project ............................................................................................. 169
6.2 GSM-UMTS Co-planning Process ..................................................................................... 169
6.2.1 Displaying Both Networks in the Same Atoll Document................................................................. 170
6.2.2 Creating a UMTS Sector From a GSM Sector ............................................................................... 170 Synchronising Shared Common Physical Parameters ............................................................. 171
6.2.3 Comparing GSM-UMTS Coverage Predictions .............................................................................. 172
6.2.4 Performing Inter-Technology Neighbour Allocation........................................................................ 173 Setting Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs.............................................................................. 174 Displaying Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs on the Map ..................................................... 174 Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Manually ................................................................... 176 Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Automatically ............................................................ 176 Displaying Inter-Technology Neighbours on the Map............................................................... 177
6.3 Tips and Tricks............................................................................................................................. 179
6.3.1 Minimising Memory Consumption .................................................................................................. 179

7 UMTS HSPA Networks ......................................................................................................... 183

7.1 Designing a UMTS Network .................................................................................................. 183
7.2 Planning and Optimising UMTS Base Stations ........................................................... 184
7.2.1 Creating a UMTS Base Station ...................................................................................................... 185 Definition of a Base Station ...................................................................................................... 185 Creating or Modifying a Base Station Element ......................................................................... 190 Placing a New Station Using a Station Template ..................................................................... 191 Managing Station Templates .................................................................................................... 192
7.2.2 Creating a Group of Base Stations................................................................................................. 196
7.2.3 Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map ................................................................... 197
7.2.4 Display Hints for Base Stations ...................................................................................................... 197
7.2.5 Creating a Dual-Band UMTS Network ........................................................................................... 197
7.2.6 Creating a Repeater ....................................................................................................................... 197 Creating and Modifying Repeater Equipment........................................................................... 198 Placing a Repeater on the Map Using the Mouse .................................................................... 198 Creating Several Repeaters ..................................................................................................... 198

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Atoll User Manual Defining the Properties of a Repeater .......................................................................................199 Hints for Updating Repeater Parameters ..................................................................................200
7.2.7 Creating a Remote Antenna............................................................................................................200 Placing a Remote Antenna on the Map Using the Mouse.........................................................200 Creating Several Remote Antennas..........................................................................................201 Defining the Properties of a Remote Antenna ...........................................................................201 Hints for Updating Remote Antenna Parameters ......................................................................202
7.2.8 Setting the Working Area of an Atoll Document..............................................................................202
7.2.9 Studying a Single Base Station.......................................................................................................202 Making a Point Analysis to Study the Profile .............................................................................203 Studying Signal Level Coverage ...............................................................................................204
7.2.10 Studying Base Stations ...................................................................................................................206 Path Loss Matrices....................................................................................................................207 Assigning a Propagation Model.................................................................................................208 The Calculation Process ...........................................................................................................210 Creating a Computation Zone ...................................................................................................210 Setting Transmitters or Cells as Active .....................................................................................210 Signal Level Coverage Predictions ...........................................................................................211 Analysing a Coverage Prediction ..............................................................................................215 UMTS-Specific Studies .............................................................................................................223 HSDPA Coverage Prediction ....................................................................................................236 HSUPA Coverage Prediction ....................................................................................................237 Printing and Exporting Coverage Prediction Results ................................................................238
7.2.11 Planning Neighbours.......................................................................................................................240 Importing Neighbours ................................................................................................................241 Defining Exceptional Pairs ........................................................................................................241 Allocating Neighbours Automatically .........................................................................................241 Checking Automatic Allocation Results .....................................................................................244 Allocating and Deleting Neighbours per Cell .............................................................................246 Checking the Consistency of the Neighbour Allocation Plan ....................................................247 Exporting Neighbours................................................................................................................248
7.2.12 Planning Scrambling Codes............................................................................................................249 Defining the Scrambling Code Format ......................................................................................249 Creating Scrambling Code Domains and Groups .....................................................................249 Defining Exceptional Pairs for Scrambling Code Allocation ......................................................250 Allocating Scrambling Codes ....................................................................................................250 Checking the Consistency of the Scrambling Code Plan ..........................................................252 Displaying the Allocation of Scrambling Codes .........................................................................253
7.3 Studying Network Capacity ....................................................................................................256
7.3.1 Defining Multi-service Traffic Data ..................................................................................................256
7.3.2 Creating a Traffic Map.....................................................................................................................257 Live Traffic Data From the OMC ...............................................................................................257 Marketing-based Traffic Data ....................................................................................................258 Population-based Traffic Data...................................................................................................262 Converting 2G Network Traffic ..................................................................................................263 Exporting Cumulated Traffic ......................................................................................................263
7.3.3 Calculating and Displaying Traffic Simulations ...............................................................................264 The Power Control Simulation Algorithm ..................................................................................264 Creating Simulations .................................................................................................................267 Displaying the Traffic Distribution on the Map ...........................................................................268 Displaying the User Active Set on the Map ...............................................................................270 Displaying the Results of a Single Simulation ...........................................................................270 Displaying the Average Results of a Group of Simulations .......................................................275 Updating Cell Values With Simulation Results ..........................................................................277 Adding New Simulations to an Atoll Document .........................................................................278 Estimating a Traffic Increase .....................................................................................................279
7.3.4 Analysing the Results of a Simulation.............................................................................................280 Making an AS Analysis of Simulation Results ...........................................................................280 Making Coverage Predictions Using Simulation Results ..........................................................280
7.4 Optimising and Verifying Network Capacity ...................................................................281
7.4.1 Importing a Test Mobile Data Path..................................................................................................281
7.4.2 Displaying Test Mobile Data ...........................................................................................................284
7.4.3 Defining the Display of a Test Mobile Data Path.............................................................................284
7.4.4 Network Verification ........................................................................................................................285 Filtering Incompatible Points Along Test Mobile Data Paths.....................................................285 Creating Coverage Predictions from Test Mobile Data Paths ...................................................286 Extracting a Field From a Test Mobile Path for a Transmitter ...................................................287

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Table of Contents Analysing Data Variations Along the Path ................................................................................ 288

7.4.5 Printing and Exporting the Test Mobile Data Window .................................................................... 289
7.5 Advanced Configuration .......................................................................................................... 290
7.5.1 Defining Inter-Carrier Interference.................................................................................................. 290
7.5.2 Defining Frequency Bands ............................................................................................................. 290
7.5.3 The Global Transmitter Parameters ............................................................................................... 291 The Options on the Global Parameters Tab ............................................................................. 291 Modifying Global Transmitter Parameters ................................................................................ 291
7.5.4 Radio Bearers ................................................................................................................................ 292 Defining R99 Radio Bearers ..................................................................................................... 292 Defining HSDPA Radio Bearers ............................................................................................... 293 Defining HSUPA Radio Bearers ............................................................................................... 293
7.5.5 Site Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 293 Creating Site Equipment........................................................................................................... 294 Defining Channel Element Consumption per UMTS Site Equipment and R99 Radio Bearer .. 294
7.5.6 Receiver Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 294 Setting Receiver Height ............................................................................................................ 295 Creating or Modifying Reception Equipment ............................................................................ 295 HSDPA UE Categories ............................................................................................................. 296 HSUPA UE Categories ............................................................................................................. 296
7.5.7 Conditions for Entering the Active Set............................................................................................ 296
7.5.8 Modelling Shadowing ..................................................................................................................... 297 Displaying the Shadowing Margins and Macro-diversity Gain per Clutter Class...................... 297

Index .................................................................................................................................................... 299

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Atoll User Manual

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Global RF Planning Solution
Chapter 1: The Working Environment

1 The Working Environment

The Atoll working environment provides a comprehensive and integrated set of tools and features that allow you to create
and define your radio-planning project in a single application. You can save the entire project as a single file, or you can
link your project to external files.
Atoll uses standard Windows interface elements, with the ability to have several document windows open at the same
time, support for drag-and-drop functionality, context menus, and support for standard Windows shortcuts, for example,
for cutting and pasting. Atoll also gives you the ability to undo recent changes to your document. Atoll offers the standard
Windows Print functionality, with added functionality allowing you to print either the entire map window, parts of it, or only
certain objects. Atoll also provides other tools, such as a search tool to locate either a site, a point on the map, or a vector.
The Explorer window plays a central role in Atoll. The Explorer window contains most of the objects in a document
arranged in folders.
Using the Explorer window, you can manage all objects in the Atoll document: sites, transmitters, calculations, etc., as
well as geographic data such as the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), clutter classes, and traffic maps. You can, for example,
define various studies or configure the parameters or display of data objects.
The content of the folders in the Explorer window can be displayed in tables, allowing you to manage large amounts of
data. You can sort and filter the data in a table, or change how the data is displayed. You can also use the table feature
to enter large amounts of information by cutting and pasting the information from any Windows spreadsheet into the table.
The map is the working area for your document and Atoll provides many features for working with the map. You can
change the view by moving or zooming in or out and you can choose which objects are displayed and how they are
displayed. You can also export the current display definition, or configuration, to use it in other documents.
This chapter explains the following topics:
• "The Atoll Work Area" on page 15
• "The Explorer Window" on page 17
• "Working with Objects" on page 19
• "Printing in Atoll" on page 49
• "Working with Maps" on page 28
• "Working with Data Tables" on page 39
• "Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering Data" on page 53
• "Tips and Tricks" on page 68.

1.1 The Atoll Work Area

The Atoll work area, shown in Figure 1.1 on page 16, consists of the main window where the map window and data tables
and reports are displayed and the Explorer window. The Explorer window contains the data and objects of a document,
arranged in folders. It is presented in detail in "The Explorer Window" on page 17.
Atoll offers a variety of tools to help you plan a network. The tools open in separate windows, some of which can be docked
into the work area or floated over the work area (see Figure 1.1 on page 16).

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Atoll User Manual


Document window (map)


Explorer window

Panoramic window

Point Analysis window


Figure 1.1: Atoll user interface

1.1.1 Working with Document Windows

When you have one Atoll document open, you can have several document windows open at the same time. You can
resize, maximise, and minimise document windows as you can in any Windows-based application.
As well, you can tile document windows, in order to display all of them at the same time, or cascade them, in order to
display the title bar of each document window.
To tile document windows:
• Select Window > Tile.
To cascade document windows:
• Select Window > Cascade.

1.1.2 Docking or Floating an Atoll Window

Only document windows are part of an individual Atoll document. Other windows and tools, such as the Explorer window,
display the content of the active document. They are not part of the individual Atoll document, but part of the working envi-
ronment and, when you switch to a different document, they will display the content of the active document.
You can change how and these windows and tools will be displayed. You can also choose to remove them from its position
and float them over the Atoll working environment.
To display a window:
• On the View menu, select the name of the window.
To close a window:
• Click the Hide button ( ) in the corner of the window. Depending on the position of the docking window, this
button can be in the upper-left or upper-right corner.
You can change how much room a window takes if it shares a docking area with other windows by maximising or minimis-
ing the window.
To maximise a window in its docking area:

• Click the Maximise button ( ) near the corner of the window. Depending on the position of the window, this
button can be in the upper-left or upper-right corner.
To minimise a window in its docking area:

• Click the Minimise button ( ) near the corner of the window. Depending on the position of the window, this button
can be in the upper-left or upper-right corner.
You can leave a window in its docking area, or you can have it float over the working environment, allowing you to maxim-
ise the amount of area for document windows or other windows.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To float a window:
• Double-click the docking window title bar. The docking window leaves the docking area and floats over the working

Note: You can move the docking window by clicking the title bar and dragging it. To prevent the
window from docking as you move it, press CTRL as you drag the docking window.

To dock a window:
• To return the window to its previous docked location, double-click the docking window title bar.

• Click the title bar of the docking window and drag the window to a different docking area.

Note: The window positions for docking windows are not associated with the current document;
they remain the same no matter which document you open.

1.2 The Explorer Window

The Explorer window is a window that plays a central role in Atoll. The Explorer window contains the data and objects
of a document, arranged in folders. Each object and folder has a context-specific menu that you can access by right-click-
ing. Items can be modified at the folder level, with changes affecting all items in the folder, or items can be accessed and
edited individually. As well, most folder contents can also be accessed in a table, allowing you to easily manage large
amounts of information. For information on working with tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.
In this section, the following are described:
• "Working with the Explorer Window Tabs" on page 17
• "Navigating in the Explorer Window" on page 18
• "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18
• "Working with Layers Using the Explorer" on page 18.

1.2.1 Working with the Explorer Window Tabs

The Explorer window has three tabs:

• The Data tab: The Data tab allows you to manage radio data and calculations. Depending on the modules
installed with Atoll, the Data tab has the following folders:
- Sites
- Antennas
- Transmitters
- Predictions
- UMTS Parameters, cdmaOne/CDMA2000 Parameters, or GSM/GPRS Parameters
- UMTS Simulations or cdmaOne/CDMA2000 Simulations
- Traffic analysis (GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects only)
- Hexagonal design
- Microwave links
- CW Measurements and Test mobile data

• The Geo tab: The Geo tab allows you to manage geographic data. The number of folders depends on the
number and types of geographical data types (vector data, scanned images, etc.) you import or create:
- Clutter classes
- Clutter heights
- Digital Terrain Model
- Population data
- Any other geo data map
- Traffic (GSM/GPRS/EDGE/TDMA, UMTS HSPA, cdmaOne/CDMA2000)

• The Modules tab: The Modules tab allows you to manage the propagation models and additional modules. It
- A Propagation Models folder with the following propagation models:
- Longley-Rice
- Okumura-Hata
- Cost-Hata
- Standard Propagation Model
- ITU 526-5
- ITU 370-7 (Vienna 93)
- ITU 1546
- Microwave Propagation Model
- Erceg-Greenstein (SUI)

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Atoll User Manual

- The AFP models available in your Atoll installation.

- Any additional module created using the API.

1.2.2 Navigating in the Explorer Window

The Explorer window has three tabs; each tab has objects and folders containing objects.
To move from one tab to another:
• Click the tab at the top of the Explorer window.
A folder on a tab can be opened to allow you to view its contents. Each folder containing at least one object has an Expand
( ) or Contract button ( ) to the left of its name.
To expand a folder to display its contents:
• Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of its name.

1.2.3 Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer

You can use the Explorer to display or hide objects on the map. This allows you to hide one type of object so that another
type of object is more plainly visible. For example, you could hide all predictions but one, so that the results of one predic-
tion are more clearly displayed.

Note: Hiding an object affects only its visibility in the map window; it will still be taken into consid-
eration during calculations.

To hide an object on the map:

1. Select the tab of the Explorer window that contains that object.

2. Clear the check box ( ) immediately to the left of the object name. The check box appears cleared ( ) and the
object is no longer visible on the map.

Note: You can hide the contents of an entire folder by clearing the check box to the left of the
folder name. When the check box of a folder appears greyed ( ), it indicates that the
folder contains both visible and hidden objects.

1.2.4 Working with Layers Using the Explorer

In Atoll, the map is made of objects arranged in layers. The layers on the top (as arranged on the Data and Geo tabs) are
the most visible on the screen and in print. The visibility of the lower layers depends on which layers are above and visible
(see "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18) and on the transparency of these layers
(see "Defining the Transparency of Objects and Object Types" on page 24).
To move a layer up or down:
1. Select the tab of the Explorer window that contains that object.
2. Click and drag the object to its new position. As you drag the object, a horizontal black line indicates where the
object will remain when you release the mouse button (see Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2: Moving a layer

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Note: Before you print a map, you should pay attention to the arrangement of the layers. For more
information, see "Printing Recommendations" on page 50.

1.3 Working with Objects

In Atoll, the items found in the Explorer window and displayed on the map are referred to as objects. Most objects in Atoll
belong to an object type. For example, a transmitter is an object of the type transmitter.
Atoll enables you to carry out many operations on objects by clicking the object directly or by right-clicking the object and
selecting the operation from the context menu.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Using the Object Context Menu" on page 19
• "Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map" on page 20
• "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

1.3.1 Using the Object Context Menu

In Atoll, an object’s context menu gives you access to commands specific to that object as well as to commands that are
common to most objects. In this section, the following context menu commands common to all objects types are explained:
• Rename: "Renaming an Object" on page 19.
• Delete: "Deleting an Object" on page 19.
• Properties: "Displaying the Properties of an Object" on page 19. Renaming an Object

You can change the name of an object in Atoll.
To rename an object:
1. Right-click the object either in the Explorer window or on the map. The context menu appears.
2. Select Rename from the context menu.
3. Enter the new name and press ENTER to change the name.

Note: In Atoll, objects such as sites or transmitters are named with default prefixes. Individual
objects are distinguished from each other by the number added automatically to the default
prefix. You can change the default prefix for sites, transmitters, and cells by editing the
atoll.ini file. For more information, see the Administrator Manual. Deleting an Object

You can delete objects from either the Explorer window or from the map.
To delete an object:
1. Right-click the object either in the Explorer window or on the map. The context menu appears.
2. Select Delete from the context menu. The selected object is deleted. Displaying the Properties of an Object

You can modify the properties of an object in the Properties dialogue.
To open the Properties dialogue of a data object:
1. Right-click the object either in the Explorer window or on the map. The context menu appears.

Tips: When you are selecting data objects on the map, it can be difficult to ensure that the cor-
rect object has been selected. When a site is selected, the site (and its name) is sur-
rounded by a black frame ( ). When a transmitter is selected, both ends of its icon
have a green point ( ). When there is more than one transmitter with the same azi-
muth, clicking the transmitters in the map window opens a context menu allowing you to
select the transmitter you want (see "Selecting One of Several Transmitters or Microwave
Links" on page 20).

2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.

Switching Between Property Dialogues

You can switch between the Properties dialogues of items (transmitters, antennas, sites, services, user profiles, etc.) in

the same folder or subfolder in the Explorer window by using the browse buttons ( ) in the lower-left
corner of each Properties dialogue:

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Atoll User Manual

• : jump to the first item in the list

• : jump to the previous item in the list

• : jump to the next item in the list

• : jump to the last item in the list

If you have made any changes to the properties of an item, Atoll prompts you to confirm these changes before switching
to the next Properties dialogue.
You can use this feature, for example, to access the properties of co-site transmitters without closing and reopening the
Properties dialogue. Switching is performed within the lowest subfolder in the hierarchy. For example:
• If transmitters are grouped by site, you can switch only within one site (co-site transmitters).
• If transmitters are grouped by a flag, you can switch only within this group.
• If transmitters are grouped by activity and by a flag, you can switch only within transmitters having the same activity
and the same flag.
The browse buttons are not available:
• When creating a new item.
• When opening the an item’s Properties dialogue by double-clicking its record in a table.
• For repeater properties.
• For propagation model properties.
The Display tab of the Properties dialogue is explained in the following section.

1.3.2 Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map

In a complex radio-planning project, it can be difficult to find the data object in the Data tab, although it might be visible in
the map window. Atoll lets you access the Properties dialogue of sites and transmitters directly from the map. You can
also change the position of the station by dragging it, or by letting Atoll find a higher location for it.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Selecting One of Several Transmitters or Microwave Links" on page 20
• "Moving a Site Using the Mouse" on page 21
• "Moving a Site to a Higher Location" on page 21
• "Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna Using the Mouse" on page 21
• "Changing the Position of the Transmitter Relative to the Site" on page 22. Selecting One of Several Transmitters or Microwave Links

If there is more than one transmitter or microwave link with the same azimuth, Atoll enables you to select a specific trans-
To select one of several transmitters or microwave links with the same azimuth:
1. In the map window, click the transmitters or links. A context menu appears with a list of the transmitters or links
with the same azimuth (see Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.3: Selecting one transmitter

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.4: Selecting one microwave link

2. Select the transmitter or link from the context menu.

- When you select a transmitter, it appears with a green point at both ends of the icon ( ).

- When you select a microwave link, both ends appear white and the link itself appears outlined ( ). Moving a Site Using the Mouse

You can move a site by editing the coordinates on the General tab of the Site Properties dialogue, or by using the mouse.
To move a site using the mouse:
1. Click and drag the site to the desired position. As you drag the site, the exact coordinates of the pointer’s current
location are visible in the Status bar.
2. Release the site where you would like to place it. By default, Atoll locks the position of a site. When the position
of a site is locked, Atoll asks you to confirm that you wanted to move the site.
3. Click Yes to confirm.

Tip: While this method allows you to place a site quickly, you can adjust the location more pre-
cisely by editing the coordinates on the General tab of the Site Properties dialogue. For
information on the Site Properties dialogue, see "Site Description" on page 193. Moving a Site to a Higher Location

If you want to improve the location of a site, in terms of reception and transmission, Atoll can find a higher location within
a specified radius from the current location of the site.
To have Atoll move a site to a higher location:
1. Right-click the site in the map window. The context menu appears.
2. Select Move to a Higher Location.
3. In the Move to a Higher Location dialogue, enter the radius of the area in which Atoll should search and click
OK. Atoll moves the site to the highest point within the specified radius. Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna Using the Mouse

In Atoll, you can set the azimuth of a transmitter’s antenna by modifying it on the Transmitter tab of the Transmitter Prop-
erties dialogue, or you can modify it on the map, using the mouse. The azimuth is defined in degrees, with 0° indicating
The precision of the change to the azimuth depends on the distance of the pointer from the transmitter symbol. Moving
the pointer changes the azimuth by:
• 1 degree when the pointer is within a distance of 10 times the size of the transmitter symbol.
• 0.1 degree when the pointer is moved outside this region.
To modify the azimuth of the antenna using the mouse:

1. On the map, click the antenna whose azimuth you want to modify.
2. Move the pointer to the end of the antenna with a green circle ( ). An arc
with an arrow appears under the pointer.
3. Click the green circle and drag it to change the antenna’s azimuth.
The current azimuth of the antenna is displayed in the far left of the status
4. Release the mouse when you have set the azimuth to the desired angle.
The antenna’s azimuth is modified on the Transmitter tab of the Transmitter
Properties dialogue.

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Atoll User Manual

You can also modify the azimuth on the map for all the antennas on a base station using the mouse.
To modify the azimuth of all the antennas on a base station using the mouse:

1. On the map, click one of the antennas whose azimuth you want to modify.
2. Move the pointer to the end of the antenna with a green circle ( ). An arc
with an arrow appears under the pointer.
3. Hold CTRL and, on the map, click the green circle and drag it to change the
antenna’s azimuth.
The current azimuth of the antenna is displayed in the far left of the status
4. Release the mouse when you have set the azimuth of the selected antenna
to the desired angle.
The azimuth of the selected antenna is modified on the Transmitter tab of the
Transmitter Properties dialogue. The azimuth of the other antennas on the
base station is offset by the same amount as the azimuth of the selected

Note: If you make a mistake when changing the azimuth, you can undo your changes by using
Undo (by selecting Edit > Undo or by pressing CTRL+Z) to undo the changes made. Changing the Position of the Transmitter Relative to the Site

By default, transmitters are placed on the site. However, transmitters are occasionally not located directly on the site, but
a short distance away. In Atoll, you can change the position of the transmitter relative to the site by adjusting the Dx and
Dy parameters on the General Tab of the Transmitter Property dialogue. Dx and Dy are the distance in metres of the
transmitter from the site position. You can also modify the position of the transmitter on the map, using the mouse.
To move a transmitter using the mouse:

1. On the map, click the transmitter you want to move.

2. Move the pointer to the end of the antenna with a green rectangle ( ). A
cross appears under the pointer.
3. Click the green rectangle and drag it to change the transmitter’s position rel-
ative to the site.
The current position (Dx and Dy) of the transmitter is displayed in the far right
of the status bar.
4. Release the mouse when you have moved the selected transmitter to the
desired position.
The position of the selected transmitter is modified on the General tab of the
Transmitter Properties dialogue.

Note: If you make a mistake when changing the position of the transmitter, you can undo your
changes by using Undo (by selecting Edit > Undo or by pressing CTRL+Z) to undo the
changes made.

1.3.3 Display Properties of Objects

In Atoll, most objects, such as sites or transmitters, belong to an object type. How an individual object appears on the map
depends on the settings on the Display tab of the object type’s Properties dialogue. The Display tab is similar for all object
types whose appearance can be configured. Options that are inapplicable for a particular object type are unavailable on
the Display tab of its Properties dialogue (see Figure 1.5).
In this section, the display options are explained, followed by a few examples of how you can use them while working on
your Atoll document (see "Examples of Using the Display Properties of Objects" on page 26).

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment Defining the Display Properties of Objects

Figure 1.5: The Display tab for Sites

When you access the Properties dialogue of an individual object, the Display tab will only show the options applicable to
an individual object (see Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6: The Display tab for an individual site

To define the display properties of an object type:

1. Right-click the object type folder in the Explorer window. The context menu appears.
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
3. Select the Display tab. Depending on the object type, the following options are available:
- "Defining the Display Type" on page 23
- "Defining the Transparency of Objects and Object Types" on page 24
- "Defining the Visibility Scale" on page 25
- "Defining the Object Type Label" on page 25
- "Defining the Object Type Tip Text" on page 25
- "Adding an Object Type to the Legend" on page 26
4. Set the display parameters.
5. Click OK.

Defining the Display Type

Depending on the object selected, you can choose from the following display types: unique, discrete values, value inter-
vals, or automatic.
To change the display type:
1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
2. Select the display type from the Display Type list:

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Atoll User Manual

- Unique: defines the same symbol for all objects of this type. By defining a unique symbol for an object type,
objects of different types, for example, sites or transmitters, are immediately identifiable.
i. To modify the appearance of the symbol, click the symbol in the table below. The Symbol Style dialogue
ii. Modify the symbol as desired.
iii. Click OK to close the Symbol Style dialogue.
- Discrete values: defines the display of each object according to the value of a selected field. This display type
can be used to distinguish objects of the same type by one characteristic. For example, you could use this
display type to distinguish transmitter by antenna type, or to distinguish inactive from active sites.
i. Select the name of the Field by which you want to display the objects.
ii. You can click the Actions button to access the Actions menu. For information on the commands availa-
ble, see "Using the Actions Button" on page 24.
iii. To modify the appearance of a symbol, click the symbol in the table below. The Symbol Style dialogue
iv. Modify the symbol as desired.
v. Click OK to close the Symbol Style dialogue.
- Value intervals: defines the display of each object according to set ranges of the value of a selected field.
This display type can be used, for example, to distinguish population density, signal strength, or the altitude
of sites.
i. Select the name of the Field by which you want to display the objects.
ii. Define the ranges directly in the table below. For an example, see Figure 1.8 on page 26.
iii. You can click the Actions button to access the Actions menu. For information on the commands availa-
ble, see "Using the Actions Button" on page 24.
iv. To modify the appearance of a symbol, click the symbol in the table. The Symbol Style dialogue appears.
v. Modify the symbol as desired.
vi. Click OK to close the Symbol Style dialogue.
- Automatic: only available for transmitters; Atoll automatically assigns a colour to each transmitter, ensuring
that each transmitter has a different colour than the transmitters surrounding it.
i. Click the symbol in the table below. The Symbol Style dialogue appears.
ii. Modify the symbol as desired.
iii. Click OK to close the Symbol Style dialogue.

Note: When you create a new map object, for example, a new site or a new transmitter, you must
click the Refresh button ( ) for Atoll to assign a colour to newly created object according
to the set display type.

Using the Actions Button

The Actions button on the Display tab of the Properties dialogue allows you to modify the display type as defined in
"Defining the Display Type" on page 23.
To access the Actions menu:
1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
2. Click the Actions button. The Actions menu gives you access to the following commands:
- Select all: Atoll selects all the values in the table.
- Delete: Atoll removes selected value from the table.
- Insert before: When the selected display type is value intervals, Atoll inserts a new threshold in the table
before the threshold selected in the table.
- Insert after: When the selected display type is value intervals, Atoll inserts a new threshold in the table after
the threshold selected in the table.
- Properties: Atoll opens the Display dialogue where you may change the colour and style.
- Shading: Atoll opens the Shading dialogue. When "Value Intervals" is the selected display type, you select
Shading to define the number of value intervals and configure their colour. Enter the upper and lower limits
of the value in the First Break and Last Break boxes respectively, and enter a value in the Interval box.
Define the colour shading by choosing a Start Colour and an End Colour. The value intervals will be deter-
mined by the set values and coloured by a shade going from the set start colour to the set end colour.
When "Discrete Values" is the selected display type, you select Shading to choose a Start Colour and an
End Colour.

Defining the Transparency of Objects and Object Types

You can change the transparency of some objects, such as predictions, and some object types, such as clutter classes,
to allow objects on lower layers to be visible on the map.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To change the transparency:

1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
2. Move the Transparency slider to the right to make the object or object type more transparent or to the left to make
it less transparent.

Defining the Visibility Scale

You can define a visibility range for object types. An object is visible only if the scale, as displayed on the zoom toolbar, is
within this range. This can be used to, for example, prevent the map from being cluttered with symbols when you are at a
certain scale.
Visibility ranges are taken into account for screen display, and for printing and previewing printing. They do not affect which
objects are considered during calculations.
To define an object visibility range:
1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
2. Enter a Visibility Scale minimum in the between 1: text box.
3. Enter a Visibility Scale maximum in the and 1: text box.

Defining the Object Type Label

For most object types, such as sites and transmitters, you can display information about each object in the form of a label
that is displayed with the object. You can display information from every field in that object type’s data table, including from
fields that you add.
To define a label for an object type:
1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

2. Click the Browse button ( ) beside the Label box. The Field Selection dialogue appears (see Figure 1.7).

Figure 1.7: Defining a label

3. Select the fields which you want to display in the label:

a. To select a field to be displayed in the label for the object type, select the field in the Available Fields list and

click to move it to the Selected Fields list.

b. To remove a field from the list of Group these fields in this order, select the field in the Selected Fields list

and click to remove it.

c. To change the order of the fields, select a field and click or to move it up or down in the list. The objects
will be grouped in the order of the fields in the Selected Fields list, from top to bottom.
4. Click OK to close the Field Selection dialogue and click OK to close the Properties dialogue.

Note: For most object types, you can also display object information in the form of a tool tip that is
only visible when you move the pointer over the object. This option has the advantage of
not filling the map window with text. For more information on tool tips, see "Defining the
Object Type Tip Text" on page 25.

Defining the Object Type Tip Text

For most object types, such as sites and transmitters, you can display information about each object in the form of a tool
tip that is only visible when you move the pointer over the object. You can display information from every field in that object
type’s data table, including from fields that you add.

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To define tip text for an object type:

1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

2. Click the Browse button ( ) beside the Tip Text box. The Field Selection dialogue appears (see Figure 1.7).
3. Select the fields which you want to display in the label:
a. To select a field to be displayed in the label for the object type, select the field in the Available Fields list and

click to move it to the Selected Fields list.

b. To remove a field from the list of Group these fields in this order, select the field in the Selected Fields list

and click to remove it.

Note: For most object types, you can also display object information in the form of a label that is
displayed with the object. This option has the advantage of keep object-related information
permanently visible. For more information on tool tips, see "Defining the Object Type Label"
on page 25.

Once you have defined the tool tips, you must activate the tool tip function before they appear.
To activate the tool tip function:

• Click the Display Tips button ( ) on the toolbar. Tool tips will now appear when the pointer is over the object.

Adding an Object Type to the Legend

You can display the information defined by the display type (see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23) in your Atoll
document’s legend. Only visible objects appear in the Legend window. For information on displaying or hiding objects,
see "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.
In Figure 1.8, on the Display tab of a signal level prediction, the intervals defined are:
• Signal level >= -65red
• -65 > Signal level >= -105shading from red to blue (9 intervals)
• Signal level < -105not shown in the coverage.
The entries in the Legend column will appear in the Legend window.

Figure 1.8: Defined thresholds as they will appear in the Legend

With value intervals, you can enter information in the Legend column to be displayed on the legend. If there is no infor-
mation entered in this column, the maximum and minimum values are displayed instead.
1. Access the Display tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
2. Check the Add to legend box. The defined display will appear on the legend.
To display the Legend window:
• Select View > Legend. The Legend window appears. Examples of Using the Display Properties of Objects

Automatic Display Type - Server Coverage Studies

When doing a best server study, Atoll calculates, for each bin on the map, which server is best received. If the selected
display type for transmitters is "Automatic," Atoll colours each bin on the map according to the colour of the transmitter
that is best received on that bin. In this way, you can identify immediately which transmitter is best received by each bin.
The following two figures show the results of the same best server area and handover margin study.
In Figure 1.9, the transmitter display type is "Discrete Values," with the site name as the chosen value. The difference in
colour is insufficient to make clear which transmitter is best received on each bin. In Figure 1.10, the transmitter display
type is "Automatic." Because Atoll ensures that each transmitter has a different colour than the transmitters surrounding
it, the study results are also immediately visible.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.9: Value interval display type Figure 1.10: Automatic display type

To display the results of a server coverage study with the transmitters set to the Automatic display type:
1. Right-click the Transmitters folder in the Explorer window. The context menu appears.
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
3. Select the Display tab.
4. Select "Automatic" as the Display Type.
5. Click OK.

6. Click the Refresh button ( ) to update the display of the study results.

Shading - Signal Level Study

Atoll displays the results of a signal level study as value intervals. On the map, these value intervals appear as differences
of shading. You can use the Shading command to define the appearance of these value intervals to make the results
easier to read or more relevant to your needs. For example, you can change the range of data displayed, the interval
between each break, or you can change the colours to make the intervals more visible.
In this example, Figure 1.11 shows the results of the best signal level plot from -60 dBm to -105 dBm. However, if you are
more interested in reception from -80 dBm to -105 dBm, you can change the shading to display only those values. The
result is visible in Figure 1.12.

Figure 1.11: Shading from -60 dBm to -105 dBm Figure 1.12: Shading from -80 dBm to -105 dBm

To change how the results of a signal level study are displayed:

1. Expand the Predictions folder in the Explorer window and right-click the signal level study. The context menu
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
3. Select the Display tab.
4. Click Actions to display the menu and select Shading. The Shading dialogue appears.
5. Change the value of the First Break to "-80". Leave the value of the Last Break at "-105."
6. Click OK to close the Shading dialogue.
7. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue and apply your changes.

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Atoll User Manual

1.4 Working with Maps

Atoll has the following functions to help you work with maps:
• "Changing the Map Scale" on page 28
• "Moving the Map in the Document Window" on page 29
• "Using the Panoramic Window" on page 29
• "Centring the Map Window on an Object" on page 29
• "Measuring Distances on the Map" on page 29
• "Displaying Rulers Around the Map" on page 30
• "Displaying the Map Legend" on page 30
• "Using Zones in the Map Window" on page 30
• "Exporting a Map" on page 37
• "Copying a Map to Another Application" on page 37.
• "Map Window Pointers" on page 38.

1.4.1 Changing the Map Scale

You can change the scale of the map by zooming in or out, by zooming in on a specific area of the map, or by choosing a
Atoll also allows you to define a zoom range outside of which certain objects are not displayed (see "Defining the Visibility
Scale" on page 25). Zooming In and Out

Atoll offers several tools for zooming in and out on the map. When you zoom in or out on the map, you do so based on
the position of the cursor on the map.
To zoom in on the map:

1. Click the Zoom icon ( ) on the Zoom toolbar (or press CTRL+Q).
2. Click the map where you want to zoom in.

Note: You can also zoom in by pressing CTRL+A, by selecting Zoom In from the View menu, or
by holding down the CTRL key and rotating the mouse wheel button forward.

To zoom out on the map:

1. Click the Zoom icon ( ) on the Zoom toolbar (or press CTRL+Q).
2. Right-click the map where you want to zoom out.

Note: You can also zoom out by pressing CTRL+R, by selecting Zoom Out from the View menu,
or holding down the CTRL key and rotating the mouse wheel button backward. Zooming In on a Specific Area

To zoom in on a specific area of the map:

1. Click the Zoom Area icon ( ) on the Zoom toolbar (or press CTRL+W).
2. Click in the map on one of the four corners of the area you want to select.
3. Drag to the opposite corner. When you release the mouse button, Atoll zooms in on the selected area. Choosing a Scale

To choose a scale:

1. Click the arrow next to the scale box ( ) on the Zoom toolbar.
2. Select the scale from the list.
If the scale value you want is not in the list:

1. Click in the scale box ( ) on the Zoom toolbar.

2. Enter the desired scale.
3. Press ENTER. Atoll zooms the map to the entered scale. Changing Between Previous Zoom Levels

Atoll saves the last five zoom levels, allowing you to move quickly between previous zoom levels and zoomed areas.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To move between zoom levels:

• Click the Previous Zoom button ( ) to return to a zoom level you have already used.
• Once you have returned to a previous zoom level, click the Next Zoom button ( ) to return to the latest zoom

1.4.2 Moving the Map in the Document Window

You can move the map in the document window using the mouse.
To move the map in the document window:

1. Click the Move Map Window button ( ) on the Zoom toolbar.

2. Move the pointer over the map and drag the map in the desired direction.

1.4.3 Using the Panoramic Window

The Panoramic window displays the entire map with all of the imported geographic data. A dark rectangle indicates what
part of the geographic data is presently displayed in a document window, helping you situate the displayed area in relation
to the entire map.
You can use the Panoramic window to:
• Zoom in on a specific area of the map
• Resize the displayed map area
• Move around the map.
To zoom in on a specific area of the map:
1. Click in the Panoramic window on one of the four corners of the area you want to zoom in on.
2. Drag to the opposite corner. When you release the mouse button, Atoll zooms in on the selected area.
To resize the displayed map area:
1. Click in the Panoramic window on a corner or border of the zoom area (i.e., the dark rectangle).
2. Drag the border to its new position.
To move around the map:
1. Click in the Panoramic window in the zoom area (i.e., the dark rectangle).
2. Drag the rectangle to its new position.

1.4.4 Centring the Map Window on an Object

You can centre the map on any selected object, for example, a transmitter, a site, or on any zone in the Zones folder on
the Geo tab of the Explorer window. When centring the map window on an object the current scale is kept.
You can select the object in the map window or in the Explorer window.
To the map window on a selected object:
1. Right-click the object in the map window or in the Explorer window.
2. Select Centre in the Map Window from the context menu.

Tip: If you want to quickly find an object, such as a site, on the map, you can select it in the
Explorer window and then select the Centre in the Map Window command.

1.4.5 Measuring Distances on the Map

You can measure distances on the map by using the Distance Measurement tool. The Distance Measurement tool also
gives you the azimuth of a straight line between two points. You can also use the Distance Measurement tool to measure
distance along a line with several points. Atoll will then give you the distance between each point (as you measure), the
azimuth of each segment between two points, and the total distance.
To measure a distance on the map between two points:

1. Click the Distance Measurement button ( ) on the toolbar.

2. Click the first point on the map once.
As you move the pointer away from the first point, Atoll marks the initial position and connects it to the pointer with
a line.
3. Place the pointer over the second point on the map. The status bar displays the following (see Figure 1.13):
- The distance between the two points
- The azimuth between the two points.

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Atoll User Manual

To measure the total distance on the map on a line over a series of points:

1. Click the Distance Measurement button ( ) on the toolbar.

2. Click the first point on the map once.
As you move the pointer away from the first point, Atoll marks the initial position and connects it to the pointer with
a line.
3. Click once on the map at each point on the line between the first point and the final point, where you will have to
change direction on the line.
4. When you reach the last point on the line, the status bar displays the following (see Figure 1.13):
- The total distance between the first point and the last point
- The distance between the second-last point and the last point
- The azimuth between the last two points.

Total distance between Azimuth between second-

first and last point last and last point
Distance between second-
last and last point

Figure 1.13: Measurement data in the status bar

1.4.6 Displaying Rulers Around the Map

You can display rulers around the map in the document window.
To display rulers:
1. Select Tools > Options.
2. In the Options dialogue, click the Coordinates tab.
3. Under Display rulers, select where you want the rulers to be displayed in the map window.
4. Click OK.

1.4.7 Displaying the Map Legend

You can display a map legend. The legend will contain the information on the object types that you have added to it. For
information on adding object types to the legend, see "Adding an Object Type to the Legend" on page 26.
To display the legend:
• Select View > Legend.

1.4.8 Using Zones in the Map Window

On the Geo tab of the Explorer window, Atoll provides you with a set of tools known as zones which can be used to define
areas of the map for the following purposes:
• Filtering Zone: The filtering zone is a graphical filter that restricts the objects displayed on the map and on the
Data tab of the Explorer window to the objects inside the filtering zone. It also restricts which objects are used in
calculations such as coverage predictions, etc.
• Computation Zone: The computation zone is used to define which base stations are to be taken into considera-
tion in calculations and the area where Atoll calculates path loss matrices, coverage studies, etc.
• Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones: The focus zone and hot spot zones allow you to select the areas of coverage
predictions or other calculations on which you want to generate reports and results.
• Printing Zone: The printing zone allows you to define the area to be printed.
• Coverage Export Zone: The coverage export zone is used to define part of the coverage prediction to be
exported as a bitmap.

Important: Zones are taken into account whether or not they are visible. In other words, if you have
drawn a zone, it will be taken into account whether or not its visibility check box in the
Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window is selected.
For example, if you have filtered the sites using a filtering zone, the sites outside the filter-
ing zone will not be taken into consideration in coverage predictions, even if you have
cleared the filtering zone’s visibility check box. You will have to delete the zone if you no
longer want to select sites using a filtering zone.

In this section, the following are explained:

• "Using a Filtering Zone" on page 31

30 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 1: The Working Environment

• "Using a Computation Zone" on page 31

• "Using a Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones" on page 32
• "Using Polygon Zone Editing Tools" on page 33
• "Using a Printing Zone" on page 35
• "Using a Coverage Export Zone" on page 35. Using a Filtering Zone

The filtering zone is a graphical filter that restricts the objects displayed on the map and on the Data tab of the Explorer
window to the objects inside the filtering zone. It also restricts which objects are used in calculations such as coverage
predictions, etc. By limiting the number of sites, you can reduce the time and cost of calculations and make visualisation
of data objects on the map clearer.
The filtering zone is taken into account whether or not it is visible. In other words, if you have drawn a zone, it will be taken
into account whether or not its visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window is selected.
You will have to delete the zone if you no longer want to select sites using a filtering zone. Creating a Filtering Zone

To create a filtering zone:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of Zones folder to expand the folder.
3. Right-click the Filtering Zone folder.

4. From the context menu, select Draw. The pointer changes to the polygon drawing pointer ( ).
5. Click on the map to start drawing the filter polygon. Click each time you change the angle on the border defining
the outside of the polygon.
6. Close the polygon by clicking twice. The data objects outside of the selected zone are filtered out. On the Data tab
of the Explorer window, any folder whose content is affected by the filtering zone appears with a special icon
( ), to indicate that the folder contents have been filtered.
You can also create a filtering zone as follows:
• Existing polygon: You can use any existing polygon on the map as a filtering zone by right-clicking it and
selecting Use as Filtering Polygon from the context menu.
• Importing a polygon: If you have a file with an existing polygon, for example, a polygon describing an adminis-
trative area, you can import it and use it as a filtering zone. You can import it by right-clicking the Filtering Zone
folder on the Geo tab and selecting Import from the context menu.
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a filtering zone the size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map Window
from the context menu.
Once you have created a filtering zone, you can use Atoll’s polygon editing tools to edit it. For more information on the
polygon editing tools, see "Using Polygon Zone Editing Tools" on page 33.

Note: You can export the filtering zone as a polygon, so that you can use it in a different Atoll
document, by right-clicking the Filtering Zone folder on the Data tab of the Explorer win-
dow and selecting Export from the context menu. Using a Computation Zone

The computation zone is used to define the area where Atoll carries out calculations. When you create a computation
zone, Atoll carries out the calculation for all base stations that are active, filtered (i.e., that are selected by the current filter
parameters), and whose propagation zone intersects a rectangle containing the computation zone. Therefore, it takes into
consideration base stations inside and base stations outside the computation zone if they have an influence on the compu-
tation zone. In addition, the computation zone defines the area within which the coverage prediction results will be
When working with a large network, the computation zone allows you to restrict your studies to the part of the network you
are currently working on. By allowing you to reduce the number of base stations studied, Atoll reduces both the time and
computer resources necessary for calculations. As well, by taking into consideration base stations within the computation
zone and base stations outside the computation zone but which have an influence on the computation zone, Atoll gives
you realistic results for base stations that are close to the border of the computation zone.
If there is no computation zone defined, Atoll makes its calculations on all base stations that are active and filtered and
for the entire extent of the geographical data available.
The computation zone is taken into account whether or not it is visible. In other words, if you have drawn a computation
zone, it will be taken into account whether or not its visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer
window is selected. You will have to delete the computation zone if you no longer want to define an area for calculations.

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Atoll User Manual Creating a Computation Zone

To create a computation zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Computation Zone folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the computation zone:
a. Click once on the map to start drawing the zone.
b. Click once on the map to define each point on the map where the border of the zone changes direction.
c. Click twice to finish drawing and close the zone.
The computation zone is delimited by a red line.

You can also create a computation zone as follows:

• Existing polygon: You can use any existing polygon on the map as a computation zone by right-clicking it and
selecting Use as Computation Zone from the context menu.
• Importing a polygon: If you have a file with an existing polygon, for example, a polygon describing an adminis-
trative area, you can import it and use it as a computation zone. You can import it by right-clicking the Computa-
tion Zone folder on the Geo tab and selecting Import from the context menu.
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a computation zone the size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map
Window from the context menu.

Once you have created a computation zone, you can use Atoll’s polygon editing tools to edit it. For more information on
the polygon editing tools, see"Using Polygon Zone Editing Tools" on page 33.

Note: You can save the computation zone, so that you can use it in a different Atoll document, in
the following ways:
- By saving the computation zone in the user configuration. For information on exporting
the computation zone in the user configuration, see "Exporting a User Configuration" on
page 62.
- By right-clicking the Computation Zone folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window
and selecting Export from the context menu. Using a Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones

The focus and hot spot zones define an area on which statistics can be drawn and on which reports are made. While you
can only have one focus zone, you can define several hot spot zones in addition to the focus zone.
It is important not to confuse the computation zone and the focus and hot spot zones. The computation zone defines the
area where Atoll computes path loss matrices, coverage studies, etc., while the focus and hot spot zones are the areas
taken into consideration when generating reports and results.
Atoll bases the statistics on the area covered by the focus zone; if no focus zone is defined, Atoll will use the computation
zone. However, by using a focus zone for the report, you can display the statistics for a specific number of sites, instead
of displaying statistics for every site that has been calculated.
The focus and hot spot zones are taken into account whether or not they are visible. In other words, if you have drawn a
focus or hot spot zone, it will be taken into account whether or not its visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo
tab in the Explorer window is selected. You will have to delete the zone if you no longer want to define an area for reports. Drawing a Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones

To define a focus zone or hot spot zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones folder, depending on whether you want to create a focus zone or
a hot spot. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the focus or hot spot zone:
a. Click once on the map to start drawing the zone.
b. Click once on the map to define each point on the map where the border of the zone changes direction.
c. Click twice to finish drawing and close the zone.
A focus zone is delimited by a green line; a hot spot zone is delimited by a heavy black line. If you clear the zone’s
visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed but
will still be taken into account.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

You can also create a focus or hot spot zone in one of the following ways:
• Existing polygon: You can use any existing polygon on the map as a focus zone by right-clicking it and selecting
Use as Focus Zone from the context menu.

Note: You can only create a focus zone, and not a hot spot zone, from an existing polygon.

• Importing a polygon: If you have a file with an existing polygon, for example, a polygon describing an adminis-
trative area, you can import it and use it as a focus or hot spot zone. You can import it by right-clicking the Focus
Zone or Hot Spot Zones folder on the Geo tab and selecting Import from the context menu.
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a focus or hot spot zone the size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map
Window from the context menu.

Note: You can save the focus zone, so that you can use it in a different Atoll document, in the fol-
lowing ways:
- By saving the focus zone in the user configuration. For information on exporting the fo-
cus zone in the user configuration, see "Exporting a User Configuration" on page 62.
- By right-clicking the Focus Zone folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window and
selecting Export from the context menu. Using Polygon Zone Editing Tools

Atoll provides you with several different ways of editing computation zones, focus and hot spot zones, and filtering zones.
You can edit these zones by editing the points that define them, by combining several polygons, or by deleting parts of the
polygons that make up these zones. When you no longer need the zone, you can delete it from the map.
The computation, focus and hot spot zone polygons can contain holes. The holes within polygonal areas are differentiated
from overlaying polygons by the order of the coordinates of their vertices. The coordinates of the vertices of polygonal
areas are in clockwise order, whereas the coordinates of the vertices of holes within polygonal areas are in counter-clock-
wise order.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Editing Polygon Zones" on page 33
• "Removing a Polygon Zone" on page 35. Editing Polygon Zones

You can edit polygon zones in several ways. Before you can edit a polygon zone, you must first put it in editing mode.
To put the polygon zone in editing mode:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of Zones folder to expand the folder.
3. Right-click the folder containing the polygon zone you want to edit.
4. Select Edit from the context menu. The vector tools on the Vector Edition toolbar are activated.

Tip: You can also activate the vector tools by selecting the polygon zone to edit from the Vector
Edition toolbar list.

You can now edit the polygon zone as explained in the following sections:
• "Editing the Points of a Polygon Zone" on page 33
• "Editing Polygon Zones Using the Toolbar" on page 34
• "Editing Polygon Zones Using the Context Menu" on page 34.

Editing the Points of a Polygon Zone

To edit a point of a polygon zone:

1. Put the polygon zone in editing mode as explained in "Editing Polygon Zones" on page 33.
2. Select the polygon zone. You can now edit it by:
- Moving a point:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to move. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Drag the point to its new position.
- Adding a point to the polygon zone:
i. Position the pointer over the polygon zone border where you want to add a point. The pointer changes
( ).
ii. Right-click and select Insert Point from the context menu. A point is added to the polygon zone border at
the position of the pointer.
- Deleting a point from a polygon zone:

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Atoll User Manual

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to delete. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Delete Point from the context menu. The point is deleted.

Editing Polygon Zones Using the Toolbar

In Atoll, you can create complex polygon zones by using the tools on the Vector Edition toolbar. The filtering, computa-
tion, and focus zone polygons can contain holes. The holes within polygonal areas are differentiated from overlaying poly-
gons by the order of the coordinates of their vertices. The coordinates of the vertices of polygonal areas are in clockwise
order, whereas the coordinates of the vertices of holes within polygonal areas are in counter-clockwise order.
To edit a polygon zone using the icons on the Vector Edition toolbar:
1. Put the polygon zone in editing mode as explained in "Editing Polygon Zones" on page 33.
2. Click the contour to edit. The Vector Edition toolbar has the following buttons:

- : To combine several polygon zones:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Combine button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the new polygon zone.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the polygon zone.
iv. Double-click to close the polygon zone.
v. Draw more polygon zones if desired. Atoll creates a group of polygons of the selected and new contours.
If polygon zones overlap, Atoll merges them.

- : To delete part of the selected polygon zone:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Delete button ( ).

ii. Draw the area you want to delete from the selected polygon zone by clicking once on the map where you
want to begin drawing the area to delete.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the area.
iv. Double-click to close the area. Atoll deletes the area from the selected contour.

- : To create a polygon out of the overlapping area of two polygons:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Intersection button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the polygon that will overlap the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the polygon.
iv. Double-click to close the polygon. Atoll creates a new polygon of the overlapping area of the two polygons
and deletes the parts of the polygons that do not overlap.

- : To split the selected polygon into several polygons:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Split button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the polygon that will split the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the polygon.
iv. Double-click to close the polygon. Atoll separates the area covered by the polygon from the selected pol-
ygon and creates a new polygon.

Editing Polygon Zones Using the Context Menu

When you are editing polygon zones, you can access certain commands using the context menu.
To edit a polygon zone using the context menu:
1. Click the polygon zone you want to edit.
2. Right-click the polygon zone to display the context menu and select one of the following:
- Properties: Select Properties to open the Properties dialogue of the selected polygon zone. The Properties
dialogue gives the coordinates of each point that defines the position and shape of the polygon zone.
- Insert Point: Select Insert Point to add a point to the border of the contour at the position of the pointer.
- Move:
i. Select Move from the context menu to move the contour, line, or point on the map.
ii. Move the contour, line, or point.
iii. Click to place the contour, line, or point.
- Quit edition: Select Quit Edition to exit editing mode.
- Delete: Select Delete to remove the selected contour, line, or point from the map.

34 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 1: The Working Environment Removing a Polygon Zone

When you no longer need a polygon zone, you can remove the zone and redisplay all data objects.
To remove a polygon zone:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of Zones folder to expand the folder.
3. Right-click the folder containing the zone you want to remove.
4. From the context menu, select Delete Zone. The polygon zone is removed and all document data are now dis-

Tip: You can also delete it by right-clicking on its border on the map and selecting Delete from
the context menu. Using a Printing Zone

The printing zone allows you to define the area to be printed. For information on using the printing zone, see "Defining the
Printing Zone" on page 50. Using a Coverage Export Zone

If you want to export part of the coverage prediction as a bitmap, you can define a coverage export zone. After you have
defined a coverage export zone, Atoll offers you the option of exporting only the area covered by the zone if you export
the coverage prediction as a raster image.
To define a coverage export zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Coverage Export Zone folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the coverage export zone:
a. Click the point on the map that will be one corner of the rectangle that will define the coverage export zone.
b. Drag to the opposite corner of the rectangle that will define the coverage export zone. When you release the
mouse, the coverage export zone will be created from the rectangle defined by the two corners.
The coverage export zone is displayed as a rectangle with a light purple border. If you clear the coverage export
zone’s visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed
but will still be taken into account.

Important: The coverage export zone can only export in raster format. You can not export in raster for-
mat if the coverage prediction was made per transmitter (for example, coverage predictions
with the display type set by transmitter, by a transmitter attribute, by signal level, by path
loss, or by total losses). Only the coverage area of a single transmitter can be exported in
raster format.

1.4.9 Exporting Coverage Prediction Results

In Atoll, you can export the coverage areas of a coverage prediction in raster or vector formats. In raster formats, you can
export in BMP, TIFF, ArcView© grid, or Vertical Mapper (GRD and GRC) formats. When exporting in GRD or GRC formats,
Atoll allows you to export files larger than 2 Gb. In vector formats, you can export in ArcView©, MapInfo©, or AGD formats.
The file exported can then be imported as a vector or raster object in Atoll or in another application.
When you export a coverage prediction in vector format, the exported zone is delimited by the rectangle encompassing
the coverage. When you export a coverage prediction in vector format, you can export the entire coverage prediction, or
you can export a defined area of the coverage prediction.
All coverage types can be exported, however, you can not export in raster format if the coverage prediction was made per
transmitter (for example, coverage predictions with the display type set by transmitter, by a transmitter attribute, by signal
level, by path loss, or by total losses). In this case, only the coverage area of a single transmitter can be exported in raster
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Vector Format" on page 36
• "Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Raster Format" on page 36.

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Atoll User Manual Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Vector Format

To export a coverage prediction in vector format:
1. Select the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.

Note: The coverage prediction must be displayed in the map window before it can be exported.
For information on displaying objects in the map window, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects
on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.

3. Select Export the Coverage from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. In the Save As dialogue, enter the File name and select the vector format from the Save as type list.
If you have chosen to export the prediction coverage in a vector format other than in AGD format:

a. If desired, under Coordinate Systems, change the reference coordinate system for the file being exported.
b. If desired, change the Resolution of the exported coverage. The default resolution is the resolution of the cov-
erage prediction results (as set in the coverage prediction Properties dialogue).
c. If desired, move the Smoothing slider, or enter the percentage in the text box, to define how much Atoll
smooths the exported coverage.
5. Click Save to export the coverage prediction results. Exporting a Coverage Prediction in Raster Format

To export a coverage prediction in raster format:
1. Select the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.

Note: The coverage prediction must be displayed in the map window before it can be exported.
For information on displaying objects in the map window, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects
on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.

3. You can export the entire coverage prediction, the coverage export zone, or part of the coverage prediction.
To export the entire coverage prediction:

- Right-click the coverage prediction you want to export.

To export the coverage export zone, define the coverage export zone:

a. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.

b. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
c. Right-click the Coverage Export Zone folder. The context menu appears.
d. Select Draw from the context menu.
e. Draw the coverage export zone by clicking the point on the map that will be one corner of the rectangle that
will define the coverage export zone and dragging to the opposite corner of the rectangle that will define the
coverage export zone. When you release the mouse, the coverage export zone will be created from the rec-
tangle defined by the two corners.
The coverage export zone is displayed as a rectangle with a light purple border. If you clear the coverage ex-
port zone’s visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be
displayed but will still be taken into account.

f. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to export.

To export part of the coverage prediction:

a. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the coverage prediction.

b. Right-click the part of the coverage prediction you want to export.
4. Select Export the Coverage from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
5. In the Save As dialogue, enter the File name and select the raster format from the Save as type list.
6. Enter the file name and select the type and the path of the file to be exported.
7. Click Save to export the coverage prediction results. The Raster Export dialogue appears.
a. Under Region, select the area to export:
- The Coverage Area of the Prediction Study to export a rectangle containing only the area covered by
the study,
- The Computation Zone to export a rectangle containing the entire computation zone, or
- The Coverage Export Zone to export the rectangle defined by the coverage export zone.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

b. If desired, move the Smoothing slider, or enter the percentage in the text box, to define how much Atoll
smooths the exported coverage.
c. Click OK to finish exporting the coverage prediction results.

• When selecting a coordinate system different than the one initially defined in Atoll, the file is con-
verted using the selected coordinate system.
• You can not export in raster format if the coverage prediction was made per transmitter (for
example, coverage predictions with the display type set by transmitter, by a transmitter attribute,
by signal level, by path loss, or by total losses). Only the coverage area of a single transmitter
can be exported in raster format.

1.4.10 Exporting a Map

You can export a map as a graphic image.
To export a map as a graphic image:

1. Click the Select an area button ( ) in the zoom toolbar.

2. Define the area to be exported:
a. Click in the map on one of the four corners of the area you want to select.
b. Drag to the opposite corner.
3. Select File > Export Image. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. In the Save as dialogue, select a destination folder, enter a File name, and select a file type from the Save as
type list.
The following file formats are supported: TIF, BIL, BMP, and ArcView Grid (TXT). If you wish to use the exported
file as a digital terrain model, you should select the TIF, BIL, or TXT format. When exporting in BIL format, Atoll
allows you to export files larger than 2 Gb.

5. Click Save. The Exported Image Size dialogue appears.

6. You can define the size of the exported image in one of two ways:
- Scale: If you wish to define the size by scale, select Scale, enter a scale in the text box and a Resolution. If
you wish to export the image with rulers, select Include Rulers.
- Pixel Size: If you wish to define the size by pixel size, select Pixel Size, and enter a pixel size in the text box.

Important: If you wish to use the exported file as a digital terrain model, you must define the size of the
exported image by pixel size. Atoll then creates a geo-reference file for the exported image.

7. Click OK.

1.4.11 Copying a Map to Another Application

You can copy a selected area of the map into a document created using another application.
To copy a selected area of the map into a document created using another application:

1. Click the Select an area button ( ) in the zoom toolbar.

2. Click in the map on one of the four corners of the area you want to select.
3. Drag to the opposite corner.
4. Select Edit > Copy Image. The Copy Image dialogue appears.
5. Define the resolution of the image in one of the following ways:
- Select Use Screen Resolution
- Select Use Custom Resolution and enter a resolution in metres.
6. Click OK.
7. Open the application into which you want to paste the image.
8. In the new application, select Edit > Paste Special.
9. In the Paste Special dialogue, select Picture (Enhanced Metafile).

Note: You can also select Bitmap to paste the selection without rulers, or Text to paste the upper
left and lower right coordinates of the selection.

10. Click OK. The area of the map, including the rulers, is pasted as an image into the new document.

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Atoll User Manual

1.4.12 Map Window Pointers

In Atoll, the pointer appears in different forms according to its function. Each pointer is described below:

Appearance Description Meaning

The zone selection pointer indicates that, on the map, you can define a zone to
Selection arrow print or copy and, in the Panoramic window, you can define the zone to be
displayed on the map. To define a zone, click and drag diagonally.
The polygon drawing pointer indicates you can draw a zone to filter either sites
or transmitters, to draw computation/focus/hot spot/filtering zones, or to draw
vector or raster polygons on the map. To draw a polygon, click once to start,
drawing pointer and each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the
polygon. Close the polygon by clicking twice.

Hand The hand pointer indicates you can move the visible part of the displayed map.

The zoom pointer indicates you can click to zoom in and right-click to zoom out
Zoom tool
at the location of the mouse pointer

The zoom area pointer indicates you can zoom in on an area of the by clicking
Zoom area
and dragging to define the area.
The transmitter pointer indicates you can place a transmitter on the map where
New transmitter you click. You can place more than one station by pressing CTRL as you click
on the map.
The point analysis pointer indicates that you have selected the Point Analysis
Point analysis
tool and have not yet chosen the first point.
The point placed pointer indicates the position of the receiver on the map that
Point placed
is used for the point-to-point analysis. The results are displayed in the
(Receiver) Measurements or Point Analysis window.
The pencil pointer indicates you can create a polygonal clutter zone, by clicking
Pencil once to start the polygon, once to create each corner, and by double-clicking to
close the polygon.
The deletion pointer indicates that you can delete a newly created polygonal
clutter zone by clicking its border.
The position indicator pointer indicates you can select the border of a polygon.
Right-clicking the polygon border opens a context menu allowing you to add a
indicator point, delete the polygon, or centre the map on the polygon.
The select/create points pointer indicates you can modify the polygon in the
map window. You can add a new point and modify the polygon contour by
clicking on one of the edges and dragging. You can move an existing point by
points clicking and dragging an existing point. You can right-click to open a context
menu to delete a point, delete the polygon, or centre the map on the polygon.
Placing a CW
The first CW measurement point pointer indicates you can click a point on the
map to create the first point of a CW measurement path.
Placing points
The next CW measurement point pointer indicates the first CW measurement
in a CW
point has been set and you can now click other points on the map. Double-click
measurement to end the CW measurement path.
Microwave link The microwave link pointer indicates you can click a point on the map to create
start the first point of a microwave link. Once you have created the first point, the
End microwave link pointer changes and the next click ends the link.

Multi-hop or The multihop and multipoint pointer indicates you can click once to create the
first point of a multi-hop link or the hub of a point-to-multipoint link. In the case
of a multihop link, each subsequent click creates another point in the link. In
multipoint the case of a point-to-multipoint, each subsequent link creates anew point,
microwave link connected to the hub by a link.
Rotate hub
antenna of The rotate hub antenna pointer indicates you can click the hub antenna and
point-to- drag it to a new position to change the azimuth of the hub antenna.
multipoint link
The measurement pointer indicates you can click on the map to set the start
point of your measurement. As you move the pointer, the distance between the
on the map first point and the pointer is displayed in the status bar.
The terrain section pointer indicates that you can create a terrain section by
clicking once on the map to create the first point and once more to create the
Terrain section
second point. The terrain profile between the two points is displayed in the
Point Analysis window and stored under Terrain Sections in the Geo tab.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

1.5 Working with Data Tables

Atoll stores object data (sites, transmitters, repeaters, antennas, UMTS, or cdmaOne/CDMA2000 Cells, UMTS or
cdmaOne/CDMA2000 parameters, microwave links, etc.) in the form of tables, containing all their parameters and char-
acteristics. The data contained in prediction reports are also stored in the form of tables.
You can add columns to the data table and you can delete certain columns. When you create a new column, you can
create a default value for a field you create. You can also create a list of options (for text fields) from which the user can
choose when filling in the field.
You can filter, sort, and group the data contained in these tables, export the data or import data into the Atoll data tables.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Opening a Data Table" on page 39
• "Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table Fields" on page 39
• "Editing the Content of a Table" on page 41
• "Opening an Object’s Record Properties Dialogue from a Table" on page 42
• "Defining the Table Format" on page 42
• "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45
• "Exporting Tables to Text Files" on page 46
• "Importing Tables from Text Files" on page 47
• "Exporting Tables to XML Files" on page 48
• "Importing Tables from XML Files" on page 49.

1.5.1 Opening a Data Table

To open a data table:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the data folder of which you want to display the data table.
3. Select Open Table from the context menu.

1.5.2 Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table Fields

The data for each object type is stored in the form of a data table. Every data table in Atoll is created with a default set of
columns, each corresponding to a field. In this section, the following functions are explained:
• "Accessing the Table Tab of an Object Type’s Properties dialogue" on page 39
• "Adding a Field to an Object Type’s Data Table" on page 40
• "Deleting a Field from an Object Type’s Data Table" on page 41 Accessing the Table Tab of an Object Type’s Properties dialogue

An object type’s data table is defined on the Table tab of its Properties dialogue.
To access the table tab of an object type’s Properties dialogue:
1. In the Explorer window, select the tab containing the object type.
2. Right-click the object type folder. A context menu appears
3. Select Properties. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Table tab. The Table tab displays for each type of data (see Figure 1.14):
- The Name of the field in the database (Name).
- The Name of the field in the ATL file (Legend).
- The Type of the field.
- The maximum Size of the field.
- The Default value of the field.
- The Group to which the field belongs. When opening an Atoll document from a database, you can select a
group of custom fields to be loaded from the database, instead of loading all custom fields.

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Figure 1.14: The Table tab Adding a Field to an Object Type’s Data Table

You can add a custom field to any object type’s data table.
To add a custom field to an object type’s data table:
1. Access the Table tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Accessing the Table Tab of an Object Type’s
Properties dialogue" on page 39.
2. Click Add. The Field Definition dialogue appears (see Figure 1.15).
3. The Field Definition dialogue has the following text boxes:
- Name: Enter the Name for the field that will appear in the database
- Group: If desired, you can define a Group that this custom field will belong to. When you open an Atoll doc-
ument from a database, you can then select a specific group of custom fields to be loaded from the database,
instead of loading all custom fields.
- Legend: Enter the name for the field that will appear in the Atoll document.
- Type: Select a type for the field (text, short integer, long integer, single, double, true/false, date/time, or cur-
- Size: The Size field is only available if you have selected "text" as the Type. Enter a size in characters.
- Default Value: If you want, enter a default value that will appear each time you create a new record of this
object type.
- Choice List: The Choice List field is only available if you have selected "text" as the Type. You can create
a choice list by entering the list items in the Choice List text box, separating each list item with a hard return.
4. Click OK to return to the Properties dialogue.

Figure 1.15: The Field Definition dialogue

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment Deleting a Field from an Object Type’s Data Table

You can delete custom fields from an object type’s data table. Custom fields are the fields that the user adds to an object
type’s data table, as explained in "Adding a Field to an Object Type’s Data Table" on page 40.
To delete a custom field from an object type’s data table:

Caution: All data stored in the field will be lost when you delete the field itself. Make sure that you
are not deleting important information.

1. Access the Table tab of the Properties dialogue as explained in "Accessing the Table Tab of an Object Type’s
Properties dialogue" on page 39.
2. Select the custom field that you want to delete.

Tip: Some fields can not be deleted. If you select a field on the Table tab and the Delete button
remains unavailable, the selected field is not a custom field and can not be deleted.

3. Click Delete. The field is deleted from the object type’s data table.

1.5.3 Editing the Content of a Table

To edit the contents of a table:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the data folder of which you want to display the data table.
3. Select Open Table from the context menu.
4. Edit the content of the table by entering the value directly in the field (see Figure 1.16).
5. Click elsewhere in the table when you have finished to update the table. Your changes are automatically saved.

Tip: If a list of options has been defined for a field, you can select a value from the list (see
Figure 1.17) or enter a new value.

Figure 1.16: Editing data in the transmitters data tables

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Figure 1.17: Choosing data in the transmitters data tables

1.5.4 Opening an Object’s Record Properties Dialogue from a

You can open the Record Properties dialogue of an object, for example, a site, antenna, transmitter, or cell, from its data
To open the Record Properties dialogue of an object:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Right-click the record whose properties you want to see.
3. Select Record Properties from the context menu.

Note: You can also open the Record Properties dialogue by double-clicking the record. To avoid
editing the record when you double-click, double-click the left margin of the record instead
of the record itself.

1.5.5 Defining the Table Format

Atoll lets you format the data tables so that the data presented is more legible or better presented. You can change the
format of the data table by:
• "Formatting the Column Headers" on page 42
• "Formatting Table Columns" on page 42
• "Changing Column Width or Row Height" on page 43
• "Displaying or Hiding a Column" on page 43
• "Freezing or Unfreezing a Column" on page 44
• "Moving Columns" on page 44

Formatting the Column Headers

1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select Format > Header Format. The Format dialogue appears.
3. The Format dialogue has the following tabs:
- Font: You can select the Font, Outline (the font style), font Size, Effects, and Text Colour.
- Colour: You can select the background colour (Interior) of the column headers, by selecting a Foreground
colour, a Background colour, and a pattern from the list box. You can also select a 3D Effect for the header.
- Borders: You can select the Border, the Type, and the Colour for each column header.
- Alignment: You can select both the Horizontal and Vertical alignment of the column header text.
4. Click OK.

Formatting Table Columns

1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select Format > Column Format. The Format dialogue appears.
3. The Format dialogue has the following tabs:
- Font: You can select the Font, Outline (the font style), font Size, Effects, and Text Colour.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

- Colour: You can select the background colour (Interior) of the column headers, by selecting a Foreground
colour, a Background colour, and a pattern from the list box. You can also select a 3D Effect for the header.
- Borders: You can select the Border, the Type, and the Colour for each column header.
- Alignment: You can select both the Horizontal and Vertical alignment of the column header text.
4. Click OK.

Changing Column Width or Row Height

You can change the column width and row height in a data table. When you change the column width, you change the
width only for the selected column. When you change the row height, however, you change the row height for every row
in the table.
To change the column width:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Click the border separating two column headers and drag to change the column width (see Figure 1.18).
To change the row height:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Click the border separating two rows and drag to change the row height (see Figure 1.19).

Figure 1.18: Changing column width

Figure 1.19: Changing row height

Displaying or Hiding a Column

You can choose which columns in data tables to display or hide.

To display or hide a column:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select Format > Display Columns. The Columns to Be Displayed dialogue appears (see Figure 1.20).
3. To display a column, select its check box.
4. To hide a column, clear its check box.

Tip: You can also hide a column by right-clicking on its header and selecting Hide Columns
from the context menu. You can hide more than one column by pressing CTRL while
selecting the columns and then selecting Hide Columns from the context menu.

5. Click Close.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 1.20: The Columns to Be Displayed dialogue

Note: You can also right-click the data table and select the Display Columns or Hide Columns
command from the context menu.

Freezing or Unfreezing a Column

In Atoll, you can freeze one or more columns of a data table so that they always remain visible as you scroll horizontally
through the table. For example, while scrolling through the Sites table, you might want to have the Name column always
visible. You can keep this column, or any other column visible, by freezing it.
To freeze a column:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select the header of the column you want to freeze. Click and drag over several headers to select more than one
column to freeze.

Note: You can only freeze adjacent columns.

3. Right-click the selected header or headers and select Freeze columns from the context men.

Note: You can not freeze a column in a report table.

To unfreeze columns:
• Select Format > Unfreeze columns.

Moving Columns

In Atoll, you can change the column order so that you can group similar columns or present data in a determined order.
To move a column:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select the header of the column you want to move. Click and drag over several headers to select more than one
column to move.

Note: You can only move several columns at the same time when they are adjacent.

3. Click again on the selected column and drag to the desired area. As you drag the column, the position the column
will occupy is indicated by a red line (see Figure 1.21).

Figure 1.21: Moving columns

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Note: It may be necessary to click Refresh for your changes to appear.

1.5.6 Copying and Pasting in Tables

In Atoll, you can copy and paste data in tables using the Copy (CTRL+C), Cut (CTRL+X), and Paste (CTRL+V)
commands on the Edit menu. You can copy and paste data to create new elements or you can copy and paste the same
data into several cells.
In this section, the following is explained:
• "Copying and Pasting a Table Element" on page 45
• "Pasting the Same Data into Several Cells" on page 45. Copying and Pasting a Table Element

You can create a new element in tables by copying an existing element, pasting it into a new row and editing the details
that are different.

Note: Each element in a table must have a unique Name.

To create a new element by copying and pasting:

1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Click in the left margin of the table row containing the element to select the entire row.
3. Select Edit > Copy to copy the table row.

4. Click in the left margin of the table row marked with the New Row icon ( ) to select the entire row.
5. Select Edit > Paste to paste the copied data into the new row. Atoll, creates a new element from the copied data.
The name of the new element is the same as that of the copied element, preceded by "Copy of." You can edit this
name. Pasting the Same Data into Several Cells

You can paste the same data into several cells, using Fill Up or Fill Down.
To paste the same data into several cells:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Click on the cell with the data you wish to copy and drag to select the cells into which you wish to copy the data
(see Figure 1.22).

Figure 1.22: Selecting the cells

3. Copy into the selected cells:

- To copy the contents of the top cell of the selection into the other cells, select Edit > Fill > Down (see
Figure 1.23).

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Figure 1.23: Copying the contents of the top cell

- To copy the contents of the bottom cell of the selection into the other cells, select Edit > Fill > Up (see
Figure 1.24).

Figure 1.24: Copying the contents of the bottom cell

1.5.7 Exporting Tables to Text Files

You can export entire Atoll data tables, or selected columns to ASCII text files (in text, TXT, and Comma Separated Value,
CSV, formats).
To export a table:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Right-click the table. The context menu appears.
3. Select Export from the context menu. The Export dialogue appears. You can see how the exported table will
appear in the Preview window (see Figure 1.25).

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Figure 1.25: Exporting a data table

4. Select the Header check box if you want to export the names of the columns with the data.
5. Select a Decimal Symbol from the list.
6. Select a Field Separator from the list.
7. Define which fields (displayed as columns in the table) you want to export:

a. To select a field to be exported, select the field in the Available Fields box and click to move it
to the Exported Fields list. All fields in the Exported Fields list will be exported.
b. To remove a field from the list of Exported Fields, select the field in the Exported Fields list and click

to remove it.

c. To change the order of the fields, select a field and click or to move it up or down in the list. The fields
at the top of the Exported Fields appear at the left of the exported table.

Note: You can save the choices you have made in the Export dialogue as a configuration file by
clicking the Save button at the top of the dialogue and entering a name for the file in the
Save As dialogue that appears. The next time you export a data table, you can click Load
in the Export dialogue to open your configuration file with the same settings you used this

8. Click Export. The Save As dialogue appears.

For information on importing data into a data table, see "Importing Tables from Text Files" on page 47.

1.5.8 Importing Tables from Text Files

You can import data in the form of ASCII text files (in TXT and CSV formats) into Atoll data tables.
To import a table:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Right-click the table. The context menu appears.
3. Select Import from the context menu. The Open dialogue appears.
4. Select the ASCII text file you want to open and click Open. The Import dialogue appears (see Figure 1.26).
5. Enter the number of the first line of data in the 1st Data Line box.
6. Select a Decimal Symbol from the list.
7. Select a Field Separator from the list.
8. Select the Update Records check box if you want to replace the data of records already existing in the table.

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Note: Atoll compares the values in the left-most column of the data to be imported with the values
in the same column of the data table to see if records already exist. The values of these
records are replaced when the Update Records check box is selected. If the Update
Records check box is not selected, these records are not imported.

9. Under Field Mapping, there are two header rows:

- Source: The column headers from the text file you are importing.
- Destination: The column headers from the Atoll data table.
Align the content of the source file with the content of the destination file by clicking the column header in the Desti-
nation row and selecting the corresponding column from the Atoll data file (see Figure 1.26). Select <Ignore> for
source file columns that you do not want to import.

Tip: You can change the width of the columns to make the contents easier to work with. See
"Changing Column Width or Row Height" on page 43.

Note: You can save the choices you have made in the Import dialogue as a configuration file by
clicking the Save button at the top of the dialogue and entering a name for the file in the
Save As dialogue that appears. The next time you export a data table, you can click Load
in the Import dialogue to open your configuration file with the same settings you used this

10. Click Import. The contents are imported in the current Atoll data table.

Figure 1.26: Importing information into a data table

For information on exporting the information in a data table into a text file, see "Exporting Tables to Text Files" on page 46.

1.5.9 Exporting Tables to XML Files

You can export the data tables in your Atoll document to XML files. You can use XML to exchange information between
Atoll and the OMC.
Atoll creates one XML file for each exported data table, and an index.xml file that contains the mapping between the tables
that were exported and the XML files corresponding to each data table. The index.xml file also stores the information on
the system (GSM, UMTS, etc.), the technology (TDMA, CDMA, TD-SCDMA, etc.), and the version of Atoll with which the
XML files were created. For more information about the formats of the XML files, see the Technical Reference Guide.
To export all the data tables in your document to XML files:
1. Select File > Data Exchange > XML File Export. The Browse for Folder dialogue appears.
2. Select the folder where the XML files are to be stored.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

3. Click OK. All the data tables in the document are exported to XML files.
For information on importing the data tables from XML files into your document, see "Importing Tables from XML Files" on
page 49.

1.5.10 Importing Tables from XML Files

You can import the data tables into your Atoll document from XML files. You can use XML to exchange information
between Atoll and the OMC.
In order for Atoll to be able to correctly import the data tables from XML files, the XML files and the current Atoll document
must use the same system (GSM, UMTS, etc.), the technology (TDMA, CDMA, TD-SCDMA, etc.), and the Atoll version
used to create the XML files must be the same as the version used for the import. For more information about the formats
of the XML files, see the Technical Reference Guide.
To import data tables into your document from XML files:
1. Select File > Data Exchange > XML File Import. The Browse for Folder dialogue appears.
2. Select the folder where the index.xml file is located.
3. Click OK. The data tables in the document are imported from the XML files listed in the index.xml file.

Note: Tables are imported in the same order they appear in the index.xml file. Do not modify the
order of tables in the index.xml file because the order in which the data is imported is very
important; some data must be imported before other data. For example, antennas used by
some transmitters must be imported before the transmitters themselves.

During the import procedure, existing data in the tables are overwritten by the data from the XML files. Once the import is
complete, Atoll performs a database integrity check, and a duplicate records check to ensure that the import did not create
database problems.
For information on exporting the data tables in your document to XML files, see "Exporting Tables to XML Files" on
page 48.

1.6 Printing in Atoll

In Atoll, you can print any part of your document, including maps, data tables, document reports, and antenna patterns.
This section explains the following:
• "Printing Data Tables and Reports" on page 49
• "Printing a Map" on page 49
• "Printing a Docking Window" on page 52
• "Printing Antenna Patterns" on page 52.

1.6.1 Printing Data Tables and Reports

Data tables and reports are both presented in tabular format in Atoll and can, therefore, both be printed in the same way.
If you wish to see how the table will appear once printed, see "Previewing Your Printing" on page 52.
To print a table:
1. Open the table.
2. If you want to print an area of the table, select it by clicking in one corner of the area and dragging diagonally to
the opposite corner.
3. Select File > Print.
4. If you want to print only a selected area, choose Selected in the Print dialogue.
5. Click OK to print.

1.6.2 Printing a Map

You can print a map in Atoll and create a paper copy of studies, predictions, etc. Atoll offers several options allowing you
to customise and optimise the printed map. Atoll supports printing to a variety of paper sizes, including A4 and A0.
Before you print a map, you have the following options:
• You can print the entire map, or you can define an area of the map to be printed in one of the following ways:
- Selecting the print area (see "Defining the Printing Zone" on page 50).
- Creating a focus zone (see "Drawing a Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones" on page 32).
• You can accept the default layout or you can modify the print layout (see "Defining the Print Layout" on page 51).
• You can see how the map will appear once printed (see "Previewing Your Printing" on page 52).

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Important: Printing graphics is a memory-intensive operation and can make heavy demands on your
printer. Before printing for the first time, you should review the "Printing Recommendations"
on page 50 to avoid any memory-related problems.

To print a map:
1. Select the document window containing the map.
2. You now have the following options before printing the map:
- You can select a print area ("Defining the Printing Zone" on page 50) or create a focus zone ("Drawing a Focus
Zone or Hot Spot Zones" on page 32).
- You can modify the print layout ("Defining the Print Layout" on page 51).
- You can see how the map will appear once printed (see "Previewing Your Printing" on page 52).
3. Select File > Print.
4. Click OK. Printing Recommendations

The appearance of the map is determined by the arrangement and properties of the objects the map contains. Objects in
Atoll are arranged in layers. The layers on the top (as arranged on the Data and Geo tabs) are the most visible on the
screen and in print. The visibility of the lower layers depends on which layers are above it and on the transparency of these
layers (for information on transparency, see "Defining the Transparency of Objects and Object Types" on page 24).
Before printing a map, it is recommended to organise the layers from top to bottom as follows, when a document contains
surface layers (raster maps or polygonal vector maps), lines (vectors such as roads, or airport), and points (measure-
ments, etc.):
• Points (vectors)
• Roads and Lines (vectors)
• Surface polygons (vectors)
• Multi-format maps - population, rain, traffic maps (vector or raster), and other
• Clutter class maps (transparent raster maps)
• Images, DTM, or clutter height maps (Non transparent maps)
Sites and Transmitters must be above all the other layers. For this reason, visible objects on the Data tab, for example,
sites, transmitters, and predictions, are displayed above objects on the Geo tab. For performance reasons, however, it is
strongly recommended to put vector layers, such as roads, over predictions. This will ensure that these vector layers are
visible when you print the map.
To put vector layers from the Geo tab over predictions:
1. In the Explorer window, click the Geo tab.
2. Right-click the vector layer you wish to move to the Data tab. The context menu appears.
3. Select Transfer to Data from the context menu.
4. Click the Data tab.
5. Drag the vector layer to a position above Predictions but below Sites, Antennas, and Transmitters. Defining the Printing Zone

You can define an area to be printed.
To create a printing zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Printing Zone folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the printing zone:
a. Click the point on the map that will be one corner of the rectangle that will define the printing zone.
b. Drag to the opposite corner of the rectangle that will define the printing zone. When you release the mouse,
the printing zone will be created from the rectangle defined by the two corners.
The printing zone is displayed as a rectangle with a light green border (see Figure 1.27). If you clear the printing
zone’s visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed
but will still be taken into account.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.27: Printing zone

You can also create a printing zone with one of the following methods available from the context menu of the Zones folder:
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a printing zone the current size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map
Window from the context menu.
• Importing a polygon: You can import a polygon to be used as the printing zone by selecting Import from the
context menu. Defining the Print Layout

You can use the Print Setup dialogue to define how your map will appear when you print it. On the Print Setup dialogue,
you can:
• Set the scale of the map.
• Choose to print the rulers with the map.
• Choose to print the area outside the focus zone.
• Choose to print the legend.
• Add a title, comment, or a logo.
• Select paper size and source, as well as the page orientation and the margins.
To define the appearance of your map:
1. Select File > Print Setup. The Print Setup dialogue appears.
2. Under Print, you can select the following to be printed:
- Rulers: Select the Rulers check box if you want to print the map with rulers.
- Area Inside the Focus Zone Only: Select the Area Inside the Focus Zone Only check box if you want to
print the area defined by the focus zone.
- Legend: From the Legend list, select where on the printed map the legend will appear. If you do not want to
the legend to appear, select "(None)."
3. Under Logo, you can define a graphic that appears on the printed map. The graphic can be a company logo or
other information, such as copyright information, in the form of a BMP graphic.

Note: Only BMP graphics can be used as logos. If your logo is in a different format, you must first
convert it using a graphics programme to the BMP format.

a. Select the Header check box to add a logo to the top or select the Footer check box to add a logo to the bottom
of the printed map. You can define a logo for both the header and the footer of the page.
b. For the selected check box, click the Properties button. The Logo dialogue appears.
By default, Atoll searches for the header and footer logos in the Atoll’s installation folder. If a file named lo-
go.bmp is present in this folder, it is considered as the default header logo. If a file named logo_footer.bmp or
copyright.bmp is present in this folder, it is considered as the default footer logo. However, you can select a
different file.

c. Click File. The Open dialogue appears.

d. Select the your graphic in BMP format and click Open.
e. Select the correct Width and Height (in pixels).
f. Click OK.

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4. To add a comment:
a. Click Comment. The Comment dialogue appears.
b. Enter the comment and click Font if you wish to change the appearance of the comment.
c. Click OK. The comment will appear centred underneath the map.
5. To add a title:
a. Click Title. The Title dialogue appears.
b. Enter the title and click Font if you wish to change the appearance of the title.
c. Click OK. The title will appear centred above the map.
6. Under Scaling, you can set the scale of the map:
- Select Fit to Page. The selected area of the map will be scaled to fit the page. When you select Fit to Page
it is not possible to know the exact scale that the map will be printed in.

Note: Visibility scales defined for objects are taken into account when printing. Objects will appear
only if the printing scale is within their respective visibility range. For more information on
visibility scales, see "Defining the Visibility Scale" on page 25.

- Select Scale and entering a value in the text box. The selected area of the map will be printed in the selected
7. Under Paper, select:
- Size: Select size of the paper from the list.
- Source: Select the source of the paper.
- Orientation: Select whether the map should be printed in portrait or landscape mode.
8. Under Margins, set the left, right, top, and bottom margins.
9. Click OK.

1.6.3 Previewing Your Printing

If you are printing maps or data tables or reports, you can preview your printing.
To preview your printing:
1. Select the map or table you want to print.
2. Select File > Print Preview. The Print Preview dialogue appears.
3. In the Print Preview dialogue, you can:
- Choose Print to open the Print dialogue.
- Choose Zoom In or Zoom Out.
- Choose Next Page to display the following page or Prove Page to display the previous page.
- Choose Two Page to display two pages side by side, or One Page.

1.6.4 Printing a Docking Window

You can print the content of many docking windows using the context menu; the Print command on the File menu can be
used only to print the contents of a document window, as explained in "Printing a Map" on page 49. The docking windows
whose contents you can print are:
• Legend Window (for more information on this tool, see "Adding an Object Type to the Legend" on page 26)
• Point Analysis Tool
• CW Measurement Analysis Tool (for more information on this tool, see the Measurements and Model Calibration
• Test Mobile Data Analysis Tool
• Microwave Link Analysis (for more information on this tool, see "Microwave Link Analysis" on page 871)
To print the content of a docking window:
1. Open the docking window you want to print.
- If you want to print a Point Analysis window, click the tab of the study you wish to print.
2. Right-click the window you wish to print.
3. Select Print from the context menu. The Print dialogue appears.
4. Click OK to print.

1.6.5 Printing Antenna Patterns

You can print the horizontal or vertical pattern of an antenna.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To print an antenna pattern:

1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Open the Antennas table:
- To open the RF Antennas table:
i. Right-click the Antennas folder.
ii. Select Open Table from the context menu.
- To open the microwave Antennas table:
i. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of the Microwave Radio Links folder.
ii. Right-click the Links folder and select Antennas > Open Table from the context menu.
3. Right-click the antenna whose pattern you want to print.
4. Select Record Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Select the Horizontal Pattern tab or the Vertical Pattern tab.
6. Right-click the antenna pattern and select Linear or Logarithmic from the context menu.
7. Right-click the antenna pattern and select Print from the context menu.

1.7 Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering Data

In Atoll you can organise data in several different ways, allowing you to select only certain data and then, for example,
modify only selected data, or run calculations on the selected data. Atoll allows you to group, sort, or filter data quickly by
one criterion, or by several.
After you have defined how you will group, sort, or filter data, you can save this information as a folder configuration.
In this section the following will be explained:
• "Grouping Data Objects" on page 53
• "Sorting Data" on page 56
• "Filtering Data" on page 58
• "Folder Configurations" on page 66
• "Creating and Comparing Subfolders" on page 67

1.7.1 Grouping Data Objects

You can group objects according to a selected property on the Data tab of the Explorer window. The objects to be grouped
can be in a data folder or in a subfolder (see "Creating and Comparing Subfolders" on page 67). You can also define the
properties by which you can group objects. Grouping objects in the Explorer window is similar to sorting data in the data
table because it puts all records with the selected property together.
Once you have grouped data objects, you can access their Properties dialogue from the context menu to edit properties
on all grouped objects. You can save the grouping parameters as a folder configuration. For information, see "Folder
Configurations" on page 66.
This section explains:
• "Grouping Data Objects by a Selected Property" on page 53
• "Configuring the Group By Submenu" on page 54
• "Advanced Grouping" on page 54.
For examples of grouping data objects, see "Examples of Grouping" on page 55. Grouping Data Objects by a Selected Property

You can group data objects by a selected property using the Group By command on the context menu.
To group data objects by a selected property:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder or subfolder whose objects you want to group.
3. Select from the Group By submenu of the context menu the property by which you want to group the objects. The
objects in the folder are grouped by that property.

