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 Generally, bullying is a worldwide issue and concern not only to children but
even adolescence and adults. Thisproblem occurs when a person is subjected,
repeatedly and over time to negative actions from another person or group. This
may happen at home, in the school, in the community or even in the workplace.
This even gets wider attention to authorities to control such.In the Philippines,
Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the Anti – Bullying Act of 2013,
defines acts ofbullying in schools and direct the schools to adopt policies aimed at
addressing bullying. The law prohibits bullying at a location, activity, function or
program that is not school-related and through the use of technology or an
electronic devise that is not owned, leased or used by a school if the act or acts in
question create a hostile environment at school for the victim, infringe on the
rights of the victim at school, or materially and substantially disrupt the education
process or the orderly operation of a school.

 The main aim of this research is to investigate the prevalence of bullying

behaviour, its victims and the types of bullying and places of bullying among 14-
17 year-old adolescents in a sample of school children.This research provides to
the immediate to investigation of school bullying, specifically in the setting.

 I chose this topic , Bullying (Verbal ) because I , Myself , also experienced to be

bullied . Since I was a grade school student , my classmates and friends would
bully me and say hurtful words to me . And now , it is the reason why im
encouraged to chose this topic because it may help to the students who are
experiencing Bullying and it the Bully may be aware of the causes and effects of
he /she would not stop. This study can help me as a researcher because it can be a
tool to solve this problem because over the years it has been a common problem
to every school .

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