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Remnant Fabrics: Recycling into Garbage Bag

Everything has its own use, even unused can still be use. People’s waste are
now fostering, we are now lack of place to dump the pile of trashes humans have. As a
responsible citizen and yet the cause of all wastes, we have to start thinking about the
other way of disposing it. And that is to use again the leftover garments and make it
garbage bag. The process is called Recycling.

Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world
in which we live. Recycling is important to both the nature environment and us. We must
act fast as the amount of waste we created is increasing all the time. Recycling is the
great way to reduce your ecological footprint. Recycling refers to collecting a waste
product and reprocessing it so that it can be consumed once again. Recycling can also
be define a returning a resource to previous stage in its cyclic process. In line with this,
we the researchers would want to express our creative mind through this research.
Instead of recycling some common things like cans, plastics, paper, etc. This time we
hand think of recycling remnant fabric into something that can help reduce the pollution
cause of wastes.

On the other hand, the importance of recycling to students according to Bradley

2012 “Schools need to do the right thing. Some state and local governments require
schools to recycle. When schools recycle they help to reduce fossil fuel usage,
conserve resources, and help to create local jobs. Schools help to set an example, a
legacy, which children learn to admire, and to emulate.” Aside from keeping such,
Schenker 2019 has his own say about the importance of recycling but now it’s for
everyone. According to him, “recycling your waste makes you more conscious in how
you use and dispose of goods, take pride in minimizing their waste as they are helping
to reduce global environmental damage and making this earth a better place, economic
via employment generated, emissions that result from the incineration.” Moreover,
“Greening Forward” has different meaning about the importance of recycling. As stated,
It reduces financial expenditure in the economy. Making products from raw materials
cost much more than if they were made from recycled products. Preserve natural
resources for future generations. And recycling reduces the need for raw materials; it
also uses less energy, therefore preserving natural resources for the future.

According to Leblanc 2019, “textile recycling is the process by which old clothing
and other textiles are recovered for reuse or material recovery. It is the basic for the
textile.” Clothing recycling is part of textile recycling. It involves recovering old clothing
suitable for reuse, cloth scraps or rag as well as fibrous material. Interest in garment
recycling is rapidly on the rise due to environment awareness and landfill pressure. For
entrepreneurs, it provides business opportunity. In addition, various charities also
generate revenue through their collection program for old clothing.

By the use of remnant fabric, we will produce a fabric garbage bag in which only
biodegradable wastes during deposing wastes. The researchers find it very useful
because the whole community can benefit it this product. Even the entrepreneurs can
have this is as an opportunity to start up for business. Also the government will lessen
their problem in the pile of wastes thrown in every corner. However, there is need of
responsibility in using this product because segregation is necessary in here due to only
biodegradable wastes are thrown.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the respondents?
2. What is the effect of using remnants fabric as garbage bag in a
3. How effective does the textile fabrics as a garbage bag?
4. What impact does recycling of remnants fabric have on our environment?

Objective of the Study

The objective of the study relies on the statement of the problem where each and
every statement will be expounded to know what and why the statements are important
in the study. First, the Demographic Profile it includes name (optional), sex, and age.
Those are a big help in the study because it gives information about the respondents.
Second, the importance of recycling which was discuss in the introduction of the study.
Upon discussing that, questions such as how it can affect to human lives? How it can
open people’s minds using that? Appear in the text. Third, the effectiveness of remnant
fabric as garbage bag. As the major problem of this research, probably the last question
is the process of making garbage bag out of remnant fabrics.
Scope and Delimitations
This study will focus on recycling remnant fabrics into garbage bag. It will discuss
the importance of recycling, the effectiveness of fabric garbage bag and definitely, the
process of recycling remnant fabrics. The result of this research will be a big help to the
school of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao and to its students.

The respondents of this study are one hundred (100) randomly selected students
of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao, Brgy. Mamatid, Cabuyao. This study is a quantitative
research where researchers are going to use survey questionnaire in gathering data
that will be essential in the study.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to enlighten, aspire, influence and to share knowledge to the
students of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao in accordance of this study.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs

This is an advantage to aspiring entrepreneurs, they can start up a business

through this. Knowing the importance to humans and the process in making the product

To the Students

This study will give information to the students of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
as the preferences on how to use the recycled remnants fabrics into garbage bag.

To the Consumer

In this study consumer will realize how important they are as preferences in
using the recycled remnants fabrics into garbage bag.

To the Researcher

The process and outcome of this study will produce a great satisfaction,
competence and professionalism in the field.
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