Note: If the range of properties available in the Group By submenu has been configured as
explained in "Configuring the Group By Submenu" on page 54, you can select additional
properties by selecting More Fields from the Group By submenu. For information on using
the dialogue that appears, see "Configuring the Group By Submenu" on page 54.

To undo the grouping:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder or subfolder whose objects you have grouped.

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Atoll User Manual

3. From the context menu, select from the Group By > None.
See "Examples of Grouping" on page 55. Configuring the Group By Submenu

Some data objects, such as transmitters, have a large number of properties that will appear by default in the Group By
submenu. You can make it easier to group data objects by configuring the Group By submenu to display only the prop-
erties that are relevant for grouping.
To configure the Group By submenu:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder whose Group By submenu you want to configure. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the General tab of the Properties dialogue.
5. Click the Configure button next to the Group By field that shows how the data objects are presently grouped. The
Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 1.28).

Figure 1.28: The Configuration dialogue

6. Select the fields you want to appear in the Group By submenu. You can display all the fields belonging to a table
by clicking the Expand button ( ) to the left of the table name. You can select contiguous fields by clicking the
first field, pressing SHIFT and clicking the last field. You can select non-contiguous fields by pressing CTRL and
clicking each fields separately.
- To select a field to appear in the Group By submenu, select the field in the Available Fields list and click

to move it to the Grouping Fields list.

- To remove a field from the list of Grouping Fields, select the field in the Grouping Fields list and click

to remove it.

- To change the order of the fields, select a field and click or to move it up or down in the list. The objects
will be grouped in the order of the fields in the Grouping Fields list, from top to bottom.
7. Click OK to close the Configuration dialogue and click OK to close the Properties dialogue. The Group By sub-
menu will now contain only the fields you selected. Advanced Grouping

You can group data objects by one or more properties, using the Group By button on the Properties dialogue.
To group data objects by one or more properties:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder or subfolder whose objects you have grouped.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the General tab of the Properties dialogue.
5. Click the Group By button. The Group dialogue appears (see Figure 1.29).

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.29: The Group dialogue

6. Select the fields by which you want to group the objects:

a. To select a field to be used to group the objects, select the field in the Available Fields list and click

to move it to the Group these fields in this order list.

b. To remove a field from the list of Group these fields in this order, select the field in the Group these fields

in this order list and click to remove it.

c. To change the order of the fields, select a field and click or to move it up or down in the list. The objects
will be grouped in the order of the fields in the Group these fields in this order list, from top to bottom.
7. Click OK to close the Group dialogue and click OK to close the Properties dialogue and group the objects.
To undo the grouping:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder or subfolder whose objects you have grouped.
3. From the context menu, select from the Group By > None. Examples of Grouping

In this example, there is an Atoll document with a large number of sites and, therefore, transmitters. While it is easy to
see on the map which transmitters are part of which site, in the Explorer window, you can only see a very long list of trans-
mitters under the Transmitter folder.
By right-clicking the Transmitter folder and selecting Group By > Site (Figure 1.30), you can group the transmitters by the
site they are located on.

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Figure 1.30: Grouping transmitters by site

The result of grouping can be seen in Figure 1.31.

Figure 1.31: Transmitters grouped by site

1.7.2 Sorting Data

In Atoll, you can sort the document data either in the data tables or using the Sort function of Properties dialogue. You
can sort the data in ascending (A to Z, 1 to 10) or descending (Z to A, 10 to 1) order.
You can sort the data by either one or by several columns. When you sort data by several columns, Atoll sorts the records
by the first column and then, within each group of identical values in the first column, Atoll then sorts the records by the
second column, and so on.
Once you have sorted data objects, you can save the settings as a folder configuration. For information, see "Folder
Configurations" on page 66.
This section explains the following:
• "Sorting Data in Tables" on page 56
• "Advanced Sorting" on page 57 Sorting Data in Tables

When sorting data in tables, you can sort by one column or by several columns.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Sorting by One Column

To sort data in a table by one column:

1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select the header of the column that you want to sort on. The entire column is selected.
3. Right-click the column header. The context menu appears.
4. From the context menu, select how you wish to sort:
- Sort Ascending: sort the data table records from the lowest value in the reference column to the highest
- Sort Descending: sort the data table records from the highest value in the reference column to the lowest

Sorting by Several Columns

You can only sort in a table by adjacent columns. If you want to sort by columns that are not adjacent, you can move the
columns first as explained in "Moving Columns" on page 44.

Tip: If you want to sort data by several columns without moving the columns, you can use the
Sort function on the Properties dialogue. For information, see "Advanced Sorting" on
page 57.

To sort data in a table by several columns:

1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Click the header of the first column and drag over the adjacent columns that will be your sort references.
The entire column is selected.
3. Right-click the column headers. The context menu appears.
4. From the context menu, select how you wish to sort:
- Sort Ascending: sort the data table records from the lowest value in the first reference column to the highest
- Sort Descending: sort the data table records from the highest value in the first reference column to the lowest
value. Advanced Sorting

You can sort data by several criteria using the Sort function of the Properties dialogue.
To sort data using the Sort function of the Properties dialogue:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder whose data you want to sort. The context menu appears
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the General tab in the Properties dialogue.
5. Click the Sort button. The Sort dialogue appears (see Figure 1.32).
6. For the first column you want to sort on:
a. Select the column name from the Sort by list.
b. Choose whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
7. For each other column you want to sort on:
a. Select the column name from the And by list.
b. Choose whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
8. Click OK.

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Figure 1.32: The Sort dialogue

1.7.3 Filtering Data

In Atoll, you can filter data according to one or several criteria. You can filter data to be able to work with a subset of data,
or to facilitate working with large documents by reducing the amount of records displayed.
The filtered data objects are the data objects that remain after you have applied your filter criteria.
You can save the filtering parameters as a folder configuration. For information, see "Folder Configurations" on page 66.
This section explains the following:
• "Filtering in Data Tables by Selection" on page 58
• "Advanced Data Filtering" on page 59
• "Restoring All Records" on page 60
• "Advanced Filtering: Examples" on page 60. Filtering in Data Tables by Selection

You can filter a data table by selecting one or more values. Once you have selected one or more values, you can choose
to view only records that have the same value or only records that do not have that value.
To filter a data table on one or more fields:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select the value to filter on. To select more than one value, press CTRL as you click the other values.
3. Select one of the following from the Records menu:
- Filter by Selection: All records with the selected value or values are displayed. You can now modify these
records or make calculations on them as you would normally do with the entire data table (see Figure 1.33 on
page 58).
- Filter Excluding Selection: All records without the selected value or values are displayed. You can now
modify these records or make calculations on them as you would normally do with the entire data table (see
Figure 1.34 on page 59).

Figure 1.33: Filtering by selection (Antenna AO9209)

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.34: Filtering excluding selection (Antenna AO9209) Advanced Data Filtering

You can use advanced data filtering to combine several criteria in different fields to create complex filters.
To create an advanced filter:
1. Open the data table as explained in "Opening a Data Table" on page 39.
2. Select Records > Advanced Filter. The Filter dialogue appears.

Tip: You can also access the Filter dialogue by clicking the Filter button of the Properties dia-

3. Click the Filter tab:

a. Select a Field from the list.
b. Under Values to Include, you will find all the values represented in the selected field. Select the check boxes
next to the values you want to include in the filter. Click Clear All to clear all check boxes.

Note: Making selections on the Filter tab of the Filter dialogue is the equivalent of filtering by
selection as explained in "Filtering in Data Tables by Selection" on page 58.

4. Click the Advanced tab:

a. In the Column row, select the name of the column to be filtered on from the list. Select as many columns as
you want (see Figure 1.35).

Figure 1.35: The Filter dialogue - Advanced tab

b. Underneath each column name, enter the criteria on which the column will be filtered as explained in the fol-
lowing table:

Formula Data are kept in the table only if

=X value equal to X (X may be a number or characters)
<> X value not equal to X (X may be a number or characters)
<X numerical value is less than X
>X numerical value is greater than X
<=X numerical value is less than or equal to X
>=X numerical value is greater than or equal to X

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Atoll User Manual

Formula Data are kept in the table only if

*X* text objects which contain X
*X text objects which end with X
X* text objects which start with X

5. Click OK to filter the data according to the criteria you have defined.
Filters are combined first horizontally, then vertically.
See "Advanced Filtering: Examples" on page 60. Restoring All Records

After you have applied filter criteria to records, you may want to cancel the filter criteria and display all the records again.
To restore all records:
• Select Records > Remove Filter. Advanced Filtering: Examples

In this section, you will find a few examples of advanced filtering:
• "Advanced Filtering: Example 1" on page 60
• "Advanced Filtering: Example 2" on page 61
• "Advanced Filtering: Example 3" on page 61. Advanced Filtering: Example 1

In this example, there is an Atoll document with antennas from two manufacturers and with different characteristics.

Figure 1.36: Initial table

The objective of this example is to use filter criteria to find antennas manufactured by Kathrein with a beamwidth between
50 and 100°. To do this, the following filter syntax is entered in the Advanced tab of the Filter dialogue (for information on
the Advanced tab, see "Advanced Data Filtering" on page 59):
• The first criterion, as shown in Figure 1.37, is all antennas made by a manufacturer with a name beginning with a
"K" ("=K*"). While you could write in the entire name ("=Kathrein"), it is not necessary because there is only one
manufacturer with a "K."
• The second criterion is all antennas with a beamwidth under 100°.
• The third criterion is all antennas with a beamwidth over 50°.
The combination of these criteria is all antennas from manufacturers with a name beginning with "K" and with a beamwidth
under 100° but over 50°.
The result of this advanced filter can be seen in the second pane of Figure 1.37.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Figure 1.37: Advanced filtering Advanced Filtering: Example 2

In this example, the document is the same as in "Advanced Filtering: Example 1" on page 60. The objective of this example
is the same as well: to use filter criteria to find antennas manufactured by Kathrein with a beamwidth between 50 and 100°.
The filter syntax is entered in the Advanced tab of the Filter dialogue (for information on the Advanced tab, see "Advanced
Data Filtering" on page 59), in this case, however, the entered filter syntax contains errors:
• As shown in Figure 1.38, the first criterion is all antennas made by a manufacturer with a name beginning with a
"K" ("=K*").
• The second criterion is all antennas with a beamwidth under 100° and over 50°.
The result of this advanced filter can be seen in the second pane of Figure 1.37.

Figure 1.38: Errors in filtering

As previously stated, the objective of this example was to use filter criteria to find antennas manufactured by Kathrein with
a beamwidth between 50 and 100°. However, because the second criterion (beamwidth under 100° and over 50°) is
malformed, with "> 50" placed under "< 100", it functioned as an OR condition and not as an AND condition. The resulting
filter searched for all antennas manufactured by Kathrein with a beamwidth under 100°, or all antennas over 50°; all anten-
nas are displayed. Advanced Filtering: Example 3

In this example, the document is the same as in "Advanced Filtering: Example 1" on page 60. The objective of this example
is the same as well: to use filter criteria to find antennas manufactured by Kathrein with a beamwidth between 50 and 100°.
The filter syntax is entered in the Advanced tab of the Filter dialogue (for information on the Advanced tab, see "Advanced
Data Filtering" on page 59), in this case, however, the entered filter syntax contains errors:
• As shown in Figure 1.39, the first criterion is all antennas made by a manufacturer with a name beginning with a
"K" ("=K*").
• The second criterion is all antennas with a beamwidth under 100° and over 50°.
The result of this advanced filter can be seen in the second pane of Figure 1.37.

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Figure 1.39: Errors in filtering

As previously stated, the objective of this example was to use filter criteria to find antennas manufactured by Kathrein with
a beamwidth between 50 and 100°. However, because the second criterion is malformed, the filter only generates an error
message and no antennas are filtered out.

1.7.4 User Configurations

In Atoll, you can export many types of settings you have made in a user configuration and then import the settings in
another document. If you are working in a multiple-user environment with a central database, the information stored in a
user configuration, such as, geographic data or automatic neighbour allocation parameters, is not stored in the database.
You can create a user configuration file, however, to ensure that all users in a large radio-planning project use the same
The file extension of the user configuration file is CFG. If only the geographic data set or computation and focus zones are
being exported in the user configuration file, Atoll gives the file the extension "GEO." Because the file is in XML (eXtensible
Markup Language), you can open and edit it with any XML-capable text editor.
When you create a user configuration file, you can export the following information:
• Geographic data set: The complete path of imported geographic maps, map display settings (such as, the visi-
bility scale, transparency, tips text, etc.), clutter description (code, name, height, standard deviations, indoor loss,
orthogonality factor, the percentage of pilot finger of each clutter class, default standard deviations, and indoor
loss) and raster or user profile traffic map description. Vector maps must have the same coordinate system as the
raster maps.

Important: If you export the geographic data set in a user configuration file, the coordinate system of
any vector geographic data must be the same as that of the raster geographic data.

• Computation and Focus Zones: The computation and focus zone in the current document.
• Folder configurations: Sorting, grouping and filtering settings (those saved by the user and the current settings,
even if not saved), the filtering zone, and the display settings of radio data folders (including measurement display
• Automatic Neighbour Allocation Parameters: The input parameters of the automatic neighbour allocation.
• Automatic Scrambling Code Allocation Parameters: The parameters of the automatic scrambling code alloca-
tion (this option applies to UMTS documents only).
• Prediction List: The general information (name, comments, group, and sorting and filtering settings), prediction
coverage conditions, and display settings of coverage predictions that have been created.
• AFP Configuration: Calculation options selected when starting an AFP session as well as calculation parameters
used for interference histograms (this option applies to GSM documents only).
• Automatic PN Offset Allocation Parameters: The parameters of the automatic PN offset allocation. (this option
applies to cdmaOne/CDMA2000 documents only).
• Microwave Link Parameters: The settings of microwave links.
• Macros: The complete path of any macros. Because a macro is linked to an Atoll session, and not to a specific
Atoll document, you can export the macros in a user configuration even if you do not have an Atoll document
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Exporting a User Configuration" on page 62
• "Importing a User Configuration" on page 63. Exporting a User Configuration

You create a user configuration by exporting the selected settings to an external file.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To export a user configuration:

1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Export. The User Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 1.40).

Figure 1.40: Exporting a user configuration

2. Select the check boxes of the information you want to export as part of the user configuration.
3. Click OK. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name for the user configuration file and click Save. The folder configuration has been saved. Importing a User Configuration

You can import a user configuration that you or another user has created, as explained in "Exporting a User Configuration"
on page 62, it into your current Atoll document.
To import a user configuration:
1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the user configuration file with the data you want to import.
3. Click Open. The User Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 1.41).

Figure 1.41: Importing a user configuration

4. Select the check boxes of the information you want to import.

5. Click OK. The user configuration is imported.

1.7.5 Site and Transmitter Lists

In Atoll, you can create lists of sites and transmitters. Once you have created a site or transmitter list, you can modify the
list and use it to filter data to be able to work with a subset of data, or to facilitate working with large documents by reducing
the amount of records displayed.
In a multi-user environment, site lists can be stored in the database. When you open a document from a database, you
can select the sites to load according to any defined site lists. In a large radio-planning project, this allows you to more
effectively manage your resources by reducing the unnecessary data you retrieve from the database.

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Atoll User Manual

In this section, the following are explained:

• "Creating a Site or Transmitter List" on page 64
• "Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Explorer Window" on page 64
• "Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Map Window" on page 64
• "Adding Sites or Transmitters to a List Using a Zone" on page 65
• "Editing a Site or Transmitter List" on page 65
• "Filtering on a Site or Transmitter List" on page 65. Creating a Site or Transmitter List

You can create lists of sites or transmitters that you can then use to filter the data displayed.
To create a site or transmitter list:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder where you want to create the list:
Site list: if you want to create a site list:

a. Right-click the Sites folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Site Lists > Open Table from the context menu. The Site Lists table appears.
Transmitter list: if you want to create a transmitter list:

a. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Transmitter Lists > Open Table from the context menu. The Transmitter Lists table appears.

3. Enter the name of the new list in the row marked with the New Row icon ( ). Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Explorer Window

You can add a site or transmitter to a list by selecting it from the Explorer window.
To add a site or transmitter to a list:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of Sites or Transmitters folder to expand the folder.
3. Right-click the site or transmitter you want to add to the list. The context menu appears.
Site list: if you want to add a site to a list:

- Select Add Site to a List from the context menu. A dialogue appears.
Transmitter list: if you want to add a transmitter to a list.

- Select Add Transmitter to a List from the context menu. A dialogue appears.
4. Select the name of the list from the dialogue.

Tip: You can create a new list by entering a name in the list instead of selecting the name from
the list. The selected site or transmitter will be added to the new list.

5. Click OK. The site or transmitter is added to the selected list.

Tip: You can quickly create a complete list by first filtering the contents of the Sites or Trans-
mitters folder as explained in x. Then, by right-clicking the Sites or Transmitters folder
and selecting Site Lists > Add Sites to a List or Transmitter Lists > Add Transmitters
to a List from the context menu, you can add the filtered contents of folder to the list you
select. Adding a Site or Transmitter to a List from the Map Window

You can add a site or transmitter to a list by selecting it from the map window.
To add a site or transmitter to a list:
1. In the map window, right-click the site or transmitter you want to add to a list.
Site list: if you want to add a site to a list:

- Select Add Site to a List from the context menu. A dialogue appears.
Transmitter list: if you want to add a transmitter to a list.

- Select Add Transmitter to a List from the context menu. A dialogue appears.
2. Select the name of the list from the dialogue.

Tip: You can create a new list by entering a name in the list instead of selecting the name from
the list. The selected site or transmitter will be added to the new list.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

3. Click OK. The site or transmitter is added to the selected list. Adding Sites or Transmitters to a List Using a Zone

You can add the sites or transmitters contained in a zone to a site or transmitter list.
To add the sites or transmitters contained in a zone to a list:
1. Create a zone as explained in "Using Zones in the Map Window" on page 30 that contains the sites or transmitters
you want to add to a list. You can use a filtering, computation, focus, hot spot, printing, or coverage export zone.
2. On the Geo tab of the Explorer window, right-click the zone and select one of the following from the context menu:
- Add Sites to a List: Select Add Sites to a List to add the sites in the zone to a site list. A dialogue appears.
- Add Transmitters to a List: Select Add Transmitters to a List to add the sites in the zone to a site list. A
dialogue appears.
3. Select the name of the list from the dialogue.

Tip: You can create a new list by entering a name in the list instead of selecting the name from
the list. The selected site or transmitter will be added to the new list.

4. Click OK. The sites or transmitters contained in the zone are added to the selected list. Editing a Site or Transmitter List

You can edit a site or transmitter list using the Site List or Transmitter List table.
To edit a site or transmitter list:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder where you want to create the list:
Site list: if you want to edit a site list:

a. Right-click the Sites folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Site Lists > Open Table from the context menu. The Site Lists table appears.
Transmitter list: if you want to edit a transmitter list:

a. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Transmitter Lists > Open Table from the context menu. The Transmitter Lists table appears.
3. Select the name of the list you want to edit and click Properties. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. You can now edit the list:
To add a site or transmitter to the list:

- Select the name of the site or transmitter in the row marked with the New Row icon ( ).
To delete a site or transmitter from the list:

a. Click in the left margin of the row containing the site or transmitter to select it.
b. Press DEL to delete the site or transmitter from the list.
5. Click OK when you have finished editing the site or transmitter list. Filtering on a Site or Transmitter List

You can use site or transmitter lists to filter the contents of Sites and Transmitters folders.
To filter folder contents using a site or transmitter list:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder whose contents you want to filter. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the General tab of the Properties dialogue, click the Filter button. The Filter dialogue appears.
5. If you have created a list, there will be an additional tab:
- Sites: Click the Site Lists tab.
- Transmitters: Click the Transmitter Lists tab.
6. Select the check box of the list or lists that you want to display.
7. Click OK to close the Filter dialogue.
8. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue. Only sites or transmitters that belong to the selected list are now dis-
played in the Data tab of the Explorer window and in the map window.

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Atoll User Manual

1.7.6 Folder Configurations

In Atoll, the parameters defining how data contained in a folder are grouped, sorted, or filtered are referred to as a folder
configuration. You can define folder configurations and save them, allowing you to consistently apply the same grouping,
filtering, or sorting criteria.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a Folder Configuration" on page 66
• "Applying a Saved Folder Configuration" on page 66
• "Reapplying the Current Folder Configuration" on page 66
• "Exporting a Folder Configuration" on page 66
• "Importing a Folder Configuration" on page 67
• "Deleting a Folder Configuration" on page 67.

Note: For transmitters, there is a default folder configuration called Same as Sites Folder. You
can apply this configuration to arrange the transmitters in the Transmitters folder with the
same parameters as those defined for sites. Creating a Folder Configuration

In Atoll, you can save the parameters defining how data contained in a folder are grouped, filtered, or sorted as a folder
To create a configuration:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder whose settings you want to save.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the General tab in the Properties dialogue.
5. If you have not yet done so, set the following parameters as desired:
- Group By (see "Grouping Data Objects" on page 53)
- Sort (see "Sorting Data" on page 56)
- Filter (see "Filtering Data" on page 58).
6. Under Configuration, click Save.
7. Enter the name of the configuration in the Save Configuration dialogue.
8. Click OK to save the configuration and click OK to close the Properties dialogue.
The saved folder configuration is only available for the current folder and can be reapplied to the folder by selecting it from
the Configurations submenu on the folder’s context menu. Applying a Saved Folder Configuration

You can apply a configuration that has been created and saved for the present folder.
To apply a saved folder configuration:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder to which you want to apply a configuration. The context menu appears.
3. On the Configurations submenu, select the name of the configuration you want to apply. The folder configuration
is applied to the current folder. Reapplying the Current Folder Configuration

If you have grouped, filtered, or sorted a data folder, you have created and applied a folder configuration. If you then add
or modify data, the properties of these may not match the folder configuration you previously made on the data folder. In
this case, you can reapply the same filter or sort settings to the new or modified data.
To reapply the folder configuration:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder whose folder configuration you want to reapply.
3. Select Apply Current Configuration from the context menu. The previously configured folder configuration is
reapplied to the data. Exporting a Folder Configuration

When you create a folder configuration, you save it to the current ATL document. However, you can export it as part of a
user configuration to an external file, so that it can be used in other documents.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

To export a folder configuration:

1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Export. The User Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 1.40 on
page 63).
2. Select the Folder Configuration check box.
If you want to export other configurations at the same time, select those check boxes as well.
3. Click OK. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name for the CFG file and click Save. The folder configuration has been saved. Importing a Folder Configuration

Once you have exported a folder configuration as explained in "Exporting a Folder Configuration" on page 66, you can
import it into your current document.
To import a folder configuration:
1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the CFG file with the folder configuration you want to import.
3. Click Open. The User Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 1.41 on page 63).
4. Select the Folder Configuration check box.
If you want to import other configurations at the same time, select those check boxes as well.
5. Click OK. The folder configuration is imported. Deleting a Folder Configuration

You can delete a folder configuration from the Atoll document when you no longer need it.
To delete a folder configuration:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder with the folder configuration you want to delete.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the General tab in the Properties dialogue.
5. Under Configuration, select the name of the configuration from the list.
6. Click Delete. The folder configuration is deleted.

Caution: When you delete a folder configuration, Atoll will not ask for confirmation; it is deleted

1.7.7 Creating and Comparing Subfolders

You can compare the effects of different grouping, sorting, or filtering settings by creating subfolders of object folders in
the Data tab and applying different settings to each subfolder. Each subfolder contains a copy of the data in the object
folder in which it was created.
To create a subfolder of a folder:
1. In the Data tab of the Explorer window, right-click the folder you want to create a subfolder of.
2. Select Create a Subfolder from the context menu. A subfolder is created containing a copy of the original folder
You can now perform the following actions on the subfolder:
• Grouping (see "Grouping Data Objects" on page 53)
• Sorting (see "Sorting Data" on page 56)
• Filtering (see "Filtering Data" on page 58).

Tip: If you have created several subfolders, you can rename each one to give it a more descrip-
tive name. For information on renaming an object, see "Renaming an Object" on page 19.

Once you have performed the actions on each subfolder, you can compare the differences, by displaying in turn each
subfolder, with its grouping, sorting, or filtering settings, on the map. For more information on display properties, see
"Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
To compare subfolders:
1. In the Data tab of the Explorer window, clear the check boxes to the left of each subfolder. The data objects are
not displayed on the map.
2. Select the check box of one of the subfolders, leaving the check boxes of the other subfolders cleared. The data
objects of the selected subfolder, with its associated grouping, sorting, or filtering settings, are displayed on the

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Atoll User Manual

3. Clear this check box and select the check box of a different subfolder. How the objects are displayed on the map
will change, depending on the different grouping, sorting, or filtering settings of the selected subfolder.
You can remove subfolders by deleting them. When you delete a subfolder, the data contained are not deleted. When you
delete the last subfolder, the data reappear under the initial folder.
To delete a subfolder:
• Right-click the subfolder to be deleted and select Delete from the context menu.

Tip: If, after deleting the last subfolder, the data do not reappear under the initial folder, you can
refresh the display by right-clicking the folder and selecting Group By > None from the
context menu.

1.7.8 Filtering Data Using a Filtering Zone

In Atoll, you can simplify your calculations by using a polygon on the map to limit the amount of data considered in calcu-
lations. By limiting the number of sites, you can reduce the time and cost of calculations and make visualisation of data
objects on the map clearer. You can select a pre-existing computation or focus zone as a filter zone or you can draw a
new filtering zone.
The data objects filtered by the polygon are reflected on the map and in the data tables. On the Data tab of the Explorer
window, any folder whose content is affected by the filtering zone appears with a special icon ( ), to indicate that the
folder contents have been filtered.
When you have applied a polygon filter, you can perform the following actions on the filtered data:
• Grouping (see "Grouping Data Objects" on page 53)
• Sorting (see "Sorting Data" on page 56)
• Filtering (see "Filtering Data" on page 58).
For more information on creating and editing a filtering zone, see "Using a Filtering Zone" on page 31.

1.8 Tips and Tricks

In this section, you will learn a few shortcuts and tricks to help you work more efficiently with Atoll:
• "Undoing and Redoing" on page 68
• "Refreshing Maps and Folders" on page 68
• "Searching for Objects on the Map" on page 69
• "Using the Status Bar to Get Information" on page 70
• "Saving Information Displayed in the Event Viewer" on page 70
• "Using Icons from the Toolbar" on page 70
• "Using Shortcuts in Atoll" on page 72.

1.8.1 Undoing and Redoing

You can undo or redo most actions in Atoll, up to a maximum of 10 actions. If you perform an action that can not be
undone, for example, a simulation, the Undo and Redo histories are erased.
For example, you can undo or redo:
• Most modifications in the workspace: such as creating, deleting, and moving a site, a station or a group of sta-
tions, modifying the antenna azimuth, moving a transmitter, or deleting a transmitter,
• Tasks performed in the Explorer: such as creating and deleting objects (sites, transmitters, antennas, repeaters
or remote antennas, links, groups of hexagons, measurement paths, prediction studies, maps, propagation
models, etc.).
• Tasks performed in tables: such as adding or deleting records, pasting in tables.
To undo an action:
• Select Edit > Undo.
To redo an action that you have undone:
• Select Edit > Redo.

1.8.2 Refreshing Maps and Folders

Under certain circumstances, for example, when you add data that is inconsistent with an applied filter, the data displayed
on the map or in the Explorer window, may not be actual. You can refresh the display to get Atoll to reload the data and
reapply the current configurations to folders.
To refresh the display of the Explorer window and the map:

• Click the Refresh button ( ) on the toolbar or press F5.

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

1.8.3 Searching for Objects on the Map

Atoll provides several tools for finding data objects on the map. You can search for some objects (sites, transmitters,
repeaters, or links) by their name, using the Find toolbar. By using the Location Finder, you can search for a site, a trans-
mitter, a repeater, a microwave link, or a vector by any text field. You can also use the Location Finder to search for a
point on the map by its x and y coordinates.
This section explains:
• "Searching for a Map Object by Its Name" on page 69
• "Searching for a Map Object using Any Text Property" on page 69
• "Searching for a Point on the Map" on page 70. Searching for a Map Object by Its Name

You can use the Find toolbar to search for the following map objects by name:
• sites
• transmitters
• repeaters
• links.
To search for a map object by name using the Find toolbar:
1. Select View > Find Toolbar to display the Find toolbar.

Note: You can change the Find toolbar to a floating window by double-clicking it.

2. From the Find list, choose the map object you are searching for:
- Site
- Transmitter
- Repeater
- Link
3. Enter the name of the object in the Named box. You can use an asterisk as a wild card in the following ways:
- *X* names which contain X
- X* names which start with X
- *X names which end with X
4. Press ENTER. Atoll selects the object and centres it in the map window.

Note: You can also search for a map object by its name by using the Location Finder. For infor-
mation, see "Searching for a Map Object using Any Text Property" on page 69. Searching for a Map Object using Any Text Property

You can use the Location Finder to search for the following map object using any text (i.e., non-numeric) property:
• sites
• transmitters
• repeaters
• links
• vectors.
To search for a map object by a text property using the Location Finder:

1. Click the Location Finder button ( ) on the toolbar. The Location Finder dialogue appears.
2. From the Find list, choose the map object you are searching for:
- Site
- Transmitter
- Repeater
- Link
- Vector
3. If you wish to search all the sites in the search, including sites that are presently filtered out, select the Include all
the sites in the search (filtered or not) check box.
4. Under Criteria, select a Field to be searched and enter the value of the field. You can use an asterisk as a wild
card in the following ways:
- *X* text objects which contain X
- X* text objects which start with X
5. Click OK. Atoll selects the site and centres it in the map window.

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Atoll User Manual Searching for a Point on the Map

You can search for a point by entering its x and y coordinates in the Location Finder.
To search on the map for a point using the Location Finder:

1. Click the Location Finder button ( ) on the toolbar. The Location Finder dialogue appears.
2. From the Find list, choose Point.
3. Enter the x and y coordinates of the point, using the same units as defined under Display on the Coordinates tab
of the Options dialogue (see "Projection and Display Coordinate Systems" on page 80).

4. Click OK. Atoll marks the point ( ) and centres it in the map window.

Note: To remove the point icon ( ), select it and then select Delete from the context menu.

1.8.4 Using the Status Bar to Get Information

Atoll displays the following information, if available, about the current position of the mouse pointer in right side of the
status bar (see Figure 1.42):
• the current X-Y coordinates (according to the defined display coordinate system)
• the altitude (as defined in the DTM)
• the clutter class (as defined in the clutter classes properties)
• the clutter height (as defined in the clutter height file, or in the clutter classes).

X-Y coordinates Altitude Clutter class

(from DTM)

Figure 1.42: Information displayed in the status bar

1.8.5 Saving Information Displayed in the Event Viewer

Atoll displays information about the current document in the Event Viewer. The information displayed includes warnings
and the progress of calculations. You can save the information displayed in the Event Viewer in a log file.
To save events in the Event Viewer in a log file:
1. If the Event Viewer is not displayed, select View > Event Viewer to display it.
2. Click the event in the Event Viewer to select it. Click and drag to select several events.
3. Right-click the select event(s). The context menu appears.
4. Select Save As. The Save As dialogue appears.
5. In the Save As dialogue, select a destination folder, enter a File name, and select a file type from the Save as
type list.
6. Click OK. The selected events are saved in the text file.

1.8.6 Using Icons from the Toolbar

You can access many commands in Atoll by clicking its icon on the toolbar. Some of them are also linked to shortcut keys
(see "Using Shortcuts in Atoll" on page 72).
The different icons located in the toolbar are listed below:
• In the Standard toolbar

Open the Project Templates dialogue (CTRL+N)

Open the Open dialogue (CTRL+O)

Save the current document (CTRL+S)

Cut the selected data (CTRL+X)

Copy the selected data (CTRL+C)

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

Paste the content of the clipboard (CTRL+V)

Print the current window (table or map) (CTRL+P)

Open the About Atoll dialogue

• In the Radio toolbar

Create a new station based on the currently selected model

Create a new group of hexagons based on the currently selected station template ( indicates that no hexa-
gon radius is defined)

Note: A new hexagon group is created in the Hexagonal Design folder if the check box to the left
of this folder is selected when you create a new station or a group of stations. If the check
box is not selected, you can create a new station without creating a corresponding hexagon

Station model currently selected

Create a new repeater or remote antenna for the currently selected transmitter

Graphically manage neighbours for the selected transmitter

Open the Point Analysis window

Calculate only invalid matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations (F7)

Force the calculation of all matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations (CTRL+F7)

Stop the calculation of all matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations (ESC)

• In the Map toolbar

Select area

Refresh display of map and folders (F5)

Disable zooming and panning tools.

Move the map window (CTRL+D)

Map scale currently used

Previous/Next view (zoom and location)

Zoom in on the map and centre on the cursor location (CTRL+A) and zoom out on the map and centre on the
cursor location (CTRL+R)

Define a zoom area on the map (CTRL+W)

Turn on tool tips

Measure distances on the map

Location finder

Display a point-to-point profile

• In the Microwave link toolbar

Create a new microwave link.

Create a new multi-hop microwave link.

Create a new point-to-multipoint microwave link.

Currently selected microwave link model

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Atoll User Manual

Activate the microwave link profile analysis window

Show or hide victim and interferer links

Show or hide site parities

Stop the calculations in progress

• In the Search toolbar

Centre site in the map window.

• In the Vector Edition toolbar

Create a new vector layer (in either the Geo or the Data tab)

Select the vector layer to edit

Draw a new polygon

Draw a new line

Draw points

Merge several vector polygons

Cut out areas in polygons

Create new polygon from overlapping areas

Split one polygon along the drawn lines.

Note: When you place the cursor over an icon, a tool tip appears, giving a short description.

1.8.7 Using Shortcuts in Atoll

Atoll provides many shortcuts that enable you to access commonly used tools and commands more quickly.
The shortcuts available are listed below (some of the same commands can be accessed using a toolbar icon; see "Using
Icons from the Toolbar" on page 70):
• Using the CTRL key:
- In tables: Select all records
- In the map window: Zoom in on the map (toolbar: select and click)

- CTRL+C: Copy the selected data (toolbar: select )

- In tables: Copy the first cell of a selection down into all selected cells
- In the map window: Move the map window (toolbar: select )
- CTRL+F: Open the Find dialogue in a table

- CTRL+N: Open the Project Templates dialogue (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+O: Open the Open dialogue (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+P: Print the current window (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+Q: Select Zoom In/Out tool (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+R: Zoom out on the map (toolbar: select and Right-click the map)

- CTRL+S: Save the current active document (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+U: Copy the last cell of a selection up into all selected cells

- CTRL+V: Paste the content of the clipboard (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+W: Define a zoom area on the map (toolbar: select )

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Chapter 1: The Working Environment

- CTRL+X: Cut the selected data (toolbar: select )

- CTRL+Y: Redo the previous undone modification
- CTRL+Z: Undo the last modification
• Using the Function Keys
- F3: Select the Find Site tool.

- F5: Refresh display of map and folders (toolbar: select )

- F7: Calculate only invalid matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations (toolbar: select )
- CTRL+F7: Force the calculation of all matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations (toolbar: select

Tip: Menus and commands can be also accessed by pressing the ALT key and typing the under-
lined letter in the menu or command name.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

2 Starting an Atoll Project

When you want to start a new project, you base it on a template that has the data and folder structure necessary for the
technology you are using. Once you have started your new Atoll project, you can modify the network parameters to meet
your particular needs. Several templates are supplied with Atoll: GPS GPRS EGPRS, CDMA200 1xRTT 1xEV-DO, IS-95
cdmaOne, microwave radio links, UMTS HSPA, and WiMAX. The actual templates supplied depend on the modules
included with your Atoll installation. You can also create your own templates by opening an existing template and saving
it as a new template, once you have made the changes necessary to meet your own needs.
When you open an existing project, you can select it from the File menu, if it is one of the last projects you have worked
on, or you can open it from the Open dialogue. Because Atoll can work with linked geographic data files, it may happen
that one of the linked files was moved or renamed since the last time you worked on that project. Atoll enables you to find
the file and repair the link.
In this chapter, the following are explained:
• "Before Starting a Radio-Planning Project" on page 77
• "Creating an Atoll Document" on page 77.

2.1 Before Starting a Radio-Planning Project

For every radio-planning project you must assemble the information necessary:
• Radio equipment: sites, transmitters, antennas, repeaters, and other equipment. For more information on radio
equipment, see the technology-specific chapters.
• Radio data: frequency bands, technology-specific parameters, coordinate systems, etc. For more information on
radio data, see the technology-specific chapters.
• Geographic data: clutter classes, clutter heights, DTM, population maps, etc. For more information on geographic
data, see "Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project".
Once the necessary data have been assembled, you can create the Atoll document.

2.2 Creating an Atoll Document

Whatever the radio technology you will be modelling, you create an Atoll document in one of two days:
• From a template: You can create a new Atoll document from a template. Atoll is delivered with a template for
each technology you will be planning for. For information on creating a document from a template, see "Creating
a New Atoll Document from a Template" on page 77.
You can also create your own template by basing it on an existing document that you have already customised
with, for example, certain geo data or antennas.
• From a database: When you create a new Atoll document from a database, the database you connect to has
been created with the technology and data you need. Working with a database allows several users to share the
same data while at the same time managing data consistency. The exact procedure for creating a new Atoll doc-
ument from a database differs, depending on the database containing the data. Atoll can work with several
common databases. For information on starting a document from a database, see "Creating a New Atoll Document
from a Database" on page 82.

2.2.1 Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template

You can create a new Atoll document from a template. Atoll has a template for each technology you will be planning for.
Each template provides data and a data structure suitable for the technology. For example, the tabs in the transmitter
Properties dialogue as well as the radio parameters available differ according to the project. As well, the objects that are
available are appropriate for the technology. For example, UMTS cells are only available in UMTS documents and TRX
are only available GSM-TDMA documents.
Once you have selected the appropriate template for your radio planning project, you configure the basic parameters of
the Atoll document (see "Defining a New Atoll Document" on page 79).
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Templates Available" on page 77
• "Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template" on page 78
• "Defining a New Atoll Document" on page 79 Templates Available

Depending on your configuration of Atoll, the following templates are available:
• GSM/GPRS/EGPRS: This template can be used to model second generation (2G) mobile telecommunications
using TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) technology. This template can be used to model the following tech-
- GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication): GSM is a 2G technology based on TDMA.

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Atoll User Manual

- GPRS (General Packet Radio Service): GPRS is a packet-switched technology that enables data applica-
tions on GSM networks. It is considered a 2.5G technology.
- EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global Evolution): EDGE is an advancement for GSM/GPRS networks that tri-
ples data rates. Because it is based on existing GSM technology, it allows for a smooth upgrade for GSM oper-
ators, giving them capabilities approaching those of a 3G network, while remaining with the existing 2G
- EGPRS (GPRS operating over EDGE): EGPRS is GPRS, but operating over EDGE for enhanced data rates.
• CDMA2000 1xRTT 1xEV-DO: This template can be used to model third generation (3G) mobile telecommunica-
tions based on CDMA2000 technology. CDMA2000 is an evolution of CDMA, or code division multiple access.
This template can be used to model the following technologies:
- 1xRTT (1 Radio Transmission Technology): 1xRTT is sometimes considered not as 3G but as 2.5G in
terms of mobile telecommunications. It offers increased voice capacity as compared to 2G technologies, but
not as much as pure 3G solutions.
- 1xEV-DO (1x Evolution - Data Only): 1xEV-DO is an evolution of CDMA2000 that provides data transfer
rates of over 10 times those of 1xRTT. It is considered a 3G solution and addresses, as its name suggests,
data only.
• IS-95 cdmaOne: This template can be used to model second generation (2G) mobile telecommunications based
on code division multiple access technology. IS-95 is an industry standard while cdmaOne is a proprietary imple-
mentation of this standard.
• Microwave Radio Links: Atoll allows you to model microwave radio links, as part of a complete mobile telecom-
munications network, from any technology template. However, this template is provided to enable you to create a
project of only microwave radio links.
• UMTS HSPA: UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) and HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet
Access) and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access), collectively referred to as HSPA, are third generation
(3G) mobile telecommunication systems based on WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) tech-
nology. Although WCDMA is similar in implementation to CDMA, the two technologies are incompatible. UMTS
and HSPA are usually implemented in place and over GSM networks.
• TD-SCDMA: TD-SCDMA (Time Division Synchronous CDMA) is a 3G mobile telecommunication system based
on Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode. TD-SCDMA transmits uplink and downlink traffic in the same frame in dif-
ferent time slots.
• WiMAX: Atoll WiMAX is a state-of-the-art WiMAX and Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) network planning tool
developed in cooperation with WiMAX equipment suppliers. Atoll WiMAX currently supports the IEEE 802.16d
standard, and has been designed to support the evolving IEEE 802.16e standard in a future release. Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template

To create a new document from a template:
1. Select File > New. The Project Templates dialogue appears.
2. Select the template on which you want to base your document and click OK. Atoll creates a new document based
on the template selected.
Figure 2.43 shows a new Atoll document based on the UMTS HSPA template. The Data tab of the Explorer window now
has a folder structure suitable for a UMTS HSPA radio-planning project, with, among other UMTS-specific elements, fold-
ers for UMTS HSPA parameters and UMTS HSPA simulations. The Antennas folder is expanded to show the UMTS-
compatible antennas suggested by Atoll. These can be modified or replaced. Figure 2.44 and Figure 2.45 show the
contents of the Geo and Modules tabs of the new document, respectively.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

Figure 2.43: New Atoll document based on a template

Figure 2.44: New Atoll document — Geo tab Figure 2.45: New Atoll document — Modules tab

When you create an Atoll document from a template, the document is not connected to a database.
To verify whether the document is connected to a database:
• Select File > Database > Connection Properties. The dialogue in Figure 2.46 appears.

Figure 2.46: An Atoll document based on a template is not connected to a database Defining a New Atoll Document

Once you have created a new Atoll document as explained in "Creating a New Atoll Document from a Template" on
page 78, you configure the basic parameters of the Atoll document. You can accept the default values for some param-
eters, such as basic measurement units, but you must set projection and display coordinate systems.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Projection and Display Coordinate Systems" on page 80
• "Setting a Coordinate System" on page 80
• "Setting Measurement Units" on page 81

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Atoll User Manual Projection and Display Coordinate Systems

In Atoll, you define the two coordinate systems for each Atoll document: the projection coordinate system and the display
coordinate system. By default, the same coordinate system is used for both.
A projection is a method for producing all or part of a round body on a flat sheet. This projection cannot be done without
distortion, thus the cartographer must choose the characteristic (distance, direction, scale, area or shape) which is to be
shown appropriately at the expense of the other characteristics, or he must compromise on several characteristics1. The
projected zones are referenced using cartographic coordinates (meter, yard, etc.).
Two projection systems are widely used:
• The Lambert Conformal-Conic projection: a portion of the earth is mathematically projected on a cone concep-
tually secant at one or two standard parallels. This projection type is useful for representing countries or regions
that lay primarily east to west.
• The Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM): a portion of the earth is mathematically projected on a
cylinder tangent to a meridian (which is transverse or crosswise to the equator). This projection type is useful for
mapping large areas that are oriented north-south.
A geographic system is not a projection, but a representation of a location on the earth's surface from geographic coordi-
nates (degree-minute-second or grade) giving the latitude and longitude in relation to the origin meridian (Paris for NTF
system and Greenwich for ED50 system). The locations in the geographic system can be converted into other projections.
Atoll has databases including more than 980 international coordinate system references, a database based on the Euro-
pean Petroleum Survey Group and another one regrouping only France's coordinate systems. Atoll distinguishes the
cartographic coordinate systems for projection and either cartographic or geographic coordinate systems for display.
The maps displayed in the workspace are referenced with the same projection system as the imported geographic data
files; thus, the projection system depends on the imported geographic file. By choosing a specific display system, you can
see (using the rulers or status bars) the location of sites on the map in a coordinate system different from the projection
coordinate system. You can also position on the map sites referenced in the display system: the coordinates are automat-
ically converted from the projection system to the display system and the site is displayed on the map.
In Figure 2.47, the French Riviera geographic data file has been imported. The map shows the French Riviera projected
using the cartographic NTF (Paris)/France II étendue system (coordinates in metres). On the other hand, site coordinates
are stated in the geographic WGS 72 system (coordinates in degrees-minutes-seconds).

Figure 2.47: NTF (Paris)/France II étendue system used with WGS 72 system

Notes: All imported raster geographic files must be use the same cartographic system. If not, you
must convert them to a single cartographic system. Setting a Coordinate System

Because you are working with maps, you must set a coordinate system for your Atoll document. By default, projection and
display coordinate systems are the same, but you can choose a different display coordinate system if you wish.
To define the coordinate system:
1. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialogue appears.

2. On the Coordinates tab, click the Browse button ( ) to the right of the Projection field. The Coordinate Sys-
tems dialogue appears.
3. In the Coordinate Systems dialogue, select a catalogue from the Find in list. For the projection system, only car-
tographic systems (identified by the symbol) are available.
4. Select a coordinate system from the list.

1. Snyder, John. P., Map Projections Used by the US Geological Survey, 2nd Edition, United States Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 313 pages, 1982.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

Tip: If you frequently use a particular coordinate system you can add it to a catalogue of favour-
ites by clicking Add to Favourites.

5. Click OK. The selected coordinate system appears in the Projection field and, by default, in the Display field as

6. If you wish to set a different coordinate system for the display, click the Browse button ( ) to the right of the
Display field and repeat step 3. to step 5. For the display system, both cartographic systems (identified by the
symbol) and geographic systems (identified by the symbol) are available. Selecting the Degree Display Format

Atoll can display longitude and latitude in four different formats. For example:
• 26°56’29.9’’N
• 26d56m29.9sN
• 26.93914N
• +26.93914
To change the degree display format:
1. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialogue appears.
2. On the Coordinates tab, select the format from the Degree Format list.
3. Click OK.

Note: The degree format options apply only to the geographic coordinate systems. Setting Measurement Units

When you create a new Atoll document, Atoll sets certain measurement units for reception, transmission, distance,
height, and offset to internal defaults. You can accept these default measurement units, or you can change them using the
Options dialogue.
To set the measurement units:
1. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialogue appears.
2. On the Units tab, select the desired unit for the following measurements:
- Reception
- Transmission
- Distance
- Height and offset
3. Click OK.

2.2.2 Working in a Multi-User Environment

A multi-user environment is one where a number of users, or groups of users, work simultaneously on given parts of a
single, large (may be nation-wide) network. Different user groups may be working on regional or smaller sections of the
network. This section describes the different components of multi-user environments and outlines their purpose.
When you create a new Atoll document from a database, Atoll loads the data to which you have rights from database into
your new document and then disconnects it from the database. The connection to the reference database is reactivated
only when necessary, thus ensuring access to the database by other users.
When you work on a document created from a database, you are working on data that you are sharing with other users.
Consequently, there are issues related to sharing data that do not arise when you are working on a stand-alone document.
For example, when you archive your changes to the database, the changes you have made may occasionally interfere
with changes other users have made and you will need to resolve this conflict.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "The Atoll Multi-User Environment" on page 81
• "Creating a New Atoll Document from a Database" on page 82
• "Working With a Document on a Database" on page 84
• "Refreshing an Atoll Document from the Database" on page 85
• "Archiving the Modifications of an Atoll Document in the Database" on page 86. The Atoll Multi-User Environment

An Atoll multi-user environment consists of the following elements, connected over a network:
• A central Atoll project: The central Atoll project can only be accessed, modified, and updated by the Atoll
administrator. Through this central Atoll project, the Atoll administrator can manage all the data shared by all the
individual Atoll users or groups of users.
• Shared data: Shared data are initially set up by the administrator using the central Atoll project and are then
accessed, modified, worked on, and updated by the Atoll users and the administrator. The shared data are mainly
of the following three types:

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Atoll User Manual

- The central database: The central database stores all the radio data of all the Atoll user documents. It is
initiated through the central Atoll project by the administrator, and is then subdivided into sections on which
users or groups of users can work simultaneously. Once the database is in place, users can modify their
projects, refresh their projects from the data stored in the database, and archive their modifications in the data-
base. The use of a database means that potential data conflicts due to modifications from other users, modi-
fied or deleted records, for example, can be detected and resolved.
- Shared geographic data: Shared geographic data files are usually stored on a common file server with a fast
access connection. Since geographic data files are usually large, they are usually linked to an Atoll file, i.e.,
they are stored externally, so as to minimise the size of the Atoll file. Users who modify geographic data
locally, for example, editing edit clutter or traffic in their respective projects, usually store these modifications
locally, since these modifications rarely have an impact on other users.
- Path loss matrices: The path loss matrices are computed through the central Atoll project by the adminis-
trator and can be updated only by the administrator. Each user can read these path loss data but cannot
modify them. If users modify their Atoll documents in such a way that the path loss data becomes invalid for
their document, any path loss matrices computed by these users are stored locally, either embedded in the
ATL file or link to an external file. The shared path loss data are not modified.
Shared path loss matrices are updated when the calculation administrator performs an update, taking into ac-
count the modifications made by other users which have been stored and updated in the central database.
Shared path loss matrices enable a number of users to work with a centralised path loss matrices folder, con-
taining path loss matrices corresponding to the central Atoll project.

• User Documents: Individual user documents are initialised by the administrator but are later worked upon and
managed by each user. User documents are Atoll files which are connected to the central database, load only the
required part of the geographic data (as defined by the CFG file, for example), and have access to the shared path
loss matrices folder.

Figure 2.48: Components of Multi-user Environments

Note: For information on creating and maintaining the database, see the Administrator Manual. Creating a New Atoll Document from a Database

When you create a new document from a database, you must connect to the database. Once connected, Atoll loads the
database into a new Atoll document. Then the connected is interrupted. A new connection with the database will be
created only when necessary, in order to allow other users access to the database.
The exact procedure of connecting with the database differs from one database to another. Atoll can work with the follow-
ing databases:
• Microsoft Access
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Oracle
• Sybase

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

• Microsoft Data Link files

The following sections give examples of connecting to two different databases and loading data:
• "Connecting to an MS Access Database" on page 83
• "Connecting to an Oracle Database" on page 83.
• "Selecting the Data to Load From the Database" on page 83.
An example of a new Atoll document created from a database is shown in:
• "Working With a Document on a Database" on page 84 Connecting to an MS Access Database

To create a new document from an MS Access database:
1. Select File > Open from a Database. The Open from a Database dialogue appears.

Note: If you already have a document open in Atoll, you must select File > Database > Open
from a Database.

2. In the Files of type list, select "Microsoft Access" as the type of database:
3. Select the name of the database and click OK. The Data to Load dialogue appears, allowing you to select the
data to load into Atoll as a new document (see "Selecting the Data to Load From the Database" on page 83). Connecting to an Oracle Database

To create a new document from an Oracle database:
1. Select File > Open from a Database. The Open from a Database dialogue appears.

Note: If you already have a document open in Atoll, you must select File > Database > Open
from a Database.

2. In the Files of type list, select "Oracle" as the type of database:

3. In the dialogue that appears, enter your User Name, Password, and Server (as defined in the tnsnames.ora file).

Figure 2.49: Connecting to an Oracle database

Note: Additional dialogues may open asking you to choose which project in the database to load
or which site list to load.

4. Click OK. The Data to Load dialogue appears, allowing you to select the data to load into Atoll as a new document
(see "Selecting the Data to Load From the Database" on page 83). Selecting the Data to Load From the Database

When you create a new document from a database, you can select the data to be loaded from the database to create the
document in the Data to load dialogue. You can select which Project, Site List, Custom Fields Groups, and neighbour
lists to load.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 2.50: Selecting the data to load Working With a Document on a Database

Figure 2.51 shows a new Atoll document based created from a database. The Data tab of the Explorer window now has
a folder structure suitable for a UMTS radio-planning project. The Sites folder is expanded to show that a document
created from a database can have additional data, such as sites, unlike a document created from a template. These can
be modified or replaced. Figure 2.52 and Figure 2.53 show the contents of the Geo and Modules tabs of the new docu-
ment, respectively.

Figure 2.51: New Atoll document opened from a database

Note: The new document may open with no site displayed in the map window. This is because
the north-west point of the project is by default the axis origin. You can re-centre the docu-
ment on the data displayed in the Data tab by expanding the Sites folder, right-clicking on
any site, and selecting Centre in the map window from the context menu.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

Figure 2.52: New Atoll document — Geo tab Figure 2.53: New Atoll document — Modules tab

When you create an Atoll document from a database, you can view the characteristics of the database connection.
To view the characteristics of the database connection:
1. Select File > Database > Connection Properties. The Database Connection dialogue appears (see
Figure 2.54).
2. You can now:
- Disconnect your document from the database.

Caution: If you disconnect your document from the database, it will be become a stand-alone docu-
ment and you will not be able to reconnect it to the database.

- Modify your connection to the database.

Figure 2.54: The Database Connection dialogue Refreshing an Atoll Document from the Database

As you are working on your document, other users who have access to the database may have modified some of the data.
You can ensure that you have the most recent data in your document by refreshing the information from the database.
How frequently you refresh the document depends on how frequently the database is updated. If the database is updated
frequently, you should refresh your document frequently as well, in order to continue working with the most up-to-date data.
To refresh an Atoll document from the database:
1. Select File > Database > Refresh. The Refresh dialogue appears.
2. In the dialogue, you can do one of the following if you have modified your document but have not yet saved those
changes in the database:
- Archive your changes in the database: This option allows you to archive your changes to the server instead
of refreshing your document from the server.
- Refresh unmodified data only: This option allows you to refresh from the database only those items that you
have not modified in your document.
- Cancel your changes and reload database: This option allows you to cancel any changes you have made
and start over from the point of the last archive to the database.

• If you chose Refresh unmodified data only or Cancel your changes and reload database,
Atoll proceeds without asking for confirmation.
• If you chose Archive your changes in the database, the Archive dialogue appears. For infor-
mation on using the Archive dialogue, see "Archiving the Modifications of an Atoll Document in
the Database" on page 86.

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Atoll User Manual

3. Under Take into account, you can select the neighbour lists, Intra-technology Neighbours and Inter-tech-
nology Neighbours, to refresh.
4. Under Modifications Since the Last Refresh, you can generate a report for the refresh process.
5. Click OK. The document is refreshed according to the selected options.
If you selected to generate a report, Atoll creates a text file in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format in the temporary
files system folder, and opens it. You can then rename the file and save it where you wish. The report lists all the modifi-
cations (deletions, additions, and updates) that were stored in the database since the last time you refreshed or opened
your document. Archiving the Modifications of an Atoll Document in the Database

When you are working on an Atoll document that is attached to a database, you should from time to time archive the modi-
fications you have made to the data on the database. How frequently you should archive your document depends on
several factors: the amount and size of changes you make, the number of other users using the database who may benefit
from your modifications, etc. What you can archive depends on the user rights the database administrator has given to
you. For example, you may have read access to the antennas table, allowing you to create a new Atoll document with the
given antennas. However, because only the administrator can modify the properties of the antennas, you will not be able
to archive any changes you make to the antennas without write access to the table.
The Atoll archiving process is flexible. You can choose to archive all your modifications or only the site-related modifica-
tions. As well, when you are archiving, Atoll shows you all modifications that will be archived and, if you wish, you can
choose to archive only some of them or even to undo modifications you have made locally. Occasionally, other users many
have modified some of the same data and, when you archive your changes, Atoll will inform you of the possible conflicts
and help you resolve them.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Archiving All Modifications in the Database" on page 86
• "Archiving Only Site-Related Data in the Database" on page 86
• "Resolving Data Conflicts" on page 87. Archiving All Modifications in the Database

To archive all your modifications in the database:
1. Select File > Database > Archive. The Archive dialogue appears (see Figure 2.55).
2. In the Archive dialogue, you can do the following:
- Click Run All to archive all your changes to the database.
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Run to archive the selected modification to the database
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Differences to view the differences between the local item
and the item on the database.
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Undo to refresh the modification with the original data from
the database.

Figure 2.55: The Archive dialogue

3. If some of the data has been modified on the database since you last refreshed, Atoll stops the archiving process
and asks you to resolve the conflict. For information on managing conflicts, see "Resolving Data Conflicts" on
page 87.
4. When you are finished archiving, click Close. Archiving Only Site-Related Data in the Database

Atoll allows you to archive only site-related data if you wish. Which data is archived depends on the radio technology you
are working with. For example, in a UMTS HSPA radio planning project, the site-related data are: sites, transmitters, cells,
and neighbours.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

To archive only the site-related data in the database:

1. Select File > Database > Archive. The Archive dialogue appears.
2. In the Archive dialogue, you can do the following:
- Click Run All to archive all your changes to the database.
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Run to archive the selected modification to the database
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Differences to view the differences between the local item
and the item on the database.
- Select one item under Pending Changes and click Undo to refresh the modification with the original data from
the database.
3. If some of the data has been modified on the database since you last refreshed, Atoll stops the archiving process
and asks you to resolve the conflict. For information on managing conflicts, see "Resolving Data Conflicts" on
page 87.
4. When you are finished archiving, click Close. Resolving Data Conflicts

Atoll enables several users to use the same database by allowing user to load the data and then freeing the database for
other users. However, this also creates the possibility of two users modifying the same data. When the second user
attempts to archive his changes, Atoll warns him that the data has been changed since he last refreshed the data and that
there is a conflict.
Atoll allows you to resolve data conflicts. When Atoll finds a conflict, it displays the warning shown in Figure 2.56.

Figure 2.56: Conflict warning

You have three options:

• Ignore: If you click Ignore, Atoll ignores items causing conflicts in the table being archived, archives all other
modifications in the table, and continues with the next table. You can resolve the conflicts after the archiving
process has ended. However, if conflicts are found in other tables, Atoll will warn you with the Database Transfer
Error dialogue again.
• Ignore All: If you click Ignore All, Atoll ignores all items causing conflicts in all tables being archived, and
archives all other modifications. You can resolve the conflicts after the archiving process has ended.
• Abort: If you click Abort, the archiving process stops. You can attempt to resolve conflicts before restarting the
archiving process.
Whether you abort the archive process to resolve the conflict immediately, or wait until the end of the archive process, the
procedure to resolve the conflict is the same.
To resolve data conflicts one by one:
1. In the Pending Changes pane of the Archive dialogue, select the conflict you want to resolve and click Resolve.
There are two different types of data conflicts:
- On a modified record: You are in the process of archiving your modifications on the database and another
user has modified the same data since you last archived or refreshed your data. A conflict is caused only by
differences in the same field of the same record between the database and the current Atoll document.
The Conflict in Changes dialogue appears, with the fields in conflict highlighted (see Figure 2.57). In the
Conflict in Changes dialogue, you can see the value of the field in the database in the Database values col-
umn, as well as the value of the same field in your document in the Current values column.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 2.57: The Conflict in Changes dialogue

- If you want to overwrite the database value with the value of the same field in your document, select the
check box next to the highlighted change and click Archive. Your modification will be written to the data-
base, overwriting the value there.
- If you want to accept the value of the field in the database, clear the check box next to the highlighted
change and click Archive. Your modification will be lost and the value in the database will remain un-
- On a deleted record: You are in the process of archiving your modifications on the database and another
user has deleted a record since you last archived or refreshed your data. For information, see "Resolving Data
Conflicts" on page 87.
Atoll displays a message explaining that the record you are trying to update has been deleted from the data-
base (see Figure 2.58). Select one of the following:

Figure 2.58: Conflict on a deleted record

- Yes: Select Yes to store your modifications in the database, thereby recreate the deleted record.
- No: Select No to abandon your modifications to this record and delete this record from your document.
- Cancel: Select Cancel to cancel.
2. Click Close to close the Archive dialogue.
To resolve all the data conflicts:
1. In the Pending Changes pane of the Archive dialogue, select any conflict and click Resolve All. Atoll displays
a message explaining how Resolve All works (see Figure 2.59). Select one of the following:

Figure 2.59: Resolving all the data conflicts simultaneously

- Yes: Select Yes to accept all the modifications made by other users in the database and update your docu-
ment with values from the database.
- No: Select No to overwrite the modifications made by other users in the database with the values from your
- Cancel: Select Cancel to cancel.
2. Click Close to close the Archive dialogue.

Important: You should only resolve all the data conflicts when you are certain about the modifications.

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Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project

2.3 Making a Backup of Your Document

Atoll can create and automatically update a backup of any documents you are working on. Once you have saved the docu-
ment, Atoll creates a backup of the original document and updates it at a defined interval. For example, for a document
named "filename.atl," Atoll will create a backup file called "filename.atl.bak" in the same folder as the original document.
You can define the update interval each time you start Atoll.
You can also configure Atoll to create automatic backups of external path loss matrices (LOS files) by setting an option
in the atoll.ini file. For more information, see the Administrator Manual.
When you have activated Autosave, Atoll automatically creates a backup for every document open. Consequently, if you
have a lot of documents open, this operation can take a long time. However, you can optimise the process by opening
large documents in separate Atoll sessions, instead of in the same Atoll session. This also improves memory manage-
ment because each instance of Atoll has its own 2 GB (under 32-bit operating systems; 4 GB under 64-bit operating
systems) memory allocation. If you open two large documents in the same Atoll session, these documents will use the
same 2 GB memory pool. If you open them in two different Atoll sessions, each document will have its own 2 GB allocated
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Configuring Autosave" on page 89
• "Recovering a Backup" on page 90.

2.3.1 Configuring Autosave

You can set up autosave for each Atoll session.
To configure autosave:
1. Select File > Configure Autosave. The Autosave Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 2.60).

Figure 2.60: Autosave configuration dialogue

2. Select the Activate Autosave check box.

3. Select the Prompt before starting Autosave check box if you want Atoll to ask you whether to back up your file
every time starts (see Figure 2.61).
4. Enter a time interval, in minutes, between consecutive autosaves in the Automatically save documents every
text box.

Note: It can take a long time to back up large documents. Therefore, you should set a corre-
spondingly larger interval between autosaves when working with large documents in order
to optimise the process.

5. Click OK.
If you selected the Prompt before starting Autosave check box, Atoll prompts you each time before backing up the
document. If you click OK, Atoll proceeds to back up all open documents. If you click Cancel, Atoll skips the autosave

Figure 2.61: Autosave prompt

The autosave timer is stopped while the autosave prompt is displayed. Atoll displays a message in the Event Viewer
every time a backup file is updated. If you are performing calculations, i.e., coverage predictions or simulations, the
autosave timer is delayed until the calculations have ended. The timer starts again once the calculations are over. If you
save the original document manually, the autosave timer is reset to 0.

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2.3.2 Recovering a Backup

You can easily recover your backup document and open it in Atoll just like any other Atoll document.
To recover your backup document:
1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder containing your original Atoll document and its backup.
2. If the original document was named "filename.atl," the backup document will be in the same folder and will be
called "file_name.atl.bak". Rename the document and remove the ATL extension. For example, you could change
the name to "file_name-backup.atl."

Important: If you just remove the BAK extension, your backup file will have the same file name as the
original file and Windows will not allow you to rename the file. Therefore, it is safer to give a
new name to the backup file and keep the original file until you are sure which version is
most recent.

3. Open the renamed backup document in Atoll. You will be able to recover all the work up to the last time the backup
was saved.

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Global RF Planning Solution
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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

3 Managing Geographic Data

Several different geographic data types are used in an Atoll document. For example: the Digital Terrain Model (DTM),
clutter classes, clutter heights, scanned images, population maps, and traffic data maps are types of the geographic data
that you can import or create. Some data types, such as clutter classes, can be used to give more realistic calculations.
Other types such as scanned images, are used to create a more realistic display of the region under study.
You can import a wide variety of both vector and raster-format geo data files. When you import a geo data file into Atoll,
you can decide in which folder it goes. The Geo tab of the Atoll Explorer window has folders for the commonly used data
types. Therefore, choosing a folder is choosing what the file will be used for. You can also create your own data type by
importing a file and defining what data is to be used.
Once you have imported a file into the Atoll document, you can edit the data, define how the data will be displayed, and
how geo data is displayed. Atoll also allows you to manage multiple files for a single data type, deciding the priority of data
files with different information or different resolutions. You can also display geo data over items on the Data tab, either by
transferring them to the Data tab, or by importing them directly to the Data tab.
You can also create and edit geographic data. You can add a vector layer to certain data types to which you can add
contours, lines, or points, create new geographic data, or modify existing data. You can also create raster-based
geographic data such as traffic maps or clutter classes.
You can export most geo data objects (for example, DTM, clutter classes, clutter heights, raster polygons, or vector layers)
for use in other Atoll documents or in other applications. Atoll also allows you to save changes you make to geo data
objects back to the original files. This enables you to update the original files and, through the process of saving them,
recompact the file.
This chapter explains the following topics:
• "Geographic Data Types" on page 93
• "Supported Geographic Data Formats" on page 94
• "Importing Geo Data Files" on page 95
• "Clutter Classes" on page 102
• "Clutter Heights" on page 104
• "Digital Terrain Models" on page 102
• "Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 105
• "Scanned Images" on page 106
• "Population Maps" on page 107
• "Rain Maps" on page 108
• "Custom Geo Data Maps" on page 109
• "Setting the Priority of Geo Data" on page 112
• "Editing Geographic Data" on page 116
• "Saving Geographic Data" on page 122.

3.1 Geographic Data Types

An Atoll document can contain several different geographic data types. Atoll supports a wide range of file formats for
geographic data files. The different geographic data types play different roles in the Atoll document:
• Geographic data used in propagation calculation:
- Digital terrain model
- Clutter classes
- Clutter heights
• Geographic data used in dimensioning:
- Traffic maps
• Geographic data used in statistics:
- Population maps
- Custom maps
• Geographic data used for display purposes:
- Scanned maps
- Images from web map services (WMS)
- Contours, lines, and points representing, for example, roads, railways, or regions.
In this section, the following data types are described:
• "Digital Terrain Model" on page 94
• "Clutter Classes" on page 94
• "Clutter Heights" on page 94
• "Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 94
• "Scanned Images" on page 94
• "Population Maps" on page 94
• "Rain Maps" on page 94
• "Traffic Data Maps" on page 94
• "Custom Data Maps" on page 94.

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Digital Terrain Model

The DTM describes the elevation of the ground over sea level. You can display the DTM in different ways: by single value,
discrete values, or by value intervals (see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22).
The DTM is automatically taken into account by the propagation model during computations.

Clutter Classes

The clutter class geo data file describes land cover or land use. Clutter classes are taken into account by the propagation
model during computations.
Each pixel in a clutter class file contains a code (from a maximum of 256 possible classes) which corresponds to a clutter
class, or in other words to a certain type of ground use or cover. The height per class can be defined as part of the clutter
class, however, the height will be defined as an average height for each clutter class. For information on defining the height
per clutter class, see "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102. Clutter heights can also be defined by a separate
clutter heights file (see "Clutter Heights" on page 94). A clutter height map can represent height much more accurately
because it allows a different height to be assigned for each pixel of the map.

Clutter Heights

Clutter height maps describe the altitude of clutter over the DTM with one altitude defined per pixel. Clutter height maps
can offer more precise information than defining an altitude per clutter class because, in a clutter height file, it is possible
to have different heights within a single clutter class.
When clutter altitude is defined both in clutter classes and in a clutter height map, clutter altitude is taken from the clutter
height map.
You can display the clutter height map in different ways: by single value, discrete values, or by value intervals (see "Display
Properties of Objects" on page 22).

Note: The only propagation models that can take clutter heights into account in calculations are
the Standard Propagation Model and WLL model.

Contours, Lines, and Points

Atoll supports contours, lines, and points to represent polygons such as regions, or lines such as roads or coastlines, or
points. They are used for display only and have no effect on computations. Contours can also be used to create filtering
polygons or computation or focus zones.

Scanned Images

Scanned images are geographic data files which represent the actual physical surroundings, for example, road maps or
satellite images. They are used to provide a precise background for other objects or for less precise maps and are used
only for display; they have no effect on calculations.

Population Maps

Population maps contain information on population density or on the total number of inhabitants. Population maps can be
used in prediction reports in order to display, for example, the absolute and relative numbers of the population covered.
Population maps have no effect on prediction and simulation results.

Rain Maps

Rain maps are vector files containing information on rain intensity (i.e., the total amount per defined period). Rain maps
are used in microwave link documents to calculate radio wave attenuation.

Traffic Data Maps

Traffic data maps contain information on capacity and service use per geographic area. Traffic data maps are used for
network capacity analyses.

Custom Data Maps

You can import many different types of files for, for example, revenue, rainfall, or socio-demographic data. You could use
the imported data in prediction reports. For example, you could display the predicted revenue for defined coverage.
These imported data have no effect on prediction and simulation results.

3.2 Supported Geographic Data Formats

Atoll supports the following geographic data formats:
• DTM files in the following formats: TIF (8 or 16-bit), BIL (8 or 16-bit), IST (8 or 16-bit), Planet, BMP (8-bit), GRD/
GRC Vertical Mapper (8 or 16-bit), and Erdas Imagine (8 or 16-bit)

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

• Clutter height files in the following formats: TIF (8 or 16-bit), BIL (8 or 16-bit), IST (8 or 16-bit), Planet, BMP (8-bit),,
GRC Vertical Mapper (8 or 16-bit), and Erdas Imagine (8 or 16-bit)
• Clutter class and traffic files in the following formats: TIF (8-bit), BIL (8-bit), IST (8-bit), BMP (8-bit), Planet, GRC
Vertical Mapper (8-bit), and Erdas Imagine (8-bit)
• Vector data files in the following formats: AGD, DFX, Planet, SHP, MIF, and TAB.
• Vector traffic files in the following formats: AGD, DFX, Planet, SHP, MIF, and TAB.
• Scanned image files in the following formats: TIF (1 to 24-bit), BIL (1 to 24-bit), IST (1 to 24-bit), BMP (1 to 24-bit),
Planet, Erdas Imagine (1 to 24-bit), GRC Vertical Mapper (1 to 24-bit), and ECW (8 or 24-bit)
• Population files in the following formats: TIF (16-bit), BIL (16-bit), IST (16-bit), Planet, BMP (16-bit), Erdas Imagine
(16-bit), GRD/GRC Vertical Mapper (16-bit), AGD, DXF, SHP, MIF, and TAB.
• Rain files in the following formats: AGD, DXF, SHP, MIF, and TAB.
• Other data in the following formats: TIF (16-bit), BIL (16-bit), IST (16-bit), Planet, BMP (16-bit), Erdas Imagine
(16-bit), GRD/GRC Vertical Mapper (16-bit), AGD, DXF, SHP, MIF, and TAB.

Caution: All raster maps imported must have the same projection coordinate system.

3.3 Importing Geo Data Files

You can import the geographic data you need into the current Atoll document. As explained in "Supported Geographic
Data Formats" on page 94, Atoll supports a variety of both raster and vector file formats. When you import a new geo data
file, Atoll recognises the file format and suggests the appropriate folder on the Geo tab of the Explorer window. You can
embed geo data files in the Atoll document while you are importing them or afterwards (see "Embedding Geographic
Data" on page 100).
You can share the paths of imported maps and display settings with other users by using Atoll’s user configuration files.
For information on exporting the paths of your document’s files or to import the path from another document using user
configuration files, see "Geographic Data Sets" on page 115.

Note: The instructions in this section do not apply to custom geo data maps. For information on
importing or creating an custom geo data map, see "Custom Geo Data Maps" on page 109.

This section explains the following:

• "Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File" on page 95
• "Importing a Vector-format Geo Data File" on page 96
• "Importing MSI Planet® Geo Data" on page 98
• "Importing a WMS Raster-format Geo Data File" on page 99
• "Grouping Geo Data Files in Folders" on page 100
• "Embedding Geographic Data" on page 100.

Tip: You can use the drag-and-drop feature to import geo data files into a document. The format
is automatically recognized and Atoll presents you with the appropriate dialogue.

3.3.1 Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File

All raster geo data files must be represented in the same projection coordinate system as the Atoll document itself.
To import a geographic data file in a raster format:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the geo data file you want to import.
You can import more than one geo data file at the same time, providing that the geo data files are of the same
type. You can select contiguous files by clicking the first file, pressing SHIFT and clicking the last file you want to
import. You can select non-contiguous files by pressing CTRL and clicking each file.

3. Click Open. The File Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.62).

Note: If the Vector Import dialogue appears, go to "Importing a Vector-format Geo Data File" on
page 96.

Depending on the type of geo data file you are importing, choose one of the following options:

- DTM: Select Altitudes (DTM) from the Data Type list.

- Clutter Classes: Select Clutter Classes from the Data Type list.
- Clutter Heights: Select Clutter Heights from the Data Type list.
- Scanned Images: Select Image or Scan from the Data Type list.
- Population:
i. Select Population from the Data Type list. The Use as list becomes available.
ii. Select from the Use as list whether the imported data are to be interpreted as a Density (number of in-
habitants per square kilometre) or as a Value (number of inhabitants).

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- Custom Geo Data: See "Custom Geo Data Maps" on page 109.
- Traffic Data Maps: Select Traffic Density from the Data Type list.
4. By default, the imported file is linked to the Atoll document. To embed the data file in the Atoll document, select
the Embed in Document check box. For information on embedding files, see "Embedding Geographic Data" on
page 100.
5. Click Import. The geo data file is imported and listed in the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
When you import a traffic data map, the traffic map’s Properties dialogue appears:

a. Under Terminals (%), enter the percentage of each type of terminal used in the map. The total percentages
must equal 100.
b. Under Mobilities (%), enter the percentage of each mobility type used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.
c. Under Services (%), enter the percentage of each service type used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.
d. Under Clutter Distribution, enter for each clutter class the percentage of indoor users.
An additional loss will be counted for indoor users during the Monte-Carlo simulations. You do not have to
define a clutter weighting for traffic density maps because the traffic is provided in terms of user density per

e. For UMTS and CDMA, select whether the users are active in the Uplink/Downlink, only in the Downlink, or
only in the Uplink.
f. Click OK.

Figure 3.62: Importing a clutter class file

3.3.2 Importing a Vector-format Geo Data File

When you import geo data files in vector format, their geographic system can be converted to the system used by the Atoll
To import a vector-format geographic data file:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the geo data file you want to import.
You can import more than one geo data file at the same time, providing that the geo data files are of the same
type. You can select contiguous files by clicking the first file, pressing SHIFT and clicking the last file you want to
import. You can select non-contiguous files by pressing CTRL and clicking each file.

3. Click Open. The Vector Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65).

Note: If the File Import dialogue appears, go to "Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File" on
page 95.

Depending on the type of geo data file you are importing, choose one of the following options:

- Vector Data:
- Select Geo from the Import to list.
- Population:
i. Select Population from the Import to list.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

ii. Under Fields to be imported, select from the first list which field is to be imported and from the second
list whether the imported field is a Density (number of inhabitants per square kilometre for polygons, or
number of inhabitants per kilometre for lines) or a Value (number of inhabitants) (see Figure 3.63 and
Figure 3.64).

Figure 3.63: Population density (number of inhabitants/km²)

Figure 3.64: Population values (number of inhabitants per item – polygon/road/point)

- Rain:
i. Select Rain from the Import to list.
ii. Under Fields to be imported, select from the first list which field is to be imported and select Value from
the second list.
- Custom Geo Data:
- See "Custom Geo Data Maps" on page 109.
- Traffic Data Maps: Select Traffic from the Import to list.
4. By default, the imported file is linked to the Atoll document. To embed the data file in the Atoll document, select
the Embed in Document check box. For information on embedding files, see "Embedding Geographic Data" on
page 100.
5. Click Import. The geo data file is imported and listed in the Geo tab of the Explorer window.

Figure 3.65: Vector Import dialogue

• You can import ellipses and arcs from MapInfo files (MIF and TAB). Rectangles are interpreted
as polygons.
• You can define mappings between the coordinate system used for the MapInfo/ESRI vector files,
defined in the corresponding .mif/.prj files, and Atoll. This way, when you import a vector file,
Atoll can detect the correct coordinate system automatically. For more information about
defining the mapping between coordinate systems, please refer to the Administrator Manual.

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3.3.3 Importing MSI Planet® Geo Data

MSI Planet® geo data are contained in a series of files described in index files. The index file is in ASCII text format and
contains the information necessary to identify and properly interpret each geo data file. When you import MSI Planet® geo
data, you can import each type of geo data separately, by importing the corresponding index file, or you can import several
MSI Planet® geo data files at the same time, by importing several index files.
This section explains the following:
• "Importing One MSI Planet® Geo Data Type" on page 98
• "Importing a MSI Planet® Geo Database" on page 98. Importing One MSI Planet® Geo Data Type

When you want to import a certain type of MSI Planet® geo data, such as a DTM or clutter heights, you import the index
file containing the information necessary to import the set of files containing the geo data.
To import one type of MSI Planet® geo data:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the index file you want to import and click Open. The Data Type dialogue appears (see Figure 3.66).

Figure 3.66: Importing an MSI Planet® index file

3. Select the type of geo data you are importing and select the Embed check box if you want to embed the data in
the current Atoll document.
4. Click OK to import the geo data into the current Atoll document. Importing a MSI Planet® Geo Database

You can import all available MSI Planet® geo data at the same time by importing all index files.
To import the MSI Planet® geo database:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select "Planet® database" from the Files of Type list. The Planet Data to Be Imported dialogue appears (see
Figure 3.67).

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

Figure 3.67: Importing an MSI Planet® database

3. For each type of data that you want to import:

a. Select the corresponding check box
b. If you want to embed the data, select the Embed check box.

c. To locate the MSI Planet® index file, click . The Open dialogue appears.
d. Select the MSI Planet® index file and click Open. The path and name of the file appears in the corresponding
field of the Planet Data to Be Imported dialogue.
4. When you have selected all the types of data you want to import, click OK. The data is imported into the current
Atoll document.

3.3.4 Importing a WMS Raster-format Geo Data File

You can import raster images from a Web Map Service (WMS) server into your Atoll document. The image must be in
TIFF format and be referenced in the document; it can not be embedded. Before importing an image from a WMS server,
you should ensure that the coordinate system used in your document is supported by the server. All raster geo data files
must be represented in the same projection coordinate system as the Atoll document itself.
To import a geographic data file from a web map service:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. From the Files of Type list, select Connection to a Web Map Services server. The Web Map Services Data
Import dialogue appears.
3. Select the URL of the WMS server from the Server URL list or enter it directly.
4. Click the Connect button. Atoll connects to the URL of the WMS server and displays the information available
along with a description of the service (Figure 3.68 on page 100).

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Figure 3.68: The Web Map Services Data Import dialogue

5. In the left pane of the Web Map Services Data Import dialogue, navigate to the item you want to import by clicking
the Expand button ( ) to open each level and scrolling.
6. Select either the image you want to import, or the image group, i.e., a group preceded by an Expand button ( ).

7. Click . The File Import dialogue appears. By default, "Image or Scan" is selected as the Data Type.
8. Click Import. The image linked to the Atoll document. You can not embed a WMS image in your document.
If you had selected an image group, Atoll will import the group as a single object.

3.3.5 Grouping Geo Data Files in Folders

By default, when you import scanned images and contours, lines, and points, they appear directly on the Geo tab. Other
data files, such as clutter classes, are listed together in a single Clutter Classes folder. You can, however, group scanned
images and contours, lines, and points into folders as well.
Once grouped, these geo data files can be displayed or hidden and moved more easily. They retain, however, their own
individual display settings; the display settings cannot be managed at the folder level.
You create the folder when you import the first geo data file that will be imported into it. When you import the next geo data
file, either raster or vector, you can import it directly into the new folder.
To create a new geo data folder when importing:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the geo data file and click Open. If the file to be imported is a raster file, the File Import dialogue appears
(see Figure 3.62). If the file to be imported is a vector file, the Vector Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65).
3. From the Data Type list (on the File Import dialogue) or the Import To list (on the Vector Import dialogue), select
New folder in Geo. The New Folder dialogue appears.

Note: If you want to import your file to the Data tab, you can select New folder in Data.

4. Enter a name for the folder in Folder Name box and click OK.
5. Click Import. Your file is imported into the newly created folder.
You can now import other geo data files into this folder by selecting it from the Data Type list (on the File Import dialogue)
or the Import To list (on the Vector Import dialogue) when you import.

Note: You can transfer geo data that has been imported from the Geo tab to the Data tab, or vice
versa. Right-click the data in the Explorer window and select Transfer to Data or Transfer
to Geo.

3.3.6 Embedding Geographic Data

By default, when you import a geo data file, Atoll creates a link to the file. You can, however, choose to embed the geo
data file in your Atoll document, either when you import it or later. When Atoll is linked to a geo data file, the geo data file
remains separate and modifying or saving the Atoll document has no effect on the geo data file. When the geo data file
is embedded in the Atoll document, it is saved as part of the document.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

Both linking and embedding present advantages and disadvantages. For more information, see the Administrator Manual.

Important: If you are using distributed calculations, you must link your geo data files. Distributed calcu-
lations can not work with embedded geo data files. For information, see the Administrator

To embed a geo data file in the current Atoll document while you are importing:
• Select the Embed in Document check box on the File Import or Vector Import dialogue box.
To embed a geo data file that is already linked to the current Atoll document:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the file you want to embed in the current document.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Click the General tab of the Properties dialogue.
5. Click Embed.
6. Click OK. The geo data file is now embedded in the current Atoll document.

3.3.7 Repairing a Broken Link to a Geo Data File

By default, when you import a geo data file, Atoll creates a link to the file; the geo data file remains separate and modifying
or saving the Atoll document has no effect on the geo data file. If, however, the geo data file is moved, the link will be
broken. The next time you open an Atoll document with the linked geo data file, Atoll cannot find the file and displays the
error message shown in Figure 3.69.

Figure 3.69: Missing shortcut

To find the file yourself:

• When the Missing Shortcut dialogue (see Figure 3.69) appears, click the Browse button to locate the geo data
Atoll automatically searches for the missing file as well. It searches for the nearest match, based on size, date, and type.
When it finds a possible match, it informs you with a message (see Figure 3.70).
If the file corresponds to the source file:
• Click Yes. The link will be corrected to point to the indicated file.

Figure 3.70: Problem with shortcut

You can also repair the link to the geo data file from within the Atoll document.
To repair a broken link from within the Atoll document:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
- If the geo data file is in a folder, such as the Clutter Classes, Traffic, or DTM folder, click to expand the
2. Right-click on the geo data file whose link you want to repair. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. On the General tab of the Properties dialogue, click the Find button.
5. Browse to the geo data file, select it and click OK.

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3.4 Digital Terrain Models

The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a geographic data file representing the elevation of the ground over sea level.
To manage the properties of the DTM:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Digital Terrain Model folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Display tab to define the display properties for the DTM.
- For information on Display tab settings, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
5. Move the Relief slider towards Flat, if you want to display very few little relief or towards x6 if you want to empha-
sise the differences in altitude.
6. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue.

3.5 Clutter Classes

The clutter class geo data file describes land cover or land use.
Each pixel of a clutter class file contains a code (from a maximum of 256 possible classes) which corresponds to a clutter
class, or in other words to a certain type of ground use or cover. The height per class can be defined as part of the clutter
class, however this height is only an average per class. A clutter height map can represent height much more accurately
because it allows a different height to be assigned for each bin of the map. For information on clutter height maps, see
"Clutter Heights" on page 104.
This section explains the following:
• "Assigning Names to Clutter Classes" on page 102
• "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102
• "Adding a Clutter Class" on page 104
• "Refreshing the List of Clutter Classes" on page 104
• "Displaying Total Surface Area per Clutter Class" on page 104.

3.5.1 Assigning Names to Clutter Classes

The clutter class file identifies each clutter class with a code. To make it easier to work with clutter classes, you can assign
a descriptive name to each clutter class name. When a clutter class has a descriptive name, it is the name that appears
in tool tips and reports.
When you import a clutter class file in BIL, TIF, or IMP format, Atoll can automatically assign names to clutter classes if
the clutter class file has a corresponding MNU file. The MNU file contains a list with the clutter class codes and their corre-
sponding names. For more information on the MNU file format and on creating an MNU file, see the Technical Reference
To assign names to clutter classes:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Click the Description tab of the Properties dialogue.
5. In the Name column, enter descriptive text for each class identified in the Code column.

3.5.2 Defining Clutter Class Properties

The parameters are applied in relation to the location of the receiver being studied and the clutter class of the receiver
location. These parameters can be set on the Properties dialogue:
To define clutter class properties:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Click the Description tab of the Properties dialogue.
5. Enter a Name and average Height (m) for each code.

Important: If the Height field is left blank, propagation models which use the height information of clut-
ter classes will assume a clutter height of "0" if there is no clutter height map.

6. If desired, you can enter a value for each of the following fields applicable to the current document:

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

- For all Atoll documents:

- Model Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the path loss, as related to a user-
defined cell edge coverage probability.
- Indoor Loss (dB): to be applied to the path loss and used in coverage predictions, point analysis or in
Monte Carlo simulations.
- For GSM/GPRS/EGPRS documents:
- C/I Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the C/I values, as related to a user-defined
cell edge coverage probability.
- For UMTS HSPA, IS-95 cdmaOne, and CDMA2000 1xRTT 1xEV-DO documents:
- Ec/Io Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the Ec/Io values, as related to a user-
defined cell edge coverage probability.
- Eb/Nt Standard Deviation DL (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the Eb/Nt values, as related to a
user-defined cell edge coverage probability.
- Eb/Nt Standard Deviation UL (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the Eb/Nt values, as related to a
user-defined cell edge coverage probability.
- % Pilot Finger: to be used in the Ec/Io calculations. This factor represents the percentage of energy
received by the mobile pilot finger. Mobile user equipment has one searcher finger for pilot. The searcher
finger selects one path and only energy from this path is considered as signal; energy from other multip-
aths is considered as interference. For example, if 70% of the total energy is in one path and 30% of the
energy is in other multipaths, then the signal energy is reduced to 70% of total energy).
- Orthogonality Factor: to be used to evaluate DL Eb/Nt. This parameter indicates the remaining orthog-
onality at the receiver; it can be modelled by a value between 0, indicating no remaining orthogonality
because of multi-path, and 1 indicating perfect orthogonality.

Important: If the Orthogonality Factor field is left blank, the default orthogonality factor from the Glo-
bal Transmitters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue is used.

- For TD-SCDMA documents:

- P-CCPCH Eb/Nt or C/I Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the P-CCPCH Eb/Nt
or C/I values, as related to a user-defined cell edge coverage probability.
- DL Eb/Nt or C/I Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the Eb/Nt or C/I values, as
related to a user-defined cell edge coverage probability.
- UL Eb/Nt or C/I Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the Eb/Nt or C/I values, as
related to a user-defined cell edge coverage probability.
- DL Orthogonality Factor: to be used to evaluate DL Eb/Nt or C/I. This parameter indicates the remaining
orthogonality at the receiver; it can be modelled by a value between 0, indicating no remaining orthogo-
nality because of multi-path, and 1 indicating perfect orthogonality.
- UL Orthogonality Factor: to be used to evaluate UL Eb/Nt or C/I. This parameter indicates the remaining
orthogonality at the receiver; it can be modelled by a value between 0, indicating no remaining orthogo-
nality because of multi-path, and 1 indicating perfect orthogonality.
- Spreading Angle (°): to be used in determining the cumulative distribution of C/I gains for statistical smart
antenna modelling.
- For WiMAX 802.16d and WiMAX 802.16e documents:
- C/I Standard Deviation (dB): to compute shadowing losses on the C/(I+N) values, as related to a user-
defined cell edge coverage probability.
- SM Gain Factor: to apply to the spatial multiplexing gain read from the Max MIMO Gain graphs in the
MIMO Configurations table.
- STTD Gain Offset (DL) (dB): to add to the user’s downlink C/(I+N), if the user and its reference cell
support STTD.
- STTD Gain Offset (UL) (dB): to add to the user’s uplink C/(I+N), if the user and its reference cell support
7. Click the Default Values tab. Enter default values for each field. For information about each field, see the descrip-
tions in the previous step.
The values entered on the Default Values tab are used if no clutter map is available. Even if there is a clutter
classes map, you can select the Use default values only check box on the Default Values tab to make Atoll use
the values specified in this tab instead of the values defined per clutter class.

8. Click the Display tab to define the display properties for clutter classes. In addition to the Display tab options
described in "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22, each clutter class display type has a visibility check box.
By selecting or clearing the visibility check box, you can display or hide clutter class display types individually.

Note: Selecting white as the colour for a clutter class value or value interval will cause that clutter
class value or value interval to be displayed as transparent.

