In Up Would: Someone and

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Read the passage and answer accordingly.

1. In spite of all the honours that were heaped upon him, Pasteur, as it has been said remained simple at
heart. Perhaps, the imagery of his boyhood days, when he drew the familiar scenes of his birthplace and
the longing to be a great artist, never wholly left him.
2. In truth, he did become a great artist, though after his sixteenth year, he abandoned the brush
forever. Like every artist of worth, he put his whole soul and energy into his work and it was huge
energy that in the end wore him out. For him, each sufferer was something more than just a case that
has to be cured. He looked upon the fight against hydro-phobia as a battle and he was absorbed in
his determination to win.
3. The sight of injured children particularly moved him to an indescribable extent. He suffered with
his patients and yet he would not deny himself a share in their suffering. His greatest grief was
when sheer physical exhaustion made him give up his active work. But even then in that pain he
loved to see his former pupils and it was then that he would reiterate his life's principles; ‘never
cease to work’. So well had he kept his precept that he rapidly began to sink from exhaustion.
4. Finally, on September 27, 1895, when someone leaned over his bed to offer him a cup of milk, he said
sadly, “I cannot”. With a look of perfect resignation and peace, he seemed to have fallen asleep.
He never again opened his eyes to the cares and sufferings of the world, which he had done so much
to relieve and to conquer. He was within three months of his seventy-third birthday.
(a) How did Pasteur view those who suffered from diseases?
(b) What tells us that he wanted to become an artist?
(c) Elaborate the phrase 'I cannot', in context with the article.
(d) What was his greatest grief?
(e) What is meant by 'whole soul and energy'? (Para 2)
(I) What is meant by 'to give up'? (Para 3)
(g) Find the word opposite to ‘float’. (Para 3)
(h) Find the word opposite to 'weakness’. (Para 2)

“Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds
of years ago.” He added loftily.

1. Who is ‘he’ in the above lines ?

2. “Our kind of school.” What kind of school they have ?
3. Trace the word from the extract that means “in a superior way”.(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-031)


1. ‘He’ in the above lines is Tommy.

2. They have future classrooms with mechanical teachers.
3. Loftily.

“And both that morning equally lay,

In leaves no step had trodden black,
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way.
I doubted if I should ever come back.”,
(a) Who does ‘both’ refer to?
(b) Why does the poet doubt his coming back?
(c) Why would the poet like to come back? (Board Term 12012, Set 52)
(a) ‘Both’ refers to the two roads.
(b) The poet doubts his coming back because one path would lead to another path.
(c) The poet would like to come back to travel on the road not taken.

She never looked back from that point onwards. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra and by
the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of
Music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral
work to solo performances.

1. What did Evelyn decide when she was sixteen years old ?
2. How did Evelyn get right to the top ?
3. Which word in the passage means the same as “gave a short performance so that the director
could decide whether she was good enough” (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-021)


1. When Evelyn was sixteen years old, she decided to make music her life.
2. Evelyn got to the top by hard work, motivation and determination.
3. Auditioned.

Awards and recognition came thick and fast. Bismillah Khan became the first Indian to be invited to perform at
the prestigious Lincoln Centre Hall in the United States of America. He also took part in the World Exposition in
Montreal, in the Cannes Art Festival and in the Osaka Trade Fair. So well known did he become internationally
that an auditorium in Tehran was named after him. Tahar Mosiquee Ustaad Bismillah Khan.

1. What special recognition did Bismillah Khan achieve ?

2. Bismillah Khan promoted Shehnai to international level. How ?
3. The word in the passage means “prominent”. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-017)


1. The special recognition that Bismillah Khan achieved was to be the first Indian to perform at
Lincoln Central Hall.
2. Bismillah Khan promoted Shehnai to international levels by participating in the World Exposition,
Cannes Art festival and Osaka Trade Fair.
3. prestigious.

He won’t do what you call him So, coftie, let’s build strong homes Let’s join the door firmly
Practice to firm the body „
Make the heart gteadfast

1. What does “he” stands for ?

2. What should we do to save our homes ?
3. The word which stands for “to fix” is (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-024)

1. “He” stands for wind.

2. To save our homes, we should build strong homes and join the door firmly.
3. Join.

On Sunday afternoon, Grandmother sent her down to file drawing room to have a “Nice talk with Father and
Mother”. But the little girl always found mother reading and father stretched out on the sofa, his handkerchief
on his flee, his feet on one of file best cushion, sleeping soundly and snoring.

1. Who was ‘she’ and why did the grandmother send her down ?
2. What did she notice about her parents ?
3. Trace a word that means “undisturbed”. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-020)


1. “She” is Kezia. Grandmother sent her down to have a nice talk with her parents.
2. She noticed that her father was sleeping and snoring and mother was reading.
3. Soundly.

Now in memory come my mother,

As she used in years agone,
To regard the darling dreamers Ere she left them till the dawn;
O ! I feel her fond look on me
As I list to this refrain .
Which is played upon the shingles By the patter of the rain

1. What is the memory that comes to the poet ?

2. Who are the darling dreamers he refers to ?
3. Trace a word from the extract that means “rectangular wooden tiles”.
(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-018)


1. It is the memory of his mother that comes to his mir^d.

2. The darling dreamers, he refers to, are those lovely dreamers who remember their mothers.
3. Shingles.

What kind of book did Tommy show to Margie ?

Why did Margie’s mother send for the County Inspector ? What did he do ?
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” What do the two roads indicate here? What was the poet’s
When was Evelyn’s deafness first noticed ? When was it confirmed ?
How is Evelyn Glennie helping other with her popularity and skill ?
Why did emperor Aurangazeb ban the playing of Pungi in the royal residence?
Where did Bismillah Khan play the Shehnai on 15th Aug 1947 ? Why was the event historic ?
How does the wind make fun of the weaklings?
What made Kezia’s father punish her ?
How was Kezia’s father different from Mr. McDonalds ?
What does the poet want to do when it rains?
In spite of all comforts and luxuries in today’s world, our grandparents still cherish their own time when life
was quite tough. Give your own views regarding this in 80-100 words.
The poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ revolves around a serious conflict of life. What is this conflict? How is it
Human life is full of hardships. How does the poet reveal it by his poem ‘Wind’?

What is the effect of the sound of the rain on the heart and mind of the poet?

Ans:The poet’s heart and mind react strongly to the sound of the rain falling on the roof. He is in a
blissful mood as he enjoys the comfort of his bedroom, leisurely listening to the music of the rain. The
music stirs a corresponding echo in the heart of the poet. His heart beat responds to the sound of the
rain by its rhythmic throbbing. He gets engrossed in fanciful, dreamy thoughts. Moreover, the rain
awakens many memories of the past. Particularly, it revives the memory of his mother as she looked at
her children very affectionately before she went to sleep in her room. He recollects the fond,
affectionate look of his mother which she cast on him. Thus, the poet’s mind and heart respond
sensitively to the soft pattering sound of the rain falling on the roof.

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