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Salary Computation in peso

Allowance non taxable. DEMINIMIS input data here

Basic pay input data here
Reg OT input data here
Night dif input data here
Legal holiday/ input data here
Special holiday on a restday nd input data here
Special holiday input data here
Withholding tax input data here just for comparison
Phil health input data here
SSS input data here
HDMF input data here

BIR bracket-single(FIX) 12500

BIR bracket % for single(FIX) 30%
BIR tax table(FIX) 2083.33
Sum of total taxable 0
Total taxable less of phil health, SSS,
hdmf 0
Taxable net less BIR bracket -12500
Multiply by bracket percentage -3750
TOTAL WITHHOLDING TAX -1666.67 if match with payslip 0

Deductions and tax -1666.67 Total deduction including company advances -1666.67
Gross earning 0 SSS LOAN
NET PAY 1666.67

from BIR tax table
just for comparison

advance due to holiday not paid advance


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