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Physiological and psychological stress responses to

labor and delivery as expressed by salivary cortisol: a
prospective study
Netanella Miller, MD1; Aula Atamna Asali, MD1; Moran Agassi-Zaitler, MD; Eran Neumark, PhD; Michal Matzkin Eisenberg, MSc;
Efrat Hadi, MD; Michal Elbaz, MD; Yael Pasternak, MD; Ami Fishman, MD; Tal Biron-Shental, MD

BACKGROUND: Labor is considered a stressful event, yet no study and reached a nongravid concentration after 24 hours (0.16 mg/dL).
has described the course of stress measured by cortisol during labor and Cortisol concentrations during labor and up to 2 hours postpartum were
postpartum . above the average concentration of nongravid women (0.5 mg/dL).
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to describe the patterns of Women with epidural anesthesia had lower cortisol concentrations at
physiological and psychological stress during labor as measured by sali- complete dilation (P ¼ .026) and 2 hours postpartum (P ¼ .016)
vary cortisol concentrations and stress questionnaires and their correlation compared with women without epidural. Psychological stress peaked
to obstetric and neonatal outcomes. during latent and full dilation phases (mean 4.56 and 4.29, respectively).
STUDY DESIGN: This prospective, observational study included 167 Maximum decrease from 4.29 to 2.04 (52%) occurred immediately
women with low-risk, singleton, term deliveries at a tertiary academic postpartum. Cord cortisol was higher among women delivered by vac-
center. Physiological stress was evaluated by salivary cortisol mea- uum extraction compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery (17  2 vs
surements and emotional stress by questionnaire (stress scale ranging 11  3.8, P ¼ .03).
from 0 to 10) during the latent phase, active phase, and full dilation CONCLUSION: This study reveals the course of cortisol concentrations
stages of labor as well as 2 minutes, 2 hours, and 24 hours after delivery. during labor for low-risk pregnancies, with maximum increase immedi-
Cord blood cortisol and pH were also obtained. Modes of delivery, ately postpartum. Subjective stress levels decreased over the course of
complications during labor and delivery, and early neonatal outcomes labor. Salivary cortisol portrays stress during labor and may be used as a
were evaluated. reference to evaluate complicated pregnancies and to evaluate the role of
RESULTS: Salivary cortisol concentrations increased gradually from cortisol during these deliveries.
latent phase to active phase. The maximum increase was observed
within 2 minutes of the delivery (from an average of 1.06 mg/dL to 1.67 Key words: cortisol concentration, epidural analgesia, labor course,
mg/dL; 57% increase). Within 2 hours after delivery, cortisol decreased stress

S tress is defined as any uncomfort-

able emotional experience accom-
panied by biochemical, physiological,
chological and physiological stress and
is considered to be very emotionally
demanding. However, reports on stress
decreased significantly after epidural
anesthesia and remained low 24 hours
after delivery.7 It was also found that
and behavioral changes.1 Physiological levels during labor are limited and only postpartum stress state, as measured by
stress refers to the physiological state, a few studies have addressed this the STAI, was associated with increased
including sympathetic and hormonal subject. maternal health care utilization after
changes that can be measured in the Studies regarding physiological stress discharge and shorter duration of
blood or salivary cortisol concentra- found that total and free plasma cortisol breastfeeding.8
tions.2 Psychological stress refers to the concentrations increase dramatically Yet studies that evaluated the stress
emotional and perceived feelings of throughout term labor and delivery.4,5 levels during labor were small and
distress, which can be evaluated using Total and free concentrations of cortisol mostly measured stress level at only 1
validated questionnaires.3 were reported to increase 2- to 5-fold point during the course of labor.
The process of labor and delivery from 10 to 17 days prepartum to the The objective of the current study was
encompasses a great amount of psy- end of the first stage of labor.6 These to describe patterns of physiological and
physiological changes in cortisol are psychological stress during labor as
Cite this article as: Miller N, Atamna Asali A, perceived as necessary for maintaining measured at 6 time points (latent phase,
Agassi-Zaitler M, et al. Physiological and psychological the maternal and fetal well-being and for active phase, and full dilation as well as 2
stress responses to labor and delivery as expressed by helping normal labor progression, spe- minutes, 2 hours, and 24 hours after
salivary cortisol: a prospective study. Am J Obstet cifically by maximizing glucose avail- delivery) and to evaluate their correla-
Gynecol 2019;xxx;xx-xx.
ability for the fetus and myometrium tion with obstetric and neonatal out-
0002-9378/$36.00 during labor.4 comes. If this correlation was found, it
ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Studies regarding psychological stress could have a clinically significant rela-
during labor are few. One study found tion to stress during labor. We also
women’s anxiety, measured by the evaluated the effect of epidural analgesia
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), on stress during labor.