9. Click OK.

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Atoll User Manual

Tip: You can copy the description table into a new Atoll document after importing the clutter
classes file. To copy the description table, select the entire table by clicking the cell in the
upper-left corner of the table and press CTRL+C. On the Description tab of the clutter
classes Properties dialogue in the new Atoll document, press CTRL+V to paste the val-
ues in the table.

3.5.3 Adding a Clutter Class

You can add a new clutter class to your document.
To add a new clutter class to the your document:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the Description tab from the Properties dialogue.

5. In the blank row marked with at the bottom of the table, enter an unused number from 1 to 255 in the Code
6. Fill in the remainder of the fields as described in step 5. and step 6. of "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on
page 102.
7. Click OK.
You can now use the new clutter class when modifying the clutter class map. For information on modifying the clutter class
map, see "Creating a Clutter Polygon" on page 116.

3.5.4 Refreshing the List of Clutter Classes

Under certain circumstances, it can happen that the list of clutter classes on the Description tab of the clutter classes Prop-
erties dialogue contains unused clutter classes. For example, if you have imported two clutter class files and then deleted
one of them, the list of clutter classes will still contain the clutter classes of the deleted file, even if they are not used in the
remaining file. Whenever you want to ensure that the list of clutter classes is accurate and current, you can refresh the list.
To refresh the list of the clutter classes:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the Description tab from the Properties dialogue.
5. Click Refresh. Atoll removes the unused clutter classes from the list.
6. Click OK.

3.5.5 Displaying Total Surface Area per Clutter Class

You can display the total surface area covered by each clutter class in the document. Atoll displays the surface area
covered by each clutter class in the focus zone if there is one, in the computation zone if there is no focus zone and, if
there is no focus or computation zone, Atoll displays the total surface area covered by each clutter class in the entire docu-
ment. This information is also available in prediction reports.
To display the surface area covered by each clutter class:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Statistics from the context menu.
The Statistics dialogue appears, displaying the surface area (Si in km²) of each clutter class (i) and its percentage
(% of i) in the computation zone or focus zone, if one exists.

% of I = -------------- × 100
∑ Sk

3.6 Clutter Heights

Clutter height maps describe the altitude of clutter over the DTM. Clutter height files allow for a higher degree of accuracy
because they allow more than one height per clutter class. In a clutter height file, a height is given for each point on the
map. If you define clutter height as a property of clutter classes, the height is given as an average per clutter class.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

When a clutter height file is available, Atoll uses its clutter height information for calculations using certain propagation
models (the Standard Propagation Model and WLL model), for display (in tool tips and in the status line), and for CW meas-
urements and test mobile data paths. If no clutter height file exists, Atoll uses the average clutter height per clutter class
as defined in the clutter classes properties (see "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102).
To manage the properties of clutter heights:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Heights folder.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Display tab to define the display properties for clutter heights.
- For information on Display tab settings, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
5. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue.

The clutter height of the current pointer position as given in the clutter height file or in the clutter classes is displayed in the
status bar.

3.7 Contours, Lines, and Points

In Atoll, you can import or create vector objects such as contours, lines, and points. The imported or created vectors are
used primarily for display purposes, but polygons can be used as filters, or computation or focus zones. Vector files can
also be used for traffic maps, or for population maps. They can also be used as part of an custom geo data map (see
"Custom Geo Data Maps" on page 109).
In an Atoll document, vector objects such as contours, lines, and points are arranged in vector layers. When you import
a vector file, with, for example, roads, Atoll adds the file as a new vector layer containing all the vector objects in the file.
The vector object data can be managed in the vector layer table. For information on working with data tables, see "Working
with Data Tables" on page 39.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Managing the Display of a Vector Layer" on page 105
• "Managing the Properties of the Vector Layer" on page 105
• "Moving a Vector Layer to the Data Tab" on page 106.

3.7.1 Managing the Display of a Vector Layer

Imported geographic vector files can have different attributes depending on their file formats. Atoll can use additional infor-
mation related to vectors as display parameters. In addition, Atoll can read three-dimensional vector data.
To manage the display of a vector layer:
1. Click the Data or Geo tab in the Explorer window on which the vector layer is located.
2. Right-click the vector layer. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Select the Display tab of the Properties dialogue. For information on using the display tab, see "Display Properties
of Objects" on page 22.

Note: You can manage the display of an individual vector object by right-clicking the vector object
in the vector layer folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

3.7.2 Managing the Properties of the Vector Layer

The properties of the objects on the vector layer can be managed in two ways: either from a table containing all vectors
and their attributes or from the Properties dialogue.

Vector Layer Table

All the vector objects of a vector layer and their attributes are listed in the vector table.
To open the vector layer table:
1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Open Table from the context menu. The vector table appears.
You can edit the contents of this table using the commands from the context menu or from the Edit, Format, and Records
menus. For more information on editing tables in Atoll, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.

Vector Layer Properties Dialogue

The vector layer Properties dialogue has three tabs: a General tab, a Table tab, and a Display tab.

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To open the Properties dialogue of a vector layer:

1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Properties from the context menu.
3. Click the General tab. The following options are available:
- Name: The name of the vector layer. You can rename the vector layer using this field.
- Source File: The complete path of the vector layer file if the file is linked to the Atoll document; otherwise the
file is described as embedded.
- Find: Click the Find button to redefine the path when the file’s location has changed.
- Embed: Click the Embed button to embed a linked vector layer file in the Atoll document.
- Coordinate System: When a vector layer is linked, the coordinate system used is the file’s, as specified when
the file was imported. When the a vector layer is embedded, the coordinate system used is document’s, as
specified when the file was embedded.
- Change: Click the Change button to change the coordinate system of the vector layer.
- Sort: Click the Sort button to sort the data contained in the vector layer. For information on sorting, see
"Advanced Sorting" on page 57.
- Filter: Click the Filter button to filter the data contained in the vector layer. For information on filtering, see
"Advanced Data Filtering" on page 59.
4. Click the Table tab. You can use the Table tab to manage the vector layer table content. For information on the
Table tab, see "Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table Fields" on page 39.
5. Click the Display tab. You can use the Display tab to manage the vector layer display. For information on the Table
tab, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

3.7.3 Moving a Vector Layer to the Data Tab

In Atoll, all objects on the Data tab, such as transmitters, antennas, and predictions, are displayed over all objects on the
Geo tab. You may wish, however, to ensure that certain geo data, for example, major geographical features, roads, etc.,
remain visible in the map window. You can do this by transferring the geo data from the Geo tab to the Data tab and placing
it above data such as predictions.
To transfer a vector layer to the Data tab of the Explorer window:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the vector layer you want to transfer. The context menu appears.
3. Select Transfer to Data tab from the context menu. The vector layer is transferred to the Data tab.

You can transfer the vector layer back to the Geo tab by right-clicking it in the Data tab and selecting Transfer to the Geo
tab from the context menu. For more information about display priority in Atoll, see "Setting the Priority of Geo Data" on
page 112.

3.8 Scanned Images

Scanned images are geographic data files which represent the actual physical surroundings, for example, road maps or
satellite images. They are used to provide a precise background for other objects or for less precise maps.They have no
effect on calculations.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Importing Several Scanned Images" on page 106
• "Defining the Display Properties of Scanned Images" on page 107.

3.8.1 Importing Several Scanned Images

You can import scanned images into the current Atoll document one at a time, as explained in "Importing Geo Data Files"
on page 95, or you can import a group of images by importing an index file listing the individual image files. The index file
is a text file with the information for each image file on a separate line.
Each line contains the following information, with the information separated by a space:
• File name: The name of the file, with its path relative to the current location of the index file.
• XMIN: The beginning X coordinate of the file.
• XMAX: The end X coordinate, calculated as XMIN + (number of horizontal bins x bin width).
• YMIN: The beginning Y coordinate of the file.
• YMAX: The end Y coordinate, calculated as YMIN + (number of horizontal bins x bin width).
• 0: The zero character ends the sequence.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

nice1.tif 984660 995380 1860900 1872280 0

nice2.tif 996240 1004900 1860980 1870700 0


To import an index
1. Select File > Import.
2. Select the index file and click Open. The File Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.62).
3. Select Image or Scan from the Data Type list.
4. Click Import. The image files imported and listed in the Geo tab of the Explorer window.

3.8.2 Defining the Display Properties of Scanned Images

Because imported images cannot be modified, they have fewer display parameters than other object types.
To define the display properties of a scanned image:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window
2. Right-click the scanned image. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears (see Figure 3.71).
4. Select the Display tab and set the following options:
- Colour: Select either Automatic, Shades of gray, or Watermark from the list.
- Transparent Colour: Select White from the list if you wish parts of the scanned image that are coloured white
to be transparent, allowing objects in lower layers to be visible.
- Lightness: Move the slider to lighten or darken the scanned image.
- Contrast: Move the slider to adjust the contrast.
- Visibility Scale: Enter a visibility scale minimum in the between 1: text box and maximum in the and 1: text
box. When the displayed or printed scale is outside this range, the scanned image is not displayed.
5. Click OK.

Figure 3.71: Scanned image Properties dialogue

3.9 Population Maps

Population maps contain information on population density or on the total number of inhabitants.
Population maps can be used in prediction reports in order to display, for example, the absolute and relative numbers of
the population covered.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Managing the Display of Population Data" on page 107
• "Displaying Population Statistics" on page 108.

3.9.1 Managing the Display of Population Data

You can manage the display of population data.

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To manage the display of population data:

1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Population folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Select the Display tab of the Properties dialogue. For information on using the display tab, see "Display Properties
of Objects" on page 22.

Note: Vector points added to a vector population map are not displayed if the map is displayed by
population density.

3.9.2 Displaying Population Statistics

You can display the relative and absolute distribution of population, according to the defined value intervals in the display
properties (for information on defining value intervals, see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23), as well as the total
population. Atoll displays the statistics for the focus zone if there is one, for the computation zone if there is no focus zone
and, if there is no focus or computation zone, Atoll displays the statistics for the entire document.
To display the population distribution statistics:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Population folder.
3. Select Statistics from the context menu. The Statistics window appears with the distributions of each value
interval defined in the display properties.

Note: Statistics are displayed only for visible data. See "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map
Using the Explorer" on page 18.

3.10 Rain Maps

Rain maps contain information on rain intensity, i.e., the total amount of rain per defined period. Rain maps are used in
microwave link documents to calculate radio wave attenuation.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Managing Rain Map Properties" on page 108
• "Displaying Rain Statistics" on page 109.

3.10.1 Managing Rain Map Properties

To manage the properties of a rain map:
1. Right-click the Rain folder on the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Select Properties from the context menu.
3. The following tabs are available:
- Data Mapping: The Data Mapping tab enables you to select which value from each imported vector file is part
of the rain map. The imported vector files are listed in the Name column, with the relevant data selected in the
Field column. You can change this value by selecting another value from the Field list.

Important: Rain maps indicate rain intensity (the amount of rain falling per hour), i.e., a value, and not
a density. Therefore, the Density check box on the Data Mapping tab must remain cleared.

- Display: The Display tab enables you to define how the rain map appears in the map window. Value interval
is the only available display type.
For information on using the display tab, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

4. Click to expand the Rain folder.

5. Right-click any rain data in the Rain folder.
6. Select Properties from the context menu.
7. The Table tab is available. The Table tab enables you to manage the contents of the class table presented on the
Description tab. For information on working with the Table tab, see "Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table
Fields" on page 39.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

3.10.2 Displaying Rain Statistics

You can display the relative and absolute distribution of each value interval according to the defined value intervals in the
display properties (for information on defining value intervals, see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23) of a rain map.
Atoll displays the statistics for the focus zone if there is one, for the computation zone if there is no focus zone and, if there
is no focus or computation zone, Atoll displays the statistics for the entire document.
To display the statistics of an custom geo data map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Rain folder.
3. Select Statistics from the context menu. The Statistics window appears with the distributions of each value

Note: Statistics are displayed only for visible data. See "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map
Using the Explorer" on page 18.

3.11 Custom Geo Data Maps

You can import maps other than the default maps that Atoll uses. For example, you can import files for the revenue, rain-
fall, or socio-demographic data. Depending on the type of information displayed, you could use it in prediction reports. For
example, you could display the predicted revenue for defined coverage.
These maps can be raster files of 8, 16, or 32 bits per pixel or vector-format files that you have either imported or created
using the vector edition tool "Editing Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 117.
You create an custom data map by:
1. Importing an custom geo data file and creating the custom data map folder.
2. Importing other custom geo data files into the newly created custom data map folder, if more than one file will be
used for this custom geo data map.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a Custom Geo Data Map" on page 109
• "Adding a File to a Custom Geo Data Map" on page 110
• "Managing the Properties of a Custom Geo Data Map" on page 111
• "Displaying Statistics on Custom Geo Data" on page 111
• "Integrable Versus Non Integrable Data" on page 111.

3.11.1 Creating a Custom Geo Data Map

The first step in creating a custom geo data map is importing the first file and creating the custom data map folder.
To create an custom geo data map:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the first geo data file that will be a part of the custom data map and click Open.
- If the selected file is a raster file, the File Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.62).
- If the selected file is a vector file, the Vector Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65).
3. Click the Advanced button. The New Type dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65).
4. Enter a Name for the custom geo data map. Atoll creates a folder with this name on the Geo tab and all other files
of the new custom geo data map will go in here.
5. Under Supported Input Formats, select the check boxes corresponding to the formats of both the present file
and all other files that will constitute the new custom geo data map:
- 8-bit Raster
- 16-bit Raster
- 32-bit Raster
- Vector.

Important: If you do not select all the formats you need now, you will not be able to add a format later.

6. Under Supported Input Formats, select the check box corresponding to the type of value of the present file and
all other files that will constitute the new custom geo data map:
- Classes (8 bits): to create a map of value classes (such as clutter classes) with classes from 0 to 255.
- Short Integer (16 bits): to create a map with whole values.
- Long Integer (32 bits): to create a map with whole values.
- Float (32 bits): to create a map with decimal values.
- Double (64 bits): to create a map with decimal values.

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7. Select the Integrable check box if you want to be able to use imported data as a surface density value and show
cumulative custom geo data in prediction reports.

• To use imported data as a surface density value, you must select the Integrable check box.
• You can not change the integrable setting once you have created your custom geo data map.

8. Click OK.
9. If the imported file is a raster file, the File Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.62 on page 96); if the imported
file is a vector file, the Vector Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65 on page 97):
- File Import dialogue: From the Use as list, select whether the new data is to be used a Density or as a Value.
- Vector Import dialogue: Under Fields to be imported, select from the first list which field is to be imported
and from the second list whether the imported field is a Density or a Value (see Figure 3.63 on page 97 and
Figure 3.64 on page 97).

Important: If the file you first import when you create your custom geo data map is an 8-bit raster map,
the Use as and Fields to be imported boxes will not be available for any file that is
imported into your new custom geo data map. The values in 8-bit maps are codes and not
values such as densities.

10. .Click Import. A new folder is created on the Geo tab of the Explorer window containing the geo data file you

Figure 3.72: The New Type dialogue

3.11.2 Adding a File to a Custom Geo Data Map

Once you have created the custom geo data map by importing the first file, you can add more files that will be part of the
custom map.
To add a file to an custom geo data map:
1. Select File > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Select the geo data file that you want to add to the custom data map and click Open.
- If the selected file is a raster file, the File Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.62).
i. From the File Type list, select the name of the custom geo data map.
ii. From the Use as list, select whether the new data is to be used a Density or as a Value.
- If the selected file is a vector file, the Vector Import dialogue appears (see Figure 3.65).
i. From the Import To list, select the name of the custom geo data map.
ii. Under Fields to be imported, select from the first list which field is to be imported and from the second
list whether the imported field is a Density or a Value (see Figure 3.63 on page 97 and Figure 3.64 on
page 97).

• If the file you first imported when you created your custom geo data map was an 8-bit raster map,
the Use as and Fields to be imported boxes will not be available for any file that is imported into
your new custom geo data map.
• To use imported data as a surface density value, you must select the Integrable check box.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

3. Click Import. The file is added to the custom geo data file on the Geo tab of the Explorer window containing the
geo data file you imported.

3.11.3 Managing the Properties of a Custom Geo Data Map

To manage the properties of an custom geo data map:
1. Right-click the custom geo data map on the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Select Properties from the context menu:
3. Depending on the imported file types, the following tabs are available:
- Description: The Description table lists the classes of all 8-bit raster files contained in the custom geo data
map. You must enter a different value for each class.
- Table: The Table tab enables you to manage the contents of the class table presented on the Description tab.
For information on working with the Table tab, see "Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data Table Fields" on
page 39.
- Data Mapping: The Data Mapping tab enables you to select which value from each imported vector file is part
of the custom geo data map. The imported vector files are listed in the Name column, with the relevant data
selected in the Field column. You can change this value by selecting another value from the Field list. If the
custom geo data map is marked as integrable (see "Integrable Versus Non Integrable Data" on page 111),
there is also a Density check box. If the value in the Field column is to be considered as a density, select the
Density check box.
- Display: The Display tab enables you to define how the custom geo data map appears in the map window.
Discrete value and value interval are the available display types.
In the Field list, display by value is not permitted if the custom geo data map has:

- different raster maps with different resolutions

- both line and polygon vectors
- both raster and vector maps.
In the Field list, display by density is not permitted if the custom geo data map consists of vector points or lines.

For information on using the display tab, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

3.11.4 Displaying Statistics on Custom Geo Data

You can display the relative and absolute distribution of each value interval (for information on defining value intervals, see
"Defining the Display Type" on page 23) of an custom geo data map. Atoll displays the statistics for the focus zone if there
is one, for the computation zone if there is no focus zone and, if there is no focus or computation zone, Atoll displays the
statistics for the entire document.
To display the statistics of an custom geo data map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the custom geo data map.
3. Select Statistics from the context menu. The Statistics window appears with the distributions of each value

Note: Statistics are displayed only for visible data. See "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map
Using the Explorer" on page 18.

3.11.5 Integrable Versus Non Integrable Data

Integrable data can be summed over the coverage area defined by the item in a prediction report (for example, by trans-
mitter or threshold). The data can be value data (revenue, number of customers, etc.) or density data (revenue/km²,
number of customer/km², etc.). For example, if the integrable data comes from a revenue map, a prediction report would
• The percentage of coverage for each revenue class for the entire focus zone, and for each single coverage area
(transmitter, threshold, etc.),
• The revenue of the focus zone and of each single coverage area,
• The percentage of the revenue map covered for the entire focus zone and for each single coverage area.
Data is considered as non-integrable if the data given is per pixel or polygon and cannot be summed over areas, for exam-
ple, socio-demographic classes, rain zones, etc.
In the example of a rain zone map, a prediction report would indicate:
• The coverage of each rain zone class for the entire focus zone and for each single coverage area (transmitter,
threshold, etc.)

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3.12 Setting the Priority of Geo Data

Atoll lists the imported DTM, clutter class or traffic objects in their respective folders and creates a separate folder for each
imported vector data file and scanned image. Each object is placed on a separate layer. Thus, there are as many layers
as imported objects. The layers are arranged from top to bottom in the map window as they appear on the Geo tab of the
Explorer window.
It is important to remember that all objects on the Data tab, such as transmitters, antennas, and predictions, are displayed
over all objects on the Geo tab.

3.12.1 Setting the Display Priority of Geo Data

There are several factors that influence the visibility of geo data:
• The display check box: The check box immediately to the left of the object name in the Geo tab controls whether
or not the object is displayed on the map. If the check box is selected ( ), the object is displayed; if the check
box is cleared ( ), the object is not displayed. If the check box, is selected but shaded ( ), not all objects in the
folder are displayed. For more information, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on
page 18.
• The order of the layers: The layer at the top of the Geo tab is on top of all other layers in the map window. Data
on layers below is only visible where there is no data on the top layer or if you adjust the transparency of the objects
on the top layer. You can use drag and drop to change the order of layers by dragging a layer on the Geo tab of
the Explorer window towards the top or the bottom of the tab.

Note: All objects on the Data tab, such as transmitters, antennas, and predictions, are displayed
over all objects on the Geo tab. Vector geo data, however, can be transferred to the Data
tab, where they can be placed over data such as predictions. In this way, you can ensure
that certain vector geo data, for example, major geographical features, roads, etc., remain
visible in the map window For more information, see "Moving a Vector Layer to the Data
Tab" on page 106.

• The transparency of objects: You can change the transparency of some objects, such as predictions, and some
object types, such as clutter classes, to allow objects on lower layers to be visible on the map. For more informa-
tion, see "Defining the Transparency of Objects and Object Types" on page 24.
• The visibility range of objects: You can define a visibility range for object types. An object is visible only in the
map window if the scale, as displayed on the zoom toolbar, is within this range. For more information, see "Defining
the Visibility Scale" on page 25.
In Figure 3.73, vector data (including the linear vectors HIGHWAYS, COASTLINE, RIVERLAKE, MAJORROADS,
MAJORSTREETS, RAILWAYS and AIRPORT), clutter classes, DTM and scanned image have been imported and a
UMTS environment traffic map has been edited inside the computation zone. In the map window, the linear objects
(ROADS, RIVERLAKE, etc.) are visible both inside and outside the computation zone. The clutter class layer is visible in
the area where there is no traffic data (outside the computation zone). On the other hand, the DTM layer which is beneath
the clutter class layer and the scanned map which is beneath the DTM layer, are not visible.

Figure 3.73: Displaying Geo data layers

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

3.12.2 Setting the Priority of Geo Data in Calculations

The priority of geo data in calculations is determined in much the same way as it is for display.
When you make calculations in Atoll, the data taken into account in each folder (Clutter Classes, DTM, etc.) is the data
from the top down. In other words, Atoll takes the object on top and objects below only where there is no data in higher
levels; what is used is what is seen.

Note: The visibility in the context of calculations must not be confused with the display check box
( ). Even if the display check box of an object is cleared ( ), so that the object is not dis-
played on the map, it will still be taken into consideration for calculations. The only cases
where clearing the display check box means that the data will not be used are for popula-
tion data in reports, and for custom geo data maps.

Object folders, for example, the DTM, clutter classes, clutter heights, and traffic density folders, can contain more than one
data object. These objects can represent different areas of the map or the same parts of the map with the same or different
resolutions. Therefore for each folder, you should place the objects with the best data at the top. These are normally the
objects which cover the least area but have the highest resolution. For example, when calculating coverage in an urban
area, you might have two clutter class files: one with a higher resolution for the downtown core, where the density of users
is higher, and one with a lower resolution but covering the entire area. In this case, by placing the clutter class file for the
downtown core over the file with the lower resolution, Atoll can base its calculations for the downtown core on the clutter
class file with the higher resolution, using the second file for all other calculations.
Population maps and custom geo data maps, both of which can be used in prediction reports follow the same rules of
calculation priority.
The following sections give several examples to better illustrate how data are used in Atoll:
• "Example 1: Two DTM Maps Representing Different Areas" on page 113
• "Example 2: Clutter Classes and DTM Maps Representing the Same Area" on page 113
• "Example 3: Two Clutter Class Maps Representing a Common Area" on page 114. Example 1: Two DTM Maps Representing Different Areas

In this example, there are two imported DTM files:
• "DTM 1” represents a given area and has a resolution of 50 m.
• “DTM 2” represents a different area and has a resolution of 20 m.
In this example, the file order of the DTM files in the Explorer window does not matter because they do not overlap; in
both Case 1 and Case 2, Atoll will take all the data from both "DTM 1” and "DTM 2” into account.

Explorer window Work space

Case 1

• DTM 2 (20m)
• DTM 1 (50m)

Case 2

• DTM 1 (50m)
• DTM 2 (20m)

Figure 3.74: Multi-layer management in calculations – two DTM maps representing different areas Example 2: Clutter Classes and DTM Maps Representing the Same Area
In this example, there are two imported maps:
• A clutter class map called “Clutter.”
• A DTM map called “DTM”.
Independently of the order of the two maps in the Explorer window, Atoll uses both the clutter and DTM data in calcula-
tions. In Case 1, the clutter class map is on top of the DTM map. In Case 2, the DTM map is on top of the clutter class
map. In both Case 1 and Case 2, Atoll will use both the clutter and DTM data in calculations.

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Atoll User Manual

Explorer window Work space

Case 1

Clutter classes
• Clutter

Case 2

Clutter classes
• Clutter

Figure 3.75: Multi-layer management in calculations – Clutter and DTM maps representing the same area Example 3: Two Clutter Class Maps Representing a Common Area

In this example, there are two imported clutter classes maps:
• "Clutter 1" represents a large area with a resolution of 50 m.
• "Clutter 2" represents a smaller area with a resolution of 20 m. This area is also covered by "Clutter 1"
In the case of two clutter class maps, Atoll uses the order of the maps in the Clutter Classes folder on the Geo tab of the
Explorer window to decide which data to use. In Case 1, "Clutter 2" is on top of "Clutter 1". Atoll will therefore use the
data in "Clutter 2" where it is available, and the data from "Clutter 1" everywhere that is covered by "Clutter 1" but not by
"Clutter 2." In Case 2, "Clutter 1" is on top and completely covers "Clutter 2." Therefore, Atoll will only use the data from
"Clutter 1."

Explorer window Work space

Case 1

Clutter classes
• Clutter 2 (20m)
• Clutter 1 (50m)

Case 2

Clutter classes
• Clutter 2 (50m)
• Clutter 1 (20m)

Figure 3.76: Multi-layer management in calculations – two clutter maps representing the same area

3.13 Displaying Information About Geo Data

You can display information about a geo data map by using tooltips. For information on how to display information in tool-
tips, see "Defining the Object Type Tip Text" on page 25.
To display information about the geo data in a tool tip:
• Hold the pointer over the geo data until the tool tip appears. The surface area is only given for closed polygons.

Note: Tool tips only appear when the Display Tips button ( ) on the toolbar has been selected.

114 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

3.14 Geographic Data Sets

In Atoll, once you have imported geographic data and defined their parameters, you can save much of this information in
a user configuration file. Then, another user, working on a similar Atoll document, can import the configuration file contain-
ing the paths to the imported geographic data and many of the defined parameters.
When you export the geographic data set, you export:
• the paths of imported geographic maps
• map display settings (visibility scale, transparency, tips text, etc.)
• clutter description (code, name, height, standard deviations, indoor loss, orthogonality factor, percentage pilot
finger of each clutter class, default standard deviations, and indoor loss)
• raster or user profile traffic map description.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Exporting a Geo Data Set" on page 115
• "Importing a Geo Data Set" on page 115.

Note: You can export and import other types of information with user configuration files as well.
For information, see the Administrator Manual.

3.14.1 Exporting a Geo Data Set

When you export a geo data set in a user configuration file, the information listed in "Geographic Data Sets" on page 115
is saved into an external file.

Important: Vectors must be in the same coordinate system as the raster maps.

To export a geo data set in a user configuration file:

1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Export. The User Configuration dialogue appears (see Figure 3.77).
2. In the User Configuration dialogue, select the Geographic Data Set check box.

Figure 3.77: The User Configuration dialogue

3. Click OK, The Save As dialogue appears.

4. In the Save As dialogue, browse to the folder where you want to save the file and enter a File name.
5. Click OK.

3.14.2 Importing a Geo Data Set

When you import a user configuration file containing a geo data set, the information listed in "Geographic Data Sets" on
page 115 is imported into your current Atoll document.
To import a user configuration file containing a geo data set:
1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Import. The Open dialogue appears.
2. Browse to the user configuration file, select it and click Open.
3. The User Configuration dialogue appears.
When you import a user configuration file including a geographic data set, Atoll checks if there are already
geographic data in the current Atoll document. If so, the option Reset existing geo data appears with other
options in the User Configuration dialogue.

4. In the User Configuration dialogue, select the check boxes of the items you want to import.

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5. If you already have geographic data in your current Atoll document and would like to replace it with any imported
data, select the Reset existing geo data check box.
If you do not want to replace existing geo data with imported data, clear the Reset existing geo data check box.

6. Click OK.

Note: You can automatically start Atoll with a user configuration file by naming the file "atoll.cfg"
and placing it in the same folder as the Atoll executable. You can also edit the Windows
shortcut to Atoll and add "-cfg <.cfg_file>" where is the complete path to the user configura-
tion file.

3.15 Editing Geographic Data

In Atoll, you can edit geo data that you have imported or you can create geo data by, for example, adding a vector layer
to the Population folder and then adding polygons.
The following types of geographic data can be edited:
• Clutter classes
• Contours, lines, and points
• Population maps (if they are in vector format, i.e., Erdas Imagine (16-bit), AGD, DXF, SHP, MIF, or TAB format)
• Rain maps
• Traffic data maps
• Custom data maps.

3.15.1 Editing Clutter Class Maps

Clutter class maps and certain traffic maps are raster maps. You can edit these maps by creating or modifying polygons.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a Clutter Polygon" on page 116
• "Editing Clutter Polygons" on page 117
• "Displaying the Coordinates of Clutter Polygons" on page 117.
• "Deleting Clutter Polygons" on page 117 Creating a Clutter Polygon

In Atoll, you can modify imported clutter class maps or create your own maps by adding data in the form of polygons. You
can later edit and export the polygons you have created. All modifications you make to clutter class maps are taken into
account by propagation model calculations.
To create a polygon:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Edit from the context menu. The Editor toolbar appears with a clutter or traffic list, a polygon drawing tool

, a polygon deletion tool , and a Close button (see Figure 3.78).

Figure 3.78: Editor toolbar

4. From the list, select the clutter class for the polygon you want to create.

Note: Clutter classes are defined on the Descriptions tab of the clutter classes Properties dia-

5. Click the polygon drawing button ( ). The pointer changes to a pencil ( ).

6. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the polygon.
7. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the polygon.
8. Double-click to close the polygon.

Note: You can copy the exact coordinates of a closed polygon by right-clicking it on the map and
selecting Properties from the context menu.

116 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data Editing Clutter Polygons

You can edit clutter polygons by moving existing points of the polygon or by adding or deleting points.
To edit clutter polygons:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Edit from the context menu. The Editor toolbar appears (see Figure 3.78).
4. Select the polygon. You can now edit the clutter polygon by:
- Moving a point:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to move. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Drag the point to its new position.
- Adding a point:

i. Position the pointer over the polygon border where you want to add a point. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Insert Point from the context menu. A point is added to the border at the position
of the pointer.
- Deleting a point:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to delete. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Delete Point from the context menu. The point is deleted. Displaying the Coordinates of Clutter Polygons

To display the coordinates of the points defining the polygon area:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Edit from the context menu. The Editor toolbar appears (see Figure 3.78).
4. Right-click the polygon and select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears with the
coordinates of the points defining the polygon and the total area.

Note: You can select and copy the coordinates displayed in the Properties dialogue of the
polygon. Deleting Clutter Polygons

You can delete clutter polygons.
To delete a clutter polygon:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Edit from the context menu. The Editor toolbar appears (see Figure 3.78).

4. Click the polygon deletion tool ( ). The pointer changes ( ).

5. Click the polygon you want to delete. The polygon is deleted.

3.15.2 Editing Contours, Lines, and Points

Contours, lines, and points are made up of individual vector objects. You can modify and create these geo data maps by
adding a vector layer and then adding vector objects to this layer.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a Vector Layer for Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 117
• "Creating Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 118
• "Editing Contours, Lines, and Points" on page 118
• "Managing the Properties of the Vector Layer" on page 105. Creating a Vector Layer for Contours, Lines, and Points

You can add a new vector layer to the Geo tab. A vector layer can contain contours, lines, and points.
To create a vector layer on the Geo tab:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. If the Vector Edition toolbar is not visible, select View > Vector Edition Toolbar.

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Atoll User Manual

3. Click the New Vector Layer button ( ) on the Vector Edition toolbar. Atoll creates a folder called Vectors on
the Geo tab of the Explorer window. The new Vectors folder can be seen in the list of vector layers:
. Creating Contours, Lines, and Points

By adding contours, lines, and points to a vector layer, created as described in "Creating a Vector Layer for Contours,
Lines, and Points" on page 117, you can add information to a geographic data type.
To create a vector object:
1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Edit from the context menu. The vector tools on the Vector Edition toolbar are activated.

Tip: You can also activate the vector tools by selecting the vector layer to edit from the Vector
Edition toolbar list. Because Atoll names all new vector layers "Vectors" by default, it
might be difficult to know which Vectors folder you are selecting. By renaming each vectors
folder, you can ensure that you select the correct folder. For information on renaming
objects, see "Renaming an Object" on page 19.

If the Vector Edition toolbar is not visible, select View > Vector Edition Toolbar.

3. Click one of the following buttons on the Vector Edition toolbar:

- New Polygon:
i. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour.
ii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iii. Double-click to close the contour.

- New Line:
i. Click once on the map where you want to begin the line.
ii. Click each time you change angles on the line.
iii. Double-click to end the line.

- New Point: Click once on the map where you want to place the point.
4. Press ESC to deselect the currently selected button on the Vector Edition toolbar. Editing Contours, Lines, and Points

You can edit contours, lines, and points in several ways. Before you can edit a contour, line, or point, you must first put
the vector layer in editing mode.
To put the vector layer in editing mode:
1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Edit from the context menu. The vector tools on the Vector Edition toolbar are activated.

Tip: You can also activate the vector tools by selecting the vector layer to edit from the Vector
Edition toolbar list.

You can now edit a object in the vector layer as explained in the following sections:
• "Editing the Points of Contours and Lines" on page 118
• "Editing Contours Using the Toolbar" on page 119
• "Editing Contours, Lines, and Points Using the Context Menu" on page 120.

Editing the Points of Contours and Lines

To edit a point of a contour, line, or point:

1. Put the vector layer containing the contour, line, or point in editing mode as explained in "Editing Contours, Lines,
and Points" on page 118.
2. Select the contour, line, or point. You can now edit by:
- Moving a point:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to move. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Drag the point to its new position.
- Adding a point to a contour or a line:

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

i. Position the pointer over the contour border or line where you want to add a point. The pointer changes
( ).
ii. Right-click and select Insert Point from the context menu. A point is added to the contour border or line
at the position of the pointer.
- Deleting a point from a contour or a line:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to delete. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Delete Point from the context menu. The point is deleted.

Editing a Point

To edit a point:
1. Put the vector layer containing the point in editing mode as explained in "Editing Contours, Lines, and Points" on
page 118.
2. Select the point. You can now edit by:
- Moving:

i. Click the point you want to move. The pointer changes ( ).

ii. Drag the point to its new position.
- Deleting a point:

i. Click the point you want to delete. The pointer changes ( ).

ii. Right-click and select Delete from the context menu. The point is deleted.

Editing Contours Using the Toolbar

In Atoll, you can create complex contours by using the tools on the Vector Edition toolbar.
To edit a vector object using the icons on the Vector Edition toolbar:
1. Put the vector layer containing the contour in editing mode as explained in "Editing Contours, Lines, and Points"
on page 118.
2. Click the contour to edit. The Vector Edition toolbar has the following buttons:

- : To combine several contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Combine button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the new contour.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour.
v. Draw more contours if desired. Atoll creates a group of polygons of the selected and new contours. If con-
tours overlap, Atoll merges them.

- : To delete part of the selected contour:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Delete button ( ).

ii. Draw the area you want to delete from the selected contour by clicking once on the map where you want
to begin drawing the area to delete.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the area.
iv. Double-click to close the area. Atoll deletes the area from the selected contour.

- : To create a contour out of the overlapping area of two contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Intersection button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour that will overlap the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour. Atoll creates a new contour of the overlapping area of the two contours
and deletes the parts of the contours that do not overlap.

- : To split the selected contour into several contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Split button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour that will split the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour. Atoll separates the area covered by the contour from the selected con-
tour and creates a new contour.

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Atoll User Manual

Editing Contours, Lines, and Points Using the Context Menu

When you are editing contours, lines, and points, you can access certain commands using the context menu.
To edit a vector object using the context menu:
1. Click the vector object you want to edit.
2. Right-click the vector object to display the context menu and select one of the following:
- Delete: Select Delete to remove the selected contour, line, or point from the map.
- Convert to Line: Select Convert to Line to convert the selected contour to a line.
- Convert to Polygon: Select Convert to Polygon to convert the selected line to a contour.
- Open Line: Select Open Line to remove the segment between the last and the first point.
- Close Line: Select Close Line to add a segment between the last and the first point of the line.
- Insert Point: Select Insert Point to add a point to the border of the contour at the position of the pointer.
- Move:
i. Select Move from the context menu to move the contour, line, or point on the map.
ii. Move the contour, line, or point.
iii. Click to place the contour, line, or point.
- Quit edition: Select Quit Edition to exit editing mode.
- Properties: Select Properties to open the Properties dialogue of the selected contour, line, or point. The
Properties dialogue has two tabs:
- General: The General tab gives the name of the vector Layer, the Surface of the object, and any Prop-
erties of the contour, line, or point.
- Geometry: This tab gives the coordinates of each point that defines the position and shape of the contour,
line, or point.

Note: Only the commands relevant to the selected contour, line, or point are displayed in the con-
text menu.

3.15.3 Editing Population, Rain, or Custom Data Maps

Some geographic data maps, for example, population maps, custom data, and rain maps. are made up of individual vector
objects. You can modify and create these geo data maps by adding a vector layer and then adding vector objects
(contours, lines, and points) to this layer.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a Vector Layer and Vector Objects" on page 120
• "Editing Contours on the Vector Layer" on page 121. Creating a Vector Layer and Vector Objects

To create a vector layer and vector objects:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the geo data object, the Population, the Rain, or the Custom Data folder, to which you want to add a
vector layer.
3. Select Add Vector Layer from the context menu. A new data object called "Vectors" is created in the selected
geo data object folder.
4. Right-click the new vector layer. The context menu appears.
5. Select Edit from the context menu. The vector tools on the Vector Edition toolbar are activated.

Tip: You can also activate the vector tools by selecting the vector layer to edit from the Vector
Edition toolbar list. Because Atoll names all new vector layers "Vectors" by default, it
might be difficult to know which Vectors folder you are selecting. By renaming each vectors
folder, you can ensure that you select the correct folder. For information on renaming
objects, see "Renaming an Object" on page 19.

6. Click the New Polygon button ( ) on the Vector Edition toolbar:

a. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour.
b. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
c. Double-click to close the contour.
d. Right-click on the new polygon and select Properties from the context menu.
e. Enter a value:
- Population: Enter a value in the Population field to indicate the number of inhabitants or the population

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

- Rain: Enter a value in the Rain field to indicate the intensity of rainfall for the polygon.
- Custom Data Map: The value you enter will depend on the type of custom data map you created.

7. Press ESC to deselect the New Polygon button ( ) on the Vector Edition toolbar.
8. For Atoll to consider the new vector layer as part of the data map, you must map the vector layer. Right-click the
Population, the Rain, or the Custom Data folder. The context menu appears.
9. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
10. Click the Data Mapping tab. For each of the following types of geo data:
- Population Map:
i. In the Field column, "Population" is selected by default.
ii. If the vector layer contains a population density, select the check box in the Density column. If the vector
layer indicates the number of inhabitants, and not the population density, clear the check box in the
Density column.
- Rain Map:
i. In the Field column, "Rain" is selected by default.
ii. Clear the check box in the Density column. The value in rain maps indicates the intensity of rain; the value
is not a density.
- Custom Data Map: The data you map will depend on the type of custom data map you created. Editing Contours on the Vector Layer

You can edit contours in several ways. Before you can edit a contour, you must put the vector layer in editing mode.
To put the vector layer into editing mode:
1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Edit from the context menu. The vector tools on the Vector Edition toolbar are activated.

Tip: You can also activate the vector tools by selecting the vector layer to edit from the Vector
Edition toolbar list.

You can now edit a object in the vector layer as explained in the following sections:
• "Editing the Points of Contours" on page 121
• "Editing Contours Using the Toolbar" on page 119
• "Editing Contours Using the Context Menu" on page 122.

Editing the Points of Contours

To edit a point of a contour:

1. Put the vector layer containing the contour in editing mode as explained in "Editing Contours on the Vector Layer"
on page 121.
2. Select the contour. You can now edit by:
- Moving a point:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to move. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Drag the point to its new position.
- Adding a point to a contour:

i. Position the pointer over the contour border where you want to add a point. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Insert Point from the context menu. A point is added to the contour border at the
position of the pointer.
- Deleting a point from a contour:

i. Position the pointer over the point you want to delete. The pointer changes ( ).
ii. Right-click and select Delete Point from the context menu. The point is deleted.

Editing Contours Using the Toolbar

In Atoll, you can create complex contours by using the tools on the Vector Edition toolbar.
To edit a vector object using the icons on the Vector Edition toolbar:
1. Put the vector layer containing the contour in editing mode as explained in "Editing Contours on the Vector Layer"
on page 121.
2. Click the contour to edit. The Vector Edition toolbar has the following buttons:

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Atoll User Manual

- : To combine several contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Combine button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the new contour.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour.
v. Draw more contours if desired. Atoll creates a group of polygons of the selected and new contours. If con-
tours overlap, Atoll merges them.

- : To delete part of the selected contour:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Delete button ( ).

ii. Draw the area you want to delete from the selected contour by clicking once on the map where you want
to begin drawing the area to delete.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the area.
iv. Double-click to close the area. Atoll deletes the area from the selected contour.

- : To create a contour out of the overlapping area of two contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Intersection button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour that will overlap the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour. Atoll creates a new contour of the overlapping area of the two contours
and deletes the parts of the contours that do not overlap.

- : To split the selected contour into several contours:

i. In the Vector Edition toolbar, click the Split button ( ).

ii. Click once on the map where you want to begin drawing the contour that will split the selected one.
iii. Click each time you change angles on the border defining the outside of the contour.
iv. Double-click to close the contour. Atoll separates the area covered by the contour from the selected con-
tour and creates a new contour.

Editing Contours Using the Context Menu

When you are editing contours, you can access certain commands using the context menu.
To edit a vector object using the context menu:
1. Click the vector object you want to edit.
2. Right-click the vector object to display the context menu and select one of the following:
- Delete: Select Delete to remove the selected contour from the map.
- Insert Point: Select Insert Point to add a point to the border of the contour at the position of the pointer.
- Move:
i. Select Move from the context menu to move the contour, line, or point on the map.
ii. Move the contour, line, or point.
iii. Click to place the contour, line, or point.
- Quit edition: Select Quit Edition to exit editing mode.
- Properties: Select Properties to open the Properties dialogue of the selected contour. The Properties dia-
logue has two tabs:
- General: The General tab gives the name of the vector Layer, the Surface of the object, and any Prop-
erties of the contour.
- Geometry: This tab gives the coordinates of each point that defines the position and shape of the contour.

3.16 Saving Geographic Data

Atoll allows you to save your geographic data files separately from saving the Atoll document. Atoll supports a variety of
both raster and vector file formats (for more information, see "Supported Geographic Data Formats" on page 94). Saving
a geographic file separately from saving the Atoll document enables you to:
• Save modifications you have made to an external file: If you have made modifications to geo data, you can
export them to a new external file.
• Update the source file with modifications you have made: If you have made modifications to a geo data type
in Atoll, you can save these changes to the source file.

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

• Combine several files into one file: If you have several smaller files in one folder of the Geo tab, you can save
them as one file.
• Export an embedded file to be used in another Atoll document or in another application: You can save a
file to an external file, in the same format or in another one.
• Create a new file from part of a larger one: You can select part of certain geo data types and then save the
selected part as a new file.
This section explains the following:
• "Saving Modifications to an External File" on page 123
• "Updating the Source File" on page 124
• "Combining Several Files into One File" on page 124
• "Exporting an Embedded File" on page 125
• "Creating a New File from a Larger File" on page 126

3.16.1 Saving Modifications to an External File

In Atoll, you can save your modifications to an external file.
This section explains the following:
• "Exporting an Edited Clutter Class Map in a Raster-Format File" on page 123
• "Exporting an Edited Vector Layer in Vector-Format File" on page 124. Exporting an Edited Clutter Class Map in a Raster-Format File

You can export clutter class modifications in a raster-format file, either in the same format as used in the current Atoll
document, or in a different raster format. You can also choose to export the entire clutter class geo data, the part containing
the computation zone, or just your modifications to the geo data.
When you have made modifications to a raster-format geo data file, exporting either the entire geo data or just your modi-
fications allows you to save those modifications to an external file.
To export clutter class modifications in a raster-format file:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Clutter Classes folder.
3. Select Save As from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. In the Save As dialogue, browse to the folder where you want to save the file, enter a name for the file, and select
the file format from the Save as type list. You can select from one of the following file formats:
- BMP: When you select bitmap format, Atoll automatically creates the corresponding BPW file containing the
georeference information.
- TXT: The ArcView text format is intended only for export; no corresponding geo-reference file is created.
- TIF: When you select tagged image file format, Atoll automatically creates the corresponding TFW file con-
taining the georeference information.
- BIL: When you select the BIL format, Atoll automatically creates the corresponding HDR file containing the
georeference information. When exporting in BIL format, Atoll allows you to export files larger than 2 Gb.
- GRC or GRD: Files with the extension GRC or GRD are Vertical Mapper files. When exporting in GRD or GRC
formats, Atoll allows you to export files larger than 2 Gb.
5. Click Save. The Export dialogue appears (see Figure 3.79).

Figure 3.79: Export dialogue

6. Under Region, select one of the following:

- The Entire Project Area: This option allows you to export the entire clutter class geo data file, including any
modifications you have made to the geo data. The exported geo data file will replace the geo data file in the
current Atoll document.
- Only Pending Changes: This option allows you to export a rectangle containing any modifications you have
made to the clutter classes. The exported geo data file will be added as a new object to the Clutter Classes
geo data folder.

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Atoll User Manual

- The Computation Zone: This option allows you to export the clutter class geo data contained by a rectangle
encompassing the computation zone, whether or not the computation zone is visible. The exported geo data
file will be added as a new object to the selected geo data folder.
7. Define a Resolution in Metres. The resolution must be an integer and the minimum resolution allowed is 1. The
suggested resolution value is defined by the following criteria:
- If one object has been modified, the suggested resolution is the resolution of the modified object.
- If several objects have been modified, the suggested resolution is the highest resolution of the modified
- If there is no initial clutter class object, the resolution will equal the highest resolution of the DTM maps.
- If the Atoll document in which you created the clutter class file has no DTM, no other clutter class geo data
file, or traffic objects, the suggested resolution is 100 m.
8. Click OK. The selected data is saved in an external file. Exporting an Edited Vector Layer in Vector-Format File

You can export an edited vector layer as a vector format file. A vector layer can contain contours, lines, and points. Along
with vector layers you have added to the Geo tab, the following maps can be exported as vector format files:
• Vector-format population maps
• Vector-format rain maps
• Vector-format custom maps.
Once you save a vector layer, the exported file replaces the vector layer as a linked file. You can embed the file afterwards
(see "Embedding Geographic Data" on page 100).
To export a vector layer:
1. On the Explorer window tab containing the vector layer, right-click the vector layer folder. The context menu
2. Select Save As from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
3. In the Save As dialogue, browse to the folder where you want to save the file, enter a name for the file, and select
the file format from the Save as type list. You can select from one of the following file formats:
- AGD: The Atoll Geographic Data format is an Atoll-specific format. As a format created for Atoll, Atoll can
read AGD files faster than the other supported vector formats.
- SHP: The ArcView vector format should be used for vector layers containing only polygons; it cannot save
vectors made of lines or points. If you have a vector layer with vector lines or points, use either the AGD, the
MIF or the TAB format.
- MIF and TAB: MapInfo formats.
4. Click Save in the Save As dialogue. The Vector Export dialogue appears, displaying the current coordinate
system and allowing you to change the coordinate system by clicking Change.
5. Click Export. The vector layer is saved in the format and with the name you specified and the exported file
replaces the vector layer in the current document as a linked file.

3.16.2 Updating the Source File

While working on an Atoll document, you may make changes to geo data. If the geo data file is embedded in the Atoll
document, Atoll saves the changes automatically when you save the document. If the geo data file is linked, Atoll prompts
you to save the changes when you close the document.
To update the source file of a linked geo data file:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder containing geo data file whose source file you want to update. The context menu appears.
3. Select Save from the context menu. The linked file is updated.

Caution: You will not be warned that you are replacing the current file. Therefore, ensure that you
want to replace the current file before proceeding to the following step. If you do not want to
replace the current file, you can save your changes to an external file ("Exporting an Edited
Vector Layer in Vector-Format File" on page 124).

3.16.3 Combining Several Files into One File

In certain circumstances, for example, after importing an MSI Planet® index file, you may have several geo data files of
the same type. You can combine these separate files to create one single file. The files will be combined according to their
order from the top down in the folder on the Geo tab of the Explorer window. If the files overlap on the map, the combined
file will show the file on the top.
You can create a one file from a section of the following geo data types:
• Digital terrain model
• Clutter classes
• Clutter heights

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Chapter 3: Managing Geographic Data

• Scanned maps
To combine individual files into a new file:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder of the geo data files you want to combine into one file. The context menu appears.
3. Select Save As from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name and select a file type from the Save as type list.
5. Click OK. The Export dialogue appears (see Figure 3.80).
6. Under Region, select The Entire Project Area. This option allows you to save the entire area covered by the geo
data files, including any modifications you have made to the geo data.
7. Define a Resolution in Metres. The resolution must be an integer and the minimum resolution allowed is 1. The
suggested resolution value is the highest resolution of all objects.
8. Click OK. The selected data is saved as a new file.

3.16.4 Exporting an Embedded File

You can export an embedded geo data file to be used in a different Atoll document, or in a different application. When you
export an embedded file, Atoll replaces the embedded file in the current Atoll document with the newly exported file.
To export an embedded geo data file:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder of the embedded geo data file you want to export. The context menu appears.
3. Select Save As from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name and select a file type from the Save as type list.
5. Click OK.
If the geo data file is a vector file, the Vector Export dialogue appears (see Figure 3.80).

Figure 3.80: The Vector Export dialogue

a. The Vector Export dialogue displays the coordinate system of the file. To change the coordinate system used
for the exported file, click Change. The Coordinate Systems dialogue appears. For information on the Co-
ordinate Systems dialogue, see "Setting a Coordinate System" on page 80.
b. Click Export. The geo data file is exported with the selected coordinate system.
If the geo data file is a raster file, the Export dialogue appears (see Figure 3.81).

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 3.81: Export dialogue

a. Under Region, select one of the following:

- The Entire Project Area: This option allows you to export the entire raster-format geo data file, including
any modifications you have made to the geo data. The exported file will replace the embedded file in the
Geo data tab.
- Only Pending Changes: This option allows you to export a rectangle containing any modifications you
have made to the geo data. The exported file will be added as an object in the geo data folder.
- The Computation Zone: This option allows you to export the geo data contained by a rectangle encom-
passing the computation zone, whether or not the computation zone is visible. The exported file will be
added as an object in the geo data folder.
b. Define a Resolution in Metres. The resolution must be an integer and the minimum resolution allowed is 1.
c. Click OK. The selected data is saved in an external file.

3.16.5 Creating a New File from a Larger File

You can create a new file from a section of a larger file. You can use this new file in the same Atoll document, or in a new
Atoll document. To create a new file, you must first define the area by creating a computation zone.
You can create a new file from a section of the following geo data types:
• Digital terrain model
• Clutter classes
• Clutter heights
• Scanned maps
• Population
• Rain
To create a new file from a section of a larger file:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the folder of the embedded geo data file you want to export. The context menu appears.
3. Select Save As from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name and select a file type from the Save as type list.
5. Click OK. The Export dialogue appears (see Figure 3.80).
6. Under Region, select The Computation Zone. This option allows you to export the geo data contained by a rec-
tangle encompassing the computation zone, whether or not the computation zone is visible. The exported geo
data file will be added as a new object to the selected geo data folder.
7. Define a Resolution in Metres. The resolution must be an integer and the minimum resolution allowed is 1.
8. Click OK. The selected data is saved as a new file.

126 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


Global RF Planning Solution
Chapter 4: Antennas and Equipment

4 Antennas and Equipment

In Atoll, the equipment used to create a network is modelled, along with the characteristics which have a bearing on
network performance.
This chapter explains working with antennas as well as equipment such as tower-mounted amplifiers, feeder cables, base
transceiver station equipment:
• "Working With Antennas" on page 129
• "Working With Equipment" on page 133.

4.1 Working With Antennas

Atoll offers you many ways to work with antennas. To create a new antenna, you can import the data necessary from
external sources, such as from a spreadsheet or from a Planet-format file. Once you have created an antenna, you can
improve signal level prediction by smoothing the high-attenuation points of the vertical pattern.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating an Antenna" on page 129
• "Importing Planet-Format Antennas" on page 130
• "Importing 3-D Antenna Patterns" on page 130
• "Smoothing a Vertical Antenna Pattern" on page 132.

4.1.1 Creating an Antenna

Each Atoll project template has antennas specific to the technology supported by the template. As well, Atoll allows you
to create antennas and set the parameters such as manufacturer, gain, horizontal pattern, and vertical pattern.

Tip: When you create a new antenna, you can copy the horizontal and vertical antenna patterns
from a spreadsheet or word processor.

To create an antenna:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click on the Antennas folder. The context menu opens.
3. Select New from the context menu. A properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the General tab. You can enter information in the following fields:
- Name: Atoll automatically enters a default name for each new antenna. You can modify the name Atoll enters
if you wish.
- Manufacturer: The name of the antenna manufacturer.
- Gain: The antenna’s isotropic gain.
- Pattern Electrical Tilt: The antenna’s electrical tilt. This field is for information only; for an antenna’s electrical
tilt to be taken into consideration in calculations, it must be integrated into the horizontal and vertical patterns.
Atoll automatically calculates the pattern electrical tilt if the Pattern Electrical Tilt field is left blank or has a
value of "0."

Note: If you use the same antenna several times but with a different electrical tilt, you must create
a new antenna with corresponding patterns for each electrical tilt.

- Comments: Any additional information on the antenna.

5. Click the Horizontal Pattern tab. The Horizontal Pattern tab has a table describing the horizontal antenna pattern
in terms of the attenuation in dB (Att.) per degree (Angle) and a graphical representation of the pattern. If you
have the horizontal pattern in a spreadsheet or text document, you can copy the data directly into the table:
a. Switch to the document containing the horizontal pattern.
b. Select the columns containing the angles and attenuation values of the horizontal pattern.
c. Copy the selected data.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 4.82: Copying horizontal pattern values

d. Switch to Atoll.
e. Click the upper-left cell of the horizontal pattern.
f. Press CTRL+V to paste the data in the table.
- If there are some blank rows in your data sheet, Atoll will interpolate the values in order to obtain a com-
plete and realistic pattern.
- When performing a calculation along an angle for which no data is available, Atoll calculates a linear inter-
polation from the existing pattern values.
g. Click Apply to display the pattern.
6. Click the Vertical Pattern tab. The Vertical Pattern tab has a table describing the vertical antenna pattern in terms
of the attenuation in dB (Att.) per degree (Angle) and a graphical representation of the pattern. If you have the
vertical pattern in a spreadsheet or text document, you can copy the data directly into the table as described in
step 5.
7. Click the Other Properties tab. You can enter information in the following fields:
- Beamwidth: In a plane containing the direction of the maximum lobe of the antenna pattern, the angle
between the two directions in which the radiated power is one-half the maximum value of the lobe. Translated
in terms of dB, half power corresponds to -3 dB. In this window, you may enter this angle in degrees.
- FMin: The minimum frequency that the antenna is capable of emitting.
- FMax: The maximum frequency that the antenna is capable of emitting.
8. Click OK.

4.1.2 Importing Planet-Format Antennas

In Atoll, you can import Planet-format antennas by importing an index file listing the individual antenna files to be imported.
Standard Atoll fields are directly imported. Other fields are imported for information only and are accessible on the Other
Properties tab of the Antenna Properties dialogue.
If you are working with a database, you will have to create the fields in the table below in the database before you import
the Planet-format antennas:

Field Definition
FREQUENCY The design frequency of the antenna
H_WIDTH The azimuth beamwidth
V_WIDTH The elevation beamwidth
FRONT_TO_BACK The ratio of forward antenna gain at 0 and 180 degree elevation
TILT Indicates whether the antenna is to be electrically or mechanically tilted

For more information on working with databases, see The Administrator Manual.
To import Planet-format antennas:
1. Select the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Antennas folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Import from the context menu. The Open dialogue appears.
4. Select "Planet 2D Antenna Files® (index)" from the Files of type list.
5. Select the index file you want to import and click Open. The antennas are imported.

4.1.3 Importing 3-D Antenna Patterns

You can import three-dimensional antenna patterns in the form of text files. The three-dimensional antenna patterns you
import are saved in the Antennas table.

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Chapter 4: Antennas and Equipment

During calculations, Atoll interpolates the data of antennas for which only horizontal and vertical cross-sections are avail-
able to create a three-dimensional pattern. When you import a three-dimensional antenna pattern, even though only hori-
zontal and vertical sections of the antenna pattern are displayed, Atoll conserves all the information and can use it directly;
Atoll does not therefore need to interpolate to recreate the three-dimensional antenna pattern.
The text file must have the following format:
• Header: The text file may contain a header with additional information. When you import the antenna pattern you
can indicate where the header ends and where the antenna pattern itself begins.
• Antenna description: Three separate values are necessary to describe the three-dimensional antenna pattern.
The columns containing the values can be in any order:
- Azimuth: The range of values allowable is from 0° to 360°, with the smallest allowable increment being 1°.
- Tilt angle: The range of values allowable is from -90 to 90°, or from 0 to 180°, with the smallest allowable
increment being 1°.
- Attenuation: The attenuation (in dB).
To import three-dimensional antenna pattern files:
1. Select the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Antennas folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Import from the context menu. The Open dialogue appears.
4. Select the file to import.
5. Click Open. The Setup dialogue appears (see Figure 4.83).

Figure 4.83: Importing a 3-D antenna pattern

6. If you already have an import configuration defining the data structure of the imported file, you can select it from
the Configuration list. If you do not have an import configuration, continue with step 7.
a. Under Configuration, select an import configuration from the Configuration list.
b. Continue with step 10.
7. Under Name, you can define a name for the imported antenna pattern. This name will appear in the Antennas
folder on the Data tab. If no name is defined, Atoll will use the file name as the name of the antenna:
- If the name of the antenna is in the file, check the Value read in the file check box and enter a Keyword
identifying the name value in the file.
- If you want to enter a name for the antenna, clear the Value read in the file check box and enter a name.
8. Under Gain, you can define the antenna gain. If no gain is defined, Atoll will assume that the gain is "0."
- If the gain of the antenna is in the file, check the Value read in the file check box and enter a Keyword iden-
tifying the gain value in the file.
- If you want to enter a gain for the antenna, clear the Value read in the file check box and enter a gain value.
9. Under Diagram, you define the structure of the antenna pattern file. As you modify the parameters, the results are
displayed in the table.
- 1st Pattern: Select the first row of the file containing data on the antenna pattern.
- File Tilt Range: Select the tilt range in the file. The tilt range can be measured from top to bottom or from
bottom to top and from 0° to 180° or from -90° to 90°.

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Atoll User Manual

- Field Separator: Select the character that is used in the file to separate fields (" ", "<tab>", ";")
- Decimal Symbol: Select the decimal symbol.
10. In the table under Diagram, click the title in each column in the table and select the data type: Azimuth, Tilt,
Attenuation, or <Ignore>. As you modify the parameters, the results are displayed in the table.

Note: You can save the choices you have made in the Setup dialogue as a configuration file by
clicking the Save button at the top of the dialogue and entering a name for the configura-
tion. The next time you import a three-dimensional antenna pattern file, you can select the
same settings from the Configuration File list.

11. Click Import. The antenna patterns are imported into the current Atoll document.

4.1.4 Smoothing a Vertical Antenna Pattern

Empirical propagation models, such as the Standard Propagation Model (SPM), require antenna pattern smoothing in the
vertical plane to better simulate the effects of reflection and diffraction, which, therefore, improves signal level prediction.

Important: You should make a copy of the antenna before smoothing its vertical pattern. You can make
a copy of the antenna by opening the Antennas table and copying and pasting the antenna
data into a new row. For information on data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on
page 39.

To smooth the vertical pattern of an antenna pattern:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Antennas folder.
3. Right-click the antenna whose vertical pattern you want to smooth. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu.
5. Select the Vertical Pattern tab.
6. Right-click the graphical representation of the pattern. The context menu appears.
7. Select Smooth from the context menu. The Smoothing Parameters dialogue appears.
8. Enter the following parameters and click OK to smooth the vertical pattern:
- Max Angle: Enter the maximum angle. Smoothing will be applied to the section of the vertical pattern between
0° and the maximum angle (clock-wise).
- Peak-to-Peak Deviation: Enter the attenuation values to which smoothing will be applied. Atoll will smooth
all attenuation values greater than or equal to the peak-to-peak deviation with the defined correction factor.
- Correction: Enter the correction factor by which the attenuation values will be smoothed.
9. Click OK.

4.2 Printing an Antenna Pattern

You can print the horizontal or vertical pattern of an antenna.
To print an antenna pattern:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Open the Antennas table:
- To open the RF Antennas table:
i. Right-click the Antennas folder.
ii. Select Open Table from the context menu.
- To open the microwave Antennas table:
i. Click the Expand button ( ) to the left of the Microwave Radio Links folder.
ii. Right-click the Links folder and select Antennas > Open Table from the context menu.
3. Right-click the antenna whose pattern you want to print.
4. Select Record Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Select the Horizontal Pattern tab or the Vertical Pattern tab.
6. Right-click the antenna pattern and select Linear or Logarithmic from the context menu.
7. Right-click the antenna pattern and select Print from the context menu.

132 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 4: Antennas and Equipment

4.3 Working With Equipment

Atoll can model the components of base station. You can define these components and modify their properties in their
respective tables. Atoll uses these properties to calculate the downlink and uplink losses and BTS noise figure of the trans-
mitter in UMTS, cdmaOne/CDMA2000, or WiMAX. In GSM, Atoll calculates the downlink losses only. These parameters
can be automatically calculated by Atoll from the properties of the components or they can defined by the user.
Base station subsystems consist of the following components:
• Tower-mounted amplifier: Tower-mounted amplifiers (TMAs, also referred to as masthead amplifiers) are used
to reduce the composite noise figure of the base station. TMAs are connected between the antenna and the feeder
cable. To define a TMA, see "Defining TMA Equipment" on page 133.
• Feeder cables: Feeder cables connect the TMA to the antenna. To define feeder cables, see "Defining Feeder
Cables" on page 133.
• Base transceiver station (BTS): To define a BTS, see "Defining BTS Equipment" on page 133.

4.3.1 Defining TMA Equipment

The tower-mounted amplifier (TMA) is used to reduce the composite noise figure of the base station. Once you have
defined a TMA, you can assign it to individual transmitters.
To create a tower-mounted amplifier:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > TMA Equipment from the context menu. The TMA Equipment table appears.
4. In the table, create one TMA per row. For information on using data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on
page 39. For each TMA, enter:
- Name: Enter a name for the TMA. This name will appear in other dialogues when you select a TMA.
- Noise Figure (dB): Enter a noise figure for the TMA.
- Reception Gain (dB): Enter a reception (uplink) gain for the TMA. This must be a positive value.
- Transmission Losses (dB): Enter transmission (downlink) losses for the TMA. This must be a positive value.

4.3.2 Defining Feeder Cables

Feeder cables connect the TMA to the antenna. Once you have defined feeder cables, you can assign them to individual
To create feeder cables:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > Feeder Equipment from the context menu. The Feeder Equipment table appears.
4. In the table, create one feeder equipment per row. For information on data tables, see "Working with Data Tables"
on page 39. For each feeder equipment, enter:
- Name: Enter a name for the feeder cable. This name will appear in other dialogues when you select a feeder
- Loss per Length: Enter the loss per meter of cable. This must be a positive value.
- Connector Reception Loss: Enter the connector reception loss. This must be a positive value.
- Connector Transmission Loss: Enter the connector transmission loss. This must be a positive value.

4.3.3 Defining BTS Equipment

The BTS is modelled for UMTS, cdmaOne/CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA, and WiMAX. In GSM, only the downlink losses are
Once you have defined a BTS, it can be assigned to individual transmitters.
To create a base transceiver station:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > BTS Equipment from the context menu. The BTS Equipment table appears.
4. In the table, create one BTS per row. For information on data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.
For each BTS, enter:
- Name: Enter a name for the BTS. This name will appear in other dialogues when you select a BTS.
- Noise Figure (dB): Enter the noise figure for the BTS. This value is not used in GSM GPRS EGPRS docu-
- Downlink Losses Due to the Configuration (dB): Enter the losses on downlink due to the BTS configura-

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Atoll User Manual

- Uplink Losses Due to the Configuration (dB): Enter the losses on uplink due to the BTS configuration. This
value is not used in GSM GPRS EGPRS documents.
- Rho Factor (%): Enter the Rho factor, as a percentage. The Rho factor enables Atoll to take into account
self-interference produced by the BTS. Because equipment is not perfect, an input signal will experience some
distortion, consequently the output signal will be not be identical. This factor defines how much distortion the
system generates. Entering 100% means the system is perfect (there is no distortion) and the output signal
will be 100% identical to the input signal. On the other hand, if you specify a value different from 100%, Atoll
will consider that the transmitted signal is not 100% signal and that it contains a small percentage of interfer-
ence generated by the equipment ("self-interference"). Atoll uses this parameter to evaluate the signal-to-
noise ratio in the downlink.
This value is not used in GSM GPRS EGPRS documents.

4.3.4 Updating the Values for Total Losses and the BTS Noise
Figure for Transmitters
Once equipment is defined and assigned to a transmitter, Atoll can evaluate downlink and uplink total losses and the total
noise figure.
Atoll uses the entry of the BTS as the reference point when evaluating total losses and the total noise figure. The BTS
noise figure used by Atoll is the one specified in the BTS properties. Transmitter reception losses include feeder reception
losses, connector reception losses, miscellaneous reception losses, antenna diversity gain, TMA benefit gain (as calcu-
lated using the Frii’s equation), and an additional loss modelling the noise rise generated from repeaters (if any). Trans-
mitter transmission losses include feeder transmission losses, connector transmission losses, miscellaneous transmission
losses, and TMA transmission losses. For more information on the total noise figure and on transmitter reception and
transmission losses, see the Technical Reference Guide.
You can assign equipment to a transmitter:
• Using the Equipment Specifications dialogue, available by clicking the Equipment button on the Transmitter tab
of the transmitter’s Properties dialogue, or
• Using the Transmitters table, available by right-clicking the Transmitters folder on the Data tab of the Explorer
window and selecting Open Table from the context menu.
When you assign equipment to a transmitter using the Equipment Specifications dialogue, Atoll updates the real values
when you click OK and close the dialogue. When you assign equipment to a transmitter using the Transmitters table,
Atoll does not update the real values automatically.
To update the real values (total losses and the BTS noise figure) with the computed values of all transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > Recalculate Losses and Noise Figure from the context menu.
To update the real values (total losses and the BTS noise figure) with the computed values of a group of transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select from the Group by submenu of the context menu the property by which you want to group the transmitters.
The objects in the folder are grouped by that property.
4. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
5. Right-click the group of transmitters whose real values you want to update. The context menu appears.
6. Select Open Table from the context menu. The Transmitters table appears with the transmitters from the
selected group.
7. In the Transmitters table, select the values you want to update in the following columns and press DEL:
- Transmission Loss (dB)
- Reception Loss (dB)
- BTS Noise Figure (dB)
Atoll automatically recalculates and updates these values.

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Global RF Planning Solution
Atoll User Manual

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

5 Managing Calculations in Atoll

Once you have created a network, you can make predictions. There are two types of predictions:
• Point predictions using the Point Analysis tool: The Point Analysis tool allows you to predict, at any point on
the map, the profile between a reference transmitter and a receiver, the value of the signal levels of the sur-
rounding transmitters, an active set analysis for UMTS, cdmaOne/CDMA2000, and TD-SCDMA projects and an
interference analysis for GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects.
• Coverage predictions: You can calculate standard coverage predictions, coverage by transmitter, coverage by
signal level and overlapping zones, and specific coverage studies such as interference studies for GSM/GPRS/
EDGE projects or handover, service availability, etc. for UMTS and cdmaOne/CDMA2000 and TD-SCDMA
projects. Many customisation features on coverage studies are available in order to make their analysis easier.
Atoll facilitates the calculation of coverage predictions with support for multithreading and distributed calculating. The
progress of the calculations can be displayed either in the Event Viewer window or in a log file.
Atoll also allows you to use polygonal zones to limit the amount of resources and time used for calculations. The polygonal
zones, such as the filtering zone and the computation zone, help you to restrict calculations to a defined set of transmitters,
and to limit calculations and coverage predictions.
Depending on the type of project you are working on, you can choose between the propagation models available in Atoll.

5.1 Working with Propagation Models

In the section, the following are explained:
• "Propagation Model Characteristics: Overview" on page 137
• "The Standard Propagation Model" on page 138
• "The Okumura-Hata Propagation Model" on page 143
• "The Cost-Hata Propagation Model" on page 144
• "The ITU 529-3 Propagation Model" on page 146
• "The ITU 370-7 Propagation Model" on page 147
• "The Erceg-Greenstein Propagation Model" on page 147
• "The ITU 526-5 Propagation Model" on page 148
• "The WLL Propagation Model" on page 149
• "The Longley-Rice Propagation Model" on page 149
• "The ITU 1546 Propagation Model" on page 149
• "Managing Propagation Models" on page 150.

5.1.1 Propagation Model Characteristics: Overview

Each propagation model available in Atoll is suited for certain conditions, frequencies and radio technologies. The follow-
ing table summarises the frequency band, necessary geo data, recommended use of each propagation model.

Model Geo Data Taken into Account Recommended Use
Longley-Rice - Flat areas
~ 40 MHz - Terrain profile
(theoretical) - Very low frequencies
- Long distances (d > 10 km)
ITU 370-7 Vienna 93 100 – 400 MHz - Terrain profile
- Low frequencies
1 < d < 1000 km
ITU 1546 30 – 3000 MHz - Terrain profile > Broadcast
> Land and maritime mobile
ITU 526-5 (theoretical) 30 – 10000 MHz - Terrain profile - Fixed receivers
- Fixed receivers
- Terrain profile
WLL 30 – 10000 MHz > Microwave links
- Deterministic clutter
1 < d < 20 km
- Terrain profile
Okumura-Hata 150 – 1000 MHz > GSM 900
- Statistical clutter (at the receiver)
> cdmaOne/CDMA2000
1 < d < 20 km
- Terrain profile
Cost-Hata 1500 – 2000 MHz > GSM 1800
- Statistical clutter (at the receiver)
1 < d < 100 km
- Terrain profile
ITU 529-3 300 – 1500 MHz > GSM 900
- Statistical clutter (at the receiver)
> cdmaOne/CDMA2000

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Model Geo Data Taken into Account Recommended Use
1 < d < 20 km
> GSM 900
> GSM 1800
Standard Propagation - Terrain profile
150 – 3500 MHz > UMTS
Model - Statistical clutter
> cdmaOne/CDMA2000
(Automatic calibration available)
- Urban and suburban areas
Erceg-Greenstein - Terrain profile
1900 – 6000 MHz 100 m < d < 8 km
(SUI) Model - Statistical clutter (at the receiver)

5.1.2 The Standard Propagation Model

The Standard Propagation Model is a propagation model based on the Hata formulas and is suited for predictions in the
150 to 3500 MHz band over long distances (from one to 20 km). It is best suited to GSM 900/1800, UMTS, and cdmaOne
and CDMA2000 radio technologies.
The Standard Propagation Model is based on the following formula:

⎛ K 1 + K 2 × Log ( d ) + K 3 × Log ( H Txeff ) + K 4 × DiffractionLoss + ⎞

P R = P Tx – ⎜ ⎟
⎝ K 5 × Log ( d ) × Log ( H Tx eff ) + K 6 × H Rx eff + K clutter × f ( clutter ) + K hill, LOS⎠


• PR received power (dBm)

• PTx transmitted power (EIRP) (dBm)
• K1 constant offset (dB)
• K2 multiplying factor for log(d)
• d distance between the receiver and the transmitter (m)
• K3 multiplying factor for log(HTxeff)
• H Tx effective height of the transmitter antenna (m)
• K4 multiplying factor for diffraction calculation. K4 has to be a positive number
• DiffractionLoss losses due to diffraction over an obstructed path (dB)
• K5 multiplying factor for log(HTxeff)log(d)
• K6 multiplying factor for HRxeff
• H Rx mobile antenna height (m)
• Kclutter multiplying factor for f(clutter)
• f(clutter) average of weighted losses due to clutter
• Khill, LOS corrective factor for hilly regions (=0 in case of NLOS)

These parameters can be defined on the tabs (Parameters, and Clutter) of the Standard Propagation Model Properties
dialogue. You can also calibrate the Standard Propagation Model using a wizard. For information on the Automatic Cali-
bration Wizard, see the Measurements and Model Calibration Guide.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Recommendations for Working with the Standard Propagation Model" on page 138
• "Calculating Diffraction With the SPM" on page 139
• "Sample Values for SPM Formulas" on page 140
• "Calculating f(clutter) with the Standard Propagation Model" on page 140
• "Modelling Fixed Receivers" on page 141
• "Defining the Parameters of the Standard Propagation Model" on page 141. Recommendations for Working with the Standard Propagation Model

It is important to remember that clutter information can be taken into consideration in both diffraction loss and f(clutter). To
avoid taking clutter information into account twice, you should choose one of the following approaches:
• Approach #1: If you specify losses per clutter class, do not consider clutter altitudes in diffraction loss over the
transmitter-receiver profile. This approach is recommended if the clutter height information is statistical (i.e., where
the clutter is roughly defined and without a defined altitude).

Note: Because the Standard Propagation Model is a statistical propagation model, using this
approach is recommended.

• Approach #2: If you consider clutter altitudes, do not define any loss per clutter class. In this case, f(clutter) will
be "0;" losses due to clutter will only be taken into account in the calculated diffraction. This approach is recom-
mended if the clutter altitude information is semi-deterministic (i.e., where the clutter is roughly defined with an
average altitude per clutter class) or deterministic (i.e., where the clutter is sharply defined with an average altitude
per clutter class or where there is a clutter height file).
If the clutter height information is an average height defined for each clutter class, you must specify a receiver
clearance per clutter class. Both ground and clutter altitude are considered along the whole transmitter-receiver

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

profile except over a specific distance around the receiver (clearance), in which Atoll bases its calculations only
on the DTM. The clearance information is used to model streets because it is assumed that the receiver is in the

It is not necessary to define receiver clearance if the height information is from a clutter height file. In this case,
the clutter height information is accurate enough to be used without additional information such as clearance; Atoll
calculates the path loss if the receiver is in the street (if the receiver height is higher than the clutter height). If the
receiver height is lower than the clutter height, the receiver is assumed to be inside a building. In this case, Atoll
does not consider any diffraction for the building (or any clearance) but takes into account the clutter class indoor
loss as an additional penetration loss. Nevertheless, Atoll does consider diffraction caused by surrounding build-
ings. In Figure 5.84 on page 139 this diffraction is displayed with a green line.

Important: In order to consider indoor losses inside a building when only using a deterministic clutter
map (i.e., a clutter height map), you must clear the Indoor Coverage check box when cre-
ating a prediction or indoor losses will be added twice (once for the entire reception clutter
class and once as indoor losses).

Figure 5.84: Diffraction caused by surrounding buildings when the receiver is indoors Calculating Diffraction With the SPM

You can set the parameters used to calculate diffraction losses on the Parameters and Clutter tabs of the Standard Prop-
agation Model Properties dialogue.
On the Parameters tab, you can define the calculation method used for diffraction and the K4 factor. The methods available
• Deygout
• Epstein-Peterson
• Deygout with correction
• Millington
For detailed information on each method, see the Technical Reference Guide. The methods for calculating diffraction are
based on the general method for one or more obstacles described in the ITU 526-5 recommendations. The calculations
take the curvature of the earth into account. Along the transmitter-receiver profile, you can choose to take either the ground
altitude only or both the ground altitude and the clutter height into account. If you choose to take clutter height into account,
Atoll uses the clutter height information in the clutter heights file. Otherwise, it uses average clutter height specified for
each clutter class in the clutter classes. When the clutter height information is statistical, Atoll also uses clearance values
per clutter class to model streets.
To take heights into account when calculating diffraction:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Standard Propagation Model. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Clutter tab.
6. Under Heights, select one of the following for Clutter taken into account in diffraction:
- 1 - Yes: Select "1 - Yes" if you want heights from the clutter heights to be taken into account on top of the DTM
when calculating diffraction.
- 0 - No: Select "0 - No" if you want diffraction to be calculated using only the DTM.

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Atoll User Manual

7. Click OK. Sample Values for SPM Formulas

The following table gives some possible values for the constants used in the Standard Propagation Model formulas.

Minimum Typical Maximum

K1 Variable Variable Variable
K2 20 44.9 70
K3 -20 5.83 20
K4 0 0.5 0.8
K5 -10 -6.55 0
K6 -1 0 0

K1 is a constant; its value depends on the radio frequency and on the radio technology. The following table gives some
possible values for K1.

Project Type Frequency (MHz) K1

GSM 900 935 12.5
GSM 1800 1805 22
GSM 1900 1930 23
UMTS 2110 23.8
1xRTT 1900 23
2300 24.7
2500 25.4
WiMAX 2700 26.1
3300 27.8
3500 28.3

Its value is heavily influenced by the values given to losses per clutter class. Calculating f(clutter) with the Standard Propagation Model

The average of weighted losses due to clutter, f(clutter), is defined as follows:

f ( clutter ) = ∑ Li × wi

L: loss due to clutter.
w: weight.
n: number of points taken into account over the profile.
The losses due to clutter are calculated for the maximum distance from the receiver, defined as Maximum Distance on
the Clutter tab of the Standard Propagation Model Properties dialogue. When the Maximum Distance is defined as
"0", Atoll only considers the losses on the pixel where the receiver is located. On the Clutter tab, each clutter class is
assigned losses and a weighting function, enabling Atoll to give a weight to each point. For more information, see the
Technical Reference Guide.

Note: The losses per clutter class can be calculated using the Automatic Calibration Wizard.
For information on the Automatic Calibration Wizard, see the Measurements and Model
Calibration Guide.

The following table gives typical values for losses (in dB) per clutter class:

Clutter Class Losses (dB)

Dense urban from 4 to 5
Woodland from 2 to 3
Urban 0
Suburban from -5 to -3
Industrial from -5 to -3
Open in urban from -6 to -4
Open from -12 to -10
Water from -14 to -12

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

Note: The Standard Propagation Model is based on Hata formulas, which are valid for an urban
environment. The values above are consistent with an urban environment because losses
of 0 dB are indicated for an urban clutter class, with positive values for more dense clutter
classes and negative values for less dense clutter classes. Modelling Fixed Receivers

The following are suggestions for defining the height of fixed receivers:
• You can model the receiver as always being above the clutter, by selecting "1 - Yes" for the Receiver on Top of
Clutter option on the Clutter tab of the Standard Propagation Model Properties dialogue. The receiver height
will then be sum of the clutter height and the receiver height. This option can be used to model receivers on top
of buildings, for example.
• You can define a specific receiver height for each clutter class in the Rx Height column on the Clutter tab of the
Standard Propagation Model Properties dialogue. Or, you can select "(default)" for the receiver height. When
creating a coverage prediction, Atoll will then read the receiver height on the Receiver tab of the Properties dia-
logue for the Predictions folder. Defining the Parameters of the Standard Propagation Model

You can define the parameters of the Standard Propagation Model using the Standard Propagation Model Properties

Note: Default values have been assigned to the multiplying factors. The default values corre-
spond to the rural (quasi-open) Okumura-Hata formula valid for a frequency of 935 MHz.
The values for K values can be calculated using an automatic or assisted calibration
method. For more information, see the Measurements and Model Calibration Guide.

To define the calculations parameters of the Standard Propagation Model Properties dialogue:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Standard Propagation Model. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab (see Figure 5.85).

Figure 5.85: Standard Propagation Model - Parameters tab

Under Near Transmitter, you can set the following parameters:

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Atoll User Manual

- Maximum Distance: Set the maximum distance for a receiver to be considered near the transmitter. If the
distance between the receiver and the transmitter is greater than the set distance, the receiver is considered
far from the transmitter.
- K1 - los and K2 - los: Enter the K1 and K2 values that will be used for calculations when the receiver is in the
transmitter line of sight.
- K1 - nlos and K2 - nlos: Enter the K1 and K2 values that will be used for calculations when the receiver is not
in the transmitter line of sight.
Under Far from Transmitter, the values you set will be used for all receivers whose distance from the transmitter
is greater than the distance specified in Maximum Distance under Near Transmitter. You can set the following

- K1 - los and K2 - los: Enter the K1 and K2 values that will be used for calculations when the receiver is in the
transmitter line of sight.
- K1 - nlos and K2 - nlos: Enter the K1 and K2 values that will be used for calculations when the receiver is not
in the transmitter line of sight.
Under Effective Antenna Height, you can set the following parameters:
- Method: Select the method that will be used to calculate HTxeff, the effective antenna height.

Notes: You can use the Automatic Calibration Wizard to select the best method for calculating
the effective Tx antenna height. For information on the Automatic Calibration Wizard, see
the Measurements and Model Calibration Guide.

- Distance min. and Distance max.: The Distance min. and Distance max. are set to 3,000 m and 15,000 m
(according to ITU recommendations) for frequencies under 500 MHz and to 0 m and 15,000 m (according to
ITU recommendations) for high frequency mobile communications. These values are only used for the "Abs
Spot Ht" and the "Enhanced Slope at Receiver" methods. For more information on how these values are used,
see the Technical Reference Guide.
- K3: Enter the K3 value.
Under Diffraction, you can set the following parameters:

- Method: Select the method that will be used to calculate diffraction.

- K4: Enter the K4 value.
Under Other Parameters, you can set the following parameters:

- K5: Enter the K5 value.

- K6: Enter the K6 value.
- Kclutter: Enter the Kclutter value.
- Hilly Terrain Correction Factor: Select "1 - Yes" to take the Hilly Terrain Correction Factor into account.
Otherwise, select "0 - No". The Hilly Terrain Correction Factor corrects path loss for hilly regions when
transmitter and receiver are in LOS. For more information on the Hilly Terrain Correction Factor, see the
Technical Reference Guide.
- Limitation to Free Space Loss: When using a Hata-based propagation model, it is possible to calculate a
theoretical path loss that ends up being lower than the free space loss. In Atoll, you can define any Hata-
based propagation model to never calculate a path loss that is lower than the calculated free space loss per
pixel. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to limit the path loss calculated per pixel to the cal-
culated free space loss.
- Profiles: Select the method to be used to extract the profile. If you select "1 - Radial," Atoll establishes a pro-
file between each transmitter and each point located on its calculation perimeter (as defined by the calculation
radius) and then uses the nearest profile to make a prediction on a point inside the calculation perimeter. This
process is called radial optimisation. If you select "2 - Systematic," Atoll systematically determines a profile
between each transmitter and each point in its calculation area. This method requires a significantly longer
calculation time, therefore, you should choose "1 - Radial" if you want a shorter calculation time.
- Grid Calculation: Select "0 - Centred" if you want Atoll to perform the calculations at the centre of each pixel
or select "1 - Bottom left" if you want Atoll to perform the calculations at the lower left of each pixel.
6. Click the Clutter tab (see Figure 5.86).

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

Figure 5.86: Standard Propagation Model - Clutter tab

Under Clutter Taken into Account, you can set the following parameters under Heights:

- Clutter taken into account in diffraction: Select "1 - Yes" if you want the clutter heights to be taken into
account when calculating diffraction.
- Receiver on top of clutter: Select "1 - Yes" if you want the receiver to be considered to be located on top of
clutter. This option can be used where fixed receivers are located on top of buildings.
Under Clutter Taken into Account, you can set the following parameters under Range:
- Max. distance: Set the maximum distance from a receiver to be considered when calculating f(clutter).
- Weighting function: Select a weighting function to be used when calculating f(clutter). It enables you to
weight losses for each pixel between a receiver and a maximum distance. For more information on weighting
functions, see the Technical Reference Guide.
Under Parameters per clutter class, you can set the following parameters for each clutter class:
- Losses: Enter, if desired, losses for each clutter class to be considered when calculating f(clutter).
- Clearance: Enter, if desired, a clearance around each receiver for each clutter class. The clearance informa-
tion is used to model streets because it is assumed that the receiver is in the street. The clearance is used
when calculating diffraction when statistical clutter is taken into account.
- Rx Height: Enter, if desired, a specific receiver height for each clutter class. Or, you can select "(default)" for
the receiver height. When creating a coverage prediction, Atoll will then read the receiver height on the
Receiver tab of the Properties dialogue for the Predictions folder.
7. Click OK.

5.1.3 The Okumura-Hata Propagation Model

The Okumura-Hata model is suited for predictions in the 150 to 1000 MHz band over long distances (from one to 20 km).
It is best suited to GSM 900, IS-95 cdmaOne, and CDMA 1xRTT radio technologies.
Hata models in general are well adapted to the urban environment. You can define several corrective formulas and asso-
ciate a formula with each clutter class to adapt the Hata model to a wide variety of environments. You can also define a
default formula to be used when no land use data is available. Additionally, you can consider diffraction losses based on
the DTM.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining General Settings (Okumura-Hata)" on page 143
• "Selecting an Environment Formula (Okumura-Hata)" on page 144
• "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Okumura-Hata)" on page 144. Defining General Settings (Okumura-Hata)

To set general parameters on the Okumura-Hata propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.

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3. Right-click Okumura-Hata. The context menu appears.

4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab. You can modify the following settings:
- Add diffraction loss: The Okumura-Hata propagation model can take into account losses due to diffraction,
using a 1-knife-edge Deygout method, and using the ground altitude given in the DTM. For detailed informa-
tion on the Deygout method, see the Technical Reference Guide. The calculations take the curvature of the
earth into account. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to add losses due to diffraction.
- Limitation to free space loss: When using a Hata-based propagation model, it is possible to calculate a the-
oretical path loss that ends up being lower than the free space loss. In Atoll, you can define any Hata-based
propagation model to never calculate a path loss that is lower than the calculated free space loss per pixel.
Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to limit the path loss calculated per pixel to the calculated
free space loss.
6. Click OK. Selecting an Environment Formula (Okumura-Hata)

The Okumura-Hata propagation model can use an environment formula appropriate to each clutter class when calculating.
You can assign a default formula that Atoll can use for all clutter classes for which you have not assigned an environment
formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.
To select environment formulas:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Okumura-Hata. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a Default formula.
Atoll uses the default environment formula for calculations on any clutter class to which you have not assigned
an environment formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.

7. For each clutter class under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a formula from the list.
For information on modifying the selected formula, see "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Okumura-
Hata)" on page 144.

8. Click OK. Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Okumura-Hata)

Several environment formulas are available with the Okumura-Hata propagation model to model different environments.
You can modify existing environment formulas used by the Okumura-Hata propagation model or create new environmental
To create or modify an environment formula:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Okumura-Hata. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Click the Formulas button. The Formulas dialogue appears. You can do the following:
- Add: To create a new formula, click the Add button and modify the parameters of the formula.
- Delete: To delete a formula, select the formula and click the Delete button.
- Modify: To modify an existing formula, select the formula and modify the parameters.
7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Formulas dialogue.
8. Click OK.

5.1.4 The Cost-Hata Propagation Model

The Cost-Hata model is suited for coverage predictions in the 1500 to 2000 MHz band over long distances (from one to
20 km). It is best suited to DCS 1800 and UMTS radio technologies.
Hata models in general are well adapted to the urban environment. You can define several corrective formulas and asso-
ciate a formula with each clutter class to adapt the Hata model to a wide variety of environments. You can also define a
default formula to be used when no land use data is available.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining General Settings (Cost-Hata)" on page 145
• "Selecting an Environment Formula (Cost-Hata)" on page 145

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

• "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Cost-Hata)" on page 145. Defining General Settings (Cost-Hata)

To set general parameters on the Cost-Hata propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Cost-Hata. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab. You can modify the following settings:
- Add diffraction loss: The Cost-Hata propagation model can take into account losses due to diffraction, using
a 1-knife-edge Deygout method, and using the ground altitude given in the DTM. For detailed information on
the Deygout method, see the Technical Reference Guide. The calculations take the curvature of the earth into
account. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to add losses due to diffraction.
- Limitation to free space loss: When using a Hata-based propagation model, it is possible to calculate a the-
oretical path loss that ends up being lower than the free space loss. In Atoll, you can define any Hata-based
propagation model to never calculate a path loss that is lower than the calculated free space loss per pixel.
Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to limit the path loss calculated per pixel to the calculated
free space loss.
6. Click OK. Selecting an Environment Formula (Cost-Hata)

The Cost-Hata propagation model can use an environment formula appropriate to each clutter class when calculating. You
can assign a default formula that Atoll can use for all clutter classes for which you have not assigned an environment
formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.
To select environment formulas:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Cost-Hata. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a Default formula.
Atoll uses the default environment formula for calculations on any clutter class to which you have not assigned
an environment formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.

