Listening (10 Points, 2 Points Each)

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Name: ___________________________________________ ID: ___________________Group: _________

POINTS: ___/50
GRADE: _____

1. Listening (10 points, 2 points each)

Listen and answer the questions according to the given information.

1. Whose birthday is it? _________________

2. How old is the woman? _________________.
3. How much is the perfume? _________________
4. Why is the perfume expensive? _________________
5. Who says” Thank you for the purchase”? _________________

2. Written communication (10 points, 2 point each )

Answer the following questions using present continuous

6. What time are you finishing classes today? _____________________

7. What subjects are you taking this semester? _____________________
8. What is your mom doing right now? _____________________
9. Where is your best friend living at the moment? _____________________
10. What are you doing at the moment? ______________________________

3. Vocabulary (6 points, 2 point each)

Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence. Write the letter (A, B, C, D) on
your answer sheet.
11. If you want to lose weight, you should_________

A. snack between meals

B. exercise regularly
C. get up late
D. take a vacation

12. My boss says I can_________., but I can't take the whole day off.

A. eat properly
B. walk for fitness
C. reduce stress
D. leave work early

13. To get to the library, go to the comer and tum _____________.

A. straight
B. along
C. left
D. for two blocks
4. Language in context (14 points, 2 points each)

Choose the best answers to complete each paragraph. Write the letter (A, B, C,) on your
answer sheet.

You can hear someone talking on a cell phone everywhere you go. Some cell phone
users are very rude. They (14) _______ when they're in a restaurant, standing in line, or
in a movie theater, play, or concert! In my opinion, it's bad (15) _______ to use a cell
phone in public places. It is more (16) _________ to find a quiet, private place to call

A. use their cell phones B. ask for a "doggie bag" C. cut in line

A. customs B. manners C. rules

A. rude B. selfish C. polite

Peter has a nice house. It's on the beach, so the (17) _________ faces the sea and
there's a great (18) ________. He has a lot of (19) __________ because the nearest
neighbors are far away. There's also (20) __________ where he grows vegetables and
Bowers. It's a beautiful place to live!

A. living room B. cable TV C. fireplace

A. warm climate B. garage C. ocean view

A. outdoor decks B. privacy C. bowling

A. subway B. garden C. swimming pool

5. Reading (10 points2 points each)

Read the passage, using the strategies you studied in class, Skimming and Scanning.
Then answer the questions according to the passage. You will have 2 points for each
correct answer.

The Universe is the result of a big explosion, a tremendous explosion, possibly with an
incredible noise, a big bang. The explosion expelled particles of matter in all directions
and enormous masses of gases. Gravitational forces organized the particles and gases
into big celestial bodies, which acquired uniform circular movement.

Initially our planet earth was a mass of hot gases, with no solid matter. After a long time,
Abundant particles fell from space to the earth; the planet became big and solid, but it
was very hot. Later, the planet became cold. It attracted water from the space and after
many years, it was ready for life.

Finally, after many more years, the man appeared on the planet as the product of
evolution of primitive forms of life.

21. When the big bang happened, what was expelled?

A. Solid and liquid matter

B. Masses of gases and noise
C. Particles of matter and masses of gases.

22. The particles and the gases were organized thanks to

A. Circular movement
B. Gravitational forces
C. Celestial bodies.

23. In the sentence: “which acquired uniform circular movement” the word which
refers to the

A. Particles
B. Celestial bodies
C. Gravitational forces

24. Which factor made possible the life on Earth?

A. The presence of water

B. The cold solid matter
C. The particles from the space

25. According to the last sentence: “the man appeared on the planet as the product
of the evolution of primitive forms of life”, we can connect this text with the theory of

A. Human being creation in the bible

B. Relativity theory of Einstein
C. Evolution of Charles Darwin

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