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

SMFM Papers

AJOG at a Glance Physiological assessment
Why was this study conducted? Saliva samples were measured 6 times, as
To describe patterns of physiological and psychological stress during labor, described in the previous text. We used
measured at 6 time points (latent phase, active phase, full dilation, 2 minutes, 2 salivary cortisol because serum cortisol
hours, and 24 hours after delivery) and to evaluate their correlation with obstetric diffuses freely into saliva. Therefore,
and neonatal outcomes salivary cortisol reflects serum-free
cortisol concentrations more accurately
Key findings than serum total cortisol in the blood
Salivary cortisol concentrations increased gradually from latent to active phase. does.9 In addition, it is a simple,
The maximum increase was observed within 2 minutes of delivery. Within 2 noninvasive test.
hours after delivery, cortisol decreased and reached a nongravid concentration The saliva samples were collected in
after 24 hours. Cord cortisol was higher among women delivered by vacuum Salivette tubes (Sarstedt International,
extraction, as compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery. Nümbrecht, Germany) and then centri-
fuged at 1459 g for 10 minutes and stored
What does this add to what is known? at e20 C until further analysis. Salivary
This study establishes the course of cortisol concentrations during labor for low- cortisol concentrations were measured
risk pregnancies and may be used as a reference to evaluate complicated preg- in micrograms per deciliter using an
nancies, such as those associated with preterm labor or preeclampsia and to electrochemiluminescence immuno-
evaluate the role of cortisol during these deliveries. assay (Elecsys cortisol kit; Roche Di-
agnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland) in a
Cobas c6000 analyser (Roche Di-
Material and Methods Latent phase refers to contractions until agnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland). The
Study design 4 cm dilation and active phase from 4 sensitivity limit for the cortisol assays
This prospective, observational study cm until full dilation. Cord blood was 0.018 mg/dL and the coefficient of
included a cohort of 167 women with cortisol was also measured immediately variation between 1% and 1.7%.
low-risk, singleton, term deliveries at after delivery.
Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel, At each assessment, physiological Psychological assessment
from 2015 through 2018. stress was evaluated by saliva cortisol At the first assessment during the
measurements and by an emotional latent phase, patients completed the
Patients stress questionnaire with a 1e10 stress Hebrew version of the HADS, which
Participants were recruited during scale. At the first assessment, women also measures anxiety and depression in a
admission to the delivery room. Inclusion completed the Hospital Anxiety and general medical population of pa-
criteria were women above age 18 years, Depression Scale (HADS). tients.10 The questionnaire includes 7
with a singleton, term, low-risk preg- Demographic and obstetric informa- questions for anxiety and 7 for
nancy. Exclusion criteria were women tion was obtained directly from the depression. Each item is answered by
who were taking anxiolytics and/or anti- electronic medical records. We analyzed the patient on a 4 point (0e3)
depressants, were under psychological the pattern of stress during the labor response scale. A score above 7 of each
care during the third trimester of preg- course for the entire cohort, for nulli- subscale (anxiety/depression) is
nancy, or with a high-risk pregnancy paras compared with multiparas, and for considered above the normal range.11
(including preeclampsia, gestational dia- women who received epidural analgesia In addition, patients were asked the
betes mellitus, chronic disease, intra- compared with women who did not. following open-ended question: “How
uterine growth restriction, known fetal In addition, the association between stressed do you feel right now?” They
anomalies, or chromosomal aberrations). stress levels (measured by salivary cortisol marked their answer on a continuous
A total of 230 women were and the stress scale), and obstetrical out- scale comprised of a 10 cm horizontal
approached, of which 12 were excluded comes were evaluated, including mode of line whose extremes were labeled 0, for
because of selective serotonin reuptake delivery (vaginal, vaginal-assisted, or ce- no stress at all and 10, for extremely
inhibitor usage, 10 because of high-risk sarean), labor complications (manual stressful, based on the visual analogue
pregnancy, and 33 who declined to removal of retained placenta, grade III scale, intended to evaluate subjective
participate for personal reasons. and IV perineal tears, postpartum hem- pain.12 We termed this new measure-
Participants who met the eligibility orrhage above 500 mL, and intrapartum ment tool the stress scale. In a previous
criteria signed an informed consent and or postpartum fever above 38 C), and publication, we validated this stress
stress was measured at 6 different times: neonatal outcomes (cord pH below 7.1 scale and found that it significantly
at latent phase, active phase (from 4 cm and 1 and 5 minute Apgar scores <7). correlates with the STAI,13 which is an
dilation), full dilation, 2 minutes, 2 The study was approved by the insti- acceptable measure for evaluating the
hours, and 24 hours after delivery. tutional ethics committee. stress state.3

