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A. Background of the Problem

Speaking is the one of interactive process which is involve hearer and

speaker to convey message. In order to convey message, speaker should able to

communicate by communicative way to make hearer can catch the meaning. In

addition, a speaker should be able to respond and give feedback which is

indicated the speaker pay attention to the conversation. Furthermore, there are

some aspects in speaking that speaker should be able to use, if they want to make

process of speaking become better like vocabulary, producing pattern, stress,

rhythmic, grammar and so on.

There are two elements of speaking that students have to be able to use if

they want to speak. The first element is language features 1. Language features

consist of some element like connected speech, expressive devices, lexis and

grammar, and negotiation language. In connected speech, speaker should be able

to use some device like omitting, linking, modifying, and weakened. Expressive

device means speaker are able to use pitch and stress of particular part of

sentence. Lexis and grammar means student should be able to use variety lexis

with accurate way. In negotiation language student should be able to seek for

clarification such as, I am sorry I didn’t quite catch that.

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language third edition completely revised and
update, Longman, p. 269


The second element is mental/social processing which is consisted of some

element like language processing, interacting with others and information

processing.2 Language processing means process of language from arriving

word and phrase in memory till creating word and phrases into syntactically and

propositionally with correct order. Interacting with others means speak not only

talk about how to convey meaning but it also involves interaction with one or

more listener. The last is information processing which is means listener should

be able to process information immediately when the information got in.

Teacher can use technique or activity to make students succeed in learning

speaking. Technique refers to all of activity that teacher and students do in the

class. “Techniques were the specific activities manifested in the classroom that

were consistent with a method and therefore were in harmony with an

appropriate as well” said H. Douglas.3 It is mean that teacher should practice the

one of technique that is integrate with method that teacher apply. It will be better

if the technique also can increase motivation to learning speaking

There are many technique can be used for teaching speaking such as

Discussion, communication games, interview stranger and so on. Discussion

has some frame work like Buzz group and formal debate. Buzz group is the one

of discussion technique that gives opportunity to student to discuss in little or

small group before debating with the other students. In contrast, the opposite

ibid, p. 271

Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principles; an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy
Second Edition. Longman, p. 14

extreme technique is formal debate where students prepare opinion for agree and

against the opinion. Buzz group suitable with large class and this activity can

deal with student reluctant to speaking.

Communication game is the other form of speaking technique which is aims

to provoke communication between students. Game is used to make student do

not have burden in mind when speaking English. It is also used to facilitate

student to talk and collaboration between students. Some of teacher use some

ways like talk with peer in order to solve puzzle game, put something in right

order (describe and arrange) find similarities and differences.

There are some barrier that student will find when teacher perform speaking

like reluctant and anxiety. Reluctant sometimes happen when students are asked

by teacher to talk individually or in group in front of the class. Many of students

feel that they ability will exposed, if they do speaking in front of class and if they

do not it maximal, their friends will get laugh. Reluctant can happen if student

do not know the things that they will talk in front of the class and also if they do

not prepare mental to perform. Jeremy Harmer stated that “students are reluctant

to give an opinion particularly if they cannot think of anything to say and are not

confident on language they might use to say it.”4

The second problem students feel anxiety to perform speaking in front of

class. There are some reasons for anxiety fear of being in public and shyness,

Jeremy Harmer, Op cit, p. 272

fear of negative evaluation, fear of speaking inaccurately.5 Students are fear

being in the public because degree of shyness. According to Horwithz in Diao

Zhiping “general personality traits such as quietness, shyness and Reticence are

some reason for communication anxiety”. All of student have different degree

of Shyness. Students fear of negative evaluation which is caused by negative

evaluation by teacher and peers during the process of learning. In addition,

students care with negative evaluation and had apprehension to negative

evaluation. Students also fear of speaking inaccurately which students have bad

feeling when they are talk something inaccurate.

Anxiety related to understanding of conversation, fear of negative comment

and test anxiety. Students who have problem with understanding the meaning

and utterance will do not feel easy to communicate, especially when they are

asked to speak. Students with high degree of fear will avoid communication with

other. An introverted and reserved people tend to quieter and less willingness to

communicate. Student who do not accept negative comment, do not accept their

language errors. So, they decide to become silent and do not get involved with

class activities. Student who fear with test anxiety consider foreign language

learning, a testing situation rather than chance to improve their ability.

