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Criteria Weight Guide Questions Points Earned

1. Did you provide a

concise summary of
the reading? 2. Did you
Summary 10 Points
identify the main topics
and themes across the
1. Did you discuss the
most relevant articles
(and the
among them) in detail?
2. Did you provide a
critique of the articles?
3. Did you discuss in
Reaction 20 Points detail the strengths of
the literature? 4. Did
you identify and
discuss the weaknesses
of the articles? 5. Did
you demonstrate an
ability to engage the
material beyond a
surface treatment?
1. Did you link or
integrate the readings
to other relevant
issues/topics in the
course? 2. Did you
identify or tease out
Content Integration
10 Points larger implications of
the readings? 3. Did
you raise questions
from the literature? 4.
Did you provide an
answer for your
1. Was your paper
organized? 2. Does
your writing flow? 3. Is
the paper polished? 4.
Do you use appropriate
Writing Style 10 Points language in your
paper? 5. Is your
writing difficult to
follow? 6. Does your
writing clearly
articulate your ideas?


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