7. For each clutter class under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a formula from the list.
For information on modifying the selected formula, see "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Cost-Hata)"
on page 145.

8. Click OK. Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Cost-Hata)

Several environment formulas are available with the Cost-Hata propagation model to model different environments. You
can modify existing environment formulas used by the Cost-Hata propagation model or create new environmental formu-
To create or modify an environment formula:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Cost-Hata. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Click the Formulas button. The Formulas dialogue appears. You can do the following:
- Add: To create a new formula, click the Add button and modify the parameters of the formula.
- Delete: To delete a formula, select the formula and click the Delete button.
- Modify: To modify an existing formula, select the formula and modify the parameters.
7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Formulas dialogue.
8. Click OK.

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Atoll User Manual

5.1.5 The ITU 529-3 Propagation Model

The ITU 529-3 model is suited for predictions in the 300 to 1500 MHz band over long distances (from one to 100 km). It is
best suited to GSM 900 and IS95/cdmaOne radio technologies.
Hata models in general are well adapted to the urban environment. You can define several corrective formulas and asso-
ciate a formula with each clutter class to adapt the Hata model to a wide variety of environments. You can also define a
default formula to be used when no land use data is available. In addition, for long distances 20km<d<100 km), the model
uses automatically a corrective formula as defined in the recommendation.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining General Settings (ITU 529-3)" on page 146
• "Selecting an Environment Formula (ITU 529-3)" on page 146
• "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (ITU 529-3)" on page 146. Defining General Settings (ITU 529-3)

To set general parameters on the ITU 529-3 propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU529. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab. You can modify the following settings:
- Add diffraction loss: The ITU 529-3 propagation model can take into account losses due to diffraction, using
a 1-knife-edge Deygout method, and using the ground altitude given in the DTM. For detailed information on
the Deygout method, see the Technical Reference Guide. The calculations take the curvature of the earth into
account. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to add losses due to diffraction.
- Limitation to free space loss: When using a Hata-based propagation model, it is possible to calculate a the-
oretical path loss that ends up being lower than the free space loss. In Atoll, you can define any Hata-based
propagation model to never calculate a path loss that is lower than the calculated free space loss per pixel.
Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to limit the path loss calculated per pixel to the calculated
free space loss.
6. Click OK. Selecting an Environment Formula (ITU 529-3)

The ITU 529-3 propagation model can use an environment formula appropriate to each clutter class when calculating. You
can assign a default formula that Atoll can use for all clutter classes for which you have not assigned an environment
formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.
To select environment formulas:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU529. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a Default formula.
Atoll uses the default environment formula for calculations on any clutter class to which you have not assigned
an environment formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.
7. For each clutter class under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a formula from the list.
For information on modifying the selected formula, see "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (ITU 529-3)"
on page 146.

8. Click OK. Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (ITU 529-3)

Several environment formulas are available with the ITU 529-3 propagation model to model different environments. You
can modify existing environment formulas used by the ITU 529-3 propagation model or create new environmental formu-
To create or modify an environment formula:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU529. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

5. Click the Configuration tab.

6. Click the Formulas button. The Formulas dialogue appears. You can do the following:
- Add: To create a new formula, click the Add button and modify the parameters of the formula.
- Delete: To delete a formula, select the formula and click the Delete button.
- Modify: To modify an existing formula, select the formula and modify the parameters.
7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Formulas dialogue.
8. Click OK.

5.1.6 The ITU 370-7 Propagation Model

The ITU 370-7 model is based on the recommendations of the Vienna 1993 international conference on telecommunica-
tions network coordination. This model is suited for predictions in the 100 to 400 MHz band over long distances (over
10 km), such as in broadcast studies. It uses the terrain profile to calculate propagation.
The only parameter you can define with the ITU 370-7 (Vienna 93) model is the percentage of time during which the real
field is higher than the signal level calculated by the model (1%, 10%, or 50% of the time). The value 50% is usually used
for coverage predictions, whereas 1% is usually used for interference studies.
To set the percentage of time during which the real field is higher than the signal level:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU370. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab.
6. Under Calculate exceeded signal during, select one of the following:
- 50% of the time
- 10% of the time
- 1% of the time
7. Click OK.

Note: When using the ITU 370-7 model, do not define the cell edge coverage probability in the
coverage prediction properties with a value other than 50%, or cell edge coverage probabil-
ity will be considered twice.

5.1.7 The Erceg-Greenstein Propagation Model

The Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model is suited for predictions in the 1900 and 6000 MHz range over distances
between 100 m and 8 km. The Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model is suited for WiMAX (IEEE 802.16d and
The Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model is well adapted for suburban environment. You can define several correc-
tive formulas and associate a formula with each clutter class to adapt the model to a wide range of environments. You can
also define a default formula to be used when no land use data is available. You can also set a default formula which is
used when no clutter data is available.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining General Settings (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))" on page 147
• "Selecting an Environment Formula (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))" on page 148
• "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))" on page 148. Defining General Settings (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))

To set general parameters on the Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Erceg-Greenstein (SUI). The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Click the Parameters tab. You can modify the following settings:
- Add diffraction loss: The Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model can take into account losses due to
diffraction, using a 1-knife-edge Deygout method, and using the ground altitude given in the DTM. For detailed
information on the Deygout method, see the Technical Reference Guide. The calculations take the curvature
of the earth into account. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to add losses due to diffraction.
- Limitation to free space loss: When using the Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model, it is possible to
calculate a theoretical path loss that ends up being lower than the free space loss. In Atoll, you can define the

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Atoll User Manual

Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model to never calculate a path loss that is lower than the calculated free
space loss per pixel. Select "1 - Yes" if you want the propagation model to limit the path loss calculated per
pixel to the calculated free space loss.
7. Click OK. Selecting an Environment Formula (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))

The Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model can use an environment formula appropriate to each clutter class when
calculating. You can assign a default formula that Atoll can use for all clutter classes for which you have not assigned an
environment formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.
To select environment formulas:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Erceg-Greenstein (SUI). The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a Default formula.
Atoll uses the default environment formula for calculations on any clutter class to which you have not assigned
an environment formula or if you do not have clutter classes in your Atoll document.

7. For each clutter class under Formulas related to clutter classes, select a formula from the list.
For information on modifying the selected formula, see "Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Erceg-
Greenstein (SUI))" on page 148.

8. Click OK. Creating or Modifying Environment Formulas (Erceg-Greenstein (SUI))

Several environment formulas are available with the Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model to model different envi-
ronments. You can modify existing environment formulas used by the Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model or create
new environmental formulas.
To create or modify an environment formula:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Erceg-Greenstein (SUI). The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Configuration tab.
6. Click the Formulas button. The Formulas dialogue appears. You can do the following:
- Add: To create a new formula, click the Add button and modify the parameters of the formula.
- Delete: To delete a formula, select the formula and click the Delete button.
- Modify: To modify an existing formula, select the formula and modify the parameters.
7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Formulas dialogue.
8. Click OK.

5.1.8 The ITU 526-5 Propagation Model

The ITU 526-5 model is suitable for predictions in the 30 to 10,000 MHz band with fixed receivers.
According to the ITU 526-5 recommendations:
• If there are no obstacles, propagation takes place in free space
• If there is an obstacle, attenuation due to diffraction will be taken into account. The model uses the terrain profile
and a diffraction mechanism (3-knife-edge Deygout method), optionally with correction, to calculate path loss.
To set the parameters on the ITU 526-5 propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU526. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab.
6. If desired, select the Apply to empirical correction check box and enter a formula that will be used as a correc-
tion with the Deygout method. Otherwise, the Deygout method will be used without correction.
7. Click OK.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

5.1.9 The WLL Propagation Model

The WLL propagation model is designed for radio local loop applications in the 30-10,000 MHz band. The model is derived
from the ITU 526-5 model.
Along the Tx-Rx profile, both ground altitude and clutter height are considered to calculate diffraction losses. Atoll takes
clutter height information in clutter heights file if available in the ATL document. Otherwise, it considers average clutter
height specified for each clutter class in the clutter classes file description. If the ATL document does not contain any clutter
height file and no average height per clutter class is specified, Atoll will consider ground altitude only.
To set the parameters on the WLL propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click WLL. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab. You can set the following parameters:
- Free space loss: You can modify the parameters of the formula used to calculate path loss in free space.
- Line of sight only: If the Line of sight only option is selected, Atoll checks for each pixel if the receiver is
in the transmitter line of sight. The receiver is considered to be in the transmitter line of sight if 100% of the
Fresnel half-ellipsoid is clear, in other words, if no obstacle is on the transmitter-receiver profile. If the receiver
is not in the transmitter line of sight, no results at all will be displayed. If the Line of sight only option is not
selected, Atoll calculates the path loss for each pixel, using the formula defined in the dialogue.

Important: If you select the Line of sight only option and the receiver is not in the transmitter line of
sight, no results at all will be displayed because Atoll will only show results for the line of

- Transmitter clearance: You can set the clearance around the transmitter. This clearance can be used, for
example, to model streets in areas where the clutter class file does not show enough detail. It will be taken
into consideration when calculating diffraction. The default value is 20 m.
- Receiver default clearance: You can set the default clearance around the receiver. This default clearance
will be used for each clutter class where the receiver clearance is not specified. This clearance will be taken
into consideration when calculating diffraction. The default value is 20 m.
- Receiver height per clutter class: You can set a height for the receiver for each clutter class. Because the
WLL propagation model is designed for networks with immobile receivers, the receivers are often on top of
buildings. This option allows you to specify a height which will be added to the clutter class.
- Receiver clearance per clutter class: You can set a clearance around the receiver for each clutter class.
This clearance will be taken into consideration when calculating diffraction.
6. Click OK.

5.1.10 The Longley-Rice Propagation Model

Longley-Rice is a theoretical model suited for predictions in the 40-MHz band in flat areas. The Longley-Rice propagation
model uses the terrain profile to calculate propagation. However, the parameters of the Longley-Rice propagation model
can be set using distance and an additional loss value.
To set the parameters on the Longley-Rice propagation model:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click Longley-Rice. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab.
6. Under Add to propagation loss, enter the formula that will be used to calculate additional losses (in flat terrain,
a value of "0" means a signal decreasing in a linear fashion as a function of distance). "dkm" in the formula is the
distance in kilometres from the transmitter.
7. Click OK.

5.1.11 The ITU 1546 Propagation Model

The ITU 1546 propagation model is based on the ITU-R P-1546-2 recommendations. This model is suited for predictions
in the 30 to 3000 MHz band over distances from 1 to 1000 km. It is appropriate for point-to-area predictions such as broad-
cast and land and maritime mobile services, and fixed services employing point-to-multipoint systems. It uses the terrain
profile to calculate propagation.

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Atoll User Manual

Because this propagation model is based on graphs giving the field strength as a function of distance provided in the ITU
recommendations for different operating frequencies, the only parameters you have to define for this model are:
• the percentage of time during which the real field strength is higher than the signal level calculated by the model
(1%, 10%, or 50% of the time), and
• the type of path over which the signal level is to be predicted (land in urban or suburban zones, land – other zones,
or sea).
To set the propagation model parameters:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click ITU1546. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Parameters tab.
6. Under Calculate Signal Level Exceeded During, select one of the following:
- 50% of the time
- 10% of the time
- 1% of the time
7. Under Type of Path, select one of the following:
- Land (Urban or Suburban Zones)
- Land (Other Zones)
- Sea
8. Click OK.

5.1.12 Managing Propagation Models

The propagation models available for the current Atoll document can be found in the Propagation Models folder on the
Modules tab of the Explorer window. You can manage the propagation models with the commands available on the
context menu.
To manage the propagation models of the current Atoll document:
1. Click the Modules tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Propagation Models folder.
3. Right-click the propagation model you want to manage. The context menu appears.
4. Select one of the following commands from the context menu:
- Properties: The Properties dialogue appears. You can view the general information about the propagation
model on the General tab:
- Name: The name of the propagation model, as displayed in the Propagation Models folder
- Signature: The signature is assigned to the propagation model by Atoll. Each time you modify the param-
eters of the selected propagation model, Atoll changes the signature. The signature of the propagation
model used to calculate a set of path loss matrices is stored with the matrices. This enables Atoll to verify
the validity of the path loss matrices.
- When path loss matrices are not embedded in the Atoll document but are stored externally, the signature
is found in the MODEL_SIG field of the Pathloss.dbf file. The name of the propagation model used is found
in the MODEL_NAME field of the Pathloss.dbf file.
- Description: You can enter a description or comments in this field.
- Duplicate: The selected propagation model is duplicated. It appears in the Propagation Models folder with
the same name, preceded by "Copy of."
- Copy: The selected propagation model is copied. You can paste it, with its current settings into a new Atoll
document by opening the document, clicking the Modules tab of the Explorer window and pressing CTRL+V.

Note: If there is already a propagation model in the Atoll document with the same name as the
one you are trying to paste, Atoll will display a warning and will not allow you to overwrite
the existing propagation model.

- Delete: The selected propagation model is deleted.

- Rename: You can enter a new name for the selected propagation model.

5.2 Defining Calculation Parameters

Atoll uses the propagation model defined for each transmitter to calculate losses along the transmitter-receiver path.
Depending on the type of prediction you make, Atoll either calculates the path loss at any point of the map in real time, or
it calculates a path loss matrix for each transmitter that will be considered in predictions. The path loss matrix contains a

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

set of path loss values calculated on each pixel over a specific area. It is calculated based on a set of three parameters
defined for the transmitter:
• The propagation model
• The calculation radius
• The resolution.
By using a calculation radius, Atoll limits the scope of calculations to a defined area.
Atoll enables you to calculate two path loss matrices: a main and an extended one. By using two sets of calculation param-
eters, Atoll allows you to calculate high resolution path loss matrices closer to the transmitter with one propagation model,
while reducing calculation time and storage size by using an extended matrix with a lower resolution and another propa-
gation model. Atoll will calculate the extended matrix only if you define all three parameters: propagation model, calcula-
tion radius, and resolution.
If you do not define a calculation radius for the main propagation model and if you do not assign an extended propagation
model, Atoll uses the prediction minimum threshold to define the calculation radius for each transmitter. However, this can
lead to lengthy calculation times.

Note: When creating coverage predictions, you can define a coverage resolution that is different
from the resolution defined for the path loss matrices.

In this section, the following are explained:

• "Defining Calculation Parameters for One Transmitter" on page 151
• "Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for a Group of Transmitters" on page 151
• "Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for All Transmitters" on page 152
• "Defining a Default Propagation Model" on page 152
• "Defining a Default Resolution" on page 152.

5.2.1 Defining Calculation Parameters for One Transmitter

In Atoll, you can define calculation parameters, in other words, the propagation model, resolution, and calculation radius,
for each transmitter.
To define main and extended calculation parameters for one transmitter:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
3. Right-click the transmitter to which you want to assign main and extended calculation parameters. The context
menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Propagation tab.
6. Under Main Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
7. If desired, under Extended Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
8. Click OK. The selected calculation parameters will be used for the selected transmitter.

5.2.2 Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for a Group of

Transmitters that share the same parameters and environment will usually use the same propagation model and settings.
In Atoll, you can defining the same calculation parameters for several transmitters by first grouping them by their common
parameters and then defining the calculation parameters.
To define main and extended calculation parameters for a defined group of transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select from the Group by submenu of the context menu the property by which you want to group the transmitters.
The objects in the folder are grouped by that property.

Note: You can group transmitters by several properties by using the Group By button on the
Properties dialogue. For more information, see "Advanced Grouping" on page 54.

4. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.

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Atoll User Manual

5. Right-click the group of transmitters for which you want to define main and extended calculation parameters. The
context menu appears.
6. Select Open Table from the context menu. The Transmitters table appears with the transmitters from the
selected group.
For each transmitter, you can set the calculation parameters in the following columns:

- Main Propagation Model

- Main Calculation Radius
- Main Resolution
- Extended Propagation Model
- Extended Calculation Radius
- Extended Resolution
7. To enter the same values in one column for all transmitters in the table:
a. Enter the value in the first row in the column.
b. Select the entire column.
c. Select Edit > Fill > Down to copy the contents of the top cell of the selection into the other cells.

Note: If you want to copy the contents of the last cell in the selection into all other cells, you can
select Edit > Fill > Up. For more information on working with tables in Atoll, see "Working
with Data Tables" on page 39.

5.2.3 Defining the Same Calculation Parameters for All

In Atoll, you can choose one set of calculation parameters and assign them to all transmitters.
To define the same calculation parameters for all transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Propagation tab.
5. Under Main Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
6. If desired, under Extended Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
7. Click OK. The selected calculation parameters will be used for all transmitters.

Note: Setting a different main or extended matrix on an individual transmitter as explained in

"Defining Calculation Parameters for One Transmitter" on page 151 will override this entry.

5.2.4 Defining a Default Propagation Model

When you assign a propagation model to a transmitter, you can choose "(Default Model)" from the list of the propagation
models available. Atoll will then calculate path loss using the default propagation model set for the project.
To define the default propagation model for the Atoll document:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Predictions tab.
5. Select a Default Propagation Model from the list.
6. Click OK. The selected propagation model will be used for predictions for all transmitters whose main propagation
model is "(Default model)."

5.2.5 Defining a Default Resolution

When the resolution of the path loss matrix is not defined in the transmitter properties, Atoll uses the default resolution set
for the Atoll document. Additionally, this resolution is used as the default coverage resolution when you create a new
coverage prediction.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

To define the default resolution of the Atoll document:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Predictions tab.
5. Enter a Default Resolution.

Tip: By setting an option in the atoll.ini file, you can set Atoll to use the currently defined default
resolution if you clear the value entered in the Resolution text box when you create a cov-
erage prediction. That way, if you have many coverage predictions, you can change their
resolution by changing the default resolution and recalculating the coverage predictions.
Atoll will then calculate them using the updated resolution. For information on changing
entries in the atoll.ini file, see the Administrator Manual.

6. Click OK.

5.3 Managing Path Loss Matrices

In this section, the following are explained:
• "Calculating Path Loss Matrices" on page 153
• "Stopping Path Loss Matrix Calculation" on page 153
• "Setting the Storage Location of Path Loss Matrices" on page 154
• "Using Centralised Path Loss Matrices" on page 154
• "Checking the Validity of Path Loss Matrices" on page 155
• "Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Measurement Data" on page 155
• "Exporting Path Loss Matrices" on page 158.

5.3.1 Calculating Path Loss Matrices

When you calculate a coverage prediction, Atoll automatically calculates non-existent and invalid path loss matrices
before calculating the prediction. This can take a lot of time if there are many path loss matrices that must be calculated.
Consequently, you can calculate path loss matrices separately, when you have more time and computer resources avail-
able. In multi-user environments, the administrator is responsible for shared path loss matrices and can calculate them
separately. Users can then base calculations on the updated shared path loss matrices.
When you calculate a coverage prediction, Atoll calculates only the non-existent and invalid path loss matrices that inter-
sect the rectangle containing the computation zone, whether or not the computation zone is visible. When you manually
calculate the path loss matrices as described in this section, Atoll does not take the computation zone into consideration;
it calculates all non-existent and invalid path loss matrices of active and filtered transmitters.
To calculate path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Calculations > Calculate Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. Atoll calculates all non-existent
and invalid path loss matrices of active and filtered transmitters.
You can calculate the non-existent and invalid path loss matrices for all transmitters, for a single transmitter, or for a
defined group of transmitters, by expanding the Transmitters folder right-clicking either the single transmitter or the
defined group of transmitters and selecting Calculations > Calculate Path Loss Matrices from the context menu.

Note: You can prevent Atoll from calculating one or more path loss matrices by locking them. You
can lock path loss matrices using the Propagation tab of the Transmitters dialogue. You
can lock a single path loss matrix by selecting the check box in the Locked column, or more
than one by selecting several path loss matrices and then selecting Lock from the context

5.3.2 Stopping Path Loss Matrix Calculation

Depending on the size of the path loss matrices, it can take a long time and a lot of computer resources to calculate them.
If necessary, you can stop calculation at any point.
To stop calculations:

• Click the Stop Calculations button ( ) in the toolbar. Atoll immediately stops all ongoing calculations. The
results of calculations that have already been completed, however, will be saved.

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Atoll User Manual

5.3.3 Setting the Storage Location of Path Loss Matrices

Path loss matrices can be stored internally, in the Atoll document, or they can be stored externally. Storing path loss matri-
ces in the Atoll document results in a more portable but significantly larger document. In the case of large radio-planning
projects, embedding the matrices can lead to large documents which use a great deal of memory. Therefore, in the case
of large radio-planning projects, saving your path loss matrices externally will help reduce the size of the file and the use
of computer resources.
When you save the path loss matrices to an external directory, Atoll creates:
• One file per transmitter with the extension LOS for its main path loss matrix
• A DBF file with validity information for all the main matrices.
• A folder called "LowRes" with LOS files and a DBF file for the extended path loss matrices.
To set the storage location of the path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Predictions tab, under Path Loss Matrix Storage, you can set the location for your private path loss
- Private Directory: The Private Directory is where you store path loss matrices you generate or, if you are
loading path loss matrices from a shared location, where you store your changes to shared path loss matrices.

Click the button beside the Private Directory ( ) and select Embedded to save the path loss matrices in
the Atoll document, or Browse to select a directory where Atoll can save the path loss matrices externally.

Caution: When you save the path loss files externally, the external files are updated as soon as cal-
culations are performed and not only when you save the Atoll document. In order to keep
consistency between the Atoll document and the stored calculations, you should save the
Atoll document before closing it, if you have updated the path loss matrices.

5. Click OK.

5.3.4 Using Centralised Path Loss Matrices

Using centralised path loss matrices is recommended in a multi-user environment when several users are working on the
same radio-planning document. In this case, the radio data is stored in a database. An administrator responsible for calcu-
lations calculates the path loss matrices of the entire project and saves them in an external folder accessible to all users.
This folder is shared by all users and read only. When the user changes his radio data and recalculates the path loss matri-
ces, the changes to the path loss matrices are stored locally; the common path loss matrices are not modified. In other
words, the user can read the information from the shared path loss matrices but any changes he makes will be stored
locally, either in the ATL file or in a private external folder. Centralised path loss matrices will be recalculated by the admin-
istrator and will take into consideration the changes made by all users to the radio data.
• For information on calculating path loss matrices, see "Calculating Path Loss Matrices" on page 153.
• For information on setting the storage location for local path loss matrices, see "Setting the Storage Location of
Path Loss Matrices" on page 154.
• For information on working in a multi-user environment, see the Administrator Manual.
To use pre-calculated path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Predictions tab, under Path Loss Matrix Storage, you can set the location for the shared path loss
- Shared Directory: When you are working in a multi-user Atoll environment, the project data is stored in a
database and the common path loss matrices are stored in a directory that is accessible to all users. Any
changes you make will not be saved to this directory; they will be saved in the location indicated in Private
Directory. The path loss matrices in the shared directory are updated by a user with administrator rights based
on the updated information in the database. For more information on shared directories, see The Administrator

Caution: The shared path loss matrices must be unlocked in order for users to be able to work with
them. The administrator can check whether shared path loss matrices are unlocked or not
in the Propagation tab of the Transmitters folder’s Properties dialogue.

5. Click OK.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

5.3.5 Checking the Validity of Path Loss Matrices

Atoll automatically checks the validity of the path loss matrices when calculating any coverage prediction. If you want, you
can check whether the path loss matrices are valid before calculating a coverage prediction.
To check whether the path loss matrices are valid:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Propagation tab. The path loss matrix information is listed in the Available Results table.
5. Select one of the following display options:
- Display all the matrices: All path loss matrices are displayed.
- Display only invalid matrices: Only invalid path loss matrices are displayed.
The Available Results table lists the following information for each displayed path loss matrix:

- Transmitter: The name of the transmitter.

- Locked: If the check box is selected, the path loss matrix will not be updated even if the path loss matrices
are recalculated.
- Valid: This is a boolean field indicating whether or not the path loss matrix is valid.
- Origin of Invalidity: If the path loss matrix is indicated as being invalid, the reason is given here.
- Size: The size of the path loss matrix for the transmitter.
- File: If the path loss matrix is not embedded, the location of the file is listed.
6. Click the Statistics button to display the number of path loss matrices to be recalculated. The Statistics dialogue
appears (see Figure 5.87) with the total number of invalid path loss matrices and the reasons for invalidity, as well
as a summary of the reasons for invalidity.

Figure 5.87: Path loss matrix statistics

5.3.6 Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Measurement Data

In Atoll, the path loss matrices are calculated using the propagation model and parameters defined as explained in "Defin-
ing Calculation Parameters" on page 150. However, the results calculated by a propagation model can vary from actual
measurements. Atoll allows you to use available test mobile data paths and CW measurements to increase the accuracy
of calculated path loss matrices.
Atoll uses the selected measurement data to correct a user-defined elliptical area around each measurement point. The
main axis of the ellipse is oriented in the direction of the transmitter.
Atoll smoothes the differences between corrected path loss matrix points and uncorrected path loss matrix points using
an average error calculated between each measured value and the corresponding value in the path loss matrices.
When using measurement data to adjust path loss matrices:
1. You need to have valid path loss matrices. For more information on path loss matrix validity, see "Managing Path
Loss Matrices" on page 153.
2. You define the elliptical area around the measurement point as explained in "Defining the Area to be Adjusted" on
page 156.
3. You select the measurement data to be used to adjust the path loss matrices:
- CW Measurements: You select the CW measurements from the CW Measurements folder as explained in
"Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using CW Measurements" on page 156. The selected CW measurements will
be used to adjust the path loss matrices calculated for the site on which the CW measurements were made.
- Test Mobile Data: You select the test mobile data path from the Test Mobile Data folder as explained in
"Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Test Mobile Data" on page 157. The selected measurements from test
mobile data path will be used to adjust the path loss matrices calculated for the selected transmitter.

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Atoll User Manual Defining the Area to be Adjusted

Atoll adjusts the path loss matrices over an elliptical area around each measurement point. The main axis of the ellipse
is oriented in the direction of the transmitter.
To define the elliptical area around each measurement point:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the measurement type that you will use to adjust the path loss matrices:
- CW Measurements: If you are going to use CW measurements to adjust the path loss matrices, right-click
the CW Measurements folder. The context menu appears.
- Test Mobile Data: If you are going to use test mobile data to adjust the path loss matrices, right-click the Test
Mobile Data folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Select the Path Losses tab (see Figure 5.88).

Figure 5.88: Defining the ellipse for adjusting path loss matrices

5. Under Path Loss Tuning Ellipse, set the following parameters:

- Radius of the Axis Parallel to the Profile: Enter the radius of the ellipse axis oriented in the same direction
as the transmitter.
- Radius of the Axis Perpendicular to the Profile: Enter the radius of the ellipse axis perpendicular to the
6. Click OK. Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using CW Measurements

Atoll allows you to use available CW measurements to increase the accuracy of calculated path loss matrices.
To use CW measurements to adjust path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Select how you want to adjust the path loss matrices:
To adjust the path loss matrix for a single transmitter:

a. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the CW Measurement folder.

b. In the CW Measurement folder, click the Expand button ( ) to expand the site folder containing the CW
measurement path you want to use to adjust the path loss matrices.
c. Right-click the CW measurement path in the site folder. The context menu appears.
d. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. Atoll immediately begins optimising the path loss
matrices for the transmitter on which the CW measurement was made. The progress is displayed in the Event
Viewer window.
To adjust the path loss matrices for all transmitters:

a. Right-click the CW Measurement folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. The Measurement Path Selection dialogue ap-
pears (see Figure 5.89).

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

Figure 5.89: Selecting all CW measurement paths

c. Under Measurement Paths, select All.

d. Click OK. Atoll begins optimising the path loss matrices for all transmitters on which CW measurements are
available. The progress is displayed in the Event Viewer window.
To adjust the path loss matrices for selected transmitters using selected CW measurement paths:

a. Right-click the CW Measurement folder. The context menu appears.

b. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. The Measurement Path Selection dialogue ap-
pears (see Figure 5.89).
c. Under Measurement Paths, select the option beside the list of CW measurements.
d. Select the check box corresponding to each transmitter for which you want to adjust the path loss matrices.
For some transmitters, more than one CW measurement may exist. In this case, selecting the check box for
the transmitter will select all the CW measurements. If you do not want to use all CW measurements, click the
Expand button ( ) to expand the transmitter list and then select the single CW measurements you want to

e. Click OK. Atoll begins optimising the path loss matrices for all transmitters on which CW measurements are
available. The progress is displayed in the Event Viewer window. Adjusting Path Loss Matrices Using Test Mobile Data

Atoll allows you to use available test mobile data paths to increase the accuracy of calculated path loss matrices.
To use test mobile data to adjust path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Select how you want to adjust the path loss matrices:
To adjust the path loss matrix using a single test mobile data path:

a. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
b. Right-click the test mobile data path you want to use to adjust the path loss matrices. The context menu ap-
c. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. The Path Loss Tuning dialogue appears (see
Figure 5.90).

Figure 5.90: Path Loss Tuning dialogue

d. Click the For the Transmitters list. The list opens.

e. Select the check box for each transmitter whose path loss matrix you want to adjust.
f. Click the Field Corresponding to the Measurements list. The list opens.

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Atoll User Manual

g. Select the check box for the value that you want to use to adjust the path loss matrix. You can select a different
value for each transmitter in the active set. Atoll will use value selected depending on the transmitter’s rank
in the active set.
h. Click OK. Atoll begins optimising the path loss matrices for the transmitter on which the CW measurement
was made. The progress is displayed in the Event Viewer window.
To adjust the path loss matrices using all test mobile data paths:

a. Right-click the Test Mobile Data folder. The context menu appears.
b. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. The Measurement Path Selection dialogue ap-
pears (see Figure 5.91).

Figure 5.91: Selecting all CW measurement paths

c. Under Measurement Paths, select All.

d. Click the For the Transmitters list. The list opens.
e. Select the check box for each transmitter whose path loss matrix you want to adjust.
f. Click the Field Corresponding to the Measurements list. The list opens.
g. Select the check box for the value that you want to use to adjust the path loss matrix. You can select a different
value for each transmitter in the active set. Atoll will use value selected depending on the transmitter’s rank
in the active set.
h. Click OK. Atoll begins optimising the path loss matrices for the transmitter on which the CW measurement
was made. The progress is displayed in the Event Viewer window.
To adjust the path loss matrices for selected transmitters using selected test mobile data paths:

a. Right-click the Test Mobile Data folder. The context menu appears.
b. Select Tune Path Loss Matrices from the context menu. The Measurement Path Selection dialogue ap-
pears (see Figure 5.91).
c. Under Measurement Paths, select the option beside the list of test mobile data paths.
d. Select the check box corresponding to the test mobile data you want to use to adjust the path loss matrices.
e. Click the For the Transmitters list. The list opens.
f. Select the check box for each transmitter whose path loss matrix you want to adjust.
g. Click the Field Corresponding to the Measurements list. The list opens.
h. Select the check box for the value that you want to use to adjust the path loss matrix. You can select a different
value for each transmitter in the active set. Atoll will use value selected depending on the transmitter’s rank
in the active set.
i. Click OK. Atoll begins optimising the path loss matrices for the transmitter on which the CW measurement
was made. The progress is displayed in the Event Viewer window.

5.3.7 Exporting Path Loss Matrices

You can export path loss matrices if you want to use the data in another application.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

To export an Atoll document’s path loss matrices:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Propagation tab. The path loss matrix information is listed in the Available Results table.
5. Right-click the Available Results table and select Select All from the context menu.
6. Right-click the Available Results table and select Export from the context menu. The Calculation Results
Export dialogue appears (see Figure 5.92).
7. Set the following export parameters:
- Directory: Enter the directory you want to store the exported path loss matrices in or click the Browse button
( ) to navigate to it. The directory must already exist.
- Exported Values: Select the values that are to be exported: Path Loss (dB), Signal Level (dBm), Signal Level
(dBµV), or Signal Level (dBµV/m).
- Format: Select the format of the exported data: Binary format (*.bil), Text (separating character: tab) (*.txt),
or CSV (separating character: semicolon) (*.csv).

Figure 5.92: Exporting path loss matrices

8. Click OK to export the path loss matrices.

5.4 Predictions Available in Atoll

There are two types of predictions available in Atoll:
• Point predictions using the Point Analysis tool: It allows you to predict, at any point on the map, the profile
between a reference transmitter and a receiver, the value of the signal levels of the surrounding transmitters, an
active set analysis for UMTS, cdmaOne/CDMA2000, and TD-SCDMA projects and an interference analysis for
GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects.
• Coverage predictions: You can calculate standard coverage predictions, coverage by transmitter, coverage by
signal level and overlapping zones, and specific coverage studies such as interference studies for GSM/GPRS/
EDGE projects or handover, service availability, etc. for UMTS and cdmaOne/CDMA2000 and TD-SCDMA
projects. Many customisation features on coverage studies are available in order to make their analysis easier.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Making Point Predictions" on page 159
• "Making Coverage Predictions" on page 162.

5.4.1 Making Point Predictions

In this section, the following are explained:
• "Starting a Point Analysis" on page 159
• "The Tabs of the Point Analysis Tool Window" on page 160
• "Moving the Receiver on the Map" on page 160
• "Taking Indoor Losses into Account" on page 161
• "Taking Shadowing into Account in Point Analyses" on page 161. Starting a Point Analysis

When you start a point analysis, Atoll automatically opens the Point Analysis Tool window.
To make a point analysis:

1. Click the Point Analysis Tool ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The Point Analysis Tool window appears and the
pointer changes ( ) to represent the receiver.
If a transmitter was already selected on the map, a line appears connecting the selected transmitter and the

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Atoll User Manual

Note: You can open the Point Analysis Tool window without starting a point analysis by select-
ing View > Point Analysis Tool.

2. Select the tab of the Point Analysis Tool window corresponding to the type of point prediction you want to make.
For information on the tabs available in the Point Analysis Tool window, see "The Tabs of the Point Analysis Tool
Window" on page 160. The Tabs of the Point Analysis Tool Window

The Point Analysis Tool window has several tabs, enabling you to make several different point predictions. The tabs
available depend on the radio technology of the current document:
• The Profile tab:
The Profile tab of the Point Analysis Tool window displays the profile between a reference transmitter and the
receiver. As well, Atoll displays the strength of the received signal from the selected transmitter. This is calculated
in real time.

The Profile tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for GSM/GPRS/EDGE, CDMA, UMTS,
TD-SCDMA, and WiMAX projects.

• The Reception tab:

The Reception tab of the Point Analysis Tool window displays the predicted signal level from different transmit-
ters in the form of a bar chart, from the highest predicted signal level on the top to the lowest one on the bottom.
The calculations are based on the path loss matrices. Each bar is displayed in the colour of the transmitter it repre-

The Reception tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for GSM/GPRS/EDGE, CDMA, UMTS, and
TD-SCDMA projects.

• The AS Analysis tab:

The AS Analysis tab displays information on the pilot quality (Ec⁄I0), which is the main parameter used to define
the mobile active set, the connection status, and the active set of the probe mobile.

The AS Analysis tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for CDMA and UMTS projects.

• The Interference tab:

The Interference tab displays, in the form of a bar graph, the signal level of the selected transmitter, a black bar
indicating the total interference experienced by the receiver, and bars representing the interference received from
each interferer.

The Interference tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects.

• The PN Offset Interference tab:

The PN Offset Interference tab of the Point Analysis window gives you information on the reception for any point
on the map where there is PN Offset interference.

The PN Offset Interference tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for CDMA projects.

• The SC Interference tab:

The SC Interference tab of the Point Analysis window gives you information on reception for any point on the
map where there is scrambling code interference.

The SC Interference tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for UMTS projects.

• The Results tab:

The Results tab displays the current position and height of the receiver, the clutter class it is situated on, and, in
GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects, the received signal and interference of each transmitter in decreasing order.

The Results tab is available in the Point Analysis Tool window for GSM/GPRS/EDGE, CDMA, UMTS, WiMAX
and TD-SCDMA projects. Moving the Receiver on the Map

When you make a point analysis, the pointer ( ) represents the receiver in the map window. You can change the posi-
tion of the receiver in several ways:
• You can move the receiver manually
• You can enter the coordinates of the new position
• You can place the receiver on a selected site.
To change the position of the receiver manually:
• Move the receiver to change the current position.
• Click to place the receiver at the current position. You can move the receiver again by clicking it a second time.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

To enter the coordinates of a position:

1. Right-click the receiver ( ) in the map window. The context menu appears.
2. Select Coordinates from the context menu. The Receiver Position dialogue appears.
3. Enter or paste the X and Y coordinates of the position and click OK. The receiver moves to the specified position.
To place the receiver on a selected site:

1. Right-click the receiver ( ) in the map window. The context menu appears.
2. Select Target Site from the context menu. The Target Site dialogue appears.
3. Select the site on which you want to place the receiver from the Name list and click OK. The receiver moves to
the specified position. Taking Indoor Losses into Account

In Atoll you can calculate indoor predictions by taking indoor losses into consideration. You can define default indoor
losses for all clutter classes, or you can define different indoor losses for each clutter class so that the characteristics of
each clutter class are taken into consideration during calculations.
To take indoor losses into account when making a point analysis:
1. Right-click the tab you are using in the Point Analysis window and select Properties from the context menu. The
Properties dialogue appears.
2. Select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses to the total path loss. Taking Shadowing into Account in Point Analyses

Shadowing, or slow fading, is signal loss along a path caused by obstructions not taken into consideration by the propa-
gation model. Even when a receiver remains in the same location or in the same clutter class, there are variations in recep-
tion due to the surrounding environment.
Normally, the signal received at any given point is spread on a gaussian curve around an average value and a specific
standard deviation. If the propagation model is correctly calibrated, the average of the results it gives should be correct.
In other words, in 50% of the measured cases, the result will be greater and in 50% of the measured cases, the result will
be worse.
Atoll uses a model standard deviation with the defined cell edge coverage probability to model the effect of shadowing
and thereby provide predictions that are reliable more than fifty percent of the time. The additional losses or gains caused
by shadowing are known as the shadowing margin. The shadowing margin is added to the path losses calculated by the
propagation model.
For example, a properly calibrated propagation model calculates a loss leading to a signal level of -70 dBm. You have set
a cell edge coverage probability of 85%. If the calculated shadowing margin is 7 dB for a specific point, the target signal
will be equal to or greater than -77 dBm 85% of the time.
For information on setting the model standard deviation and the C⁄I standard deviations for each clutter class or for all clut-
ter classes, see "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102.
You can take shadowing into account when you are making a point analysis.
To take shadowing into account when making a point analysis:
1. Right-click the tab you are using in the Point Analysis window and select Properties from the context menu. The
Properties dialogue appears.
2. Select the Shadowing Taken into Account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability. Atoll cal-
culates the shadowing using the standard deviation defined per clutter class.
3. From the Shadowing Margin list, you can select the standard deviation to see the value used by Atoll to calculate
the shadowing. The standard deviation used by Atoll depends on the Point Analysis tab chosen.
For GSM/GPRS/EDGE and WiMAX projects:

- From Model: Atoll uses the model standard deviation to calculate the results for the Profile or Reception tabs.
- C⁄I: Atoll uses the C⁄I standard deviation to calculate the results for the Interference tab (GSM/GPRS/EDGE
For UMTS, CDMA and TD-SCDMA projects:

- From Model: Atoll uses the model standard deviation to calculate the results for the Profile or Reception tabs.
Atoll also uses the model standard deviation, along with the other defined standard deviations, to calculate
the results for the AS Analysis tab (UMTS and CDMA only). Atoll also uses the model standard deviation,
along with the Ec⁄I0 defined standard deviations, to calculate the results for the PN Offset Interference tab
(CDMA) and SC Interference tab (UMTS)
- P-CCPCH Eb/Nt: Atoll uses the P-CCPCH Eb⁄Nt standard deviation to calculate the results for the Profile or
Reception tabs (TD-SCDMA only).
- Ec⁄I0: Atoll uses the Ec⁄I0 standard deviation, along with the model defined standard deviations, to calculate
the results for the PN Offset Interference tab (CDMA) and SC Interference tab (UMTS).
- Eb⁄Nt UL: Atoll uses the Eb⁄Nt UL standard deviation, along with the other defined standard deviations, to
calculate the results for the AS Analysis tab (UMTS and CDMA only).

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Atoll User Manual

- Eb⁄Nt DL: Atoll uses the Eb⁄Nt DL standard deviation, along with the other defined standard deviations, to
calculate the results for the AS Analysis tab (UMTS and CDMA only).

Note: The standard deviation chosen from the Shadowing Margin list is for information only; it is
used only to display the value used by Atoll and does not change the standard deviation
used to calculate the displayed results.

5.4.2 Making Coverage Predictions

A coverage prediction displays the results of defined coverage conditions. It is calculated using the path loss matrices and
is based on coverage conditions and coverage resolutions. After calculation, Atoll displays the results as a graphical
representation of the pixels for which the defined coverage conditions are satisfied.
Atoll offers the following general coverage predictions, available for all technologies:
• Coverage by transmitter
• Coverage by signal level
• Coverage by overlapping zones.
Atoll also offers technology-specific coverage predictions, described in the technology-specific chapters, for example:
• Interference studies in GSM/GPRS/EDGE projects
• Coding scheme and throughput studies for GPRS/EDGE
• UMTS or cdmaOne/CDMA2000 coverage predictions.
Atoll gives you a large flexibility over how the results of your coverage prediction are displayed. You can select which
attributes should be displayed on the map and how they are displayed. As well, you can define information to be displayed
in the legend, in the label, or in tooltips. Furthermore, Atoll also allows you to filter, sort, or group results before displaying
Atoll offers different commands and options enabling you to create and work with coverage predictions. In this section,
the following are explained:
• "Creating Coverage Predictions" on page 162
• "Calculating Coverage Predictions" on page 163
• "Saving Defined Coverage Predictions" on page 165. Creating Coverage Predictions

In Atoll, you can create a coverage prediction using several different methods. Each method has its own advantages. For
example, you can create a new coverage prediction and set all of the parameters. Or you can base a new coverage predic-
tion on an existing one.
In this section, the following ways of creating a coverage prediction are explained:
• "Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the New Command" on page 162
• "Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the Duplicate Command" on page 162
• "Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the Clone Command" on page 163. Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the New Command

When you create a new coverage prediction, you can select the type of coverage prediction and set all the parameters
that define it. The newly created coverage prediction is not automatically calculated.
To create a coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select a coverage prediction from the Study Types dialogue and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties
dialogue appears.
The Properties dialogue for a coverage prediction common to all technologies has three tabs:
- General tab: You can rename the study, define the coverage resolution, and add comments. You can also
and define group, sort and filter criteria; these criteria will apply to the coverage display, not the results.
- Condition tab: You can define the parameters of the coverage prediction.
- Display tab: You can define how coverage prediction results will be displayed.
5. Click OK to save your settings. The newly created coverage prediction appears in the Predictions folder. If you
wish, you can create another coverage prediction and calculate all coverage predictions at the same time.
For information on calculating coverage predictions, see "Calculating Coverage Predictions" on page 163. Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the Duplicate Command

You can create a new coverage prediction by duplicating an existing coverage prediction. When you duplicate an existing
coverage prediction, the coverage prediction you create will have the same coverage and display settings as the original
one. Duplicating a coverage prediction is a way to quickly create a new coverage prediction with the same settings as an
original one. The newly created coverage prediction is not automatically calculated.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

To duplicate an existing coverage prediction:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to duplicate. The context menu appears.
4. Select Duplicate from the context menu. A new coverage prediction appears in the Predictions folder with the
same name as the original coverage prediction, preceded by "Copy of." The duplicated coverage prediction has
the same coverage and display settings as the original one.
For information on calculating coverage predictions, see "Calculating Coverage Predictions" on page 163. Creating a Coverage Prediction Using the Clone Command

You can create a new coverage prediction by cloning an existing coverage prediction. When you clone an existing cover-
age prediction, Atoll creates a copy of the coverage prediction with the calculated coverage. You can then change the
display, providing that the selected parameter does not invalidate the calculated coverage prediction. Cloning is useful if
the existing coverage prediction has a display by discrete values (e.g., coverage by transmitter with a display by transmit-
ter) and if you want a new coverage prediction with another display by discrete values (e.g., display by RNC or BSC). In
this case, Atoll maps the results to the selected field and you do not need to recalculate the coverage prediction. On the
other hand, cloning is not relevant if you change the display from a discrete field to value intervals, in which case, you must
recalculate the study.
To clone an existing coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to clone. The context menu appears.
4. Select Clone from the context menu. A new coverage prediction appears in the Predictions folder with the same
name as the original coverage prediction, preceded by "Clone of." The cloned coverage prediction not only has
the same coverage and display settings as the original one, but keeps the same results as well.
5. Right-click the cloned coverage prediction. The context menu appears.
6. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
7. Select the Display tab.
8. On the Display tab, keep the Display Type "Discrete Values" selected.
9. Select another value from the Field list to change the value displayed.
10. Click OK to apply the new display parameter. Calculating Coverage Predictions

After you have defined a coverage prediction, you can calculate it. Atoll allows you to define and calculate coverage
predictions in two separate steps. This enables you to create one or several coverage predictions at one time, and then
calculate them later, when you do not need the computer resources.
Before calculating one or more coverage predictions, you can create a computation zone. The computation zone is used
to define the area where Atoll carries out calculations. When you create a computation zone, Atoll carries out the calcu-
lation for all base stations that are active, filtered (i.e., that are selected by the current filter parameters), and whose prop-
agation zone intersects a rectangle containing the computation zone. Therefore, it takes into consideration base stations
inside and base stations outside the computation zone if they have an influence on the computation zone. In addition, the
computation zone defines the area within which the coverage prediction results will be displayed.
The computation zone is taken into account whether or not it is visible. In other words, if you have drawn a computation
zone, it will be taken into account whether or not its visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer
window is selected. You will have to delete the computation zone if you no longer want to define an area for calculations.
When working with a large network, the computation zone allows you to restrict your studies to the part of the network you
are currently working on. By allowing you to reduce the number of base stations studied, Atoll reduces both the time and
computer resources necessary for calculations. As well, by taking into consideration base stations within the computation
zone and base stations outside the computation zone but which have an influence on the computation zone, Atoll gives
you realistic results for base stations that are close to the border of the computation zone.
If there is no computation zone defined, Atoll makes its calculations on all base stations that are active and filtered and
for the entire extent of the geographical data available.
For information on creating a computation zone, see "Creating a Computation Zone" on page 32.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Calculating Several Coverage Predictions" on page 164
• "Calculating a Single Coverage Prediction" on page 164
• "Forcing Calculations" on page 164
• "Stopping Calculations" on page 164
• "Locking Coverage Predictions" on page 164.

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Atoll User Manual Calculating Several Coverage Predictions

When you have several defined coverage predictions, you can start calculation when you want and Atoll will calculate
them one after the other.
When you calculate coverage predictions, only unlocked coverage predictions are calculated. Unlocked coverage predic-
tions are displayed in the Predictions folder with the unlocked icon ( ). For information on locking and unlocking cover-
age predictions, see "Locking Coverage Predictions" on page 164.
To calculate created coverage predictions:

• Click the Calculate button ( ) in the toolbar. When you click the Calculate button, Atoll first calculates non-
existent and invalid path loss matrices and then, unlocked coverage predictions in the Predictions folder.
The progress of the calculations is displayed in the Event Viewer window.

After calculation, the results are displayed in the map window, if the coverage prediction’s visibility check box has
been selected. Calculating a Single Coverage Prediction

To calculate a single coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to calculate. The context menu appears.
4. Select Calculate from the context menu.
Atoll first calculates non-existent and invalid path loss matrices and then, the coverage prediction even if this one
has been previously locked.
After calculation, the results are displayed in the map window, if the coverage prediction’s visibility check box has
been selected. Forcing Calculations

When you have several defined coverage predictions, you can start calculation when you want and Atoll will calculate
them one after the other. Normally, Atoll only recalculates non-existent and invalid path loss matrices before calculating
coverage predictions. If you want, you can make Atoll recalculate all path loss matrices, including valid ones.
When you calculate coverage predictions, only unlocked coverage predictions are calculated. Unlocked coverage predic-
tions are displayed in the Predictions folder with the unlocked icon ( ). For information on locking and unlocking cover-
age predictions, see "Locking Coverage Predictions" on page 164.
To force Atoll to recalculate all path loss matrices before calculating coverage predictions:

• Click the Force Calculate button ( ) in the toolbar. When you click the Force Calculate button, Atoll first
removes existing path loss matrices, recalculates them and then calculates unlocked coverages predictions.
After calculation, the results are displayed in the map window, if the coverage prediction’s visibility check box has
been selected. Stopping Calculations

When Atoll has begun to calculate coverage predictions, you can stop the calculation at any given point. This can be
useful if, for example, you want to change one of the coverage predictions or if you don’t want to calculate the coverage
predictions at that time.
To stop calculations:

• Click the Stop Calculations button ( ) in the toolbar. Atoll immediately stops all ongoing calculations. The
results of calculations that have already been completed, however, will be saved. Locking Coverage Predictions

Coverage predictions are locked by default as soon as they have been calculated. Then, when you calculate new coverage
predictions, only unlocked coverage predictions are calculated. Locking a coverage prediction retains the information as
calculated under given conditions (e.g., before a new base station is created or before optimising the network). It also
saves time by limiting unnecessary recalculation.

Note: To prevent Atoll from automatically locking coverage predictions after calculating them, you
can set an option in the atoll.ini file. For information on setting options in the atoll.ini file, see
the Administrator Manual.

To lock a coverage prediction:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to lock. The context menu appears.

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Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll

Unlocked coverage predictions are displayed in the Predictions folder with the unlocked icon ( ).

4. Select Study Locked from the context menu.

The icon changes to the locked icon ( ) and the Study Locked item in the context menu now appears checked.
The coverage prediction is now locked and will not be calculated when the Calculate button in the toolbar is
clicked. However, if you select Calculate from the coverage prediction’s context menu, Atoll will first unlock the
coverage prediction and then calculate it.

You can lock all unlocked coverage predictions using the Predictions folder’s context menu. Unlocking Coverage Predictions

Coverage predictions are locked by default as soon as they have been calculated. You can unlock a single coverage
To unlock a coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to unlock. The context menu appears.

Locked coverage predictions are displayed in the Predictions folder with the locked icon ( ).

4. Select Study Locked from the context menu.

The icon changes to the unlocked icon ( ) and the Study Locked item in the context menu is no longer selected.
You can unlock all locked coverage predictions using the Predictions folder’s context menu. Saving Defined Coverage Predictions

Once you have defined a coverage prediction, you can use it again in other Atoll documents, either by using the coverage
prediction to create a template or by exporting its coverage and display parameters in a user configuration. Saving a Coverage Prediction as a Template

Once you have defined a coverage prediction, you can use it as the basis for a template. This template will be available
to you in the Study Types dialogue the next time you want to create a new coverage prediction. The initial parameters of
the template will be the same as the coverage prediction it is based on but, when you select it in the Study Types dialogue,
Atoll allows you to modify them.
To save a coverage prediction as a template:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to save as a template. The context menu appears.
4. Select Save as a Template from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
In the Save As dialogue, Atoll proposes a name and location for the XML file that will contain the template. You
can accept the default values or you can change the name and save the XML file in any folder you have write
access to.

5. Click Save. Atoll saves the template in the selected XML file.
The next time you create a new coverage prediction, the template will be available at the bottom of the list, under the full
path and file name of the XML file (see Figure 5.93). If you have other XML template files, you can click the Browse button
and select it in the Open dialogue.

Figure 5.93: Study Types dialogue

In a multi-user environment, the administrator can make templates available for all the users by saving the XML file in the
Atoll installation directory. For more information, see the Administrator Manual.

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Atoll User Manual Exporting a Defined List of Predictions in a User Configuration File

You can export the defined coverage predictions in the Predictions folder in a user configuration file. You can then import
this user configuration file into another Atoll document. All the coverage predictions in the user configuration will then be
available in the Predictions folder of the new Atoll document and can be calculated.
To export a user configuration with the coverage predictions in the Predictions folder:
1. Select Tools > User Configuration > Export. The User Configuration dialogue appears.
2. Select the Prediction List check box, as well as the check box of any other information you want to export as part
of the user configuration.
3. Click OK. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a File name for the user configuration file and click Save. The folder configuration is saved.
For information on importing the user configuration into another Atoll document, see "Importing a User Configuration" on
page 63. Calculating Indoor Coverage

In Atoll you can calculate indoor coverage by taking the indoor losses into consideration. Indoor losses are defined per
clutter class. You can define a default indoor losses value for all clutter classes. Or, you can define a different indoor losses
value for each clutter classes, to take the characteristics of each clutter class into consideration.
To calculate indoor coverage when making a coverage prediction:
• When creating the coverage prediction, select the Indoor Coverage check box on the Condition tab of the cov-
erage prediction’s Properties dialogue. The indoor losses defined for the clutter classes will be added to the total
path loss for each pixel. Taking Shadowing into Account

Shadowing, or slow fading, is signal loss along a path that is caused by obstructions not taken into consideration by the
propagation model. Even when a receiver remains in the same location or in the same clutter class, there are variations
in reception due to the surrounding environment.
Normally, the signal received at any given point is spread on a gaussian curve around an average value and a specific
standard deviation. If the propagation model is correctly calibrated, the average of the results it gives should be correct.
In other words, in 50% of the measured cases, the result will be greater and in 50% of the measured cases, the result will
be worse.
Atoll uses a model standard deviation with the defined cell edge coverage probability to model the effect of shadowing
and thereby create coverage predictions that are reliable more than fifty percent of the time. The additional losses or gains
caused by shadowing are known as the shadowing margin. The shadowing margin is added to the path losses calculated
by the propagation model.
For example, a properly calibrated propagation model calculates a loss leading to a signal level of -70 dBm. You have set
a cell edge coverage probability of 85%. If the calculated shadowing margin is 7 dB for a specific point, the target signal
will be equal to or greater than -77 dBm 85% of the time.
For information on setting the model standard deviation and the C⁄I standard deviations for each clutter class or for all clut-
ter classes, see "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102.
- When creating the coverage prediction, select the Shadowing Taken into Account check box. Then, you can
define the Cell Edge Coverage Probability.

166 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


Global RF Planning Solution
Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

6 Co-planning Features
Atoll is a multi-technology radio network planning tool. You can work on several technologies at the same time, and
several network scenarios can be designed for any given area; a country, a region, a city, etc. For example, you can design
a GSM and a UMTS network for the same area in Atoll, and then work with Atoll’s co-planning features to study the mutual
impacts of the two networks. Atoll allows you to co-plan any two technologies, be it GSM-UMTS, GSM-CDMA2000, GSM-
WiMAX, etc.
This chapter contains detailed procedures and instructions for the RF planner on co-planning using Atoll. This chapter
takes the most common co-planning scenario as reference, i.e., GSM-UMTS co-planning. However, the procedures
described in this chapter are valid for any possible co-planning scenario.

Important: Before starting a co-planning project in Atoll, the Atoll administrator must perform the pre-
requisite tasks that are relevant for your project as described in the “Setting Up Atoll for
Co-planning” chapter in the Administrator Manual.

The sectors of both networks can share the same sites database. You can display base stations (sites and transmitters),
geographic data, and coverage predictions, etc., of one network in the other network’s Atoll document. You can also study
inter-technology handovers by performing inter-technology neighbour allocations, manually or automatically. Inter-tech-
nology neighbours are allocated on criteria such as the distance between sectors or coverage overlaps.
Atoll supports MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase databases. Therefore, you can work with Atoll docu-
ments connected to databases.
Atoll’s co-planning features include:
• "Displaying Both Networks in the Same Atoll Document" on page 170.
• "Creating a UMTS Sector From a GSM Sector" on page 170.
• "Comparing GSM-UMTS Coverage Predictions" on page 172.
• "Performing Inter-Technology Neighbour Allocation" on page 173.

6.1 Starting a Co-planning Project

Before starting a GSM-UMTS co-planning project, you must have a GSM and a UMTS network designed for a given area;
for example for a country, a region, or a city. One of the two Atoll documents will be referred to as the main document and
the other as the linked document. In our example, the UMTS document is considered as the main document, and the GSM
document as the linked document. There is no rule in Atoll for deciding which is the main document and which is the linked.

Note: Before starting a co-planning project, make sure that your main and linked documents have
the same geographic coordinate systems.

To start a co-planning project:

1. Open the GSM and the UMTS documents in the same Atoll session.
a. Select File > Open or File > Open From a Database.
2. Link the required items or folders from the Explorer window of the linked document to the Explorer window of the
main document:
a. Right-click the folder or the item to link. The context menu appears.
b. Select Make Accessible in > [main document]. The item or folder is made accessible in the Explorer win-
dow of the main document.
As soon as a link is created between the two documents, Atoll switches to co-planning mode. This means that Atoll’s co-
planning features are now available.

6.2 GSM-UMTS Co-planning Process

Usually, in a number of countries, where GSM networks have been operating for years, UMTS sites are a subset of the
already deployed GSM sites when they are first deployed. Using existing base station sites is important in speeding up
UMTS deployment and in sharing sites and transmission costs with the existing GSM network. Section "Creating a UMTS
Sector From a GSM Sector" on page 170 shows how you can create UMTS sectors based on existing GSM site and sector
The feasibility of sharing sites depends on the relative coverage of the existing network compared to UMTS. It is useful to
compare the coverage of existing GSM services with UMTS speech and data services. Section "Comparing GSM-UMTS
Coverage Predictions" on page 172 shows how to compare coverage predictions.
Any comparison of UMTS and GSM coverage depends on system parameters such as handover. Inter-technology hando-
vers and neighbours can also be determined using Atoll. Section "Performing Inter-Technology Neighbour Allocation" on
page 173 explains how to work with inter-technology neighbours.

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Atoll User Manual

6.2.1 Displaying Both Networks in the Same Atoll Document

You can display GSM sites, transmitters, coverage predictions, and measurement paths in a UMTS document.
To display transmitters from the GSM document in the UMTS document:
1. Click the GSM document’s Map window. The GSM document’s Map window becomes active and the Explorer
window shows the contents of the GSM document.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Make accessible in > [main document] from the context menu, where [main document] is the name of
the UMTS document.
The Transmitters folder of the GSM document is now available in the UMTS document. The Explorer window of the
UMTS document now contains a folder named Transmitters in [linked document], where [linked document] is the
name of the GSM document. GSM and UMTS documents are now linked through the Transmitters folder of the GSM docu-
The above process can be used to link other folders such as Sites, Predictions, CW Measurements, Test Mobile Data,
Clutter classes, Traffic, and DTM, etc. from one document to another.
Once the folders are linked, you can access their properties and the properties of the items in the folders from either of the
two documents. Any changes made in the linked document will be taken into account in the linked and the main docu-

If you close the linked document, Atoll displays a warning icon ( ) in the main document’s Explorer window, and the
linked folders and items are no longer accessible from the main document. You can load the linked document in Atoll
again by right-clicking the linked folder or item in the Explorer window of the main document, and selecting Load Target.
The administrator can create and set a configuration file for the display parameters of GSM and UMTS transmitters in order
to allow you to distinguish them on the map and to be able to select them on the map using the mouse. If such a configu-
ration file has not been set up, you can choose different symbols, sizes and colours for the GSM and the UMTS transmit-
ters. For more information on folder configurations, see "Folder Configurations" on page 66. You can also set the contents
of the tool tips to easily interpret the objects and data displayed on the map. For more information on tool tips, see "Defining
the Object Type Tip Text" on page 25.
In order to easily view differences between networks, you can also change the order of the folders or items in the Explorer
Figure 6.94 shows UMTS transmitters with labels and GSM transmitters data summed up in tool tips.

Figure 6.94: GSM and UMTS Transmitters displayed on the map

6.2.2 Creating a UMTS Sector From a GSM Sector

You can create a new UMTS sector from an existing GSM sector. The new UMTS sector which will be located at the same
site as the GSM sector. The new UMTS sector will have the same common physical parameters as the GSM sector it was
based on. The common physical parameters, also called mast parameters, include:
• Site
• Dx and Dy (the offset of the antenna from the site)
• Antenna Height
• Azimuth

170 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

• Mechanical Tilt

Note: This feature is useful for deploying UMTS on existing GSM sites, especially when the new
UMTS sector is supposed to share the main antenna with the GSM sector.

To create a UMTS sector from a GSM sector:

1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the linked Transmitters folder.
4. Right-click the GSM transmitter where you want to create a UMTS transmitter. The context menu appears.
5. Select Copy in Network: UMTS from the context menu.
Atoll makes a UMTS transmitter by copying the GSM transmitter from the linked document to the main document and
initialising the new UMTS transmitter with the common physical parameters from the GSM transmitter and the radio param-
eters from the default UMTS station template.
You can also create a group of UMTS transmitters from a group of GSM transmitters by selecting the Copy in Network
command available in the context menu of the Transmitters folder, or a subfolder.
Before creating the new UMTS transmitter, Atoll verifies that the GSM transmitter’s site has the same geographical coor-
dinates (location) as the site in the UMTS document. This will always be true if the Atoll administrator has set up site shar-
ing in the database. If the sites database is not shared by the two documents, this step detects any possible inconsistency
in the two sites databases.
The Copy in Network command is also available for a group of linked transmitters. To update the display settings of the
new UMTS transmitter:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder of the main document. The context menu appears.
3. Select Apply Configuration from the context menu.

Figure 6.95: New UMTS Transmitter – Before and After Applying the Configuration

Note: The azimuths and mechanical tilts of secondary antennas or remote antennas are not
included in the copy and have to be set up manually. Synchronising Shared Common Physical Parameters

If a Propagate Changes macro icon is available in Atoll, you can synchronise the common physical parameters shared
between transmitters of the two linked documents. You can run this macro by clicking the macro icon in either the main or
the linked document. The macro reads the common physical parameters from the active document, linked or main, and
updates them in the other document. A log of the modifications is available in the Event Viewer.

Important: Before running the macro, make sure that the main and the linked documents are both open
in Atoll, and, that the user-defined field SharedMast has been added to the Transmitters table of both
the documents. Ask the Atoll administrator to add this field to the databases if you are working with
documents connected to databases. Verify as well that the SharedMast field in the main and the linked
documents contains the same information for the transmitters that share common physical parameters.
The field should be left blank for transmitters that do not share common physical parameters.

Note: If the Propagate Changes macro icon is not available in Atoll, ask the Atoll administrator
to check whether this macro has been installed in silent mode or has not been installed. If
the macro has been installed in silent mode, the changes you make to the common shared
parameters are updated and saved when you save your Atoll documents.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 6.96: Synchronisation Macro Icon

6.2.3 Comparing GSM-UMTS Coverage Predictions

Atoll provides you with co-planning features which enable you to not only analyse the impact of changing common phys-
ical antenna parameters in one technology network, but also to analyse the impact on the other network. If you have GSM
and UMTS transmitters that share some common physical parameters, you can visualise the effect of changing the shared
parameters in both documents.
If you modify any common physical parameter of a UMTS transmitter which shares these parameters with a GSM trans-
mitter, it is necessary to study the impact of this change on the GSM network’s coverage. If you have modified any param-
eter of a UMTS transmitter sharing parameters with a GSM transmitter, you can study the impact of this change on the
GSM network by creating a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter (Best Server) and a Coverage Prediction by Signal
Level. If you have modified any parameter of a GSM transmitter sharing parameters with a UMTS transmitter, you can
study the impact of this change on the UMTS network by creating a Coverage Prediction by Pilot Best Server and a
Coverage Prediction by Ec/Io Level.

Note: The common physical parameters include Dx and Dy, antenna height, azimuth, and
mechanical tilt.

Following is the recommended process for comparing GSM and UMTS coverage predictions.
1. Create and calculate a coverage prediction by transmitter (Best Server) and a coverage prediction by signal level
in the GSM document.
2. Create and calculate a coverage by transmitter (Pilot Best server) and a coverage prediction by Ec/Io level in the
UMTS document.
3. Carefully choose display settings for the coverage predictions and tool tip contents in order to easily interpret the
predictions displayed in the Map window. This can be very helpful in quickly assessing information graphically and
using the mouse.
4. Make the two GSM coverage predictions accessible in the UMTS document.

Figure 6.97: UMTS Coverage Prediction (Pilot Best Server) – Pink Contours With no Interior

172 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

Figure 6.98: GSM Coverage Prediction (Best Server) – High Transparency With Full Interior Coloured According to
BCCH – With BCCH/BSIC Information Available in Tooltips

5. Change parameters to optimise the UMTS network, if needed.

6. Run the UMTS coverage predictions again to compare the effects of the changes you made with the GSM cov-
erage predictions.
7. Run the synchronisation macro if you want to update the GSM document with the common physical parameters,
if any.
8. Run the GSM coverage predictions in the GSM document to visualise the effect on the GSM coverage predictions.
For more information on synchronising common physical parameters, see "Synchronising Shared Common Physical
Parameters" on page 171.
You can also use the Coverage Prediction Comparison feature available in Atoll to compare the GSM and the UMTS
coverage predictions.
To compare a GSM coverage prediction with a UMTS coverage prediction:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the main document’s Predictions folder.
4. Right-click the UMTS coverage prediction you want to compare. The context menu appears.
5. Select Compare With > [linked coverage prediction] from the context menu, where [linked coverage predic-
tion] is the GSM coverage prediction you want to compare with the UMTS coverage prediction. The Comparison
Properties dialogue opens.
6. Select the display parameters of the comparison and add a comment if you wish.
7. Click OK.
The two coverage predictions are compared and a comparison coverage prediction is added to the main document’s
Predictions folder.

6.2.4 Performing Inter-Technology Neighbour Allocation

A deployed or new UMTS network is considered correctly deployed only if inter-system handover with the existing GSM
network works. Although the deployment of UMTS starts in areas with high traffic volume, but mobile customers expect
roaming-access everywhere - without losing their connection. Therefore, it is essential to verify the inter-system hando-
Roaming between a UMTS and a GSM network can be studied in Atoll by allocating neighbour GSM sectors to UMTS
cells. The following sections describe the features available in Atoll that help the RF planner to carry out inter-technology
neighbour planning.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Setting Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs" on page 174.
• "Displaying Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs on the Map" on page 174.
• "Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Manually" on page 176.
• "Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Automatically" on page 176.
• "Displaying Inter-Technology Neighbours on the Map" on page 177.

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Atoll User Manual

In the sections listed above, it is assumed that Atoll is already in co-planning mode, and the UMTS and the GSM docu-
ments have already been linked. For more information on starting a co-planning project, see "Starting a Co-planning
Project" on page 169. Setting Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs

You can set inter-technology neighbour constraints by defining exceptional pairs in Atoll. These constraints can be taken
into account in the automatic allocation of inter-technology neighbours.
To define inter-technology exceptional pairs between GSM transmitters in the linked document and the UMTS cells in the
main document:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Neighbours > Inter-technology Exceptional Pairs from the context menu. The Exceptional
Pairs of Inter-technology Neighbours table appears.
5. Enter one exceptional pair per row of the table. Each cell can have more than one exceptional pairs.
6. For each exceptional pair, select:
a. Cell: The name of the cell in the UMTS document; first part of the exceptional pair. The names of all the cells
in the UMTS document are available in the list.
b. Neighbour: The name of the transmitter in the GSM document; second part of the exceptional pair. The
names of all the transmitters in the GSM document are available in the list.
c. Status: The status indicates whether the GSM transmitter should always (forced) or never (forbidden) be con-
sidered as a neighbour of the UMTS cell.
d. Atoll fills the Number and Distance (m) fields automatically.
You can also define exceptional pairs of UMTS cells for GSM transmitters. However, in GSM, neighbours and exceptional
pairs are allocated by transmitter (i.e., by sector) whereas in UMTS, neighbours and exceptional pairs are allocated by cell.
You can access the lists of inter-technology neighbours and exceptional pairs through a cell’s Properties dialogue. To
open a cell’s Properties dialogue:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Open Table from the context menu. The Cells table appears.
5. Double-click the row corresponding to the cell whose properties you want to access. The cell’s Properties dia-
logue appears.
6. Click the Inter-Technology Neighbours tab.
In GSM, the inter-technology neighbours tab is available in each transmitter’s Properties dialogue.

Note: Exceptional pairs are not taken into account in manual neighbour allocation. Displaying Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs on the Map

You can display inter-technology exceptional pairs on the map in order to study the forced and forbidden neighbour rela-
tions defined in the Inter-technology Exceptional Pairs table.
To display exceptional pairs of UMTS cells and GSM transmitters:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Neighbours > Display Options from the context menu. The Neighbour Display dialogue
5. Select Inter-technology in the Display Links list.
6. Select which neighbour links to display:
- Outwards Non-Symmetric: Shows an exceptional pair link for each UMTS cell that has an exceptional pair
with a GSM transmitter. These links are represented with straight dashed lines of the same colour as the
UMTS transmitters.
- Inwards Non-Symmetric: Shows an exceptional pair link for each GSM transmitter that has an exceptional
pair with a UMTS cell. These links are represented with straight dashed lines of the same colour as the GSM
- Symmetric: Shows an exceptional pair link for each UMTS cell that has an exceptional pair with a GSM trans-
mitter only if the GSM transmitter also has this UMTS cell in its exceptional pair list. These links are repre-
sented with straight black lines.
- Carrier: Atoll displays the exceptional pair links for the carrier you select.

174 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

7. Click the context menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The context
menu appears.

8. Select the neighbour links to display: Forced Neighbours or Forbidden Neighbours.

9. Click the Neighbour Display button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The selected neighbours are displayed on the
map. Neighbour display remains activated until you click the Visual Management button again.
10. Click a transmitter on the map to show its exceptional pair links.
You can also define exceptional pairs of UMTS cells for GSM transmitters. However, in GSM, neighbours and exceptional
pairs are allocated by transmitter (i.e., by sector) whereas in UMTS, neighbours and exceptional pairs are allocated by cell.
The exceptional pair links can be displayed even of you do not have neighbours allocated. If you select All in the Display
Links list, Atoll displays both inter-technology and intra-technology exceptional pairs on the map. Adding and Removing Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs Using the Mouse
You can set inter-technology exceptional pairs using the mouse. Atoll adds or removes forced or forbidden exceptional
pairs depending on the display option set, i.e., Forced Neighbours or Forbidden Neighbours.
Before you can add or remove exceptional pairs using the mouse, you must activate the display of exceptional pairs on
the map as explained in "Displaying Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs on the Map" on page 174.
To add a symmetric forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter with which you want to set an exceptional pair. Atoll adds both transmitters
to the inter-technology exceptional pairs list of the other transmitter.
To remove a symmetric forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter that you want to remove from the list of exceptional pairs. Atoll removes
both transmitter from the inter-technology exceptional pairs list of the other transmitter.
To add an outwards forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter with which you want to set an exceptional pair. Atoll adds the reference
transmitter to the inter-technology exceptional pairs list of the other transmitter.
To remove an outwards forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter that you want to remove from the list of exceptional pairs. Atoll removes the
reference transmitter from the inter-technology exceptional pairs list of the other transmitter.
To add an inwards forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. There can be two cases:
- If the two transmitters already have a symmetric exceptional pair relation, press CTRL and click the other
transmitter. Atoll converts the symmetric relation to an inwards non-symmetric exceptional pair relation.

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Atoll User Manual

- If there is no existing exceptional pair relation between the two transmitters, first create a symmetric excep-
tional pair relation between the two transmitters, and then press CTRL and click the other transmitter. Atoll
converts the symmetric relation to an inwards non-symmetric exceptional pair relation.
To remove an inwards forced or forbidden exceptional pair:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter that you want to remove from the list of exceptional pairs. Atoll removes the
transmitter from the inter-technology exceptional pairs list of the other transmitter. Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Manually

You can allocate inter-technology neighbours in Atoll manually. Exceptional pair constraints are not taken into account
when you manually allocate neighbours.
To allocate inter-technology neighbours between GSM transmitters in the linked document and the UMTS cells in the main
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Neighbours > Inter-technology Neighbours from the context menu. The Exceptional Pairs of
Inter-technology Neighbours table appears.
5. Enter one exceptional pair per row of the table. Each cell can have more than one exceptional pairs.
6. For each exceptional pair, select:
a. Cell: The name of the cell in the UMTS document; i.e., the first part of the exceptional pair. The names of all
the cells in the UMTS document are available in the list.
b. Neighbour: The name of the transmitter in the GSM document; i.e, the second part of the exceptional pair.
The names of all the transmitters in the GSM document are available in the list.
c. Status: The status indicates whether the GSM transmitter should always (forced) or never (forbidden) be con-
sidered as a neighbour of the UMTS cell.
d. Atoll fills the Number and Distance (m) fields automatically. The Reason and Rank fields are reserved for
automatic neighbour allocation. Atoll also automatically sets the Type field to Manual for each new manual
neighbour you allocate.
You can also define exceptional pairs of UMTS cells for GSM transmitters. However, in GSM, neighbours and exceptional
pairs are allocated by transmitter (i.e., by sector) whereas in UMTS, neighbours and exceptional pairs are allocated by cell.
You can access the lists of inter-technology neighbours and exceptional pairs through a cell’s Properties dialogue. To
open a cell’s Properties dialogue:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Open Table from the context menu. The Cells table appears.
5. Double-click the row corresponding to the cell whose properties you want to access. The cell’s Properties dia-
logue appears.
6. Click the Inter-Technology Neighbours tab.
In GSM, the inter-technology neighbours tab is available in each transmitter’s Properties dialogue. Allocating Inter-Technology Neighbours Automatically

Atoll can automatically determine handover relations between networks of different technologies, for example, GSM and
UMTS. Atoll can automatically determine neighbour GSM transmitters for UMTS cells and vice versa. Inter-technology
neighbours are stored in the database.
Inter-technology handovers occur when the UMTS coverage is not continuous. The network’s overall coverage is
extended by a UMTS-to-GSM handover.
To automatically allocate neighbour GSM transmitters to UMTS cells:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Neighbours > Automatic Allocation from the context menu. The Automatic Neighbour Alloca-
tion dialogue appears.
5. Click the Inter-technology Neighbours tab. On the Inter-technology Neighbours tab:
- Max Inter-site Distance: Set the maximum distance between the reference cell and a possible neighbour.
- Max Number of Neighbours: Set the maximum number of inter-technology neighbours that can be allocated
to a cell. This value can be either set here for all the cells, or specified for each cell in the Cells table.

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Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

- Coverage Conditions: The coverage conditions must be respected by each possible neighbour. Click the
Define buttons to change the coverage conditions for the UMTS cells and the GSM transmitters.
In the UMTS Coverage Conditions dialogue, you can change the following parameters:

- Min. Pilot Signal Level: Enter the minimum pilot signal level which must be provided by the reference cell.
- Min. Ec/Io: Enter the minimum Ec/Io which must be provided by reference cell in the area of coverage
overlapping. The reference cell must also be the best server in terms of pilot quality. You can also define
a Max Ec/Io.
- Ec/Io Margin: Enter the Ec/Io margin to define the area of coverage overlapping between UMTS cells.
- Power Contributing to Io: You can let Atoll base the interference ratio on the Total Power Used (as
defined in the cell properties) or on a percentage of the maximum power (% Max Power).
- Shadowing Taken into Account: If desired, select the Shadowing taken into account check box and
enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability.
In the GSM Coverage Conditions dialogue, you can change the following parameters:

- Min. BCCH Signal Level: Enter the minimum BCCH signal level which must be provided by the GSM
- Margin: Enter the margin to define the area of coverage overlapping between GSM transmitters.
- Shadowing Taken into Account: If desired, select the Shadowing taken into account check box and
enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability.
- % Min. Covered Area: Enter the minimum percentage of the cell’s coverage area that the GSM transmitter’s
coverage area should also cover to be considered as a neighbour.
- Calculation Options:
- Carriers: Select the carriers on which you want to run the allocation. You can choose one or more carriers;
Atoll will allocate neighbours to cells using the selected carriers.
- Force co-site as neighbours: Selecting this check box will include the co-site GSM transmitters in the
neighbour list of the UMTS cell.
- Force exceptional pairs: Selecting this check box will apply the inter-technology exceptional pair criteria
on the neighbours list of the UMTS cell.
- Reset neighbours: Selecting this option will delete all the existing neighbours in the neighbours list and
perform a clean neighbour allocation. If the box is left unchecked, Atoll keeps the existing neighbours in
the list.
6. Click the Run button to start calculations
7. Once the calculations finish, Atoll displays the list of neighbours in the Results section. The results include the
names of the neighbours, the number of neighbours of each cell, and the reason they are included in the neigh-
bours list. The reasons include:

Reason Description When

Force exceptional pairs is
Exceptional Pair Neighbour relation is defined as an exceptional pair.
Force co-site as
Co-site The neighbour is located at the UMTS cell’s site.
neighbours is selected
Use Coverage
The neighbour is within the maximum distance from the reference
Distance Overlapping is not
% of covered area Use Coverage
Neighbour relation that fulfils coverage conditions.
and overlapping area Overlapping is selected
The neighbour relation existed before running the automatic
Existing Reset is not selected

8. Select the check box in the Commit column of the Results section to choose the inter-technology neighbours you
want to assign to cells.
9. Click the Commit button. The allocated neighbours are saved in the Intra-technology Neighbours tab of each cell.
10. Click Close. Displaying Inter-Technology Neighbours on the Map

You can display inter-technology neighbours on the map in order to study the inter-technology handover scenarios.
To display GSM neighbour transmitters of UMTS cells:
1. Click the main document’s Map window.
2. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
3. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Cells > Neighbours > Display Options from the context menu. The Neighbour Display dialogue
5. Select Inter-technology in the Display Links list.
6. Select the neighbour links to display:

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Atoll User Manual

- Outwards Non-Symmetric: Shows a neighbour link for each UMTS cell that has a GSM neighbour trans-
mitter. These links are represented with straight dashed lines of the same colour as the UMTS transmitters.
- Inwards Non-Symmetric: Shows a neighbour link for each GSM transmitter that has a UMTS neighbour cell.
These links are represented with straight dashed lines of the same colour as the GSM transmitters.
- Symmetric: Shows a neighbour link for each UMTS cell that has a GSM neighbour transmitter only if the GSM
transmitter also has this UMTS cell as neighbour. These links are represented with straight black lines.
- Carrier: Atoll displays the exceptional pair links for the carrier you select.

7. Click the context menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The context
menu appears.

8. Select Neighbours as the type of neighbour links to display.

9. Click the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The neighbour display on the map is activated.
The Neighbour display remains active until you lick the Visual Management button again.
10. Click a transmitter on the map to show its neighbour links.
You can also define exceptional pairs of UMTS cells for GSM transmitters. However, in GSM, neighbours and exceptional
pairs are allocated by transmitter (i.e., by sector) whereas in UMTS, neighbours and exceptional pairs are allocated by cell.
If you select All in the Display Links list, Atoll displays both inter-technology and intra-technology neighbours on the map.
The figure below shows the intra- and inter-technology neighbours of the transmitter Site22_2. Allocating and Removing Inter-Technology Neighbours Using the Mouse

You can allocate inter-technology neighbours using the mouse. Atoll adds or removes neighbours to transmitters if the
display option is set to Neighbours.
Before you can add or remove exceptional pairs using the mouse, you must activate the display of exceptional pairs on
the map as explained in "Displaying Inter-Technology Exceptional Pairs on the Map" on page 174.
To add a symmetric neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter with which you want to set a neighbour relation. Atoll adds both transmitter
to the inter-technology neighbours list of the other transmitter.
To remove a symmetric neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes both trans-
mitter from the inter-technology neighbours list of the other transmitter.
To add an outwards neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter with which you want to set a neighbour relation. Atoll adds the reference
transmitter to the inter-technology neighbour list of the other transmitter.

178 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 6: Co-planning Features

To remove an outwards neighbour relation:

1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes the reference
transmitter from the inter-technology neighbours list of the other transmitter.
To add an inwards neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. There can be two cases:
- If the two transmitters already have a symmetric neighbour relation, press CTRL and click the other trans-
mitter. Atoll converts the symmetric relation to an inwards non-symmetric inter-technology neighbour relation.
- If there is no existing neighbour relation between the two transmitters, first create a symmetric neighbour rela-
tion by pressing SHIFT and clicking the transmitter with which you want to create a symmetric relation. Then
press CTRL and click the other transmitter. Atoll converts the symmetric relation to an inwards non-symmetric
inter-technology neighbour relation.
To remove an inwards neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes the trans-
mitter from the inter-technology neighbours list of the other transmitter.

6.3 Tips and Tricks

In this section, the following is explained:
• "Minimising Memory Consumption" on page 179

6.3.1 Minimising Memory Consumption

Co-planning with Atoll requires that both technology documents be open in Atoll at the same time. Loading both GSM
and UMTS documents in memory can cause memory saturation, specially if the documents contain large, for example,
country-wide, networks. To decrease the amount of memory consumed by Atoll in such cases, you can:
• Load vector layers in main document only. Loading vectors in the linked document is not necessary and only con-
sumes more memory.
• Avoid loading neighbours and custom fields which are not required. This can be performed by creating views in
the database. For more information, see the Administrator Manual.

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Atoll User Manual

180 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


Global RF Planning Solution
Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

7 UMTS HSPA Networks

Atoll enables you to create and modify all aspects of a UMTS HSPA (HSDPA and HSUPA) network. Once you have
created the network, Atoll offers many tools to let you verify the network. Based on the results of your tests, you can modify
any of the parameters defining the network.
The process of planning and creating a UMTS HSPA network is outlined in "Designing a UMTS Network" on page 183.
Creating the network of base stations is explained in "Planning and Optimising UMTS Base Stations" on page 184. Allo-
cating neighbours and scrambling codes is also explained. In this section, you will also find information on how you can
display information on base stations on the map and how you can use the tools in Atoll study base stations.
In "Studying Network Capacity" on page 256, using traffic maps to study network capacity is explained. Creating simula-
tions using the traffic map information and analysing the results of simulations is also explained.
Using test mobile data paths to verify the network is explained in "Optimising and Verifying Network Capacity" on
page 281. How to filter imported test mobile data paths, and how to use the data in coverage predictions is also explained.

7.1 Designing a UMTS Network

Figure 7.99 depicts the process of planning and creating a UMTS HSPA network.

Open an Existing Project
or Create a New One

Network Configuration
- Add Network Elements
- Change Parameters

Basic Predictions
(Best Server, Signal Level)

Neighbour Allocation

5a 5b 5c
Traffic Maps Monte-Carlo User-defined values
Simulations 5
Cell Load

6 6a
UMTS/HSPA Predictions Prediction Study Reports

Scrambling Code Plan

Figure 7.99: Planning a UMTS network - workflow

The steps involved in planning a UMTS HSPA network are described below. The numbers refer to Figure 7.99.

1. Open an existing radio-planning document or create a new one ( 1 ).

- You can open an existing Atoll document by selecting File > Open.
- Creating a new a new Atoll document is explained in Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project.

2. Configure the network by adding network elements and changing parameters ( 2 ).

You can add and modify the following elements of base stations:

- "Creating or Modifying a Site" on page 190

- "Creating or Modifying a Transmitter" on page 190
- "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191.
You can also add base stations using a base station template (see "Placing a New Station Using a Station
Template" on page 191).

3. Carry out basic coverage predictions ( 3 )

- "Making a Point Analysis to Study the Profile" on page 203
- "Studying Signal Level Coverage" on page 204 and "Signal Level Coverage Predictions" on page 211

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Atoll User Manual

4. Allocate neighbours, automatically or individually ( 4 ).

- "Planning Neighbours" on page 240.

5. Before making more advanced coverage predictions, you need to define cell load conditions ( 5 ).
You can define cell load conditions in the following ways:

- You can generate realistic cell load conditions by creating a simulation based on a traffic map ( 5a and 5b )
(see "Studying Network Capacity" on page 256).
- You can define them manually either on the Cells tab of each transmitter’s Properties dialogue or in the Cells
table (see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191) ( 5c ).

6. Make UMTS-specific coverage predictions using the defined cell load conditions ( 6 ).
- "UMTS-Specific Studies" on page 223
- "HSDPA Coverage Prediction" on page 236
- "HSUPA Coverage Prediction" on page 237.

7. Allocate scrambling codes ( 7 ).

- "Planning Scrambling Codes" on page 249.

7.2 Planning and Optimising UMTS Base Stations

As described in Chapter 2: Starting an Atoll Project, you can start an Atoll document from a template, with no sites, or
from a database with a set of sites. As you work on your Atoll document, you will still need to create sites and modify
existing ones.
In Atoll, a site is defined as a geographical point where one or more transmitters are located. Once you have created a
site, you can add transmitters. In Atoll, a transmitter is defined as the antenna and any other additional equipment, such
as the TMA, feeder cables, etc. In a UMTS project, you must also add cells to each transmitter. A cell refers to the char-
acteristics of a carrier on a transmitter.

- Azimuth
- Mechanical tilt


- Height
Feeder Cable

- BTS noise figure
- Power

- X, Y coordinates

Figure 7.100: A transmitter

Atoll lets you create one site, transmitter, or cell at a time, or create several at once by creating a station template. Using
a station template, you can create one or more base stations at the same time. In Atoll, a base station refers to a site with
its transmitters, antennas, equipment, and cells.
Atoll allows you to make a variety of coverage predictions, such as signal level or transmitter coverage predictions. The
results of calculated coverage predictions can be displayed on the map, compared, or studied.
Atoll enables you to model network traffic by allowing you to create services, users, user profiles, environments, and termi-
nals. This data can be then used to make quality studies, such as effective service area, noise, or handover status predic-
tions, on the network.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating a UMTS Base Station" on page 185
• "Creating a Group of Base Stations" on page 196
• "Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map" on page 197
• "Display Hints for Base Stations" on page 197
• "Creating a Dual-Band UMTS Network" on page 197
• "Creating a Repeater" on page 197
• "Creating a Remote Antenna" on page 200

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

• "Setting the Working Area of an Atoll Document" on page 202

• "Studying a Single Base Station" on page 202
• "Studying Base Stations" on page 206
• "Planning Neighbours" on page 240
• "Planning Scrambling Codes" on page 249.

7.2.1 Creating a UMTS Base Station

When you create a UMTS site, you create only the geographical point; you must add the transmitters and cells afterwards.
The site, with the transmitters, antennas, equipment, and cells is called a base station.
In this section, each element of a base station is described. If you want to add a new base station, see "Placing a New
Station Using a Station Template" on page 191. If you want to create or modify one of the elements of a base station, see
"Creating or Modifying a Base Station Element" on page 190. If you need to create a large number of base stations, Atoll
allows you to import them from another Atoll document or from an external source. For information, see "Creating a Group
of Base Stations" on page 196.
This section explains the various parts of the base station process:
• "Definition of a Base Station" on page 185
• "Creating or Modifying a Base Station Element" on page 190
• "Placing a New Station Using a Station Template" on page 191
• "Managing Station Templates" on page 192. Definition of a Base Station

A base station consists of the site, one or more transmitters, various pieces of equipment, and radio settings such as, for
example, cells. You will usually create a new base station using a station template, as described in "Placing a New Station
Using a Station Template" on page 191. This section describes the following elements of a base station and their param-
• "Site Description" on page 185
• "Transmitter Description" on page 186
• "Cell Definition" on page 188. Site Description

The parameters of a site can be found in the site’s Properties dialogue. The Properties dialogue has two tabs:
• The General tab (see Figure 7.101):

Figure 7.101: New Site dialogue

- Name: Atoll automatically enters a default name for each new site. You can modify the default name here. If
you want to change the default name that Atoll gives to new sites, see the Administrator Manual.
- Position: By default, Atoll places the new site at the centre of the map window. You can modify the location
of the site here.

Tip: While this method allows you to place a site with precision, you can also place sites using
the mouse and then position them precisely with this dialogue afterwards. For information
on placing sites using the mouse, see "Moving a Site Using the Mouse" on page 21.

- Altitude: The altitude, as defined by the DTM for the location specified under Position, is given here. You can
specify the actual altitude under Real, if you wish. If an altitude is specified here, Atoll will use this value for

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Atoll User Manual

- Comments: You can enter comments in this field if you wish.