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 SMFM Papers

Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using TABLE 1
Demographic and obstetrical variables for all participants (n [ 167) and by
SPSS 20.0 package for windows (SPSS,
Inc, Chicago, IL). The difference in the
slopes for each time assessment for Entire cohort Nulliparous Multiparous
cortisol and psychological stress levels Basic characteristics (n ¼ 167) Mean, SD (n ¼ 62) (n ¼ 105) P value
were evaluated with the Student t test. Maternal age, y 31.7  4.6 29.3  4.4 33 4.1 .001
For comparison between groups,
BMI, kg/m2 27.6  4.6 27.5  4.8 27.7  4.5 .773
continuous variables were analyzed with
the Student t test, and categorical vari- Gravidity, median 2 1 3 .001
ables were analyzed with c2 or Fisher Parity, median 1 NA 1 .001
exact test. Pearson’s coefficients were Gestational age 39.3  1.3 39.2 1.5 39.3  1.1 .506
calculated between psychological and at delivery, wks
physiological stress. A value of P < .05 Nulliparas, % 37 NA NA NA
was considered significant.
Epidural anesthesia, % 87 90 85 .351
Results Second-stage 118  77 33  40 .0001
A total of 175 women were recruited, duration, min
of whom 8 (4.6%) withdrew from the CD, n, % 11 (6.6%) 9 (15%) 2 (2%) .009
study. All 8 withdrew because of Vacuum extraction, n, % 16 (9.6%) 10 (16%) 6 (6%) .054
impatience with providing additional
BMI, body mass index; CD, cesarean delivery; NA, not available.
salivary cortisol samples as they Miller et al. Salivary cortisol secretion and stress evaluation during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.
entered active labor. The final sample
consisted of 167 participants. Table 1
shows their demographic and clinical
characteristics. latent phase to active phase. The with women without epidural analgesia.
The average maternal age was 31.7 maximum increase of 57% was observed There was also a trend toward a lower
4.6 years and 62 women were nullipa- from full dilation (1.06  1 mg/dL) to 2 cortisol concentration 2 minutes after
rous, accounting for 37% of the cohort, minutes after delivery )1.67  1.3 mg/ delivery for women with epidural (P ¼
and 105 (63%) were multiparous. The dL). Then salivary cortisol concentra- .063). The cortisol concentrations 24
average gestational age at the time of the tions decreased by 45% within 2 hours hours postpartum were similar in pa-
delivery was 39.3  1.3. Epidural anal- after delivery (0.91  0.9 mg/dL), tients delivered with or without epidural
gesia was requested and received by 135 continued to decrease, and reached a analgesia (P ¼ .917; see Table 2 and
women (87%). The remaining 13% did nongravid concentration after 24 hours Figure 1B).
not request epidural anesthesia. Eleven (0.16 mg/dL). Cortisol concentrations No difference was found in cortisol
women (6.6%) underwent emergency during labor and up to 2 hours post- concentrations between women who
cesarean delivery (CD); 8 because of partum were above the average concen- had a spontaneous vaginal delivery
nonreassuring fetal heart rate and 3 tration of nongravid women (0.5 mg/dL; (SVD; or vacuum extraction) compared