Based on preliminary research that researcher did in MA Kauman Padang

Panjang on March 23th 2018 which researcher interview 10 student at X IPA 1,

Diao Zhiping, “The Anxiety of Speaking English in Class among International Students in
a Malaysia University”, International Journal of Education and Research (Vol. 1 No.11
November 2013) 2013, p.5, Retrived from: on March 27 2018.

researcher found some problems that related to process of learning itself. The

first problem is less students' participation on speaking activities in class which

is caused student anxiety in speaking itself. They thought that everything would

be ok if they did not active in program because the other students active and they

did not need to follow it. In Addition, if teacher ask student to perform speaking

in front of class, they tend to ask the other students that they think more active

in class. They also ask the other students because they are fear if someone gave

bad comment cause of their performance.

The second problem was students manipulate process of speaking that

reviewed through English Day Program. They did not follow the program they

tend to make an argument that they had much task. If teacher check the progress

of program, they would tried to manipulate the program itself. They tried to show

best performance, if teacher faced them and they do the different things when

teacher did not face them. The effected of manipulated program is students did

not get best result at the end of speaking program.

Based on the previous ideas, it is a scientific reason for the researcher to

conduct the research entitle “Students Anxiety in Perform Speaking in MA

Kauman Padang Panjang”

B. Problem and Focus of the Research

There are some problems that arose in this research


1. Student less participation on speaking activities in class which is caused

student anxiety in speaking itself

2. Students manipulate the process of speaking activities

Based on problem above, researcher focused the research on “Students

anxiety in perform speaking”

C. Research Question

Based on the problem and focus of the research, the researcher would do the


1. What are reason behind the student’s anxiety in perform speaking?

2. What are some way that teacher does to encourage perform speaking?

D. Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question, the purposes of this research were to analyze

reason behind the student’s anxiety in perform speaking and to know what are

some way that teacher does to encourage student to perform speaking

E. Significance of the Research

Researcher finds that this research might useful for many people in education

field, such as:

1. For the students

The researcher expect this research give contribution especially for the

students, they are:


1) student will know what make them anxiety to perform speaking

2) student can prevent anxiety happen during perform speaking

2. For the reader

Researcher expect that the reader will know what make anxiety to perform

speaking and they can prevent anxiety

3. For the researcher

Researcher uses this thesis as the one of requirement to graduate from this

campus on English Education Department in IAIN Bukittinggi and also to

know and understand about issue of speaking itself.

4. For campus

Researcher hope that this research can be the one of suggestion to campus

to prepare the student that will be the teacher to control junior or senior high

school student anxiety so, they can perform speaking better.

5. For next researcher

Researcher hopes that this research can help the next researcher to write

better thesis in term of quality of content, language and research


F. Definition of Key Term


To avoid ambiguous understanding on the problem above, the following

definitions are considered useful:

1. Speaking is the activity which students send message to the other student,

teacher in form of oral performance that happens during the process of the


2. Anxiety is the one of psychological feeling that exist in student’s mind that

effect on student laziness, shyness to speaking




A. Review of Related Theory

1. Speaking

a. Speech production

There are some component that involved in speaking; Contingent,

spontaneity linear and real time. Contingent means each utterance is

depend to the other utterance. Spontaneity does not mean speech is

unplanned but process of planning happen in short time. Linear and real

time means speech happens in real time and linear which is means speech

is united from word to words, phrase to phrase.

b. Elements of speaking

a) Language features

There are some important elements:

1. Connected speech: students not only able to produce individual

phoneme in English but also students use fluent connected speech.

In connected speech sounds are modified/ assimilation, omitted,

added or weakened.

2. Expressive device: students hope able to change pitch and stress of

particular parts of utterance, vary volume and speech, and show by

other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic)


3. Lexis and grammar: the use of number common lexical phrases,

especially in the performance of certain language function. Teacher

should provide and supply variety of phrases for different function.

4. Negotiation language: we use it to seek clarification and to show

structure that we are saying. We often need to ask for clarification

when we are listening to someone else talk.

b) Mental/social processing

1. Language processing: effective speakers need to be able to process

language and put it on coherent order so that it comes out in forms

that are not only comprehensible but also convey the meaning are


2. Interacting with other: effective speaker involves interaction with

one or more participant

3. Information processing: we need to process of information that

they convey when the moment we get in.

c. Differences between first and another language speaking

There will be wide variation of fluency in first language that will

make speaking in another language will be worst. Lack of fluency can be

the one of frustration source and embarrassment. Lack of fluency can

inhibit face to face interaction, quite independently grammatical and

lexis that speaker has. Lack of fluency can trigger lack opportunities to

practice and the result is speaking failure. Practices do not mean practice

grammatical and vocabulary but practicing interaction.