• The Equipment tab:
- Max Number of Uplink Channel Elements: The maximum number of physical radio resources for the current
site in the uplink. By default Atoll enters the maximum possible (256).
- Max Number of Downlink Channel Elements: The maximum number of physical radio resources for the cur-
rent site in the downlink. By default Atoll enters the maximum possible (256).
- Equipment: You can select equipment from the list. To create new site equipment, see "Creating Site Equip-
ment" on page 294.
If no equipment is assigned to the site, Atoll considers the following default values:

- Rake efficiency factor = 1

- MUD factor = 0
- Carrier selection = UL minimum noise
- Overhead CEs downlink and uplink = 0
- The option AS Restricted to Neighbours is not selected, and Atoll uses one channel element on the
uplink or downlink for any service during power control simulation. Transmitter Description

The parameters of a transmitter can be found in the transmitter’s Properties dialogue. When you create a transmitter, the
Properties dialogue has two tabs: the General tab and the Transmitter tab. Once you have created a transmitter, its Prop-
erties dialogue has three additional tabs: the Cells tab (see "Cell Definition" on page 188), the Propagation tab (see Chap-
ter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll), and the Display tab (see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22).
• The General tab:
- Name: By default, Atoll names the transmitter after the site it is on, adding an underscore and a number. You
can enter a name for the transmitter, but for the sake of consistency, it is better to let Atoll assign a name. If
you want to change the way Atoll names transmitters, see the Administrators Manual.
- Site: You can select the Site on which the transmitter will be located. Once you have selected the site, you
can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of the site on which the transmitter will be located.
For information on the site Properties dialogue, see "Site Description" on page 185. You can click the New
button to create a new site on which the transmitter will be located.
- Frequency Band: You can select a Frequency Band for the transmitter. Once you have selected the fre-
quency band, you can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of the band. For information on
the frequency band Properties dialogue, see "Defining Frequency Bands" on page 290.
- Position relative to the site: You can modify the Position relative to the site, if you wish.
• The Transmitter tab (see Figure 7.102):

Figure 7.102: Transmitter dialogue - Transmitter tab

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Active: If this transmitter is to be active, you must select the Active check box. Active transmitters are dis-
played in red in the Transmitters folder of the Data tab.

Note: Only active transmitters are taken into consideration during calculations.

- Transmission/Reception: Under Transmission/Reception, you can see the total losses and the noise
figure of the transmitter. Atoll calculates losses and noise according to the characteristics of the equipment
assigned to the transmitter. Equipment can be assigned by using the Equipment Specifications dialogue
which appears when you click the Equipment button.
- On the Equipment Specifications dialogue (see Figure 7.103), the equipment you select and the gains and
losses you define are used to initialise total transmitter UL and DL losses:
- TMA: You can select a tower-mounted amplifier (TMA) from the list. You can click the Browse button
( ) to access the properties of the TMA. For information on creating a TMA, see "Defining TMA Equip-
ment" on page 133.
- Feeder: You can select a feeder cable from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the
properties of the feeder. For information on creating a feeder cable, see "Defining Feeder Cables" on
page 133.
- BTS: You can select a base transceiver station (BTS) equipment from the BTS list. You can click the
Browse button ( ) to access the properties of the BTS. For information on creating a BTS, see "Defin-
ing BTS Equipment" on page 133.
- Feeder Length: You can enter the feeder length at transmission and reception.
- Miscellaneous Losses: You can enter miscellaneous losses at transmission and reception. The value
you enter must be positive.
- Receiver Antenna Diversity Gain: You can enter a receiver antenna diversity gain. The value you enter
must be positive.

Figure 7.103: The Equipment Specifications dialogue

Note: Any loss related to the noise due to a transmitter’s repeater is included in the calculated
losses. Atoll always considers the values in the Real boxes in prediction studies even if
they are different from the values in the Computed boxes. The information in the real BTS
Noise Figure reception box is calculated from the information you entered in the Equip-
ment Specifications dialogue. You can modify the real Total Losses at transmission and
reception and the real BTS Noise Figure at reception if you wish. Any value you enter must
be positive.

- Diversity: Under Diversity, you can select the type of diversity from the Transmission and Reception lists.
- Antennas:
- Height/Ground: The Height/Ground box gives the height of the antenna above the ground. This is added
to the altitude of the site as given by the DTM. If the transmitter is situated on a building, the height entered
must include the height of building.
- Main Antenna: Under Main Antenna, the type of antenna is visible in the Model list. You can click the
Browse button ( ) to access the properties of the antenna. The other fields, Azimuth, Mechanical
Downtilt, and Additional Electrical Downtilt, display additional antenna parameters.
- Under Secondary Antennas, you can select one or more secondary antennas in the Antenna column
and enter their Azimuth, Mechanical Downtilt, Additional Electrical Downtilt, and % Power, which is
the percentage of power reserved for this particular antenna. For example, for a transmitter with one

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Atoll User Manual

secondary antenna, if you reserve 40% of the total power for the secondary antenna, 60% is available for
the main antenna.
For information on working with data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39. Cell Definition

In Atoll, a cell is defined as a carrier, with all its characteristics, on a transmitter; the cell is the mechanism by which you
can configure a UMTS multi-carrier network. In other words, a transmitter has one cell for every carrier.
When you create a transmitter, Atoll reminds you to create at least one cell for the transmitter. The following explains the
parameters of a UMTS cell, including the parameters for HSDPA and HSUPA functionality. As you create a cell, Atoll
calculates appropriate values for some fields based on the information you have entered. You can, if you wish, modify
these values.
The properties of a UMTS cell are found on Cells tab of the Properties dialogue of the transmitter to which it is assigned.
The Cells tab has the following options:
• Inter-Carrier Power Sharing: You can enable power sharing between cells by selecting the Inter-Carrier Power
Sharing check box under HSDPA and entering a value in the Maximum Shared Power box. In order for Inter-
Carrier Power Sharing to be available, you must have at least one HSDPA carrier with dynamic power allocation.
Inter-Carrier Power Sharing enables the network to dynamically allocate available power from R99-only and
HSDPA carriers among HSDPA carriers.

When you select Inter-Carrier Power Sharing and you define a maximum shared power, the Max Power of each
cell is used to determine the percentage of the transmitter power that the cell cannot exceed.

The most common scenario is where you have R99-only cells that are not using 100% of their power and can share
it with an HSDPA carrier. To use power sharing efficiently, you should set the Max Power of the HSDPA cells to
the same value as the Maximum Shared Power. For example, if the Maximum Shared Power is defined as
43 dBm, the Max Power of all HSDPA cells should be set to 43 dBm in order to be able to use 100% of the avail-
able power. In this case, all of an R99 cell’s unused power can be allocated to the HSDPA cell.

• Name: By default, Atoll names the cell after its transmitter, adding the carrier number in parentheses. If you
change transmitter name or carrier, Atoll does not update the cell name. You can enter a name for the cell, but
for the sake of consistency, it is better to let Atoll assign a name. If you want to change the way Atoll names cells,
see the Administrators Manual.
• Carrier: The number of the carrier.
• Active: If this cell is to be active, you must select the Active check box.
• Max Power (dBm): The maximum available downlink power for the cell.
• Pilot Power (dBm): The pilot power.
• SCH power (dBm): The average power of both the synchronisation channels (P-SCH and S-SCH).

Note: The SCH power is only transmitted 1⁄10 of the time. Consequently, the value entered for the
SCH power should only be 1⁄10 of its value when transmitted, in order to respect its actual
interference on other channels.

• Other CCH power (dBm): The power of other common channels (P-CCPCH, S-CCPCH, AICH, PICH, P-SCH,
and S-SCH).

Note: By default, the SCH power and CCH power are set as absolute values. You can set these
values as relative to the pilot power by right-clicking the Transmitters folder on the Data
tab of the Explorer window and selecting Properties from the context menu. Then, on the
Global Parameters tab of the Properties dialogue, under DL Powers, you can select Rela-
tive to Pilot. The SCH power and CCH power will then be set as relative to the pilot power.

• AS Threshold (dB): The active set threshold. It is the Ec⁄I0 margin in comparison with the Ec⁄I0 of the best server.
It is used to determine which cells, apart from the best server, will be part of the active set.
• DL Peak Rate per User (kbps): The downlink peak rate per user in kbps. The DL peak rate per user is the max-
imum connection rate in the downlink for a user. The DL and UL peak rates are taken into account during power
control simulation.
• UL Peak Rate per User (kbps): The uplink peak rate per user in kbps. The UL peak rate per user is the maximum
connection rate in the uplink for a user. The DL and UL peak rates are taken into account during power control
• Max DL Load (% Pmax): The percentage of the maximum downlink power (set in Max Power) not to be
exceeded. This limit will be taken into account during the simulation if the option DL Load is selected. If the DL
load option is not selected during a simulation, this value is not taken into consideration.
• Max UL Load Factor (%): The maximum uplink load factor not to be exceeded. This limit can be taken into
account during the simulation.
• Total Power (dBm): The total transmitted power on downlink is the total power necessary to serve R99 and
HSDPA users. This value can be a simulation result or can be entered by the user.
• UL Load Factor (%): The uplink cell load factor. This factor corresponds to the ratio between the uplink total inter-
ference and the uplink total noise. This value can be a simulation result or can be entered by the user.
• UL Reuse Factor: The uplink reuse factor is determined from uplink intra and extra-cell interference (signals
received by the transmitter respectively from intra and extra-cell terminals). This is the ratio between the total

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

uplink interference and the intra-cell interference. This value can be a simulation result or can be entered by the
• Scrambling Code Domain: The scrambling code domain to which the allocated scrambling code belongs. This
and the scrambling code reuse distance are used by the scrambling code planning algorithm.
• SC Reuse Distance: The scrambling code reuse distance. This and the scrambling code domain are used by the
scrambling code planning algorithm.
• Primary Scrambling Code: The primary scrambling code.
• Comments: If desired, you can enter any comments in this field.
• Max Number of Intra-carrier Neighbours: The maximum number of intra-carrier neighbours for this cell. This
value is used by the intra-carrier neighbour allocation algorithm.
• Max Number of Inter-carrier Neighbours: The maximum number of inter-carrier neighbours for this cell. This
value is used by the inter-carrier neighbour allocation algorithm.
• Max Number of Inter-technology Neighbours: The maximum number of inter-technology neighbours for this
cell. This value is used by the inter-technology neighbour allocation algorithm.
• Neighbours: You can access a dialogue in which you can set both intra-technology (intra-carrier and inter-carrier)
and inter-technology neighbours by clicking the Browse button ( ). For information on defining neighbours, see
"Planning Neighbours" on page 240.

Tip: The Browse button ( ) might not be visible in the Neighbours box if this is a new cell.
You can make the Browse button appear by clicking Apply.

• HSDPA: The HSDPA check box is selected if the cell has HSDPA functionality. When the HSDPA check box is
selected, the following fields are also available:
- HSDPA Dynamic Power Allocation: If you are modelling dynamic power allocation, the HSDPA Dynamic
Power Allocation should be checked. During a simulation, Atoll first allocates power to R99 users and then
dynamically allocates the remaining power of the cell to the HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH of HSDPA users. At
the end of the simulation, you can commit the calculated HSDPA power and total power values to each cell.

Note: In the context of dynamic power allocation, the total power equals the maximum power
minus the power headroom.

- Available HSDPA Power (dBm): When you are modelling static power allocation, the HSDPA Dynamic
Power Allocation check box is cleared and the available HSDPA power is entered in this box. This is the
power available for the HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH of HSDPA users.
- Power Headroom (dB): The power headroom is a reserve of power that Atoll keeps for Dedicated Physical
Channels (DPCH) in case of fast fading. During simulation, HSDPA users will not be connected if the cell
power remaining after serving R99 users is less than the power headroom value.
- HS-SCCH Dynamic Power Allocation: If you are modelling dynamic power allocation the HS-SCCH
Dynamic Power Allocation check box should be checked and a value should be entered in HS-SCCH Power
(dBm). During power control, Atoll will control HS-SCCH power in order to meet the minimum quality
threshold (as defined for each mobility type). The value entered in HS-SCCH Power (dBm) is the maximum
power available for each HS-SCCH channel. The calculated power for each HSDPA user during the simulation
cannot exceed this maximum value.
- HS-SCCH Power (dBm): The value for each HS-SCCH channel will be used if you are modelling dynamic
power allocation. If you have selected the HS-SCCH Dynamic Power Allocation check box and modelling
dynamic power allocation, the value entered here represents a maximum for each HSDPA user. If you have
not selected the HS-SCCH Dynamic Power Allocation check box and are modelling static power allocation,
the value entered here represents the actual HS-SCCH power per HS-SCCH channel.
- Number of HS-SCCH Channels: The maximum number of HS-SCCH channels for this cell. Each HSDPA
user consumes one HS-SCCH channel. Therefore, at any given time (over a time transmission interval), the
number of HSDPA users cannot exceed the number of HS-SCCH channels per cell.
- Min. Number of HS-PDSCH Codes: The minimum number of OVSF codes available for HS-PDSCH chan-
nels. This value will be taken into account during simulations in order to find a suitable bearer.
- Max Number of HS-PDSCH codes: The maximum number of OVSF codes available for HS-PDSCH chan-
nels. This value will be taken into account during simulations and coverage predictions in order to find a suit-
able bearer.
- Max Number of HSDPA Users: The maximum number of HSDPA bearer users (HSDPA and HSUPA users)
that this cell can support at any given time.
- Number of HSDPA Users: The number of HSDPA bearer users (HSDPA and HSUPA users) is an average
and can be used for certain coverage predictions. You can enter this value yourself, or have the value calcu-
lated by Atoll using a simulation.
- HSDPA Scheduler Algorithm: The scheduling technique that will be used to rank the HSDPA users to be
- Max C/I: "n" HSDPA users (where "n" corresponds to the maximum number of HSDPA users defined) are
scheduled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order). Then, they are sorted in descend-
ing order by the channel quality indicator (CQI).
- Round Robin: HSDPA users are scheduled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order).
- Proportional Fair: "n" HSDPA users (where "n" corresponds to the maximum number of HSDPA users
defined) are scheduled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order). Then, they are sorted
in descending order according to a random parameter which corresponds to a combination of the user
rank in the simulation and the channel quality indicator (CQI).

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Atoll User Manual

Note: The random parameter is calculated by giving both the user simulation rank and the CQI a
weight of 50%. You can change the default weights by setting the appropriate options in the
atoll.ini file. For more information, see the Administrator Manual.

• HSUPA: The HSUPA check box is selected if the cell has HSUPA functionality. When the HSUPA check box is
selected, the following fields are also available:
- DL HSUPA Power: The power (in dBm) allocated to HSUPA DL channels (E-AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH).
This value must be entered by the user.
- Max Number of HSUPA Users: The maximum number of HSUPA users that this cell can support at any given
- UL Load Factor Due to HSUPA (%): The uplink cell load contribution due to HSUPA. This value can be a
simulation result or can be entered by the user.
- Number of HSUPA Users: The number of HSUPA users is an average and can be used for certain coverage
predictions. This value can be a simulation result or can be entered by the user. Creating or Modifying a Base Station Element

A base station consists of the site, one or more transmitters, various pieces of equipment, and radio settings such as, for
example, cells.
This section describes how to create or modify the following elements of a base station:
• "Creating or Modifying a Site" on page 190
• "Creating or Modifying a Transmitter" on page 190
• "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191. Creating or Modifying a Site

You can modify an existing site or you can create a new site. You can access the properties of a site, described in "Site
Description" on page 185, through the site’s Properties dialogue. How you access the Properties dialogue depends on
whether you are creating a new site or modifying an existing site.
To create or modify a site:
1. If you are creating a new site:
a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
b. Right-click the Sites folder. The context menu appears.
c. Select New from the context menu. The Sites New Element Properties dialogue appears (see Figure 7.101
on page 185).
2. If you are modifying the properties of an existing site:
a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
b. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Sites folder.
c. Right-click the site you want to modify. The context menu appears.
d. Select Properties from the context menu. The site’s Properties dialogue appears.
3. Modify the parameters described in "Site Description" on page 185.
4. Click OK.

Tip: If you are creating several sites at the same time, or modifying several existing sites, you
can do it quickly by editing or pasting the data directly in the Sites table. You can open the
Sites table by right-clicking the Sites folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window and
selecting Open Table from the context menu. For information on copying and pasting data,
see "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45. Creating or Modifying a Transmitter

You can modify an existing transmitter or you can create a new transmitter. You can access the properties of a transmitter,
described in "Transmitter Description" on page 186, through the transmitter’s Properties dialogue. How you access the
Properties dialogue depends on whether you are creating a new transmitter or modifying an existing transmitter.
To create or modify a transmitter:
1. If you are creating a new transmitter:
a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
b. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
c. Select New from the context menu. The Transmitters New Element Properties dialogue appears (see
Figure 7.102).
2. If you are modifying the properties of an existing transmitter:
a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
b. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

c. Right-click the transmitter you want to modify. The context menu appears.
d. Select Properties from the context menu. The transmitter’s Properties dialogue appears.
3. Modify the parameters described in "Transmitter Description" on page 186.
4. Click OK. If you are creating a new transmitter, Atoll reminds you to create a cell. For information on creating a
cell, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191.

• If you are creating several transmitters at the same time, or modifying several existing transmit-
ters, you can do it more quickly by editing or pasting the data directly in the Transmitters table.
You can open the Transmitters table by right-clicking the Transmitters folder on the Data tab
of the Explorer window and selecting Open Table from the context menu. For information on
copying and pasting data, see "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45.
• If you want to add a transmitter to an existing site on the map, you can add the transmitter by
right-clicking the site and selecting New Transmitter from the context menu. Creating or Modifying a Cell

You can modify an existing cell or you can create a new cell. You can access the properties of a cell, described in "Cell
Definition" on page 188, through the Properties dialogue of the transmitter where the cell is located.
To create or modify a cell:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
3. Right-click the transmitter on which you want to create a cell or whose cell you want to modify. The context menu
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The transmitter’s Properties dialogue appears.
5. Select the Cells tab.
6. Modify the parameters described in "Cell Definition" on page 188.
7. Click OK.

• If you are creating or modifying several cells at the same time, you can do it more quickly by
editing the data directly in the Cells table. You can open the Cells table by right-clicking the
Transmitters folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window and selecting Cells > Open Table
from the context menu. You can either edit the data in the table, paste data into the table (see
"Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45), or import data into the table (see "Importing
Tables from Text Files" on page 47).
• If you want to add a cell to an existing transmitter on the map, you can add the cell by right-
clicking the transmitter and selecting New Cell from the context menu. Placing a New Station Using a Station Template

In Atoll, a station is defined as a site with one or more transmitters sharing the same properties. With Atoll, you can create
a network by placing stations based on station templates. This allows you to build your network quickly with consistent
parameters, instead of building the network by first creating the site, then the transmitters, and finally by adding the cells.
To place a new station using a station template:

1. In the Radio toolbar, select a template from the list.

2. Click the New Transmitter or Station button ( ) in the Radio toolbar.

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Atoll User Manual

3. In the map window, move the pointer over the map to where you would like to
place the new station. The exact coordinates of the pointer’s current location
are visible in the Status bar.

4. Click to place the station.

• To place the station more accurately, you can zoom in on the map before you click the New Sta-
tion button. For information on using the zooming tools, see "Changing the Map Scale" on
page 28.
• If you let the pointer rest over the station you have placed, Atoll displays its tip text with its exact
coordinates, allowing you to verify that the location is correct.

You can also place a series of stations using a Atoll template. You do this by defining an area on the map where you want
to place the stations. Atoll calculates the placement of each station according to the defined hexagonal cell radius in the
station template. For information on defining the cell radius, see "Creating or Modifying a Station Template" on page 192.
To place a series of stations within a defined area:
1. In the Radio toolbar, select a template from the list.

2. Click the Hexagonal Design button ( ), to the left of the template list. A hexagonal design is a group of stations
created from the same station template.

Note: If the Hexagonal Design button is not available ( ), the hexagonal cell radius for this
template is not defined. For information on defining the cell radius, see "Creating or Modify-
ing a Station Template" on page 192.

3. Draw a zone delimiting the area where you want to place the series of stations:
a. Click once on the map to start drawing the zone.
b. Click once on the map to define each point on the map where the border of the zone changes direction.
c. Click twice to finish drawing and close the zone.
Atoll fills the delimited zone with new stations and their hexagonal shapes. Station objects such as sites and trans-
mitters are also created and placed into their respective folders.

You can work with the sites and transmitters in these stations as you work with any station object, adding, for example,
another antenna to a transmitter.

Placing a Station on an Existing Site

When you place a new station using a station template as explained in "Placing a New Station Using a Station Template"
on page 191, the site is created at the same time as the station. However, you can also place a new station on an existing
To place a station on an existing site:
1. On the Data tab, clear the display check box beside the Hexagonal Design folder.
2. In the Radio toolbar, select a template from the list.

3. Click the New Station button ( ) in the Radio toolbar.

4. Move the pointer to the site on the map. When the frame appears around the site, indicating it is selected, click to
place the station. Managing Station Templates

Atoll comes with UMTS station templates, but you can also create and modify station templates. The tools for working
with station templates can be found on the Radio toolbar (see Figure 7.104).

Figure 7.104: The Radio toolbar Creating or Modifying a Station Template

When you create a station template, Atoll bases it on the station template selected in the Station Template Properties
dialogue. The new station template has the same parameters as the one it is based on. Therefore, by selecting the existing
station template that most closely resembles the station template you want to create, you can create a new template by
only modifying the parameters that differ.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

As well, you can modify the properties of any station template.

To create or modify a station template:
1. In the Radio toolbar, click the arrow to the right of the list.
2. Select Manage Templates from the list. The Station Template Properties dialogue appears.
3. You can now create a new station template or modify an existing one:
- To create a new station template: Under Station Templates, select the station template that most closely
resembles the station template you want to create and click Add. The Properties dialogue appears.
- To modify an existing station template: Under Station Templates, select the station template whose prop-
erties you want to modify and click Properties. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the General tab of the Properties dialogue. On this tab (see Figure 7.105), you can modify the following: the
Name of the station template, the number of Sectors, each with a transmitter, and the Hexagon Radius, i.e., the
theoretical radius of the hexagonal area covered by each sector.

Figure 7.105: Station Template Properties dialogue – General tab

- Under Main Antenna, you can modify the following: the antenna Model, 1st Sector Azimuth, from which the
azimuth of the other sectors are offset to offer complete coverage of the area, the Height of the antenna from
the ground (i.e., the height over the DTM; if the transmitter is situated on a building, the height entered must
include the height of building), the Mechanical Downtilt, and the Additional Electrical Downtilt.
- Under Propagation, you can modify the following: the Propagation Model, Radius, and Resolution for both
the Main Matrix and the Extended Matrix. For information on propagation models, see Chapter 5: Managing
Calculations in Atoll.
5. Click the Transmitter tab. On this tab (see Figure 7.106), if the Active check box is selected, you can modify the
- Under Transmission/Reception, you can click the Equipment button to open the Equipment Specifica-
tions dialogue and modify the tower-mounted amplifier (TMA), feeder cables, or base transceiver station
(BTS). For information on the Equipment Specifications dialogue, see "Transmitter Description" on
page 186.
- The information in the real Total Losses in transmission and reception boxes is calculated from the informa-
tion you entered in the Equipment Specifications dialogue (see Figure 7.103 on page 187). Any loss related
to the noise due to a transmitter’s repeater is included in the calculated losses. Atoll always considers the
values in the Real boxes in prediction studies even if they are different from the values in the Computed
boxes. You can modify the real Total Losses at transmission and reception if you wish. Any value you enter
must be positive.
- The information in the real BTS Noise Figure reception box is calculated from the information you entered in
the Equipment Specifications dialogue. You can modify the real BTS Noise Figure at reception if you wish.
Any value you enter must be positive.
- Under Diversity, you can select the diversity from the Transmission and Reception lists.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 7.106: Station Template Properties dialogue – Transmitter tab

6. Click the W-CDMA/UMTS tab. In this tab (see Figure 7.107), you modify the Carriers (each corresponding to a
cell) that this station supports. For information on carriers and cells, see "Cell Definition" on page 188.
- You can select the Carriers for this template.
- Under Power, you can select the Power Shared Between Cells check box. As well, you can modify the Pilot,
the SCH, the Other CCH powers, and the AS Threshold.
- Under Simulation Constraints, you can modify the Max Power, the Max DL Load (defined as a percentage
of the maximum power), the DL Peak Rate/User, the Max UL Load Factor, and the UL Peak Rate/User.
- Under Load Conditions, you can modify the Total Transmitted Power, the UL Load Factor, and the UL
Reuse Factor.
- You can also modify the Number of Uplink and Downlink Channel Elements and select the Equipment.

Figure 7.107: Station Template Properties dialogue – W-CDMA/UMTS tab

7. Click the HSDPA/HSUPA tab.

On this tab (see Figure 7.108), if the HSDPA Supported check box is selected, you can modify the following under
HSDPA (for more information on the fields, see "Cell Definition" on page 188):

- You can select the Allocation Strategy (Static or Dynamic). If you select Static as the Allocation Strategy,
you can enter the HSDPA Power. If you select Dynamic as the Allocation Strategy, you select the Inter-
Carrier Power Sharing option and enter the Max. Shared Power.
- Under HS-PDSCH, you can modify the Min. and Max Number of Codes and the Power Headroom.
- Under HS-SCCH, you can select the Allocation Strategy (Static or Dynamic) and the Number of Channels.
If you select Static as the Allocation Strategy, you must enter the value of the HS-SCCH/Pilot Gain.
- Under Scheduler, you can modify the Algorithm, the Max Number of Users, and the Number of Users.
Under HSUPA, if the HSUPA Supported check box is selected, you can modify the following (for more information
on the fields, see "Cell Definition" on page 188):

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- You can modify the DL Power, the UL Load, the Max Number of Users, and the Number of Users.

Figure 7.108: Station Template Properties dialogue – HSDPA tab

8. Click the Neighbours tab. In this tab (see Figure 7.109), you can modify the Max Number of Intra- and Inter-Car-
rier Neighbours and the Max Number of Inter-Technology Neighbours. For information on defining neigh-
bours, see "Planning Neighbours" on page 240.

Figure 7.109: Station Template Properties dialogue – Neighbours tab

9. Click the Other Properties tab. The Other Properties tab will only appear if you have defined additional fields in the
Sites table, or if you have defined an additional field in the Station Template Properties dialogue.
10. When you have finished setting the parameters for the station template, click OK to close the dialogue and save
your changes. Modifying a Field in a Station Template

To modify a field in a station template:
1. In the Radio toolbar, click the arrow to the right of the list.
2. Select Manage Templates from the list. The Station Template Properties dialogue appears.
3. Select the template in the Available Templates list.
4. Click the Fields button.
5. In the dialogue that appears, you have the following options:
- Add: If you want to add a user-defined field to the station templates, you must have already added it to the
Sites table (for information on adding a user-defined field to a table, see "Adding a Field to an Object Type’s
Data Table" on page 40) for it to appear as an option in the station template properties. To add a new field:
i. Click the Add button. The Field Definition dialogue appears.
ii. Enter a Name for the new field. This is the name that will be used in database.
iii. If desired, you can define a Group that this custom field will belong to. When you open an Atoll document
from a database, you can then select a specific group of custom fields to be loaded from the database,
instead of loading all custom fields.
iv. In Legend, enter the name for the field that will appear in the Atoll document.

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Atoll User Manual

v. For Type, you can select from Text, Short integer, Long integer, Single, Double, True/False, Date/
Time, and Currency. If you choose text, you can also set the field Size (in characters), and create a
Choice list, by entering the possible selections directly in the Choice list window and pressing ENTER
after each one.
vi. Enter, if desired, a Default value for the new field.
vii. Click OK to close the Field Definition dialogue and save your changes.
- Delete: To delete a user-defined field:
i. Select the user-defined field you want to delete.
ii. Click the Delete button. The user-defined field appears in strikeout. It will be definitively deleted when you
close the dialogue.
- Properties: To modify the properties of a user-defined field:
i. Select the user-defined field you want to modify.
ii. Click the Properties button. The Field Definition dialogue appears.
iii. Modify any of the properties as desired.
iv. Click OK to close the Field Definition dialogue and save your changes.
6. Click OK. Deleting a Station Template

To delete a station template:
1. In the Radio toolbar, click the arrow to the right of the list.
2. Select Manage Templates from the list. The Station Template Properties dialogue appears.
3. Under Station Templates, select the station template you want to delete and click Delete. The template is
4. Click OK.

7.2.2 Creating a Group of Base Stations

You can create base stations individually as explained in "Creating a UMTS Base Station" on page 185, or you can create
one or several base stations by using station templates as explained in "Placing a New Station Using a Station Template"
on page 191. However, if you have a large data-planning project and you already have existing data, you can import this
data into your current Atoll document and create a group of base stations.

Note: When you import data into your current Atoll document, the coordinate system of the
imported data must be the same as the display coordinate system used in the document. If
you cannot change the coordinate system of your source data, you can temporarily
change the display coordinate system of the Atoll document to match the source data. For
information on changing the coordinate system, see "Setting a Coordinate System" on
page 80.

You can import base station data in the following ways:

• Copying and pasting data: If you have data in table form, either in another Atoll document or in a spreadsheet,
you can copy this data and paste it into the tables in your current Atoll document. When you create a group of
base stations by copying and pasting data, you must copy and paste site data in the Sites table, transmitter data
in the Transmitters table, and cell data in the Cells table, in that order.

Important: The table you copy data from must have the same column layout as the table you are past-
ing data into.

For information on copying and pasting data, see "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45.
• Importing data: If you have data in text or comma-separated value (CSV) format, you can import it into the tables
in the current document. If the data is in another Atoll document, you can first export it in text or CSV format and
then import it into the tables of your current Atoll document. When you are importing, Atoll allows you to select
what values you import into which columns of the table.
When you create a group of base stations by importing data, you must import site data in the Sites table, trans-
mitter data in the Transmitters table, and cell data in the Cells table, in that order.

For information on exporting table data, see "Exporting Tables to Text Files" on page 46. For information on
importing table data, see "Importing Tables from Text Files" on page 47.

Note: You can quickly create a series of base stations for study purposes using the Hexagonal
Design tool on the Radio toolbar. For information, see "Placing a New Station Using a Sta-
tion Template" on page 191.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

7.2.3 Modifying Sites and Transmitters Directly on the Map

In Atoll, you can access the Properties dialogue of a site or transmitter using the context menu on the Data tab of the
Explorer window. However, in a complex radio-planning project, it can be difficult to find the data object in the Data tab,
although it might be visible in the map window. Atoll lets you access the Properties dialogue of sites and transmitters
directly from the map. If there is more than one transmitter with the same azimuth, clicking the transmitters in the map
window opens a context menu allowing you to select the transmitter. You can also change the position of the station by
dragging it, or by letting Atoll find a higher location for it.
Modifying sites and transmitters directly on the map is explained in detail in Chapter 1: The Working Environment:
• "Selecting One of Several Transmitters or Microwave Links" on page 20
• "Moving a Site Using the Mouse" on page 21
• "Moving a Site to a Higher Location" on page 21
• "Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna Using the Mouse" on page 21
• "Changing the Position of the Transmitter Relative to the Site" on page 22.

7.2.4 Display Hints for Base Stations

Atoll allows to you to display information about base stations in a number of different ways. This enables you not only to
display selected information, but also to distinguish base stations at a glance.
The following tools can be used to display information about base stations:
• Label: You can display information about each object, such as each site or transmitter, in the form of a label that
is displayed with the object. You can display information from every field in that object type’s data table, including
from fields that you add. The label is always displayed, so you should choose information that you would want to
always be visible; too much information will lead to a cluttered display. For information on defining the label, see
"Defining the Object Type Label" on page 25.
• Tooltips: You can display information about each object, such as each site or transmitter, in the form of a tooltip
that is only visible when you move the pointer over the object. You can choose to display more information than
in the label, because the information is only displayed when you move the pointer over the object. You can display
information from every field in that object type’s data table, including from fields that you add. For information on
defining the tooltips, see "Defining the Object Type Tip Text" on page 25.
• Transmitter colour: You can set the transmitter colour to display information about the transmitter. For example,
you can select "Discrete Values" to distinguish transmitters by antenna type, or to distinguish inactive from active
sites. You can also define the display type for transmitters as "Automatic." Atoll then automatically assigns a
colour to each transmitter, ensuring that each transmitter has a different colour than the transmitters surrounding
it. For information on defining the transmitter colour, see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23.
• Transmitter symbol: You can select one of several symbols to represent transmitters. For example, you can
select a symbol that graphically represents the antenna half-power beamwidth ( ). If you have two transmit-
ters on the same site with the same azimuth, you can differentiate them by selecting different symbols for each

( and ). For information on defining the transmitter symbol, see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23.

7.2.5 Creating a Dual-Band UMTS Network

In Atoll, you can model a dual-band UMTS network, i.e., a network consisting of 2100 MHz and 900 MHz transmitters, in
one document. Creating a dual-band UMTS network consists of the following steps:
1. Defining the two frequency bands in the document (see "Defining Frequency Bands" on page 290).
2. Selecting and calibrating a propagation model for each frequency band (see Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in
3. Assigning a frequency band, with its propagation model, to each transmitter (see "Transmitter Description" on
page 186).
4. Defining the frequency bands with which terminals are compatible (see "Modelling Terminals" on page 226).

7.2.6 Creating a Repeater

A repeater receives, amplifies, and re-transmits the radiated or conducted RF carrier both in downlink and uplink. It has a
donor side and a server side. The donor side receives the signal from a donor transmitter or repeater. This signal may be
carried by different types of links such as radio link or microwave link. The server side re-transmits the received signal.
Atoll models RF repeaters and microwave repeaters. The modelling focuses on:
• The additional coverage these systems provide to transmitters in the downlink.
• The UL total gain value in service areas studies (effective service area and UL Eb/Nt service area) and the noise
rise generated at the donor transmitter by the repeater.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Creating and Modifying Repeater Equipment" on page 198
• "Placing a Repeater on the Map Using the Mouse" on page 198
• "Creating Several Repeaters" on page 198
• "Defining the Properties of a Repeater" on page 199

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Atoll User Manual

• "Hints for Updating Repeater Parameters" on page 200.

Note: Broad-band repeaters are not modelled. Atoll assumes that all carriers from the 3G donor
transmitter are amplified. Creating and Modifying Repeater Equipment

You can define repeater equipment to be assigned to each repeater in the network.
To create or modify repeater equipment:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Repeaters > Equipment from the context menu. The Repeater Equipment table appears.

4. To create repeater equipment, enter the following in the row marked with the New Row icon ( ):
a. Enter a Name and Manufacturer for the new equipment.
b. Enter a Noise Figure. The repeater causes a rise in noise at the donor transmitter, so the noise figure is used
to calculate the UL loss to be added to the donor transmitter UL losses. The noise figure must be a positive
c. Enter minimum and maximum repeater amplification gains in the Min. Gain and Max Gain columns. These
parameters enable Atoll to ensure that the user-defined amplifier gain is consistent with the limits of the equip-
ment if there are any.
d. Enter a Gain Increment. Atoll uses the increment value when you increase or decrease the repeater amplifier
gain using the buttons to the right of the Amplification box ( ) on the General tab of the repeater Properties
e. If desired, enter an Internal Delay and Comments. These fields are for information only and are not used in
5. To modify repeater equipment, change the parameters in the row containing the repeater equipment you wish to
modify. Placing a Repeater on the Map Using the Mouse

In Atoll, you can create a repeater and place it using the mouse. When you create a repeater, you can add it to an existing
site, or have Atoll automatically create a new site. Atoll supports cascading repeaters, in other words, repeaters that
extend the coverage of another repeater.
To create a repeater and place it using the mouse:
1. Select the donor transmitter or repeater. You can select it from the Transmitters folder of the Explorer window’s
Data tab, or directly on the map.

2. Click the arrow next to New Repeater or Remote Antenna button ( ) on the Radio toolbar.
3. Select Repeater from the menu.

4. Click the map to place the repeater. The repeater is placed on the map, represented by a symbol ( ) in the
same colour as the donor transmitter or repeater. By default, the repeater has the same azimuth as the donor
transmitter or repeater. Its tooltip and label display the same information as displayed for the donor transmitter or
repeater. As well, its tooltip and label identify the repeater and the donor transmitter or repeater.
For information on defining the properties of the new repeater, see "Defining the Properties of a Repeater" on
page 199.

Note: You can see to which base station the repeater is connected by clicking it; Atoll displays a
link to the donor transmitter or repeater. Creating Several Repeaters

In Atoll, the characteristics of each repeater are stored in the Repeaters table. You can create several repeaters at the
same time by pasting the information into the Repeaters table:
• If you have data in table form, either in another Atoll document or in a spreadsheet, you can copy this data and
paste it into the Repeaters table in your current Atoll document.

Important: The table you copy data from must have the same column layout as the table you are
pasting data into.

For information on copying and pasting data, see "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45.

198 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks Defining the Properties of a Repeater

To define the properties of a repeater:
1. Right-click the repeater either directly on the map, or from the Transmitters folder of the Explorer window’s Data
tab. The context menu appears.
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
3. Click the General tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- You can change the Name of the repeater. By default, repeaters are named "RepeaterN" where "N" is a
number assigned as the repeater is created.
- You can change the Donor transmitter by selecting it from the Donor list. Clicking the Browse button ( )
opens the Properties dialogue of the donor transmitter.
- You can change the Site on which the repeater is located. Clicking the Browse button ( ) opens the Prop-
erties dialogue of the site.
- You can enter a Position relative to site location, if the repeater is not located on the site itself.
- You can select equipment from the Equipment list. Clicking the Browse button ( ) opens the Properties
dialogue of the equipment.
- You can change the Amplification gain. The amplification gain is used in the link budget to evaluate the
repeater total gain.
4. Click the Donor Side tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- Under Donor-Repeater Link, select a Link Type.
- If you select Microwave Link, enter the Propagation Losses and continue with step 5.
- If you select Air Link, select a Propagation Model and enter the Propagation Losses or click Calculate
to determine the actual propagation losses between the donor and the repeater. If you do not select a
propagation model, the propagation losses between the donor transmitter and the repeater are calculated
using the ITU 526-5 propagation model.
When you create an off-air repeater, it is assumed that the link between the donor transmitter and the re-
peater has the same frequency as the network.

Important: If you want to create a remote antenna, you must select Optical Fibre Link.

- If you selected Air Link under Donor-Repeater Link, enter the following information under Antenna:

i. Select a Model from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of the
ii. Enter the height off the ground of the antenna in the Height/Ground box. This will be added to the altitude
of the transmitter as given by the DTM.
iii. Enter the Azimuth and the Mechanical Downtilt.

Note: You can click the Calculate button to update azimuth and downtilt values after changing
the repeater donor side antenna height or the repeater location. If you choose another site
or change site coordinates in the General tab, click Apply before clicking the Calculate but-

- If you selected Air Link under Donor-Repeater Link, enter the following information under Feeders:

i. Select a Type of feeder from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of
the feeder.
ii. Enter the Length of the feeder cable at Transmission and at Reception.
5. Click the Coverage Side tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- Select the Active check box. Only active repeaters (displayed in red in the Transmitters folder in the Data
tab of the Explorer window) are calculated.
- Under Total Gains, enter the gains in the Downlink and Uplink or click Calculate to determine the actual
gains. If you have modified any parameter in the General, Donor Side, or Coverage Side tabs, click Apply
before clicking the Calculate button. Atoll uses the DL total gain values to calculate the signal level received
from the repeater. The UL total gain value is considered in UL Eb/Nt service area studies.
The DL total gain is applied to each power (pilot power, SCH power, etc.). It takes into account losses between
the donor transmitter and the repeater, donor characteristics (donor antenna gain, reception feeder losses),
amplification gain, and coverage characteristics (coverage antenna gain and transmission feeder losses).

The UL total gain is applied to each terminal power. It takes into account losses between the donor transmitter
and the repeater, donor part characteristics (donor antenna gain, transmission feeder losses), amplification
gain and coverage part characteristics (coverage antenna gain and reception feeder losses).

- Under Antennas, you can modify the following parameters:

i. Enter the height off the ground of the antenna in the Height/Ground box. This will be added to the altitude
of the site as given by the DTM.

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Atoll User Manual

ii. Under Main Antenna, select a Model from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the
properties of the antenna. Then, enter the Azimuth, the Mechanical Downtilt, and, if applicable, the Ad-
ditional Electrical Downtilt. By default, the characteristics (antenna, azimuth, height, etc.) of the repeater
coverage side correspond to the characteristics of the donor transmitter.
iii. Under Secondary Antennas, you can select one or more secondary antennas in the Antenna column
and enter their Azimuth, Mechanical Downtilt, Additional Electrical Downtilt, and % Power. For infor-
mation on working with data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.
- Under Feeders, you can modify the following information:

i. Select a Type of feeder from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of
the feeder.
ii. Enter the Length of the feeder cable at Transmission and at Reception.
- Under Losses, Atoll displays the Loss Related to Repeater Noise Rise.
6. Click the Propagation tab. Since repeaters are taken into account during calculations, you must set the propaga-
tion parameters. On the Propagation tab, you can modify the following: the Propagation Model, Radius, and Res-
olution for both the Main Matrix and the Extended Matrix. By default, the propagation characteristics of the
repeater (model, calculation radius, and grid resolution) are the same as those of the donor transmitter. For infor-
mation on propagation models, see Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll. Hints for Updating Repeater Parameters

Atoll provides you with a few shortcuts that you can use to change certain repeater parameters:
• You can update the calculated azimuth and downtilt of the donor-side antennas of all repeaters by selecting
Repeaters > Calculate Donor Side Azimuths and Tilts from the Transmitters context menu.
• You can update the UL and DL total gains of all repeaters by selecting Repeaters > Calculate Gains from the
Transmitters context menu.

Note: You can prevent Atoll from updating the UL and DL total gains of selected repeaters by
creating a custom field called "FreezeTotalGain" in the Repeaters table and setting the
value of the field to "True." Afterwards, when you select Repeaters > Calculate Gains from
the Transmitters context menu, Atoll will only update the UL and DL total gains for repeat-
ers with the custom field "FreezeTotalGain" set to "False."

• You can update the propagation losses of all off-air repeaters by selecting Repeaters > Calculate Donor Side
Propagation Losses from the Transmitters context menu.
• You can select a repeater on the map and change its azimuth (see "Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna Using
the Mouse" on page 21) or its position relative to the site (see "Changing the Position of the Transmitter Relative
to the Site" on page 22).

7.2.7 Creating a Remote Antenna

Atoll allows you to create remote antennas to position antennas at locations that would normally require long runs of
feeder cable. A remote antenna is connected to the base station with an optic fibre. Remote antennas allow you to ensure
radio coverage in an area without a new base station.
In Atoll, the remote antenna should be connected to a base station that does not have any antennas. It is assumed that
a remote antenna, as opposed to a repeater, does not have any equipment and generates no amplification gain nor noise.
In certain cases, you may want to model a remote antenna with equipment or a remote antenna connected to a base
station that has antennas. This can be done by modelling a repeater. For information on creating a repeater, see "Creating
a Repeater" on page 197.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Placing a Remote Antenna on the Map Using the Mouse" on page 200
• "Creating Several Remote Antennas" on page 201
• "Defining the Properties of a Remote Antenna" on page 201
• "Hints for Updating Remote Antenna Parameters" on page 202. Placing a Remote Antenna on the Map Using the Mouse

In Atoll, you can create a remote antenna and place it using the mouse. When you create a remote antenna, you can add
it to an existing base station without antennas, or have Atoll automatically create a new site.
To create a remote antenna and place it using the mouse:
1. Select the donor transmitter. You can select it from the Transmitters folder of the Explorer window’s Data tab, or
directly on the map.

Note: Ensure that the remote antenna’s donor transmitter does not have any antennas.

2. Click the arrow next to New Repeater or Remote Antenna button ( ) on the Radio toolbar.

200 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

3. Select Remote Antenna from the menu.

4. Click the map to place the remote antenna. The remote antenna is placed on the map, represented by a symbol
( ) in the same colour as the donor transmitter. By default, the remote antenna has the same azimuth as the
donor transmitter. Its tooltip and label display the same information as displayed for the donor transmitter. As well,
its tooltip and label identify the remote antenna and the donor transmitter.
For information on defining the properties of the new remote antenna, see "Defining the Properties of a Remote
Antenna" on page 201.

Note: You can see to which base station the remote antenna is connected by clicking it; Atoll dis-
plays a link to the donor transmitter. Creating Several Remote Antennas

In Atoll, the characteristics of each remote antenna are stored in the Remote Antennas table. You can create several
remote antennas at the same time by pasting the information into the Remote Antennas table.
• If you have data in table form, either in another Atoll document or in a spreadsheet, you can copy this data and
paste it into the Remote Antennas table in your current Atoll document.

Important: The table you copy data from must have the same column layout as the table you are past-
ing data into.

For information on copying and pasting data, see "Copying and Pasting in Tables" on page 45. Defining the Properties of a Remote Antenna

To define the properties of a remote antenna:
1. Right-click the remote antenna either directly on the map, or from the Transmitters folder of the Explorer
window’s Data tab. The context menu appears.
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
3. Click the General tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- You can change the Name of the remote antenna. By default, remote antennas are named "RemoteAn-
tennaN" where "N" is a number assigned as the remote antenna is created.
- You can change the Donor transmitter by selecting it from the Donor list. Clicking the Browse button ( )
opens the Properties dialogue of the donor transmitter.
- You can change the Site on which the remote antenna is located. Clicking the Browse button ( ) opens
the Properties dialogue of the site.
- You can enter a Position relative to site location, if the remote antenna is not located on the site itself.

Note: A remote antenna does not have equipment.

4. Click the Donor Side tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- Under Donor-Repeater Link, select Optical Fibre Link and enter the Fibre Losses.
5. Click the Coverage Side tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- Select the Active check box. Only active remote antennas (displayed in red in the Transmitters folder in the
Data tab of the Explorer window) are calculated.
- Under Total Gains, enter the gains in the Downlink and Uplink or click Calculate to determine the actual
gains. If you have modified any parameter in the General, Donor Side, or Coverage Side tabs, click Apply
before clicking the Calculate button. Atoll uses the DL total gain values to calculate the signal level received
from the remote antenna. The UL total gain value is considered in UL Eb⁄Nt service area studies.
The DL total gain is applied to each power (pilot power, SCH power, etc.). It takes into account losses between
the donor transmitter and the remote antenna.

The UL total gain is applied to each terminal power. It takes into account losses between the donor transmitter
and the remote antenna.

- Under Antennas, you can modify the following parameters:

i. Enter the height off the ground of the antenna in the Height/Ground box. This will be added to the altitude
of the transmitter as given by the DTM.

ii. Under Main Antenna, select a Model from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the
properties of the antenna. Then, enter the Azimuth and the Mechanical Downtilt.
iii. Under Secondary Antennas, you can select one or more secondary antennas in the Antenna column
and enter their Azimuth, Mechanical Downtilt, Additional Electrical Downtilt, and % Power. For infor-
mation on working with data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.
- Under Feeders, you can modify the following information:

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 201

Atoll User Manual

i. Select a Type of feeder from the list. You can click the Browse button ( ) to access the properties of
the feeder.
ii. Enter the Length of the feeder cable at Transmission and at Reception.
6. Click the Propagation tab. Since remote antennas are taken into account during calculations, you must set prop-
agation parameters, as with transmitters. On the Propagation tab, you can modify the following: the Propagation
Model, Radius, and Resolution for both the Main Matrix and the Extended Matrix. By default, the propagation
characteristics of the remote antenna (model, calculation radius, and grid resolution) are the same as those of the
donor transmitter. For information on propagation models, see Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll. Hints for Updating Remote Antenna Parameters

Atoll provides you with a few shortcuts that you can use to change certain remote antenna parameters:
• You can update the UL and DL total gains of all remote antennas by selecting Remote Antennas > Calculate
Gains from the Transmitters context menu.

Note: You can prevent Atoll from updating the UL and DL total gains of selected remote antennas
by creating a custom field called "FreezeTotalGain" in the Remote Antennas table and set-
ting the value of the field to "True." Afterwards, when you select Remote Antennas > Cal-
culate Gains from the Transmitters context menu, Atoll will only update the UL and DL
total gains for remote antennas with the custom field "FreezeTotalGain" set to "False."

• You can select a remote antenna on the map and change its azimuth (see "Changing the Azimuth of the Antenna
Using the Mouse" on page 21) or its position relative to the site (see "Changing the Position of the Transmitter
Relative to the Site" on page 22).

7.2.8 Setting the Working Area of an Atoll Document

When you load project data from a database, you will probably only modify the data in the region for which you are respon-
sible. For example, a complex radio-planning project may cover an entire region or even an entire country. You, however,
might be responsible for the radio planning for only one city. In such a situation, doing a coverage prediction that calculates
the entire network would not only take a lot of time, it is not necessary. Consequently, you can restrict a coverage prediction
to the sites that you are interested in and generate only the results you need.
In Atoll, there are two ways of restricting the number of sites covered by a coverage prediction, each with its own advan-
• Filtering the desired sites
You can simplify the selection of sites to be studied by using a filter. You can filter sites according to one or more
fields, or you can create an advanced filter by combining several criteria in several fields. You can create a graphic
filter by either using an existing vector polygon or creating a new vector polygon. For information on graphic filters,
see "Filtering Data Using a Filtering Zone" on page 68. This enables you to keep only the base stations with the
characteristics you want to study. The filtering zone is taken into account whether or not it is visible.
For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.

• Setting a computation zone

Drawing a computation zone to encompass the sites to be studied limits the number of sites to be calculated, which
in turn reduces the time necessary for calculations. In a smaller project, the time savings may not be significant.
In a larger project, especially when you are making repeated studies in order to see the effects of small changes
in site configuration, the savings in time is considerable. Limiting the number of sites by drawing a computation
zone also limits the resulting calculated coverage. The computation zone is taken into account whether or not it is
It is important not to confuse the computation zone and the focus zone or hot spot zone. The computation zone
defines the area where Atoll computes path loss matrices, coverage studies, Monte Carlo, power control simula-
tions, etc., while the focus zone or hot spot zone is the area taken into consideration when generating reports and

For information on the computation zone, see "Creating a Computation Zone" on page 210.

You can combine a computation zone and a filter, in order to create a very precise selection of the base stations to be

7.2.9 Studying a Single Base Station

As you create a site, you can study it to test the effectiveness of the set parameters. Coverage predictions on groups of
sites can take a large amount of time and consume a lot of computer resources. Restricting your coverage prediction to
the site you are currently working on allows you get the results quickly. You can expand your coverage prediction to a
number of sites once you have optimised the settings for each individual site.
Before studying a site, you must assign a propagation model. The propagation model takes the radio and geographic data
into account and computes losses along the transmitter-receiver path. This allows you to predict the received signal level
at any given point. Atoll enables you to assign both a main propagation model, with a shorter radius and a higher resolu-

202 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

tion, and an extended propagation model, with a longer radius and a lower resolution. By using a calculation radius, Atoll
limits the scope of calculations to a defined area. By using two matrices, Atoll allows you to calculate high resolution path
loss matrices closer to the transmitter, while reducing calculation time by using an extended matrix with a lower resolution.
You can assign a propagation model to all transmitters at once, to a group of transmitters, or to a single transmitter. Assign-
ing a propagation model is explained in "Assigning a Propagation Model" on page 208.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Making a Point Analysis to Study the Profile" on page 203
• "Studying Signal Level Coverage" on page 204. Making a Point Analysis to Study the Profile

In Atoll, you can make a point analysis to study reception along a profile between a reference transmitter and a UMTS
user. Before studying a site, you must assign a propagation model. The propagation model takes the radio and geographic
data into account and computes losses along the transmitter-receiver path. The profile is calculated in real time, using the
propagation model, allowing you to study the profile and get a prediction on each selected point.
For information on assigning a propagation model, see "Assigning a Propagation Model" on page 208.
To make a point analysis:
1. In the map window, select the transmitter from which you want to make a point analysis.

2. Click the Point Analysis Tool ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The Point Analysis Tool window appears and the
pointer changes ( ) to represent the receiver.
3. A line appears on the map connecting the selected transmitter and the current position. You can now do the fol-
- Move the receiver to change the current position.
- Click to place the receiver at the current position. You can move the receiver again by clicking it a second time.
- Right-click the receiver to choose one of the following commands from the context menu:
- Coordinates: Select Coordinates to change the receiver position by entering new XY coordinates.
- Target Site: Select a site from the list to place the receiver directly on a site.
4. Click the Profile tab.
5. The profile analysis appears in the Profile tab of the Point Analysis Tool window. The altitude (in metres) is
reported on the vertical axis and the receiver-transmitter distance on the horizontal axis. A blue ellipsoid indicates
the Fresnel zone between the transmitter and the receiver, with a green line indicating the line of sight (LOS). Atoll
displays the angle of the LOS read from the vertical antenna pattern. Along the profile, if the signal meets an
obstacle, this causes attenuation with diffraction displayed by a red vertical line (if the propagation model used
takes diffraction mechanisms into account). The main peak is the one that intersects the most with the Fresnel
ellipsoid. With some propagation models using a 3 knife-edge Deygout diffraction method, the results may display
two additional attenuations peaks. The total attenuation is displayed above the main peak.
The results of the analysis are displayed at the top of the Profile tab:
- The received signal strength of the selected transmitter
- The propagation model used
- The shadowing margin
- The distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
You can change the following options at the top of the Profile tab:

- Transmitter: Select the transmitter from the list.

- Carriers: Select the carrier to be analysed.

Note: If you want to see a profile analysis with clutter height displayed, you can use the Height
Profile tool ( ). For information on the Height Profile tool, see "Displaying the Terrain
Profile Between Candidate Microwave Sites" on page 848.

6. Right-click the Profile tab to choose one of the following commands from the context menu:
- Properties: Select Properties to display the Analysis Properties dialogue. This dialogue is available from
the context menu on all tabs of the Point Analysis Tool window. You can change the following:
- Change the X and Y coordinates to change the present position of the receiver.
- Select the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability, and
select "From Model" from the Shadowing Margin list.
- Select Signal Level, Path loss, and Total losses from the Result Type list.
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- Link Budget: Select Link Budget to display a dialogue with the link budget.
- Model Details: Select Model Details to display a text document with details on the displayed profile analysis.
Model details are only available for the standard propagation model.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 203

Atoll User Manual

Displays data, including received signal, shadowing margin,

You can select a different transmitter, and propagation model used, and transmitter-receiver distance.
choose to display a profile only with a selected

Fresnel ellipsoid Line of sight Attenuation with diffraction.

Figure 7.110: Point Analysis Tool - Profile tab Studying Signal Level Coverage

As you are building your radio-planning project, you may want to check the coverage of a new base station without having
to calculate the entire project. You can do this by selecting the site with its transmitters and then creating a new coverage
This section explains how to calculate the signal level coverage of a single site. A signal level coverage prediction displays
the signal of the best server for each pixel of the area studied.

Note: You can use the same procedure to study the signal level coverage of several sites by
grouping the transmitters. For information on grouping transmitters, see "Grouping Data
Objects by a Selected Property" on page 53.

To study the signal level coverage of a single base station:

1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder and select Group by > Sites from the context menu. The transmitters are now
displayed in the Transmitters folder by the site on which they are situated.

Tip: If you wish to study only sites by their status, at this step you could group them by status.

3. Select the propagation parameters to be used in the coverage prediction:

a. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
b. Right-click the group of transmitters you want to study. The context menu appears.
c. Select Open Table from the context menu. A table appears with the properties of the selected group of trans-
d. In the table, you can configure two propagation models: one for the main matrix, with a shorter radius and a
higher resolution, and another for the extended matrix, with a longer radius and a lower resolution. By calcu-
lating two matrices you can reduce the time of calculation by using a lower resolution for the extended matrix
and you can obtain more accurate results by using for the main and extended matrices propagation models
best suited for each distance.
e. In the Main Matrix column:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
f. If desired, in the Extended Matrix column:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
g. Close the table.
4. In the Transmitters folder, right-click the group of transmitters you want to study and select Calculations >
Create a New Study from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
The Study Types dialogue lists the studies available. They are divided into Standard Studies, supplied with
Atoll, and Customized Studies. Unless you have already created some customized studies, the Customized
Studies list will be empty.

5. Select Coverage by Signal Level and click OK. A study properties dialogue appears.
6. You can configure the following parameters in the Properties dialogue:

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- General tab: You can change the assigned Name of the coverage prediction, the Resolution, and you can
add a Comment. The resolution you set is the display resolution, not the calculation resolution.
To improve memory consumption and optimise the calculation times, you should set the display resolutions of
coverage predictions according to the precision required. The following table lists the levels of precision that
are usually sufficient:

Size of the Coverage

Display Resolution
City Centre 5m
City 20 m
County 50 m
State 100 m
Country According to the size of the country

Note: If you create a new coverage prediction from the context menu of either the Transmitters
or Predictions folder, you can select the sites using the Group By, Sort, and Filter buttons
under Configuration. Because you already selected the target sites, however, only the Fil-
ter button is available.

- Condition tab: The coverage prediction parameters on the Conditions tab allow you to define the signals that
will be considered for each pixel (see Figure 7.111).
- At the top of the Condition tab, you can set the signal level range to be considered. In Figure 7.111, a sig-
nal level less than or equal to -120 dBm will be considered.
- Under Server, select "All" to consider signal levels from all servers.
- If you select the Shadowing taken into account check box, you can change the Cell Edge Coverage
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- You can select the Carrier to be studied, or select "All" to have all carriers taken into account. The cover-
age prediction displays the strength of the received pilot signal.

Figure 7.111: Condition settings for a signal level coverage prediction

- Display tab: You can modify how the results of the coverage prediction will be displayed.
- Under Display Type, select "Value Intervals."
- Under Field, select "Best Signal Level." Selecting "All" or "Best Signal Level" on the Conditions tab will
give you the same results because Atoll displays the results of the best server in either case. Selecting
"Best Signal Level" necessitates, however, the longest time for calculation.
- You can change the value intervals and their displayed colour. For information on changing display prop-
erties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
- You can create a tooltip with information about the coverage prediction by clicking the Browse button

( ) next to the Tip Text box and selecting the fields you want to display in the tooltip.
- You can select the Add to Legend check box to add the displayed value intervals to the legend.

Note: If you change the display properties of a coverage prediction after you have calculated it,
you may make the coverage prediction invalid. You will then have to recalculate the cover-
age prediction to obtain valid results.

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Atoll User Manual

7. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the signal level coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window. The signal level
coverage prediction can be found in the Predictions folder on the Data tab. Atoll automatically locks the results of a cover-
age prediction as soon as it is calculated, as indicated by the icon ( ) beside the coverage prediction in the Predictions
folder. When you click the Calculate button ( ), Atoll only calculates unlocked coverage predictions ( ).

7.2.10 Studying Base Stations

When you make a coverage prediction, Atoll calculates all base stations that are active, filtered (i.e., that are selected by
the current filter parameters), and whose propagation zone intersects a rectangle containing the computation zone.
Figure 7.112 gives an example of a computation zone. In Figure 7.112, the computation zone is displayed in red, as it is
in the Atoll map window. The propagation zone of each active site is indicated by a blue square. Each propagation zone
that intersects the rectangle (indicated by the green dashed line) containing the computation zone will be taken into consid-
eration when Atoll calculates the coverage prediction. Sites 78 and 95, for example, are not in the computation zone.
However, their propagation zones intersect the rectangle containing the computation zone and, therefore, they will be
taken into consideration in the coverage prediction. On the other hand, the coverage zones of three other sites do not inter-
sect the green rectangle. Therefore, they will not be taken into account in the coverage prediction.

Figure 7.112: An example of a computation zone

Before calculating a coverage prediction, Atoll must have valid path loss matrices. Atoll calculates the path loss matrices
using the assigned propagation model. Atoll can use two different propagation models for each transmitter: a main prop-
agation model with a shorter radius (displayed with a blue square in Figure 7.112) and a higher resolution and an extended
propagation model with a longer radius and a lower resolution. Atoll will use the main propagation model to calculate
higher resolution path loss matrices close to the transmitter and the extended propagation model to calculate lower reso-
lution path loss matrices outside the area covered by the main propagation model.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Path Loss Matrices" on page 207
• "Assigning a Propagation Model" on page 208
• "The Calculation Process" on page 210
• "Creating a Computation Zone" on page 210
• "Setting Transmitters or Cells as Active" on page 210
• "Signal Level Coverage Predictions" on page 211
• "Analysing a Coverage Prediction" on page 215
• "UMTS-Specific Studies" on page 223
• "HSDPA Coverage Prediction" on page 236
• "HSUPA Coverage Prediction" on page 237

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

• "Printing and Exporting Coverage Prediction Results" on page 238. Path Loss Matrices

Path loss is caused by objects in the transmitter-receiver path and is calculated by the propagation model. In Atoll, the
path loss matrices are needed for all base stations that are active, filtered and whose propagation zone intersects a rectan-
gle containing the computation zone (for an explanation of the computation zone, see "Studying Signal Level Coverage"
on page 204) and must be calculated before predictions and simulations can be made.

Storing Path Loss Matrices

Path loss matrices can be stored internally, in the Atoll document, or they can be stored externally. Storing path loss matri-
ces in the Atoll document results in a more portable but significantly larger document. in the case of large radio-planning
projects, embedding the matrices can lead to large documents which use a great deal of memory. Therefore, in the case
of large radio-planning projects, saving your path loss matrices externally will help reduce the size of the file and the use
of computer resources.
The path loss matrices are also stored externally in a multi-user environment, when several users are working on the same
radio-planning document and share the path loss matrices. In this case, the radio data is stored in a database and the path
loss matrices are read-only and are stored in a location accessible to all users. When the user changes his radio data and
recalculates the path loss matrices, the calculated changes to the path loss matrices are stored locally; the common path
loss matrices are not modified. These will be recalculated by the administrator taking into consideration the changes to
radio data made by all users. For more information on working in a multi-user environment, see the Administrator Manual.
When you save the path loss matrices to an external directory, Atoll creates:
• One file per transmitter with the extension LOS for its main path loss matrix
• A DBF file with validity information for all the main matrices.
• A folder called "LowRes" with LOS files and a DBF file for the extended path loss matrices.
To set the storage location of the path loss matrices:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Predictions tab, under Path Loss Matrix Storage, you can set the location for your private path loss
matrices and the location for the shared path loss matrices:
- Private Directory: The Private Directory is where you store path loss matrices you generate or, if you are
loading path loss matrices from a shared location, where you store your changes to shared path loss matrices.

Click the button beside the Private Directory ( ) and select Embedded to save the path loss matrices in
the Atoll document, or Browse to select a directory where Atoll can save the path loss matrices externally.

Note: Path loss matrices you calculate locally are not stored in the same directory as shared path
loss matrices. Shared path loss matrices are stored in a read-only directory. In other words,
you can read the information from the shared path loss matrices but any changes you make
will be stored locally, either embedded in the ATL file or in a private external folder, depend-
ing on what you have selected in Private Directory.

Caution: When you save the path loss files externally, the external files are updated as soon as cal-
culations are performed and not only when you save the Atoll document. In order to keep
consistency between the Atoll document and the stored calculations, you should save the
Atoll document before closing it, if you have updated the path loss matrices.

- Shared Directory: When you are working in a multi-user Atoll environment, the project data is stored in a
database and the common path loss matrices are stored in a directory that is accessible to all users. Any
changes you make will not be saved to this directory; they will be saved in the location indicated in Private
Directory. The path loss matrices in the shared directory are updated by a user with administrator rights based
on the updated information in the database. For more information on shared directories, see The Administrator
5. Click OK.

Checking the Validity of Path Loss Matrices

Atoll automatically checks the validity of the path loss matrices before calculating any coverage prediction. If you want,
you can check whether the path loss matrices are valid without creating a coverage prediction.
To check whether the path loss matrices are valid:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Propagation tab. The path loss matrix information is listed in the Available Results table.

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Atoll User Manual

5. Select one of the following display options:

- Display all the matrices: All path loss matrices are displayed.
- Display only invalid matrices: Only invalid path loss matrices are displayed.
The Available Results table lists the following information for each displayed path loss matrix:

- Transmitter: The name of the transmitter.

- Locked: If the check box is selected, the path loss matrix will not be updated even if the path loss matrices
are recalculated.
- Valid: This is a boolean field indicating whether or not the path loss matrix is valid.
- Origin of Invalidity: If the path loss matrix is indicated as being invalid, the reason is given here.
- Size: The size of the path loss matrix for the transmitter.
- File: If the path loss matrix is not embedded, the location of the file is listed.
6. Click the Statistics button to display the number of path loss matrices to be recalculated. The Statistics dialogue
appears (see Figure 7.113) with the total number of invalid path loss matrices and the reasons for invalidity, as
well as a summary of the reasons for invalidity.

Figure 7.113: Path loss matrix statistics Assigning a Propagation Model

In Atoll, you can assign a propagation model globally to all transmitters, to a defined group of transmitters, or a single
transmitter. As well, you can assign a default propagation model for coverage predictions. This propagation model is used
as for all transmitters where the main propagation model selected is "(Default model)."
Because you can assign a propagation model in several different ways, it is important to understand which propagation
model Atoll will use:
1. If you have assigned a propagation model to a single transmitter, as explained in "Assigning a Propagation Model
to One Transmitter" on page 209, or to a group of transmitters, as explained in "Assigning a Propagation Model to
a Group of Transmitters" on page 209, this is the propagation model that will be used.
The propagation model assigned to an individual transmitter or to a group of transmitters will always have prece-
dence over any other assigned propagation model.

2. If you have assigned a propagation model globally to all transmitters, as explained in "Assigning a Propagation
Model to All Transmitters" on page 208, this is the propagation model that will be used for all transmitters, except
for those to which you have assigned a propagation model either individually or as part of a group.

Important: When you assign a propagation model globally, you override any selection you might have
made to an individual transmitter or to a group of transmitters.

3. If you have assigned a default propagation model for coverage predictions, as described in "Defining a Default
Propagation Model" on page 152, this is the propagation model that will be used for all transmitters whose main
propagation model is "(Default model)." If a transmitter has any other propagation model chosen as the main prop-
agation model, that is the propagation model that will be used.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Assigning a Propagation Model to All Transmitters" on page 208
• "Assigning a Propagation Model to a Group of Transmitters" on page 209
• "Assigning a Propagation Model to One Transmitter" on page 209.

Assigning a Propagation Model to All Transmitters

In Atoll, you can choose a propagation model per transmitter or globally.

To define a main and extended propagation model for all transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

4. Click the Propagation tab.

5. Under Main Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
6. If desired, under Extended Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
7. Click OK. The selected propagation models will be used for all transmitters.

Note: Setting a different main or extended matrix on an individual transmitter as explained in

"Assigning a Propagation Model to One Transmitter" on page 209 will override this entry.

Assigning a Propagation Model to a Group of Transmitters

Transmitters that share the same parameters and environment will usually use the same propagation model and settings.
In Atoll, you can assign the same propagation model to several transmitters by first grouping them by their common
parameters and then assigning the propagation model.
To define a main and extended propagation model for a defined group of transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select from the Group by submenu of the context menu the property by which you want to group the transmitters.
The objects in the folder are grouped by that property.

Note: You can group transmitters by several properties by using the Group By button on the
Properties dialogue. For more information, see "Advanced Grouping" on page 54.

4. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.

5. Right-click the group of transmitters to which you want to assign a main and extended propagation model. The
context menu appears.
6. Select Open Table from the context menu. The Transmitters table appears with the transmitters from the
selected group.
For each transmitter, you can set the propagation model parameters in the following columns:

- Main Propagation Model

- Main Calculation Radius
- Main Resolution
- Extended Propagation Model
- Extended Calculation Radius
- Extended Resolution
7. To enter the same values in one column for all transmitters in the table:
a. Enter the value in the first row in the column.
b. Select the entire column.
c. Select Edit > Fill > Down to copy the contents of the top cell of the selection into the other cells.

Note: If you want to copy the contents of the last cell in the selection into all other cells, you can
select Edit > Fill > Up. For more information on working with tables in Atoll, see "Working
with Data Tables" on page 39.

Assigning a Propagation Model to One Transmitter

If you have added a single transmitter, you can assign it a propagation model. You can also assign a propagation model
to a single transmitter after you have assigned a main and extended propagation model globally or to a group of transmit-
When you assign a main and extended propagation model to a single transmitter, it overrides any changes made globally.
To define a main and extended propagation model for all transmitters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
3. Right-click the transmitter to which you want to assign a main and extended propagation model. The context menu
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Propagation tab.

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Atoll User Manual

6. Under Main Matrix:

- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
7. If desired, under Extended Matrix:
- Select a Propagation Model
- Enter a Radius and Resolution.
8. Click OK. The selected propagation models will be used for the selected transmitter. The Calculation Process

When you create a coverage prediction and click the Calculate button ( ), Atoll follows the following process:
1. Atoll first checks to see whether the path loss matrices exist and, if so, whether they are valid. There must be valid
path loss matrices for each active and filtered transmitter whose propagation radius intersects the rectangle
containing the computation zone.
2. If the path loss matrices do not exist or are not valid, Atoll calculates them. There has to be at least one unlocked
coverage prediction in the Predictions folder. If not Atoll will not calculate the path loss matrices when you click
the Calculate button ( ).
3. Atoll calculates all unlocked coverage predictions in the Predictions folder. Atoll automatically locks the results
of a coverage prediction as soon as it is calculated, as indicated by the icon ( ) beside the coverage prediction
in the Predictions folder.


• You can stop any calculations in progress by clicking the Stop Calculations button ( ) in the
• When you click the Force Calculation button ( ) instead of the Calculate button, Atoll cal-
culates all path loss matrices, unlocked coverages, and pending simulations. Creating a Computation Zone

To create a computation zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Computation Zone folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the computation zone:
a. Click once on the map to start drawing the zone.
b. Click once on the map to define each point on the map where the border of the zone changes direction.
c. Click twice to finish drawing and close the zone.
The computation zone is delimited by a red line. If you clear the computation zone’s visibility check box in the
Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed but will still be taken into

You can also create a computation zone as follows:

• Existing polygon: You can use any existing polygon on the map as a computation zone by right-clicking it and
selecting Use as Computation Zone from the context menu.
• Importing a polygon: If you have a file with an existing polygon, for example, a polygon describing an adminis-
trative area, you can import it and use it as a computation zone. You can import it by right-clicking the Computa-
tion Zone folder on the Geo tab and selecting Import from the context menu.
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a computation zone the size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map
Window from the context menu.

Note: You can save the computation zone in the user configuration. For information on exporting
the computation zone in the user configuration, see "Exporting a User Configuration" on
page 62. Setting Transmitters or Cells as Active

When you make a coverage prediction, Atoll calculates all base stations that are active, filtered (i.e., that are selected by
the current filter parameters), and whose propagation zone intersects a rectangle containing the computation zone. Before
you define a coverage prediction, you must ensure that all the transmitters on the sites you wish to study have been acti-
vated. In the Explorer window, active transmitters are indicated with a red icon ( ) in the Transmitters folder and inac-
tive transmitters are indicated with a white icon ( ).

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

In Atoll, you can also set individual cells on a transmitter as active or inactive.
You can set an individual transmitter as active from its context menu or you can set more than one transmitter as active
by activating them from the Transmitters context menu or by activating the transmitters’ cells from the Cells table.
To set an individual transmitter as active:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder.
3. Right-click the transmitter you want to activate. The context menu appears.
4. Select Active Transmitter from the context menu. The transmitter is now active.
To set more than one transmitter as active using the Transmitters context menu:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Select the transmitters you want to set as active:
- To set all transmitters as active, right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
- To set a group of transmitters as active, click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Transmitters folder and
right-click the group of transmitters you want to set as active. The context menu appears.
3. Select Activate Transmitters from the context menu. The selected transmitters are set as active.
To set more than one transmitter as active using the Transmitters table:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Open Table. The Transmitters table appears with each transmitter’s parameters in a second row.
4. For each transmitter that you want to set as active, select the check box in the Active column.
To set more than one cell as active using the Cells table:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Open Table. The Cells table appears with each cell’s parameters in a row.
4. For each cell that you want to set as active, select the check box in the Active column.
Once you have ensured that all transmitters are active, you can set the propagation model parameters. For information on
choosing and configuring a propagation model, see Chapter 5: Managing Calculations in Atoll.
Calculating path loss matrices can be extremely time and resource intensive when you are working on larger projects.
Consequently, Atoll offers you the possibility of distributing path loss calculations on several computers. You can install
the Atoll computing server application on other workstations or on servers. Once the computing server application is
installed on a workstation or server, the computer is available for distributed path loss calculation to other computers on
the network. For information on distributed calculations, see the Administrator Manual. Signal Level Coverage Predictions

Atoll offers a series of standard coverage predictions that are common to all radio technologies. Coverage predictions
specific to UMTS are covered in "UMTS-Specific Studies" on page 223, "HSDPA Coverage Prediction" on page 236, and
"HSUPA Coverage Prediction" on page 237.
Once you have created and calculated a coverage prediction, you can use the coverage prediction’s context menu to make
the coverage prediction into a template which will appear in the Study Types dialogue. You can also select Duplicate
from the coverage prediction’s context menu to create a copy. By duplicating an existing prediction that has the parameters
you wish to study, you can create a new coverage prediction more quickly than by creating a new coverage prediction. If
you clone a coverage prediction, by selecting Clone from the context menu, you can create a copy of the coverage predic-
tion with the calculated coverage. You can then change the display, providing that the selected parameter does not inval-
idate the calculated coverage prediction.
You can also save the list of all defined coverage predictions in a user configuration, allowing you or other users to import
it into a new Atoll document. When you save the list in a user configuration, the parameters of all existing coverage predic-
tions are saved; not just the parameters of calculated or displayed ones. For information on exporting user configurations,
see "Exporting a User Configuration" on page 62.
The following standard coverage predictions are explained in this section:
• "Making a Coverage Prediction by Signal Level" on page 211
• "Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213
• "Making a Coverage Prediction on Overlapping Zones" on page 214. Making a Coverage Prediction by Signal Level

A coverage prediction by signal level allows you to predict the best signal strength at each pixel. You can base the cover-
age on the signal level, path loss, or total losses within a defined range.
To make a coverage prediction by signal level:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.

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Atoll User Manual

3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Coverage by Signal Level and click OK.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the coverage
prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites to
display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.114). On the Condition tab, you can define the signals that will be considered
for each pixel.
- At the top of the Condition tab, you can set the range of signal level to be considered. In Figure 7.114, a signal
level less than or equal to -120 dBm will be considered.
- Under Server, select "All" to consider all servers.
- If you select the Shadowing taken into account check box, you can change the Cell Edge Coverage Prob-
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- You can select the Carrier to be studied, or select "All" to have all carriers taken into account. The coverage
prediction displays the strength of the received pilot signal.

Figure 7.114: Condition settings for a coverage prediction by signal level

7. Click the Display tab.

8. Choose to display the results by best signal level. The coverage prediction results will be in the form of thresholds.
For information on adjusting the display, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
Selecting "All" or "Best Signal Level" on the Conditions tab will give you the same results because Atoll displays
the results of the best server in either case. Selecting "Best Signal Level" necessitates, however, the longest time
for calculation.
9. Click OK to save your settings.

10. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the signal level coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window (see
Figure 7.115).

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Figure 7.115: Coverage prediction by signal level Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter

A coverage prediction by transmitter allows the user to predict which server is the best at each pixel. You can base the
coverage on the signal level, path loss, or total losses within a defined range.
To make a coverage prediction by transmitter:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Coverage by Transmitter and click OK.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the coverage
prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites to
display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.114). On the Condition tab, you can define the signals that will be considered
for each pixel.
- At the top of the Condition tab, you can set the range of signal level to be considered. In Figure 7.114, a signal
level less than or equal to -120 dBm or greater then -85 dBm will be considered.
- Under Server, select "Best signal level."
You can also define a Margin. Atoll will then consider the best signal level on each pixel and any other signal
level within the defined margin of the best one.

- If you select the Shadowing taken into account check box, you can change the Cell Edge Coverage Prob-
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- You can select the Carrier to be studied, or select "All" to have all carriers taken into account.

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 7.116: Condition settings for a coverage prediction by transmitter

7. Click the Display tab.

For a coverage prediction by transmitter, the Display Type "Discrete Values" based on the Field "Transmitter" is
selected by default. Each coverage zone will then be displayed with the same colour as that defined for each trans-
mitter. For information on defining transmitter colours, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the transmitter coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Note: You can also predict which server is the second best server on each pixel by selecting
"Second best signal level" on the Conditions tab setting "Discrete Values" as the Display
Type and "Transmitter" as the Field on the Display tab. Making a Coverage Prediction on Overlapping Zones

Overlapping zones are composed of pixels that are, for a defined condition, covered by the signal of at least two transmit-
ters. You can base a coverage prediction of overlapping zones on the signal level, path loss, or total losses within a defined
To make a coverage prediction on overlapping zones:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Overlapping Zones and click OK.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the coverage
prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites to
display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.117). On the Condition tab, you can define the signals that will be considered
for each pixel.
- At the top of the Condition tab, you can set the range of signal level to be considered. In Figure 7.117, a signal
level less than or equal to -120 dBm will be considered.
- Under Server, select "Best signal level" and define a Margin. Atoll will then consider the best signal level on
each pixel and any other signal level within the defined margin of the best one.
- If you select the Shadowing taken into account check box, you can change the Cell Edge Coverage Prob-
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- You can select the Carrier to be studied, or select "All" to have all carriers taken into account. The coverage
prediction displays the strength of the received pilot signal.

214 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Figure 7.117: Condition settings for a coverage prediction on overlapping zones

7. Click the Display tab.

For a coverage prediction on overlapping zones, the Display Type "Value Intervals" based on the Field "Number
of Servers" is selected by default. Each overlapping zone will then be displayed in a colour corresponding to the
number of servers received per pixel. For information on defining display properties, see "Display Properties of
Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the coverage prediction. The progress of the
calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Note: By changing the parameters selected on the Condition tab and by selecting different results
to be displayed on the Display tab, you can calculate and display information other than that
which has been explained in the preceding sections. Analysing a Coverage Prediction

Once you have completed a study, you can analyse the results with the tools that Atoll provides.
The results are displayed graphically in the map window according to the settings you made on the Display tab when you
created the coverage prediction (step 6. of "Studying Signal Level Coverage" on page 204). If several coverage predic-
tions are visible on the map, it may be difficult to clearly see the results of the coverage prediction you wish to analyse.
You can select which studies to display or to hide by selecting or clearing the display check box. For information on manag-
ing the display, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.
In this section, the following tools are explained:
• "Displaying the Legend Window" on page 215
• "Displaying Coverage Prediction Results Using Tooltips" on page 215
• "Using the Point Analysis Reception Tab" on page 216
• "Creating a Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on page 216
• "Viewing Coverage Prediction Statistics" on page 218
• "Comparing Coverage Predictions: Examples" on page 219. Displaying the Legend Window

When you create a coverage prediction, you can add the displayed values of the coverage prediction to a legend by select-
ing the Add to Legend check box on the Display tab.
To display the Legend window:
• Select View > Legend Window. The Legend window is displayed, with the values for each displayed coverage
prediction identified by the name of the coverage prediction. Displaying Coverage Prediction Results Using Tooltips

You can get information by placing the pointer over an area of the coverage prediction to read the information displayed
in the tooltips. The information displayed is defined by the settings you made on the Display tab when you created the
coverage prediction (step 6. of "Studying Signal Level Coverage" on page 204).

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Atoll User Manual

To get coverage prediction results in the form of tooltips:

• In the map window, place the pointer over the area of the coverage prediction that you want more information on.
After a brief pause, the tooltip appears with the information defined in the Display tab of the coverage prediction
properties (see Figure 7.118).

Figure 7.118: Displaying coverage prediction results using tooltips Using the Point Analysis Reception Tab

Once you have calculated the coverage prediction, you can use the Point Analysis tool.

1. Click the Point Analysis Tool ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The Point Analysis Tool window appears and the
pointer changes ( ) to represent the receiver.
2. At the bottom of the Point Analysis Tool window, click the Reception tab (see Figure 7.119).
The predicted signal level from different transmitters is reported in the Reception tab in the form of a bar chart,
from the highest predicted signal level on the top to the lowest one on the bottom. Each bar is displayed in the
colour of the transmitter it represents.

3. At the top of the Reception tab, select the carrier to be analysed.

Figure 7.119: Point Analysis Window - Reception tab

4. Right-click the Reception tab and select Properties from the context menu. The Analysis Properties dialogue
- Change the X and Y coordinates to change the present position of the receiver.
- Select the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability, and,
select "From Model" from the Shadowing Margin list.
- Select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter class. Creating a Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report
The focus and hot spot zones define an area on which statistics can be drawn and on which reports are made. While you
can only have one focus zone, you can define several hot spot zones in addition to the focus zone.
It is important not to confuse the computation zone and the focus and hot spot zones. The computation zone defines the
area where Atoll computes path loss matrices, coverage studies, Monte Carlo, power control simulations, etc., while the
focus and hot spot zones are the areas taken into consideration when generating reports and results. When you create a
coverage prediction report, it gives the results for the focus zone and for each of the defined hot spot zones.
To define a focus zone or hot spot zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Focus Zone or Hot Spot Zones folder, depending on whether you want to create a focus zone or
a hot spot. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

5. Draw the focus or hot spot zone:

a. Click once on the map to start drawing the zone.
b. Click once on the map to define each point on the map where the border of the zone changes direction.
c. Click twice to finish drawing and close the zone.
A focus zone is delimited by a green line; a hot spot zone is delimited by a heavy black line. If you clear the zone’s
visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed but
will still be taken into account.

You can also create a focus or hot spot zone as follows:

• Existing polygon: You can use any existing polygon on the map as a focus zone by right-clicking it and selecting
Use as Focus Zone from the context menu.

Note: You can only create a focus zone, and not a hot spot zone, from an existing polygon.

• Importing a polygon: If you have a file with an existing polygon, for example, a polygon describing an adminis-
trative area, you can import it and use it as a focus or hot spot zone. You can import it by right-clicking the Focus
Zone or Hot Spot Zones folder on the Geo tab and selecting Import from the context menu.
• Fit to Map Window: You can create a focus or hot spot zone the size of the map window by selecting Fit to Map
Window from the context menu.

• You can save the focus zone in the user configuration. For information on saving the focus zone
in the user configuration, see "Exporting a User Configuration" on page 62.
• You can include population statistics in the focus or hot spot zone by importing a population map.
For information on importing maps, see "Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File" on page 95. Displaying a Coverage Prediction Report

Atoll can generate a report for any coverage prediction whose display check box is selected ( ). The report displays the
covered surface and percentage for each threshold value defined in the Display tab of the coverage prediction’s Proper-
ties dialogue.
The coverage prediction report is displayed in a table. By default, the report table only displays the name and coverage
area columns. You can edit the table to select which columns to display or to hide. For information on displaying and hiding
columns, see "Displaying or Hiding a Column" on page 43.
Atoll bases the report on the area covered by the focus zone and hot spot zones; if no focus zone is defined, Atoll will
use the computation zone. However, by using a focus zone for the report, you can create a report for a specific number of
sites, instead of creating a report for every site that has been calculated.
The focus zone or hot spot zone must be defined before you display a report; it is not necessary to define it before comput-
ing coverage. The focus or hot spot zone does not, however, need to be visible; even if it is not displayed, Atoll will take
it into account when generating the report. For information on defining a focus zone or hot spot zone, see "Creating a
Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on page 216.
Atoll can generate a report for a single prediction, or for all displayed predictions.
To display a report on a single coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction for which you want to generate a report. The context menu appears.
4. Select Generate Report from the context menu. The Columns to Be Displayed dialogue appears.
5. Define the format and content of the report:
You can select the columns that will be displayed in the report and define the order they are in:
a. Select the check box for each column you want to have displayed.

b. Define the order of the columns by selecting each column you want to move and clicking to move it up or

to move it down.
You can save the current report format in a configuration:

a. Under Configuration, click the Export button. The Save As dialogue appears.
b. In the Save As dialogue, browse to the folder where you want to save the configuration and enter a File name.
You can apply a configuration that you have saved previously:

a. Under Configuration, click the Import button. The Open dialogue appears.
b. Select the configuration you want to import and click Open. The imported report configuration is applied

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Atoll User Manual

6. When you have finished defining the format and content of the report, click OK in the Columns to Be Displayed
dialogue. The coverage prediction report table appears. The report is based on the hot spot zones and on the
focus zone if available or on the hot spot zones and computation zone if there is no focus zone.
To display a report on all coverage predictions:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Define the format and content of the report:
You can select the columns that will be displayed in the report and define the order they are in:

a. Select the check box for each column you want to have displayed.

b. Define the order of the columns by selecting each column you want to move and clicking to move it up or

to move it down.
You can save the current report format in a configuration:

a. Under Configuration, click the Export button. The Save As dialogue appears.
b. In the Save As dialogue, browse to the folder where you want to save the configuration and enter a File name.
You can apply a configuration that you have saved previously:
a. Under Configuration, click the Import button. a appears.
b. Select the configuration you want to import and click Open. The imported report configuration is applied
4. When you have finished defining the format and content of the report, click OK in the Columns to Be Displayed
dialogue. The coverage prediction report table appears. The report shows all displayed coverage predictions in
the same order as in the Predictions folder. The report is based on the focus zone if available or on the calculation
zone if there is no focus zone.
You can include population statistics in the focus zone or hot spot zone by importing a population map. For information on
importing maps, see "Importing a Raster-format Geo Data File" on page 95. Normally, Atoll takes all geo data into consid-
eration, whether it is displayed or not. However, for the population statistics to be used in a report, the population map has
to be displayed.
To include population statistics in the focus zone or hot spot zone:
1. Ensure that the population geo data is visible. For information on displaying geo data, see "Displaying or Hiding
Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.
2. Display the report as explained above.
3. Select Format > Display Columns. The Columns to Be Displayed dialogue appears.
4. Select the following columns, where "Population" is the name of the folder on the Geo tab containing the popula-
tion map:
- "Population" (Population): The number of inhabitants covered.
- "Population" (% Population): The percentage of inhabitants covered.
- "Population" (Population [total]: The total number of inhabitants inside the zone.
Atoll saves the names of the columns you select and will automatically select them the next time you create a
coverage prediction report.

5. Click OK.
If you have created a custom data map with integrable data, the data can be used in prediction reports. The data will be
summed over the coverage area for each item in the report (for example, by transmitter or threshold). The data can be
value data (revenue, number of customers, etc.) or density data (revenue/km², number of customer/km², etc.). Data is
considered as non-integrable if the data given is per pixel or polygon and cannot be summed over areas, for example,
socio-demographic classes, rain zones, etc. For information on integrable data in custom data maps, see "Integrable
Versus Non Integrable Data" on page 111. Viewing Coverage Prediction Statistics

Atoll can display statistics for any coverage prediction whose display check box is selected ( ). By default, Atoll displays
a histogram using the coverage study colours, interval steps, and shading as defined in the Display tab of the coverage
prediction’s Properties dialogue. You can also display a cumulative distribution function (CDF) or an inverse CDF
(1 - CDF). For a CDF or an inverse CDF, the resulting values are combined and shown along a curve. You can also display
the histogram or the CDFs as percentages of the covered area.
Atoll bases the statistics on the area covered by the focus zone; if no focus zone is defined, Atoll will use the computation
zone. However, by using a focus zone for the report, you can display the statistics for a specific number of sites, instead
of displaying statistics for every site that has been calculated. Hot spot zones are not taken into consideration when
displaying statistics.
The focus zone must be defined before you display statistics; it is not necessary to define it before computing coverage.
For information on defining a focus zone, see "Creating a Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on
page 216.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

To display the statistics on a coverage prediction:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.
3. Right-click the coverage prediction whose statistics you want to display. The context menu appears.
4. Select Histogram from the context menu. The Statistics dialogue appears with a histogram of the area defined
by the focus zone (see Figure 7.120).
- Under Histogram Based on Covered Areas, you can select to view a histogram, CDF, or inverse CDF based
on area or percentage.
- The Detailed Results section displays the covered area values, or the percentage of the covered area, along
the y-axis against the coverage criterion along the x-axis.
- You can copy the graph by clicking the Copy button.
- You can print the graph by clicking the Print button.
- Under Statistics Based on Study Conditions, you can view the mean and standard deviation of the cov-
erage criterion calculated during the coverage calculations, if available.

