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Business Plan - is a written description of your business' future.

- small business owner's hypothesis of what they think will happen once they
open for business.
- used by investment; seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential
- use to attract key employess, prospect for new business, and deal with

* A business plan is consists of seven key components. One of these is the



- Is the most critical element of the business plan. If it does not grab the investor's
attention, the investor will not bother with the rest of the business plan.
- Your executive summary should list the highlights of your business plan in the
order that your plan is organized.
- Should be written last once all the other sections are complete. Should not exceed
two pages.

The Executive Summary must include the following critical elements

- A concise explanation of the business.
- A description of the market size and market need for the business.
- A discussion of how the company is uniquely qualified to fulfill this need.

The Executive Summary should provide answers to the following questions:

• Who are you and who is your management team?

• What is the business idea?
• Where is your market opportunity?
• When will your business be profitable?
• Why will your target customer do business with you?
• How much money do you need and what will you do with it?


Business Concept: A description of the business, its products and the market it will
serve. This also include the nature of the business.
- describe what will be sold, to whom, and how it has a competitive advantage.

Current business position: Provide an overview of the company, legal form of operation,
when it was formed, the principal owners, and key personnel.

Customer Analysis: What specific customer segments the company is targeting and
their demographic profiles.

Competition: Who the company's direct competitors are and the company's key
competitive advantages.

Marketing Plan: How the company will effectively penetrate its target market.

Management Team: This include the biographies of key management team and board
members. (Names and Addresses of business owners)

Financial Plan: This is all about the summary of financial projections of the company.
The summary should highlight the important financial points like profits, cash flows, and
return on investment.
* Financial Requirements: The capital needed to start and expand the business, as well
as how the capital will be used.

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