The differences between first and second language speaking is not

much difference in term of mental processing that involved in speaking.

speaking in both of language involved conceptualizing, formulating,

finally articulating and self monitoring during process of speaking. the

big differences is language itself including grammar and vocabulary.

2. Anxiety

a. Anxiety Definition

Anxiety defines as the emotional condition where students feel fear to

perform speaking. Mayer and Salmon said that anxiety classified as

emotional state psychological arose which is sadness, fear, worry included.

It is mean when student feel anxiety they will feel some feeling that it is

annoying that will make do not perform speaking maximal in class. As the

result, students ability in term of speaking will never improve cause their

feeling disturb them.

b. Cause of Anxiety

There are some conditions that cause anxiety during students performs


a) Fear to get punishment if they do the false. For example: a student will

feat to perform speaking cause he or she doubt, if they do false their

friend and teacher give them punishment such as, insult, bad mark etc

b) Feel shy if they do the wrong thing or though that they action against

moral value. For example: a student get fear if they do the speaking

cause they do not want to do the wrong thing when they are perform.

c) Under pressure conditions

c. Source of Anxiety

There are some source of fear of speaking6

a) Career terror

The carrier terror is the one of anxiety in speaking that related to job.

It involved the feeling about awful job, career and future. In school

context, most of students who have anxiety in speaking have feeling that

speaking will measure their success. As the result, they choose job

which do not involved speaking as the one of requirement. Many of

students, try to handle this fear by ask help to teacher to handle their

anxiety because they think that fear on speaking or anxiety will block or

make their carrier become stuck. There are some conditions that trigger


a. Being promoted to a higher level of responsibility and feeling

enormous pressure to live up to new expectations

b. Speaking to a large audience of strangers in an unfamiliar setting

Lilyan Wilder. 7 steps to fearless speaking. Canada: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. p. 9.

c. The presence of a hostile boss or a competitive, intimidating


d. Being forced to use prewritten scripts

e. Pressure to use the language of the corporation, incorporating into

your talk stock phrases and buzzwords that are foreign to the way

you really express yourself

f. Using unfamiliar new technology, such as videoconferencing

g. Being assigned to talk about things you know nothing about

h. Not having enough time to prepare

b) Perfectionism

The one of feeling that want the bright, cleaver, flawless, can be the

one of obtacles to speaking. The student who always want to look

perfect in term of perform speaking will have anxiety that their tiny

mistakes will broke all of things that he or she done. As the result,

students will perform speaking as perfect as possible but in action they

lost all of thing that he or she prepared before because of their feeling.

Teacher should make student’s understand that the aim of speaking

is not to get perfection but to get the aim of communication and also

treat students to enjoy process that will make them better. The aim of

communication is delivering the meaning that the speaker talks to the

hearer. If understanding achieve, the speaker do not need the perfection

of speaking performance.

c) Panic

Panic means sudden uncotrollable feeling of great fear. 7There are

several student’s condition when they are panic. Sometimes, they listen

strange voice in their head, telling them that they will look fools or

hearer or audience will not connect with the utterance that they utter.

The other panic condition , the students will feel that their hand shake

and their voice crack. All of above condition will make their peformance

become worst and broke.

d) Avoidance

The learner doubt to start speaking and their choose to avoid all of

performance that related to speaking. student will express some reasont

that will make them do not do speaking. For example: ''I'll wait 'til

tomorrow," he sings comically. "I work best under pressure, and there'll

be lots of pressure . . . if I wait 'til tomorrow. . . ." In reality, the

avoidance is no laughing matter. In fact, it is sabotage their self that

guarrantee the anxiety, fear and dismisned perfomance.

e) Trauma

Sometimes the terrible in speaking is rooted by past experiences that

happen incidently or continuing. If the students feel that their trauma is

related to past, councleour can help the students to handle this trauma.

Trauma’s victim is usually patterning by people who were told, over and

over, by parents or other adults, that they were not able enough. As the

Oxford learner pocket dictionary 4th edition. p.316.

result they will fear humiliation, ridicule, parental anger, a teacher's

negative assessments of them, and the resulting hurt feelings

B. Review of Related Studies

There are many researcher that describe about this. Note some of them:

a. In 2006, Linda Woodrow who came from University of Sydney Australia did

the research which concern about conceptualizations of second language

speaking anxiety with research title “Anxiety and Speaking English as a

Second Language”. Problem of the research is student’s anxiety experience

which is influence students adaptation to their environment and achieving

their target in term of education during study in Australia University. The

second language speaking anxiety scale is used in this research which is validates

using confirmatory format analysis. The study found that anxiety usually came

from student’s interaction with native speakers and there are two type of

anxiety that found in this research, retrieval interference and skills deficit.

