The Main Factors That Cause Car Accident

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Nowadays, there are many people who own cars and use them as premier

transportation to go to work, school, even go picnic or travel. Based on a survey that

had been conducted by the automotive trade journal Ward’s Auto there are 1.2 billion

cars on the world road. The number of cars on the world’s road can also bring

several accidents. states that there are 120 car accidents in

Indonesian per day. The biggest numbers of car accidents are shown in Libya where

there are 73.4 percent of car accidents happened in this country yearly. There are a

lot of car accidents that happened in the world that are caused by several main


One of the factors is using mobile phone. This is the most popular factor to

cause the car accidents in this world. Most of us use mobile phone while driving a

car because there is something important, like answering a calling from someone or

replying a text message. It sounds trivial but it is dangerous to do. Zendrive, a

handphone software supplier company states that 70,000 accident cars were caused

by mobile phone. This company also reveals that 9 in 10 journeys involve drivers

who use handphone while driving. From BBC Indonesia in November 2, 2016, there

was a British man named Tomasz Kroker who was busy to search songs in his

handphone while driving his truck in August 10, near Newbury, Berkshire, South

East England. He drove his truck with the speed of 80 km/hour while seeing the
screen in his handphone. This accident caused 4 persons in a car died that was hit

by this truck and he was sentenced for 10 years in the prison. It can show us the

biggest effects of car accident that can lose someone’s life.

The second factor is speeding in the crowd. It sounds cool but definitely it can

take you to death. Without skill you cannot drive a car with high speed. According to

New York Times in February 28, 2018 there were at least nine children were killed

and 20 other injured on Saturday after a speeding vehicle rammed a crowd outside a

government school in Northern India. The accident happened on the road while the

children were trying to cross said Dharmendra Singh, a local official. It means that it

is difficult to control the car when speeding in a crowd but this way this is necessary

to do in an emergency situation such as we bring the victims of an accident and we

need to be in hurry to reach the hospital. However, in this situation we need to be

careful and stay focused to the road and the amateur is not suggested to do this.

The third factor is increasing the volume of music harder could break your

focus to drive a car. In fact, humans can only do 1 job at the time. The music may

cause hallucination or over spirits to speeding that will make you crash. A new study

says that music especially the songs that you really love is a dangerous driving

distraction. Besides, the researchers from the study whic

h was published in the October Issue of Accident Analysis and Prevention observed

85 young drivers and tested the effect of listening to music on the number of driving

errors. Participants drove for 40 minutes with ‘safe’ music and no music at all. The

result showed the drivers played their favorite music louder than the safe music.
Almost one third of the participants received a verbal warning from the driving

instructor and about 20 percent had to take emergency maneuvers as well as to

prevent accident. Some mistakes include speeding dangerously and holding the

steering with one hand.

The fourth factor is driving a car while drunk. In the United States, the

number of crash caused by drunk driving is 31% last year. Some countries use rules

to prevent and punish the drivers who are driving while drunk. The example like US

in 0.1% BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) the human is hard to write, 0.2% BAC it has

problem vision, 0.3% BAC could make disable to stand, in 0.4% BAC the human will

be coma and 0.5% BAC may cause dead. There are many factors caused car

accidents including brakes failure, bad weather, irregular check before driving. Just

stay safe and follow the rules.

From the many factors that make accident it can be concluded that’s it how to

prevent crash and the risk. No need to speeding, the important thing is safe to come

to destination.

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