Figure 7.120: Histogram of a coverage prediction by signal level Comparing Coverage Predictions: Examples

Atoll allows you to compare two similar predictions to see the differences between them. This enables you to quickly see
how changes you make affect the network.
In this section, there are two examples to explain how you can compare two similar predictions. You can display the results
of the comparison study coverage in one of the following ways:
• Intersection: This display shows the area where both prediction coverages overlap (for example, pixels covered
by both studies are displayed in red).
• Union: This display shows all pixels covered by both coverage predictions in one colour and pixels covered by
only one coverage prediction in a different colour (for example, pixels covered by both predictions are red and
pixels covered by only one prediction are blue).
• Difference: This display shows all pixels covered by both coverage predictions in one colour, pixels covered by
only the first prediction with another colour and pixels covered only by the second prediction with a third colour (for
example, pixels covered by both studies are red, pixels covered only by the first prediction are green, and pixels
covered only by the second prediction are blue).
To compare two similar coverage predictions:
1. Create and calculate a coverage prediction of the existing network.
2. Examine the coverage prediction to see where coverage can be improved.
3. Make the changes to the network to improve coverage.
4. Duplicate the original coverage prediction (in order to leave the first coverage prediction unchanged).

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Atoll User Manual

5. Calculate the duplicated coverage prediction.

6. Compare the original coverage prediction with the new coverage prediction. Atoll displays differences in coverage
between them.
In this section, the following examples are explained:
• "Example 1: Studying the Effect of a New Base Station" on page 220
• "Example 2: Studying the Effect of a Change in Transmitter Tilt" on page 222.

Example 1: Studying the Effect of a New Base Station

If you have an area in a network that is poorly covered by current transmitters, you have several options for increasing
coverage. In this example, we will look at how you can verify if a newly added base station improves coverage.
A signal level coverage prediction of the current network is made as described in "Making a Coverage Prediction by Signal
Level" on page 211. The results are displayed in Figure 7.121. An area with poor coverage is visible on the right side of
the figure.

Figure 7.121: Signal level coverage prediction of existing network

A new base station is added, either by creating the site and adding the transmitters, as explained in "Creating a UMTS
Base Station" on page 185, or by placing a station template, as explained in "Placing a New Station Using a Station
Template" on page 191. Once the new site base station been added, the original coverage prediction can be recalculated,
but then it would be impossible to compare the results. Instead, the original signal level coverage prediction can be copied
by selecting Duplicate from its context menu. The copy is then calculated to show the effect of the new site (see
Figure 7.122).

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Figure 7.122: Signal level coverage prediction of network with new base station

Now you can compare the two predictions.

To compare two predictions:
1. Right-click one of the two predictions. The context menu appears.
2. From the context menu, select Compare with and, from the menu that opens, select the coverage prediction you
want to compare with the first. The Comparison Properties dialogue appears.
3. Click the General tab. You can change the Name of the comparison and add Comments.
The General tab contains information about the coverage predictions being compared, including their name and

4. Click the Display tab. On the display tab, you can choose how you want the results of the comparison to be dis-
played. You can choose among:
- Intersection
- Union
- Difference
In order to see what changes adding a new base station made, you should choose Difference.
5. Click OK to create the comparison. The comparison in Figure 7.123, shows clearly the area covered only by the
new base station.

Figure 7.123: Comparison of both signal level coverage predictions

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Atoll User Manual

Example 2: Studying the Effect of a Change in Transmitter Tilt

If you have an area in a network that is poorly covered by current transmitters, you have several options for increasing
coverage. In this example, we will look at how modifying transmitter tilt can improve coverage.
A coverage prediction by transmitter of the current network is made as described in "Making a Coverage Prediction by
Transmitter" on page 213. The results are displayed in Figure 7.124. The coverage prediction shows that one transmitter
is covering its area poorly. The area is indicated with a red oval in the figure.

Figure 7.124: Coverage prediction by transmitter of existing network

You can try modifying the tilt on the transmitter to improve the coverage. The properties of the transmitter can be accessed
by right-clicking the transmitter in the map window and selecting Properties from the context menu. The mechanical and
electrical tilt of the antenna are defined on the Transmitter tab of the Properties dialogue.
Once the tilt of the antenna has been modified, the original coverage prediction can be recalculated, but then it would be
impossible to compare the results. Instead, the original coverage prediction by can be copied by selecting Duplicate from
its context menu. The copy is then calculated, to show how modifying the antenna tilt has affected coverage (see
Figure 7.125).

Figure 7.125: Coverage prediction by transmitter of network after modifications

As you can see, modifying the antenna tilt increased the coverage of the transmitter. However, to see exactly the change
in coverage, you can compare the two predictions.
To compare two predictions:
1. Right-click one of the two predictions. The context menu appears.
2. From the context menu, select Compare with and, from the menu that opens, select the coverage prediction you
want to compare with the first. The Comparison Properties dialogue appears.
3. Click the General tab. You can change the Name of the comparison and add Comments.
The General tab contains information about the coverage predictions being compared, including their name and

4. Click the Display tab. On the display tab, you can choose how you want the results of the comparison to be dis-
played. You can choose among:
- Intersection
- Union

222 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Difference
In order to see what changes modifying the antenna tilt made, you can choose Union. This will display all pixels
covered by both predictions in one colour and all pixels covered by only one prediction in another colour. The
increase in coverage, seen in only the second coverage prediction, will be immediately clear.

5. Click OK to create the comparison. The comparison in Figure 7.126, shows clearly the increase in coverage due
to the change in antenna tilt.

Figure 7.126: Comparison of both transmitter coverage predictions UMTS-Specific Studies

In UMTS, the quality of the signal and the size of the area that can be covered are influenced by the network load. As the
network load increases, the area a cell can effectively cover decreases. For this reason, the network load must be defined
in order to calculate UMTS-specific studies.
If you have traffic maps, you can do a Monte-Carlo simulation to model power control and evaluate the network load for a
generated user distribution. If you do not have traffic maps, Atoll can calculate the network load using the UL load factor
and DL total power defined for each cell.
In this section, the UMTS-specific coverage predictions will be calculated using UL load factor and DL total power param-
eters defined at the cell level. For the purposes of these studies, each pixel is considered a non-interfering user with a
defined service, mobility type, and terminal.
Before making a coverage prediction, you will have to set the UL load factor and DL total power and the parameters that
define the services and users. These are explained in the following sections:
• "Setting the UL Load Factor and the DL Total Power" on page 223.
• "Service and User Modelling" on page 224.
Several different types of UMTS-specific coverage predictions are explained in this section. The following quality studies
are explained:
• "Making a Pilot Signal Quality Prediction" on page 228
• "Studying Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink or Uplink" on page 229
• "Studying Effective Service Area" on page 230.
The following noise studies, also coverage predictions, are explained:
• "Studying Downlink Total Noise" on page 232
• "Calculating Pilot Pollution" on page 233.
Another type of coverage prediction, the handover study, is also explained:
• "Making a Handover Status Coverage Prediction" on page 234.
You can also make a point analysis using the Point Analysis window. The analysis is calculated using UL load factor and
DL total power parameters defined at the cell level and provided for a user-definable probe receiver which has a terminal,
a mobility and a service:
• "Making an AS Analysis" on page 234.
You can define a RSCP threshold to further define how results are displayed. Atoll uses the RSCP threshold to calculate
coverage predictions and to make the AS analysis. Atoll checks which pixels have a pilot signal level which exceeds the
defined RSCP threshold. Defining the RSCP threshold is explained in the following section:
• "Defining the RSCP Threshold" on page 227 Setting the UL Load Factor and the DL Total Power

If you are setting the UL load factor and the DL total power for a single transmitter, you can set these parameters on the
Cells tab of the transmitter’s Properties dialogue. However, you can set the UL load factor and the DL total power for all
cells using the Cells table.

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Atoll User Manual

To set the UL load factor and the DL total power using the Cells table:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Open Table from the context menu. The Cells table appears.
4. Enter a value in the following columns:
- Total Power (dBm)
- UL Load Factor (%)
For a definition of the values, see "Cell Definition" on page 188.

5. To enter the same values in one column for all cells in the table:
a. Enter the value in the first row in the column.
b. Select the entire column.
c. Select Edit > Fill > Down to copy the contents of the top cell of the selection into the other cells.

Note: If you want to copy the contents of the last cell in the selection into all other cells, you can
select Edit > Fill > Up. For more information on working with tables in Atoll, see "Working
with Data Tables" on page 39. Service and User Modelling

Before you can model services, you must already have R99 radio bearers defined in your Atoll document. Only the follow-
ing R99 radio bearer parameters are used in predictions:
• Max TCH Power (dBm)
• UL and DL Target (dB) per mobility
• The type of bearer.
For information on defining R99 radio bearers, "Defining R99 Radio Bearers" on page 292.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Modelling Services" on page 224
• "Creating a Mobility Type" on page 226
• "Modelling Terminals" on page 226.

Modelling Services

Services are the various services available to subscribers. These services can be either circuit-switched or packet-
switched services. This section explains how to create a service. However, only the following parameters are used in
• R99 bearer parameters
• Downgrading capabilities
• Handover capabilities
• HSPA capabilities
• Body loss
• HSPA application throughput parameters
Before you can model services, you must have defined R99 bearers. For information on defining R99 radio bearers, see
"Defining R99 Radio Bearers" on page 292.
To create or modify a service:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Services folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The Services New Element Properties dialogue appears.

Note: You can modify the properties of an existing service by right-clicking the service in the
Services folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

5. You can edit the fields on the General tab to define the new service. Some fields depend on the Type of service
you choose. You can change the following parameters:
- Name: Atoll proposes a name for the new service, but you can change the name to something more descrip-
- R99 Radio Bearer: Select an R99 radio bearer from the list. If you want to edit the settings of the selected

R99 radio bearer, click the Browse button ( ) to open the bearer’s Properties dialogue.
- Type: You can select either Circuit or Packet as the service type.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

If you want the service to be able to use HSDPA channels, select Packet and the HSDPA check box. For pack-
et services that can use HSDPA channels, you have the following options:

- A-DPCH Activity Factor: The uplink and downlink A-DPCH activity factors (for services that support
HSDPA) are used to estimate the average power on A-DPCH channels.
- Average Requested Rate: You can enter the average requested rate for uplink and downlink. This rate
is the requested average rate which guarantees a minimum average downlink rate during an HSDPA call.
It is used twice in a simulation: once during user distribution generation in order to calculate the number
of HSDPA users attempting a connection and then during power control as a quality target to be compared
to the real obtained average throughput.
- Application Throughput: Under Application Throughput, you can set a Scaling Factor between the
application throughput and the RLC (Radio Link Control) throughput and a throughput Offset. These
parameters model the header information and other supplementary data that does not appear at the appli-
cation level.
If you want the service to be able to use HSUPA channels, select Packet, the HSDPA check box, and the
HSUPA check box. For packet services that can use HSUPA channels, you have the following options:

- E-DPCCH Activity Factor: The uplink and downlink E-DPCCH activity factors (for services that support
HSUPA) are used to estimate the average power on E-DPCCH channels.
- Average Requested Rate: You can enter the average requested rate for uplink and downlink. This rate
is the requested average rate which guarantees a minimum average rate during an HSUPA call. It is used
twice in a simulation: once during user distribution generation in order to calculate the number of HSUPA
users attempting a connection and then during power control as a quality target to be compared to the real
obtained average throughput.
- Application Throughput: Under Application Throughput, you can set a Scaling Factor between the
application throughput and the RLC (Radio Link Control) throughput and a throughput Offset. These
parameters model the header information and other supplementary data that does not appear at the appli-
cation level.
If you select Packet to create R99-bearer packet services that do not use HSDPA or HSUPA, you have the
following option:
- Efficiency Factor: The uplink and downlink efficiency factors are used to determine duration of usage by
the user. It does this by determining the average usage of the network by the user.
- Average Requested Rate: You can enter the average requested rate for uplink and downlink. This rate
is the average rate obtained by a user of the service. It is used in simulations during user distribution
generation to calculate the number of users attempting a connection and to determine their activity status.
If you select Circuit, you have the following options.

- Activity Factor: The uplink and downlink activity factors are used to determine the probability of activity
for each user when making a Monte-Carlo distribution for a power control simulation.
- Average Requested Rate: You can enter the average requested rate for uplink and downlink. This rate
is the average rate obtained by a user of the service. It is used in simulations during user distribution
generation to calculate the number of users attempting a connection and to determine their activity status.
- Carrier: You can select one of the available carriers or all carriers. The specified carrier is considered in sim-
ulation when admitting a transmitter to the mobile active set. If the transmitter uses the specified carrier, Atoll
selects it. Otherwise, it will choose another one, using the carrier selection mode defined in the site equipment
properties. The carrier specified for the service is not used in predictions (i.e., AS analysis and coverage pre-
dictions). In predictions, Atoll considers the carrier selection mode defined in the site equipment properties. If
no particular carrier is specified in the service properties, it will consider the carrier selection mode defined in
the site equipment properties.
- Rate Downgrading: Select the Rate Downgrading check box if the service supports rate downgrading on
uplink and downkink.
- Soft Handoff Allowed: Select the Soft Handoff Allowed check box if you want the network to be able to use
soft handoff with this service.
- Priority: Enter a priority for this service. "0" is the lowest priority.
- Body Loss: Enter a body loss for the service. The body loss is the loss due to the body of the user. For
example, in a voice connection the body loss, due to the proximity of the user’s head, is estimated to be 3dB.
6. If you selected Circuit as the Type in step 5., continue to step 7. If you selected Packet as the Type in step 5.,
an additional tab, the Packet tab, appears. Click the Packet tab.
In the Packet tab, you can set the following parameters for packet switched services:

- Under Session, you can set:

- Average Number of Packet Calls: Enter the average number of packet calls in the uplink and downlink
during one session.
- Average Time Between Two Packet Calls: Enter the average time between two packet calls (in millisec-
onds) in the uplink and downlink.
- Under Packet Calls, you can set:
- Min. Size (Kbytes): Enter the minimum size of a packet call in kilobytes in the uplink and downlink.
- Max Size (Kbytes): Enter the maximum size of a packet call in kilobytes in the uplink and downlink.
- Average Time Between Two Packets (ms): Enter the average time between two packets in milliseconds
in the uplink and downlink.

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Atoll User Manual

- Under Packet, you can set:

- Size (Bytes): Enter the packet size in bytes in the uplink and downlink.
7. Click OK.

Creating a Mobility Type

In UMTS, information about receiver mobility is important to efficiently manage the active set: a mobile used by someone
travelling a certain speed and a mobile used by a pedestrian will not necessarily be connected to the same transmitters.
Ec⁄I0 requirements and Eb/Nt targets per radio bearer and per link (up and down) are largely dependent on mobile speed.
The following parameters are used in predictions:
• Ec⁄I0 threshold
• HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt Threshold
To create or modify a mobility type:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Mobility Types folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The Mobility Types New Element Properties dialogue appears.

Note: You can modify the properties of an existing mobility type by right-clicking the mobility type
in the Mobility Types folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

5. You can enter or modify the following parameters in the Mobility Types New Element Properties dialogue:
- Name: Enter or modify the descriptive name for the mobility type.
- Average Speed: Enter or modify an average speed for the mobility type. This field is for information only; the
average speed is not used by any calculation.
- Ec⁄I0 Threshold: Enter or modify the minimum Ec⁄I0 required from a transmitter to enter the active set. This
value must be verified for the best server.
- HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt Threshold: Enter or modify the minimum quality required in order for the HSDPA link to be
available. This parameter is used by Atoll to determine the HS-SCCH power when the user has selected
dynamic allocation in the cell properties. For static allocation, Atoll calculates the HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt from the
HS-SCCH power set in the cell properties and compares it to this threshold. This field is only used with
6. Click OK.

Modelling Terminals

In UMTS, a terminal is the user equipment that is used in the network, for example, a mobile phone, a PDA, or a car’s on-
board navigation device.
The following parameters are used in predictions:
• Receiver equipment
• Main and secondary bands
• Maximum terminal power
• Gain and losses
• Noise figures
• Active set size
• DL rake factor
• Rho factor
• Compressed mode capability
• HSPA capability and HSPA-specific categories:
- UE category
- MUD factor (for HSDPA only).
To create or modify a terminal:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Terminals folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The Terminals New Element Properties dialogue appears.

Note: You can modify the properties of an existing terminal by right-clicking the terminal in the
Terminal folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

5. Click the General tab. You can modify the following parameters:
- Name: You can change the name of the terminal.
- Reception Equipment: Select a type of reception equipment from the list. You can create a new type of
reception equipment by opening the Reception Equipment table. To open the Reception Equipment table,

226 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

right-click the Terminals folder in the UMTS Parameters folder on the Data tab and select Reception Equip-
ment from the context menu.
- Main Band: Select the frequency band with which the terminal is compatible and enter the terminal Noise
Figure for the main frequency.
- Secondary Band: Select a second frequency band with which the terminal is compatible and enter the ter-
minal Noise Figure for the second frequency. Leave the Secondary Band field empty if the terminal works
only on one frequency band.

Note: There are two different ways of defining dual-band terminals. Depending on the configura-
tion, Atoll processes dual-band terminal users differently in the Monte-Carlo simulation.
- The first one consists of defining main and secondary frequency bands. This enables
you to give a higher priority to one frequency band in the Monte-Carlo simulation (the
main frequency band wil have the higher priority). A user with such a dual-band terminal
will be connected to transmitters using the main frequency band if carriers on this fre-
quency band are not overloaded. In case of overloading, he will be connected to trans-
mitters using the secondary frequency band.
- The second consists of selecting "All" as main frequency band. This means that the
terminal works on any frequency band without any priority. In this case, the user can be
connected to transmitters using any frequency band.
In coverage predictions, both configurations give the same results. The priority of frequency
bands is not taken into account.

- Min. Power: Set the minimum transmission power. The minimum and maximum transmission power make up
the dynamic range for uplink power control.
- Max Power: Set the maximum transmission power.
- Gain: Set the antenna gain.
- Losses: Set the reception losses.
- Active Set Size: Set the active set size. The active set size is the maximum number of transmitters to which
a terminal can be connected at one time.
- DL Rake Factor: Set the DL rake factor. This enables Atoll to model the rake receiver on DL.

Note: The rake efficiency factor, used for calculating recombination in uplink has to be set in the
site equipment properties. For information on setting site equipment properties, see "Creat-
ing Site Equipment" on page 294.

- Rho factor (%): This parameter enables Atoll to take into account the self-interference produced by the ter-
minal. Because hardware equipment is not perfect, the input signal experiences some distortion which affects,
in turn, the output signal. This factor defines how much distortion the system generates. Entering 100% means
the system is perfect (there is no distortion) and the output signal will be 100% equal to the input signal. On
the other hand, if you specify a value different than 100%, Atoll considers that the transmitted energy is not
100% signal and contains a small percentage of interference generated by the equipment, i.e., self-interfer-
ence. Atoll considers this parameter to calculate the signal to noise ratio in the uplink.
- Compressed Mode: Check the Compressed Mode check box if the terminal uses compressed mode. Com-
pressed mode is generally used to prepare hard-handover of users with single receiver terminals.
6. Click the HSDPA/HSUPA tab.
Under HSDPA, you can modify the following parameters:

- HSDPA Supported: Check the HSDPA supported check box if the terminal is able to use HSDPA channels.
- UE Category: Select a user equipment category. HSDPA user equipment capabilities are standardised into
12 different categories according to 3GPP specifications.
- MUD Factor: Enter a multi-user detection factor (MUD). MUD is based on an algorithm used to improve
mobile receiver capacity. It reduces intra-cell interference and allows for higher Ec⁄Nt. MUD is modelled by a
coefficient between 0 and 1; this factor is considered in calculating DL interference. If MUD is not supported,
enter "0."
If you have selected the HSDPA supported check box, you can modify the following parameters under HSDPA:

- HSUPA Supported: Check the HSUPA supported check box if the terminal is able to use HSUPA channels.
- UE Category: Select a user equipment category. HSUPA user equipment capabilities are standardised into
6 different categories according to 3GPP specifications.
7. Click OK. Defining the RSCP Threshold

To define the minimum pilot RSCP threshold:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Predictions Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Predictions tab.
5. Under Calculation Limitation, enter a Min. Pilot RSCP Threshold.

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Atoll User Manual

6. Click OK. Making Quality Studies

In Atoll, you can make several predictions to study the quality. In this section, the following quality predictions are
• "Making a Pilot Signal Quality Prediction" on page 228
• "Studying Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink or Uplink" on page 229
• "Studying Effective Service Area" on page 230
• "Creating a Quality Study Using Quality Indicators" on page 231.

Note: A table listing quality indicators (BER, BLER, etc.) to be analysed is available. Quality stud-
ies proposed by Atoll depend on quality indicators specified in this table.

Making a Pilot Signal Quality Prediction

A pilot signal quality prediction enables you to identify areas where there is at least one transmitter whose pilot quality is
received sufficiently well to be added to the probe mobile active set.
Atoll calculates the best pilot quality received on each pixel. Then, depending on the coverage prediction definition, it
compares this value either to the Ec⁄I0 threshold defined for the selected mobility type, or to user-defined Ec⁄I0 thresholds.
The pixel is coloured if the condition is fulfilled (in other words, if the best Ec⁄I0 is higher than the Ec⁄I0 mobility threshold
or specified Ec⁄I0 thresholds).
To make a pilot signal quality prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Pilot Reception Analysis (Ec/I0) and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the pilot signal
quality prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites
to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. You
must also select which Carrier is to be considered.

If you want the pilot signal quality prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken into
account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

228 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Figure 7.127: Simulation settings for a coverage prediction on overlapping zones

7. Click the Display tab.

For a pilot signal quality prediction, the Display Type "Value Intervals" based on the Field "Ec⁄I0 (dB)" is selected
by default. Each pixel is displayed in a colour corresponding to the pilot signal quality. For information on defining
display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

You can also set parameters to display the following results:

- Where at least one transmitter is in the active set: Select "Unique" as the Display Type.
- Where at least one transmitter is in the active set, with information on the best server: Select "Discrete
Value" as the Display Type and "Transmitter" as the Field.
- The pilot quality relative to the Ec⁄I0 threshold: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type and "Ec⁄I0
margin (dB)" as the Field.
8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the pilot signal quality prediction. The progress
of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Studying Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink or Uplink

Atoll calculates the traffic channel quality (as defined by Eb⁄Nt) when using the maximum power allowed, i.e., the maxi-
mum traffic channel power allowed per cell for downlink and the maximum terminal power for uplink. In the coverage
prediction, the downlink or uplink service area is limited by the maximum power allowed and by the pilot quality. If the
received pilot quality is insufficient, Atoll will not display the traffic channel quality. The mobile handover status is taken in
consideration to evaluate the downlink and uplink traffic channel quality (Eb⁄Nt). Atoll combines the signal from each trans-
mitter in the probe mobile active set.
To make a coverage prediction on service area (Eb/Nt) downlink or uplink:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select one of the following studies and click OK:
- Service Area (Eb/Nt) Downlink
- Service Area (Eb/Nt) Uplink
The prediction Properties dialogue appears.

5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the service area
(Eb⁄Nt) coverage prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select
which sites to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

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Atoll User Manual

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. You
must also select which Carrier is to be considered.

If you want the service area (Eb⁄Nt) coverage prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing
taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.
You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

You can select the Downgrading Allowed check box if you want the service area (Eb⁄Nt) prediction to take into
consideration circumstances when the R99 bearer is downgraded. When downgrading is enabled and if the
selected service supports rate downgrading, Atoll will consider only the lowest radio bearer.

7. Click the Display tab.

For a service area (Eb/Nt) coverage prediction, the Display Type "Value Intervals" based on the Field "Max
Eb⁄Nt (dB)" is selected by default. The Field you choose determines which information the service area (Eb⁄Nt)
downlink or uplink prediction makes available. Each pixel is displayed in a colour corresponding to the traffic chan-
nel quality. For information on defining display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

You can also set parameters to display the following results:

- The traffic channel quality relative to the Eb⁄Nt threshold: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type
and "Eb⁄Nt Margin (dB)" as the Field.
- The power required to reach the Eb⁄Nt threshold: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type and
"Required Power (dB)" as the Field.
- Where traffic channel quality exceeds the Eb⁄Nt threshold for each mobility type: On the Condition tab,
select "All" as the Mobility Type. The parameters on the Display tab are automatically set.
For a service area (Eb⁄Nt) uplink coverage prediction, you can also display the following result:
- The gain due to soft handover: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type and "Soft Handover Gain" as
the Field.
8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the service area (Eb⁄Nt) coverage prediction.
The progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Studying Effective Service Area

The effective service area is the intersection zone between the pilot reception area, and the uplink and downlink service
areas. In other words, the effective service area prediction calculates where a service actually is available for the probe
To make an effective service area prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Effective Service Area and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the effective
service area prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which
sites to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. You
must also select which Carrier is to be considered.

If you want the effective service area prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken into
account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

230 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

You can select the Downgrading Allowed check box if you want the effective service area prediction to take into
consideration circumstances when the R99 bearer is downgraded. When downgrading is enabled and if the
selected service supports rate downgrading, Atoll will consider only the lowest radio bearer.

7. Click the Display tab.

For an effective service area prediction, the Display Type "Unique" is selected by default. The coverage prediction
will display where a service actually is available for the probe mobile. For information on defining display proper-
ties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the effective service area prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Creating a Quality Study Using Quality Indicators

You can create a quality study based on a given quality indicators (BER, BLER, or FER). The coverage prediction will show
for each pixel the measurement of the selected quality indicator.
This type of coverage prediction is not available in the list of standard studies; you can, however, use quality indicators in
a study by first ensuring that the parameters of the quality indicators have been correctly set and then creating a coverage
prediction, selecting display parameters that use these quality indicators.
Before you define the quality study, you must ensure that the parameters of the quality indicators have been correctly set.
To check the parameters of the quality indicators:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Services folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Quality Indicators from the context menu. The Quality Indicators table appears.
For each quality indicator in the Name column, you can set the following parameters:

- Used for Packet Services: Select the Used for Packet Services check box if the quality indicator is to be
used for packet services.
- Used for Circuit Services: Select the Used for Circuit Services check box if the quality indicator is to be
used for circuit services.
- Measured Parameter for QI: From the list, select the parameter that will be measured to indicate quality.
- QI Interpolation: Select the QI Interpolation check box if you want Atoll to interpolate between two existing
QI values. Clear the QI Interpolation check box if you want Atoll to take the closest QI value.
5. Close the Quality Indicators table.
6. In the UMTS Parameters folder, right-click the Terminals folder. The context menu appears.
7. Select Reception Equipment from the context menu. The Reception Equipment table appears.
"Standard" is the default reception equipment type for all terminals.

8. Double-click the reception equipment type for which you want to verify the correspondence between the measured
quality and the quality indicator. The reception equipment type’s Properties dialogue appears.
9. Click the Quality Graphs tab.
10. Ensure that a Quality Indicator has been chosen for each R99 Bearer. You can edit the values in the DL and
UL Quality Indicator Tables by clicking directly on the table entry, or by selecting the Quality Indicator and
clicking the Downlink Quality Graphs or the Uplink Quality Graphs buttons.
11. Click OK to close the reception equipment type’s Properties dialogue.
Once you have ensured that the parameters of the quality indicators have been correctly set, you can use the measured
quality to create a quality study. How you define a coverage prediction according to the measured quality indicator,
depends several parameters:
• The settings made in the Quality Indicators table
• The service you want to study
• The quality indicator you want to use (BER, BLER, or FER)
• The coverage prediction you want to use (Pilot Reception Analysis, the Service Area Downlink, or Service Area
In the following example, you will create a quality study showing BLER, for a user on foot, and with mobile internet access.
To create a quality study showing BLER for a user on foot, and with mobile internet access:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink and click OK. the coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 231

Atoll User Manual

5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the service area
(Eb⁄Nt) downlink prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select
which sites to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

- Terminal: Select the appropriate terminal for mobile Internet access from the Terminal list.
- Service: Select "Mobile Internet Access" from the Service list.
- Mobility: Select "Pedestrian" from the Mobility list.
- Carrier: If you want to study a certain carrier, you can select it from the Carrier list. Otherwise, select "All."
If you want the service area (Eb⁄Nt) downlink prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing
taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

You can select the Downgrading Allowed check box if you want the service area (Eb⁄Nt) downlink prediction to
take into consideration circumstances when the R99 bearer is downgraded. When downgrading is enabled and if
the selected service supports rate downgrading, Atoll will consider only the lowest radio bearer.
7. Click the Display tab.
Select "Value intervals" as the Display Type and "BLER" as the Field. The exact of the field value will depend on
the name given in the Quality Indicators table. For information on defining display properties, see "Display Prop-
erties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the effective service area prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.
Atoll calculates for each pixel the DL traffic channel quality (Eb⁄Nt) (provided when using the maximum traffic channel
power allowed). Then, it calculates the corresponding BLER value from the quality graph (BLER=f(DL Eb⁄Nt)). The pixel
is coloured if the condition is fulfilled (i.e., if BLER is evaluated as being higher than the specified threshold). Studying Noise

Atoll has several coverage predictions that enable you to study the downlink total noise, downlink noise rise or pilot pollu-
tion. In this section, the following noise predictions are explained:
• "Studying Downlink Total Noise" on page 232
• "Calculating Pilot Pollution" on page 233.

Studying Downlink Total Noise

In the downlink total noise prediction, Atoll calculates and displays the areas where the downlink total noise or the down-
link noise rise exceeds a set threshold.
To make a downlink total noise or downlink noise rise prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Downlink Total Noise and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the downlink total
noise or downlink noise rise prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter
to select which sites to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224.

232 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

If you want the downlink total noise or downlink noise rise prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the
Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

7. Click the Display tab.

For a downlink total noise or downlink noise rise prediction, the Display Type "Value Intervals" is selected by
default. The Field you choose determines which information the downlink total noise or downlink noise rise predic-
tion makes available.

- Downlink total noise prediction: When making a downlink total noise prediction, select one of the following
in the Field list:
- Min. Noise Level
- Average Noise Level
- Max Noise Level
- Downlink noise rise prediction: When making a downlink noise rise prediction, select one of the following
in the Field list:
- Min. Noise Rise
- Average Noise Rise
- Max Noise Rise
For information on defining display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the downlink total noise or downlink noise rise
prediction. The progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Calculating Pilot Pollution

A transmitter which fulfils all the criteria to enter a mobile’s active set but which is not admitted because the active set limit
has already been reached is considered a polluter.
In the pilot pollution prediction, Atoll calculates and displays the areas where the probe mobile is interfered by the pilot
signal from polluter transmitters.
To make a pilot pollution prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Pilot Pollution and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the pilot pollution
prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites to dis-
play in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. You
must also select which Carrier is to be considered.

If you want the pilot pollution prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken into account
check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

7. Click the Display tab.

For a pilot pollution prediction, the Display Type "Value Intervals" and the Field "Number of Polluters" are
selected by default. For information on defining display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the pilot pollution prediction. The progress of
the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 233

Atoll User Manual Making a Handover Status Coverage Prediction

In the handover status prediction, Atoll calculates and displays the zones where a handover can be made. For a handover
to be possible, there must be a potential active transmitter, i.e., a transmitter that fulfils all the criteria to enter the mobile
active set, and the service chosen by the user must be available.
You can also use the handover status coverage prediction to display the number of potential active transmitters.
To make a handover status coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Handoff Status and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the handover
status coverage prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select
which sites to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224.
If you want the downlink total noise or downlink noise rise prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the
Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

7. Click the Display tab. The settings you select on the Display tab determine the information that the coverage pre-
diction will display.
- To display the handover status:
i. Select "Discrete Values" from the Display Type list.
ii. Select "Status" from the Field list. The coverage prediction will display two values: No handoff and Not
- To display the number of potential active transmitters:
i. Select "Value Intervals" from the Display Type list.
ii. Select "Potential Active Transmitters" from the Field list. The coverage prediction will display the number
of potential active transmitters.
For information on defining display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the handover status coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window. Making an AS Analysis

The Point Analysis window gives you information on reception for any point on the map. The AS Analysis tab gives you
information on the pilot quality (Ec⁄I0) (which is the main parameter used to define the mobile active set), the connection
status, and the active set of the probe mobile. Analysis is based on the UL load percentage and the DL total power of cells.
The analysis is provided for a user-definable probe receiver which has a terminal, a mobility and a service.
You can make an AS analysis to verify a coverage prediction. In this case, before you make the AS analysis, ensure the
coverage prediction you want to use in the AS analysis is displayed on the map.
For information on the criteria for belonging to the active set, see "Conditions for Entering the Active Set" on page 296.
To make an AS analysis:

1. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar. The Point Analysis window appears (see Figure 7.129).
2. Click the AS Analysis tab.
3. At the top of the AS Analysis tab, select "None" from Simulation.

234 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

4. If you are making an AS analysis to verify a coverage prediction, you can recreate the conditions of the coverage
a. Select the same Terminal, Service, and Mobility studied in the coverage prediction.
b. Select the Rate Downgrading check box if rate downgrading was selected in the coverage prediction. When
downgrading is enabled and if the selected service supports rate downgrading, Atoll will consider only the low-
est radio bearer.
c. Right-click the Point Analysis window and select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dia-
logue appears.
- Change the X and Y coordinates to change the present position of the receiver.
- Select the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability, and,
select "Ec⁄I0" from the Shadowing Margin list.
- Select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter class.
d. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue.
5. Move the pointer over the map to make an active set analysis for the current location of the pointer.
As you move the pointer, Atoll indicates on the map which is the best server for the current position (see
Figure 7.128).

Information on the current position is given on the AS Analysis tab of the Point Analysis window. See
Figure 7.129 on page 235 for an explanation of the displayed information.

Figure 7.128: Point analysis on the map

6. Click the map to leave the point analysis pointer at its current position.
To move the pointer again, click the point analysis pointer on the map and drag it to a new position.

7. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar again to end the point analysis.

Select the load conditions (DL Power This vertical bar represents the lower boundary of the
and UL Load from a simulation or Select the parameters of the probe user to active set (defined as the signal value of the best
user-defined values) to use in this be studied. server at the current point minus the AS_Threshold -
analysis. defined in the properties of the best server).

This vertical bar The connection status (pilot and uplink

The pilot reception in terms of active set components for the set represents the Ec⁄I0 and downlink traffic) for the current point.
conditions. The active set is displayed in grey. Solid bars threshold to become the
indicate the transmitters which respect the active set best server (threshold : successful connection
constraints. Even if more transmitters respect the constraints, defined in the mobility
the active set size is limited to the number defined in the terminal type properties dialogue). : failed connection
properties and is a function of the current service.

Figure 7.129: AS Analysis tab

The bar graph displays the following information:

• The pilot quality (Ec⁄I0) reception of all transmitters using the selected carrier (the colour of the bar colour corre-
sponds to the colour of the transmitter on the map).
• The thresholds of the active set (Ec⁄I0 threshold, best server active set threshold). The portion of the graph with
the grey background indicates the transmitters in the active set.
• The pilot and the availability of service on UL and DL.
If there is at least one successful connection (for pilot, downlink, or uplink), double-clicking the icons in the right-hand frame
will open a dialogue with additional information.

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Atoll User Manual HSDPA Coverage Prediction

The HSDPA coverage prediction allows you to study many HSDPA-related parameters, depending on the parameters
defined. The parameters used as input for the HSDPA coverage prediction are the HSDPA power, and the total transmitted
power for each cell. If the coverage prediction is not based on a simulation, these values are taken from the cell properties.
For information about the cell parameters, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191. For information on the formulas
used to calculate different throughputs, see the Technical Reference Guide.
To make an HSDPA coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select HSDPA Coverage and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the HSDPA cov-
erage prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites
to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).
Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. For an HSDPA coverage
prediction, under Terminal, you must chose an HSDPA-capable terminal and, under Service, you must chose a
service with HSDPA.

Under HSDPA Radio Bearer, select either "All" to consider all possible HSDPA radio bearers in the study or an
HSDPA radio bearer index to calculate the study for a certain bearer. Display options available in the Display tab
depend on what you have selected here.

If you want to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a
percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.
You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

7. Click the Display tab. The settings you select on the Display tab determine the information that the coverage pre-
diction will display.
If you have selected "All" as the HSDPA Radio Bearer in the Condition tab, you can set the following parameters:

- To analyse the uplink and downlink A-DPCH qualities on the map:

- The maximum DL A-DPCH quality relative to the Eb⁄Nt threshold: Select "Max DL A-DPCH Eb⁄Nt
(dB)" as the Field. Atoll determines downlink A-DPCH quality at the receiver for the maximum traffic chan-
nel power allowed for the best server.
- The maximum UL A-DPCH quality relative to the Eb⁄Nt threshold: Select "Max UL A-DPCH Eb⁄Nt
(dB)" as the Field. Atoll determines uplink A-DPCH quality at the receiver for the maximum terminal
power allowed.
- To analyse the HS-SCCH quality or power:
- The HS-SCCH power per HS-SCCH channel relative to the power threshold: Select "HS-SCCH Pow-
er (dBm)" as the Field. This display option is relevant only if HS-SCCH power is allocated dynamically.
- The HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt per HS-SCCH channel relative to the Ec⁄Nt threshold: Select "HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt
(dBm)" as the Field. This display option is relevant only if HS-SCCH power is allocated statically.
- To model fast link adaptation for a single HSDPA user or for a defined number of HSDPA users:
For a single HSDPA user, Atoll considers one HSDPA user on each pixel and determines the best HSDPA
bearer that the user can obtain by considering the entire available HSDPA power of the cell.

- The HS-PDSCH Ec/Nt relative to the Ec⁄Nt threshold: Select "HS-PDSCH Ec/Nt" as the Field. Atoll cal-
culates the best HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt on each pixel.
- The channel quality indicator (CQI) relative to the Ec⁄Nt threshold: Select "CQI" as the Field. Atoll
displays either the CPICH CQI or the HS-PDSCH CQI, depending on the option selected under HSDPA
on the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitter Properties dialogue (see "Creating or Modifying a
Transmitter" on page 190).
- The MAC rate relative to the threshold: Select "MAC Rate (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll calculates the
MAC rate from the transport block size of the selected HSDPA bearer.
- The MAC throughput relative to the threshold: Select "MAC Throughput (kbps)" as the Field. The MAC
throughput is calculated from the MAC rate.
- The RLC peak rate relative to the threshold: Select "RLC Peak Rate (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll displays
the RLC peak rate that the selected HSDPA bearer can by supplied with. The RLC peak rate is a charac-
teristic of the HSDPA bearer.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- The RLC peak throughput relative to the threshold: Select "RLC Peak Throughput (kbps)" as the
Field. Atoll calculates the RLC peak throughput from the RLC peak rate.
- The average RLC throughput relative to the threshold: Select "Average RLC Throughput (kbps)" as
the Field.
- The application throughput relative to the threshold: Select "Application Throughput (kbps)" as the
Field. Using the RLC peak rate, the BLER, the HSDPA service scaling factor, and the throughput offset,
Atoll calculates the application throughput. The application throughput represents the net throughput with-
out coding (redundancy, overhead, addressing, etc.).
Atoll can consider several HSDPA users per pixel. When the coverage prediction is not based on a simulation,
this value is taken from the cell properties. Atoll considers the defined number of HSDPA users on each pixel
and determines the best HSDPA bearer that each user can obtain. The coverage prediction results displayed
are the average results for one user. The HSDPA power of the cell is shared between the HSDPA users. You
can display the following results:

- The average MAC throughput per mobile relative to the threshold: Select "MAC Throughput per
Mobile (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll calculates the average MAC throughput per mobile from the from the
MAC throughput of each user.
- The average RLC throughput per mobile relative to the threshold: Select "RLC Throughput per
Mobile (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll calculates the average RLC throughput per mobile from the RLC
throughput of each user.
- The average application throughput per mobile relative to the threshold: Select "Application
Throughput per Mobile (kbps)" as the Field. Using the RLC peak rate, the BLER, the HSDPA service scal-
ing factor, and the throughput offset, Atoll calculates the average application throughput per mobile from
the application throughput of each user.
If you have selected an HSDPA radio bearer index as the HSDPA Radio Bearer on the Condition tab, you can
define settings to display:

- Where a certain RLC peak rate is available with different cell edge coverage probabilities: On the Con-
dition tab, do not consider shadowing and select an HSDPA radio bearer index. On the Display tab, the Dis-
play Type "Value Intervals" based on the Field "Cell Edge Coverage Probability (%)" is selected by default.
When no value is defined in the Cells table for the total transmitted power and the number of HSDPA users,
Atoll uses the following default values:

- Total transmitted power = 50 % of the maximum power (i.e, 40 dBm if the maximum power is set to
43 dBm)
- Number of HSDPA users = 1
On the other hand, no default value is used for the HSDPA power; this parameter must be defined by the user.

For information on selecting the best bearer, see the Technical Reference Guide. For information on defining
display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the handover status coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Note: Each HSDPA user is associated to an R99 dedicated channel A-DCH, in the uplink and
downlink. Therefore, user must first initiate a A-DCH connection in order to be able to use
HSDPA channels. To manage this R99 connection, the HSDPA service is linked to a R99
bearer. HSUPA Coverage Prediction

The HSUPA coverage prediction allows you to study several HSUPA-related parameters. The parameters used as input
for the HSUPA study are the uplink load factor the uplink reuse factor, the uplink load factor due to HSUPA and the maxi-
mum uplink load factor for each cell. If the coverage prediction is not based on a simulation, these values are taken from
the cell properties. For information about the cell parameters, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191. For infor-
mation on the formulas used to calculate required E-DPDCH Ec/Nt, required terminal power, and different throughputs,
see the Technical Reference Guide.
To make an HSUPA coverage prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select HSUPA Coverage and click OK. The coverage prediction Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the HSUPA cov-
erage prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites
to display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.
6. Click the Condition tab (see Figure 7.127).

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Atoll User Manual

Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. For an HSUPA coverage
prediction, under Terminal, you must chose an HSUPA-capable terminal and, under Service, you must chose a
service with HSUPA.

HSUPA Resources: Atoll can calculate the HSUPA coverage prediction in one of two ways:

- For a single user: After allocating capacity to all R99 users, the entire remaining load will be allocated to a
single HSUPA user.
- Shared by HSUPA users defined or calculated per cell: After allocating capacity to all R99 users, the
remaining load of the cell will be shared equally between all the HSUPA users. When the coverage prediction
is not based on a simulation, the number of HSUPA users is taken from the cell properties. The displayed
results of the coverage prediction will be for one user.
When no value is defined in the Cells table, Atoll uses the following default values:

- Uplink load factor = 50 %

- Uplink reuse factor = 1
- Uplink load factor due to HSUPA = 0 %
- Maximum uplink load factor = 75 %
- Number of HSUPA users = 1
If you want the coverage prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken into account
check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
7. Click the Display tab. The settings you select on the Display tab determine the information that the coverage pre-
diction will display. You can set parameters to display the following results:
- The required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt relative to the threshold: Select "Required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt (dB)" as the
Field. Atoll selects the best HSUPA bearer whose required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt does not exceed the maximum
E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt allowed. The required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt is a property of the selected HSUPA bearer.
- The power required for the selected terminal relative to the threshold: Select "Required Terminal Power
(dBm)" as the Field. Atoll calculates the required terminal power from the required E-DPDCH Ec/Nt.
- The MAC Rate relative to the threshold: Select "MAC Rate (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll calculates the MAC
rate from the transport block size of the selected HSUPA bearer.
- The RLC peak rate relative to the threshold: Select "RLC Peak Rate (kbps)" as the Field. Atoll displays
the RLC peak rate that the selected HSUPA bearer can supply. The RLC peak rate is a property of the HSUPA
- The guaranteed RLC throughput relative to the threshold: Select "Min RLC Throughput (kbps)" as the
- The application throughput relative to the threshold: Select "Application Throughput (kbps)" as the Field.
Using the RLC peak rate, the BLER, the HSUPA service scaling factor, and the throughput offset, Atoll cal-
culates the application throughput. The application throughput represents the net throughput without coding
(redundancy, overhead, addressing, etc.).
For information on selecting the best bearer, see the Technical Reference Guide. For information on defining
display properties, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.
8. Click OK to save your settings.

9. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the handover status coverage prediction. The
progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window. Printing and Exporting Coverage Prediction Results

Once you have made a coverage prediction, you may want to save the results displayed on the map in an external format,
either by printing the coverage prediction results, or by saving the results in an external format. You can also export a
selected area of the coverage as a bitmap.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Printing Coverage Prediction Results" on page 238
• "Defining a Coverage Export Zone" on page 239
• "Exporting Coverage Prediction Results" on page 239. Printing Coverage Prediction Results

Atoll offers several options allowing you to customise and optimise the printed coverage prediction results. Atoll supports
printing to a variety of paper sizes, including A4 and A0.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Before you print coverage prediction results, you have the following options:
• You can print the entire map, or you can define an area of the map to be printed in one of the following ways:
- Selecting the print area (see "Defining the Printing Zone" on page 50).
- Creating a focus zone (see "Creating a Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on
page 216).
• You can accept the default layout or you can modify the print layout (see "Defining the Print Layout" on page 51).
• You can see how the map will appear once printed (see "Previewing Your Printing" on page 52).

Important: Printing graphics is a memory-intensive operation and can make heavy demands on your
printer. Before printing for the first time, you should review the "Printing Recommendations"
on page 50 to avoid any memory-related problems.

To print coverage prediction results:

1. Select the document window containing the coverage prediction results.
2. You now have the following options before printing:
- You can select a print area ("Defining the Printing Zone" on page 50) or create a focus zone ("Creating a Focus
or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on page 216).
- You can modify the print layout ("Defining the Print Layout" on page 51).
- You can see how the map will appear once printed (see "Previewing Your Printing" on page 52).
3. Select File > Print.
4. Click OK. Defining a Coverage Export Zone

If you want to export part of the coverage prediction as a bitmap, you can define a coverage export zone. After you have
defined a coverage export zone, Atoll offers you the option of exporting only the area covered by the zone if you export
the coverage prediction as a raster image.
To define a coverage export zone:
1. Click the Geo tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Zones folder.
3. Right-click the Coverage Export Zone folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Draw from the context menu.
5. Draw the coverage export zone:
a. Click the point on the map that will be one corner of the rectangle that will define the coverage export zone.
b. Drag to the opposite corner of the rectangle that will define the coverage export zone. When you release the
mouse, the coverage export zone will be created from the rectangle defined by the two corners.
The coverage export zone is displayed as a rectangle with a light purple border. If you clear the coverage export
zone’s visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in the Explorer window, it will no longer be displayed
but will still be taken into account.

Important: The coverage export zone can only export in raster format. You can not export in raster for-
mat if the coverage prediction was made per transmitter (for example, coverage predictions
with the display type set by transmitter, by a transmitter attribute, by signal level, by path
loss, or by total losses). Only the coverage area of a single transmitter can be exported in
raster format. Exporting Coverage Prediction Results

In Atoll, you can export the coverage areas of a coverage prediction in raster or vector formats. In raster formats, you can
export in BMP, TIFF, ArcView© grid, or Vertical Mapper (GRD and GRC) formats. When exporting in GRD or GRC formats,
Atoll allows you to export files larger than 2 Gb. In vector formats, you can export in ArcView©, MapInfo©, or AGD formats.
Exporting coverage predictions allows the user to generate a file that can be imported as a vector or raster object in Atoll
or in another application. For each exported prediction (total or for a single transmitter), the exported zone is delimited by
the rectangle encompassing the coverage. All coverage types can be exported, however, you can not export in raster
format if the coverage prediction was made per transmitter (for example, coverage predictions with the display type set by
transmitter, by a transmitter attribute, by signal level, by path loss, or by total losses). In this case, only the coverage area
of a single transmitter can be exported in raster format.
To export a coverage prediction:
1. Select the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Predictions folder.

Note: The coverage prediction must be displayed in the map window before it can be exported.
For information on displaying objects in the map window, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects
on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18.

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Atoll User Manual

3. You can export the entire coverage prediction, the coverage export zone, or part of the coverage prediction.
To export the entire coverage prediction:
- Right-click the coverage prediction you want to export.
To export the coverage export zone:

a. Define the coverage export zone as explained in "Defining a Coverage Export Zone" on page 239.
b. Right-click the coverage prediction you want to export.
To export part of the coverage prediction:

a. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the coverage prediction.

b. Right-click the part of the coverage prediction you want to export.
4. Select Export the Coverage from the context menu.
5. Enter the file name and select the type and the path of the file to be exported.
6. Click Save to export the coverage prediction results.
If you have chosen to export the prediction coverage in raster format, a dialogue appears:
a. Under Region, select the area to export:
- The Coverage Area of the Prediction Study to export a rectangle containing only the area covered by
the study,
- The Computation Zone to export a rectangle containing the entire computation zone, whether or not the
computation zone is visible, or
- The Coverage Export Zone to export the rectangle defined by the coverage export zone, whether or not
the computation zone is visible.
b. If desired, move the Smoothing slider, or enter the percentage in the text box, to define how much Atoll
smooths the exported coverage.
c. Click OK to finish exporting the coverage prediction results.
If you have chosen to export the prediction coverage in a vector format other than in AGD format:

a. If desired, under Coordinate Systems, change the reference coordinate system for the file being exported.
b. If desired, change the Resolution of the exported coverage. The default resolution is the resolution of the cov-
erage prediction results (as set in the coverage prediction Properties dialogue).
c. If desired, move the Smoothing slider, or enter the percentage in the text box, to define how much Atoll
smooths the exported coverage.
d. Click Export to finish exporting the coverage prediction results.

• When selecting a coordinate system different than the one initially defined in Atoll, the file is con-
verted using the selected coordinate system.
• You can not export in raster format if the coverage prediction was made per transmitter (for
example, coverage predictions with the display type set by transmitter, by a transmitter attribute,
by signal level, by path loss, or by total losses). Only the coverage area of a single transmitter
can be exported in raster format.

7.2.11 Planning Neighbours

You can set neighbours for each cell manually, or you can let Atoll automatically allocate neighbours, based on the param-
eters that you set. When allocating neighbours, the cell to which you are allocating neighbours is referred to as the refer-
ence cell. The cells that fulfil the requirements to be neighbours are referred to as possible neighbours. When allocating
neighbours to all active and filtered transmitters, Atoll allocates neighbours only to the cells within the focus zone and
considers as possible neighbours all the active and filtered cells whose propagation zone intersects a rectangle containing
the computation zone. If there is no focus zone, Atoll allocates neighbours only to the cells within the computation zone.
The focus and computation zones are taken into account whether or not they are visible. In other words, the focus and
computation zones will be taken into account whether or not their visibility check box in the Zones folder of the Geo tab in
the Explorer window is selected.
Usually, you will allocate neighbours globally during the beginning of a radio planning project. Afterwards, you will allocate
neighbours to base stations or transmitters as you add them. You can use automatic allocation on all cells in the document,
or you can define a group of cells either by using a focus zone or by grouping transmitters in the Explorer window. For
information on creating a focus zone, see "Creating a Focus or Hot Spot Zone for a Coverage Prediction Report" on
page 216. For information on grouping transmitters in the Explorer window, see "Grouping Data Objects" on page 53.
Atoll supports the following neighbour types in a UMTS network:
• Intra-technology Neighbours: Intra-technology neighbours are cells defined as neighbours that also use UMTS.
Intra-technology neighbours can be divided into:
- Intra-carrier Neighbours: Cells defined as neighbours which perform handover using the same carrier.

240 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Inter-carrier Neighbours: Cells defined as neighbours which perform handover using a different carrier.
• Inter-technology Neighbours: Inter-technology neighbours are cells defined as neighbours that use a tech-
nology other than UMTS.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Importing Neighbours" on page 241
• "Defining Exceptional Pairs" on page 241
• "Allocating Neighbours Automatically" on page 241
• "Checking Automatic Allocation Results" on page 244
• "Allocating and Deleting Neighbours per Cell" on page 246
• "Checking the Consistency of the Neighbour Allocation Plan" on page 247
• "Exporting Neighbours" on page 248. Importing Neighbours

You can import neighbour data in the form of ASCII text files (in TXT and CSV formats) into the current Atoll document
using the Neighbours table.
To import neighbours using the Neighbours table:
1. Open the Neighbours table:
a. Select the Data tab of the Explorer window.
b. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
c. Select Cells > Neighbours > Intra-technology Neighbours from the context menu. The Neighbours table
2. Import the ASCII text file as explained in "Importing Tables from Text Files" on page 47. Defining Exceptional Pairs

In Atoll, you can define neighbour constraints that will be taken into consideration during the automatic allocation of neigh-
bours. Exceptional pairs are not taken into consideration when you manually allocate neighbours.
To define exceptional pairs of neighbours:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Open Table from the context menu. The Cells table appears.
4. Right-click the cell for which you want to define neighbour constraints. The context menu appears.
5. Select Record Properties from the context menu. The cell’s Properties dialogue appears.
6. Click the Intra-technology Neighbours tab.

7. Under Exceptional Pairs, create a new exceptional pair in the row marked with the New Row icon ( ):
a. Select the cell from the list in the Neighbours column.
b. In the Status column, select one of the following:
- Forced: The selected cell will always be a neighbour of the reference cell.
- Forbidden: The selected cell will never be a neighbour of the reference cell.
8. Click elsewhere in the table when you have finished creating the new exceptional pair.
9. Click OK.

Notes: You can also create exceptional pairs using the Exceptional Pairs of Intra-Technology
Neighbours table. You can open this table by right-clicking the Transmitters folder and
selecting Cells > Neighbours > Intra-Technology Exceptional Pairs. Allocating Neighbours Automatically

Atoll can automatically allocate both intra- and inter-carrier neighbours in a UMTS network. Atoll allocates neighbours
based on the parameters you set in the Automatic Neighbour Allocation dialogue.
To automatically allocate intra-carrier UMTS neighbours:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Neighbours > Automatic Allocation from the context menu. The Automatic Neighbour Alloca-
tion dialogue appears.
4. Click the Intra-Carrier Neighbours tab. You can set the following parameters:
- Max. Inter-site Distance: Set the maximum distance between the reference cell and a possible neighbour.
- Max. Number of Neighbours: Set the maximum number of intra-carrier neighbours that can be allocated to
a cell. This value can be either set here for all transmitters, or specified for each transmitter in the Cells table.

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Atoll User Manual

- Coverage Conditions: The coverage conditions must be respected for a cell to be considered as a neighbour.
Click Define to change the coverage conditions. In the Coverage Conditions dialogue, you can change the
following parameters:
- Min. Pilot Signal Level: Enter the minimum pilot signal level which must be provided by reference cell A
and possible neighbour cell B.
- Min. Ec⁄I0: Enter the minimum Ec⁄I0 which must be provided by reference cell A in an overlapping area.
Reference cell A must also be the best server in terms of pilot quality in the overlapping area.
- Ec⁄I0 Margin: Enter the maximum difference of Ec⁄I0 between reference cell A and possible neighbour
cell B in the overlapping area.
- Power Contributing to I0: You can let Atoll base the interference ratio on the Total Power Used (as
defined in the cell properties) or on a percentage of the maximum power (% Pmax).
- Shadowing taken into account: If desired, select the Shadowing taken into account check box and
enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability.
- % Min. Covered Area: Enter the minimum, in percentage, that a possible neighbour cell’s coverage area must
overlap the reference cell’s coverage area.
5. Select the desired calculation parameters:
- Carriers: Select the carriers on which you want to run the allocation. You can choose one or more carriers
(Atoll will allocate neighbours to cells using the selected carriers).
- Force co-site cells as neighbours: Select the Force co-site cells as neighbours check box if you want
cells located on the same site as the reference cell to be automatically considered as neighbours.
- Force adjacent cells as neighbours: Select the Force adjacent cells as neighbours check box if you want
cells that are adjacent to the reference cell to be automatically considered as neighbours. A cell is considered
adjacent if there is at least one pixel in the reference cell’s coverage area where the possible neighbour cell
is the best server, or where the possible neighbour cell is the second best server in the reference cell’s active
set (respecting the handover margin).
- Force symmetry: Select the Force symmetry check box if you want neighbour relations to be reciprocal. In
other words, a reference cell will be a possible neighbour to all of the cells that are its neighbours. If the neigh-
bour list of any cell is full, the reference cell will not be added as a neighbour and that cell will be removed from
the list of neighbours of the reference cell.
- Force exceptional pairs: Select the Force exceptional pairs check box if you want to be able to force or
forbid neighbour relations defined in the Exceptional Pairs table. For information on exceptional pairs, see
"Defining Exceptional Pairs" on page 241.
- Reset neighbours: Select the Reset neighbours check box if you want Atoll to delete all current neighbours
when allocating neighbours. If you do not select the Reset neighbours check box, Atoll will not delete any
existing neighbours when automatically allocating neighbours; it will only add new neighbours to the list.
6. Click the Importance Weighting button to set the relative importance of possible neighbours:
- Coverage Factor: Set the minimum and maximum importance of a neighbour being admitted for coverage
- Adjacency Factor: If you have selected the Force adjacent cells as neighbours check box in step 5., set
the minimum and maximum importance of a possible neighbour cell being adjacent to the reference cell.
- Co-site Factor: If you have selected the Force co-site cells as neighbours check box in step 5., set the
minimum and maximum importance of a possible neighbour cell being located on the same site as reference
7. Click Run. Atoll begins the process of allocating intra-carrier neighbours. Atoll first checks to see whether the
path loss matrices are valid before allocating neighbours. If the path loss matrices are not valid, Atoll recalculates
Once Atoll has finished calculating neighbours, the new neighbours are visible under Results. Atoll only displays
new neighbours. If no new neighbours have been found and if the Reset neighbours check box is cleared, the
Results table will be empty.

The Results table contains the following information.

- Cell: The name of the reference cell.

- Number: The total number of neighbours allocated to the reference cell.
- Maximum Number: The maximum number of neighbours that the reference cell can have.
- Neighbour: The cell that will be allocated as a neighbour to the reference cell.
- Importance (%): The importance as calculated with the options selected in step 6.
- Cause: The reason Atoll has allocated the possible neighbour cell, as identified in the Neighbour column, to
the reference cell, as identified in the Cell column.
- Co-site
- Adjacency
- Symmetry
- Coverage
- Existing
- Coverage: The amount of reference cell’s coverage area that the neighbour overlaps, in percentage and in
square kilometres.
- Adjacency: The area of the reference cell, in percentage and in square kilometres, where the neighbour cell
is best server or second best server.
8. Select the Commit check box for each neighbour you want to assign to a cell. You can use many of Atoll’s table
shortcuts, such as filtering and sorting. For information on working with data tables, see "Working with Data
Tables" on page 39.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

9. Click Commit. All the neighbours whose Commit check box is selected are assigned to the reference cells. Neigh-
bours are listed in the Intra-technology Neighbours tab of each cell’s Properties dialogue.
To automatically allocate inter-carrier UMTS neighbours:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Neighbours > Automatic Allocation from the context menu. The Automatic Neighbour Alloca-
tion dialogue appears.
4. Click the Inter-Carrier Neighbours tab. You can set the following parameters:
- Max. Inter-site Distance: Set the maximum distance between the reference cell and a possible neighbour.
- Max. Number of Neighbours: Set the maximum number of inter-carrier neighbours that can be allocated to
a cell. This value can be either set here for all transmitters, or specified for each transmitter in the Cells table.
- Coverage Conditions: The coverage conditions must be respected for a cell to be considered as a neighbour.
Click Define to change the coverage conditions. In the Coverage Conditions dialogue, you can change the
following parameters:
- Min. Pilot Signal Level: Enter the minimum pilot signal level which must be provided by reference cell A
and possible neighbour cell B.
- Min. Ec⁄I0: Enter the minimum Ec⁄I0 which must be provided by reference cell A and possible neighbour B
in an overlapping area. Possible neighbour B must also be the best server in terms of pilot quality in the
overlapping area.
- Ec⁄I0 Margin: Enter the Ec⁄I0 margin relative to the Ec⁄I0 of the reference cell A. See the Technical Refer-
ence Guide for an explanation of how the Ec⁄I0 margin is used in different inter-carrier handover scenarios.
- Power Contributing to I0: You can let Atoll base the interference ratio on the Total Power Used (as
defined in the cell properties) or on a percentage of the maximum power (% Pmax).
- Shadowing taken into account: If desired, select the Shadowing taken into account check box and
enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability.
- % Min. Covered Area: Enter the minimum, in percentage, that a possible neighbour cell’s coverage area must
overlap the reference cell’s coverage area.
5. Select the desired calculation parameters:
- Carriers: Select the carriers on which you want to run the allocation. You can choose one or more carriers
(Atoll will allocate neighbours to cells using the selected carriers).
- Force co-site cells as neighbours: Select the Force co-site cells as neighbours check box if you want
cells located on the same site as the reference cell to be automatically considered as neighbours.
- Force symmetry: Select the Force symmetry check box if you want neighbour relations to be reciprocal. In
other words, a reference cell will be a possible neighbour to all of the cells that are its neighbours. If the neigh-
bour list of any cell is full, the reference cell will not be added as a neighbour and that cell will be removed from
the list of neighbours of the reference cell.
- Force exceptional pairs: Select the Force exceptional pairs check box if you want to be able to force or
forbid neighbour relations defined in the Exceptional Pairs table. For information on exceptional pairs, see
"Defining Exceptional Pairs" on page 241.
- Reset neighbours: Select the Reset neighbours check box if you want Atoll to delete all current neighbours
when allocating neighbours. If you do not select the Reset neighbours check box, Atoll will not delete any
existing neighbours when automatically allocating neighbours; it will only add new neighbours to the list.
6. Click the Importance Weighting button to set the relative importance of possible neighbours:
- Coverage Factor: Set the minimum and maximum importance of the minimum percentage of shared cov-
erage between the possible neighbour cell and the reference cell.
- Co-site Factor: If you have selected the Force co-site cells as neighbours check box in step 5., set the
minimum and maximum importance of a possible neighbour cell being located on the same site as reference
7. Click Run. Atoll begins the process of allocating inter-carrier neighbours. Atoll first checks to see whether the
path loss matrices are valid before allocating neighbours. If the path loss matrices are not valid, Atoll recalculates
Once Atoll has finished calculating neighbours, the new neighbours are visible under Results. Atoll only displays
new neighbours. If no new neighbours have been found and if the Reset neighbours check box is cleared, the
Results table will be empty.

The Results table contains the following information.

- Cell: The name of the reference cell.

- Number: The total number of neighbours allocated to the reference cell.
- Maximum Number: The maximum number of neighbours that the reference cell can have.
- Neighbour: The cell that will be allocated as a neighbour to the reference cell.
- Importance (%): The importance as calculated with the options selected in step 6.
- Cause: The reason Atoll has allocated the possible neighbour cell, as identified in the Neighbour column, to
the reference cell, as identified in the Cell column.
- Co-site
- Symmetry
- Coverage
- Existing

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Atoll User Manual

- Coverage: The amount of reference cell’s coverage area that the neighbour overlaps, in percentage and in
square kilometres.
8. Select the Commit check box for each neighbour you want to assign to a cell. You can use many of Atoll’s table
shortcuts, such as filtering and sorting. For information on working with data tables, see "Working with Data
Tables" on page 39.
9. Click Commit. All the neighbours whose Commit check box is selected are assigned to the reference cells. Neigh-
bours are listed in the Intra-technology Neighbours tab of each cell’s Properties dialogue.

• A forbidden neighbour will not be listed as a neighbour unless the neighbour relation already
exists and the Reset neighbours check box is cleared when you start the new allocation. In this
case, Atoll displays a warning in the Event Viewer indicating that the constraint on the forbidden
neighbour will be ignored by the algorithm because the neighbour already exists.
• When the options Force exceptional pairs and Force symmetry are selected, Atoll considers
the constraints between exceptional pairs in both directions in order to respect symmetry. On the
other hand, if the neighbour relation is forced in one direction and forbidden in the other one,
symmetry cannot be respected. In this case, Atoll displays a warning in the Event Viewer.
• Area percentages are calculated with the resolution specified in the Predictions folder Proper-
ties dialogue.
• You can save automatic neighbour allocation parameters in a user configuration. For information
on saving automatic neighbour allocation parameters in a user configuration, see "Exporting a
User Configuration" on page 62. Allocating Neighbours to a New Base Station

When you create a new base station, you can let Atoll allocate neighbours to it automatically. Atoll considers the cells of
the new base station and other cells whose coverage area intersects with the coverage area of the cells of the new base
To allocate neighbours to a new base station:
1. On the Data tab of the Explorer window, group the transmitters by site, as explained in "Grouping Data Objects"
on page 53.
2. In the Transmitters folder, right-click the new base station. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Neighbours > Automatic Allocation from the context menu. The Automatic Neighbour Alloca-
tion dialogue appears.
4. Define the automatic neighbour allocation parameters as described in "Allocating Neighbours Automatically" on
page 241. Allocating Neighbours to a New Transmitter

When you add a new transmitter, you can let Atoll allocate neighbours to it automatically. Atoll considers the cells of the
new transmitters and other cells whose coverage area intersects the coverage area of the cells of the new transmitter.
To allocate neighbours to a new transmitter:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. In the Transmitters folder, right-click the new transmitter. The context menu appears.
3. Select Allocate Neighbours from the context menu. The Automatic Neighbour Allocation dialogue appears.
4. Define the automatic neighbour allocation parameters as described in "Allocating Neighbours Automatically" on
page 241. Checking Automatic Allocation Results

You can verify the results of automatic neighbour allocation in the following ways:
• "Displaying Neighbour Relations on the Map" on page 244
• "Displaying the Coverage of Each Neighbour of a Cell" on page 245. Displaying Neighbour Relations on the Map

You can view neighbour relations directly on the map. Atoll can display them and indicate the direction of the neighbour
relation (in other words, Atoll indicates which is the reference cell and which is the neighbour) and whether the neighbour
relation is symmetric.
To display the neighbour relations of a cell on the map:

1. Click the menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The menu appears.
2. Select Display Options from the context menu. The Visual Management dialogue appears.
3. Select which neighbour links to display:
- Outwards Non-Symmetric: Select the Outwards Non-Symmetric check box to display neighbour relations
where the selected cell is the reference cell and where the neighbour relation is not symmetric.
- Inwards Non-Symmetric: Select the Inwards Non-Symmetric check box to display neighbour relations
where the selected cell is neighbour and where the neighbour relation is not symmetric.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Symmetric: Select the Symmetric check box to display neighbour relations that are symmetric between the
selected cell and the neighbour.
4. Carrier: Because neighbour relations are between cells, you must select the carrier of the cells.

5. Click the menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The menu appears.
6. Select Neighbours from the menu. The neighbours of a cell will be displayed when you select a transmitter.

7. Click the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar.

8. Click a transmitter on the map to display the neighbour relations. Atoll displays the following information (see
Figure 7.130) on the selected carrier:
- The symmetric neighbour relations of the selected (reference) transmitter are indicated by a heavy black
- The outward neighbour relations are indicated with a light black line with an arrow the colour of the selected
(reference) transmitter.
- The inward neighbour relations are indicated with a light black line with an arrow the colour of the transmitter
which has the selected (reference) transmitter as a neighbour.

Figure 7.130: Neighbours of Site 22

Note: You can display either forced neighbours or forbidden neighbours by clicking the menu
button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar and selecting
either Forced Neighbours or Forbidden Neighbours. Displaying the Coverage of Each Neighbour of a Cell

By combining the display characteristics of a coverage prediction with neighbour display options, Atoll can display the
coverage area of a cell’s neighbours and colour them according to any neighbour characteristic in the Neighbours table.
To display the coverage of each neighbour of a cell:
1. Create, calculate, and display a "Coverage by transmitter" prediction, with the Display Type set to "Discrete
Values" and the Field set to Transmitter (for information on creating a coverage by transmitter prediction, see
"Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213).

2. Click the menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar. The menu appears.
3. Select Display Options from the context menu. The Visual Management dialogue appears.

4. Click the Browse button ( ) beside the Display Links list.

5. The Intra-technology Visual Management dialogue appears.
6. From the Display Type list, choose one of the following:
- Unique: Select "Unique" as the Display Type if you want Atoll to colour the coverage area of a cell’s neigh-
bours with a unique colour.
- Discrete Values: Select "Discrete Values" as the Display Type, and then a value from the Field list, if you
want Atoll to colour the coverage area of a cell’s neighbours according to a value from the Intra-technology
Neighbours table.
- Value Intervals: Select "Value Intervals" to colour the coverage area of a cell’s neighbours according the
value interval of the value selected from the Field list. For example, you can choose to display a cell’s neigh-
bours according to their rank, in terms of automatic allocation, or according to the importance, as determined
by the weighting factors.

7. Click the Browse button ( ) next to Tip Text and select the neighbour characteristics to be displayed in the
tooltip. This information will be displayed on each coverage area.

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Atoll User Manual

8. In order to restore colours and cancel the neighbour display, click the left side of the Neighbour graphic man-
agement icon ( ).

Note: Only intra-carrier neighbour coverage areas are displayed. Allocating and Deleting Neighbours per Cell

Although you can let Atoll allocate neighbours automatically, you can adjust the overall allocation of neighbours by allo-
cating or deleting neighbours per cell. You can allocate or delete neighbours directly on the map or using the Cells tab of
the Transmitter Properties dialogue.
This section explains the following:
• "Allocating or Deleting Neighbours Using the Cells Tab of the Transmitter Properties Dialogue" on page 246
• "Allocating or Deleting Neighbours Using the Neighbours Table" on page 246
• "Allocating or Deleting Neighbours on the Map" on page 247.

Allocating or Deleting Neighbours Using the Cells Tab of the Transmitter Properties Dialogue

To allocate or delete UMTS neighbours using the Cells tab of the transmitter’s Properties dialogue:
1. On the map, right-click the transmitter whose neighbours you want to change. The context menu appears.
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The transmitter’s Properties dialogue appears.
3. Click the Cells tab.

4. On the Cells tab, there is a column for each cell. Click the Browse button ( ) beside Neighbours in the cell for
which you want to allocate or delete neighbours. The cell’s Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Intra-technology Neighbours tab.
6. If desired, you can enter the maximum number of neighbours in the following boxes:
- Max Number Inter-Carrier
- Max Number Intra-Carrier
7. To allocate a new neighbour:
a. Under List, select the cell from the list in the Neighbour column in the row marked with the New Row icon
( ).
b. If you want the neighbour relation to be symmetric, select the check box in the Symmetric column.

Note: Atoll automatically sets the importance for manually allocated neighbours to "1."

c. Click elsewhere in the table to complete creating the new neighbour.

8. To delete a neighbour:
a. Click in the left margin of the table row containing the neighbour to select the entire row.
b. Press DEL to delete the neighbour.
9. Click OK.

Allocating or Deleting Neighbours Using the Neighbours Table

To allocate or delete UMTS neighbours using the Neighbours table:

1. Select the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appear.
3. Select Cells > Neighbours > Intra-technology Neighbours from the context menu. The Neighbours table

Note: For information on working with data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.

4. To allocate a neighbour:

a. In the row marked with the New Row icon ( ), select a reference cell in the Cell column.
b. Select the neighbour in the Neighbour column.
c. Select the check box in the Symmetry column if you want the neighbour relation to be symmetric.
d. Click elsewhere in the table to create the new neighbour and add a new blank row to the table.
When the new neighbour is created, Atoll automatically calculates the distance between the reference cell
and the neighbour and displays it in the Distance column, sets the Type to "manual," and sets the Importance
to "1."

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

5. To create a symmetric neighbour relation:

a. Right-click the neighbour in the Neighbour column. The context menu appears.
b. Select Symmetrise from the context menu. A symmetric neighbour relation is created between the cell in the
Neighbour column and the cell in the Cell column.
6. To make all neighbour relation symmetric, right-click the Neighbours table and select Symmetrise All Neigh-
bour Relations.
7. To delete a symmetric neighbour relation:
a. Right-click the neighbour in the Neighbour column. The context menu appears.
b. Select Delete Link and Symmetric Relation from the context menu. The symmetric neighbour relation be-
tween the cell in the Neighbour column and the cell in the Cell column is deleted.
8. To delete a neighbour:
a. Click in the left margin of the table row containing the neighbour to select the entire row.
b. Press DEL to delete the neighbour.

Allocating or Deleting Neighbours on the Map

You can allocate or delete intra-technology neighbours directly on the map using the mouse.
To add or remove intra-technology neighbours using the mouse, you must activate the display of intra-technology neigh-
bours on the map as explained in "Displaying Neighbour Relations on the Map" on page 244.
To add a symmetric neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter with which you want to set a neighbour relation. Atoll adds both transmitters
to the intra-technology neighbours list.
To remove a symmetric neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes both trans-
mitters from the intra-technology neighbours.
To add an outward neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter with which you want to set a neighbour relation. Atoll adds the reference
transmitter to the intra-technology neighbour list of the reference transmitter.
To remove an outward neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press CTRL and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes the reference
transmitter from the intra-technology neighbours list of the reference transmitter.
To add an inward neighbour relation:
• Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
- If the two transmitters already have a symmetric neighbour relation, press CTRL and click the other trans-
mitter. Atoll converts the symmetric relation to an inward non-symmetric inter-technology neighbour relation.
- If there is no existing neighbour relation between the two transmitters, first create a symmetric neighbour rela-
tion by pressing SHIFT and clicking the transmitter with which you want to create a symmetric relation. Then
press CTRL and click the other transmitter. Atoll converts the symmetric relation to an inwards non-symmetric
inter-technology neighbour relation.
To remove an inwards neighbour relation:
1. Click the reference transmitter on the map. Atoll displays its neighbour relations.
2. Press SHIFT and click the transmitter you want to remove from the list of neighbours. Atoll removes the trans-
mitter from the intra-technology neighbours list of the reference transmitter.

Note: You can add or delete either forced neighbours or forbidden neighbours by clicking the
menu button ( ) of the Visual Management button ( ) in the Radio toolbar and
selecting either Forced Neighbours or Forbidden Neighbours. Checking the Consistency of the Neighbour Allocation Plan

You can perform an audit of the current neighbour allocation plan. When you perform an audit of the current neighbour
allocation plan, Atoll lists the results in a text file. You can define what information Atoll provides in the audit.
To perform an audit of the neighbour allocation plan:
1. Select the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appear.

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Atoll User Manual

3. Select Cells > Neighbours > Audit from the context menu. The Neighbour Audit dialogue appears.
4. Define the parameters of the audit:
- Neighbourhood Type: Select whether you want to perform an audit on Intra-Carrier or Inter-Carrier neigh-
bour relations.
- Average No. of Neighbours: Select the Average No. of Neighbours check box if you want to verify the
average number of neighbours per cell.
- Empty Lists: Select the Empty Lists check box if you want to verify which cells have no neighbours (in other
words, which cells have an empty neighbour list).
- Full Lists: Which cells having the maximum number of neighbours allowed (in other words, which cells have
a full neighbour list). The maximum number of neighbours can be either set here for all transmitters, or spec-
ified for each transmitter in the Cells table.
- Lists > Max Number: Which cells having more than the maximum number of neighbours allowed. The max-
imum number of neighbours can be either set here for all transmitters, or specified for each transmitter in the
Cells table.
- Missing Co-sites: Select the Missing Co-sites check box if you want to verify which cells have no co-site
- Missing Symmetrics: Select the Missing Symmetrics check box if you want to verify which cells have non-
symmetric neighbour relations.
- Exceptional Pairs: Select the Exceptional Pairs check box if you want to verify which cells have forced
neighbours or forbidden neighbours.
5. Click OK to perform the audit. Atoll displays the results of the audit in a new text file:
- Average Number of Neighbours: X; where, X is the average number of neighbours (integer) per cell for the
plan audited.
- Empty Lists: x/X; x number of cells out of a total of X having no neighbours (or empty neighbours list)
Syntax: |CELL|
- Full Lists (default max number = Y): x/X; x number of cells out of a total of X having Y number of neighbours
listed in their respective neighbours lists.
- Lists > Max Number (default max number = Y): x/X; x number of cells out of a total of X having more than
Y number of neighbours listed in their respective neighbours lists.

Note: If the field Maximum number of neighbours in the Transmitters table is empty, the Full
Lists check and the Lists > Max Number check use the Default Max Number value
defined in the audit dialogue.

- Missing Co-Sites: X; total number of missing co-site neighbours in the audited neighbour plan.
- Non Symmetric Links: X; total number of non-symmetric neighbour links in the audited neighbour plan.
- Missing Forced: X; total number of forced neighbours missing in the audited neighbour plan.
- Existing Forbidden: X; total number of forbidden neighbours existing in the audited neighbour plan.
Syntax: |CELL| |NEIGHBOUR| |TYPE| |REASON| Exporting Neighbours

The neighbour data of an Atoll document is stored in a series of tables. You can export the neighbour data to use it in
another application or in another Atoll document.
To export neighbour data:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Neighbours and then select the neighbour table containing the data you want to export from the
context menu:
- Intra-Technology Neighbours: This table contains the data for the intra-technology (intra-carrier and inter-
carrier) neighbours in the current Atoll document.
- Inter-Technology Neighbours: This table contains the data for the inter-technology neighbours in the current
Atoll document.
- Intra-technology Exceptional Pairs: This table contains the data for the intra-technology exceptional pairs
(forced and forbidden) in the current Atoll document.
- Inter-technology Exceptional Pairs: This table contains the data for the inter-technology exceptional pairs
(forced and forbidden) in the current Atoll document.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

4. When the selected neighbours table opens, you can export the content as described in "Exporting Tables to Text
Files" on page 46.

7.2.12 Planning Scrambling Codes

In UMTS, 512 scrambling codes are available, numbered from 0 to 511. Although UMTS scrambling codes are displayed
in decimal format by default, they can also be displayed and calculated in hexadecimal format, in other words using the
numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F.
Atoll facilitates the management of scrambling codes by letting you create groups of scrambling codes and domains,
where each domain is a defined set of groups.
You can also assign scrambling codes manually or automatically to any cell in the network.
Once allocation is completed, you can audit the scrambling codes, view scrambling code reuse on the map, and make an
analysis of scrambling code distribution.
The procedure for planning scrambling codes for a UMTS project is:
• Preparing for scrambling code allocation
- "Defining the Scrambling Code Format" on page 249
- "Creating Scrambling Code Domains and Groups" on page 249
- "Defining Exceptional Pairs for Scrambling Code Allocation" on page 250.
• Allocating scrambling codes
- "Automatically Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells" on page 250
- "Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells Manually" on page 252.
• "Checking the Consistency of the Scrambling Code Plan" on page 252.
• Displaying the allocation of scrambling codes
- "Using the Search Tool to Display Scrambling Code Allocation" on page 253
- "Displaying Scrambling Code Allocation Using Transmitter Display Settings" on page 253
- "Grouping Transmitters by Scrambling Code" on page 254
- "Displaying the Scrambling Code Allocation Histogram" on page 254
- "Making a Scrambling Code Interference Zone Prediction" on page 255.
- "Making a Scrambling Code Interference Analysis" on page 255

• Within the context of primary scrambling code allocation, "neighbours" refer to intra-carrier
• According to 3GPP specifications, the 512 possible scrambling codes can be broken down into
groups, each containing 8 codes. Because the term "group" in Atoll refers to user-defined sets
of scrambling codes, these groups of 8 codes each are referred to as "clusters" in Atoll. As well,
Atoll allows you to change the number of codes in a cluster. Defining the Scrambling Code Format

Scrambling codes may be displayed in decimal or hexadecimal format. The selected format is used to display scrambling
codes in dialogues and tables such as in the Domains and Groups tables, the Cells table, and the Scrambling Code
Allocation dialogue.
The decimal format is the default format in Atoll. The accepted decimal values are from 0 to 511. The decimal format is
also used, even if you have chosen the hexadecimal format, to store scrambling codes in the database and to display
scrambling code distribution or the results of a scrambling code audit.
The hexadecimal format uses the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F for its base characters. In Atoll, hexadecimal values
are indicated by a lower-case "h" following the value. For example, the hexadecimal value "3Fh" is "63" as a decimal value.
You can convert a hexadecimal value to a decimal value with the following equation, where A, B, and C are decimal values
within the hexadecimal index ranges:
A × 16 + B × 16 + C
For example, the hexadecimal value "3Fh" would be calculated as shown below:
0 × 16 + 3 × 16 + 15 = 63
To define the scrambling code format for an Atoll document:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Format from the context menu and select either Decimal or Hex-
adecimal. Creating Scrambling Code Domains and Groups

Atoll facilitates the management of scrambling codes by letting you create domains, each containing groups of scrambling

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Atoll User Manual

The procedure for managing scrambling codes in a UMTS document consists of the following steps:
1. Creating a scrambling code domain, as explained in this section.
2. Creating groups, each containing a range of scrambling codes, and assigning them to a domain, as explained in
this section.
3. Assigning a scrambling code domain to a cell or cells. If there is no scrambling code domain, Atoll will consider
all 512 possible scrambling codes when assigning codes.
To create a scrambling code domain:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Domains. The Domains table appears.

4. In the row marked with the New Row icon ( ), enter a Name for the new domain.
5. Click in another cell of the table to create the new domain and add a new blank row to the table.
6. Double-click the domain to which you want to add a group. The domain’s Properties dialogue appears.
7. Under Groups, enter the following information for each group you want to create.
- Name: Enter a name for the new scrambling code group.
- Min.: Enter the lowest available primary scrambling code in this group’s range. The minimum and maximum
scrambling codes must be entered in the format, decimal or hexadecimal, set for the Atoll document (for infor-
mation on setting the scrambling code format, see "Defining the Scrambling Code Format" on page 249).
- Max: Enter the highest available primary scrambling code in this group’s range.
- Step: Enter the separation interval between each primary scrambling code.
- Excluded: Enter the scrambling codes in this range that you do not want to use.
- Extra: Enter any additional scrambling codes (i.e., outside the range defined by the Min. and Max fields) you
want to add to this group. You can enter a list of codes separated by either a comma, semi-colon, or a space.
You can also enter a range of scrambling codes separated by a hyphen. For example, entering, "1, 2, 3-5"
means that the extra scrambling codes are "1, 2, 3, 4, 5."
8. Click in another cell of the table to create the new group and add a new blank row to the table. Defining Exceptional Pairs for Scrambling Code Allocation

You can also define pairs of cells which cannot have the same primary scrambling code. These pairs are referred to as
exceptional pairs. Exceptional pairs are used along with other constraints, such as neighbours, reuse distance, and
domains, in allocating scrambling codes.
To create a pair of cells that cannot have the same scrambling code:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Exceptional Pairs. The Exceptional Separation Constraints
table appears. For information on working with data tables, see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39.

4. In the row marked with the New Row icon ( ), select one cell of the new exceptional pair in the Cell column
and the second cell of the new exceptional pair from the Cell_2 column.
5. Click in another cell of the table to create the new exceptional pair and add a new blank row to the table. Allocating Scrambling Codes

Atoll can automatically assign scrambling codes to the cells of a UMTS network according to set parameters. For example,
it takes into account the definition of groups and domains of scrambling codes, the selected scrambling code allocation
strategy (clustered, distributed per cell, distributed per site and one cluster per site), minimum code reuse distance, and
any constraints imposed by neighbours.
You can also allocate scrambling codes manually to the cells of a UMTS network.
In this section, the following methods of allocating scrambling codes are described:
• "Automatically Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells" on page 250
• "Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells Manually" on page 252.

Automatically Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells

The allocation algorithm enables you to automatically allocate primary scrambling codes to cells in the current network.
You can choose among several automatic allocation strategies (for more information, see the Technical Reference Guide):
• Clustered: The purpose of this strategy is to choose for a group of mutually constrained cells, scrambling codes
among a minimum number of clusters. In this case, Atoll will preferentially allocate all the codes from same
• Distributed per Cell Allocation: This strategy consists in using as many clusters as possible. Atoll will preferen-
tially allocate codes from different clusters.
• One Cluster per Site: This strategy allocates one cluster to each base station, then, one code of the cluster to
each cell of each base station. When all the clusters have been allocated and there are still base stations
remaining to be allocated, Atoll reuses the clusters at another base station.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

• Distributed per Site: This strategy allocates a group of adjacent clusters to each base station in the network, then,
one cluster to each transmitter of the base station according to its azimuth and finally one code of the cluster to
each cell of each transmitter. The number of adjacent clusters per group depends on the number of transmitters
per base station you have in your network; this information is required to start allocation based on this strategy.
When all the groups of adjacent clusters have been allocated and there are still base stations remaining to be allo-
cated, Atoll reuses the groups of adjacent clusters at another base station.
To automatically allocate primary scrambling codes:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Automatic Allocation. The Primary Scrambling Codes dialogue
4. Set the following parameters in the Primary Scrambling Codes dialogue:
- Under Constraints, you can set the constraints on automatic scrambling code allocation.
- Existing Neighbours: Select the Existing Neighbours check box if you want to consider intra-carrier
neighbour relations and then choose the neighbourhood level to take into account:
Neighbours of a cell are referred to as the first order neighbours, neighbours’ neighbours are referred to
as the second order neighbours and neighbours’ neighbours’ neighbours as the third order neighbours.

First Order: No cell will be allocated the same scrambling code as its neighbours.

Second Order: No cell will be allocated the same scrambling code as its neighbours or its second order

Third Order: No cell will be allocated the same scrambling code as its neighbours or its second order
neighbours or its third order neighbours.

Atoll can only consider neighbour relations if neighbours have already been allocated. For information on
allocating neighbours, see "Planning Neighbours" on page 240.

Note: Atoll can take into account inter-technology neighbour relations as constraints when allo-
cating scrambling codes to the UMTS neighbours of a GSM transmitter. In order to consider
inter-technology neighbour relations in scrambling code allocation, you must make the
Transmitters folder of the GSM Atoll document accessible in the UMTS Atoll document.
For information on making links between GSM and UMTS Atoll documents, see "Display-
ing Both Networks in the Same Atoll Document" on page 170

- Additional Ec⁄I0 Conditions: Select the Additional Ec⁄I0 Conditions check box, if you want to set
constraints related to Ec⁄I0 and then enter a Min. Ec⁄I0 and Ec⁄I0 Margin. If you wish you can also select
the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability. If cells
meet the Ec⁄I0 conditions to enter the reference cell’s active set, they will be not allocated the same scram-
bling code as the reference cell.

Note: Atoll takes into account the total downlink power used by the cell in order to evaluate I0. I0
equals the sum of total transmitted powers. If this parameter is not specified in the cell prop-
erties, Atoll uses 50% of the maximum power.

- Default Reuse Distance: Enter the radius within which two cells on the same carrier cannot have the same
primary scrambling code.

Note: A reuse distance can be defined at the cell level (in the cell Properties dialogue or in the
Cells table). If defined, a cell-specific reuse distance will be used instead of the value
entered here.

- Under Strategy, you can select an automatic allocation strategy:

- Clustered
- Distributed per Cell
- One Cluster per Site
- Distributed per Site
- Carrier: Select the Carrier on which you want to run the allocation. You may choose one carrier (Atoll will
assign primary scrambling codes to transmitters using the selected carrier) or all of them.
- No. of Codes per Cluster: According to 3GPP specifications, the number of codes per cluster is 8. If you wish,
you can change the number of codes per cluster.
- Use a Maximum of Codes: Select the Use a Maximum of Codes check box to make Atoll use the maximum
number of codes. For example, if there are two cells using the same domain with two scrambling codes, Atoll
will assign the remaining code to the second cell even if there are no constraints between these two cells (for
example, neighbour relations, reuse distance, etc.). If you do not select this option, Atoll only checks the con-
straints, and allocates the first ranked code in the list.

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Atoll User Manual

- Reset All Codes: Select the Reset All Codes check box if you want Atoll to delete currently allocated scram-
bling codes and recalculate all scrambling codes. If you do not select this option, Atoll will keep currently allo-
cated scrambling codes and will only allocate scrambling codes to cells that do not yet have codes allocated.
- Allocate Carriers Identically: Select the Allocate Carriers Identically check box if you want Atoll to allocate
the same primary scrambling code to each carrier of a transmitter. If you do not select this option, Atoll allo-
cates scrambling codes independently for each carrier.
5. Click Run. Atoll begins the process of allocating scrambling codes.
Once Atoll has finished allocating scrambling codes, the codes are visible under Results. Atoll only displays
newly allocated scrambling codes.

The Results table contains the following information.

- Site: The name of the base station.

- Cell: The name of the cell.
- Code: The primary scrambling code allocated to the cell.