because of arrested descent. Sixteen see Figure 1A).4 with CD, except for higher cortisol
women (9.6%) had vacuum extraction; The changes in the cortisol concen- concentrations 2 hours after CD (2  2
15 because of nonreassuring fetal heart trations between full dilation and within mg/dL vs 0.85  0.8 mg/dL, P ¼.035; see
rate and 1 because of prolonged second 2 minutes after delivery and between 2 Table 2).
stage. minutes and 24 hours after delivery were Multifactorial regression analysis
Nulliparas had more CD (15% vs 2%, significant (both P ¼ .001). revealed that epidural use was negatively
P ¼ .009) and vacuum-assisted vaginal Nulliparous women had significantly correlated, and duration of second stage
delivery (17% vs 6%, P ¼ .054) and higher cortisol concentrations compared was positively correlated with cortisol
longer second-stage duration (118  77 with multiparas when measured 2 mi- concentrations measured 2 minutes (P ¼
vs 33  40 minutes, P ¼ .0001). No nutes (P ¼.003) and 2 hours postpartum .06 and P ¼ .014, respectively) and 2
difference was found regarding the use of (P ¼ .041), with no difference during hours after delivery (P ¼ .001 and P ¼
analgesia between groups (90% vs 85%, latent (P ¼ .237) and active phases .05, respectively). Nulliparity was not
P ¼ .351). (0.668) or 24 hours after delivery (P ¼ found to be correlated to cortisol con-
.666; see Table 2). centration at either time point (P ¼ .237
Stress during Labor Women with epidural analgesia had and P ¼ .191). No effect was found for
Physiological stress: cortisol lower cortisol concentrations at com- vacuum extraction on cortisol concen-
For the entire cohort, salivary cortisol plete dilation (P ¼ .026) as well as 2 tration at these times (P ¼ .188 and P ¼
concentrations increased gradually from hours postpartum (P ¼ .016) compared .943, respectively).

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

SMFM Papers

Obstetric complications and

neonatal outcomes and
Cortisol concentrations at each assessment
correlation to stress
Cord cortisol was higher for women
delivered by vacuum extraction
compared with SVD (17  2 vs 11  3.8,
P ¼.03). Cord cortisol was also positively
related to longer second stage of labor
(Pearson, 0.455, P ¼ .001).
No significant differences regarding
physiological and psychological mea-
sures were found in relation to meco-
nium, postpartum hemorrhage, manual
lysis, cord pH, or 5 minute Apgar score
mentioned in the previous text (data not

Principal findings
The current study describes physiolog-
ical and psychological stress levels during
labor. We found that women exhibit
gradual increases in physiological stress
(cortisol) during labor, with the highest
cortisol concentrations 2 minutes after
delivery. Psychological stress decreased
gradually during labor with the highest
decrease 2 minutes after delivery.
Epidural anesthesia was related to lower
cortisol concentrations up to 2 hours
postpartum. The novelty of our findings
is in the ability to show trends and
changes during and immediately after
labor and to compare maternal cortisol
levels with delivery outcomes.

