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The English Theatre of Hamburg

Established 1976


a Comedy Classic

by Bernard Shaw

Premiere on 19 February, 2015

Preview Performances at reduced prices on 16, 17 and 18 February
Performances Tuesday to Saturday at 19.30 Hours
Matinee Performances at 11.00 Hours on Tuesdays and
Fridays beginning 24 February

The English Theatre of Hamburg

Lerchenfeld 14, 22081 Hamburg
U-Bahn Mundsburg
Telephone: 22 77 089

The English Theatre of Hamburg
Established in 1976

Dear Teachers and Friends,

The English Theatre will premiere the British classic CANDIDA by Bernard Shaw on 19
February, 2015, with the usual preview performances at reduced prices on 16, 17, and 18
February. Bookings for this popular comedy have already started. See the cover of this study
guide for dates and times of performances. The text of the play may be obtained at or
Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) was one of the most popular and provocative playwrights of the
twentieth century. Born and educated in Dublin, he soon went to London, where he tried his
hand at writing novels. None of them were published, his explanation being that his style was
a hundred and fifty years behind the times and his ideas a hundred and fifty years ahead of
them. Later, as theatre critic for The Saturday Review, he strongly opposed the “art for art's
sake” movement, declaring his purpose to be “art for life's sake”. During his career he also
spoke and wrote tracts on behalf of the Socialist movement in Britain. Influenced by the plays
of Henrik Ibsen, Shaw turned to playwriting, and between the years 1892 and 1940 wrote fifty
plays, establishing himself as the foremost dramatist of his day. The plays took a critical look
at such things as war, medical ethics, marriage and the position of women in society. The
author was damned for presenting social propaganda in the theatre, but he was also greatly
praised for doing it in a brilliant and entertaining manner. In addition to CANDIDA, some of
Bernard Shaw's better known plays are MRS WARREN'S PROFESSION, ARMS AND
SAINT JOAN and THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA. Many of his plays have been filmed, the
most famous being the musical version of his PYGMALIONcalled MY FAIR LADY……….


Bernard Shaw had two categories for his plays, those that were “pleasant” and those that were
“unpleasant”. CANDIDA he put among the pleasant ones, and it is easy to see why. A box
office hit in its time (1904), this British classic continues to be one of Shaw's most popular
plays. It deals with a young poet, Eugene Marchbanks, who falls madly in love with Candida,
the wife of a respected pastor in London. Eugene is horrified by what he considers to be the
mundane life that Candida is forced to lead with her husband, the Reverend James Morell.
Eugene confronts Morell, declaring his love for Candida and claiming that the pastor does not
deserve such a charming, magnificent wife. What follows is a marriage in crisis, as the
couple's comfortable life begins to fall apart, and Candida is forced by the two men to choose
between them. Along the way, Shaw makes some witty observations about love, the
institution of marriage, the treatment of women in society and the age-old problem of having
to choose between the ideal and the practical. Although more than a hundred years have
passed since people first saw the play, the story still rings true and the jokes are still as funny
as ever.

Characters in CANDIDA in order of their appearance

The Reverend James Morell Mr Burgess

A Christian Socialist and Church of England Candida’s father. He is a coarse, ignorant,
clergyman. James is a good looking, charis- self-made man, pompous and pushy.
matic, popular man, much in demand as a pub- Successful in business, he respects only
lic speaker. Although he does not appear vain, money.
he is unconsciously quite pleased with himself.
He considers himself happily married to his
Married to the Reverend James Morell. Com-
wife Candida, whom he adores.
bining the attractions of youth and mother-
hood, she is at the peak of her beauty. Candida
Proserpine (Prossy) Garnett is likeable, charismatic, intelligent and confi-
Prossy is a small and rather plain lower middle dent.
class woman with a rather abrupt manner, who
works as Morell’s typist. She is unmarried but
Eugene Marchbanks
secretly in love with Morell.
A young poet in love with Candida. He is at-
tractive and shy, painfully sensitive, rather
The Reverend Alexander (Lexy) Mill unworldly, but nevertheless possesses a sharp,
A young curate with an Oxford education. He incisive mind. He is estranged from his aristo-
is well-intentioned, enthusiastic and immature, cratic parents.
with a doglike devotion to Morell.