Note: If the set constraints make it impossible to allocate scrambling codes to one or more cells,
Atoll will post an error message in the Event Viewer window.

6. Click Commit. The primary scrambling codes are committed to the cells.

Note: You can save automatic scrambling code allocation parameters in a user configuration. For
information on saving automatic scrambling code allocation parameters in a user configura-
tion, see "Exporting a User Configuration" on page 62.

• If you need to allocate scrambling codes to the cells on a single transmitter, you can allocate them
automatically by selecting Allocate Scrambling Codes from the transmitter’s context menu.
• If you need to allocate scrambling codes to all the cells on group of transmitters, you can allocate
them automatically by selecting Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Automatic Allocation
from the transmitter group’s context menu.

Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells Manually

When you allocate scrambling codes to a large number of cells, it is easiest to let Atoll allocate scrambling codes auto-
matically, as described in "Automatically Allocating Scrambling Codes to UMTS Cells" on page 250. However, if you want
to add a primary scrambling code to one cell or to modify the primary scrambling code of a cell, you can do it by accessing
the properties of the cell.
To allocate a scrambling code to a UMTS cell manually:
1. On the map, right-click the transmitter to whose cell you want to allocate a scrambling code. The context menu
2. Select Properties from the context menu. The transmitter’s Properties dialogue appears.
3. Select the Cells tab.
4. Enter a Primary Scrambling Code in the cell’s column.
5. Click OK. Checking the Consistency of the Scrambling Code Plan

Once you have completed allocating scrambling codes, you can verify whether the allocated scrambling codes respect the
specified constraints by performing an audit of the plan. The scrambling code audit also enables you to check for incon-
sistencies if you have made some manual changes to the allocation plan.
To perform an audit of the allocation plan:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Audit. The Code and Cluster Audit dialogue appears.
4. In the Code and Cluster Audit dialogue, select the allocation criteria that you want to check:
- No. of Codes per Cluster: Enter the number of scrambling codes per cluster.
- Neighbours: If you select the Neighbours check box, Atoll will check that no cell has the same scrambling
code as any of its neighbours. The report will list any cell that does have the same scrambling code as one of
its neighbours.
- Second Order Neighbours: If you select the Second Order Neighbours check box, Atoll will check that no
cell has the same scrambling code as any of the neighbours of its neighbours. The report will list any cell that
does have the same scrambling code as one of the neighbours of its neighbours.
- Neighbours in Different Clusters: If you select the Neighbours in different clusters check box, Atoll will
check that neighbour cells have scrambling codes from different clusters. The report will list any neighbour
cells that does have scrambling codes from the same cluster.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Domain Compliance: If you select the Domain Compliance check box, Atoll will check if allocated scram-
bling codes belong to domains assigned to cells. The report will list any cells with scrambling codes that do
not belong to domains assigned to the cell.
- Site Domains Not Empty: If you select the Site Domains Not Empty check box, Atoll will check for and list
base stations for which the allocation domain (i.e., the list of possible scrambling codes, with respect to the
configured allocation constraints) is empty.
- One Cluster per Site: If you select the One Cluster per Site check box, Atoll will check for and list base
stations whose cells have scrambling codes coming from more than one cluster.
- Distance: If you select the Distance check box and set a reuse distance, Atoll will check for and list cells that
do not respect this code reuse distance.
- Exceptional Pairs: If you select the Exceptional Pairs check box, Atoll will check for and display pairs of
cells that are listed as exceptional pairs but still use the same scrambling code.
5. Click OK. Atoll displays the results of the audit in a text file called CodeCheck.txt, which it opens at the end of the
audit. For each selected criterion, Atoll gives the number of detected inconsistencies and details each of them. Displaying the Allocation of Scrambling Codes

Once you have completed allocating scrambling codes, you can verify several aspects of scrambling code allocation. You
have several options for displaying scrambling codes:
• "Using the Search Tool to Display Scrambling Code Allocation" on page 253
• "Displaying Scrambling Code Allocation Using Transmitter Display Settings" on page 253
• "Grouping Transmitters by Scrambling Code" on page 254
• "Displaying the Scrambling Code Allocation Histogram" on page 254
• "Making a Scrambling Code Interference Zone Prediction" on page 255.
• "Making a Scrambling Code Interference Analysis" on page 255

Using the Search Tool to Display Scrambling Code Allocation

In Atoll, you can search for scrambling codes and scrambling code groups using the Search Tool. Results are displayed
in the map window in red.
If you have already calculated and displayed a coverage prediction by transmitter based on the best server, with the results
displayed by transmitter, the search results will be displayed by transmitter coverage. Scrambling codes and scrambling
code groups and any potential problems will then be clearly visible. For information on coverage predictions by transmitter,
see "Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213.
To find scrambling codes or scrambling code groups using the Search Tool:
1. Create, calculate, and display a coverage prediction by transmitter. For information on coverage predictions by
transmitter, see "Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213.
2. Click View > Search Tool. The Search Tool window appears.
The Search Tool window is a docking window. For information on docking windows, see "Docking or Floating an
Atoll Window" on page 16.

3. You can search either for a specific scrambling code or scrambling code group:
To search for a scrambling code:
a. Select Scrambling Code.
b. Enter a scrambling code in the text box.
To search for a scrambling code group:

a. Select SC Group.
b. Select a scrambling code group from the list.
4. Select the carrier you wish to search on from the For the Carrier list, or select "(All)" to search for the scrambling
code or scrambling code group in all carriers.
5. Click Search. Transmitters with cells matching the search criteria are displayed in red. Transmitters that do not
match the search criteria are displayed in grey.
To restore the initial transmitter colours and symbols, click the Reset Display button in the Search Tool window.

Displaying Scrambling Code Allocation Using Transmitter Display Settings

You can use the display characteristics of transmitters to display scrambling code-related information.
To display scrambling code-related information on the map:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Display tab.
You can display the following information per transmitter:

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Atoll User Manual

- Primary scrambling code: To display the primary scrambling code of a transmitter’s cell, select "Discrete
values" as the Display Type and "Cells: Primary Scrambling Code" as the Field.
- Ranges of primary scrambling codes: To display ranges of primary scrambling codes, select "Value inter-
vals" as the Display Type and "Cells: Primary Scrambling Code" as the Field.
- Scrambling code domain: To display the scrambling code domain of a transmitter’s cell, select "Discrete
values" as the Display Type and "Cells: Scrambling Code Domain" as the Field.
You can display the following information in the transmitter label or tooltip:

- Primary scrambling code: To display the primary scrambling code of a transmitter’s cell in the transmitter
label or tooltip, "Cells: Primary Scrambling Code" from the Label or Tip Text Field Definition dialogue.
- Scrambling code domain: To display the primary scrambling code domain of a transmitter’s cell in the trans-
mitter label or tooltip, "Cells: Scrambling Code Domain" from the Label or Tip Text Field Definition dialogue.
- Scrambling code reuse distance: To display the scrambling code reuse distance of a transmitter’s cell in the
transmitter label or tooltip, "Cells: SC Reuse Distance" from the Label or Tip Text Field Definition dialogue.
5. Click OK.
For information on display options, see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

Grouping Transmitters by Scrambling Code

You can group transmitters on the Data tab of the Explorer window by their primary scrambling code, their scrambling
code domain, or by their scrambling code reuse distance.
To group transmitters by scrambling code:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the General tab, click Group by. The Group dialogue appears.
5. Under Available Fields, scroll down to the Cell section.
6. Select the parameter you want to group transmitters by:
- Scrambling Code Domain
- Primary Scrambling Code
- SC Reuse Distance

7. Click to add the parameter to the Group these fields in this order list. The selected parameter is added to
the list of parameters on which the transmitters will be grouped.
8. If you do not want the transmitters to be sorted by a certain parameter, select it in the Group these fields in this

order list and click . The selected parameter is removed from the list of parameters on which the transmitters
will be grouped.
9. Arrange the parameters in the Group these fields in this order list in the order in which you want the transmitters
to be grouped:

a. Select a parameter and click to move it up to the desired position.

b. Select a parameter and click to move it down to the desired position.

10. Click OK to save your changes and close the Group dialogue.

Note: If a transmitter has more than one cell, Atoll cannot arrange the transmitter by cell. Trans-
mitters that cannot be grouped by cell are arranged in a separate folder under the Trans-
mitters folder.

Displaying the Scrambling Code Allocation Histogram

You can use a histogram to analyse the use of allocated scrambling codes in a network. The histogram represents the
scrambling codes or scrambling code clusters as a function of the frequency of their use.
To display the scrambling code histogram:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Cells > Primary Scrambling Codes > Scrambling Code Distribution. The Distribution Histograms
dialogue appears.
Each bar represents a scrambling code or a cluster, its height depending on the frequency of its use.

4. Select Scrambling Codes to display scrambling code use and Clusters to display scrambling code cluster use.
5. Move the pointer over the histogram to display the frequency of use of each scrambling code or cluster. The results
are highlighted simultaneously in the Detailed Results list.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Making a Scrambling Code Interference Zone Prediction

You can make a scrambling code interference zone prediction to view areas covered by cells using the same scrambling
code. Atoll checks on each pixel whether the best server and other servers satisfying the conditions to enter the user
active set have the same scrambling code. If so, Atoll considers that there is scrambling code interference.
To make a scrambling code interference zone prediction:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
4. Select Scrambling Zone Interference Zones and click OK.
5. Click the General tab.
On the General tab, you can change the default Name and Resolution of the scrambling code interference zone
prediction, and add some Comments. Under Configuration, you can create a Filter to select which sites to
display in the results. For information on filtering, see "Filtering Data" on page 58.

6. Click the Condition tab.

Select "(None)" from Simulation. In this case, the coverage prediction is not going to be based on a simulation.
Atoll will calculate the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total power defined in the cell prop-

Note: When you base a coverage prediction on simulations, you would select the simulations on
which you would be basing the coverage prediction from the Simulation list.

You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on page 224. You
must also select which Carrier is to be considered.

If you want the scrambling code interference zone prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadow-
ing taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.

You can also select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter

7. Click the Display tab.

For a scrambling code interference zone prediction, the Display Type "Discrete Values" based on the Field
"Transmitter" is selected by default. Each pixel where there is scrambling code interference is displayed with the
same colour as that defined for the interfered transmitter. In the Explorer window, the coverage prediction results
are first arranged by interfered transmitter and then by interferer. For information on defining display properties,
see "Display Properties of Objects" on page 22.

You can also set parameters to display the following results:

- The number of interferers for each transmitter: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type and "Number
of Interferers per Transmitter" as the Field. In the Explorer window, the coverage prediction results are
arranged by interfered transmitter.
- The total number of interferers on one pixel: Select "Value Intervals" as the Display Type and "Number of
Interferers" as the Field. In the Explorer window, the coverage prediction results are arranged according to
the number of interferers.

8. Click the Calculate button ( ) in the Radio toolbar to calculate the scrambling code interference zone predic-
tion. The progress of the calculation, as well as any error messages, is displayed in the Event Viewer.
Once Atoll has finished calculating the coverage prediction, the results are displayed in the map window.

Making a Scrambling Code Interference Analysis

The SC Interference tab of the Point Analysis window gives you information on reception for any point on the map where
there is scrambling code interference. Scrambling code interference occurs when the best server and other servers satis-
fying the conditions to enter the user active set have the same scrambling code. When there is scrambling code interfer-
ence, Atoll displays the pilot quality (Ec⁄I0) received from interfered and interferer transmitters .
The analysis is based on the UL load percentage and the DL total power of each cell. The analysis is provided for a user-
definable probe receiver which has a terminal, a mobility, and a service.
You can make a scrambling code interference analysis to verify a scrambling code interference zone prediction. In this
case, before you make the scrambling code interference analysis, ensure the coverage prediction you want to use in the
scrambling code interference analysis is displayed on the map.
To make a scrambling code interference analysis:

1. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar. The Point Analysis window appears.
2. Click the SC Interference tab.
3. At the top of the SC Interference tab, select "None" from Simulation.

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Atoll User Manual

4. If you are making a scrambling code interference analysis to verify a coverage prediction, you can recreate the
conditions of the coverage prediction:
a. Select the same Terminal, Service, and Mobility studied in the coverage prediction.
b. Right-click the Point Analysis window and select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dia-
logue appears.
- Change the X and Y coordinates to change the present position of the receiver.
- Select the Shadowing taken into account check box and enter a Cell Edge Coverage Probability, and,
select "Ec⁄I0" from the Shadowing Margin list.
- Select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter class.
c. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue.

Note: If you are making a scrambling code interference analysis to make a prediction on a defined
point, you can use the instructions in this step to define a user.

5. Move the pointer over the map to make a scrambling code interference analysis for the current location of the
6. Click the map to leave the point analysis pointer at its current position.
To move the pointer again, click the point analysis pointer on the map and drag it to a new position.

7. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar again to end the point analysis.

7.3 Studying Network Capacity

A UMTS network automatically regulates power on both uplink and downlink with the objective of minimising interference
and maximising network capacity. In the case of HSDPA, the network uses A-DCH power control in the uplink and down-
link and a fast link adaptation (in other words, the selection of an HSDPA bearer) in the downlink. Atoll can simulate these
network regulation mechanisms, thereby enabling you to study the capacity of the UMTS network.
In Atoll, a simulation is based on a realistic distribution of R99 and HSDPA users at a given point in time. The distribution
of users at a given moment is referred to as a snapshot. Based on this snapshot, Atoll calculates various network param-
eters such as the active set for each mobile, the required power of the mobile, the total DL power and DL throughput per
cell, and the UL load per cell. Simulations are calculated in an iterative fashion.
When several simulations are performed at the same time using the same traffic information, the distribution of users will
be different, according to a Poisson distribution. Consequently you can have variations in user distribution from one snap-
shot to another.
To create snapshots, services and users must be modelled. As well, certain traffic information in the form of traffic maps
must be provided. Once services and users have been modelled and traffic maps have been created, you can make simu-
lations of the network traffic.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining Multi-service Traffic Data" on page 256
• "Creating a Traffic Map" on page 257
• "Calculating and Displaying Traffic Simulations" on page 264
• "Analysing the Results of a Simulation" on page 280.

7.3.1 Defining Multi-service Traffic Data

The first step in making a simulation is defining how the network is used. In Atoll, this is accomplished by creating all of
the parameters of network use, in terms of services, users, and equipment used.
The following services and users are modelled in Atoll in order to create simulations:
• R99 radio bearers: Bearer services are used by the network for carrying information. The R99 Radio Bearer table
lists all the available radio bearers. You can create new R99 radio bearers and modify existing ones by using the
R99 Radio Bearer table. For information on defining R99 radio bearers, see "Defining R99 Radio Bearers" on
page 292.
• Services: Services are the various services, such as voice, mobile internet access, etc., available to subscribers.
These services can be either circuit-switched or packet-switched. For information on modelling end-user services,
see "Modelling Services" on page 224.
• Mobility type: In UMTS, information about receiver mobility is important to efficiently manage the active set: a
mobile used by a driver moving quickly or a pedestrian will not necessarily be connected to the same transmitters.
Ec⁄I0 requirements and Eb⁄Nt targets per radio bearer and per link (uplink or downlink) are largely dependent on
mobile speed. For information on creating a mobility type, see "Creating a Mobility Type" on page 226.
• Terminals: In UMTS, a terminal is the user equipment that is used in the network, for example, a mobile phone,
a PDA, or a car’s on-board navigation device. For information on creating a terminal, see "Modelling Terminals"
on page 226.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

7.3.2 Creating a Traffic Map

The following sections describe the different types of traffic maps available in Atoll and how to create, import, and use
them. The different types of traffic data sources are:
• The OMC (Operation and Maintenance Centre)
• Marketing statistics
• Population statistics
• 2G network traffic statistics
Atoll provides four types of traffic maps for UMTS projects. These maps can be used for the different types of traffic data
sources as follows:
• Live traffic data from the OMC: Traffic maps per transmitter and per service, where traffic is spread over the
best server coverage area of each transmitter and each coverage area is assigned either the total throughput
demand or the number of active users or Erlangs. For more information, see "Live Traffic Data From the OMC" on
page 257 and "Creating a Traffic Map Based on Live Data" on page 257.
• Marketing-based traffic data: Traffic vector maps based on user profiles, where each vector (polygon, line
or point) describes subscriber densities (or numbers of subscribers for points) with user profiles and mobility types,
and traffic raster maps based on environments, where each pixel has an assigned environment class. For more
information, see "Marketing-based Traffic Data" on page 258, "Importing a User Profile Based Traffic Map" on
page 260, and "Importing an Environment Class Based Traffic Map" on page 261.
• Population-based traffic data: Traffic raster maps based on user densities, where each pixel has an actual
user density assigned. For more information, see "Population-based Traffic Data" on page 262 and "Importing a
Traffic Density Map" on page 262.
• 2G network statistics: Cumulated traffic maps. For more information, see "Converting 2G Network Traffic" on
page 263 and "Exporting Cumulated Traffic" on page 263. Live Traffic Data From the OMC

The OMC (Operations and Maintenance Centre) collects data from all the cells in a network. This includes, for example,
the number of active users or Erlangs in each cell and the traffic characteristics related to different services. You can use
this data to create traffic maps containing either the number of active users in each cell or Erlangs in each cell for circuit-
switched services or the data transfer characteristics of all the services in each cell.
The section "Creating a Traffic Map Based on Live Data" on page 257 explains how to use traffic data from the OMC in
Atoll to model traffic. Creating a Traffic Map Based on Live Data

You can input either the total throughput demand or the number of active users or Erlangs for each sector in this type of
traffic map. A coverage prediction by transmitter is required to create this traffic map. If you do not already have a coverage
prediction by transmitter in your document, you must create and calculate it. For more information, see "Making a Cover-
age Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213.
To create a traffic map based on live data:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New Map from the context menu. The New Traffic Map dialogue appears.
4. Select Map based on Transmitters and Services (Throughputs) or Map based on Transmitters and Services
(# Active Users) or Map based on Transmitters and Services (Erlangs).
5. Click the Create Map button. The Traffic per Transmitter dialogue appears.

Note: You can also import a traffic map from a file by clicking the Import a File button. You can
import AGD (Atoll Geographic Data) format files that you have exported from an other Atoll

6. Select a coverage prediction by transmitter from the list of available coverage predictions by transmitter.
7. Enter the data required in the Traffic per Transmitter dialogue:
- If you are creating a Map based on Transmitters and Services (Throughputs), enter the throughput
demands in the uplink and downlink for each sector and for each listed service.
- If you are creating a Map based on Transmitters and Services (# Active Users), enter the active users in
the uplink and downlink for each sector and for each listed service.
- If you are creating a Map based on Transmitters and Services (Erlangs), enter Erlangs, i.e. the total
number of users, active and inactive, for each sector and for each service. This map is relevant for circuit-
switched services, that currently exist in the document, only. If you create new circuit switched services, the
traffic map will not take them into account automatically.

Note: You can also import a text file containing the data by clicking the Actions button and select-
ing Import Table from the menu. For more information on importing table data, see "Import-
ing Tables from Text Files" on page 47.

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Atoll User Manual

8. Click OK. The Cell Traffic Map Properties dialogue appears.

9. Under Terminals (%), enter the percentage of each type of terminal used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.
10. Under Mobilities (%), enter the percentage of each mobility type used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.
11. Under Clutter Distribution, for each clutter class, enter:
- A weight to spread the traffic over the vector.
- The percentage of indoor users. An additional loss will be counted for indoor users during Monte-Carlo simu-
12. Click OK. Atoll creates the traffic map in the Traffic folder.
You can update the information, throughput demands and the number of users, on the map afterwards. You can update
Live traffic per sector maps if you add or remove a base station. You must first recalculate the coverage prediction by trans-
mitter. For more information, see "Making a Coverage Prediction by Transmitter" on page 213. Once you have recalcu-
lated the coverage prediction, you can update the traffic map.
To update the traffic map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Traffic folder.
3. Right-click the traffic map based on live data that you want to update. The context menu appears.
4. Select Update from the context menu. The Traffic per Transmitter dialogue appears.
Select the updated coverage prediction by transmitter and define traffic values for the new transmitter(s) listed at
the bottom of the table. Deleted or deactivated transmitters are automatically removed from the table.

5. Click OK. The Traffic Map Properties dialogue appears.

6. Click OK. The traffic map is updated on the basis of the selected coverage prediction by transmitter. Marketing-based Traffic Data

The marketing department can provide information which can be used to create traffic maps. This information describes
the behaviour of different types of users. In other words, it describes which type of user accesses which services and for
how long. There may also be information about the type of terminal devices they use to access different services.
In Atoll, this type of data can be used to create traffic maps based on user profiles and environments.
A user profile models the behaviour of different subscriber categories. Each user profile is defined by a list of services
which are in turn defined by the terminal used, the calls per hour, and duration (for circuit-switched calls) or uplink and
downlink volume (for packet-switched calls).
Environment classes are used to describe the distribution of subscribers on a map. An environment class describes its
environment using a list of user profiles, each with an associated mobility type and a given density (i.e., the number of
subscribers with the same profile per km²).
The sections "Importing a User Profile Based Traffic Map" on page 260 and "Importing an Environment Class Based Traf-
fic Map" on page 261 describe how to use traffic data from the marketing department in Atoll to model traffic.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Modelling User Profiles" on page 258
• "Modelling Environments" on page 259.

Modelling User Profiles

You can model variations in user behaviour by creating different profiles for different times of the day or for different circum-
stances. For example, a user may be considered a business user during the day, with video conferencing and voice, but
no web browsing. In the evening the same user might not use video conferencing, but might use multi-media services and
web browsing.
To create or modify a user profile:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the User Profiles folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The User Profiles New Element Properties dialogue appears.

Note: You can modify the properties of an existing user profile by right-clicking the user profile in
the User Profiles folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

5. You can modify the following parameters:

- Service: Select a service from the list. For information on services, see "Modelling Services" on page 224.
- Terminal: Select a terminal from the list. For information on terminals, see "Modelling Terminals" on page 226.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Calls/Hour: For circuit-switched services, enter the average number of calls per hour for the service. The calls
per hour is used to calculate the activity probability. For circuit-switched services, one call lasting 1000 sec-
onds presents the same activity probability as two calls lasting 500 seconds each.
For packet-switched services, the Calls/Hour value is defined as the number of sessions per hour. A session
is like a call in that it is defined as the period of time between when a user starts using a service and when he
stops using a service. In packet-switched services, however, he may not use the service continually. For ex-
ample, with a web-browsing service, a session starts when the user opens his browsing application and ends
when he quits the browsing application. Between these two events, the user may be downloading web pages
and other times he may not be using the application, or he may be browsing local files, but the session is still
considered as open. A session, therefore, is defined by the volume transferred in the uplink and downlink and
not by the time.

Note: In order for all the services defined for a user profile to be taken into account during traffic
scenario elaboration, the sum of activity probabilities must be lower than 1.

- Duration: For circuit-switched services, enter the average duration of a call in seconds. For packet-switched
services, this field is left blank.
- UL Volume: For packet-switched services, enter the average uplink volume per session in kilobytes.
- DL Volume: For packet-switched services, enter the average downlink volume per session in kilobytes.

Modelling Environments

An environment class describes its environment using a list of user profiles, each with an associated mobility type and a
given density (i.e., the number of subscribers with the same profile per km²). To get an appropriate user distribution, you
can assign a weight to each clutter class for each environment class. You can also specify the percentage of indoor
subscribers for each clutter class. In a Monte-Carlo simulation, an additional loss (as defined in the clutter class properties)
will be added to the indoor users path loss.
To create or modify a UMTS environment:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Environments folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The Environments New Element Properties dialogue appears.

Note: You can modify the properties of an existing environment by right-clicking the environment
in the Environments folder and selecting Properties from the context menu.

5. Click the General tab.

6. Enter a Name for the new UMTS environment.

7. In the row marked with the New Row icon ( ), set the following parameters for each user profile/mobility com-
bination that this UMTS environment will describe:
- User: Select a user profile.
- Mobility: Select a mobility type.
- Density (Subscribers/km2): Enter a density in terms of subscribers per square kilometre for the combination
of user profile and mobility type.
8. Click the Clutter Weighting tab.
9. For each clutter class, enter a weight that will be used to calculate a user distribution.
The user distribution is calculated using the following equation:

Wk × Sk
N k = N Area × --------------------------

Wi × Si


Nk = Number of users in the clutter k

N Area = Number of users in the zone Area
Wk = Weight of clutter k
Sk = Surface area of clutter k (in square km)

For example: An area of 10 km² with a subscriber density of 100/km². Therefore, in this area, there are 1000
subscribers. The area is covered by two clutter classes: Open and Building. The clutter weighting for Open is "1"
and for Building is "4." Given the respective weights of each clutter class, 200 subscribers are in the Open clutter
class and 800 in the Building clutter class.

10. If you wish you can specify a percentage of indoor subscribers for each clutter class. During a Monte-Carlo simu-
lation, an additional loss (as defined in the clutter class properties) will be added to the indoor users path loss.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 259

Atoll User Manual Importing a User Profile Based Traffic Map

User profile based traffic maps are composed of vectors (either points with a number of subscribers, lines with a number
of subscribers⁄km, or polygons with a number of subscribers⁄km²) with a user profile, mobility type, and traffic density
assigned to each vector.
To create a user profile based traffic map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New Map from the context menu. The New Traffic Map dialogue appears.
4. Select Map based on User Profiles.
5. Click the Import a File button. The Open dialogue appears.

Note: You can also create a traffic map manually in Atoll by clicking the Create Map button in the
New Traffic Map dialogue. For information, see "Creating an Environment Class Based
Traffic Map" on page 261.

6. Select the file to import.

7. Click Open. The File Import dialogue appears.
8. Select Traffic from the Data Type list.
9. Click Import. Atoll imports the traffic map. The traffic map’s properties dialogue appears.
10. Select the Traffic tab (see Figure 7.131). Under Traffic Fields, you can specify the user profiles to be considered,
their mobility type (km⁄h), and their density. If the file you are importing has this data, you can define the traffic
characteristics by identifying the corresponding fields in the file. If the file you are importing does not have data
describing the user profile, mobility, or density, you can assign values. When you assign values, they apply to the
entire map.

Figure 7.131: Traffic map properties dialogue - Traffic tab

Define each of the following:

- User Profile: If you want to import user profile information from the file, under Defined, select "By field" and
select the source field from the Choice column. If you want to assign a user profile from the UMTS Parame-
ters folder of the Data tab, under Defined, select "By value" and select the user profile in the Choice column.
- Mobility: If you want to import mobility information from the file, under Defined, select "By field" and select
the source field from the Choice column. If you want to assign a mobility type from the UMTS Parameters
folder of the Data tab, under Defined, select "By value" and select the mobility type in the Choice column.
- Density: If you want to import density information from the file, under Defined, select "By field" and select the
source field from the Choice column. If you want to assign a density, under Defined, select "By value" and
enter a density in the Choice column for the combination of user profile and mobility type. In this context, the
term "density" depends on the type of vector traffic map. It refers to the number of subscribers per square kil-
ometre for polygons, the number of subscribers per kilometre in case of lines and the number of subscribers
when the map consists of points.

Important: When you import user profile or mobility information from the file, the values in the file must
be exactly the same as the corresponding names in the UMTS Parameters folder of the
Data tab. If the imported user profile or mobility does not match, Atoll will display a warning.

260 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

11. Under Clutter Distribution, enter a weight for each class that will be used to calculate a user distribution.
The user distribution is calculated using the following equation:

Wk × Sk
N k = N Area × --------------------------

Wi × Si


Nk = Number of users in the clutter k

N Area = Number of users in the zone Area
Wk = Weight of clutter k
Sk = Surface area of clutter k (in square km)

12. If you wish you can specify a percentage of indoor subscribers for each clutter class. During a Monte-Carlo simu-
lation, an additional loss (as defined in the clutter class properties) will be added to the indoor users path loss.
13. Click OK to finish importing the traffic map. Importing an Environment Class Based Traffic Map

Environment classes describe the distribution of user profiles.
To create a traffic map based on environment classes:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New Map from the context menu. The New Traffic Map dialogue appears.
4. Select Map based on Environments.
5. Click the Import a File button. The Open dialogue appears.

Note: You can also create a traffic map manually in Atoll by clicking the Create Map button in the
New Traffic Map dialogue. For information, see "Creating an Environment Class Based
Traffic Map" on page 261.

6. Select the file to import.

7. Click Open. The File Import dialogue appears.
8. Select Traffic from the Data Type list.
9. Click Import. Atoll imports the traffic map. The traffic map’s properties dialogue appears.
10. Select the Description tab.
In the imported map, each type of region is defined by a number. Atoll reads these numbers and lists them in the
Code column.

11. For each Code, select the environment it corresponds to from the Name column.
The environments available are those available in the Environments folder, under UMTS Parameters on the
Data tab of the Explorer window. For more information, see "Modelling Environments" on page 259.

12. Select the Display tab. For information on changing the display parameters, see "Display Properties of Objects"
on page 22. Creating an Environment Class Based Traffic Map

Atoll enables you to create an environment class based traffic map by drawing it in the map window.
To draw a traffic map:
Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
1. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
2. Select New Map from the context menu. The New Traffic Map dialogue appears.
3. Select Map based on environments (raster) as the type of map you want to create.
4. Click Create Map. The Environment Map Editor toolbar appears (see Figure 7.132).

Draw Map Delete Map

Figure 7.132: Environment Map Editor toolbar

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Atoll User Manual

5. Select the environment class from the list of available environment classes.

6. Click the Draw Polygon button ( ) to draw the polygon on the map for the selected environment class.

7. Click the Delete Polygon button ( ) and click the polygon to delete the environment class polygon on the map.
8. Click the Close button to close the Environment Map Editor toolbar and end editing. Displaying Statistics on an Environment Class Based Traffic Map

You can display the statistics of an environment class-based traffic map. Atoll provides absolute (surface) and relative
(percentage of the surface) statistics on the focus zone for each environment class. If you do not have a focus zone
defined, statistics are determined for the computation zone.
To display traffic statistics of an environment class based traffic map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Traffic folder.
3. Right-click the environment class based traffic map whose statistics you want to display. The context menu
4. Select Statistics from the context menu. The Statistics window appears.
The Statistics window lists the surface (Si in km²) and the percentage of surface (% of i) for each environment
class "i" within the focus zone. The percentage of surface is given by: % of i = -------------- × 100
∑ Sk

You can print the statistics by clicking the Print button.

5. Click Close.
If a clutter classes map is available in the document, traffic statistics provided for each environment class are listed per
clutter class. Population-based Traffic Data

Population-based traffic data can be based on population statistics and user densities can be calculated from the density
of inhabitants. In the traffic maps based on population statistics, you can enter the number of active or potential users per
unit surface, i.e., the density of users. Importing a Traffic Density Map

The traffic density map defines the density of users per pixel. For a traffic density of X users per km², Atoll will distribute
x users per pixel during the simulations, where x depends on the size of the pixels. These x users will have a terminal, a
mobility type, a service, and percentage of indoor users as defined in the Traffic tab of the traffic density map’s properties
You can create a number of traffic density maps for different combinations of terminals, mobility types, and services. You
can add vector layers to the map and draw regions with different traffic densities.
To create a traffic density map:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New Map from the context menu. The New Traffic Map dialogue appears.
4. Select Map based on Traffic Densities.
5. Click the Import a File button. The Open dialogue appears.

Note: You can also create a traffic map manually in Atoll by clicking the Create Map button in the
New Traffic Map dialogue. For information, see "Creating an Environment Class Based
Traffic Map" on page 261.

6. Select the file to import.

7. Click Open. The File Import dialogue appears.
8. Select Traffic from the Data Type list.
9. Click Import. Atoll imports the traffic map. The traffic map’s properties dialogue appears.
10. Select the Traffic tab.
11. Select whether the users are active in the Uplink/Downlink, only in the Downlink, or only in the Uplink.
12. Under Terminals (%), enter the percentage of each type of terminal used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.
13. Under Mobilities (%), enter the percentage of each mobility type used in the map. The total percentages must
equal 100.

262 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

14. Under Services (%), enter the percentage of each service type used in the map. The total percentages must equal
15. Under Clutter Distribution, enter for each clutter class the percentage of indoor users.
An additional loss will be counted for indoor users during the Monte-Carlo simulations. You do not have to define
a clutter weighting for traffic density maps because the traffic is provided in terms of user density per pixel.

16. Click OK. Atoll creates the traffic map in the Traffic folder. Converting 2G Network Traffic

Atoll can cumulate the traffic of the traffic maps that you select and export it to a file. The information exported is the
number of active users per km² for a particular service of a particular type, i.e., data or voice. This allows you to export
your 2G network packet and circuit service traffic, and then import these maps as traffic density maps into your UMTS
document. These maps can then be used in traffic simulations like any other type of map.
For more information on how to export cumulated traffic, see "Exporting Cumulated Traffic" on page 263, and for informa-
tion on importing traffic density maps, see "Importing a Traffic Density Map" on page 262.
To import a 2G traffic map into a UMTS document:
1. Create a live data traffic map in your 2G document for each type of service, i.e., one map for packet-switched and
one for circuit-switched services. For more information on creating live data traffic maps, see "Creating a Traffic
Map Based on Live Data" on page 257.
2. Export the cumulated traffic of the maps created in step 1. For information on exporting cumulated traffic, see
"Exporting Cumulated Traffic" on page 263.
3. Import the traffic exported in step 2 to your UMTS document as a traffic density map. For more information on
importing traffic density maps, see "Importing a Traffic Density Map" on page 262. Exporting Cumulated Traffic

Atoll allows you to export the cumulated traffic of selected traffic maps in the form of traffic density maps. During export,
Atoll converts any map based on throughput to traffic density. The cumulated traffic is exported in 32-bit BIL, ArcView©
Grid, or Vertical Mapper format. The exported traffic map can then be imported as a traffic density map.
To export the cumulated traffic:
1. Click the Geo tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Traffic folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Export Cumulated Traffic from the context menu. The Save As dialogue appears.
4. Enter a file name and select the file format.
5. Click Save. The Export dialogue appears.
6. Under Region, select the area to export:
- The Entire Project Area: This option allows you to export the cumulated traffic over the entire project.
- The Computation Zone: This option allows you to export the cumulated traffic contained by a rectangle
encompassing the computation zone, whether or not the computation zone is visible.
7. Under Traffic, define the data to be exported in the cumulated traffic:
- Terminal: Select the type of terminal traffic that will be exported or select "All" to export traffic using any ter-
- Service: Select the service traffic that will be exported.
- Mobility: Select the mobility type that will be exported or select "All" to export all mobility types.
- Direction: Select one of the following:
- Uplink/Downlink: Select Uplink/Downlink to export only active mobiles with both uplink and downlink
- Downlink: Select Downlink to export mobiles with downlink traffic only.
- Uplink: Select Uplink to export mobiles with uplink traffic only.
- the direction whether you want to cumulate traffic on the uplink and the downlink, only on the uplink, or
only on the downlink.
8. In the Select Traffic Maps to Be Used list, select the check box of each traffic map you want to include in the
cumulated traffic.
9. Define a Resolution in Metres. The resolution must be an integer and the minimum resolution allowed is 1.

Important: You must enter a resolution before exporting. If you do not enter a resolution, it remains at
"0" and no data will be exported.

10. Click OK. The defined data is extracted from the selected traffic maps and cumulated in the exported file.

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Atoll User Manual

7.3.3 Calculating and Displaying Traffic Simulations

Once you have modelled the network services and users and have created traffic maps, you can create simulations. The
simulation process consists of two steps:
1. Obtaining a realistic user distribution: Atoll generates a user distribution using a Monte-Carlo algorithm; this
user distribution is based on the traffic database and traffic maps and is weighted by a Poisson distribution
between simulations of a same group.
Each user is assigned a service, a mobility type, and an activity status by random trial, according to a probability
law that uses the traffic database.
The user activity status is an important output of the random trial and has direct consequences on the next step
of the simulation and on the network interferences. A user may be either active or inactive. Both active and inactive
users consume radio resources and create interference.
Then, Atoll randomly assigns a shadowing error to each user using the probability distribution that describes the
shadowing effect.

Finally, another random trial determines user positions in their respective traffic zone (possibly according to the
clutter weighting and the indoor ratio per clutter class).
2. Modelling network power control: Atoll uses a power control algorithm for R99 server users, and an algorithm
mixing A-DPCH power control and fast link adaptation for HSDPA users and an additional loop modelling noise
rise scheduling for HSUPA users. The power control simulation algorithm is described in "The Power Control Sim-
ulation Algorithm" on page 264. The Power Control Simulation Algorithm

The power control algorithm (see Figure 7.133) simulates the way a UMTS network regulates itself by using uplink and
downlink power controls in order to minimize interference and maximize capacity. HSDPA users are linked to the A-DPCH
radio bearer (an R99 radio bearer). Therefore, the network uses a A-DPCH power control on UL and DL and then it
performs fast link adaptation on DL in order to select an HSDPA radio bearer. For HSUPA users, the network first uses a
E-DPCCH/A-DPCH power control on UL and DL, checks that there is an HSDPA connection on downlink and then carries
out noise rise scheduling in order to select an HSUPA radio bearer on uplink. Atoll simulates these network regulation
mechanisms for each user distribution. During each iteration of the algorithm, all the mobiles (R99, HSDPA, and HSUPA
service users) selected during the user distribution generation attempt to connect one by one to network transmitters. The
process is repeated until the network is balanced, i.e., until the convergence criteria (on UL and DL) are satisfied.


R99 part

Mi Best Server Determination

Mi Active Set Determination

For HSDPA users, this part of UL Power Control

the algorithm is performed for For each R99, HSDPA
the A-DPCH bearer (R99 bearer) and HSUPA mobile, Mi
For HSUPA users, this part is
performed for the E-DPCCH/A-
DPCH bearer (R99 bearer) DL Power Control

UL and DL Interference Update

Congestion and Radio Resource Control

HSDPA part

For each HSDPA and

HSUPA mobile, Mi Fast Link Adaptation

Mobile Scheduling

Radio Resource Control

HSUPA part

Admission Control

For each HSUPA

mobile, Mi

Noise Rise Scheduling

Radio Resource Control

Convergence Study

Figure 7.133: Schematic view of simulation algorithm

As shown in Figure 7.133, the simulation algorithm is divided in three parts. All users are evaluated by the R99 part of the
algorithm. HSDPA and HSUPA users, unless they have been rejected during the R99 part of the algorithm, are then eval-
uated by the HSDPA part of the algorithm. Finally, HSUPA users, unless they have been rejected during the R99 or
HSDPA parts of the algorithm, are then evaluated by the HSUPA part of the algorithm.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Description of the R99 Portion of the Simulation

The R99 part of the algorithm simulates power control, congestion and radio resource control performed for R99 bearers
for both R99, HSDPA and HSUPA users. Atoll considers each user in the order established during the generation of the
user distribution, determines his best server and his active set. Atoll first calculates the required terminal power in order
to reach the Eb⁄Nt threshold requested by the R99 bearer on UL, followed by the required traffic channel power in order
to reach the Eb⁄Nt threshold requested by the R99 bearer on DL. After calculating power control, Atoll updates the cell
load parameters. Atoll then carries out congestion and radio resource control, verifying the cell UL load, the total power
transmitted by the cell, the number of channel elements and OVSF codes consumed by the cell.
At this point, R99, HSDPA and HSUPA users can be either connected or rejected. They are rejected if:
• The signal quality is not sufficient:
- On the downlink, the pilot quality is not high enough (no cell in the user active set): status is "Ec⁄I0 < (Ec⁄I0)min"
- On the downlink, the power required to reach the user is greater than the maximum allowed: the status is
"Ptch > PtchMax"
- On the uplink, there is not enough power to transmit: the status is "Pmob > PmobMax"
• Even if constraints above are respected, the network may be saturated:
- The maximum uplink load factor is exceeded (at admission or congestion): the status is either "Admission
rejection" or "UL load saturation"
- There are not enough channel elements on site: the status is "channel element saturation"
- There is not enough power for cells: the status is "DL load saturation"
- There are no more OVSF codes available: the status is "Code saturation"

Description of the HSDPA Portion of the Simulation

In the HSDPA part, Atoll processes all HSDPA bearer users, i.e., HSDPA and HSUPA users. The HSDPA part of the algo-
rithm simulates fast link adaptation, the scheduling of HSDPA users, and radio resource control on downlink. Two fast link
adaptations are done, one before mobile scheduling and one after.
HSDPA bearer selection is based on look-up tables, available by double-clicking the corresponding entry in the Reception
Equipment table, under the Terminals context menu and it depends on reported CQI, UE and cell capabilities as detailed

Figure 7.134: HSDPA bearer selection

The HSDPA and HS-SCCH powers of a cell are evaluated before calculating HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt. The HSDPA power (the
power dedicated to HS-SCCH and HS-PDSCH of HSDPA bearer users) of a cell can be either fixed (statically allocated)
or dynamically allocated. If it is dynamically allocated, the power allocated to HSDPA depends on how much power is
required to serve R99 traffic. In other words, the power available after all common channels (including the power for down-
link HSUPA channels) and all R99 traffic have been served is allocated to HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH of HSDPA bearer
users. Similarly, the power per HS-SCCH can be either fixed or dynamically allocated in order to attain the HS-SCCH Ec⁄Nt
threshold. Using the HS-SCCH and HSDPA powers, Atoll evaluates the HS-PDSCH power (the difference between the
HSDPA power and the HS-SCCH power), calculates the HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt and, from that, the corresponding CQI (from
the graph CQI=f(HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt) defined for the terminal reception equipment and the user mobility). Then, Atoll
selects the HSDPA bearer associated to this CQI (in the table Best Bearer=f(HS-PDSCH CQI) defined for the terminal
reception equipment and the user mobility) and compatible with the user equipment and cell capabilities.
Before mobile scheduling, each user is processed as if he is the only user in the cell. This means that Atoll determines
the HSDPA bearer for each HSDPA and HSUPA user by considering for each the entire HSDPA power available of the
During scheduling, cell radio resources are shared between HSDPA and HSUPA users by the scheduler. The scheduler
simultaneously manages the maximum number of users within each cell and ranks them according to the selected sched-
uling technique:
• Max C/I: "n" HSDPA users (where "n" corresponds to the maximum number of HSDPA users defined) are sched-
uled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order). Then, they are sorted in descending order by
the channel quality indicator (CQI).
• Round Robin: HSDPA users are scheduled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order).
• Proportional Fair: "n" HSDPA users (where "n" corresponds to the maximum number of HSDPA users defined)
are scheduled in the same order as in the simulation (i.e., in random order). Then, they are sorted in descending
order according to a random parameter which corresponds to a combination of the user rank in the simulation and
the channel quality indicator (CQI).
After mobile scheduling, Atoll carries out a second fast link adaptation. HSDPA and HSUPA users are processed in the
order defined by the scheduler and the cell’s HSDPA power is shared among them.
Then, Atoll checks to see if enough codes are available for the HSDPA bearer assigned to the user (taking into account
the maximum number of OVSF codes defined for the cell). If not, Atoll allocates a lower HSDPA bearer ("downgrading")
which needs fewer OVSF codes. If no OVSF codes are available, the user is delayed.

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Atoll User Manual

At this point, HSDPA bearer users can be connected, rejected, or delayed. They are rejected if the maximum number of
HSDPA users per cell is exceeded (status is "HSDPA scheduler saturation") and delayed if:
• They cannot obtain the lower HSDPA bearer (bearer index 5): the status is "HSDPA Delayed"
• The HS-SCCH signal quality is not sufficient: the status is "HSDPA Delayed"
• There are no more HS-SCCH channels available: the status is "HSDPA Delayed"
• There are no more OVSF codes available: the status is "HSDPA Delayed"

Description of the HSUPA Portion of the Simulation

In the HSUPA part, Atoll processes all the HSUPA users who are connected to an HSDPA bearer or were delayed in the
previous step. It considers each user in the order established during the generation of the user distribution without exceed-
ing the maximum number of HSUPA users within each cell. The HSUPA part of the algorithm simulates an admission
control on these HSUPA users followed by noise rise scheduling. The happy bit mechanism is modelled as well and radio
resource control is performed at the end of the HSUPA part of the simulation.
Atoll first selects a list of HSUPA bearers that are compatible with the user equipment capabilities for each HSUPA user.
Then, during admission control, it checks that the lowest compatible bearer in terms of the required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt does
not require a terminal power higher than the maximum terminal power allowed.
Then, Atoll begins noise rise scheduling. The noise rise scheduling algorithm attempts to evenly share the remaining cell
load between the users admitted in admission control; in terms of HSUPA, each user is allocated a right to produce inter-
ference. The remaining cell load factor on uplink depends on the maximum load factor allowed on uplink and how much
uplink load is produced by the served R99 traffic. From this value, Atoll calculates the maximum E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt allowed
and can select an HSUPA bearer. The HSUPA bearer is selected based on the values in a look-up table, and depends on
the maximum E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt allowed and on UE capabilities.

Note: You can open the HSUPA Bearer Selection table by right-clicking Terminals on the Data
tab of the Explorer window and selecting Reception Equipment. Then, double-clicking the
entry in the Reception Equipment table opens the Properties dialogue from which you
can select the HSUPA Bearer Selection tab.

Atoll selects the best HSUPA bearer from the HSUPA compatible bearers, in other words, the HSUPA bearer with the
highest potential throughput where the required E-DPDCH Ec/Nt is lower than the maximum E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt allowed and
the required terminal power is lower than the maximum terminal power. In this section, the potential throughput refers to
the ratio between the RLC peak rate and the number of retransmissions. When several HSUPA bearers are available,
Atoll selects the one with the lowest required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt.
Then, Atoll checks that each user has obtained the average requested rate (defined in the properties of the service). A
user is considered as "happy" if the RLC peak rate provided by the HSUPA bearer exceeds the average requested rate
and "unhappy" if not. Atoll collects the unused load of "happy" users and redistributes it among the "unhappy" users. This
process is repeated until there is no more available load.
Finally, Atoll carries out radio resource control, verifying the uplink load of all the cells and performs a new distribution of
the load if cells are overloaded.
At this point, HSUPA users can be either connected, or rejected. They are rejected if:
• The maximum number of HSUPA users per cell is exceeded (the status is "HSUPA scheduler saturation")
• The terminal power required to obtain the lowest compatible HSUPA bearer exceeds the maximum terminal power
in the admission control (the status is "HSUPA Admission Rejection").

Bearer Downgrading

If you select the option "Rate Downgrading," when creating a simulation, R99, HSDPA and HSUPA service users can be
downgraded under certain circumstances. When the downgrading is allowed, Atoll does not reject R99, HSDPA and
HSUPA users directly; it downgrades them beforehand.
The R99 to R99 bearer downgrading occurs when:
• The cell resources are insufficient when the user is admitted
- The maximum uplink load factor is exceeded
• The cell resources are insufficient during congestion control
- The maximum uplink load factor is exceeded
- There is not enough power for cells
- There are not enough channel elements on the site
- There are no more OVSF codes available
• The user maximum connection power is exceeded during power control:
- On the downlink, the maximum traffic channel power is exceeded
- On the uplink, the maximum terminal power is exceeded
For all these reasons, the user’s R99 bearer will be downgraded to another R99 bearer of the same type (same traffic
class). Upon admission and during power control, downgrading is only performed on the user who causes the problem.
During congestion control, the problem is at the cell level and therefore, downgrading is performed on several users
according to their service priority. Users with the lowest priority services will be the first to be downgraded.
If R99 bearer downgrading does not fix the problem, the user will be rejected.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

For an HSDPA bearer user, downgrading is triggered upon admission (into the R99 portion) when the best serving cell
does not support HSDPA traffic. When this happens, the HSDPA bearer user will not be able to get an HSDPA bearer and
will be downgraded to an R99 bearer of the same type as the A-DPCH bearer and the user will be processed as an R99
For an HSUPA bearer user, downgrading is triggered upon admission (into the R99 portion) when the best serving cell
does not support HSUPA traffic. When this happens, the HSUPA bearer user will not be able to get an HSUPA bearer and
will be downgraded to an R99 bearer of the same type as the E-DPCCH/A-DPCH bearer and the user will be processed
as an R99 user. Creating Simulations

In Atoll, simulations enable you to model UMTS HSPA network regulation mechanisms in order to minimise interference
and maximise capacity.
You can create one simulation or a group of simulations that will be performed in sequence.
To create a simulation or a group of simulations:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the UMTS Simulations folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The properties dialogue for a new simulation or group of simulations appears.
4. On the General tab of the dialogue, enter a Name and Comments for this simulation or group of simulations.
5. Under Execution on the General tab, you can set the following parameters:
- Number of Simulations: Enter the number of simulations to be carried out. All simulations created at the
same time are grouped together in a folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window.
- Execute Later: If you select the Execute Later check box, the simulation will not be carried out until you click
the Calculate button ( ). If the Execute Later check box is not selected, the simulation will be carried out
as soon as you click OK and close the dialogue.

Note: Execute Later enables you to automatically calculate UMTS coverage predictions after
simulations with no intermediary step by creating your simulations, creating your predic-
tions, and then clicking the Calculate button ( ).

- Information to retain: You can select the level of detail that will be available in the output:
- Only the Average Simulation and Statistics: None of the individual simulations are displayed or avail-
able in the group. Only an average of all simulations and statistics is available.

Note: Some calculation and display options available for coverage predictions are not available
when the option "Only the Average Simulation and Statistics" is selected.

- No Information About Mobiles: All the simulations are listed and can be displayed. For each of them, a
properties window containing simulation output, divided among four tabs — Statistics, Sites, Cells, and
Initial conditions — is available.
- Standard Information About Mobiles: All the simulations are listed and can be displayed. The properties
window for each simulation contains an additional tab with output related to mobiles.
- Detailed Information About Mobiles: All the simulations are listed and can be displayed. The properties
window for each simulation contains additional mobile-related output on the Mobiles and Mobiles (Shad-
owing values) tabs.

Tip: When you are working on very large radio-planning projects, you can reduce memory con-
sumption by selecting Only the Average Smulation and Statistics under Information to

6. Under Cell Load Constraints on the General tab, you can set the constraints that Atoll must respect during the
- Number of Channel Elements: Select the Number of Channel Elements check box if you want Atoll to
respect the number of channel elements defined for each site.
- Number of Codes: Select the Number of Codes check box if you want Atoll to respect the number of OVSF
codes available each cell.
- UL Load Factor: If you want the UL load factor to be considered in the simulation, select the UL Load Factor
check box.
- Max UL Load Factor: If you want to enter a global value for the maximum uplink cell load factor, click the
button ( ) beside the box and select Global Threshold. Then, enter a maximum uplink cell load factor. If
you want to use the maximum uplink cell load factor as defined in the properties for each cell, click the button
( ) beside the box and select Defined per Cell.
- DL Load (% Pmax): If you want the DL load to be considered in the simulation, select the DL Load (% Pmax)
check box and enter a maximum downlink cell load in the Max DL Load box.

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Atoll User Manual

- Max DL Load (% Pmax): If you want to enter a global value for the maximum downlink cell load, as a per-
centage of the maximum power, click the button ( ) beside the box and select Global Threshold. Then,
enter a maximum downlink cell load, as a percentage of the maximum power. If you want to use the maximum
downlink cell load factor as defined in the properties for each cell, click the button ( ) beside the box and
select Defined per Cell.
7. Under Bearer Negotiation on the General tab, check the Rate Downgrading check box if you want to permit
bearer downgrading during the simulation. When a constraint is not respected, user radio bearers with services
supporting rate downgrading are downgraded. If the constraint is still not satisfied after downgrading, users are
rejected. If downgrading is not selected, users will be rejected immediately, starting with users with the lowest
service priority, if a constraint can not be respected.
8. On the Source Traffic tab, enter the following:
- Global Scaling Factor: If desired, enter a scaling factor to increase user density.
The global scaling factor enables you to increase user density without changing traffic parameters or traffic
maps. For example, setting the global scaling factor to 2 is the same as doubling the initial number of subscrib-
ers (for environment and user profile traffic maps) or the rates/users (for live traffic maps per sector).

- Select Traffic Maps to Be Used: Select the traffic maps you want to use for the simulation.
You can select traffic maps of any type. However, if you have several different types of traffic maps and want
to make a simulation on a specific type of traffic map, you must ensure that you select only traffic maps of the
same type. For information on the types of traffic maps, see "Creating a Traffic Map" on page 257.

9. Click the Advanced tab.

10. Under Generator Initialisation, enter an integer as the generator initialisation value. If you enter "0", the default,
the user and shadowing error distribution will be random. If you enter any other integer, the same user and shad-
owing error distribution will be used for any simulation using the same generator initialisation value.

Tip: Using the same generated user and shadowing error distribution for several simulations can
be useful when you want to compare the results of several simulations where only one
parameter changes.

11. Under Convergence, enter the following parameters:

- Max Number of Iterations: Enter the maximum number of iterations that Atoll should run to make conver-
- UL Convergence Threshold: Enter the relative difference in terms of interference and connected users on
the uplink that must be reached between two iterations.
- DL Convergence Threshold: Enter the relative difference in terms of interference and connected users on
the downlink that must be reached between two iterations.
12. Click OK. Atoll immediately begins the simulation unless you selected the Execute Later check box on the Gen-
eral tab.
All simulations created at the same time are grouped together in a folder on the Data tab of the Explorer window. You can
now use the completed simulations for specific UMTS and HSDPA coverage predictions (see "Making Coverage Predic-
tions Using Simulation Results" on page 280) or for an AS analysis using the Point Analysis window (see "Making an AS
Analysis of Simulation Results" on page 280). Displaying the Traffic Distribution on the Map

Atoll enables you to display on the map the distribution of the traffic generated by all simulations according to different
parameters. You can, for example, display the traffic according to service, activity status, pilot signal strength, or soft
handover gain.
You can set the display of the traffic distribution according to discrete values and the select the value to be displayed. Or,
you can select the display of the traffic distribution according to value intervals, and then select the parameter and the
value intervals that are to be displayed. You can also define the colours of the icon and the icon itself.
For information on changing display characteristics, see "Defining the Display Properties of Objects" on page 23.
In this section are the following examples of traffic distribution:
• "Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Handover Status" on page 268
• "Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Connection Status" on page 269
• "Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Service" on page 269.

Tip: You can make the traffic distribution easier to see by hiding geo data and predictions. For
information, see "Displaying or Hiding Objects on the Map Using the Explorer" on page 18. Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Handover Status

In this example, the traffic distribution is displayed by the handover status.
To display the traffic distribution by the handover status:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the UMTS Simulations folder. The context menu appears.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

3. Select Properties from the context menu. The UMTS Simulations Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Display tab of the dialogue, select "Discrete values" as the Display Type and "HO Status (Sites/No. Trans-
mitters Act. Set)" as the Field.
5. Click OK. The traffic distribution is now displayed by handover status (see Figure 7.135).

Figure 7.135: Displaying the traffic distribution by handover status Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Connection Status

In this example, the traffic distribution is displayed by the connection status.
To display the traffic distribution by the connection status:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the UMTS Simulations folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The UMTS Simulations Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Display tab of the dialogue, select "Discrete values" as the Display Type and "Connection Status" as the
5. Click OK. The traffic distribution is now displayed by connection status (see Figure 7.136).

Figure 7.136: Displaying the traffic distribution by connection status Displaying the Traffic Distribution by Service

In this example, the traffic distribution is displayed by service.
To display the traffic distribution by service:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the UMTS Simulations folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The UMTS Simulations Properties dialogue appears.
4. On the Display tab of the dialogue, select "Discrete values" as the Display Type and "Service" as the Field.

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Atoll User Manual

5. Click OK. The traffic distribution is now displayed by service (see Figure 7.137).

Figure 7.137: Displaying the traffic distribution by service Displaying the User Active Set on the Map

Atoll enables you to display on the map the active set for each user generated by a simulation.
To display the active set for a user:
• On the map, click and hold the icon of the user whose best and second-best servers you want to display.
The servers in the user’s active set are connected to the user with lines the same colour as the serving transmitter.
The best server is indicated with the number "1", the second-best with number "2" and so on. Figure 7.138 shows
a user with three servers in his active set.

Figure 7.138: The active set of a user Displaying the Results of a Single Simulation

After you have created a simulation, as explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267, you can display the results.
To access the results of a single simulation:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the folder of the simulation group containing the simulation whose results
you want to access.
4. Right-click the simulation. The context menu appears.
5. Select Properties from the context menu. The simulation properties dialogue appears.
One tab gives statistics of the results of the simulation. Other tabs in the simulation properties dialogue contain
simulation results as identified by the tab title. A final tab lists the initial conditions of the simulation. The amount
of detail available when you display the results depends on the level of detail you selected from the Information
to retain list on the General tab of the properties dialogue for the group of simulations. For more information on
the different options, see step 5. of "Creating Simulations" on page 267.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

The Statistics tab: The Statistics tab contains the following two sections:

- Request: Under Request, you will find data on the connection requests:
- Atoll calculates the total number of users who try to connect. This number is the result of the first random
trial; power control has not yet finished. The result depends on the traffic description and traffic input.
- During the first random trial, each user is assigned a service and an activity status. The number of users
per activity status and the UL and DL rates that all active users could theoretically generate are provided.
- The breakdown per service (total number of users, number of users per activity status, and UL and DL
rates) is given.
- Results: Under Results, you will find data on the connection results:
- The number of iterations that were run in order to converge.
- The number and the percentage of non-connected users is given along with the reason for rejection.
These figures include rejected and delayed users. These figures are determined at the end of the simula-
tion and depend on the network design.
- The number and percentage of R99 bearer users connected to a cell, the number of users per activity
status, and the UL and DL total rates they generate. These figures include R99 users as well as HSDPA
and HSUPA users (since all of them request an R99 bearer); they are determined in the R99 part of the
algorithm. These data are also given per service.
- The total number and the percentage of connected users with an HSDPA bearer, the number of users per
activity status, and the DL total rate that they generate. Both HSDPA and HSUPA users are considered
since they both request an HSDPA bearer.
- The total number of connected HSUPA users and the percentage of users with an HSUPA bearer, the
number of users per activity status, and the UL total rate they generate. Only HSUPA users are consid-
The Sites tab: The Sites tab contains the following information per site:

- Max No. of DL and UL CEs: The maximum number of channel elements available on uplink and downlink for
R99 bearers requested by R99, HSDPA and HSUPA users.
- No. of DL and UL CEs Used: The number of channel elements required on uplink and downlink for R99
bearers to handle the traffic of current simulation.
- No. of DL and UL CEs Due to SHO Overhead: The number of extra channel elements due to soft handover,
on uplink and downlink.
- Carrier Selection: The carrier selection method defined on the site equipment.
- Downlink and Uplink Overhead CEs/Cell: The overhead channel elements per cell on the downlink and on
the uplink, defined on the site equipment.
- AS Restricted to Neighbours: Whether the active set is restricted to neighbours of the reference cell. This
option is selected on the site equipment.
- Rake Factor: The rake factor, defined on the site equipment, enables Atoll to model a rake receiver on down-
- MUD Factor: The multi-user detection factor, defined on the site equipment, is used to decrease intra-cell
interference on uplink.
- Compressed Mode: Whether compressed mode is supported. This option is defined on the site equipment.
- Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps).
- Instantaneous HSDPA MAC Throughput (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA MAC throughput (kbps).
- HSUPA Rate (kbps): The HSUPA peak rate in kbps.
- DL and UL Throughput for Each Service: The R99 throughput in kbits⁄s for each service. The result is
detailed on the downlink and uplink only when relevant.
The Cells tab: The Cells tab contains the following information, per site, transmitter, and carrier:

- Max Power (dBm): The maximum power as defined in the cell properties.
- Pilot Power (dBm): The pilot power as defined in the cell properties.
- SCH power (dBm): The SCH power as defined in the cell properties.
- Other CCH power (dBm): The power of other common channels. It includes the other CCH power and the
DL HSUPA power as defined in the cell properties.
- Available HSDPA Power (dBm): The available HSDPA power as defined in the cell properties. This is the
power available for the HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH of HSDPA users. The value is either fixed by the user when
the HSDPA power is allocated statically, or by a simulation when the option HSDPA Power Dynamic Alloca-
tion is selected.
- AS Threshold (dB): The active set threshold as defined in cell properties
- Gain (dBi): The gain as defined in the antenna properties for that transmitter.
- Reception Loss (dB): The reception loss as defined in the transmitter properties.
- Transmission Loss (dB): The transmission loss as defined in the transmitter properties.
- BTS Noise Figure (dB): The BTS noise figure as defined in the transmitter properties
- Total Transmitted R99 Power (dBm): The total transmitted R99 power is the power transmitted by the cell
on common channels (Pilot, SCH, other CCH), HSUPA channels (E-AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH) and R99
traffic-dedicated channels.
- Total Transmitted Power (dBm): The total transmitted power of the cell is the sum of the total transmitted
R99 power and the available HSDPA power. If HSDPA power is allocated statically, this total transmitted
power must be lower than or equal to the maximum power. If HSDPA power is allocated dynamically, the total
transmitted power equals the maximum power minus the power headroom. In other words, the HSDPA power
corresponds to the difference between the total transmitted power and the R99 transmitted power.

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Atoll User Manual

Note: When the constraint "DL load" is set and HSDPA power is statically allocated, the total
transmitted power cannot exceed the maximum DL load (defined either in the cell proper-
ties, or in the simulation). On the other hand, if HSDPA power is allocated dynamically, the
control is carried out on the R99 transmitted power, which cannot exceed the maximum DL

- UL Total Noise (dBm): The uplink total noise takes into account the total signal received at the transmitter on
a carrier from intra and extra-cell terminals using the same carrier and adjacent carriers (uplink total interfer-
ence) and the thermal noise.
- Max UL Load Factor (%): The maximum uplink load factor that the cell can support. It is defined either in the
cell properties, or in the simulation creation dialogue.
- Max DL Load (% Pmax): The maximum percentage of power that the cell can use. It is defined either in the
cell properties, or in the simulation creation dialogue.
- UL load factor (%): The uplink cell load factor corresponds to the ratio between the uplink total interference
and the uplink total noise. If the constraint "UL load factor" has been selected, UL cell load factor is not allowed
to exceed the user-defined maximum UL load factor (either in the cell properties, or in the simulation creation
- DL Load Factor (%): The DL load factor of the cell i corresponds to the ratio (DL average interference [due
to transmitter signals on the same and adjacent carriers] for terminals in the transmitter i area) ⁄ (DL average
total noise [due to transmitter signals and to thermal noise of terminals] for terminals in the transmitter i area).
- UL and DL Noise Rise (dB): The uplink and downlink noise rises are calculated from uplink and downlink
load factors. These data indicate signal degradation due to cell load (interference margin in the link budget).
- DL R99 Load (% Pmax): The percentage of power used for R99 channels is determined by the total trans-
mitted R99 power-maximum power ratio (power stated in W). When the constraint "DL load" is set and HSDPA
power is allocated dynamically, the DL R99 Load can not exceed the user-defined Max DL Load (defined
either in the cell properties, or in the simulation).
- Reuse Factor (UL): The uplink reuse factor is the ratio between the uplink total interference and the intra-cell
- Reuse Efficiency Factor (UL): The uplink reuse efficiency factor is the reciprocal of the uplink reuse factor.
- Number of UL and DL Radio Links: The number of radio links corresponds to the number of user-transmitter
links on the same carrier. This data is calculated on uplink and on downlink and indicates the number of users
connected to the cell on uplink and downlink. Because of handover, a single user can use several radio links.
- Connection Success Rate (%): The connection success rate gives the ratio of connected users over the total
number of users in the cell.
- HSDPA Application Throughput (kbps): This is the net HSDPA throughput without coding (redundancy,
overhead, addressing, etc.).
- Min. HSDPA RLC Peak Rate (kbps): The minimum HSDPA RLC peak rate corresponds to the lowest of RLC
peak rates obtained by HSDPA bearer users connected to the cell.
- Max HSDPA RLC Peak Rate (kbps): The maximum HSDPA RLC peak rate corresponds to the highest of
RLC peak rates obtained by HSDPA bearer users connected to the cell.
- Avg. Instantaneous HSDPA Throughput (kbps): The average instantaneous HSDPA rate (kbps) is the
average number of kbits per second that the cell supports on downlink to provide one connected user with an
HSDPA bearer.
- Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps): The instantaneous HSDPA rate (kbps) is the number of kbits per
second that the cell supports on downlink to provide simultaneous connected users with an HSDPA bearer.
- Instantaneous HSDPA MAC Throughput (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA MAC throughput (kbps) that
the cell carries.
- No. of Simultaneous HSDPA Users: The number of simultaneous HSDPA users corresponds to the number
of HSDPA bearer users that the cell supports at one time, i.e. within one time transmission interval. All these
users are connected to the cell at the end of the HSDPA part of the simulation; they have a connection with
the R99 bearer (ADPCH-UL64 for HSDPA users and ADPCH-EDPCCH bearer for HSUPA users) and an
HSDPA bearer.

Note: The number of HSDPA bearer users cannot exceed the number of HS-SCCH channels per
cell at any given moment (within a time transmission interval).

- No. of HSDPA Users: The number of HSDPA users including the connected and delayed HSDPA bearer
- No. of HSUPA Users: The number of HSUPA users connected to the cell.
- HSUPA Application Throughput (kbps): This is the net HSUPA throughput without coding (redundancy,
overhead, addressing, etc.).
- HSUPA UL Load Factor (%): The uplink cell load contribution due to HSUPA traffic.
- No. of Codes (512 Bits): The number of 512-bit OVSF codes used per cell.
- The types of handover as a percentage: Atoll estimates the percentages of handover types for each trans-
mitter. Atoll only lists the results for the following handover status, no handover (1⁄1), softer (1⁄2), soft (2⁄2),
softer-soft (2⁄3) and soft-soft (3⁄3) handovers; the other handover status (other HO) are grouped.
- R99 UL and DL Throughput (kbps): The uplink and downlink R99 throughputs represent the numbers of
kbits per second delivered by the cell respectively on uplink and on downlink to supply HSUPA, HSDPA, and
R99 users with a R99 bearer. All the radio links in the cell, i.e., links due to handover, are taken into account
in the throughput calculation.
- R99 UL and DL Throughput Without HO (kbps): The uplink and downlink R99 throughputs represent the
numbers of kbits per second delivered by the cell respectively on uplink and on downlink to supply HSUPA,

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

HSDPA, and R99 users with a R99 bearer. Only the links with the best server are taken into account in the
calculation of throughput.
- Min TCH Pwr (dBm): The minimum power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Max TCH Pwr (dBm): The maximum power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Avg TCH Pwr (dBm): The average power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Rejected users: The number of rejected users per cell are sorted by the following values: Pmob > PmobMax,
Ptch > PtchMax, Ec⁄Io < (Ec⁄Io)min., UL Load Saturation, Ch. Elts Saturation, DL Load Saturation, Mul-
tiple Causes, Code Saturation, Admission Rejection, HSDPA Delayed, HSDPA Scheduler Saturation,
and HSUPA Scheduler Saturation.
The Mobiles tab: The Mobiles tab contains the following information:

Note: The Mobiles tab only appears if, when creating the simulation as explained in "Creating
Simulations" on page 267, you select either "Standard information about mobiles" or
"Detailed information about mobiles" under Information to Retain.

- X and Y: The coordinates of users who attempt to connect (the geographic position is determined by the
second random trial).
- Service: The service assigned during the first random trial during the generation of the user distribution.
- Terminal: The assigned terminal. Atoll uses the assigned service and activity status to determine the terminal
and the user profile.
- User: The assigned user profile. Atoll uses the assigned service and activity status to determine the terminal
and the user profile.
- Mobility: The mobility type assigned during the first random trial during the generation of the user distribution.
- Activity: The activity status assigned during the first random trial during the generation of the user distribution.
- Carrier: The carrier used for the mobile-transmitter connection.
- Frequency Band: the frequency band used for the mobile-transmitter connection.
- DL and UL Requested Rate (kbps): For an R99 user, the DL and UL Requested Rate correspond to the DL
and UL nominal rates of the R99 bearer associated to the service.
For an HSDPA user, the uplink requested rate corresponds to the nominal rate of ADPCH-UL64 R99 bearer
and the downlink requested rate is the sum of the ADPCH-UL64 radio bearer nominal rate and the RLC peak
rate that the selected HSDPA radio bearer can provide. Here, the HSDPA user is treated as if he is the only
user in the cell and then, Atoll determines the HSDPA bearer the user would obtain by considering the entire
HSDPA power available of the cell.

For an HSUPA user, the uplink requested rate is equal to the sum of the ADPCH-EDPCCH radio bearer nom-
inal rate and the RLC peak rate of the requested HSUPA radio bearer. The requested HSUPA radio bearer is
selected from the HSUPA bearers compatible with the user equipment. Here, the HSUPA user is treated as if
he is the only user in the cell and then, Atoll determines the HSUPA bearer the user would obtain by consid-
ering the entire remaining load of the cell. The downlink requested rate is the sum of the ADPCH-EDPCCH
radio bearer nominal rate and the RLC peak rate that the requested HSDPA radio bearer can provide. The
requested HSDPA bearer is determined as explained in the previous paragraph.

- DL and UL Obtained Rate (kbps): For an R99 user, the obtained rate is the same as the requested rate if he
is connected without being downgraded. Otherwise, the obtained rate is lower (it corresponds to the nominal
rate of the selected R99 bearer). If the user was rejected, the obtained rate is zero.
For an HSDPA user connected to an HSDPA bearer, the uplink obtained rate equals the requested one and
the downlink obtained rate corresponds to the instantaneous rate; this is the sum of the ADPCH-UL64 radio
bearer nominal rate and the RLC peak rate provided by the selected HSDPA radio bearer after scheduling and
radio resource control. If the HSDPA user is delayed (he is only connected to an R99 radio bearer), uplink and
downlink obtained rates correspond to the uplink and downlink nominal rates of ADPCH-UL64 radio bearer.
Finally, if the HSDPA user is rejected either in the R99 part or in the HSDPA part (i.e., because the HSDPA
scheduler is saturated), the uplink and downlink obtained rates are zero.

For a connected HSUPA user, on uplink, if the user is connected to an HSUPA bearer, the obtained uplink
rate is the sum of the ADPCH-EDPCCH radio bearer nominal rate and the RLC peak rate provided by the se-
lected HSUPA radio bearer after noise rise scheduling. On downlink, if the user is connected to an HSDPA
bearer, the obtained downlink rate corresponds to the instantaneous rate. The instantaneous rate is the sum
of the ADPCH-EDPCCH radio bearer nominal rate and the RLC peak rate provided by the selected HSDPA
radio bearer after scheduling and radio resource control. If the user is delayed, the obtained downlink rate cor-
responds to the downlink nominal rate of ADPCH-EDPCCH radio bearer. If the HSUPA user is rejected, the
obtained uplink and downlink rates are "0."

- Mobile Total Power (dBm): The mobile total power corresponds to the total power transmitted by the ter-
- Connection Status: The connection status indicates whether the user is connected, delayed or rejected at
the end of the simulation. If connected, the connection status corresponds to the activity status. If rejected, the
rejection cause is given. If delayed (for HSDPA users only), the status is "HSDPA delayed."
- Best Server: The best server among the transmitters in the mobile active set.
- HO Status (Sites/No. Transmitters Act. Set): The HO status is the number of sites compared to the number
of transmitters in the active set.
- AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4: The name of the cell that is the best server, the second-best server, and so on is given
in a separate column for each cell in the active set.
- Ec/I0 AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, (dB): Ec⁄I0 is given in a separate column for each cell in the active set. The Ec/
I0 AS 1 column lists the Ec/I0 from the best server for the rejected mobiles as well.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 273

Atoll User Manual

- Indoor: This field indicates whether indoor losses have been added or not.
- Active Compressed Mode: This field indicates whether active compressed mode is supported by the mobile
or not.
The following columns only appear if, when creating the simulation as explained in "Creating Simulations" on
page 267, you select "Detailed information about mobiles" under Information to Retain:

- HSDPA Application Throughput (kbps): The HSDPA application throughput is the net HSDPA throughput
without coding (redundancy, overhead, addressing, etc.). It is calculated from the instantaneous HSDPA rate
(i.e., the DL obtained rate), the BLER, the HSDPA service scaling factor and the throughput offset.
- Served HSDPA Power: This is the HSDPA power required to provide the HSDPA bearer user with the down-
link obtained rate.
- Required HSDPA Power: The required HSDPA power is the HSDPA power required to provide the HSDPA
bearer user with the downlink requested rate. If the HSDPA bearer allocated to the user is the best one, the
required HSDPA power corresponds to the available HSDPA power of the cell. On the other hand, if the
HSDPA has been downgraded in order to be compliant with cell and UE capabilities, the required HSDPA
power will be lower than the available HSDPA power of the cell.
- No. of HSUPA Retransmissions (Required): The number of retransmissions for the requested HSUPA radio
- No. of HSUPA Retransmissions (Obtained): The number of retransmissions for the obtained HSUPA radio
- HSUPA Application Throughput (kbps): The HSUPA application throughput is the net HSUPA throughput
without coding (redundancy, overhead, addressing, etc.). It is calculated from the UL obtained rate, the BLER,
the HSUPA service scaling factor and the throughput offset.
- Cell TCH Power AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL) (dBm): The cell power transmitted on the downlink is given for
each link between the mobile and a transmitter in the active set.
- DL Ntot AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (dBm): The total noise on the downlink for each link between the mobile and
a transmitter in the \active set.
- Load Factor AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL) (%): The load factor on the downlink for each link between the mobile
and a transmitter in the active set. It corresponds to the ratio between the total interference on the downlink
and total noise at the terminal.
- Noise Rise AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL) (dB): The noise rise on the downlink for each link between the mobile
and a transmitter in the active set.
- Reuse Factor AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL): The DL reuse factor for each link between the mobile and a trans-
mitter in the active set. It is calculated from the interference received at the terminal from the intra cell area
and the total interference received at the terminal from all the transmitters (intra and extra-cell and inter-car-
- Iintra AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL) (dBm): The intra-cell interference for each cell (I) of the active set.

⎛ ⎞
I int ra = P DL
(ic ) − Fortho × ⎜⎜ P DL
(ic ) − PSCH ⎟

i ⎝ i LT ⎠

- Iextra AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (DL) (dBm): The extra-cell interference for each cell (I) of the active set.

⎛ ⎞
I extra =
∑ P DL
(ic ) − Fortho × ⎜⎜ P DL
(ic ) − PSCH ⎟

Tx ,i∉Tx ⎝ LT ⎠

- Total Loss AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 (dB): The total attenuation for each link between the mobile and a trans-
mitter in the active set.
- No. of UL CEs: The number of channel elements consumed on the uplink by the mobile.
- No. of DL CEs: The number of channel elements consumed on the downlink by the mobile.
- Name: The name of the mobile, as assigned during the random user generation.
- Clutter: The clutter class on which the mobile is located.
- Orthogonality Factor: The orthogonality factor used in the simulation. The orthogonality factor is the
remaining orthogonality of the OVSF codes at reception. The value used is the orthogonality factor set in the
clutter classes, or on the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue.
- % Pilot Finger: The percentage pilot finger used in the simulation, defined per clutter class or globally for all
clutter classes.
- UL SHO Gain (dB): The uplink soft handover gain is calculated if mobile receivers are connected either on
DL or on UL and DL.
- DL SHO Gain (dB): The downlink soft handover gain is calculated if mobile receivers are connected either on
DL or on UL and DL.
- No. of Codes (512 Bits): The number of OVSF codes used per mobile.
The Mobiles (Shadowing Values) tab: The Mobiles (Shadowing Values) tab contains information on the shad-
owing margin for each link between the receiver and up to ten closest potential transmitters:

Note: The Mobiles (Shadowing Values) tab only appears if, when creating the simulation as
explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267, you select "Detailed information about
mobiles" under Information to Retain.

- Name: The name assigned to the mobile.

- Value at Receiver (dB): The value of the shadowing margin at the receiver.
- Clutter: The clutter class on which the mobile is located.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Path To: The name of the potential transmitter.

- Value (dB): The shadowing value for the potential link in the corresponding Path To column. These values
depend on the model standard deviation per clutter type on which the receiver is located and are randomly
distributed on a gaussian curve.
The Initial Conditions tab: The Initial Conditions tab contains the following information:

- The global transmitter parameters:

- The spreading width
- The default orthogonality factor
- The default uplink soft handover gain
- Whether the MRC in softer/soft is defined or not
- The methods used to calculate I0 and Nt
- Parameters to compressed mode.
- The input parameters specified when creating the simulation:
- The maximum number of iterations
- The uplink and downlink convergence thresholds
- The simulation constraints such as maximum power, the maximum number of channel elements, the
uplink load factor and the maximum load
- The name of the traffic maps used.
- The parameters related to the clutter classes, including the default values. Displaying the Average Results of a Group of Simulations

After you have created a group of simulations, as explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267, you can display the
average results of the group. If you wish to display the results of a single simulation of a group, see "Displaying the Results
of a Single Simulation" on page 270.
To access the averaged results of a group of simulations:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the group of simulations whose results you want to access.
4. Select Average Simulation from the context menu. A properties dialogue appears.
One tab gives statistics of the results of the group of simulations. Other tabs in the properties dialogue contain
simulation results for all simulations, both averaged and as a standard deviation.

The Statistics tab: The Statistics tab contains the following two sections:

- Request: Under Request, you will find data on the connection requests:
- Atoll calculates the total number of users who try to connect. This number is the result of the first random
trial; power control has not yet finished. The result depends on the traffic description and traffic input.
- During the first random trial, each user is assigned a service. The UL and DL rates that all users could
theoretically generate are provided.
- The breakdown per service (total number of users, number of users per activity status, and UL and DL
rates) is given.
- Results: Under Results, you will find data on the connection results:
- The number of iterations that were run in order to converge.
- The number and the percentage of non-connected users is given along with the reason for rejection.
These figures include rejected and delayed users. These figures are determined at the end of the simula-
tion and depend on the network design.
- The number and percentage of R99 bearer users connected to a cell, the number of users per activity
status, and the total UL and DL rates they generate. These figures include R99 users as well as HSDPA
and HSUPA users (since all of them request an R99 bearer); they are determined in the R99 part of the
algorithm. These data are also given per service.
- The total number and the percentage of connected users with an HSDPA bearer, the number of users per
activity status, and DL total rate that they generate. Both HSDPA and HSUPA users are considered since
they both request an HSDPA bearer.
- The total number of connected HSUPA users and the percentage of users with an HSUPA bearer, the
number of users per activity status, and UL and DL total rates they generate. Only HSUPA users are
The Sites (Average) and Sites (Standard Deviation) tabs: The Sites (Average) and Sites (Standard Deviation)
tabs contains the following average and standard deviation information, respectively, per site:

- Max No. of DL and UL CEs: The maximum number of channel elements available on uplink and downlink for
R99 bearers requested by R99, HSDPA and HSUPA users.
- No. of DL and UL CEs Used: The number of channel elements required on uplink and downlink for R99
bearers to handle the traffic of current simulation.
- No. of DL and UL CEs Due to SHO Overhead: The number of extra channel elements due to soft handover,
on uplink and downlink.
- Carrier Selection: The carrier selection method defined on the site equipment.
- Downlink and Uplink Overhead CEs/Cell: The overhead channel elements per cell on the downlink and on
the uplink, defined on the site equipment.

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Atoll User Manual

- AS Restricted to Neighbours: Whether the active set is restricted to neighbours of the reference cell. This
option is selected on the site equipment.
- Rake Factor: The rake factor, defined on the site equipment, enables Atoll to model a rake receiver on down-
- MUD Factor: The multi-user detection factor, defined on the site equipment, is used to decrease intra-cell
interference on uplink.
- Compressed Mode: Whether compressed mode is supported. This option is defined on the site equipment.
- Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps).
- Instantaneous HSDPA MAC Throughput (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA MAC throughput (kbps).
- HSUPA Rate (kbps): The HSUPA peak rate in kbps.
- DL and UL Throughput for Each Service: The R99 throughput in kbits⁄s for each service.
The Cells (Average) and Cells (Standard Deviation) tabs: The Cells (Average) and Cells (Standard Deviation)
tabs contains the following average and standard deviation information, respectively, per site, transmitter, and

- Max Power (dBm): The maximum power as defined in the cell properties.
- Pilot Power (dBm): The pilot power as defined in the cell properties.
- SCH power (dBm): The SCH power as defined in the cell properties.
- Other CCH power (dBm): The power of other common channels. It includes the other CCH power and the
DL HSUPA power as defined in the cell properties.
- Available HSDPA Power (dBm): The available HSDPA power as defined in the cell properties. This is the
power available for the HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH of HSDPA bearer users. The value is either fixed by the
user when the HSDPA power is allocated statically, or by a simulation when the option HSDPA Power
Dynamic Allocation is selected.
- AS Threshold (dB): The active set threshold as defined in cell properties
- Gain (dBi): The gain as defined in the antenna properties for that transmitter.
- Reception Loss (dB): The reception loss as defined in the transmitter properties.
- Transmission Loss (dB): The transmission loss as defined in the transmitter properties.
- BTS Noise Figure (dB): The BTS noise figure as defined in the transmitter properties
- Total Transmitted R99 Power (dBm): The total transmitted R99 power is the power transmitted by the cell
on common channels (Pilot, SCH, other CCH), HSUPA channels (E-AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH) and R99
traffic-dedicated channels.
- Total Transmitted Power (dBm): The total transmitted power of the cell is the sum of the total transmitted
R99 power and the available HSDPA power. If HSDPA power is allocated statically, this total transmitted
power must be lower than or equal to the maximum power. If HSDPA power is allocated dynamically, the total
transmitted power equals the maximum power minus the power headroom. In other words, the HSDPA power
corresponds to the difference between the total transmitted power and the R99 transmitted power.

Note: When the constraint "DL load" is set and HSDPA power is statically allocated, the total
transmitted power cannot exceed the maximum DL load (defined either in the cell proper-
ties, or in the simulation). On the other hand, if HSDPA power is allocated dynamically, the
control is carried out on the R99 transmitted power, which cannot exceed the maximum DL

- UL Total Noise (dBm): The uplink total noise takes into account the total signal received at the transmitter on
a carrier from intra and extra-cell terminals using the same carrier and adjacent carriers (uplink total interfer-
ence) and the thermal noise.
- Max UL Load Factor (%): The maximum uplink load factor that the cell can support. It is defined either in the
cell properties, or in the simulation creation dialogue.
- Max DL Load (% Pmax): The maximum percentage of power that the cell can use. It is defined either in the
cell properties, or in the simulation creation dialogue.
- UL Load Factor (%): The uplink cell load factor corresponds to the ratio between the uplink total interference
and the uplink total noise. If the constraint "UL load factor" has been selected, UL cell load factor is not allowed
to exceed the user-defined maximum UL load factor (either in the cell properties, or in the simulation creation
- UL Load Factor due to HSUPA (%): The uplink cell load contribution due to HSUPA traffic.
- DL Load Factor (%): The DL load factor of the cell i corresponds to the ratio (DL average interference [due
to transmitter signals on the same carrier] for terminals in the transmitter i area) ⁄ (DL average total noise [due
to transmitter signals and to thermal noise of terminals] for terminals in the transmitter i area).
- UL and DL Noise Rise (dB): The uplink and downlink noise rises are calculated from uplink and downlink
load factors. These data indicate signal degradation due to cell load (interference margin in the link budget).
- DL R99 Load (% Pmax): The percentage of power used for R99 channels is determined by the total trans-
mitted R99 power-maximum power ratio (power stated in W). When the constraint "DL load" is set and HSDPA
power is allocated dynamically, the DL R99 Load can not exceed the user-defined Max DL Load (defined
either in the cell properties, or in the simulation).
- Reuse Factor (UL): The uplink reuse factor is the ratio between the uplink total interference and the intra-cell
- Reuse Efficiency Factor (UL): The uplink reuse efficiency factor is the reciprocal of the uplink reuse factor.
- Number of UL and DL Radio Links: The number of radio links corresponds to the number of user-transmitter
links on the same carrier. This data is calculated on uplink and on downlink and indicates the number of users
connected to the cell on uplink and downlink. Because of handover, a single user can use several radio links.
- Connection Success Rate (%): The connection success rate gives the ratio of connected users over the total
number of users in the cell.

276 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- HSDPA Application Throughput (kbps): The HSDPA application throughput is the net HSDPA throughput
without coding (redundancy, overhead, addressing, etc.). It is calculated from the instantaneous HSDPA rate
(i.e., the DL obtained rate), the BLER, the HSDPA service scaling factor and the throughput offset.
- Min. HSDPA RLC Peak Rate (kbps): The minimum HSDPA RLC peak rate corresponds to the lowest of RLC
peak rates obtained by HSDPA bearer users connected to the cell.
- Max HSDPA RLC Peak Rate (kbps): The maximum HSDPA RLC peak rate: It corresponds to the highest of
RLC peak rates obtained by HSDPA bearer users connected to the cell.
- Avg. Instantaneous HSDPA Throughput (kbps): The average instantaneous HSDPA rate (kbps) is the
average number of kbits per second that the cell supports on downlink to provide one connected user with an
HSDPA bearer.
- Instantaneous HSDPA Rate (kbps): The instantaneous HSDPA rate (kbps) is the number of kbits per
second that the cell supports on downlink to provide simultaneous connected users with an HSDPA bearer.
- Instantaneous HSDPA MAC Throughput (kbps): The Instantaneous HSDPA MAC throughput (kbps) that
the cell carries.
- No. of Simultaneous HSDPA Users: The number of simultaneous HSDPA users corresponds to the number
of HSDPA bearer users that the cell supports at a time, i.e. within one time transmission interval. All these
users are connected to the cell at the end of the simulation HSDPA part; they have a connection with the R99
bearer (ADPCH-UL64 for HSDPA users and ADPCH-EDPCCH bearer for HSUPA users) and an HSDPA
bearer. At any given moment in time (within a time transmission interval), the number of simultaneous HSDPA
users cannot exceed the number of HS-SCCH channels per cell.
- No. of HSDPA Users: The number of HSDPA users include the connected and delayed HSDPA bearer users.
- No. of HSUPA Users: The number of HSUPA users connected to the cell.
- HSUPA Application Throughput (kbps): This is the net HSUPA throughput without coding (redundancy,
overhead, addressing, etc.).
- HSUPA UL Load Factor (%): The uplink cell load contribution due to HSUPA traffic.
- No. of Codes (512 Bits): The number of OVSF codes used per cell.
- The types of handover as a percentage: Atoll estimates the percentages of handover types for each trans-
mitter. Atoll only lists the results for the following handover status, no handover (1⁄1), softer (1⁄2), soft (2⁄2),
softer-soft (2⁄3) and soft-soft (3⁄3) handovers; the other handover status (other HO) are grouped.
- R99 UL and DL Throughput (kbps): The uplink and downlink R99 throughputs represent the numbers of
kbits per second delivered by the cell respectively on uplink and on downlink to supply HSUPA, HSDPA, and
R99 users with a R99 bearer. All the radio links in the cell, i.e., links due to handover, are taken into account
in the throughput calculation.
- R99 UL and DL Throughput Without HO (kbps): The uplink and downlink R99 throughputs represent the
numbers of kbits per second delivered by the cell respectively on uplink and on downlink to supply HSUPA,
HSDPA, and R99 users with a R99 bearer. Only the links with the best server are taken into account in the
calculation of throughput.
- Min TCH Pwr (dBm): The minimum power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Max TCH Pwr (dBm): The maximum power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Avg TCH Pwr: The average power allocated to a traffic channel to supply services.
- Rejected users: The number of rejected users per cell are sorted by the following values: Pmob > PmobMax,
Ptch > PtchMax, Ec⁄Io < (Ec⁄Io)min., UL Load Saturation, Ch. Elts Saturation, DL Load Saturation, Mul-
tiple Causes, Code Saturation, Admission Rejection, HSDPA Delayed, HSDPA Scheduler Saturation,
and HSUPA Scheduler Saturation. Updating Cell Values With Simulation Results

After you have created a simulation or a group of simulations, as explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267, you
can update values for each cell with the results calculated during the simulation. The following values are updated:
• Total Transmitted Power
• UL Load Factor
• UL Reuse Factor
• Available HSDPA Power
• Number of HSDPA Users
• UL Load Factor due to HSUPA
• Number of HSUPA Users.
To update cell values with simulation results:
1. Display the simulation results:
To display the results for a group of simulations:

a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.

b. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
c. Right-click the group of simulations whose results you want to access.
d. Select Average Simulation from the context menu. A properties dialogue appears.
One tab gives statistics of the results of the group of simulations. Other tabs in the properties dialogue contain
simulation results for all simulations, both averaged and as a standard deviation.

