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Architecture for Symbolic Object Warehouse

the extent of an SO is denoted Ext(s) and defined by As a result of working with higher units called con-
the extent of “a”, which is: Extent (a) = {w ∈ Ω / a cepts necessarily described by more complex data, DM
(w) = true}. In the Modal instance, given a threshold is extended to Knowledge Mining (Diday 2004).
α, it is defined by Extα (s)= Extentα (a)= {w ∈ Ω / a
(w) ≥ α}. Construing SOs
It is possible to work with SOs in two ways:
Now we are going to create SOs, Let’s suppose we want
• Induction: We know values of their attributes then to know client’s profile grouped by work’s activity. How
we know what class they belong. do we model this kind of situations with SOs?
• Generalization: We want to form a class from The SOs descriptor must have the following at-
the generalization/specialization process of the tributes:
values of the attributes of a set of individuals.
1. Continent
There is an important number of methods (Bock et 2. Age
al, 2000) developed to analyze SO, which were imple- 3. Study Level
mented in Sodas 1.2 and Sodas 2.5 software through
Sodas and Asso projects respectively; whose aim is to Suppose that in our operational databases we have
analyze official data from Official Statistical Institu- stored the relational Tables 1 and 2.
tions (see ASSO or SODAS Home Page).
The principal advantages in SO use are (Bock & Notice we take an SO as every value of the variable
Diday, 2000; Diday, 2003): work activity. The SOs descriptors are written in the
same notation used in Bock and Diday’s book:
• It preserves the confidentiality of the informa-
tion. SO-Agriculture (4) = [Study Level ={“low”(0.50),
• It supports the initial language in the one that SOs “medium”(0.50)}] ∧ [Continent = {“Ameri-
were created. ca”(0.5), “Europe”(0.25), “Oceania”(0.25)}] ∧
• It allows the spread of concepts between Data- [Age= [30:42]]].
bases. SO-Manufactures (3) = [Study Level
• Being independent from the initial table, they ={“low”(0.33), “medium”(0.33), “high”(0.33)}]
are capable of identifying some individual coin- ∧ [Continent = {“Asia”(0.33), “Europe”(0.66)}]
cidence described in another table. ∧ [Age= [28:50]]].

Table 1. Customer
… Initial Transaction Age Country Study Level Work’s Activity

041 … 23-May-03 50 Spain Medium Manufactures

033 … 25-Jul-03 45 China High Manufactures
168 … 30-Jul-03 30 Australia Low Agriculture
457 … 2-Jan-04 39 Sudan High Services
542 … 12-Feb-04 35 Argentina Medium Agriculture
698 … 13-April-04 48 India High Services
721 … 22-Aug-04 60 France High Services
844 … 15-Sep-04 53 Canada Medium Services
987 … 25-Oct-04 42 Italy Low Agriculture
1002 … 10-Nov-04 28 Germany Low Manufactures
1299 … 28-Dec-04 34 EEUU Medium Agriculture


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