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9/7/2019 Part 1 - Extending answers: IELTS Academic

Part 1 - Extending answers

In part 1 of the speaking test candidates must extend their answers to help the
examiner understand the speaking skills in terms of grammar, vocabulary,
coherence, pronunciation and fluency. Candidates can elaborate their
responses in the following ways

1) Give reasons:

Giving explanation is one of the simplest techniques to extend answers. Words like
- ‘because’, ‘as’ or ‘so’ can be used.

Eg: What kind of weather do you like?

I like warm and sunny weather because I like spending most of my time
outdoor going on road trips with my friends.

2) State examples:

Sharing real life experiences help candidates speak naturally.

Eg: Do you watch cookery programs?

I watch several cookery programs on TV and YouTube. It helps me gather

recipes that I can later use to cook for my family and friends. My favourite is
programs are Master Chef and Cupcake wars.

3) Express preferences:

For some questions, it is important to give opinions and state likes and dislikes.

Eg: Do you like shopping online? 1/2
9/7/2019 Part 1 - Extending answers: IELTS Academic

Yes, I love shopping online as it is one of the most convenient and

comfortable therapies. I also prefer this for its discounts and availability of
several products.

I would rather shop in stores and mall than shop online. Though it is an easy
shopping method, I always like the environment of buying products and clothes
at stores.

4) Share past experiences or future plan:

Talking about things that used to happen in the past or things that might change in
the future can be expressed by using proper tenses.

Eg: Do you play any music instruments?

I used to play the piano when I was in school, but now I don’t play any
instruments. I would like to learn to play guitar and drums from any renowned
institute in my city.

5) Frequency:

Words like ‘sometimes’, ‘always’, ‘often’, ‘never’, can be used to add value to

Eg: What do you do in your spare time?

I usually go out with my friends to watch movies or to restaurants, but

sometimes after a long day at work, I enjoy playing computer games at home. 2/2

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