To display the results for a single simulation:

a. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.

b. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 277

Atoll User Manual

c. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the folder of the simulation group containing the simulation whose re-
sults you want to access.
d. Select Properties from the context menu. The simulation properties dialogue appears.
2. Click the Cells tab.
3. On the Cells tab, click Commit Results. The following values are updated for each cell:
- Total Transmitted Power
- UL Load Factor
- UL Reuse Factor
- Available HSDPA Power
- Number of HSDPA Users
- UL Load Factor due to HSUPA
- Number of HSUPA Users. Adding New Simulations to an Atoll Document

When you have created a simulation or group of simulations, you can re-examine the same conditions by adding new
simulations to the Atoll document. In Atoll, there are the following ways of adding new simulations:
• Adding to a group: When you add one or more simulations to an existing group of simulations, Atoll reuses the
same input (radio, traffic, and simulation parameters) as those used to generate the group of simulations. It then
generates a new user distribution and performs the power control simulation.
To add a simulation to a group of simulations, see "Adding a Simulation to a Group of Simulations" on page 278.

• Replaying a group: When you replay an existing group of simulations, Atoll reuses the same user distribution
(users with a service, a mobility and an activity status) and traffic parameters (such as, maximum and minimum
traffic channel powers allowed, Eb/Nt thresholds, etc.) as the ones used to calculate the initial simulation. On the
other hand, the shadowing error distribution between simulations is different and only radio data modifications
(new transmitters, changes to the antenna azimuth, etc.) are taken into account during the power control (or rate/
power control) simulation.
To replay a group of simulations, see "Replaying a Simulation or Group of Simulations" on page 279.
• Using the Generator Initialisation Number: When you create groups of simulations using the same generator
initialisation number (which must be an integer other than 0) Atoll generates the same user and shadowing error
distributions (user with a service, a mobility, an activity status and a shadowing error) in all groups using the same
number. However, any modifications to traffic parameters (such as, maximum and minimum traffic channel powers
allowed, Eb⁄Nt thresholds, etc.) and radio data (new transmitter, azimuth, etc.) are taken into account during the
power control simulation.
By creating and calculating one group of simulations, making a change to the network and then creating and calcu-
lating a new group of simulations using the same generator initialisation number, you can see the difference your
parameter changes make.

To create a new simulation to a group of simulations using the generator initialisation number, see "Creating a
New Simulation or Group of Simulations Using the Generator Initialisation Number" on page 279.
• Duplicating a Group: When you duplicate a group, Atoll creates a group of simulations with the same simulation
parameters as those used to generate the group of simulations. You can then modify the simulation parameters
before calculating the group.
To duplicate a group of simulations, see "Duplicating a Simulation or Group of Simulations" on page 279.

Adding a Simulation to a Group of Simulations

To add a simulation to an existing group of simulations:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Simulations folder.
3. Right-click the group of simulations to which you want to add a simulation. The context menu appears.
4. Select New from the context menu. The properties dialogue of the group of simulations appears.

Note: When adding a simulation to an existing group of simulations, the parameters originally
used to calculate the group of simulations are used for the new simulations. Consequently,
few parameters can be changed for the added simulation.

5. On the General tab of the dialogue, if desired, change the Name and Comments for this group of simulations.
6. Under Execution on the General tab, you can set the following parameters:
- Number of Simulations: Enter the number of simulations to added to this group of simulations.
- Execute Later: If you select the Execute Later check box, the simulation will not be carried out until you click
the Calculate button ( ). If the Execute Later check box is not selected, the simulation will be carried out
as soon as you click OK and close the dialogue.
7. Click OK. Atoll immediately begins the simulation unless you selected the Execute Later check box on the Gen-
eral tab.

278 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Replaying a Simulation or Group of Simulations

To replay an existing simulation or group of simulations:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Simulations folder.
3. Right-click the group of simulations you want to replay. The context menu appears.
4. Select Replay from the context menu.
5. Under Convergence, you can set the following parameters:
- Max Number of Iterations: Enter the maximum number of iterations that Atoll should run to make conver-
- UL Convergence Threshold: Enter the relative difference in terms of interference and connected users on
the uplink that must be reached between two iterations.
- DL Convergence Threshold: Enter the relative difference in terms of interference and connected users on
the downlink that must be reached between two iterations.
6. Under Bearer Negotiation on the General tab, check the Rate Downgrading check box if you want to permit
bearer downgrading during the simulation.
7. Under Cell Load Constraints, you can set the constraints as explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267
that Atoll must respect during the simulation.
8. Select the level of detail as explained in "Creating Simulations" on page 267 that will be available in the output
from the Information to retain list.
9. Click OK. Atoll immediately begins the simulation unless you selected the Execute Later check box on the Gen-
eral tab.

Creating a New Simulation or Group of Simulations Using the Generator Initialisation Number

To create a new simulation or group of simulations using the generator initialisation number:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the UMTS Simulations folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select New from the context menu. The properties dialogue for a new simulation or group of simulations appears.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Under Generator Initialisation, enter an integer as the generator initialisation value. The integer must be the
same generator initialisation number as used in the group of simulations with the user and shadowing error distri-
butions you want to use in this simulation or group of simulations. If you enter "0", the default, the user and shad-
owing error distribution will be random. If you enter any other integer, the same user and shadowing error
distribution will be used for any simulation using the same generator initialisation value.
6. For information on setting other parameters, see "Creating Simulations" on page 267.

Tip: You can create a new group of simulations with the same parameters as the original group
of simulations by duplicating an existing one as explained in "Duplicating a Simulation or
Group of Simulations" on page 279.

Duplicating a Simulation or Group of Simulations

To duplicate an existing simulation or group of simulations:

1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Simulations folder.
3. Right-click the simulation or group of simulations you want to duplicate. The context menu appears.
4. Select Duplicate from the context menu. The properties dialogue for the duplicated group of simulations appears.
You can change the parameters for the duplicated simulation or group of simulations as explained in "Creating
Simulations" on page 267. Estimating a Traffic Increase

When you create a simulation or a group of simulations, you are basing it on a set of traffic conditions that represent the
situation you are creating the network for. However, traffic can, and in fact most likely will, increase. You can test the
performance of the network against an increased traffic load without changing traffic parameters or maps by using the
global scaling factor. For example, setting the global scaling factor to 2 is the same as doubling the initial number of
subscribers (for environment and user profile traffic maps) or the rates/users (for live traffic maps per sector).
To change the global scaling factor:
1. Create a simulation or group of simulations by:
- Creating a new simulation or group of simulations as described in "Creating Simulations" on page 267.
- Duplicating an existing simulation or group of simulations as described in "Adding New Simulations to an Atoll
Document" on page 278.

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Atoll User Manual

2. Click the Source Traffic tab of the properties dialogue.

3. Enter a Global Scaling Factor. For example, setting the global scaling factor to 2 is the same as doubling the
initial number of subscribers (for environment and user profile traffic maps) or the rates/users (for live traffic maps
per sector).

7.3.4 Analysing the Results of a Simulation

In Atoll, you have several methods available to help you analyse simulation results. You can make an active set analysis
of a real-time probe user or you can make a coverage study where each pixel is considered as a probe user with a defined
terminal, mobility, and service. The analyses are based on a single simulation or on an averaged group of simulations.
You can find information on the analysis methods in the following sections:
• "Making an AS Analysis of Simulation Results" on page 280
• "Making Coverage Predictions Using Simulation Results" on page 280. Making an AS Analysis of Simulation Results

The Point Analysis window gives you information on reception for any point on the map. The AS Analysis tab gives you
information on the pilot quality (Ec⁄I0) (which is the main parameter used to define the mobile active set), the connection
status, and the active set of the probe mobile. Analysis is based on the UL load percentage and the DL total power of cells.
In this case, these parameters can be either outputs of a given simulation, or average values calculated from a group of
simulations. The analysis is provided for a user-definable probe receiver which has a terminal, a mobility and a service.
For information on the criteria for belonging to the active set, see "Conditions for Entering the Active Set" on page 296.
Before you make an AS analysis:
• Ensure the simulation or group of simulations you want to use in the AS analysis is displayed on the map.
• Replay the simulation or group of simulations you want to use if you have modified radio parameters since you
made the simulation.

Note: The AS analysis does not take possible network saturation into account. Therefore, there is
no guarantee that a simulated mobile with the same receiver characteristics can verify the
point analysis, simply because the simulated network may be saturated.

To make an AS analysis of simulation results:

1. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar. The Point Analysis window appears. (see Figure 7.110).
2. Click the AS Analysis tab.
3. At the top of the AS Analysis tab, select from the Simulation list, the simulation or group of simulations you want
to base the AS analysis on.
4. Select the Terminal, Service, and Mobility.
5. Right-click the Point Analysis window and select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue
6. Select or clear the following options:
- Whether shadowing is to be taken into account (and, if so, the cell edge coverage probability and shadowing
- Whether indoor coverage is to be taken into account.
- Whether downgrading is allowed.
7. Click OK to close the Properties dialogue.
8. Move the pointer over the map to make an active set analysis for the current location of the pointer.
As you move the pointer, Atoll indicates on the map which is the best server for the current position (see
Figure 7.128 on page 235).

Information on the current position is given on the AS Analysis tab of the Point Analysis window. See
Figure 7.129 on page 235 for an explanation of the displayed information.

9. Click the map to leave the point analysis pointer at its current position.
To move the pointer again, click the point analysis pointer on the map and drag it to a new position.

10. Click the Point Analysis button ( ) on the toolbar again to end the point analysis. Making Coverage Predictions Using Simulation Results

When no simulations are available, Atoll uses the UL load factor, the DL total power, the UL reuse factor, the HSDPA
power, the number of HSDPA users, the number of HSUPA users, and the UL load factor due to HSUPA defined for each
cell to make coverage predictions. For information on cell properties, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191; for
information on modifying cell properties, see "Cell Definition" on page 188.
Once you have made simulations, Atoll can use this information instead of the defined parameters in the cell properties
to make coverage predictions where each pixel is considered as a probe user with a terminal, mobility, profile, and service.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

For each coverage prediction based on simulation results, you can base the coverage prediction on a selected simulation
or on a group of simulations, choosing either an average analysis of all simulations in the group or a statistical analysis
based on a defined probability. To be able to base a coverage prediction on a simulation or group of simulations, the simu-
lation must have converged.
The coverage predictions that can use simulation results are:
• Coverage predictions on the pilot or on a service:
- Pilot Reception Analysis: For information on making a pilot reception analysis, see "Making a Pilot Signal
Quality Prediction" on page 228.
- Service Area Downlink: For information on making a coverage prediction on the downlink service area, see
"Studying Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink or Uplink" on page 229.
- Service Area Uplink: For information on making a coverage prediction on the uplink service area, see "Stud-
ying Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink or Uplink" on page 229.
- Effective Service Area: For information on making a pilot pollution coverage analysis, see "Studying Effective
Service Area" on page 230.
• Coverage predictions on noise and interference:
- Downlink Total Noise: For information on making a downlink total noise coverage prediction, see "Studying
Downlink Total Noise" on page 232.
- Pilot Pollution: For information on making a pilot pollution coverage analysis, see "Calculating Pilot Pollution"
on page 233.
• A handover status coverage prediction to analyse macro-diversity performance:
- Handoff Status: For information on making a handover status coverage prediction, see "Making a Handover
Status Coverage Prediction" on page 234.
• An HSDPA coverage prediction to analyse A-DPCH qualities, HS-SCCH power or quality per HS-SCCH channel
and to model fast link adaptation.
- HSDPA Coverage Prediction: For information on making an HSDPA coverage prediction, see "HSDPA Cov-
erage Prediction" on page 236.
• An HSUPA coverage prediction to analyse the required E-DPDCH Ec/Nt, the required terminal power, and the
obtained HSUPA bearer.
- HSUPA Coverage Prediction: For information on making an HSUPA coverage prediction, see "HSUPA Cov-
erage Prediction" on page 237.
The procedures for the coverage predictions assume that simulation results are not available. When no simulations are
available, you select "(None)" from the Simulation list, on the Condition tab. However, when simulations are available you
can base the coverage prediction on one simulation or a group of simulations.
To base a coverage prediction on a simulation or group of simulations, when setting the parameters:
1. Click the Condition tab.
2. From the Simulation list, select the simulation or group of simulations on which you want to base the coverage
3. If you select a group of simulations from the Simulation list, select one of the following:
- All: If you select All to make a statistical analysis of all simulations based on the defined Probability (the prob-
ability must be between 0 and 1). This will make a global analysis of all simulations in a group and with an
evaluation of the network stability in terms of fluctuations in traffic.
- Average: Select Average make the coverage prediction on the average of the simulations in the group.

7.4 Optimising and Verifying Network Capacity

An important step in the process of creating a UMTS HSPA network is verifying the capacity of the network. This is done
using measurements of the strength of the pilot signal in different locations within the area covered by the network. This
collection of measurements is called a test mobile data path.
The data contained in a test mobile data path is used to verify the accuracy of current network parameters and to optimise
the network.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Importing a Test Mobile Data Path" on page 281
• "Network Verification" on page 285
• "Printing and Exporting the Test Mobile Data Window" on page 289

7.4.1 Importing a Test Mobile Data Path

In Atoll, you can analyse drive tests by importing test mobile data in the form of ASCII text files (with tabs, semi-colons,
or spaces as separator), TEMS FICS-Planet export files (with the extension PLN), or TEMS text export files (with the exten-
sion FMT).
For Atoll to be able to use the data in imported files, the imported files must contain the following information:
• The position of test mobile data points. When you import the data, you must indicate which columns give the
abscissa and ordinate (XY coordinates) of each point.

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Atoll User Manual

• Information identifying scanned cells (for example, serving cells, neighbour cells, or any other cells). In UMTS net-
works, a cell is identified by its scrambling code. Therefore, you must indicate during the import process which
columns contain the scrambling code of cells and the scrambling code format (decimal or hexadecimal) used in
the file. Because a scrambling code can belong to several groups, you can also indicate from which group the
scrambling code has been selected.
You can import a single test mobile data file or several test mobile data files at the same time. If you regularly import test
mobile data files of the same format, you can create an import configuration. The import configuration contains information
that defines the structure of the data in the test mobile data file. By using the import configuration, you will not need to
define the data structure each time you import a new test mobile data file.
To import one or several test mobile data files:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Test Mobile Data folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Import from the context menu. The Open dialogue appears.
4. You can import one or several files. Select the file or files you want to open.

Note: If you are importing more than one file, you can select contiguous files by clicking the first
file you want to import, pressing SHIFT and clicking the last file you want to import. You
can select non-contiguous files by pressing CTRL and clicking each file you want to

5. Click Open. The Import of Measurement Files dialogue appears.

Note: Files with the extension PLN, as well as some FMT files (created with previous versions of
TEMS) are imported directly into Atoll; you will not be asked to define the data structure
using the Import of Measurement Files dialogue.

6. If you already have an import configuration defining the data structure of the imported file or files, you can select
it from the Configuration list on the Setup tab of the Import of Measurement Files dialogue. If you do not have
an import configuration, continue with step 7.
a. Under Configuration, select an import configuration from the Configuration list.
b. Continue with step 10.

• When importing a test mobile data path file, existing configurations are available in the Files of
type list of the Open dialogue, sorted according to their date of creation. After you have selected
a file and clicked Open, Atoll automatically proposes a configuration, if it recognises the exten-
sion. In case several configurations are associated with an extension, Atoll chooses the first
configuration in the list.
• The defined configurations are stored, by default, in the file "NumMeasINIFile.ini", located in the
directory where Atoll is installed. For more information on the NumMeasINIFile.ini file, see the
Administrator Manual.

7. Click the General tab. On the General tab, you can set the following parameters:
- Name: By default, Atoll names the new test mobile data path after the imported file. You can change this
name if desired.
- Under Receiver, set the Height of the receiver antenna and the Gain and Losses.
- Under Measurement Conditions,
- Units: Select the measurement units used.
- Coordinates: By default, Atoll imports the coordinates using the display system of the Atoll document.
If the coordinates used in the file you are importing are different than the coordinates used in the Atoll

document, you must click the Browse button ( ) and select the coordinate system used in the test
mobile data file. Atoll will then convert the data imported to the coordinate system used in the Atoll docu-
8. Click the Setup tab (see Figure 7.139).

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

Figure 7.139: The Setup tab of the Import of Measurement Files dialogue

a. Under File, enter the number of the 1st Measurement Row, select the data Separator, and select the Dec-
imal Symbol used in the file.
b. Click Setup to link file columns and internal Atoll fields. The Test Mobile Data Configuration dialogue ap-
c. Select the columns in the imported file that give the X-Coordinates and the Y-Coordinates of each point in
the test mobile data file.

Note: You can also identify the columns containing the XY coordinates of each point in the test
mobile data file by selecting them from the Field row of the table on the Setup tab.

d. In the SC Group Identifier box, enter a string that must be found in the column names identifying the scram-
bling code group of scanned cells. For example, if the string "SC_Group" is found in the column names iden-
tifying the scrambling code group of scanned cells, enter it here. Atoll will then search for columns with this
string in the column name.
If there is no scrambling code group information contained in the test mobile data file, leave the SC Group
Identifier box empty.

e. In the SC Identifier box, enter a string that must be found in the column names identifying the scrambling code
of scanned cells. For example, if the string "SC" is found in the column names identifying the scrambling code
of scanned cells, enter it here. Atoll will then search for columns with this string in the column name.
f. From the SC Format list, select the scrambling code format, either "Decimal" or "Hexadecimal."
g. Click OK to close the Test Mobile Data Configuration dialogue.

• If you have correctly entered the information under File on the Setup tab, and the necessary
values in the Test Mobile Data Configuration dialogue, Atoll should recognize all columns in
the imported file. If not, you can click the name of the column in the table in the Field row and
select the column name. For each field, you must ensure that each column has the correct data
type in order for the data to be correctly interpreted. The default value under Type is "<Ignore>".
If a column is marked with "<Ignore>", it will not be imported.
• The data in the file must be structured so that the columns identifying the scrambling code group
and the scrambling code are placed before the data columns for each cell. Otherwise Atoll will
not be able to properly import the file.

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Atoll User Manual

9. If you wish to save the definition of the data structure so that you can use it again, you can save it as an import
a. On the Setup tab, under Configuration, click Save. The Configuration dialogue appears.
b. By default, Atoll saves the configuration in a special file called "NumMeasINIfile.ini" found in Atoll’s installa-
tion folder. In case you cannot write into that folder, you can click Browse to choose a different location.
c. Enter a Configuration Name and an Extension of the files that this import configuration will describe (for ex-
ample, "*.csv").
d. Click OK.
Atoll will now select this import configuration automatically every time you import a test mobile data path file
with the selected extension. If you import a file with the same structure but a different extension, you will be
able to select this import configuration from the Configuration list.

• You do not have to complete the import procedure to save the import configuration and have it
available for future use.
• When importing a CW measurement file, you can expand the NumMeasINIfile.ini file by clicking
the button ( ) in front of the file in the Setup part to display all the available import configura-
tions. When selecting the appropriate configuration, the associations are automatically made in
the table at the bottom of the dialogue.
• You can delete an existing import configuration by selecting the import configuration under
Setup and clicking the Delete button.

10. Click Import, if you are only importing a single file, or Import All, if you are importing more than one file. The
mobile data are imported into the current Atoll document.

7.4.2 Displaying Test Mobile Data

When you have imported the test mobile data into the current Atoll document, you can display it in the map window. Then,
you can select individual test mobile data points to see information about the active set at that location.
To display information about a single test mobile data point:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Select the display check box beside the test mobile data you want to display in the map window. The test mobile
data is displayed.
4. Click and hold the test mobile data point on which you want active set information. Atoll displays an arrow pointing
towards the serving cells (see Figure 7.141 on page 288), with a number identifying the server as numbered in the
test mobile data. If the transmitter display type is "Automatic," both the number and the arrow are displayed in the
same colour as the transmitter. For information on changing the display type to "Automatic," see "Defining the Dis-
play Type" on page 23.

7.4.3 Defining the Display of a Test Mobile Data Path

You can manage the display of test mobile data paths using the Display dialogue. The points on a test mobile data path
can be displayed according to any available attribute. You can also use the Display dialogue to manage permanent labels
on the map, tooltips and the legend. In other words, the display of measurement path are managed in the same way as
sites, transmitters, etc.
To display the Display tab of a test mobile data path’s Properties dialogue:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data path whose display you want to manage. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu,
5. Click the Display tab.
Each point can be displayed by a unique attribute or according to:
• a text or integer attribute (discrete value)
• a numerical value (value interval).
In addition, you can display points by more than one criterion at a time using the Multiple Shadings option in the Display
Type list. When you select Multiple Shadings from the Display Type list, a dialogue opens in which you can define the
following display for each single point of the measurement path:
• a symbol according to any attribute
• a symbol colour according to any attribute
• a symbol size according to any attribute

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

You can, for example, display a signal level in a certain colour, choose a symbol type for Transmitter 1 (a circle, triangle,
cross, etc.) and a symbol size according to the altitude.

• Fast Display forces Atoll to use the lightest symbol to display the points. This is particularly
useful when you have a very large number of points.
• You can not use Multiple Shadings if the Fast Display check box has been selected.
• You can sort test mobile data paths in alphabetical order on the Data tab of the Explorer
window by right-clicking the Test Mobile Data Path folder and selecting Sort
Alphabetically from the context menu.
• You can export the display settings of a test mobile data path in a configuration file to make
them available for future use. You can export the display settings or import display settings
by clicking the Actions button on the Display tab of the test mobile data path’s Properties
dialogue and selecting Export or Import from the menu.

7.4.4 Network Verification

The imported test mobile data is used to verify the UMTS HSPA network. To improve the relevance of the data, Atoll
allows you to filter out incompatible or inaccurate points. You can then use the data for coverage predictions, either by
comparing the imported measurements with previously calculated coverage predictions, or by creating new coverage
predictions using the imported test mobile data.
In this section, the following are explained:
• "Filtering Incompatible Points Along Test Mobile Data Paths" on page 285
• "Creating Coverage Predictions from Test Mobile Data Paths" on page 286
• "Extracting a Field From a Test Mobile Path for a Transmitter" on page 287
• "Analysing Data Variations Along the Path" on page 288. Filtering Incompatible Points Along Test Mobile Data Paths

When using a test mobile data path, some measured points may present values that are too far outside of the median
values to be useful in calibration. As well, test paths may include test points in areas that are not representative of the test
mobile data path as a whole. For example, a test path that includes two heavily populated areas might also include test
points from the more lightly populated region between the two.
In Atoll, you can filter out points that are incompatible with the points you are studying, either by filtering out the clutter
classes where the incompatible points are located, or by filtering out points according to their properties.
To filter out incompatible points by clutter class:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data from which you want to filter incompatible points. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Filter tab.
6. By default, the data in all clutter classes is displayed. Clear the check box of each clutter class whose points you
do not want to use.

Note: You can permanently delete the points located in the clutter classes whose check boxes
you clear by selecting the Delete points outside the filter check box.

7. Click OK to apply the filter and close the dialogue.

To filter out incompatible points using a filter:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data from which you want to filter incompatible points. The context menu appears.
4. Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties dialogue appears.
5. Click the Filter tab.
6. Click More. The Filter dialogue appears.
7. Click the Filter tab:
a. Select a Field from the list.
b. Under Values to Include, you will find all the values represented in the selected field. Select the check boxes
next to the values you want to include in the filter. Click Clear All to clear all check boxes.
8. Click the Advanced tab:
a. In the Column row, select the name of the column to be filtered on from the list. Select as many columns as
you want (see Figure 7.140).

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Atoll User Manual

Figure 7.140: The Filter dialogue - Advanced tab

b. Underneath each column name, enter the criteria on which the column will be filtered as explained in the fol-
lowing table:

Formula Data are kept in the table only if

=X value equal to X (X may be a number or characters)
<> X value not equal to X (X may be a number or characters)
<X numerical value is less than X
>X numerical value is greater than X
<=X numerical value is less than or equal to X
>=X numerical value is greater than or equal to X
*X* text objects which contain X
*X text objects which end with X
X* text objects which start with X

9. Click OK to filter the data according to the criteria you have defined.
Filters are combined first horizontally, then vertically. For more information on filters, see "Advanced Data Filtering"
on page 59.

10. Click OK to apply the filter and close the dialogue.

Note: The Refresh Geo Data option available in the context menu of Test Mobile Data paths ena-
bles you to update heights (Alt DTM, Clutter height, DTM+Clutter) and the clutter class of
test mobile data points after adding new geographic maps or modifying existing ones. Creating Coverage Predictions from Test Mobile Data Paths

You can create the following coverage predictions for all transmitters on each point of a test mobile data path:
• Pilot signal level and coverage by signal level
• Pilot reception analysis (Ec⁄I0), service area (Eb⁄Nt) downlink, and service area (Eb⁄Nt) uplink.
To create a coverage prediction along a test mobile data path:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data to which you want to add a coverage prediction. The context menu appears.
4. Select Calculations > Create a New Study from the context menu. The Study Types dialogue appears.
5. Under Standard Studies, select one of the following coverage predictions and click OK:
- Coverage by Signal Level: Click the Condition tab.
- At the top of the Condition tab, you can set the range of signal level to be calculated. Under Server, you
can select whether to calculate the signal level from all transmitters, or only the best or second-best signal.
If you choose to calculate the best or second-best signal, you can enter a Margin. If you select the Shad-
owing taken into account check box, you can change the Cell Edge Coverage Probability. You can
select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter class.
Finally, you can select the Carrier to be studied.
- Pilot Reception Analysis (Ec⁄I0): Click the Condition tab.
- On the Condition tab, you can select which Simulation to study. Or you can select a group of simulations
and either select All to perform an average analysis of all simulations in the group based on a Probability
(between 0 and 1) or select Average to perform statistical analysis of all simulations.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- If you want to perform the coverage prediction without a simulation, you can select "(None)" from Simu-
lation. In this case, Atoll calculates the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total
power defined in the cell properties.
- You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on
page 224. You must also select which Carrier is to be considered.
- If you want the pilot signal quality prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shadowing taken
into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability text box.
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Downlink: Click the Condition tab.
- On the Condition tab, you can select which Simulation to study. Or you can select a group of simulations
and either select All to perform an average analysis of all simulations in the group based on a Probability
(between 0 and 1) or select Average to perform statistical analysis of all simulations.
- If you want to perform the coverage prediction without a simulation, you can select "(None)" from Simu-
lation. In this case, Atoll calculates the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total
power defined in the cell properties.
- You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on
page 224. You must also select which Carrier is to be considered.
- If you want the service area (Eb/Nt) coverage prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shad-
owing taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability
text box.
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
- Service Area (Eb⁄Nt) Uplink: Click the Condition tab.
- On the Condition tab, you can select which Simulation to study. Or you can select a group of simulations
and either select All to perform an average analysis of all simulations in the group based on a Probability
(between 0 and 1) or select Average to perform statistical analysis of all simulations.
- If you want to perform the coverage prediction without a simulation, you can select "(None)" from Simu-
lation. In this case, Atoll calculates the coverage prediction using the UL load factor and the DL total
power defined in the cell properties.
- You must select a Terminal, Service, and Mobility, as defined in "Service and User Modelling" on
page 224. You must also select which Carrier is to be considered.
- If you want the service area (Eb/Nt) coverage prediction to consider shadowing, you can select the Shad-
owing taken into account check box and enter a percentage in the Cell Edge Coverage Probability
text box.
- You can select the Indoor Coverage check box to add indoor losses. Indoor losses are defined per clutter
6. When you have finished setting the parameters for the coverage prediction, click OK.
You can create a new coverage prediction by repeating the procedure from step 1. to step 6. for each new cover-
age prediction.
7. When you have finished creating new coverage predictions for these test mobile data, right-click the test mobile
data. The context menu appears.
8. Select Calculations > Calculate All the Studies from the context menu.
A new column for each coverage prediction is added in the table for the test mobile data. The column contains the
predicted values of the selected parameters for the transmitter. The propagation model used is the one assigned
to the transmitter for the main matrix (for information on the propagation model, see Chapter 5: Managing Calcu-
lations in Atoll).

You can display the information in these new columns in the Test Mobile Data window. For more information on
the Test Mobile Data window, see "Analysing Data Variations Along the Path" on page 288. Extracting a Field From a Test Mobile Path for a Transmitter

You can extract a specific field for a specific transmitter on each point of an existing test mobile data path. The extracted
information will be added to a new column in the table for the test mobile data.
To extract a field from a test mobile path:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data from which you want to extract a field. The context menu appears.
4. Select Focus on a Transmitter from the context menu. The Field Select for a Given Transmitter dialogue
5. Select a transmitter from the On the Transmitter list.
6. Click the For the Fields list. The list opens.
7. Select the check box beside the field you want to extract for the selected transmitter.

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Atoll User Manual

Note: Atoll can display the best server and up to six other servers in the active set. If you want to
display for example, the point signal level, remember to select the check box for the point
signal level for all servers in the For the Fields list. The new column will then display the
point signal level for the selected transmitter for all servers if a value exists.

8. Click OK. Atoll creates a new column in the test mobile path data table for the selected transmitters and with the
selected values. Analysing Data Variations Along the Path

In Atoll, you can analyse variations in data along any test mobile data path using the Test Mobile Data window. You can
also use the Test Mobile Data window to see which cell is the serving cell for a given test point.
To analyse data variations using the Test Mobile Data window.
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data you want to analyse. The context menu appears.
4. Select Open the Analysis Tool from the context menu. The Test Mobile Data window appears (see
Figure 7.141).

Figure 7.141: The Test Mobile Data window

5. Click Display at the top of the Test Mobile Data window. The Display Parameters dialogue appears (see
Figure 7.142).

Figure 7.142: The Test Mobile Data window

6. In the Display Parameters dialogue:

- Select the check box next to any field you want to display in the Test Mobile Data window.

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Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- If you wish, you can change the display colour by clicking the colour in the Colour column and selecting a new
colour from the palette that appears.
- Click OK to close the Display Parameters dialogue.

Note: You can change the display status or the colour of more than one field at a time. You can
select contiguous fields by clicking the first field, pressing SHIFT and clicking the last field
you want to import. You can select non-contiguous fields by pressing CTRL and clicking
each field. You can then change the display status or the colour by right-clicking on the
selected fields and selecting the choice from the context menu.

The selected fields are displayed in the Test Mobile Data window.

7. You can display the data in the test mobile path in two ways:
- Click the values in the Test Mobile Data window.
- Click the points on the test mobile path in the map window.
The test mobile data path appears in the map window as an arrow pointing towards the serving cell, with a number
identifying the best server (see Figure 7.141 on page 288). If the transmitter display type is "Automatic," both the
number and the arrow are displayed in the same colour as the transmitter. For information on changing the display
type to "Automatic," see "Defining the Display Type" on page 23.

8. You can display a second Y-axis on the right side of the window in order to display the values of a variable with
different orders of magnitude than the ones selected in the Display Parameters dialogue. You can select the sec-
ondary Y-axis from the right-hand list on the top of the Test Mobile Data window. The selected values are dis-
played in the colours defined for this variable in the Display Parameters dialogue.
9. You can change the zoom level of the Test Mobile Data window display in the Test Mobile Data window in the
following ways:
- Zoom in or out:
i. Right-click the Test Mobile Data window.
ii. Select Zoom In or Zoom Out from the context menu.
- Select the data to zoom in on:
i. Right-click the Test Mobile Data window on one end of the range of data you want to zoom in on.
ii. Select First Zoom Point from the context menu.
iii. Right-click the Test Mobile Data window on the other end of the range of data you want to zoom in on.
iv. Select Last Zoom Point from the context menu. The Test Mobile Data window zooms in on the data be-
tween the first zoom point and the last zoom point.
10. Click the data in the Test Mobile Data window to display the selected point in the map window. Atoll will recentre
the map window on the selected point if it is not presently visible.

Tip: If you open the table for the test mobile data you are displaying in the Test Mobile Data
window, Atoll will automatically display in the table the data for the point that is displayed in
the map and in the Test Mobile Data window (see Figure 7.141 on page 288).

7.4.5 Printing and Exporting the Test Mobile Data Window

You can print or export the contents of the Test Mobile Data window, using the context menu in the Test Mobile Data
To print or export the contents of the Test Mobile Data window:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the Test Mobile Data folder.
3. Right-click the test mobile data you want to analyse. The context menu appears.
4. Select Open the Analysis Tool from the context menu. The Test Mobile Data window appears (see Figure 7.141
on page 288).
5. Define the display parameters and zoom level as explained in "Analysing Data Variations Along the Path" on
page 288.
6. Right-click the Test Mobile Data window. The context menu appears.
To export the Test Mobile Data window:

a. Select Copy from the context menu.

b. Open the document into which you want to paste the contents of the Test Mobile Data window.
c. Paste the contents of the Test Mobile Data window into the new document.

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Atoll User Manual

To print the Test Mobile Data window:

a. Select Print from the context menu. The Print dialogue appears.
b. Click OK to print the contents of the Test Mobile Data window.

7.5 Advanced Configuration

In this section, the following advanced configuration options are explained:
• "Defining Inter-Carrier Interference" on page 290
• "Defining Frequency Bands" on page 290
• "The Global Transmitter Parameters" on page 291
• "Site Equipment" on page 293
• "Conditions for Entering the Active Set" on page 296
• "Modelling Shadowing" on page 297.

7.5.1 Defining Inter-Carrier Interference

If you want Atoll to take into account the interference between two carriers, you must create a carrier pair with an interfer-
ence reduction factor. Atoll will take the interference reduction factor into account on both the uplink and the downlink.
To create a pair of carriers with an interference reduction factor:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Frequency Bands > Interference Reduction Factors from the context menu. The Inter-Carrier Interfer-
ence Reduction Factor table appears.
4. For each carrier pair for which you want define inter-carrier interference:
a. Enter the first carrier of the pair in the 1st Carrier column.
b. Enter the second carrier of the pair in the 2nd Carrier column.
c. Enter an interference reduction factor in the Reduction Factor (dB) column. When Atoll is calculating inter-
ference, it subtracts the interference reduction factor from the calculated interference. If the interference re-
duction factor is set to "0," Atoll assumes that the carriers in the defined pair generate as much interference
as cells with the same carrier interference.

Important: The interference reduction factor must be a positive value.

For every pair of carriers that is not defined, Atoll assumes that there is no inter-carrier interference.

d. Press ENTER to create the carrier pair and to create a new row in the table.

7.5.2 Defining Frequency Bands

To define frequency bands:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Frequency Bands > Open Table from the context menu.
4. In the table, enter one frequency band per row. For information on working with data tables, see "Working with
Data Tables" on page 39. For each frequency band, enter:
- Name: Enter a name for the frequency, for example, "Band 2100." This name will appear in other dialogues
when you select a frequency band.
- Average Frequency (MHz): Enter the average frequency.
- First Carrier: Enter the number of the first carrier in this frequency band.
- Last Carrier: Enter the number of the last carrier in this frequency band. If this frequency band has only one
carrier, enter the same number as entered in the First Carrier field.

Important: When you have more than one frequency band, the carriers must be numbered sequen-
tially, contiguously (i.e., you cannot skip numbers in a range of carriers, and the range of
carriers in one band cannot overlap the range of carriers in another), and uniquely (i.e., you
can only use each number once).
For example:
Band 2100: First carrier: 0; Last carrier 1 and Band 900: First carrier: 2 and Last carrier: 2

- Spreading Width (MHz): Enter the width, in MHz, that this frequency band will cover.
5. When you have finished adding frequency bands, click Close.

290 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

7.5.3 The Global Transmitter Parameters

On the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue, you can define many network parameters that
are used in UMTS power control simulations. Many parameters are used as default values for all transmitters.
This section explains the options available on the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue, and
explains how to access the tab:
• "The Options on the Global Parameters Tab" on page 291
• "Modifying Global Transmitter Parameters" on page 291. The Options on the Global Parameters Tab

The Global Parameters tab has the following options:
• DL Power: Under DL Power, you can define whether the power values on the downlink are Absolute or Relative
to Pilot. The power values affected are the synchronisation channel and other common channel powers defined
in the cell properties, as well as the minimum and maximum traffic channel powers per R99 radio bearer.
• Interferences: Under Interferences, you can define the parameters used to calculate interference on the down-
link: the orthogonality factor, and the method used to calculate I0 and Nt.
- Default Ortho. Factor: The default orthogonality factor (between 0 and 1) enables you to take into account
the non-orthogonality of OVSF codes caused by multipath.
- I0: You can select "Total noise" and Atoll will calculate I0 using the noise generated by all transmitters plus
thermal noise or you can select "Without pilot" and Atoll will calculate I0 using the total noise less the pilot
signal and orthogonal part of traffic channels and other common channels.
- Nt: You can select "Total noise" and Atoll will calculate Nt as the noise generated by all transmitters plus
thermal noise or you can select "Without useful signal" and Atoll will calculate Nt as the total noise less the
signal of the studied cell.
• Handoff: Under Handoff, you can define the parameters used to model soft handoff on the uplink.
- Default UL Macro-Diversity Gain: You can set a default value for the uplink gain due to macro-diversity on
soft and soft-soft handovers. If you clear the Shadowing taken into account check box on the Condition tab
when defining a coverage prediction or during a point analysis, Atoll uses this value. If you select the Shad-
owing taken into account check box on the Condition tab, Atoll calculates the UL macro-diversity gain,
based on the standard deviation value of Eb⁄Nt on the uplink defined per clutter class.
- +MRC in Softer/Soft: If you select the +MRC (maximal ratio combining) in Softer/Soft check box, Atoll
selects the serving cell during a softer/soft handover by recombining the signal of co-site transmitters and mul-
tiplying the resulting signal by the rake efficiency factor and then comparing this value to the signal received
at transmitters located on the other sites of the active set. Atoll chooses the greatest value and multiplies it
by the macro-diversity gain.
• Compressed Mode: Under Compressed Mode, you can define the parameters related to compressed mode.
Compressed mode is used when a mobile supporting compressed mode is connected to a cell located on a site
with a compressed-mode-capable equipment and either the pilot RSCP, or the received Ec⁄I0, or both of them are
lower than the defined activation thresholds.
- RSCP Activation Threshold: You can select the RSCP Active check box and enter a RSCP Activation
- Ec⁄I0 Activation Threshold: You can select the Ec⁄I0 Active check box and enter a Ec⁄I0 Activation

Note: You must select either the RSCP Active check box or the Ec⁄I0 Active check box or both.

- Eb⁄Nt UL and DL Target Increase: When compressed mode is activated, Eb⁄Nt requirements in UL and DL
are increased. In order to take this into account, Atoll adds UL and DL Eb⁄Nt target increase values to the UL
and DL Eb⁄Nt requirements set for each radio bearer.
• HSDPA: Under HSDPA, you can define how total noise is calculated and how the CQI (Channel Quality Indicator)
is evaluated for HSDPA.
- Nt: You can select "Total noise" and Atoll will calculate Nt as the noise generated by all transmitters plus
thermal noise or you can select "Without useful signal" and Atoll will calculate Nt as the total noise less the
signal of the studied cell.
- CQI: You can select “Based on CPICH quality” and Atoll will measure the CQI based on the pilot Ec⁄Nt or you
can select “Based on HS-PDSCH quality” and Atoll will measure the CQI based on the HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt.
Depending on the option selected, you will have to define either a CQI=f(CPICH Ec/Nt) graph, or a CQI=f(HS-
PDSCH Ec/Nt) graph in the Properties dialogue of the terminal equipment. The calculated CQI will be used
to determine the best bearer. Modifying Global Transmitter Parameters

You can change global transmitter parameters on the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue.
To change global transmitter parameters:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Transmitters folder. The context menu appears.

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Atoll User Manual

3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Transmitters Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Global Parameters tab.
5. Modify the parameters described in "The Options on the Global Parameters Tab" on page 291.
6. Click OK.

7.5.4 Radio Bearers

Bearer services are used by the network for carrying information. In this section, the following are explained:
• "Defining R99 Radio Bearers" on page 292
• "Defining HSDPA Radio Bearers" on page 293
• "Defining HSUPA Radio Bearers" on page 293. Defining R99 Radio Bearers

Bearer services are used by the network for carrying information. The R99 Radio Bearer table lists all the available radio
bearers. You can create new R99 radio bearers and modify existing ones by using the R99 Radio Bearer table.
Only the following R99 radio bearer parameters are used in predictions:
• Max TCH Power (dBm)
• UL and DL Target (dB) per mobility
• The type of bearer.
To create or modify an R99 radio bearer:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Services folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select R99 Radio Bearer from the context menu. The R99 Radio Bearer table appears.
5. In the R99 Radio Bearer table, you can enter or modify the following fields:
- Name: You can modify the name of the bearer. If you are creating a new R99 radio bearer, enter a name in
the row marked with the New Row icon ( ).
- Nominal Uplink Rate (Kbps): Enter or modify the nominal uplink rate in kilobytes per second.
- Nominal Downlink Rate (Kbps): Enter or modify the nominal downlink rate in kilobytes per second.
- Type: Select or modify the service type. There are four classes: Conversational, Streaming, Interactive, and
Background. This field corresponds to the QoS (quality of service) class or traffic class that the bearer will
belong to.
- UL DPCCH/DPCH Power Ratio: Enter or modify the uplink DPCCH (Dedicated Physical Control Channel)/
DPCH (Dedicated Physical Channel) power ratio. The DPCH power is the combination of the DPCCH and the
DPDCH (Dedicated Physical Data Channel) power.
- DL DPCCH/DPCH Power Ratio: Enter or modify the downlink DPCCH (Dedicated Physical Control Channel)/
DPCH (Dedicated Physical Channel) power ratio.
- DL Spreading Factor (Active Users): Enter or modify the downlink spreading factor for active users. This
parameter is used to estimate the number of OVSF codes required by an active user using the R99 radio
- DL Spreading Factor (Inactive Users): Enter or modify the downlink spreading factor for inactive users. This
parameter is used to estimate the number of OVSF codes required by an inactive user with the R99 radio
- Min. TCH Power (dBm): Enter or modify the minimum traffic channel power. The minimum and maximum
traffic channel power make up the dynamic range for downlink power control.
- Max TCH Power (dBm): Enter or modify the maximum traffic channel power.

Note: The maximum and minimum traffic channel powers can be either absolute values or values
relative to the pilot power; this depends on the option defined on the Global Parameters tab
of the Transmitters Properties dialogue.

6. When you have finished entering or modifying the R99 radio bearer parameters, double-click the row of the R99
radio bearer to open the bearer’s Properties dialogue. The Properties dialogue appears.
7. Click the Eb⁄Nt tab. On the Eb⁄Nt tab, you can define downlink and uplink Eb⁄Nt requirements. These are the
thresholds (in dB) that must be reached to provide users with the service. These parameters depend on the
mobility type and reception equipment; these parameters must be defined for each possible combination of
mobility type and reception equipment.
Using Transmission (Tx) and Reception (Rx) diversity results in a quality gain on received downlink and uplink
Eb⁄Nt. In Atoll, this is modelled by reducing the downlink and uplink Eb⁄Nt requirements. Therefore, in addition to
downlink and uplink Eb⁄Nt requirements, you can specify gains on received downlink and uplink Eb⁄Nt for each
possible diversity configuration. Atoll will consider them when Tx or Rx diversity configurations are assigned to

- Mobility: Select a mobility type from the list.

292 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

- Reception Equipment: Select a type of reception equipment from the list. You can create a new type of
reception equipment by opening the Reception Equipment table. To open the Reception Equipment table,
right-click the Terminals folder in the UMTS Parameters folder on the Data tab and select Reception Equip-
ment from the context menu.
- UL Target (dB): Enter or modify the uplink (Eb⁄Nt) threshold.
- Uplink 2RX Diversity Gain (dB): Enter or modify the two-receiver uplink diversity gain in dB.
- Uplink 4RX Diversity Gain (dB): Enter or modify the four-receiver uplink diversity gain in dB.
- DL Target (dB): Enter or modify the downlink (Eb⁄Nt) threshold.
- Downlink Open Loop Diversity Gain (dB): Enter or modify the downlink open loop diversity gain in dB.
- Downlink Closed Loop Diversity Gain (dB): Enter or modify the downlink closed loop diversity gain in dB.
8. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialogue. Defining HSDPA Radio Bearers

In each cell, the scheduler selects the HSDPA resource per UE and per TTI. This HSDPA resource is called a TFRC
(Transport Format Resource Combination) and is the set of parameters such as the transport format, the modulation
scheme, and the number of used HS-PDSCH channels. In Atoll, the TFRC are referred to as HSDPA radio bearers.
During a simulation, and for the HSDPA coverage prediction, Atoll selects a suitable HSDPA radio bearer and uses its
RLC peak rate. The HSDPA radio bearer selection is based on UE capabilities (maximum number of HS-PDSCH chan-
nels, transport block size, and whether it uses 16 QAM modulation), cell capabilities (maximum number of HS-PDSCH
channels), and reported CQI.
The HSDPA Radio Bearer table lists the available HSDPA radio bearers. You can create new HSDPA radio bearers and
modify existing ones by using the HSDPA Radio Bearer table.
To open the HSDPA Radio Bearer table:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Services folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select HSDPA Radio Bearer from the context menu. The HSDPA Radio Bearer table appears with the following
- Radio Bearer Index: The bearer index number.
- Transport Block Size (Bits): The transport block size in bits.
- Number of HS-PDSCH Channels Used: The number of HS-PDSCH channels used.
- 16QAM Modulation Used: The check box is selected if the HSDPA radio bearer uses 16QAM modulation. If
this option is not selected, Atoll assumes that QPSK modulation is used.
- RLC Peak Rate (bps): The RLC peak rate represents the peak rate without coding (redundancy, overhead,
addressing, etc.). Defining HSUPA Radio Bearers

In each cell, the scheduler selects the HSUPA resource per UE, per Node B, and per user service. This HSUPA resource
is called a TFC (Transport Format Combination) and requires a defined ratio of E-DPDCH power over DPCCH power. This
ratio is modelled as the required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt. The combination of the TFC and the power offset is modelled in Atoll
as HSUPA radio bearers.
During a simulation, and for the HSUPA coverage prediction, Atoll selects a suitable HSUPA radio bearer. The HSUPA
radio bearer selection is based on UE capabilities (maximum number of E-DPDCH codes, smallest spreading factor, and
TTI length) and the required E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt.
The HSUPA Radio Bearer table lists the available HSUPA radio bearers.
To open the HSUPA Radio Bearer table:
1. Click the Data tab of the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Services folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select HSUPA Radio Bearer from the context menu. The HSUPA Radio Bearer table appears:
- Radio Bearer Index: The bearer index number.
- TTI Duration (ms): The TTI duration in ms. The TTI can be 2 or 10 ms.
- Transport Block Size (Bits): The transport block size in bits.
- Number of E-DPDCH Codes: The number of E-DPDCH channels used.
- Minimum Spreading Factor: The minimum spreading factor used.
- RLC Peak Rate (bps): The RLC peak rate represents the peak rate without coding (redundancy, overhead,
addressing, etc.).

7.5.5 Site Equipment

In this section, the following are described:
• "Creating Site Equipment" on page 294
• "Defining Channel Element Consumption per UMTS Site Equipment and R99 Radio Bearer" on page 294.

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Atoll User Manual Creating Site Equipment

To create a new piece of UMTS site equipment:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Sites folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > Open Table from the context menu. The Equipment table appears.
4. In the Equipment table, each row describes a piece of equipment. For information on working with data tables,
see "Working with Data Tables" on page 39. For the new piece of UMTS equipment you are creating, enter the
- Name: The name you enter will be the one used to identify this piece of equipment.
- Manufacturer: The name of the manufacturer of this piece of equipment.
- MUD factor: Multi-User Detection (MUD) is a technology used to decrease intra-cell interference in the uplink.
MUD is modelled by a coefficient between 0 and 1; this factor is considered in the UL interference calculation.
In case MUD is not supported by equipment, enter 0 as value.
- Rake receiver efficiency factor: This factor enables Atoll to model the rake receiver on UL. Atoll uses this
factor to calculate the uplink SHO gain and uplink signal quality in simulations, point-to-point handover anal-
ysis and coverage studies. This parameter is considered in the uplink for softer and softer-softer handovers;
it is applied to the sum of signals received on the same site. The factor value can be between 0 and 1. It models
losses due to the imperfection of signal recombination.

Note: The rake efficiency factor used to model the recombination in downlink can be set in termi-
nal properties.

- Carrier selection: Carrier selection refers to the carrier selection method used during the transmitter admis-
sion control in the mobile active set. The selected strategy is used in simulations when no carrier is specified
in the properties of the service (all the carriers can be used for the service) or when the carrier specified for
the service is not used by the transmitter. On the other hand, the specified carrier selection mode is always
taken into account in predictions (AS analysis and coverage studies). Choose one of the following:
- UL min. noise: The carrier with the minimum UL noise (carrier with the lowest UL load factor) is selected.
- DL min. power: The carrier with the minimum DL total power is selected.
- Random: The carrier is randomly chosen.
- Sequential: Carriers are sequentially loaded. The first carrier is selected as long as it is not overloaded.
Then, when the maximum uplink load factor is reached, the second carrier is chosen and so on.
- Overhead uplink and downlink CEs: The overhead uplink and downlink channel elements (CEs) correspond
to the numbers of channel elements that a cell uses for common channels in the uplink and downlink. This
setting is also used for OVSF code allocation; it indicates the number of OVSF codes to be allocated to control
channels per cell.
- AS restricted to neighbours: Select this option if you want the other transmitters in the active set to belong
to the neighbour list of the best server.
- Compressed Mode: If you select this option, cells located on sites with this equipment are able to manage
compressed mode when radio conditions require it. Compressed mode is generally used to prepare the hard
handover of users with single receiver terminals.
5. Click the Close button ( ) to close the table. Defining Channel Element Consumption per UMTS Site Equipment and
R99 Radio Bearer
The number of channel elements consumed by a user depends on the site equipment, on the R99 radio bearer, and the
link direction (up or down). The number of channel elements consumed can be defined for UMTS simulations.
To define channel element consumption during UMTS simulations:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Sites folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Equipment > Channel Element Consumption from the context menu. The CE Consumption table
4. For each equipment-R99 radio bearer pair, enter in the CE Consumption table the number of UL and DL channel
elements that Atoll will consume during the power control simulation.
5. Click the Close button ( ) to close the table.

7.5.6 Receiver Equipment

In this section, the following are described:
• "Setting Receiver Height" on page 295
• "Creating or Modifying Reception Equipment" on page 295
• "HSDPA UE Categories" on page 296
• "HSUPA UE Categories" on page 296.

294 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks Setting Receiver Height

When you make UMTS coverage predictions, you can define the height of the receiver.
To define the height of the receiver:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Properties from the context menu. The Predictions Properties dialogue appears.
4. Click the Receiver tab.
5. Enter a receiver Height. This value will be used when calculating a UMTS coverage predictions and a point
6. Click OK. Creating or Modifying Reception Equipment

In Atoll, reception equipment is used when you create a terminal. The graphs defined for each reception equipment entry
are used for quality studies and for selecting HSDPA and HSUPA bearers.
To create or modify reception equipment:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Terminals folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select Reception Equipment from the context menu. The Reception Equipment table appears.
"Standard" is the default reception equipment type for all terminals.

5. Double-click the reception equipment type you want to modify. The reception equipment type’s Properties dia-
logue appears.

Note: You can create a new reception equipment type by entering a name in the row marked with
the New Row icon ( ) and pressing ENTER.

6. Click the Quality Graphs tab.

7. Ensure that a Quality Indicator has been chosen for each R99 Bearer. You can edit the values in the DL and UL
Quality Indicator Tables by clicking directly on the table entry, or by selecting the Quality Indicator and clicking
the Downlink Quality Graphs or the Uplink Quality Graphs buttons.
The DL and UL Quality Indicator tables describe the variation of the quality indicator as a function of the meas-
ured parameter (as defined in the Quality Indicators table). The Uplink and Downlink Quality Graphs are used
for quality studies. If no Mobility is entered, the values in the quality graphs are used for all mobility types.
8. Click the HSDPA Bearer Selection tab.
9. Ensure that the values for each Mobility in the CQI Table and the Best HSDPA Bearer Table have been entered.
You can edit the values in the CQI Table and the Best HSDPA Bearer Table by clicking directly on the table entry,
or by selecting the Mobility and clicking the CQI Graph or the Best Bearer Graph buttons.
The CQI table describes the variation of the CPICH CQI as a function of the CPICH Ec/Nt (or the variation of HS-
PDSCH CQI as a function of the HS-PDSCH Ec/Nt); the values displayed depend on the calculation parameter
you have selected in the Global Parameters tab of the Transmitters Properties dialogue (for more information,
see "The Options on the Global Parameters Tab" on page 291).

The Best HSDPA Bearer table describes the index of the best HSDPA bearer as a function of the HS-PDSCH

The CQI graphs and best bearer graphs are used in the simulation and in the HSDPA prediction study to model
fast link adaptation (selection of the HSDPA bearer).

The supplier RRM (radio resource management) strategy can be taken into account using the Best HSDPA
Bearer table, for example:

- You can define several pieces of reception equipment with a separate table for each. You can reserve low
bearer indexes for poor-performance reception equipment and higher bearer indexes for high-performance
- You can specify a graph for each mobility. Here, you can reserve low bearer indexes for high speeds and
higher bearer indexes for low speeds.
- You can also give priority to either one user by assigning him a high bearer index or to all users by assigning
them low bearer indexes.
10. Click the HSDPA Quality Graphs tab.
11. Ensure that a Quality Indicator has been chosen for each Radio Bearer Index. You can edit the values in the
DL Quality Indicator Table by clicking directly on the table entry, or by selecting the Quality Indicator and
clicking the Downlink Quality Graph button.

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Atoll User Manual

The Downlink Quality table describes the variation of the BLER as a function of the HS-PDSCH Ec⁄Nt. It is used
to calculate the application throughput for the HSDPA coverage prediction. If no Mobility is entered, the values in
the quality graphs are used for all mobility types.

12. Click the HSUPA Bearer Selection tab.

13. Ensure that, for each Radio Bearer Index and Mobility pair, you have entered a value for the Number of
Retransmissions and for the Requested Ec⁄Nt Threshold.
The values are used in the simulation and in the HSUPA prediction to model noise rise scheduling and in the selec-
tion of the HSUPA radio bearer.

Early Termination Probabilities is intended for future use; it is not at present used by Atoll.

14. Click the HSUPA Quality Graphs tab.

15. Ensure that a Quality Indicator has been chosen for each Radio Bearer Index and that there is a value defined
for the Number of Retransmissions. You can edit the values in the UL Quality Indicator Table by clicking
directly on the table entry, or by selecting the Quality Indicator and clicking the Uplink Quality Graph button.
The Uplink Quality table describes the variation of the BLER as a function of the E-DPDCH Ec⁄Nt. It is used to
calculate the application throughput for the HSUPA coverage prediction. If no Mobility is entered, the values in
the quality graphs are used for all mobility types.

16. Click OK to close the reception equipment type’s Properties dialogue. HSDPA UE Categories

HSDPA user equipment capabilities are standardised into 12 different categories according to 3GPP specifications.
To edit a UE category:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Terminals folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select HSDPA User Equipment Categories from the context menu. The HSDPA User Equipment Categories
table appears.
5. The HSDPA User Equipment Categories table has the following columns:
- Category: The number identifying the HSDPA UE category.
- Max. Number of HS-PDSCH Channels: The maximum number of HS-PDSCH channels allowed for the cat-
- Min. Number of TTI Between Two TTI Used: The minimum number of TTI (Transmission Time Interval)
between two TTI used.
- Max. Transport Block Size (bits): The maximum transport block size allowed for the category.
- 16QAM Modulation: Select the check box if the category supports 16QAM modulation. If 16QAM modulation
is not selected, QPSK is used. HSUPA UE Categories

HSUPA user equipment capabilities are standardised into 6 different categories according to 3GPP specifications.
To edit a UE category:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Click the Expand button ( ) to expand the UMTS Parameters folder.
3. Right-click the Terminals folder. The context menu appears.
4. Select HSUPA User Equipment Categories from the context menu. The HSUPA User Equipment Categories
table appears.
5. The HSUPA User Equipment Categories table has the following columns:
- Category: The number identifying the HSUPA UE category.
- Max Number of E-DPDCH Codes: The maximum number of E-DPDCH codes allowed for the category.
- TTI 2 ms: Select the check box if a TTI of 2 ms is supported. If a 2 ms TTI is not selected, a 10 ms TTI is used.
- Min Spreading Factor: Enter the minimum spreading factor supported.
- Max Block Size for a 2 ms TTI (bits): The maximum transport block size allowed for a 2 ms TTI.
- Max Block Size for a 10 ms TTI (bits): The maximum transport block size allowed for a 10 ms TTI.

7.5.7 Conditions for Entering the Active Set

The mobile active set is the list of the transmitters to which the mobile is connected. The active set may consist of one or
more transmitters; depending on whether the service supports soft handover and on the terminal active set size. Trans-
mitters in the mobile active set must use a frequency band with which the terminal is compatible.
It is, however, the quality of the pilot (Ec⁄I0) that finally determines whether or not a transmitter can belong to the active set.

296 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008

Chapter 7: UMTS HSPA Networks

In order for a given transmitter to enter the mobile active set as best server, the pilot quality from this transmitter must
exceed an upper threshold defined in the properties of the mobility type. In addition, the pilot quality must be the highest
In order for a transmitter to enter the active set:
• It must use the same carrier as the best server transmitter. In Atoll, carriers are modelled using cells. For infor-
mation on accessing cell properties, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on page 191. For a description of the prop-
erties of a cell, see "Cell Definition" on page 188.
• The pilot quality difference between the cell and the best server must not exceed the AS-threshold set per cell.
For information on accessing the AS threshold defined for a given cell, see "Creating or Modifying a Cell" on
page 191.
• If you have selected to restrict the active set to neighbours, the transmitter must be a neighbour of the best server.
You can restrict the active set to neighbours by selecting the AS Restricted to Neighbours option in the Site
Equipment table. For an explanation of how to set the AS Restricted to Neighbours option, see "Creating Site
Equipment" on page 294.
The active set for HSDPA users is different in the following way: HSDPA physical channels do not support soft handover,
therefore the user is never connected to more than one transmitter at a time.

7.5.8 Modelling Shadowing

Shadowing, or slow fading, is signal loss along a path that is caused by obstructions not taken into consideration by the
propagation model. Even when a receiver remains in the same location or in the same clutter class, there are variations
in reception due to the surrounding environment.
Normally, the signal received at any given point is spread on a gaussian curve around an average value and a specific
standard deviation. If the propagation model is correctly calibrated, the average of the results it gives should be correct.
In other words, in 50% of the measured cases, the result will be greater and in 50% of the measured cases, the result will
be worse.
Atoll uses a model standard deviation with the defined cell edge coverage probability to model the effect of shadowing
and thereby create coverage predictions that are reliable more than fifty percent of the time. The additional losses or gains
caused by shadowing are known as the shadowing margin. The shadowing margin is added to the path losses calculated
by the propagation model.
For example, a properly calibrated propagation model calculates a loss leading to a signal level of -70 dBm. You have set
a cell edge coverage probability of 85%. If the calculated shadowing margin is 7 dB for a specific point, the target signal
will be equal to or greater than -77 dBm 85% of the time.
In UMTS projects, the standard deviation of the propagation model is used to calculate shadowing margins on signal
levels. You can also calculate shadowing margins on Ec⁄I0 and Eb⁄Nt values and the macro-diversity gain. For information
on setting the model standard deviation and the Ec⁄I0 and Eb⁄Nt standard deviations for each clutter class or for all clutter
classes, see "Defining Clutter Class Properties" on page 102.
Shadowing can be taken into consideration when Atoll calculates the signal level, Ec⁄I0, and Eb⁄Nt for:
• A point analysis (see "Making a Point Analysis to Study the Profile" on page 203)
• A coverage prediction (see "Studying Signal Level Coverage" on page 204).
Atoll always takes shadowing into consideration when calculating a Monte-Carlo-based UMTS simulation.
You can display the shadowing margins and the macro-diversity gain per clutter class. For information, see "Displaying
the Shadowing Margins and Macro-diversity Gain per Clutter Class" on page 297. Displaying the Shadowing Margins and Macro-diversity Gain per Clutter
To display the shadowing margins and macro-diversity gain per clutter class:
1. Click the Data tab in the Explorer window.
2. Right-click the Predictions folder. The context menu appears.
3. Select Shadowing Margins from the context menu. The Shadowing Margins and Gains dialogue appears (see
Figure 7.143).
4. You can set the following parameters:
- Cell Edge Coverage Probability: Enter the probability of coverage at the edge of the cell. The value you enter
in this dialogue is for information only.
- Standard Deviation: Select the type of standard deviation to be used to calculate the shadowing margin or
macro-diversity gains:
- From Model: The model standard deviation. Atoll will display the shadowing margin of the signal level.
- Ec⁄I0: The Ec⁄I0 standard deviation. Atoll will display the Ec⁄I0 shadowing margin and the resulting DL pilot
macro-diversity gains. The macro-diversity gains will be calculated using the values you enter in 1st - 2nd
Best Signal Difference and 2nd - 3rd Best Signal Difference.
- UL Eb⁄Nt: The Eb⁄Nt UL standard deviation. Atoll will display the Eb⁄Nt UL shadowing margin and the
resulting UL macro-diversity gains. The macro-diversity gains will be calculated using the values you enter
in 1st - 2nd Best Signal Difference and 2nd - 3rd Best Signal Difference.
- DL Eb⁄Nt: The Eb⁄Nt DL standard deviation. Atoll will display the Eb⁄Nt DL shadowing margin.

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Atoll User Manual

5. If you select "Ec⁄I0" or "Eb⁄Nt UL" as the standard deviation under Standard Deviation, you can enter the differ-
ences that will be used to calculate the macro-diversity gain under Macro-Diversity Parameters:
- 1st - 2nd Best Signal Difference: If you selected "Ec⁄I0" as the standard deviation under Standard Devia-
tion, enter the allowed Ec⁄I0 difference between the best server and the second one. This value is used to
calculate DL macro-diversity gains. If you selected "Eb⁄Nt UL" as the standard deviation under Standard Devi-
ation, enter the allowed Eb/Nt difference between the best server and the second one. This value is used to
calculate UL macro-diversity gains.
- 2nd - 3rd Best Signal Difference: If you selected "Ec⁄I0" as the standard deviation under Standard Devia-
tion, enter the allowed Ec⁄I0 difference between the second-best server and the third one. This value is used
to calculate DL macro-diversity gains. If you selected "Eb⁄Nt UL" as the standard deviation under Standard
Deviation, enter the allowed Eb/Nt difference between the second-best server and the third one. This value
is used to calculate UL macro-diversity gains.
6. Click Calculate. The calculated shadowing margin is displayed. If you selected "Ec⁄I0" or "Eb⁄Nt UL" as the
standard deviation under Standard Deviation, Atoll also displays the macro-diversity gains for two links and for
three links.
7. Click Close to close the dialogue.

Figure 7.143: The Shadowing Margins and Gains dialogue

298 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008



Symbols base station

+MRC in Softer/Soft (UMTS) 291 assigning equipment (UMTS) 187
components of subsystem 133
Numerics copying into document (UMTS) 196
2G network traffic, converting (UMTS) 263 creating with template (UMTS) 191
3-D antenna pattern definition (UMTS) 184, 185
defining attenuation 131 displaying information (UMTS) 197
defining azimuth 131 importing (UMTS) 196
defining tilt angle 131 beamwidth
importing 130 defining antenna 130
bearer selection, HSDPA, explanation 265
A bearer, downgrading (UMTS) 266
active set bearer, R99, see "R99 radio bearer"
conditions for entering (UMTS) 296 BER coverage prediction (UMTS) 231
defining size in terminals (UMTS) 227 BLER coverage prediction (UMTS) 231
displaying per simulation user (UMTS) 270 BTS
size, used in predictions (UMTS) 226 defining 133
threshold, defining in cells (UMTS) 188 noise figure 134
active set analysis (UMTS) 234 noise figure, updating 134
adaptive modulation and coding, see "fast link adaptation" Rho factor 134
antenna BTS equipment
beamwidth, defining 130 assigning (UMTS) 187
changing azimuth on the map 21 BTS noise figure (UMTS) 187
changing relative position on the map 22
creating 129 C
gain 129 calculation process, explanation (UMTS) 210
importing 3-D patterns 130 calculations 137
importing Planet-format 130 CDMA2000 1xRTT 1xEV-DO
pasting antenna pattern 129 template 78
pattern electrical tilt 129 cdmaOne
smoothing vertical pattern 132 template 78
antenna patterns cell
printing 52, 132 creating (UMTS) 191
archiving modifying (UMTS) 191
all modifications to the database 86 parameters (UMTS) 188
only site data to the database 86 setting as active (UMTS) 210
attenuation updating values with simulation (UMTS) 277
3-D antenna pattern 131 channel element
audit of neighbour allocation plan 247 calculation of consumption (UMTS) 265
audit of scrambling code plan (UMTS) 252 defining consumption per site equipment-R99 radio bearer
Autosave 89 (UMTS) 294
configuring 89 defining on downlink (UMTS) 186
recovering a backup 90 defining on uplink (UMTS) 186
azimuth simulations (UMTS) 267
3-D antenna pattern 131 uplink and downlink consumption (UMTS) 294
antenna, changing on the map 21 column headers
formatting 42
B columns
backup 89 changing width 43
configuring 89 displaying 43
recovering a backup 90 freezing 44

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Atoll User Manual

hiding 43 HSUPA 237

moving 44 locking coverage predictions 164, 165
unfreezing 44 new 162
Common prediction studies 162 on overlapping zones (UMTS) 214
Common prediction studies,Coverage studies 162 pilot pollution (UMTS) 233
compressed mode (UMTS) 226, 227, 271, 291 pilot reception analysis (Ec/I0) based on test mobile data
computation zone path (UMTS) 286
drawing 32 pilot signal quality (UMTS) 228
drawing (UMTS) 210 printing results (UMTS) 238
explanation (UMTS) 206 quality indicator (UMTS) 231
Fit to Map Window 31, 32 report, displaying (UMTS) 217
Fit to Map Window (UMTS) 210 report, displaying using focus zone 32
importing 31, 32 report, displaying using focus zone (UMTS) 216
importing (UMTS) 210 report, displaying using hot spot zone 32
polygon, creating from 31, 32 report, displaying using hot spot zone (UMTS) 216
polygon, creating from (UMTS) 210 restricting base stations studied by computation zone
Connection Properties 84 (UMTS) 202
connection status restricting base stations studied by filter (UMTS) 202
displaying traffic distribution by (UMTS) 269 scrambling code interference zone (UMTS) 255
context menu 19 service area (Eb/Nt) downlink based on test mobile data
path (UMTS) 287
renaming objects 19
service area (Eb/Nt) downlink or uplink (UMTS) 229
coordinate system 80
service area (Eb/Nt) uplink based on test mobile data path
setting 80
(UMTS) 287
coordinates, searching by 70
signal level - single station (UMTS) 204
Cost-Hata propagation model 144
signal level (UMTS) 211
creating environment formula 145
statistics, viewing (UMTS) 218
defining default environment formula 145
stopping calculation 164
modifying environment formula 145
template, saving as 165
taking diffraction into account 145
using simulation results (UMTS) 280
coverage export zone
coverage predictions 162
creating 35
Coverage studies Overview 162
creating (UMTS) 239
cursors 38
coverage of neighbours, displaying (UMTS) 245
CW Measurement Analysis Tool
coverage prediction
printing data 52
adding values to legend (UMTS) 215
analysing results (UMTS) 215 D
assigning a default propagation model 152 Data tab 17
based on test mobile data path (UMTS) 286 data tables
by transmitter (UMTS) 213 adding a field 40
calculating 163, 164 changing column width 43
calculating several 164 changing row height 43
cloning 163 copying data 45
comparing (UMTS) 219 deleting a field 41
coverage export zone, defining 35 displaying columns 43
coverage export zone, defining (UMTS) 239 editing 41
creating 162 exporting data 46
creating from existing 162, 163 filtering 56
displaying results with tooltips (UMTS) 215 filtering by selection 58
downlink total noise (UMTS) 232 filtering by several criteria 59
duplicating 162 filtering, examples 60
effective service area (UMTS) 230 formatting column headers 42
exporting in user configuration 166 formatting table columns 42
exporting results 35 freezing columns 44
exporting results (UMTS) 239 hiding columns 43
forcing calculation 164 importing data 47
handover status (UMTS) 234 moving columns 44
histogram, viewing (UMTS) 218 opening 39

300 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


opening record properties from table 42 environment

pasting data 45 creating (UMTS) 259
printing 49 modifying (UMTS) 259
restoring after filtering 60 environment class-based traffic map
sorting 56 creating (UMTS) 261
sorting by one column 57 importing (UMTS) 261
sorting by several columns 57 environment-based traffic map
unfreezing columns 44 statistics on (UMTS) 262
viewing properties 39 Equipment Specifications dialogue (UMTS) 187
XML files, exporting to 48 equipment, repeater, see "repeater equipment"
XML files, importing from 49 Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) propagation model 147
database assigning environment formulas 148
archiving all modifications 86 creating environment formula 148
archiving only site data 86 defining default environment formula 148
connecting to MS Access 83 modifying environment formula 148
connecting to Oracle 83 taking diffraction into account 147
Connection Properties 84 exceptional pairs, defining neighbour (UMTS) 241
creating a document from 82 exceptional pairs, defining scrambling code (UMTS) 250
refreshing document 85 Explorer window 17
resolving data conflicts 87 Data tab 17
working with 81 Geo tab 17
defining 161, 166 layers 18
defraction Modules tab 17
smoothing vertical antenna pattern 132 using tabs 17
changing properties 22 F
defining display type 23 fast link adaptation (UMTS) 265
display type, automatic 24 feeder
display type, discrete values 24 assigning (UMTS) 187
display type, unique 24 defining cables 133
display type, value intervals 24 defining length (UMTS) 187
display coordinate system 80 FER coverage prediction (UMTS) 231
display resolution (UMTS) 204 field
Distance Measurement tool 29 adding to a table 40
diversity deleting from a table 41
reception (UMTS) 193, 292 filter
transmission (UMTS) 193, 292 site list, using for 65
document transmitter list, using for 65
creating from database 77, 82 filtering
creating from template 77, 78 data tables by selection 58
geographic data 77 data tables by several criteria 59
information needed to create 77 examples 60
radio data 77 restoring after filtering 60
radio equipment 77 using a polygon 31, 68
refreshing from the database 85 with subfolders 67
setting basic parameters 79 filtering zone
document templates, see "templates" deleting 35
domains, creating scrambling code (UMTS) 249 drawing 31
downgrading bearer (UMTS) 266 Find toolbar 69
downlink total noise coverage prediction (UMTS) 232 focus zone
downlink total power, setting (UMTS) 223 creating 32
DTM maps representing different areas 113 creating (UMTS) 216
dual-band network, creating (UMTS) 197 explanation 32
explanation (UMTS) 216
E Fit to Map Window 33
Ec/I0 threshold (UMTS) 226 Fit to Map Window (UMTS) 217
effective service area coverage prediction (UMTS) 230 importing 33
importing (UMTS) 217

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Atoll User Manual

polygon, creating from 33 scheduler algorithm 189

polygon, creating from (UMTS) 217 service, enabling 224
population statistics (UMTS) 218 template 78
using to display coverage prediction report 32 terminal, enabling 226
using to display coverage prediction report (UMTS) 216 user equipment category 227
folder configuration 66 HSDPA radio bearer
applying a saved configuration 66 defining (UMTS) 293
creating 66 HSUPA
deleting 67 activating 190
exporting 66 configuring 190
importing 67 coverage prediction 237
reapplying current configuration 66 editing user equipment category 296
frequency bands service, enabling 224
defining (UMTS) 186, 290 template 78
terminal, enabling 226
G HSUPA radio bearer
gain defining (UMTS) 293
defining antenna 129
Geo tab 17 I
global scaling factor (UMTS) 279 indoor coverage
global transmitter parameters activating in AS analysis (UMTS) 235, 256
modifying (UMTS) 291 activating in coverage prediction (UMTS) 205
global transmitter parameters (UMTS) 291 activating in point analysis (UMTS) 203, 216
grouping 53 activating in simulation (UMTS) 230, 232
by a property 53, 54 calculating 161, 166
by several properties 54 defining when modelling environment (UMTS) 259
examples 55 defining when modelling user profile based traffic map
with subfolders 67 (UMTS) 261
groups, creating scrambling code (UMTS) 249 in traffic map (UMTS) 258
GSM/GPRS/EGPRS template 77 simulation results (UMTS) 274
indoor losses 161, 166
H inter-carrier interference, defining (UMTS) 290
handover status interference
displaying traffic distribution by (UMTS) 268 inter-carrier, defining (UMTS) 290
handover status coverage prediction (UMTS) 234 interference zone coverage prediction, scrambling code
happy bit (UMTS) 266 (UMTS) 255
hexagonal design ITU 1546 propagation model 149
definition (UMTS) 192 ITU 370-7 propagation model (Vienna 93) 146, 147
histogram, scrambling code 254 ITU 526-5 propagation model 148
histogram, viewing coverage prediction (UMTS) 218 ITU 529-3 propagation model
hot spot zone assigning environment formulas 146
creating 32 creating environment formula 146
creating (UMTS) 216 defining default environment formula 146
explanation 32 modifying environment formula 146
explanation (UMTS) 216 taking diffraction into account 146
Fit to Map Window 33
Fit to Map Window (UMTS) 217
importing 33 label 25
importing (UMTS) 217 Lambert Conformal-Conic projection 80
population statistics (UMTS) 218 layers 18
using to display coverage prediction report 32 legend
using to display coverage prediction report (UMTS) 216 adding object type 26
HSDPA displaying 26
activating 189 displaying Legend window 30
bearer selection, explanation 265 printing Legend window 52
configuring 189 legend, displaying (UMTS) 215
coverage prediction 236 Location Finder
editing user equipment category 296 searching by coordinates 70

302 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


searching by text property 69 possible (UMTS) 240

Longley-Rice propagation model 149 network, creating dual-band (UMTS) 197
non-symmetric neighbours, displaying (UMTS) 244
macro-diversity gain O
clutter class, displaying per (UMTS) 297 objects
map changing transparency 24
centring on a selected object 29 deleting 19
exporting 37 displaying 18
exporting as image 37 displaying properties 19
measuring distances 29 grouping 53
moving 29 grouping by a property 53, 54
printing 49 grouping by several properties 54
refreshing display 68 grouping, examples 55
Map toolbar 71 hiding 18
masthead amplifier, see "TMA" label 25
matrix, see "path loss matrix" tip text 25
measurement units, setting 81 visibility scale 25
measuring distances on the map 29 Okumura-Hata model 143, 144
Microwave Link Analysis Okumura-Hata propagation model 143, 144
printing 52 assigning environment formulas 144
Microwave Link toolbar 71 creating environment formula 144
microwave radio links defining default environment formula 144
template 78 modifying environment formula 144
mobility type taking diffraction into account 143
creating (UMTS) 226 Oracle, connecting to 83
definition (UMTS) 256 overlapping zones coverage prediction (UMTS) 214
modifying (UMTS) 226 OVSF codes
parameters used in predictions (UMTS) 226 calculation of consumption (UMTS) 265
Modules tab 17 default orthogonality factor (UMTS) 291
Monte-Carlo-based user distribution (UMTS) 264 maximum number of codes available for HS-PDSCH
MS Access, connecting to 83 (UMTS) 189
MUD, see "multi-user detection" minimum number of codes available for HS-PDSCH
multi-carrier network (UMTS) 188 (UMTS) 189
multi-user detection factor simulations (UMTS) 267
defining in site equipment (UMTS) 294
defining in terminals (UMTS) 227
Page Setup, see "printing"
mult-user environment 81
Panoramic window 16, 29
N Path loss calculation 141, 143
neighbours Radial 141, 143
allocating automatically (UMTS) 241 Systematic 141, 143
allocating on the map (UMTS) 247 path loss matrices
allocating per cell (UMTS) 246 adjusting using CW measurements 156
allocating using Cells tab of Transmitter Properties adjusting using measurement data 155
(UMTS) 246 defining area to be adjusted with measurement data 156
allocating using Neighbours table (UMTS) 246 path loss matrix
audit of allocation (UMTS) 247 checking validity 155
defining exceptional pairs of (UMTS) 241 checking validity (UMTS) 207
deleting on the map (UMTS) 247 exporting 158
deleting per cell (UMTS) 246 resolution (UMTS) 193
deleting using Cells tab of Transmitter Properties (UMTS) storing 154
246 storing (UMTS) 207
deleting using Neighbours table (UMTS) 246 path lost matrix
displaying (UMTS) 244 calculation process (UMTS) 210
displaying coverage (UMTS) 245 pattern electrical tilt 129
exporting (UMTS) 248 pilot
importing (UMTS) 241 minimum RSCP threshold, defining (UMTS) 227

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Atoll User Manual

pilot pollution coverage prediction (UMTS) 233 Lambert Conformal-Conic projection 80

pilot reception analysis (Ec/I0) based on test mobile data path Universal Transverse Mercator projection 80
(UMTS) 286 propagation model
pilot signal quality coverage prediction (UMTS) 228 assigning a default model for predictions 152
Planet assigning to a transmitter (UMTS) 209
importing antennas 130 assigning to all transmitters 152
point analysis assigning to all transmitters (UMTS) 208
opening Point Analysis Tool window 159 assigning to group of transmitters 151
shadowing, calculating 161 assigning to group of transmitters (UMTS) 209
starting 159 Cost-Hata 144
Point Analysis window Cost-Hata, diffraction 145
active set analysis of simulation (UMTS) 280 Erceg-Greenstein (SUI) 147
AS Analysis tab (UMTS) 234 Erceg-Greenstein (SUI), diffraction 147
printing 52 ITU 1546 149
Profile tab (UMTS) 203 ITU 370-7 (Vienna 93) 146, 147
Reception tab (UMTS) 216 ITU 526-5 148
polygon ITU 529-3, diffraction 146
deleting polygon filter 35 Longley-Rice 149
drawing a polygon filter 31 Okumura-Hata 143, 144
focus zone, using as 33 Okumura-Hata, diffraction 143
focus zone, using as (UMTS) 217 signature 150
using as computation zone 31, 32 Standard Propagation Model 138
using as computation zone (UMTS) 210 Standard Propagation Model, correction factor for hilly
using as filter 31, 68 regions 142
population statistics Standard Propagation Model, defining parameters 141
including in report (UMTS) 218 Standard Propagation Model, diffraction 139
integrable data (UMTS) 218 WLL 149
population-based traffic maps (UMTS) 262 propagation model, Standard Propagation Model, recommen-
possible neighbours, definition (UMTS) 240 dations 138
power control simulation algorithm (UMTS) 264 properties
power, defining changing display 22
defining maximum power in cells (UMTS) 188 grouping objects by 53, 54
defining other CCH power in cells (UMTS) 188 switching between property dialogues 19
defining pilot power in cells (UMTS) 188
defining SCH power in cells (UMTS) 188
quality indicator coverage prediction (UMTS) 231
Predictions 162
Overview 162 R
R99 radio bearer
antenna patterns 52, 132
defining (UMTS) 292
coverage prediction results (UMTS) 238
definition (UMTS) 256
CW Measurement Analysis Tool 52
Radial 141, 143
data tables and reports 49
radio resource management
defining print layout 51
calculation of channel element consumption (UMTS) 265
docking windows 52
calculation of OVSF code consumption (UMTS) 265
Legend window 52
channel elements, simulations (UMTS) 267
map 49
default orthogonality factor (UMTS) 291
Microwave Link Analysis 52
defining channel element consumption per site equipment-
Point Analysis window 52 R99 radio bearer (UMTS) 294
print preview 52 defining channel elements on downlink (UMTS) 186
recommendations 50 defining channel elements on uplink (UMTS) 186
Test Mobile Data Analysis Tool 52 maximum number of OVSF codes available for HS-
printing zone PDSCH (UMTS) 189
drawing 50 minimum number of OVSF codes available for HS-PDSCH
Profile 141, 143 (UMTS) 189
Radial extraction 141, 143 OVSF codes, simulations (UMTS) 267
Systematic extraction 141, 143 uplink and downlink channel element consumption
projection coordinate system 80 (UMTS) 294
Radio toolbar 71

304 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


receiver interference zone coverage prediction (UMTS) 255

defining height 295 manually allocating (UMTS) 252
receiver antenna diversity gain, defining (UMTS) 187 using Search Tool with (UMTS) 253
reception equipment scrambling codes (UMTS) 249
creating (UMTS) 295 Search Tool
modifying (UMTS) 295 using to display scrambling codes (UMTS) 253
redo 68 Search toolbar 72
reflection searching for map objects 69
smoothing vertical antenna pattern 132 secondary antenna, assigning (UMTS) 187
refresh 68 service
from the database 85 activating soft handover (UMTS) 225
Refresh Geo Data (UMTS) 286 creating (UMTS) 224
remote antenna definition (UMTS) 256
copying into document (UMTS) 201 displaying traffic distribution by (UMTS) 269
defining properties (UMTS) 201 HSDPA, enabling 224
importing (UMTS) 201 HSUPA, enabling 224
placing on the map (UMTS) 200 modifying (UMTS) 224
renaming 19 parameters used in predictions (UMTS) 224
default object names 19 setting priority (UMTS) 225
repeater service area (Eb/Nt) downlink based on test mobile data path
cascading (UMTS) 198 (UMTS) 287
copying into document (UMTS) 198 service area (Eb/Nt) downlink or uplink coverage prediction
defining properties (UMTS) 199 (UMTS) 229
definition (UMTS) 197 service area (Eb/Nt) uplink based on test mobile data path
(UMTS) 287
importing (UMTS) 198
shadowing 161, 166
placing on the map (UMTS) 198
point analysis, calculating in 161
repeater equipment
shadowing (UMTS) 291, 297
creating (UMTS) 198
shadowing margin
modifying (UMTS) 198
clutter class, displaying per (UMTS) 297
report, displaying a coverage prediction (UMTS) 217
signal level coverage
single station (UMTS) 204
printing 49
signal level coverage prediction (UMTS) 211
display (UMTS) 204
adding to a group (UMTS) 278
path loss matrix (UMTS) 193
average results of group (UMTS) 275
Rho factor, BTS 134
creating (UMTS) 267
row height
displaying active set per user (UMTS) 270
changing 43
duplicating (UMTS) 278, 279
RSCP threshold (UMTS) 227
estimating a traffic increase (UMTS) 279
generator initialisation number (UMTS) 278, 279
displaying 30
global scaling factor (UMTS) 279
S power control algorithm (UMTS) 264
scale level, choosing 28 replaying (UMTS) 278, 279
scheduler results of single (UMTS) 270
choosing the HSDPA scheduler algorithm 189 updating cell values with results (UMTS) 277
explanation of scheduling technique (UMTS) 265 using results for coverage predictions (UMTS) 280
scrambling codes site
audit of plan (UMTS) 252 creating (UMTS) 190
automatically allocating (UMTS) 250 definition (UMTS) 184
creating domains and groups (UMTS) 249 modifying (UMTS) 190
defining available (UMTS) 249 moving on the map 21
defining exceptional pairs (UMTS) 250 moving to a higher location 21
defining format (UMTS) 249 parameters (UMTS) 185
displaying allocation (UMTS) 253 properties, accessing from the Explorer window 19
displaying on transmitter (UMTS) 253 properties, accessing from the map 19
grouping transmitters by (UMTS) 254 site equipment
histogram (UMTS) 254 creating (UMTS) 294

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Atoll User Manual

defining channel element consumption per R99 radio HSDPA, enabling 226
bearer(UMTS) 294 HSUPA, terminal 226
site list 63 modifying (UMTS) 226
adding 64, 65 parameters used in predictions (UMTS) 226
adding site 64 Test Mobile Data Analysis Tool
creating 64 printing 52
editing 65 test mobile data path
filter, using as 65 analysing variations 288
slow fading, see "shadowing" extracting a field for a transmitter (UMTS) 287
snapshot, definition (UMTS) 256 filtering out points (UMTS) 285
soft handover importing (UMTS) 281
activating per service (UMTS) 225 Refresh Geo Data (UMTS) 286
modelling on the downlink (UMTS) 275 using for pilot reception analysis (Ec/I0) (UMTS) 286
modelling on the uplink (UMTS) 225, 275, 291 using for service area (Eb/Nt) downlink (UMTS) 287
sorting using for service area (Eb/Nt) uplink (UMTS) 287
sorting tables by one column 57 using in coverage prediction (UMTS) 286
sorting tables by several columns 57 Test Mobile Data window
with subfolders 67 exporting (UMTS) 289
SPM Parameters tab window 141, 143 printing (UMTS) 289
Standard Propagation Model 138, 141, 143 tilt angle
calculating diffraction 139 3-D antenna pattern 131
correction factor for hilly regions 142 tip text 25
defining parameters 141 TMA
recommendations 138 defining 133
sample values for constants 140 TMS, assigning (UMTS) 187
typical values for losses per clutter class 140 tool tips, see "tip text"
Standard toolbar 70 toolbar
station template icons 70
creating (UMTS) 192 Map 71
creating base station (UMTS) 191 Microwave Link 71
deleting (UMTS) 196 Radio 71
modifying (UMTS) 192 Search 72
modifying a field (UMTS) 195 Standard 70
statistics, viewing coverage prediction (UMTS) 218 Vector Edition 72
study, see "coverage prediction" tooltips
subfolders displaying coverage prediction results (UMTS) 215
creating 67 total losses, updating 134
symmetric neighbours, displaying (UMTS) 244 total noise on downlink, see "downlink total noise"
traffic distribution
creating, see "simulation"
table columns
displaying by connection status (UMTS) 269
formatting 42
displaying by handover status (UMTS) 268
tables, see "data tables"
displaying by service (UMTS) 269
traffic increase, estimating (UMTS) 279
template 78
traffic map
data sources (UMTS) 257
coverage prediction, using as 165
environment class-based, creating (UMTS) 261
templates 77
environment class-based, importing (UMTS) 261
CDMA2000 1xRTT 1xEV-DO 78
exporting cumulated traffic (UMTS) 263
importing traffic density map (UMTS) 262
IS-95 cdmaOne 78
importing user profile based map (UMTS) 260
microwave radio links 78
live data, creating from (UMTS) 257
marketing-based (UMTS) 258
statistics on environment-based (UMTS) 262
WiMAX 78
traffic maps
converting 2G (UMTS) 263
creating (UMTS) 226
population-based (UMTS) 262
definition (UMTS) 256

306 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited © Forsk 2008


traffic quality studies, see "quality studies" user distribution (UMTS) 264
transmitter user equipment category, HSDPA 227
coverage prediction by transmitter (UMTS) 213 user equipment category, HSDPA, editing 296
creating (UMTS) 190 user equipment category, HSUPA, editing 296
definition (UMTS) 184, 186 user profile
displaying scrambling codes (UMTS) 253 creating (UMTS) 258
extracting a field from a test mobile data path (UMTS) 287 importing traffic map based on (UMTS) 260
global parameters (UMTS) 291 modifying (UMTS) 258
grouping by scrambling codes (UMTS) 254
modifying (UMTS) 190 V
modifying global properties (UMTS) 291 Vector Edition toolbar 72
setting as active (UMTS) 210 Vienna 93 model 146, 147
transmitter list 63 visibility scale 25
adding 64, 65
adding transmitter 64
creating 64
template 78
editing 65
filter, using as 65 cascading 16
transmitters docking 16
automatic display type 24 floating 16
transparency, changing 24 wireless local loop propagation model 149
WLL (Wireless Local Loop) propagation model 149
template 78 XML
undo 68 exporting data tables to 48
Universal Transverse Mercator projection 80 importing data tables from 49
uplink load factor, setting (UMTS) 223
user configuration 62 Z
coverage prediction, exporting 166 zooming
creating 62 choosing a scale 28
exporting 62 in on a specific area 28
importing 63

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Atoll User Manual

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Atoll User Manual

© Forsk 2008 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document is prohibited 309

User Manual

Release 2.7.0

7 rue des briquetiers – 31700 – Blagnac – France AT270_UMU_E1

Tel: +33 (0)5 62 74 72 10 – Fax: +33 (0)5 62 74 72 11 February 2008

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