A, Entire sample. B, In relation to epidural use. Results

Miller et al. Salivary cortisol secretion and stress evaluation during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019. Our finding of increased salivary cortisol
during labor is in agreement with pre-
vious studies that demonstrated elevated
Psychological stress Correlations between free plasma cortisol during term labor
Emotional stress peaked during the physiological and and delivery.4,5 Wilcox showed that total
latent phase (4.56  2.9), then decreased psychological stress and free concentrations of cortisol in-
during the active phase (3.41  2.6), and measurements crease 2- to 5-fold beginning 10e17 days
then increased again at the full dilation No significant correlation was found prepartum to the end of first stage of
phase (4.29  3.3). The maximum between physiological measures labor.6
decrease from 4.29 to 2.04 (52%) (cortisol) and psychological stress mea- One explanation is that cortisol is
occurred immediately postpartum (see sures (HADS and stress score) at each essential to maintaining glucose levels
Table 3 and Figure 2). assessment time (data not shown). when glycogen stores are depleted with
No differences were found between Cord cortisol was positively corre- fasting or with a long labor. High con-
nulliparas vs multiparas in stress scale lated with cortisol at full dilation centrations of cortisol maximize the
scores at each assessment, between (Pearson, 0.35, P ¼ .025), 2 minutes, glucose availability for the fetus and the
women with or without epidural, and and 2 hours after the delivery (Pearson, myometrium, thus contributing to the
between women who underwent SVD vs 0.5, P ¼ .001, Pearson¼ 0.53, P ¼ .001, effective progression of labor.4 These
CD (see Table 3). respectively). physiological changes in cortisol are

1.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 SMFM Papers

Physiological stress at measured by cortisol concentrations (micrograqms per deciliter) at each assessment time
Time of cortisol Entire Nulliparas Multiparas Epidural No epidural SVD CD
measurement cohort (n ¼ 62) (n ¼ 105) P value (n ¼ 134) (n ¼ 33) P value (n ¼ 156) (n ¼ 11) P value
Latent phase 0.68 (0.6) 0.88 (0.3) 0.57 (0.6) .170 0.74 (0.6) 0.33 (0.6) .263 0.65 (0.5) 1 (1.4) .786
Active phase 1.16 (0.9) 1.22 (0.9) 1.1 (1) .668 1.1 (1) 1.5 (1) .244 1.1 (0.9) 1.7 (1.2) .186
Full dilation 1.06 (1) 1.2 (0.8) 1 (1) .486 0.98 (0.8) 2 (2.3) .026 1 (1) 1.5 (0.7) .538
2 min after delivery 1.67 (1.3) 2.4 (1.4) 1.3 (1.2) .003 1.5 (1.3) 2.5 (1.6) .063 1.6 (1.3) 2.3 (2) .389
2 h after delivery 0.91 (0.9) 1.3 (1.1) 0.75 (0.7) .041 0.8 (0.8) 1.7 (1.1) .016 0.85 (0.8) 2 (2) .035
24 h after delivery 0.16 (0.4) 0.2 (0.4) 0.15 (0.3) .666 0.16 (0.3) 0.18 (0.4) .917 0.15 (0.3) 0.33 (0.6) .425
Cord cortisol 12 (4) 13.9 (3.8) 11.5 (3.9) .053 12.2 (3.8) 12 (5.4) .915 12 (4) 17 (0.1) .231
All values are mean (SD).
CD, cesarean delivery; SVD, spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Miller et al. Salivary cortisol secretion and stress evaluation during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

