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1. Matches last for 15 minutes each 
2. 5 minutes extra time if no takeover 
3. After that should one team have mass and takeover they will win, however they 
must eliminate the enemy team first if they have mass, if both teams lose their 
mass then it will be a rematch. 
4. Max. six players can be spawned 
5. Leave the party when the match ends 
6. Referees will send party and when they do you must join it at the correct time. 
1. When a party crashes 
2. When a team spawns too early 
3. When a random or #1 donates mass 
4. If there is cause for a rematch , the leaders and host will talk - NOBODY else. 
1. Play for only one team during the tournament 
2. Use whatever name you want ingame so long as you have the tag visible. 
3. Use the team tag in your name 
4. Do not team with random players 
5. Do not raid tournament matches. 
6. No cheating or botting 
1. Must have six players and four optional subs 
2. Only leaders can discuss issues with the staff 
3. Do not insult staff members for they are hosting the tournaments you play. 

​ ut remember, if the host thinks its 
fair then he can disregard these rules 
in certain circumstances. 

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