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Out of Sync and Failed to Close alarms

This document describes the difference between and trouble shooting of Out of Sync and Failed to Close
alarms as provided in the DSE7500 and DSE5500 series controllers.


An Out of Sync alarm means that the DSE module has detected that the supplies either side of the breaker
are not in sync when the breaker is closed. The DSE module uses a fixed 15° window to asses this and has
a reaction timer, the Generator Failed to Close timer (typical setting 0.2s).

o Troubleshooting

 The Bus Sensing connections have not been made between the common generator bus
and the DSE module, or the bus sensing fuses have blown or have been removed.
 The load switching device does not close quickly enough. Ensure the breaker closes
within 100mS of receiving the close signal.
 The Out of Sync timer is set too low. If you raise this timer away from the factory setting
of 200mS (0.2s), ensure you understand why you are having to raise it!
 Something external has caused the breaker to open, or has prevented it from closing.
Typical examples are external G59 relays and other equipment operating directly on the
breaker to open it.
 The breaker wiring ‘logic’ may not be correct, causing the breaker to ‘fire through’,
where it triggers the close mechanism, but the breaker doesn’t actually mechanically
close, it re-opens again.


This means that the DSE module has not detected the feedback signal from the auxiliary on the generator

o Troubleshooting.

 The breaker did not close. (This would usually give an Out of Sync alarm unless the
Gen Failed to Close timer was set the same or less than the Out of Sync timer.)
 There is a fault with the auxiliary or the connection from the auxiliary to the DSE module.
 The Gen Failed to Close timer is set too low. A typical time is between 0.5 and 1.0s.

056-047 Out of Sync and Failed to Close Issue 1 – A.D.Manton


Where an external device is giving protection to the system and is opening the generator breaker
directly, the DSE module MUST be given an input signal to inform it of this operation. Use an input
configured to Electrical Trip if the external device is opening the generator breaker or Auxiliary
Mains Failure if the external device is opening the mains breaker.

Example of external G59 relay tripping the mains breaker directly.

DSE7510 / DSE5510

G59 Relay Auxiliary Mains Failure

Mains breaker
opening control
Configuration to achieve this (using :

Drive this input with the external G59 relay

Use the out of sync timer to ensure the DSE module doesn’t detect
the Out of Sync situation before it receives the Auxiliary Mains Fail

Use Immediate Mains Dropout so that the DSE module also gives
the signal to open the mains breaker and move into the “mains off
load” state.

056-047 Out of Sync and Failed to Close Issue 1 – A.D.Manton

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