Creative Non-Fiction Reviewer

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Literature- Means "letter" Referring to an aquaintance with

the written word.

Fiction- The Latin word fictus means “to form,” which

seems like a good source for the English word fiction, since
fiction is formed in the imagination.
•Short story






Nonfiction- Prose writing that is based on facts, real

events, and real people, such as biography or history.




Characters- Includes made up people or animals

Setting- The manner, position, or direction in which something is set.

Plot- Is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story,
or the main part of a story.

•Exposition- Introduce the main characters

•Rising Action- is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense,

interest, and tension in a narrative.

Climax- Highest pic of the story or Turning point

Falling Action- Major event is slow down

Denouement/Resolution-the act or process of resolving: such as.

Rhythm and Meter

Foot- Refers to syllabols "Pagbabay-bay"

Iambic- Unstress-Stress


Dactylic- Stress-2unstress

Anapestic- 2unstress-Stress
Theme- An underlying topic of a discussion or a recurring idea in an
artistic work.

Conventions of Drama
Convention- A form of theatre performance in which action and
character are suggested using gesture, movement, and facial
expression without words or sounds. Can be a highly sophisticated
silent art form in which the body is used as the instrument of
communication. In drama, mime enables the students to explore and
represent ideas and events through movement and gesture.

- Element
Ask who? An actor's portrayal of someone in a play

stepping into the space/reality of another person, sustaining belief in

that position, and representing for example that person's relationships
and point of view.


- Element

Ask what? What is happening in the scene?


- Element
Ask where? Space is where the dramatic action takes place. It refers
both to the imagined place of the dramatic action and the physical
space that the students have to work in.


- Element

Tension is the force that drives the drama. It's created by obstacles that
those in the drama have to overcome. The element of tension
heightens the dramatic intensity and creates suspense or unease.


- Element

Where an object or action in a scene means more than it is.


- Element

The atmosphere of the piece. This is the overriding feeling of a scene or

part of a scene.

- Element

Focus is the point that demands the audience's attention. It is the

central event, character, theme, issue or problem of a drama or part of
a drama. The term "focus" is also used to refer to a place or moment in
time that captures the essence of the dramatic action.

Poetic Conventions

-can refer to any set of shared rules about how a poem should be
structured, written, and spoken.

Alliteration: Repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words

placed near each other, usually on the same or adjacent lines.

Assonance: Repeated vowel sounds in words placed near each other,

usually on the same or adjacent lines.
These should be in sounds that are accented, or stressed, rather than in
vowel sounds that are unac-cented.

Consonance: Repeated consonant sounds at the ending of words

placed near each other, usually on the same or adjacent lines.

Cacophony- A discordant series of harsh, unpleasant sounds helps to

convey disorder.

Euphony- A series of musically pleasant sounds, conveying a sense of

harmony and beauty to the language.

Onomatopoeia: Words that sound like their meanings.

Repetition- The purposeful re-use of words and phrases for an effect.
Sometimes, especially with longer phrases that contain a different key
word each time, this is called parallelism.

Rhyme- This is the one device most commonly associated with poetry
by the general public. Words that have different beginning sounds but
whose endings sound alike, including the final vowel sound and
everything following it, are said to rhyme.

Rhythm- Although the general public is seldom directly conscious of it,

nearly everyone responds on some level to the organization of speech
rhythms (verbal stresses) into a regular pattern of accented syllables
separated by unaccented syllables.

Protagonist- Main character

Antagonist- The opposing character of protagonist


•Dynamic- Refers the attitude of character. Realization

•Static- Stable

•Round- Is a character who contrasts with another character, usually

the protagonist , to highlight qualities of the other character.
•Flat- There is no changes in character

•Stock- A hero or labeling the character

•The Hero- Seek for the justice

•The mother figure- Someone who guide/care the main character

•The innocent youth- Inexperience/A lot of weaknesses

•The doppel ganger- Duplicate the personality/character

•The scapegoat- Take a blame of problem

•The mentor- The one who guide the main character

•The villain- The opposing character of protagonist

Direct- Explicit, means stated clearly and indetail

Indirect- Implicit, means directly express

•Simile- Comparing two unlike things, using "like" or "as"

•Metaphor- Directly or Refers to one thing by mentiong another

•Personification- Represented of an abstract, quality in human form

•Hyperbole- Exaggerated Statement

•Symbolism- the particular idea or quality that is expressed by a

Symbols- Have literal meaning in story but it suggest another meaning

•First person- a set of words or word forms (such as pronouns or verb
forms) that refer to the person who is speaking or writing

•Second person- Is talking to you (Pronoun "You")

•Third person- hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and

•Observant- good at noticing what is going on around you

•Omniscient- knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or

knowledge "the omniscient God"

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