Summary of Bernard Shaw’s Marchbanks with the luggage. Then she tells
her father that Eugene is a young poet, her
CANDIDA husband’s latest discovery, and that he has
……… been away with her helping with the children.
ACT..I .………………………… Burgess is unimpressed with what he hears
It is a fine morning in October, 1894. The about the young man until he is told that
setting is a combination study and sitting-room Marchbanks is the son of an Earl.
in St. Dominic’s parsonage in London. The Morell returns with Marchbanks, who, upon
Reverend James Morell (Church of England) is seeing a stranger (Burgess) in the room,
at work with his secretary Miss Proserpine becomes shy and nervous. Burgess, however,
(Prossy) Garnett. They are trying to find time is keen on meeting the young aristocrat and he
in his busy schedule for another speaking forces Marchbanks to shake hands and make
engagement; for in addition to being a popular small talk. After her father leaves, Candida
clergyman, Morell is in great demand as a goes to check on the house, leaving her
guest speaker. At the moment he is looking husband and Marchbanks alone.
forward to the arrival of his wife Candida on
the 11.45 train. She has taken their two boys Morell invites Marchbanks to stay for lunch.
away on holiday and is about to return home The young man declines, explaining that
for a short time to pick up some additional Candida told him that her husband would want
things for them. to spend some time alone with her after her
absence. Morell therefore suggests that the
Morell’s young curate, the Reverend Alexander young poet take a walk in the park, write some
(Lexy) Mill, arrives for work, late as usual. He poetry, and come back in an hour or so. For he
informs Morell that Candida’s father, Mr is certain, he says, that a good friend like
Burgess, is on his way to visit him. Clearly Marchbanks could not possibly damage a
annoyed, Morell goes out to greet his father-in- happy marriage such as his and Candida’s.
law. As soon as he is gone, Prossy, who is
secretly in love with Morell, remarks that Marchbanks reacts wildly to Morell’s assertion.
Morell should not make a fool of himself by He does not understand how the clergyman can
constantly praising his wife. When Lexy believe that Candida is happy in their marriage.
supports Morell for praising Candida, Prossy It is time, Marchbanks says, to force
accuses him of simply copying Morell’s everything out into the open. He announces
opinions and manner of expressing himself. that he is in love with Candida and wants to
rescue her from the mundane life that she is
Mr Burgess comes into the study. He irritates forced to lead with Morell. Morell gives the
Prossy by pointing out how much younger young man a lecture on manners. Marchbanks
Morell’s former secretary was. She goes out, calls the clergyman a windbag and claims that
bristling, to fetch her boss. Then Burgess his charming wife, in reality, despises him in
informs Lexy that he wishes to speak to Morell her heart. At this, Morell grabs the young man
in private. The curate leaves the office as by the collar. Marchbanks becomes hysterical
Morell enters. Morell and Burgess have not and threatens to kill himself if Morell hits him.
spoken to each other for three years, not since After Morell lets him go, Marchbanks
Burgess called Morell a fool for preaching challenges the clergyman to a fair contest for
Socialism, and Morell called his father-in-law Candida’s affections. But it should not be a
a scoundrel for underpaying his employees. vulgar physical battle, he insists; it must be a
Burgess assures Morell that he has reformed. battle of ideas. Eugene vows once more to
As proof of this, he claims that he has raised rescue Candida from her slavery to the
his workers’ wages. Morell is overjoyed to clergyman’s ideas and dull way of life.
hear this. He is soon disappointed, however,
when he realizes that Burgess is renewing their They are interrupted by Candida who wants to
relationship in order to meet, through Morell, know if Eugene is staying for lunch.
influential people who can provide him with Surprisingly, Morell insists that he is, even
commercial contracts. though the young man has deeply shaken
Morell’s confidence in himself and his
Candida arrives home and is delighted that her marriage. Marchbanks smiles and goes off with
husband and father are communicating again. Candida, declaring that he is the happiest of
She asks James to go out and help Eugene men. “So was I – an hour ago,” says Morell.
ACT II…………………………………….. her for a while. The people in his congregation,
It is later that afternoon. Prossy is annoyed that she says playfully, are not really interested in
Marchbanks has been fiddling with her his sermons anyway. They come to church
typewriter. She asks him sarcastically if he was because it is respectable to do so, not because
writing a love letter. This prompts the young his Christian Socialism impresses them. The
poet to make some provocative comments on women come, she says, because they, like
the subject of love that shock Prossy. Eugene Prossy, are in love with him. Morell is shocked
perceives that Prossy is secretly in love with by Candida’s cynicism. She then tells him she
Morell and asks her if it is really possible for a is worried about Eugene because she suspects
woman to love someone like him. When she that he is about to fall in love with her. Her hint
answers yes, he is miserable. that she might be willing to put aside her
morals in Eugene’s case, appals Morell. She
Burgess enters saying that he has come back to laughs at her husband’s stern reaction and asks
keep the young aristocrat company. He again him to trust her love for him. When she tries
irritates Prossy, this time by suggesting that she to kiss him, he backs away and orders her not
is too low-class to socialize with Marchbanks. to touch him. Burgess and Marchbanks enter.
She abruptly leaves the room calling Burgess a They sense the tension between Morell and
