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Product, Liquid or Substance Viscosity in CPS (mPas)


Acetone 0.6

Acetone Slurry 60000

Acrylic and Water 2500

Alkali Cellulose Slurry 60

Anhydrous Ammonia 0.8

Cellulose Acetate Dope 1500

Color Pigment 20000

Creosote 15

Dynstrol (White Jell) 4000

Ethyl Acetate Water Saturated 1

Ethyl Alcohol Mach 1000

Ethylene Glycol 60

Firefighting Foaming Agent 10

Gum 18000

Hydrocarbon Malcic Resin 2500

Hydrogen Peroxide (90%) 1

Isophytol 0.7
Kaolin Slurry (30% solids) 5

Methanol Type Varnish 90-5,000

Methylethyl Ketone 1

Methyl Cellulose Jell 4000

Naptha Plasticizer 2100

Neodol (3%) 1

Nitric Acid Slurry 45

Nitro Cellulose 50000

Paratone 715 170000

Percholoroethylene 1

Petrolatum with Sodium Sulfate Tomide 10000

Phosphoric Acid (72%) 2000

Phosphorous Oxychloride 30

Photographic Emulsions 50

Phthalic Anhydride 1

Plastisol 7600

Polyabmine 7500

Polyelectrolyte 500

Polyester Monomer 30
Polyester Resin 300-1,700

Polymer Liquid 1000

Polymer & Water 1300

Polyol 325

Polyvinyl Acetate Latex 3000

Printers Ink 26000

Polpellant, Solid 20000

Resin 100000

Resin Type Binder (Glue) 60

Rubber, Dissolved 100

Rubber Solvent 250000

Salt Solution 1

Silicone Compound 250

Sodium Hydroxide 140

Sodium Metasilicate 17

Syrene Monomer 0.5

Sulphonic Acid 1

Sulfur Slurry 870

Sulfuric Acid Dilute 1

Tetra Potassium Pyrophosphate 125

Tri-Acetate Cellulose 45,000-75,000

Trichloroethylene 1

Vvinyl Butyl Lacquer 2500

Wax Emulsion
Water (1 cp)


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