perceived as necessary for maintaining between primiparous and nuliprous concentrations were due to a longer
the maternal and fetal well-being and before or after this period. Yet Stjern- second-stage duration among nulliparas
helping the normal progression of labor. holm et al15 found no difference in in our study.
Cortisol returns to nonpregnant con- cortisol concentrations between nullip- The current study showed that
centrations within 24 hours after de- arous and multiparous during labor. epidural anesthesia was related to lower
livery. It is interesting and reassuring to These studies measured cortisol during cortisol concentrations at complete
find that cortisol concentrations return labor and not during delivery. dilation, 2 minutes after delivery, and 2
to those of the nonpregnant state within Our study also found no difference in hours postpartum, with no differences
a relatively short time. cortisol concentrations during labor between women who did or did not
Data regarding parity and cortisol between these groups. Yet we found that receive epidural anesthesia 24 hours after
during labor are controversial. Kono nulliparous had significantly higher delivery. Alehagen et al16 also found that
et al14 showed that maternal cortisol cortisol concentrations compared with cortisol increased throughout labor in
concentrations during SVD were higher multiparas when measured 2 minutes women without epidural anesthesia
in primiparous compared with parous (P ¼ .003) and 2 hours postpartum (P ¼ compared with women with epidural.
women from 3 and up to 9 hours after .041). Based on a multifactorial analysis, It is already known that epidural
the onset of labor, with no differences we assume that these higher anesthesia suppresses unstimulated and

Psychological stress at each assessment
Entire Nulliparas Multiparas Yes No SVD CD
Stress scalea cohort (n ¼ 62) (n ¼ 105) P value (n ¼ 134) (n ¼ 33) P value (n ¼ 156) (n ¼ 11) P value
Latent phase 4.56 (2.9) 5.4 (2.8) 3.8 (2.9) .139 4.7 (2.7) 3.5 (4.3) .448 4.8 (2.8) 1 (0) .075
Active phase 3.41 (2.6) 3.58 (2.3) 3.3 (2.7) .538 3.5 (2.6) 2.9 (2.3) .377 3.4 (2.6) 3.6 (3) .818
Full dilation 4.29 (3.3) 4.4 (3) 4.2 (3.5) .785 4.2 (3.3) 5 (3.2) .381 4.3 (3.3) 4.8 (3.8) .646
2 min after delivery 2 (2.6) 2.3 (3.1) 1.8 (2.2) .320 2 (2.7) 1.6 (1.7) .488 1.9 (2.4) 4.7 (4.5) .307
2 h after delivery 1.1 (1.7) 1.2 (2) 1 (1.6) .699 1.2 (1.8) 0.46 (0.5) .155 1.1 (1.7) 1.3 (1.5) .825
24 h after delivery 0.7 (1) 0.5 (0.8) 0.8 (1) .188 0.75 (1) 0.25 (0.5) .180 0.67 (0.9) 1.1 (2) .241
HADS score (anxiety) 3.96 (2.9) 3.8 (2.8) 4 (3) .569 4.2 (2.9) 3.9 (2.7) .687 4.1 (2.8) 3.6 (3) .569
All values are mean (SD).
CD, cesarean delivery; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; SVD, spontaneous vaginal delivery.
A continuous scale comprised of a 10 cm horizontal line whose extremes were labeled 0 for no stress at all and 10 for extremely stressful.
Miller et al. Salivary cortisol secretion and stress evaluation during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e5

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Stress scale score at each assessment

Miller et al. Salivary cortisol secretion and stress evaluation during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