“silly old fathead”. Candida’s father now takes
Candida, but she makes light of the matter,
the opportunity to warn Eugene about the
explaining that James is merely upset because
danger of Morell’s progressive social ideas. In he cannot tolerate ideas that contradict his own.
his opinion, his son-in-law is, and always has
been, mad. Lexy Mill comes in. Having heard that Morell
has declined an invitation to speak to the Guild
Morell comes in and says that his wife will of St. Matthew that evening, the curate urges
join them after she has filled the lamps. his boss to change his mind. After more
Marchbanks is horrified that Candida should encouragement from Candida, Morell asks
have to dirty her beautiful hands with such a
Prossy to telegraph the Guild that he is coming.
task. When she appears, he offers to do all the Burgess decides to go along too upon learning
menial work in the house for her and says that that a member of the City Council will be there.
he longs for a world where she would never When Candida suggests that they all attend her
have to scrub the floor again. Morell points out
husband’s lecture, Morell strongly objects. He
that such a world would contain only lazy,
insists that she and Marchbanks stay home.
selfish people. Candida, however, is amused by They do not enjoy his sermonizing anyway, he
Eugene’s poetic nature and scolds her husband says, and he wants to show the young man that
for putting down the young man’s romantic he is not afraid to leave him alone with his
vision of the world. Burgess, who has been wife. Marchbanks is clearly impressed by
listening carefully to Eugene’s views, now
Morell’s courage.
suspects he may be as mad as Morell.
ACT III…………………………..……….
Prossy enters with a telegram for Morell. He
It is past ten in the evening. Candida and
goes out immediately, presumably to respond
Marchbanks are sitting by the fireplace. He is
to it. Candida then takes Marchbanks up on his
reading poetry to her. Aware that she is not
offer to help her in the household. She pulls the
listening to him, he stops reading and
young man off to the kitchen to slice onions
apologizes for boring her. She admits that there
for her. Burgess is appalled by the way his
are limits to her appetite for poetry and says
daughter is treating an aristocrat. Convinced
she prefers to talk to him. He wants to know if
that the whole house has gone mad, he goes
he is permitted to say wicked things to her. No,
out for a walk. Morell returns and good-
she answers, but he may say anything he truly
naturedly asks Prossy why she called his
feels. Eugene settles himself on the floor and
father-in-law a silly old fathead. She
puts his head against her knee. All he feels at
mistakenly interprets the question as criticism
the moment, he says, is the need to repeat her
of her behaviour, and runs from the room,
name a thousand times.
sobbing. Bewildered by her action, Morell sits
down at his desk to work on a sermon. Morell enters the room and takes in the scene
at once. Candida rises and asks her husband
Candida enters. Seeing how tired her husband
how his lecture went. Morell replies that he
looks, she asks him to stop working and talk to
never spoke better. She then goes out to talk to
the maid. Seeing that Morell is upset, Eugene the one who needs her most. Morell lowers his
assures him that nothing happened between head, believing that he has lost. But Eugene
him and Candida. He was simply enjoying knows immediately that it is Morell who has
being in love when Morell came in, he won. When Candida confirms that it is her
explains. husband she has chosen, Morell is bewildered.
Candida explains. James, she says, has always
Candida returns. Sensing that her husband is
been loved by everyone, and would fall apart
depressed, she scolds Eugene for annoying him.
without it. Eugene, on the other hand, has been
Hurt by her words, the young man apologizes
lonely, disliked and misunderstood; and, as a
and is about to leave as Burgess, Lexy and
result, has learned to do without love. James is,
Prossy enter. They congratulate Morell on his
therefore, the weaker of the two because he
excellent speech to the guild. Prossy is
needs her more than Marchbanks does.
disappointed, however, that she could not
record everything that he said in shorthand. Morell, full of gratitude and emotion,
Morell asks Lexy to see Prossy safely home, confesses that Candida is right about him. As
and Candida sees her father out. his wife, she makes him feel like he is master
in his home by spoiling and loving him like his
When Candida returns, Morell announces that
mother and sisters always did. He is, in fact,
Eugene is, in fact, in love with her, and that
Candida’s little boy. Eugene is appalled by this
they have agreed she must now decide which
notion of marriage and tells Candida that he
of them she belongs to. Candida is stunned by
could never allow her to mother and sister him.
the arrogance and presumption of the two men.
That .kind of . happiness. he does .not want, he
She always believed she belonged to herself,
says. Disappointed that she has not had the
she tells them. But, since in their eyes this is
courage to choose him, he starts to leave. Her
clearly not the case, she angrily insists that
voice stops him. She reminds him of the
they each bid for her, like one does at an
difference in their ages. He brushes this aside
auction. She demands that they both tell her
as having no importance. She says goodbye
what they have to offer for her affection.
and kisses him on the forehead. He runs out
Morell offers his strength, honesty and ability
into the night convinced that he is freer and
to support her. Eugene says he can only offer
stronger than either of them. Candida turns to
his weakness, loneliness and heart’s need.
Morell and they embrace.
Candida considers the offers and tells them that
she will give herself to the weaker of the two,