Linda Woodrow says, “The major stressor identified by the participants was

interacting with native speakers”.8

b. Jeong Ok Kim from Hannam University Korea. He did the research which is

entitled “Ongoing Speaking Anxiety of Korean EFL Learners: Case Study of

a TOEIC Intensive Program”. Problem of this research is growing of Korean

worker opportunities to work in international job market and many of course

Linda Woodrow, “Anxiety and Speaking English as a Second Language”, (Vol 37(3) 308-
328 | DOI: 10.1177/0033688206071315) 2006,p.7, Retrived from:

establish such as TOEIC intensive course. This study was aim to investigated

foreign language anxiety and language anxiety in cognitive processes of

Korean University students in an intensive TOEIC speaking program and

relationship with their academic achievement. The study found that there are

improvement between pre test and post test and also course help them to

overcome speaking anxiety and allowed them to able to communicate.

C. Conceptual framework

Criteria of good speaking

1. Able to use language features

a. Connected speech

b. Expressive device

c. Lexis and grammar

2. Mental/social processing

a. Language processing.

a. Interacting with other

b. Information processing


1. Student less participation on speaking activities in class which

is caused student anxiety in speaking itself

2. Students manipulate the process of speaking acti-vities


Research question

1. What are reason behind the student’s anxiety in perform

2. What are some way that teacher does to encourage perform


3. speaking?
Problem of this research is student’s less participation in speaking

performance that cause by anxiety and manipulation that do by the students in term

of speaking class activities. Researcher focus on student’s less participation in

speaking performance that caused by student’s anxiety in performing speaking. this

problem is related to one of English skill, Speaking. There are two research

questions: reason behind student’s anxiety and teacher ways to encourage perform




This research will use ethnography study with qualitative approach. In the

ethnography study researcher examine whole of group member which share same

culture. Researchers study all of intact culture in natural setting. This research want

to see the change from time to time then the researcher limit the generalization into

topic. In Ethnography, researcher must immerse to student live in order to observe

the culture and interpret the culture, social system.


In this research, researcher act as instrument and data gathering. The researcher will

act as participant observer.


Researcher will conduct the research on MTsN 6 Agam where is located on Jln

Raya Kubang Putih. Kab. Agam.


Singleton and Straits identified the following stages in field research:

a) Formulation of the problem: formulate or find the problem that will focus

b) Choose research setting: the setting of research should be clear.

c) Gaining access: it is about how researcher immersed into group who are

wish to study. The researcher can ask for formal permission or get in as

volunteer not as researcher

d) Presenting oneself: researcher needs to decide how the researcher presents

those in the field.

e) Gathering and recording information. Researcher can record, take note,

wait and record observation after leave the setting and record the

information as soon as possible. Researcher field not should consist 4


a) Running description: record the observation days. The objective is to

record accurately.

b) Forgotten episode

c) Ideas and note for information use: it is related to data analysis, data

collection, speculations about

d) Methodological notes: This refers to any ideas related to the techniques

that researcher use to conduct the research.


Researcher will use some data that will support this research such as, lesson

video, and participant confession.


Researcher will used some technique for gathering data

a) Interviewing

Researcher will interview teacher as the person who handle the class and

the student who follow the class and feel the anxiety

b) Observing

Researcher will observe the teaching process which will know exactly

the anxiety that happen naturally.


Researcher will do following strategies for analysis of data

a) Coding for descriptive labels: group the information, then organized to

compare, contrast and identify pattern. Before analyze the data, it will

helpful to formulate basic domain that characterized by broad range


b) Sorting for patterns: The next step is to sort or group the descriptive labels

into smaller sets. One begins to develop themes from those groupings and a

sense of possible connections between the information.

c) Identifying outliers: Cases, situations, events or settings that do not “fit”

with the rest of the findings may be identified. These cases should be kept

in mind as the different steps in the research process are developed, for

example, should we collect more information about those cases.

d) Generalizing constructs and theories: The patterns or connected findings are

related to theories in order to make sense of the rich and complex data

collected. Existing literature is also reviewed.


e) Memoing with reflective remarks: Memos are insights or ideas that one has

about the data. They are written so that the researcher can know if anything

needs further clarification or testing. It also helps the researcher to keep

track of their assumptions, biases and opinions throughout the whole

research process.

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