corticotropin-releasing hormone-stim- We evaluated psychological stress using scale). This suggests that there are
ulated adrenocorticotropin and cortisol a new stress scale, which was found to be different aspects to a patient’s response
secretion,17 which explains the decrease correlated with the STAI.13 It should be to the labor process, as measured by
in cortisol for women receiving epidural noted that the stress scale provides a cortisol and stress questionnaires.
analgesia. Because the effects of an subjective, relative stress score. The The current study showed that cord
epidural last an average of about 114 change in stress scores provides more cortisol levels were higher among women
minutes after delivery,18 it was also information than does the absolute going through vacuum extraction
reasonable to expect that cortisol con- number. In the current study, we found a compared with SVD. Higher cortisol
centrations, which are affected by the gradual decrease in stress scores during concentrations are also related to a longer
epidural, would be similar for women labor, with the biggest decrease occurring second stage of labor. Previous data
who received or did not receive epidural 2 minutes after delivery. Because labor is showed that deliveries are associated with
analgesia after 24 hours. known to be a stressful event encom- high cortisol concentration in the umbil-
A comparison between women who passing a large amount of uncertainty, it ical cord.19,20 Mears et al21 also found that
delivered vaginally (spontaneous or vac- is reasonable that the perceived psycho- infants delivered by elective caesarean had
uum assisted) with women who delivered logical stress will decrease dramatically the lowest cortisol concentrations, while
by a cesarean revealed higher cortisol immediately after birth. Although we the highest were recorded in infants
concentrations 2 hours after an emergent hypothesized nulliparas would be more following instrumental delivery. Sano
CD. In contrast to our findings, Stjern- stressed as compared with multiparas, found that umbilical cortisol concentra-
holm et al15 found significantly higher our data showed that for both pop- tion was significantly higher after
concentrations of cortisol during the ulations, the labor process is perceived as vacuum-assisted delivery as compared
third stage of labor among women vagi- a stressful event, with no difference be- with SVD and that the duration of the
nally compared with cortisol concentra- tween groups based on the HADS ques- second stage was a predictor of higher
tions 2 hours after elective CD. Yet they tionnaire or the stress scale. cortisol concentrations.22
did not measure cortisol concentrations 2 In our study, no correlation was found These data suggest that vacuum
hours after a vaginal delivery. These between physiological stress (measured extraction may be a stressful event for the
methodological differences might explain by cortisol) and psychological stress infant. Yet it is important to mention that
the variances between the results. (measured by HADS and the stress no correlation was found between cord

1.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 SMFM Papers

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tween free and bound hormone in plasma. Br J Tanaka M. Correlations between stress hor-
practically, difficult to achieve. Although Obstet Gynaecol 1985;92:65–71. mone levels in umbilical cord blood and dura-
the sample size was relatively small, we 7. Fernández-Campos FJ, Escrivá D, tion of delivery. J Pak Med Assoc 2015;65:
believe it was large enough to ascertain a Palanca JM, Ridocci F, Barrios C, Gallego J. 782–4.
pattern of cortisol during labor. We Women’s acute anxiety variations before and
encourage other researchers to replicate after epidural anesthesia for childbirth.
J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol 2017;38:152–8. Author and article information
these findings in future studies. Another 8. Paul IM, Downs DS, Schaefer EW, Beiler JS, From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir
limitation of the study was that we Weisman CS. Postpartum anxiety and maternal- Medical Center, Kfar Saba (Drs Miller, Atamna Asali,
measured physiological stress with sali- infant health outcomes. Pediatrics 2013;131: Agassi-Zaitler, Neumark, Hadi, Elbaz, Pasternak,
vary cortisol only and no other stress e1218–24. Fishman, and Biron-Shental and Mrs Matzkin Eisenberg),
9. Umeda T, Hiramatsu R, Iwaoka T, Shimada T, and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
measurements such as catecholamines,
Miura F ST. Use of saliva for monitoring unbound Tel Aviv (Drs Miller, Atamna Asali, Agassi-Zaitler, Hadi,
which might have provided additional free cortisol levels in serum. Clin Chim Acta Elbaz, Pasternak, Fishman, and Biron-Shental), Israel.
insights to our results. 1981;110:2. 1
The first two authors are equal contributors.
10. Stern A. The Hospital Anxiety and Depres- Received Feb. 17, 2019; revised June 15, 2019;
Research implications sion Scale. Occup Med (Chicago, Ill) 2014;64: accepted June 20, 2019.
393–4. The study was supported by the research fund of the
Future studies should try to include
11. Philip R. The Hospital Anxiety And Depres- Israel Insurance Association.
additional measures to evaluate stress sion Scale. Heal Qual Life Outcomes 2003:1–29. The authors report no conflict of interest.
and its effect on obstetrical and neonatal 12. Ohnhaus EE, AR. Methodological problems Corresponding author: The Society for Maternal-Fetal
outcomes. Further research needs to in the measurement of pain: a comparison Medicine: Publications Committee.

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e7

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