Multiple Choice Exercise

1. James Morell is a popular (a. politician, b. actor, c. pastor).

2. Prossy, Morell’s secretary, complains that he makes a fool of himself by praising his (a.
wife, b. father-in-law, c. children) too much.
3. Prossy is secretly in love with (a. Burgess, b. Morell, c. Lexy).
4. Burgess is impressed with Eugene Marchbanks because the young poet is (a. idealistic,
b. an aristocrat, c. a Christian Socialist).
5. Marchbanks surprises Morell by announcing that he is in love with (a. Prossy, b. the
maid, c. Candida).
6. Marchbanks wants to rescue Candida from the way of life and ideas of her (a. friends, b.
parents, c. husband).
7. Burgess thinks everybody in the Morell household is (a. impolite, b. mad, c. wonderful).
8. Morell and Marchbanks decide that Candida must (a. choose between them, b. go on
holiday, c. hire another maid).
9. Candida stays with her husband because he (a. is more intelligent than Marchbanks, b.
understands her better, c. is weaker and needs her more).
10. At the end of the play Marchbanks is convinced that he is (a. stronger and freer, b.
more practical, c. more religious ) than Morell and Candida.

Answer Key:
1. c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a, 9.c, 10. a

Interpretative Exercise

1. Explain why Candida chooses her husband and not Marchbanks. Do you think she has
made the right decision? Is the reason she gives for her choice a good one?
2. What is it about Candida’s marriage to Morell that Marchbanks rejects? Do you think he
is stronger and freer than they are?
3. Bernard Shaw believed that wives control their husbands by spoiling them and turning
them into little boys. Is this true regarding the marriages you have observed?


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